Drawing people with a pencil step by step. Human figure proportions


We draw a figure that resembles an egg turned upside down. This figure is called OVOID.
Divide it vertically and horizontally exactly in half with thin lines.

line is the axis of symmetry (it is needed so that the right and left parts
turned out to be equal in size and the image elements were not on
at different levels).
Horizontal - the line where the eyes are located. We divide it into five equal parts.

The second and fourth parts contain the eyes. The distance between the eyes is also equal to one eye.

The figure below shows how to draw an eye (the iris and pupil will be
not completely visible - partially covers them upper eyelid), but we're not in a hurry
to do this, first let's finish our sketch.

Divide the part from the eye line to the chin into two - this is the line on which the nose will be located.
We divide the part from the eye line to the crown into three equal parts. The top mark is the line where the hair grows)

We also divide the part from the nose to the chin into three parts. The top mark is the lip line.
The distance from the upper eyelid to the tip of the nose is equal to the distance from the upper edge of the ear to the lower.

Now we make our standard preparation cry in three streams.
drawn from the outer edges of the eyes will indicate to us the place where to draw the neck.
The lines from the inner edges of the eyes are the width of the nose. Lines drawn in an arc from
the center of the pupils is the width of the mouth.

When you color the image, notice that the convex parts of it
parts (forehead, cheeks, nose and chin) will be lighter, and the eye sockets, cheekbones,
the contour of the face and the area under the lower lip are darker.

The shape of the face, eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose, ears and
etc. Every person is different. Therefore, when drawing someone's portrait, try
see these features and apply them to a standard workpiece.

Another example of how everyone's facial features are different.

Well, here we see how to draw a face in profile and half a turn - the so-called “three quarters”
When drawing a face in half a turn, you need to take into account the rules
perspective - the far eye and the far side of the lip will appear smaller.

Let's go to the image human figures.
In order to depict the body as correctly as possible, you need, as when drawing portraits, to know a few secrets:

Per unit of measurement human body"head length" is taken.
- The average height of a person is 7.5 times the length of his head.
- Men, naturally, are usually a little taller than women.
We, of course, begin to draw the body from the very head that we will be
measure everything. Did you draw it? Now we put its length down another seven times.
This will be the growth of the person depicted.
- The width of the shoulders is equal to two head lengths for men and one and a half lengths for women.
- At the place where the third head ends :), there will be a navel and the arm will bend at the elbow.
- The fourth is the place where the legs grow.
- Fifth - mid-thigh. This is where the arm length ends.
- Sixth - bottom of the knee.
You may not believe me, but the length of the arms is equal to the length of the legs, the length of the arm is from the shoulder
to the elbow will be slightly less than the length from the elbow to the fingertips.
- The length of the hand is equal to the height of the face (note, not the head - the distance from the chin to the top of the forehead), the length of the foot is equal to the length of the head.

Knowing all this, you can quite plausibly depict the human figure.

Taken in group dedicated to graffiti in contact with.

Lip shapes

nose shape

Eye shapes

Women's brochure shapes

(c) Book "How to Draw the Head and Human Figure" by Jack Hamm

The proportions of a child's figure differ from
adult proportions. The fewer times the length of the head interferes with growth
child, the younger he is.

IN children's portrait everything is a little different.
The child's face is more rounded, the forehead is larger. If we draw a horizontal
line through the middle baby face, then it won't be an eye line like
was in the portrait of an adult.

To learn how to draw a person not only
standing like a pillar, we will temporarily simplify our image. Let's leave
just the head, chest, spine, pelvis and we’ll screw it all together
arms and legs. The main thing is to maintain all proportions.

Having such a simplified version of the human figure, we can easily give him any pose.

When we have decided on the pose, we can
add meat to our simplified skeleton. Do not forget that the body, it is not
angular and does not consist of rectangles - we try to draw smooth ones
lines. The body gradually tapers at the waist, as well as at the knees and elbows.

To make the image more alive, character and expression must be given not only to the face, but also to the pose.


Fingers with joints as smooth as a board in the entire skeleton are the most wide parts bones.

(c) book "Anatomy for Artists: It's Simple" Christopher Hart

Olga Nagornyuk

How to draw a person step by step - for beginners

The image of a person is considered the most complex look drawing. Artists have been learning for years to convey people's feelings and moods using facial expressions and eye expressions. But we do not set such goals for ourselves. We just need to learn how to draw a person without disturbing the proportions of the body and making it as similar as possible to the original.

How to draw a person: full-length man

When drawing a human figure, it is important to maintain correct proportions.

1. We start drawing with a rectangle: draw a quadrilateral with sides whose ratio is 3:4. We draw a straight line through its center vertical line, the length of which is slightly greater than the height of the quadrilateral multiplied by two. The arc at the top is the outline of the shoulders, the bottom curve will become the outline of the clothing.

2. Mark the body parts. Draw an oval at the top - it will serve as the outline of the head. The two ovals in the upper corners of the rectangle will indicate the position of the shoulders, and the lower ones will indicate the position of the knees. The correct oval shape should be observed only in relation to the head. The rest are shown schematically.

3. The next stage is drawing the outlines of the body. First, at the level of the middle of the body, draw two circles of a not very regular shape, indicating the place of the elbow bends, and then, using the same circles, draw the location of the feet. Then, using smooth lines, connect the top of the body with the line of the pelvis and extend it to the circles located in the area of ​​​​the knees.

4. Let's start drawing the limbs. Using smooth lines, draw the arms and legs, guided by the image in the picture. Please note: the feet are turned in different directions.

5. Draw the sleeves of the T-shirt, the bottom line of the trousers and the neckline. Then we carefully erase the extra strokes with an eraser and draw the main lines of the drawing.

It is done!

How to draw a person: ballerina

Drawing a slender and graceful ballerina requires some skill, but we will try to describe this process in detail, simplifying your task.

1. Start drawing the dancer with a tutu. The oval, slightly pointed on the left and raised on the right, will later become part of the concert dress. Add two adjacent straight lines from below, indicating the legs, and at the top - a curved line - the girl's body, an oval - the head and a smooth line at an angle - the arms.

2. Draw the contours of the body. We start with the neck and shoulders, then draw the outlines of the back and waist, then with light strokes we designate the shape of the legs. The ballerina should be slender, so don't overdo it when drawing her body.

3. Holding an image of a ballerina before your eyes, draw the contours of the legs and arms. Use smooth lines and pay close attention to the size: the dancer should turn out thin. Drawing feet will not cause any difficulties: the girl stands on pointe shoes, which are quite easy to depict.

4. Draw the hands, use short strokes to indicate the locations of the eyes, nose and mouth and give the skirt a more realistic shape. After this, erase the unnecessary lines, leaving the outline of the figure.

5. The most difficult stage- drawing of facial features. The picture shows one of the most simple ways, allowing you to depict the eyes, nose and lips of a girl. Drawing the dress and hair will be easy. Using just two arched lines, you can outline the line of smoothly combed hair and bun.

6. Color the drawing and apply light and shade. We used a blue pencil, you can use a simple one. The main thing is to scrupulously repeat the strokes applied in our photo.

We hope everything worked out for you.

How to draw a person: girl

1. Let's start drawing the image of the girl with a circle indicating the head and a smaller oval located vertically. It will later turn into the torso of a little lady.

2. Using slightly rounded lines, draw the location of the chin and eyes. Use stick lines to mark the girl’s arms and legs.

3. At this stage we draw the contours of the eyes: top part The ovals designating them should touch the first horizontal line, the lower part should lie on the lower one.

4. Next up is hair. We depict the bangs using arched lines, and draw the hair at the back with teeth, choosing a shoulder-length length.

5. We dress the baby in a dress, the role of which is played by a trapezoid, we complete the mouth using a small arc, and hands with feet, the role of which in our case will be played by small ovals.

7. It's time to draw the details. Pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, ears - draw them following our drawing. Little fingers and little shoes on your feet will complete the picture.

8. Erase unnecessary strokes, and draw the necessary ones well, and at the same time draw additional details: buttons on the dress, shadow on the cheeks and a small neat nose.

9. Now all that remains is to paint the figure.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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People who are interested in drawing are very interested in how to learn to draw a person. It’s not surprising, because drawing people in full height Every artist should be able to use a pencil. You can master art in art school, but if you don’t have time to visit, you can achieve your goal at home.

It takes time to create a good drawing of a person. Sometimes even a few wrong strokes ruin it finished work, resulting in wasted time. If you read the step-by-step instructions and listen to the advice, you will avoid such a fate.

  • Get to know the human figure and study proportions. A diagram of the average physique will help with this, which helps to correctly calculate the ratio of body parts.
  • The main unit of measurement is head height. To determine a person's height, multiply the height of the head by eight. You can do it easier by drawing a vertical axis and dividing it into eight parts.
  • The first upper segment of the axis is the head, and the fifth mark determines the placement of the groin area. As for the location of the knee joints, it is calculated by counting two segments from the bottom point.
  • Women's shoulders are narrower than men's. Width men's shoulders in the figure should correspond to two head heights; in the case of women, multiply the figure by 1.5.
  • The quality of the finished drawing depends on how correctly you determine the length of a person’s arms. The distance from the chin to the nails is slightly less than four measuring units. Change the proportions if necessary. It all depends on the physique of the person you are drawing.
  • The outlines of the face are built according to a similar principle. Using standard ratios of facial parts as a basis, you can change them, guided by reality.
  • Draw a rectangle on a piece of paper and divide it in half using vertical and horizontal lines. The correct position of the eyes is determined by the horizontal. The distance between the eyes corresponds to the width of the wings of the nose.
  • Basics human anatomy study gradually. So that the drawn person has perfect figure, study the location of muscles and joints. Be sure to take into account the bends of the legs and arms, the movement of muscles that changes facial expression.
  • Complement the correctly constructed outlines of the figure with clothing. If the arm is bent, place folds of fabric in the area of ​​the elbow joint.
  • Consider the stiffness of the fabric. Soft fabric follows the contours of the body, and dense material creates relief. That's why fashionable suits are drawn differently than T-shirts.

If you want to draw a person as beautiful, choose the right angle for the drawing. Don't draw big people, looking at them from below, and slender models are not recommended to be placed against the background of voluminous objects.

Video training

Be careful about lighting. The shadow should not hide the figure or face, otherwise you will provide the picture with comic effect. The legs in the shadow give the impression that the human body is floating in the air.

Draw a person step by step with a pencil

Continuing the topic of the article, I will tell you the technique of drawing a person with a pencil. The hardest thing to draw human face. It is not surprising that only a real artist who has studied for several years can draw a portrait. Just reading the material will not make you a professional. But the article will help you master the basics of drawing and learn the subtleties of art.

Some people draw dotted lines, and then circled. I recommend drawing lines in one motion. Mistakes cannot be avoided, but don't be afraid. If you intend to depict a moving person, imagine future image. This will help you correctly apply the contours and lines of the model to the paper.

I offer a step-by-step drawing technique human figure in full height. Many beginners in the drawing process, due to lack of experience, distort the proportions of the body. The result is big head or short arms. After reading the instructions, you will be able to good drawings.

  1. Draw a quadrilateral whose aspect ratio is 3 to 4 . Draw a straight line through the center of the figure, and draw a shoulder line on top. Since the model will be wearing summer clothes, add an outline of the clothing at the bottom of the triangle.
  2. Use circles to mark body parts: knees, shoulders, head and neck . First draw the outlines of the head, then the oval of the shoulders and the circles of the knees. It is not necessary that geometric shapes have an exact shape.
  3. Start drawing the outline . At first glance it may seem difficult. If you look closely, you will realize that you will need two mugs for the feet and elbow joints, and two winding lines on each side of the body.
  4. Using the existing circles for the elbows and shoulders, draw the arms . If necessary, depict an object in the hands of a person. Draw the legs in the same way. During this stage, make sure that the proportions of the limbs are correct, since correcting mistakes is problematic.
  5. To make the figure come to life, remove extra contours using eraser . If during the process you touch important line, restore. This stage is simple and interesting. It remains to finish drawing a few details, including the bottom line of the trousers, sleeves and neck of the T-shirt.
  6. Draw the clothes and detail the head and face . When depicting items of clothing, add folds and shadows. As a result, the finished drawing will turn out realistic.

By using step by step instructions learn to draw a person with a pencil. Watch the training videos below to help hone your skills, talent and developed imagination will create an artistic masterpiece.

Video instruction

I will add that the quality of the image depends on the correct marking of parts of the human body. Detailing the drawing and adding new elements will not cause any difficulties.

How to teach a child to draw a person

Drawing people is not easy, but interesting activity. In order for a child to have a desire to draw a person, parents need to invent a story and offer to portray the main character. This will interest the baby and he will not pay attention to the complexity of the task.

If a child has difficulty choosing a model, he will not refuse to portray a friend. The main thing is that parents come up with a character beautiful story. For example, a friend Tanya went to the village to visit her grandmother and harvested the harvest with her. As a token of gratitude, the grandmother gave her granddaughter a puppy named Barsik. The girl and the pet had adventures.

  • Draw a straight line in the middle of the sheet . Your child may have some difficulty, so have him or her use a ruler. Divide the line into two parts. The result will be a belt point.
  • Draw a head at the upper end of the line . How correctly a child draws it depends on whether you can convey that the shape of a human head resembles an inverted egg. Next, use ovals to outline the pelvis and torso.
  • Divide the bottom of the line in half . Opposite the point are the knees. Using a ruler, outline the upper and lower limbs. If necessary, draw your arms bent.
  • Sketch the outline of a dress or skirt . As part of this stage, detail the girl's face and draw the hair. It is important that the eyes and ears are located at the same level. Two will help horizontal lines.
  • Draw the legs and feet, keeping the proportions . After drawing the details, move on to the landscape. Draw the beds and a basket with the harvest collected with your grandmother.
  • Color the drawing . The final stage involves coloring the drawing with colored pencils. To begin, use a black pen to outline the drawing. Color your arms, neck and face with a light pink pencil. Suitable for lips and cheeks dark shade Pink colour.
  • Use natural colors for clothing and landscapes . Make the dress blue or blue, the grass green, and the flowers pink. If there is a dog in the picture, make it grey, black or brown.

You have the opportunity to introduce your child to the art of drawing. Perhaps in the future drawing will become a child's hobby, which will develop into professional activity.

Video tips

In conclusion, I’ll add that drawing people helps you earn money. Don't think it's unrealistic. I will prove this fact by sharing ways to implement the idea.

Many magazines, textbooks and books use pictures to help the reader imagine the story. If you know how to draw people, become an illustrator.

Drawing portraits brings in good money. This creative activity practice at home or in in public places, including city streets, parks and squares.

Each of us made our first sketches as children. During the drawing lessons, not everyone tried to do the work well and did not think about acquiring skills. In adulthood, many people feel the need to create something beautiful, but how to learn to draw with a pencil? After all, any drawing technique is based on the ability to hold the stylus correctly, make basic sketches, and create images. In this article you will find useful tips for learning to draw, both in art school and independently.

Pencil Drawing Basics

Experts say that anyone, regardless of age, can learn how to draw correctly with a pencil. Learning to paint always begins with getting to know the materials that a beginning artist needs:

  • a sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser, also known as a rubber grater;
  • simple pencils.

The first steps in drawing begin with a pencil sketch. Transmitted through meager lines general outline the object being copied, various poses, moments of movement. The sketch is the most quick way put on paper your first thoughts and impressions of what you are drawing. While sketching, you don’t need to pay attention to unnecessary details; it is recommended to draw it for no more than 10 minutes.

How to learn to draw from scratch

Scientific psychologists have proven that during the process of creating a drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are actively working in a person, and the imagination is activated. It’s not for nothing that there is a technique for calming nerves called art therapy - this is drawing for adults and children. Many people want to be able to, but do not know how to learn to draw with a pencil. Learning to draw from scratch is not at all difficult, because the technique of drawing with a pencil is accessible to children and adults.

Art school

How can a child learn to draw with a pencil? The most The best decision- send him to art school. It is designed for teaching children school age from 6 to 17 years old. Upon admission to this institution, the level of knowledge and skills in fine arts. Depending on the child’s skills, they are assigned to the appropriate group of students.

Education at the art school is free and government funded. I visit this place after main school lessons three times a week. The course of study ranges from two to seven years. After graduating from school, the graduate receives a diploma, which opens the door to an artistic future: admission to a college or higher institution in his specialty.


How can adults learn to draw with a pencil? You can learn the art of drawing with the help of art courses. They are paid. The course of study ranges from several weeks to four years. During this time, the art studio will teach you the following skills:

  • How to draw correctly in step-by-step technique.
  • Learn to use a pencil and brush. Teachers in art studio They teach not only the ability to hold tools correctly, but also to choose and distinguish high-quality from low-grade ones.
  • Learn how to draw children with a pencil.
  • Learn many drawing techniques.
  • Learn how to learn to draw various items.
  • Learn to draw from life, landscapes, still lifes, people, animals, etc.
  • Learn coloristics - choosing and combining colors correctly.
  • Learn how to draw a cat with a pencil and other animals.
  • They will tell you how to learn to draw portraits.

Online lessons

If you don’t have free time and you don’t know how to learn to draw with a pencil, then use online courses. They are suitable for those who are unable to attend a stationary studio. An approximate plan for completing classes in this format for beginning artists:

  • The teacher provides basic knowledge of drawing in the form of examples of work and pictures.
  • The selected topic of the drawing lesson is discussed in detail.
  • At the end of the lesson the teacher gives homework, which you complete and mail to your teacher for review.
  • At the next lesson, the student, together with the teacher, analyzes the homework in detail, and together they correct errors in the drawing, if any.

Online lessons, as an option, in order to learn how to draw professionally, are not the only way out. If you do not have the financial and territorial capabilities, but have a great and irresistible desire to learn how to draw well, then you can do it yourself with the help of:

  • textbooks and drawing aids;
  • tutorials;
  • drawing instructions;
  • training videos.

Step-by-step drawing technique

A beginner needs to practice drawing by creating sketches. In order for the drawing to be meaningful, the sketch must be created according to the rules that form the plan:

  1. First, choose an object that you will draw, such as a teapot or vase.
  2. Examine it from all sides, determine its shape, its texture, how the shadows fall on this object.
  3. Determine the composition of the drawing, i.e. how it will be placed on paper, in what format.
  4. After the contours are drawn, draw the details and apply shadows.


In order to draw a person, you need to decide on the composition. This means that you need to analyze the boundaries of the location from head to toe. Once you have a figure in your mind, start composing the body parts. You need to draw a person from a sketch of the contours of the head, going lower. In the image of a person, it is very important to immediately find the image; you should determine the number of details necessary for the finished drawing.


When drawing a person, much attention is paid to the face. To draw it correctly, you need to follow the steps:

  1. Decide how the face will be positioned on the paper. To do this, mentally draw an axis of symmetry; it should pass through the center of the sheet.
  2. Draw with a pencil on paper the outline of the face in the form of an oval (shape chicken egg).
  3. Build the shape of the face, starting from the jawline, moving to the most convex part - the cheekbone area, then to the narrowest - the temporal area.
  4. Align the drawn lines with an eraser; this will noticeably “lighten” the outline of the oval.
  5. Divide the resulting oval into three equal parts using light, barely noticeable lines. The very first line, located closer to the chin, marks the tip of the nose.
  6. Draw the nose, starting from the tip. It always protrudes forward, so it has a round, square, or pointed shape. Then we draw the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
  7. We draw the mouth, starting from the upper bend of the lip, which is located in the middle of the nostrils of the nose.


In a portrait of a person, the eyes occupy the most important place; they attract attention, so they need to be given Special attention. To draw them using a step-by-step technique, you must adhere to the following plan:

  1. Before drawing the eyes, it is necessary to outline the eyebrows, which are located at the level of the bridge of the nose. Their shape depends on the character that the artist wants to convey in the portrait.
  2. Having outlined the approximate location of the eyes, we draw out their shape in the form of an oval.
  3. Draw the pupil in the shape of a circle.
  4. We line the eyelids and shape the eyelashes.

Anime and Manga

Many young artists begin learning to draw with anime and manga, because... portray people in style bright characters Japanese cartoons are much simpler than classic ones. The greatest emphasis in such cartoon characters falls on the head, eyes and hair. Let's sort it out step-by-step scheme drawing, with the help of which a novice artist will learn how to learn to draw anime:

  1. We start drawing the anime with an oval, which will be the head.
  2. Divide the circle in half lengthwise using straight line.
  3. Divide the head crosswise into three parts using light lines.
  4. Next, you need to note the location of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Drawing big eyes, starting from the arch of the upper eyelid. The distance between them should be equal to one eye. Much attention When drawing pupils, attention is paid to applying highlights. Eyebrows are drawn on these characters classic style: two even arcs.
  6. The nose in anime and manga is drawn small, expressed with a tick.
  7. Lips are drawn with two small lines.
  8. Anime and manga hair should be drawn in flowing triangles that slightly cover the eyes.
  9. Anime girls are depicted in bright clothes, mostly dresses.

3D drawings

Volumetric drawings fascinate with their realism, thanks to the correct construction of the form, the application of shadows and highlights in in the right places. You should learn to draw such pictures from simple geometric shapes: cylinder, rhombus, square. To recreate the 3D illusion of an object, you need to draw it in isometry, when the angles between the coordinate axes are 45 degrees. Volume is added to the drawing by auxiliary lines, which are drawn inside the figure with light pressure, and the outline is drawn in bold, more dark color.


Portraits can be drawn both from life and from photographs. Before drawing up an image, carefully consider what message the future drawing will convey. Learn to draw a portrait of a person correctly, not only in terms of proportionality and symmetry, but also to display real emotions. Another task of drawing an image of a person is to convey the maximum similarity of the person being copied. To achieve this, before you start drawing, consider all the details, highlight those features, “highlights” that you will focus on.

Graffiti on paper

Nowadays, graffiti painting is a fashionable movement that is gaining momentum. Many buildings are full of incomprehensible voluminous inscriptions, but quite often there are beautiful, professional drawings on the walls. To ensure that your paintings do not disfigure city buildings, and that expensive paints do not go to waste, you need to practice on paper for a long time. First, try drawing the letters of the alphabet using a pencil. To give them volume, use auxiliary lines.


The ability to draw buildings is useful not only for children, but also for people of all ages. age groups, to easily compose pictures, for example, a house with a landscape. Buildings are very easy to draw using lines. You should start with a rectangle, adding a triangle, you will get the image of a house, this is how children draw it. With the help of simple techniques and additional lines, the house becomes voluminous.


To draw a car with a pencil, you must adhere to step by step plan:

  1. Mark the outer outline of the car, dividing it in half with a line.
  2. More bold lines draw the body.
  3. Then we draw the wheels.
  4. We draw out the details of the front part of the car: headlights, Windshield, bumper
  5. We draw windows, doors, mirrors.


It is much more difficult to draw animals than objects, especially from life, because they constantly change their pose and are in motion. To draw an animal, for example, a horse, you need to decide on its characteristic features: thick mane, elongated muzzle, slender muscular legs. Look detailed instructions, . You may not be able to correctly portray your favorite cat or dog on the first try, but after several practices you will definitely succeed.

Video tutorials on drawing with a simple pencil for beginners

Video tutorials are a great way to learn how to draw on your own. Below is a selection of training videos in which experienced artists clearly show how to create easy pencil drawings for beginners. After watching the video, you will learn how to draw Japanese cartoon characters - anime girls, and learn how to draw flowers. If you like landscapes, then watch the third video to the end, in which the artist paints nature, focusing special attention on the trees.

Drawing girls

How to draw flowers

Beautiful landscapes

How to Draw the Human Body

For children senior group kindergarten it is important to devote enough time not only to intellectual and physical development, but to fine art.

In the drawing, the child expresses himself, fantasizes and at the same time develops his abilities. It is still quite difficult for children 5-6 years old to convey all the subtleties of a particular subject, so the help of parents is simply mandatory here.

Trees and plants are not that difficult to draw, but with a human figure things are more difficult if the task at hand is to draw it in motion.

We will help you with this and show you how to teach your child to draw a person. with a simple pencil step by step. For this purpose, you can choose several methods; any child 5-6 years old can master them.

Before you start drawing a figure with a pencil, it is worth considering that you should not draw broken lines, and then circle them. Drawing a person, even for beginners, will not be so difficult if you draw lines with just one movement, without fear of making a mistake.

When drawing a figure in motion, it is worth imagining its image in your mind, and then transferring imaginary lines on a sheet of paper. The basic rule for beginners is not only to adhere to the accuracy of the outlined lines and respect the proportions of the body, but also to convey the entire essence and significance of the drawn image.

The main advantage of any artist is the ability to convey the character and inner mood of the person created on a sheet of paper.

Quite often, when drawing a person, it is not possible to maintain the proportions of the body, as a result of which the drawn figure does not look believable. The main problem is incorrect length of the upper and lower limbs, too large or very small head.

Such mistakes are very typical for children 5-6 years old, so it is recommended to draw with a pencil step by step, learning to break the drawing into several separate parts.

Often, the human figure is conditionally divided into 7 identical parts, which can be equated to 7 head circumferences, including the neck.

Having learned theoretical basis, we learn to draw a person in motion together with children.

The process of creating a drawing

Option 1

  • First, you and your child need to draw an oval, which will later be folded into the head of the person drawn.

Draw the neck just below the oval; this part of the body should not be too long, it should be placed strictly in the middle. Then we finish drawing the rectangle, it will be a guide for further drawing of the body.

  • Next, you need to draw the same rectangle, its width should be equal to the first one, but its length should be a little larger. We divide the second rectangle in half, thus making a sketch for the lower limbs. We slightly round the corners of the upper rectangle, thus forming the shoulders.

  • Now you need to use an eraser to remove the extra lines that are indicated in the picture with a red arrow; this procedure will be interesting for children.

  • In order for the child to fully understand the drawing lesson, it is worth telling him in detail how the details of the head are drawn. All unnecessary lines can be easily removed using an eraser.

In the middle of the previously prepared oval, draw the eyes, as well as the nose and mouth. Don’t forget to draw the eyebrows and sketch out the person’s hairstyle.

  • At the very end, make several oblique lines that will depict folds on the clothes, draw the necessary elements of the shoes.

The drawing is completely ready, every parent will be able to teach their child to draw a person step by step.

Option 2

This simple way of depicting a figure in motion will appeal to fidgety children.

  • First, sketch out lines on paper that will later serve as a guide for drawing the torso, upper and lower limbs.

At the top of the sheet we draw a head (draw an oval). The child will be able to complete this task independently with the guidance of the parent. Do not forget to mark the lines inside the oval along which the eyes, nose, and mouth will be placed.

  • Based on the guides, draw the human torso. Next, you can start drawing the hairstyle. Do not exclude some details; let the child independently complete the drawing of any object in the person’s hand. Detail the face, carefully depict the eyes with a nose and mouth.
  • Now all that remains is to remove the remaining extra lines.

This is how easy it is to draw a person, this procedure will bring pleasure not only to parents, but also to children, thanks to this the child will master some skills in the fine arts.