How to draw a real car step by step. How to draw a car with a pencil step by step

Many children like it because it allows them to express their thoughts and fantasies. This type of activity also promotes creative development. Sometimes kids want to draw their favorite cartoon character or toy, but it can be difficult for them to understand how to do this. A mother can help her child create his own masterpiece, suggesting all the actions step by step on the way to the goal.

Most preschool boys love toy cars, watch cartoons about them, and collect stickers. Sometimes girls have the same preferences. Therefore, you can consider how to draw a car step by step for a child. Of course, for very young children the drawings will be simpler, but for older children you can offer more complex ideas.

How to draw a car for a 3-4 year old child?

Very young children will find it interesting to depict even the simplest cars.

Option 1

A passenger car is very familiar to kids, so it would be a great idea to draw one.

  1. The baby should be offered a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. He can independently draw a rectangle and draw a trapezoid on top.
  2. Next, you should draw windows inside the trapezoid. At the bottom of the rectangle you need to draw two wheels. In front and behind, you can draw the headlights and visible parts of the bumpers in the form of small squares.
  3. Now you can draw the door. To do this, let the child draw a couple of vertical lines on the rectangle. In the front of the window, you can draw a small strip at an angle, which will look like a piece of a steering wheel. Let the mother ask the baby to highlight the arcs above the wheels so that the picture becomes more expressive.
  4. At the final stage, you should erase everything unnecessary using an eraser. Let the baby try to do it himself, if mom can help.

Now the picture is ready and, if desired, you can decorate it with pencils or felt-tip pens. The kid will surely be delighted by how easy it is to draw a car with a pencil practically on his own.

Option 2

Many boys like trucks. This is confirmed by the fact that almost all the guys have a toy dump truck or something similar. The kid will be happy to try to draw such a car.

  1. First, the child must draw two rectangles of different sizes, in the lower left part of each of which there should be semicircular notches.
  2. Under these notches you need to draw small circles.
  3. Next, the semicircles should be extended so that circles are formed around the small circles. These will be truck wheels. The smaller rectangle on top should be drawn so that it looks like a cabin and depict a window in it. Next, the headlights and parts of the bumpers are applied to the corresponding places of the larger and smaller rectangles.
  4. The child can decorate the resulting truck at his own discretion.

This is how your child can learn how to easily draw a truck. In the future, he can do this on his own, without the help of his mother.

How to draw a car with a child over 5-7 years old

If the child has already mastered some techniques and is happy to get acquainted with more complex methods, then you can offer him other ideas.

You can consider how to draw a pickup truck step by step

You can give this picture to your dad or grandfather, or you can show it to your friends and tell them how to draw a beautiful car.

From early childhood, boys are not indifferent to cars. Therefore, they not only play with them and assemble a body from a construction set, but also depict them on a sheet of paper. Creative potential in drawing is manifested in the reproduction of modern and rare cars of famous brands, military ground equipment and even cars of the future. The last point is especially interesting because of its idea due to the fact that, in addition to sketching, the child is asked to imagine a little, imagining what, in his opinion, the car of the future should look like in a pencil drawing. For example, will it be mirrored, glass, or even look like a spaceship on wheels.

While drawing a fictional car is not a problem for an adult, a child often needs small hints presented in the form of pictures. Therefore, in today’s article we decided to demonstrate options for already invented machines of the future, which you can sketch or use as a basis for your drawing with a simple pencil.

To inspire a child to draw an unusual and, one might even say, fabulous picture, parents need to come up with a presentation that includes an intriguing speech and printed pictures (photos). As an idea, you can use the teaching style of art teachers or psychologists, who, if desired, can even tell.

There is no need to limit the child in the objects necessary for drawing. It’s good if there are not only white sheets of A4 paper and a simple pencil on the table, but also felt-tip pens, watercolors, gouache and colored pencils. This approach will not limit the child’s actions.

Don't limit your baby's time! Let him spend as much time drawing as he sees fit.

Car of the future - pencil drawing for children, photo

Below in the article there are pictures of cars that were invented by adults, children and even famous brands that annually add new cars to their ranks. Among them: BMW (BMW), Audi (Audi), Volkswagen, Lifan, Toyota, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc.

Car of the future pencil drawing step by step

Drawing is easy! Video

In the video you can see how children learn to draw.

Many children love to draw sports cars. The dynamic, beautiful design and attractive streamlined body attracts the attention of every boy who dreams of driving a racing car. But drawing sports and racing cars is not easy. It is very difficult to convey its dynamic shape of the hood and other details. However, step-by-step drawing lessons make this task easier and step by step you can accurately draw a sports car and the drawing of the car will be similar to the original. In this lesson we will learn draw a sports car Lamborghini Aventador in stages.

1. Let's draw the outline of the body of a sports car

First you need to draw the initial outline of the sports car body. Start from the front of the car. Draw the outlines of the windshield and bumper, and then apply the outlines of the side part with light pencil strokes.

2. Hood and bumper parts

Continue drawing the outline of the hood and use an arc to highlight the convex wing of the sports car.

3. Headlights and wheels of a sports car

Now we will draw the headlights of our sports car. To do this, above the two front pentagons, draw two other polygons. In addition, you need to “insert” the wheels into the square cutouts of the mudguards and mark the center of the wheel with a dot.

4. "Ribs" of car body rigidity

At this stage you need to add some additional lines along the body, the so-called stiffeners. Thanks to these “ribs”, the thin metal does not deform when overloaded while the car is moving at high speed and rigidly holds the shape given at the factory. Make stiffening ribs in the middle of the hood and on the side of the car. Add some additional elements to the bumper and side of the sports car.

5. How to draw wheels

Now we need to draw the wheels of a sports car, “clarify” and correct the preliminary outline of the wheels. Blacken the tires with a pencil and draw a small circle in the middle of the wheel. After this, the square cutouts for the fender liners, made in the early stages, also need to be rounded, adjusting them to the shape of the wheel. Next, from the rectangular roof you need to make a streamlined body part of a sports car and add glass. Don't forget to draw the side mirrors.

6. The final stage of the drawing

At this step, the body of the sports car needs to be made voluminous and give the racing car dynamics. This can be done using a soft, simple pencil. But first, let's draw some beautiful wheel rims. This is a fun activity because you can draw the rims of your own model of sports car, for example in the shape of a star. Make branches from the center of the wheels and paint over the voids between them. Then you need to shade the windows and spaces in the bumper and the side of the body with a pencil. Add a Lamborghini Aventador badge to the hood. I hope you were able to draw a sports car perfect. Now, if you wish, you can make a small surrounding landscape and draw a road.

In this section we will try to draw a crossover car. A car of this class is much larger than its passenger counterparts and looks more like a sports car. Therefore, the wheels of this car are much larger and wider than those of passenger cars.

The tank is one of the most complex military vehicles in design. Its basis is made up of tracks, a hull and a turret with a cannon. The most difficult thing to draw in a tank is its caterpillar track. Modern tanks are very fast, of course it won’t catch up with a sports car, but a truck can.

Drawing an airplane is not that difficult. In order to draw an airplane, you just need to know some of the features of its structure. Military aircraft are different from passenger aircraft. They have different, more dynamic shapes, since there is no passenger compartment, but only a cockpit.

If you color the drawing of a helicopter with colored pencils, the picture of the helicopter will be bright and attractive. Let's try to draw a helicopter step by step with a simple pencil.

Let's try to draw a hockey player in motion, with a stick and a puck, step by step. You might even be able to draw your favorite hockey player or goalie.

You can easily draw a car. After all, it has simple shapes that can be indicated by simple lines. The first step is to create the “outer box” of the machine, or its overall silhouette. From the next stage, the main components of any passenger car are added - wheels, windows, doors. You can also supplement the step-by-step drawing of the car with colored pencils with small details that will only embellish it. And only then you can outline the image with a marker and apply color to it. The end result is a beautiful car. The lesson has an average level of difficulty.

Necessary materials:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • marker;
  • colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. Using a simple pencil, outline the shape of a passenger car. For beauty and accuracy, you can use a ruler.

2. Despite the fact that a passenger car has 4 wheels, we will draw only two. Why two? Because in profile only one pair of front ones is visible.

3. Draw arcs around the wheels.

4. Now let's draw the windows. They depend on the brand and type of car. We will also draw a small detail near the front window, with the help of which the driver will be able to see the transport behind his car. We will make a small partition between the windows.

5. Draw small details: headlights in the background and in the foreground, doors, partitions in the form of simple lines.

6. We outline the drawing with a marker. Can be used with thick or thin rod. Let's not forget about the small details located in the middle of the picture.

7. Use a light green pencil to decorate the entire car, except for the windows, wheels and headlights. Using a darker pencil color will give the drawing a three-dimensional look.

8. Using a blue pencil, we will create reflections on the glass of the car windows, reflecting the clouds in the sky and good weather.

9. Using the gray pencil that was used to sketch the drawing, we decorate the wheels. But let's make the headlights red.

10. With this our drawn car is ready. Using this diagram you can learn to draw other types of machines. After all, each one has wheels, headlights, and windows.

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The modern automobile industry surprises and delights car fans with a colossal variety of models that were difficult to even imagine just a few years ago, and accordingly, much more opportunities for artistic depiction have appeared. But in order to realize this creative impulse and draw a car, you need to know some subtleties.

What you need

In addition to patience and perseverance, to create a drawing of a car you will need:

Useful tricks

What to do if you really want to make a drawing, but you don’t have enough skills?

You can use some tips that will allow you to find a compromise between desires and capabilities.

Draw Lada Priora

The popularity of the Lada Priora car can be explained very simply: good price, relatively good quality, but in case of an unforeseen situation on the road it’s not too bad. So for young people who have just received their license, such a car is an excellent option. So teenagers are happily engaged in the graphic materialization of their dreams, namely, drawing the Priora BPAN.

This is interesting. The abbreviation BPAN stands for No Landing Auto No and denotes a community of motorists who prefer cars with modified suspension in the direction of lower ground clearance.


  1. We start with sketches of the machine, that is, we draw two parallel lines - at the top and bottom.

    We start the drawing by drawing auxiliary lines

  2. Between these segments we draw two curved lines on both sides.
  3. We take on the left wing, making its outline slightly curved to the left.
  4. Underneath is an arch for the front wheel. To make the arch line more voluminous, we make it double.

    For the volume of the arch, we make its line double

  5. Draw the middle and side parts of the machine.

    Make the door line curved

  6. The next task is to show the rear door and fender. Make a line parallel to the bottom of the body.
  7. Showing the arch under the wheel.
  8. We outline the line of the rear bumper.

    Draw the lines of the bumper, arches under the rear wheel and the lower part of the body

  9. Let's move on to the roof. We make two perpendiculars to the front and middle windows. We draw a smooth line for the sloping rear window.

    The lines of the windshield and roof should be smooth

  10. We draw the rear part of the body: the trunk with a small circle and an oval - LED headlights.
  11. Add a license plate at the bottom.
  12. We are working on the image of the rear bumper. We show the reflective element with a small rectangle.

    We complete the drawing by drawing the details of the rear bumper

  13. Under the arches we draw semicircles with double lines - wheels. Use a soft pencil to determine the thickness of the wheel.
  14. We draw a few strokes in the center and on the tires, and between these lines we show the stamped Lada wheels in small circles.
  15. We erase the auxiliary lines, draw an outline and, if desired, color the car with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

    You can color the drawing with simple pencils

Video: how to draw a Priora BPAN, starting with the windshield

Video: how to draw a Priora professionally

Drawing a racing car step by step

You can hardly find a car lover who would be indifferent to racing cars. Speed, mobility and beauty are what make race cars so popular. However, drawing this masterpiece of the auto industry is not so easy.


  1. The basic rule for depicting a racing car is to first convey on paper the most simplified sketch possible. In this case, we start by drawing an elongated body.

    We start the drawing with auxiliary lines

  2. To add volume, we add the upper part - the driver's and passenger seats. Along the outer edge, based on a line drawn parallel to the outer edge, we build the interior frame.

    To add volume, draw the roof lines and interior frame

  3. Let's start with the bottom part. We draw the bottom line, making recesses for the wheels.

    Draw the recesses for the wheels, round off the line of the rear bumper

  4. Due to the fact that the car is located at an angle, we make the wheels oval.

    Due to the fact that the machine is located at an angle, the wheels should not be round

  5. We make the lower part of the car curved.

    To give the correct shape, we round the front part of the body

  6. Let's move on to the top. Add a side mirror and soften the initial lines with soft strokes.

    Soften the top lines, finish drawing the side mirror

  7. Add two lines of the car to the side and back.

    Add lines to the side and back

  8. We erase the extra lines and work out the details. We start with the front lines and add headlights.

    Remove extra lines and draw headlights

  9. Draw a line at the bottom, as well as a rectangle for the number.

    We finish drawing the license plate, detailing the lines of the car

  10. Add several lines to the car windows, as well as a door line.

    We complete the picture by drawing the doors and parts of the front of the car.

Video: two racing cars drawn from the cells of a notebook sheet

How to draw a fire truck

Modern fire engines are significantly different from those that first appeared in 1904. The old cars could accommodate 10 people and practically nothing of fire equipment. But modern models are so spacious that they have plenty of fire extinguishing equipment built into them.


  1. We draw three parallel horizontal lines, which we divide in half with one vertical line.

    For a fire truck you need to make four auxiliary lines

  2. In one part we draw the cabin, starting from the upper part, and then drawing the lower part, which is almost half protruding.
  3. We make a recess along the bottom edge for the wheels.
  4. We depict the body in the form of a rectangle, with recesses for wheels along the lower edge. The height of the body is half the height of the cabin.

    We start the drawing with the cabin and body outlines

  5. Draw the wheels.
  6. We mark the two right doors of the cabin.
  7. We finish drawing the stairs on the body.

    In the wheels, don’t forget about drawing the rims; you can use a ruler to draw the stairs

  8. We add headlights, as well as a coiled fire hose, which is attached to the side.

    We complement the drawing with a fire hose and the inscription 01

  9. The drawing is ready, you can color it if you wish.

    The car can be painted with a simple pencil, but if you use paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, the main shades will be red and white

The next way to draw a special equipment car will be interesting even for those guys who are not very good at drawing.


  1. Draw a rectangle and divide it vertically in half.

    The basis of this machine will be a rectangle divided vertically in half.

  2. On the left side we draw the cabin, draw double lines to draw the windows, and draw handles.

    On the left side we draw a cabin with double lines of windows

  3. We make windows on the body. To do this, we make the lower border just above the bottom of the cabin windows.

    Drawing windows on the body

  4. On top we add a rolled up fire hose and a tank.

    We finish drawing the tank and a rolled-up fire hose on the body

  5. We finish drawing the wheels and make the lines double.

    Drawing wheels

  6. We install a flashing light on the roof of the cabin.

    We finish drawing the flashing light and inventory details

  7. We complete the design details of the special equipment vehicle (for example, fire extinguishing tools that are attached to the outer wall of the lower rectangle).
  8. We remove the contour lines, and draw the main ones with a soft pencil or felt-tip pen.

    The car can be painted or left in the version with outlined contours

Video: how a child over 3 years old can draw a fire truck with a marker

Drawing a police car

Depicting a police car is a tricky business. To simplify the drawing process, it is recommended to start with auxiliary elements. In addition, for this drawing we will need a compass.


  1. In the center of the sheet we draw two rectangles connected to each other by a common horizontal line. We will draw within the boundaries of this figure.

    We start the drawing with two rectangles

  2. The upper rectangle is the car body. We show its shape with an arc.

    Showing the shape of the body with an arc

  3. Add the front part of the car - the hood.

    Finishing the hood line

  4. Using a soft smooth line we connect the body and the hood. We erase the auxiliary lines of the rectangle in this area.

    We connect the body and hood with a smooth line

  5. Let's give it shape. We draw holes for the wheels, and turn the line separating the rectangles into a line that “separates” the top from the bottom of the car.

    Slightly tilt the line of the front part and draw recesses for the wheels

  6. We add a line for the trunk, rear suspension, as well as a line separating the windshield from the car body, and two vertical lines for the front door.

    Add a line for the trunk and front door, and also separate the hood from the windshield

  7. Use an eraser to erase all the extra lines, leaving only the outline of the car itself.

    Removing auxiliary lines

  8. Using a compass we make wheels.

    Drawing wheels using a compass

  9. Draw the lines of the window frames, using a ruler if necessary.

    To depict windows, use a ruler if necessary.

  10. We supplement the wheels with circles for the rims.

    Draw contours and color if desired

Video: how to draw a police car without auxiliary lines

Photo gallery: drawing a Bugatti Veyron

We start the drawing with the base figure We draw the contour lines of the supercar, as well as the bumper, side body kit, wheel arches and hood We depict the contours of the headlights, three front air intakes, windshield and side windows, as well as the line of the driver’s door and another air intake We detail the model: we start with the meshes front air intakes, then move on to the headlights, rear-view mirrors, fuel tank cap, and finish with the wheels. Finish drawing the rims and tread on the wheels, remove the auxiliary lines. Draw the lines of the car.

Photo gallery: how to draw a convertible

We start with a sketch of the outline: the upper part has an oval shape, and the lower part consists of straight lines of different angles of inclination. We check the angles of inclination. We draw the front bumper, the right fender and the holes for the wheels of the car. We draw the windshield, the passenger side mirror and the interior of the convertible. We add fog lights and more. we draw in detail the hood of the car, the windshield We draw the side doors on the passenger side, the contours of the rear bumper, the interior of the car and the seats for passengers, after which we draw the folded roof of the car We finish drawing the wheels We draw the rims on the wheels of the car, paying attention to the symmetry of the spokes, we remove the auxiliary lines We draw the contours and optionally paint the car

Drawing a car with paints

If you plan to paint the picture with paints, then it is better to take a watercolor sheet of paper - this way the strokes will be smoother and more beautiful. Otherwise, recommendations for making a drawing in paints will be as follows:

  • you need to fill the contours with color only after the pencil base has been completely completed;
  • before coloring, wipe off all auxiliary lines - they will interfere;
  • if, in addition to the car, there are other elements in the drawing, then it is better to start with large details of the environment (roads, trees on the side of the road), but it is better to leave those objects that are in the background for last.

This is interesting. Models of toy cars can be drawn without pencil outlines, that is, directly with paints. And it is more convenient to do this with gouache, since the color is saturated and the contours do not blur, as in watercolor.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.