Geography of the global world before nuclear war Star cities and nuclear war

You can continue endlessly. The reader can verify this for himself; to do this, just Google the name of any more or less large city...

Catherine's fortune telling using three cards

One of the queen's favorite pastimes was a three-card layout. Initially, during the reign of Catherine, this fortune-telling was common entertainment and...

Map of the world's ocean currents Using a map of ocean currents

Conventional signs can be contour, linear and off-scale. Contour (area) signs show, for example, lakes; Linear signs - rivers,...

Yoga - kundalini chakras: working with chakras for spiritual development Yoga for the first and second chakras

In yoga, kundalini chakras are unique psychoenergetic centers that serve as a distributor of subtle energy within a person. All of them...

Why do you dream about a beehive according to the dream book?

To see a beehive in a dream means you need to withdraw from society for a while and be completely alone. Problems and minor troubles haunt you,...

What do people see before death and how can this be explained?

Feelings of dying people with a predominance of ghosts of the dead, mythical or religious figures, as well as visions of those places where the dying person supposedly will...