Opening the chakras with chakra yoga. Yoga - kundalini chakras: working with chakras for spiritual development Yoga for the first and second chakras

IN yoga chakra kundalini- these are unique psychoenergetic centers that serve as a distributor of subtle energy within a person. There are seven of them in total, people with unusual abilities - clairvoyants, magicians, psychics, etc. Some see them in different ways, some as multi-colored vortices with different densities that make sounds, some as disks of certain colors, and others as flowers with a brightly defined center.

As we noted above, there are seven main chakras, and all of them are located in projection on the front and back of the body along the human spine. Each of these chakras is responsible for certain vital organs, with their psychosomatic functions at different levels of consciousness.

Ancient Indian healers believed that these same chakras are the keys to the physical and spiritual health of people, and they act on the principle of whirlpools; if you establish an unchanging and constant balance of these objects, then a person will be guaranteed good health and well-being. Severely open or severely closed chakras can have an extremely negative impact on your health. It should also be noted that each of these objects moves at its own speed, so, for example, the root chakra rotates very slowly, and the crown chakra rotates very quickly. In addition, they all have their own specific color in accordance with the colors of the rainbow, which is distributed from bottom to top from red to purple; it is unlikely that when you were learning to draw, you thought about this interesting question. The size and brightness of the chakras are also different, they depend on the personal development of their owner, physical health, the presence of illnesses, stress, as well as the human energy level.

Kundalini yoga - working with chakras

Yoga kundalini 1 chakra"root". Muladhara

Its location is the main part of the spine, which is projected onto the tailbone at the back of the body and onto the pubic bone at the front. This object is responsible for the basic (basic) needs of people - health, safety, survival, comfort.

Bright red color is used to visualize Muladhara. The precious stones that symbolize it are garnet, agate, helion, ruby, tourmaline, and smoky quartz. When working with it, you can use essential oils of myrrh, clove, cedar, cypress and marjoram.

The patron deities of the root chakra are the goddess Dakini and Brahma, symbols are a dark red lotus with four petals and an elephant.

Kundalini yoga 2 chakra“own ground or sweetness” Svadhisthana.

It is located at the base of the spine in the area below the navel approximately five centimeters. Svadhishthana is responsible for intuition, self-esteem, creativity and love needs.

It corresponds, like , to a bright orange color, and is symbolized by such precious stones as tiger's eye, tourmaline, orange calcite, agate, carnelian and moonstone.

To work in the above zone, it is good to use essential oils of ylan-ylang, sandalwood and petitgrain.

This chakra is patronized by the goddess Rakini and Vishnu, and the sacred symbol is a six-petalled lotus flower.

Kundalini yoga chakra 3“brilliant jewel”, “precious hail”. Manipura.

She belongs to the area around the navel, manipura is nourished by the fire of the solar plexus, and is connected with the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is a kind of center of energy, responsible for willpower, a sense of control and coordination, and develops vision and imagination.

To work with this chakra, light golden color is used, as well as precious stones such as golden topaz, amber, agate, citrine, and tiger's eye.

As for essential oils, you should choose chamomile, thyme, lemon, and ylang-ylang oils.

This center is patronized by the goddess Lakini and the god Rudra. The symbol of the third chakra is the ram, which is characterized by irrepressible, unbridled energy. It should also be noted that Muladhara, Svadhishtana and Manipura together form the “lower triangle”, the latter is considered the most subtle, it acts as the force of movement and completion of all processes that occur in our lives.

Kundalini yoga chakra 4"unstressed". Anahata

This center is located in the area of ​​the human heart, therefore it has another common name: hrid-padma, which means heart lotus.

Anahata is the very middle in the chakra system, it is located behind the chest, in the area of ​​our heart, and its projection onto the spine falls on the area between the shoulder blades. This center is responsible for love, compassion and spirituality, that is, those abilities of people that allow them to love themselves, accept and give love to others.

Pink and green colors are used for work, as well as kunzite and rose quartz stones. As for essential oils, you should choose sage, bergamot, geranium, and rose among them.

The symbol of the center is the black antelope, which personifies speed; Isha and Kakini are the patron deities.

Kundalini yoga 5 chakra"throat". Vishuddha.

This center is located in the V-shaped cavity in the lower part of the neck between the collarbones, it is responsible for the communication of sounds, self-expression and creativity.

The main color of Vishuddha is light blue; lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise and chalcedony stones are used in activations. Among the essential oils used are lavender, neroli, sandalwood, and sage.

The center is patronized by the bisexual god Ardhanarishvara, as well as the goddess Shaktini.

Kundalini yoga 6 chakra"third Eye". Ajna.

Ajna is located at the point between the eyebrows and corresponds to the pituitary gland. This center is called control, thanks to it a person has intuition

To work with this center, dark blue and purple colors, amethyst stones, blue sapphire, opal, sodalite are used, and its patron deities are Parama-Shiva and the goddess Khakini.

Kundalini yoga 7 chakra"crown of the head". Sahasrara.

The last seventh center is located right at the crown, it is responsible for spirituality, thinking, enlightenment, it is believed that it is inseparably linked with wisdom and gives people cosmic consciousness.

The colors used to work with Sahasrara are gold, white and pale purple. Stones: rock crystal, topaz, amethyst, alexandrite, opal, sapphire. Essential oils: frankincense wood, oak moss, frankincense.

You can learn more about yoga, its origin and essence, as well as what exercises it offers, why it is needed and much, much more on our website. Good luck.

Yoga to open the chakras. Pump up your chakras with simple movements

It is important to approach the topic of yoga consciously. If you still want to just be angry with someone or blame others for your failures, then this healing method is unlikely to bring you results. Your mind will resist change. But if you are ready to be happy and give happiness to others, then yoga is what you need!

This is part 2 of a series about what human chakras are and how to balance them to improve your life.

  • Part 1 - Chakras: How to use in everyday life
  • Part 2 - [You are here] Yoga to open the chakras. Pump up your chakras with simple movements
  • Part 3 - [Coming soon] 10 unusual ways to open your chakras and keep them active
  • This is part 1 of a series about what human chakras are and how to balance them to improve your life.

    • Part 1 - [You are here] Chakras: How to use in everyday life

    What do you think of when you hear the word "chakras"?

    I can assume that you know the name of the chakras, what color they are, where they are located...

    You may even know what each of them is responsible for.

    Those. You probably have some information about the structure of the human energy system.

But how to apply this knowledge in real everyday life?!

    After all, the chakras help you SHOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

    A couple of examples for clarity:

    Do you talk too much, jumping from topic to topic? Overactive throat chakra.

    Do you like to insist on your own, believing that only you are right? Excess energy in solar plexus.

    Our new material is dedicated to this topic. Don't change the channel.

    Bonus for readers:

    Take the test and find out what state your chakras are in now!

    What is the easiest way to effectively balance your chakras?

    One of the basic methods is yoga for the chakras, or kundalini yoga.

    This is a specially designed exercise system, aimed at achieving certain states of the energy system.

    Exercises can be motor (asanas), breathing (pranayama), meditative, sound (mantras), etc.

    What is especially noteworthy about these complexes is that they have a diverse positive effect on you:

    • Healthy body . Your muscles become stronger, blood flows to your internal organs, saturating them with oxygen and removing toxins. A “side” effect may be getting rid of excess weight and diseases.

    There is one important factor in the occurrence of excess weight, which neither nutritionists nor psychologists know about. This…

    • Strong will.
    • You exercise regularly, devote time and attention to yourself, and as a result, self-esteem and strength of the Spirit grow. Balanced chakras..

    If the first two points can be provided to you by regular fitness, then yoga offers exactly

    conscious work with energy through physical practice

    If other methods of balancing the chakras are still difficult for you, even a beginner can do simple physical and breathing exercises.

    When performing a certain sequence of actions, kundalini yoga has a harmonizing effect on each chakra. Thanks to this, the vital energy of kundalini freely rises up the central channel.

    It promotes your inner liberation, spiritual insight, health and success in the physical world.

    Yoga for chakras

    Yoga for the root chakra (Muladhara)

    The chakra is located in base of the spine and is responsible for your survival, safety, “rooting” in the physical world.

    The practice of yoga for Muladhara has a cleansing effect on the intestines (shank-prankshalana, nauli kriya), increases the flexibility of the spine, and also strengthens the muscles of the perineum and thighs.

    It allows you to release physical and energetic toxins and moves energy through your legs, strengthening your connection to the Earth.

    The complex usually includes mulabandha (lower energy lock: alternate tension and retraction of the sphincter, perineum and lower abdominal muscles), which accompanies the performance of asanas and breath-holds; as well as asanas that involve the lower abs, bends and lunges.

    Yoga for the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

    This is the energy center located just below the navel. The place where emotions, desires, and sexual energy arise.

    The genitourinary system, spleen, kidneys, and liver are associated with it.

    A set of yoga exercises stimulates these organs, increases metabolism in them, and also strengthens the abdominal muscles.

    And, of course, it allows you to be in harmony with your feelings and desires and achieve your goals.

    The practice includes abdominal exercises, bending and bending of the lumbar spine, opening the pelvis, rhythmic breathing, etc.

    Yoga for the solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

    The third chakra is located between the navel and the base of the sternum. This is the center of will, action, active self-expression.

    The chakra is connected to and influences the organs and glands of the digestive system.

    Yoga includes asanas that work the abdominal muscles, twists, which bring a powerful flow of blood to the abdominal area, and the already familiar bends and bends. As well as deep “belly” breathing to provide all internal organs and tissues with oxygen.

    At the energetic level, practice reveals your manipura, that is, it strengthens willpower, boundaries, helps to achieve balance between the spiritual and material world (in other words, use your energy potential for well-being in life).

    Yoga for the Heart Chakra (Anahata)

    The heart center (chest) is responsible for your ability to love, i.e. see the harmony of the world, build trusting relationships with people, appreciate and accept yourself.

    This chakra includes the heart and lungs.

    By working with this chakra, you free yourself from hatred and other blocking feelings, and begin to radiate and accept love and beauty in its entirety.

    The human heart is closed from real contact with one’s feelings and from adequate interaction with other people. This leads to…

    Also, yoga asanas open your chest, ensuring the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    The practice includes bending and twisting the thoracic spine, opening and stretching the muscles of the arms and shoulders and, of course, several types of breathing.

    Yoga for the Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi)

    Throat chakra ( base of throat) is responsible for your voice in the broad sense of the word, i.e. communication, self-expression in creativity, relationships with society.

    This is the center of intuition and manifestation of your truth.

    Yoga poses strengthen and stretch the cervical spine and stimulate the thyroid gland. These are backbends, shoulder blade stands and other inverted poses, head tilts, inverted asanas.

    Asanas promote freer passage of energy through the channels upward. They also relieve you from headaches and osteochondrosis (for example, due to working at a computer) and strengthen your immune system.

    Yoga for the third eye chakra (Ajna)

    Ajna (between the eyebrows) is the chakra of vision, knowledge, trust in your inner voice. She is also responsible for your thinking and imagination.

    The organs of vision are connected to it, as well as the pituitary gland, which affects growth and metabolism.

    Yoga for this chakra strengthens and optimizes your thought processes, allows you to free yourself from lies (primarily to yourself).

    You suddenly begin to feel the truth. It's like you have a lie detector built into your chest, but with expanded functionality.

    On the physical plane, it has a beneficial effect on vision and brain vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

    The practice includes various asanas for balance and concentration, as well as poses focusing on the forehead.

    An important element of yoga for the third eye chakra is breathing anuloma viloma(leveling breathing with alternating nostrils). It harmonizes the functioning of the hemispheres and allows you to calm down.

    Use your right thumb to close your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril, then close your left nostril with your index finger and exhale through your right.

    Yoga for the crown chakra (Sahasrara)

    The chakra is located at the top of the head and is connected to the pineal gland.

    She is responsible for your connection with the Divine, opens access to enlightenment and higher knowledge.

    The free rise of kundalini to this chakra (through balanced previous ones) is the main goal of the practice.

    Yoga includes asanas to balance energy in the body, some active movements that warm up the body from bottom to top. A typical exercise for this chakra is headstand.

    The practice also includes meditation in half-lotus and lotus positions and shavasana (corpse pose).

    Savasana is performed lying on your back, with your eyes closed and your arms and legs straight. Involves complete relaxation and observation of the free movement of energy in the body (inner silence).

    If you carefully and correctly performed the previous practices, then in shavasana you will be able to feel complete dissolution and unity with the Universe.

    Safety precautions

    During practice, make sure that your the back was straight, breathing remained calm and full. Avoid jerking and pain. Take into account your physiological characteristics and health status, tell the trainer about your diseases.

    When performing an exercise on this or another chakra, you can maintain light concentration on this center. Be internally assembled, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts and emotions.

    It is clear that the article describes only an approximate set of kundalini yoga exercises. In fact, a complex for each chakra can be performed from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, and include a wide variety of motor and breathing techniques, chanting mantras, and meditation.

    One of the most popular yoga complexes for chakras from Maya Fiennes in video format can be found below. Also, you can contact a yoga center in your city.

    My task was to interest you in this amazing practice, to pay attention to the health of your body and balancing your energy.

    Write in the comments, do you do yoga or other physical practices for spiritual balance? What results have you achieved?

    Well, now a surprise... for those who read to the end)

    Kundalini Yoga for the Chakras by Maya Fiennes

    There are 7 video clips in this playlist - 1 for each chakra. If you haven’t tried chakra yoga yet, do it under the guidance of a great kundalini yoga specialist.

    Video courses:

  • #3

Organs: kidneys, bladder, ovaries, uterus; prostate, testicles.
Svadhisthana is the second chakra. Included in the lower triangle. This is a strong energy center. Our desires come from this chakra, including sexual desire. She is responsible for the ability to receive pleasure in the material world, and accordingly in the body.

Svadhisthana directly affects sexual attractiveness. From which it follows that someone other than me appears in this story. If in the first chakra we interacted with the Earth, then interpersonal communication and pair relationships already arise. It is in the second chakra that division, polarity and duality appear - I am no longer alone in the world, there are others, I come into contact with other individuals. Communication takes on a high-quality color if I communicate from the second chakra - it contains emotions, feelings, seduction. And people are in constant communication, they do not leave each other. There are no personal boundaries.

Sex is for pleasure, and not for safety and procreation, as in the first chakra. Sexuality manifests itself through dissolving in each other, indulging one’s desires and inclinations. Here love is understood as “I will drown you in love” and “I will drown myself.”

The key concepts are creativity and pleasure.
“For me, feelings and emotions come first.”
"I love physical pleasure."
"I can be myself."
“I have freedom of choice and desire.”
“I declare my desires, I expand outward, into the world. I am worthy, I have the right.”
“I can express myself through creativity, art.”
“Often the inner child in me speaks, the primitive man (woman).”
"I like to dream".
“I have a very good idea of ​​the material world and what I want to get; I'm included in life. But do I really need what I want, is it MY true desire, and not imposed by society, other people, fashion” - a person does not understand this. There is a fantasy about what is good for him. He simply imagines what is good. Here a person is a victim of circumstances, generally accepted laws. And in the end he discovers that the outside world brings either pleasure or pain.

The feeling of Svadhisthana is taste. There is an expression - “taste of life”. Those. it is the ability to experience the world. And a person begins to look for variety. A large number of passions and desires appear here, but they are fulfilled only if external circumstances are favorable, because... a person does not have an internal core, a vector of movement. A person is unable to achieve a goal. I want to enjoy the outside world in a passive mode, waiting for everything to come to me on its own.

Developed Svadhisthana brings the qualities of water - inventiveness, flexibility, smoothness, ductility, fluidity - qualities that allow it to take the proposed form. This is a very big power. People of water cannot be defeated, they will remain their own, they will flow around sharp corners and remain in place.

The symbol of Svadhisthana is a sea monster. It can suddenly emerge from the depths of the sea - uncontrollable feelings and emotions - and sink our boat - our mind. It follows from this that no matter what wonderful ideas come to us, if we are led by our emotions and passions, then nothing good will come of it. It is not stated that one should not have the ability to feel. But the task of feelings is to interact with thoughts and color them with emotions for vivid, deep experiences.

Balanced Svadhisthana is a spontaneous, joyful, cheerful, happy, uncomplicated, relaxed person, a holiday person. He loves, respects, accepts himself as he is, accepts his sexuality. And therefore he is accepted and loved by the opposite sex. They say about such people - he has charisma, some kind of magnetic attractiveness. He is socially oriented - it is easy to communicate with him, he easily comes into contact with other people.
A passionate person, he knows how to get pleasure, he has a lot of vitality, he loves life.
He knows how to share the views of other people, can put himself in their place, respects and does not judge them. Can be sensitive and empathic. Able to share energy with others, because he has a passion for contact expressed through sexuality.
A person knows when to stop and knows when to stop.

Unbalanced chakra - there is a very clear division into good and evil, bad - good, black - white; constant preoccupation with something, anxiety, lack of rest; inability to make a choice; sadness, sadness; loneliness; shame, and hence aggression towards the opposite sex; vindictiveness, ruthlessness; jealousy.
If Svadhisthana does not function correctly, then life seems faceless, colorless, and lacks passion. Movement, stimulus, joy disappear. The emergence of dependencies and attachments. At the physical level, movement becomes stiff.

If there is an excess of energy: neuroses, excesses and perversions in the sexual sphere. The sense of proportion disappears - a person allows himself to be excessive in everything and knows no boundaries.
States of fixation on sex may arise, everything around will seem sexy, hence the generation of many unstable sexual relationships, which as a result will not bring satisfaction.
An example of an excess of energy in the second chakra is that a person can have fun for days and not get tired of it; have sex for a very long time and not get enough.

If there is a lack of energy:
Beliefs – “there is something wrong with me”, “I deserve to be rejected.”
Behavior - passionately desires something, but rejects connections with others, does not make contact, because he is afraid of people.
Inside there lives a tough controller who constantly scolds himself and limits himself.
Suppression of emotions.
A person does not allow himself to receive any pleasures from life. In sex, you only care about the other person, but don’t pay attention to yourself. Therefore, there is no interchange of energy. Not being able to live YOUR life.
Tendency towards mysticism.
Weak or complete absence of sexual desire, in extreme cases - impotence, frigidity (often due to feelings of guilt and shame on sexual grounds), infertility. If a woman does not allow herself to have sex, then polycystic disease, cysts and other problems with the ovaries may occur.

Anahata yoga is a centuries-old practice whose goal was spiritual and physical health. It widely influences our lives, because with the opening of the chakras new opportunities appear. Fortunately, now you don’t need to look for ancient scrolls to understand how to work with chakras - below you will find the basic methods.

In the article:

Anahata yoga and Kundalini yoga - different directions of teaching

Like any teaching that includes philosophy, yoga is divided into many movements. They are not at odds with each other, but their methods are different. What are the main types of yoga? After all, listing all the schools can waste a huge amount of time. So let's talk only about the most popular ones. This Kundalini yoga and Anahata yoga. Their teachings spread widely across the territory of India and gained weight even among us. This does not mean that these two schools are the only ones. Of course not. But they are the most popular. Let's look briefly at each of them.

Anahata Yoga is a school of teachings whose main practices concern. It is named after her name - Anahata. Problems arise with it when your heart shrinks from pain - betrayal, unhappy love, mistrust of loved ones and parents. In order for these problems to no longer affect you, you need to be able to control Anahata.

Kundalini Yoga is directly related to the energy of the Universe. With the one who gives life to everything, is responsible for the rebirth of the human soul. It flows and pulsates through the entire Universe. Energy control using the methods of the Kundalini school allows you to give impetus to spiritual development. It is with the help of their techniques that we will try to talk about how to independently control the chakras.

Yoga for opening chakras - working with Muladhara

symbolizes the connection between man and the earth and opens quite simply. After all, we all live in the material world. Working with it, in fact, is much easier than with all other energy nodes. This is accessible even to a beginner.

Opening Muladhara is an almost natural process that does not require mental effort. But you can’t do this carelessly. It can be done easily and easily, but few practices in yoga are possible without a responsible attitude.

Remember that human energy rests here. So when working with this point you need to be as calm as possible. There is no need to rush and approach her with callous formality. You must feel the whole work, pour into it with all your soul. Calm your mind.

First of all, take siddhasana - a pose for working with Muladhara. The heel should press on it, between the anus and genitals. Relax, concentrate. Pay your attention only to the chakra and the feeling of pressure. After a while you will feel warmth and pulsation. The more experience you have, the shorter this period of time will be.

Think about your breathing. Imagine that you are breathing Muladhara. Think only about him for the next 5 minutes. Imagine red. This color corresponds to Muladhara. Think about it during meditation, let the red light flood everything around. Let the warm “hand” of the chakra go along the spine, higher and higher. And finally, stay calm for a while. The energy point needs to be given a couple of minutes. After all, it must not only open, but also stand in the right place.

Yogic techniques for working with Svadhisthana

It is here that images of human problems, mistakes, misdeeds are stored - all those weaknesses that can poison our lives. In accordance with this, you should behave very carefully and carefully. So as not to stir up a wave of negative memories.

To begin, stand in Siddhasana. But here there is some choice - just a relaxed position in a chair, or a wheel on the floor works just as well. Calm down, let the relaxation rise to the very top of your head. Somewhere at this moment you should get a feeling of warmth and pulsation where the chakra is located. It is between the pubic bone and the sacrum.

Now start breathing. Give him your full attention. Try to erase the boundary that separates a single breath. Let your breath become a constant flow of air. Let it circulate throughout the body. At this moment, you will have the feeling that a vortex has formed at the site of the chakra. Orange, chakra color. Let it absorb energy, expand and swell. Let it rise up the spine. When you finish your meditation, sit for a few minutes in complete peace and silence.

You need to work with this chakra every day for a month, and then according to circumstances when the need arises. Mantras and regular practices will help you manage the Swadhisthana chakra in five minutes.

Kundalini yoga for 3 chakras

Kundalini yoga for the 3rd chakra says: problems with it appear when a person takes on too much. They tear things apart and pull them in their direction. There is no time to rejoice at the completion of one, as you need to take on others. Too much energy is wasted in the sand of immediate problems. Difficulties can also appear if a person is too fixated on one problem. Cannot break free from the captivity of the same thought.

Follow your inner gaze through the body and find the chakra. It is located between the chest and shoulder blades. Just like last time, imagine a vortex that accumulates energy. It fills and expands. Only this time it should be yellow. Feel the pulsation in the Manipura chakra.

Perhaps the chakra area will tingle - that's okay, that's how it should be. Dissolve in these sensations, let them take over you completely. Once finished, remain in a relaxed position for a while. The result needs to be consolidated. The main thing is not to allow negative emotions, because they can destroy all the results achieved by meditation.

Anahata yoga - working with the fourth chakra

Fourth chakra - Anahata. She is responsible for love, so it is very important to evoke it in yourself during meditation. Perhaps artificially. The object of love itself is not so important, the main thing here is the feeling itself.

Take a comfortable position. Which one is not important. The main thing here is that you are completely comfortable. Relax, evoke in yourself a feeling of love, adoration, reverence. Let them cover you completely, dissolve you in themselves. Now - concentrate on the chakra. It is located next to the heart, on the inside of the spinal column. If you can’t immediately determine the location, there is an easier method. It is enough just to put your hand where a person puts his hand if he is speaking meaningfully about himself. “I love, I like” - your guide words.

Now imagine a turquoise swirl there. Let it grow, absorb energy, and become stronger. Feel the pulsation and warmth, dissolve in them. May they bring you pleasure. Finally, remain in a comfortable position for a while, allowing the chakra to calm down and gain a foothold.

It is advisable to do this meditation before bed. Its beneficial influence will help you fall asleep quickly and bring with you the feeling of love to an unconscious level.

Kundalini yoga - 5th chakra

. Meditation for working with this point begins with the same thing as everyone else - with a comfortable pose. Observe your sensations when breathing, immerse yourself in them completely. Monitor your deep breaths and exhalations, mentally erase the boundary between them. Let them turn into one movement of air. Let an indigo-colored energy vortex appear before your eyes. It should appear in the jugular cavity. If it doesn’t work, look at the chakra symbol, at the yantra. Mentally move it to where the Vishuddhi chakra is located.

At this moment, a feeling of warmth and pulsation will appear. Listen to it, feel it with your whole body. You can stop here - stay in a calm position for several minutes, let the result take hold.

Kundalini yoga for the 5th chakra advises: do not forget to read the mantra during meditation. The chakra resonates with the vibrations of the vocal cords and responds more easily to such manipulations.

Kundalini yoga - work with the 6th chakra

. Meditation is a fairly simple ritual to work with. Moreover, you can help yourself with visualization. You just need to put a dot in the place of the “third eye”. Exactly where Indian women put them. This will help you concentrate both on the Ajna chakra and on meditation in general.

Kundalini yoga for the 6th chakra advises meditating in a comfortable position. It is best to take the lotus position - it works best with this meditation. Here comes the time of breathing. Take a series of inhalations and exhalations. Breathe as deeply as possible and watch the movement of your chest. Let an amethyst swirl appear in the area between your eyebrows. Let it gather energy, grow and increase.

Pay your attention to the warmth and pulsation - they should appear right at this moment. As soon as the feeling appears, observe it for a few minutes. After this, remain in a comfortable position for some time - the chakra will need it to calm down. This way you will secure the result. Over time, the entire meditation will take no more than 20 minutes.

Kundalini yoga and the 7th chakra

Kundalini yoga for the 7th chakra advises: meditation to open this chakra should be carried out only after all the others. Without this, you simply won’t be able to work with her, because with her problems arise precisely when they exist with any other. It unites all the chakras into a single whole and is capable of elevating a person, revealing to him the secrets of knowledge, and elevating him to another level of the Universe.

The chakras are probably the best-known elements of subtle body theory in the West, as many authors interested in yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, theosophy and parapsychological research have provided a variety of descriptions and commentaries on the chakras. Although the seven stages of samadhi are mentioned already in the classical yogic sutras, the development of the concept of chakras probably began only with the emergence of tantric practices. Some of the interpreters of Eastern literature draw an analogy between the passage of Kundalini through the six main chakras and its merging with the seventh and seven stages of samadhi, and also describe the states following the achievement of each stage. Others do not pay much attention to the chakras and believe that the basic techniques and disciplines of yoga can transform the energy of the chakras, so that when the Kundalini awakens, they do not play a big role in the process, but simply contribute to spiritual discovery.
I have often observed repetitive kriyas (i.e., shaking, twitching, twisting, or vibrations) occurring in people's chakra areas during a massage session or during times of emotional or physical stress. It seems that in these places there is a block that does not allow energy to move evenly throughout the body. It is possible that these blocks are created by unresolved issues or mental problems associated with the chakras. It is also possible that some of the physical disturbances associated with spontaneous Kundalini awakening are generated by the influence of Kundalini energy on the chakras corresponding to the affected organs of the body, since most chakras control the functioning of certain organs.
Another phenomenon that can be correlated with the action of chakra energy is the spontaneous emergence of special images, sounds and symbols, which in tantric cosmology were considered inherent in all chakras. Their appearance during crises can provide information relevant to issues that need to be addressed, or indicate an area of ​​the body where focusing special attention will have the greatest effect. For these reasons, it is helpful to have an understanding of the chakra system. Since many books have been written on this subject, the following remarks will only outline the chakra theory. Chakras are called such objects as neurohormonal mechanisms for controlling areas of the body (Mishra); multidimensional passages through which creative forces flow between the three bodies (Scott); centers of the body's energy system (Pandit); energy funnels; intermediaries who transfer energy from one dimension to another;
“interdimensional transformative systems that can be controlled by thought and which convert matter into energy” (Joy); centers of subtle forces, cosmic consciousness and prana generation; exits to the macrocosm; as well as the sources from which the forces and energies concentrated in them flow.
According to Goswami, who writes works on laya yoga, the “bindu” of the chakras in the sphere of pranic energy play the same role as atoms in the material sphere. He said: “The moving or active pranic force is concentrated and collected to form the petals of bindu at various points of the body, which in yoga are called chakras or lotuses. This formation begins with the sahasrara chakra and continues with the lower chakras with how a person’s consciousness and his material body are formed. All this is invisible to the naked eye. Chakras function on a supermaterial level."

Typically, chakras are considered the connecting link between all types of activities of the causal, subtle and gross bodies. From them emanate vrittis (thought waves), as well as other energies that are distributed throughout the body.

Therefore, certain emotions and properties are attributed to each of them. If we take the chakras to be the main transformers and transmitters of energy between bodies, then it becomes clear that the increase in tension of consciousness and energy that accompanies the awakening of Kundalini is a powerful additional load on the chakra system. The chakras are often described as lotuses moving from bottom to top with Kundalini rising through them. It is possible that this representation gives us a symbol of a process that is much more complex and faster than our minds can imagine, and that much of the physical and emotional chaos that some people experience when awakening Kundalini coincides with the transformation of chakras that change, to serve a level of consciousness and energy different from that of the body. The difficulties associated with changing the way one is in this world can be especially significant for those who have little past experience with self-discipline and emotional control. The long preliminary training and discipline of yoga and tantric students, which includes years of practice in the practices of ego-renunciation and submission to the teacher in all things, is partly an attempt to establish mastery over one's personality before the Kundalini awakens, with the result that the movement of energy through the chakras would be relatively unimpeded. The chakras contain all the unraveled knots and problems of a person's personal and emotional life, and during spiritual transformation they can facilitate the integration of forms of consciousness that have a more unifying function and are less ego-oriented.
There are seven main chakras and 43 less important ones, to which many properties are attributed in different texts. It is believed that throughout the day prana alternately dominates different chakras according to a sixty-minute rhythm. There are several types of symbols associated with each of the main chakras. The latter include the animal representing the subtle forces that control the chakra; god, which denotes one of the powers of divine manifestation; a goddess who indicates the type of energy placed at that point. Other symbols indicate the dominant element and one of the five senses associated with that chakra. Meditation on each chakra awakens the energy of the goddess located there, who will open up unique divine possibilities for a person. Lotus petals represent various qualities, emotional inclinations and possibilities. The following short descriptions provide information that may be useful to those who are undergoing the process of Kundalini awakening and who are experiencing specific emotional problems, visions, sounds, occult-type reactions and other phenomena associated with the chakras.