Famous people born under the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio stars: which celebrities were born under the sign of Scorpio? Famous Libra women

Representatives of the eighth sign of the zodiac - Scorpio - are considered extraordinary personalities: they know how to attract attention to themselves, love beautiful things and a spiritual atmosphere. Once you meet them, you won't be able to get them out of your head. But at the same time, representatives of this sign have many shortcomings: stubbornness, careerism, frequent changes of mood and hobbies. True, these qualities only complement and make people born under the star of Scorpio brighter. Let's see who these characteristics helped achieve success. Photos of Scorpio celebrities are also posted in the article.

Discoverer of America

Christopher Columbus was born under a lucky star. Four successful sea expeditions brought his name into world history. He discovered America, Cuba, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, and brought potatoes, tobacco, and corn to the European continent. If it were not for his courageous desire to conquer the world, the development of many countries simply would not have been realized.

Eternal "friend"

The Scorpio star is known for his role in the television series Friends. For 10 years, the TV saga about 6 young people from New York has attracted the attention of millions of viewers from all over the world. Ross's role was surprisingly boring. Well, who could like a loser who was interested in dinosaurs and whose wife left him for another woman? But thanks to perseverance and charm, the actor was able to win the love and respect of television viewers around the world. Moreover, the characteristic feature of Scorpios - not to sit idle - was precisely manifested in Schwimmer. He became a producer, director and screenwriter of many television projects. And the success of the series “American Crime Story” only cemented its popularity.

Star boy

No one needs an introduction to Leonardo DiCaprio. This celebrity is a Scorpio man. Having once appeared as a little boy in the film “What's Eating Gilbert Grape?”, he immediately attracted the attention of millions of critics with his brilliant performance. Later, Titanic, Inception, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Django Unchained appeared on his cinematic list. These are the films that remain on best-of lists for decades. True, when the Oscars were awarded for the film Titanic, his name was not even included in the list of nominees. He got angry. But, like a true Scorpio, he swallowed the insult and proved that he is capable of what many cannot even imagine. In the movie The Revenant, his character fought a bear, and this scene became one of the best in cinema. According to many, it was for this that he was given the long-awaited film award.

"Golden Hand of God"

“Football God”, “Golden Leg”, “Gift of God” - these epithets and many others refer to the prominent representative of the Scorpio “clan”, football player Diego Maradona. He is also a Scorpio star. His career is still legendary. The way he devoted himself to the game, how he fought until the last for the team’s victory, is an example for young players in the world to follow. But after a brilliant career came a period of drugs, drinking and hooliganism. But, as a true representative of his sign, he found the strength to rise again and become a successful and healthy retiree.

Famous Governor

The Chukotka region has never attracted the attention of tourists and ordinary people. It was believed that there was constant frost, cold, blizzard and caviar. But with the coming to the post of governor, Soviet businessman Roman Abramovich, this region declared itself loudly. Under skillful leadership, Abramovich led Chukotka out of the economic crisis. But he also took care of himself by buying the English football club Chelsea. By this he proved that Scorpios tend to change their occupation frequently. A profitable place is not the main thing for them, but they want to enjoy their work.

The world's richest man

Bill Gates, as a prominent representative of celebrities under the sign of Scorpio, has proven that they do not like to sit around doing nothing. As a teenager, he invented the Microsoft company, which allowed him to become the richest man in the world. Computer developments and improvements in the company's work helped him remain at the top of the list of the richest people in the world for several decades. After stopping work in this direction, he headed the nature protection fund. Having switched to environmental work, the billionaire began to glow with happiness, which once again proves that it is important for Scorpios to feel important in an interesting job.


Whoopi Goldberg is a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. Her name never left the pages of the world's most famous newspapers. Many recognized her as the best actress in the comedy genre. But she entered the history of cinema as an actress of the tragic genre. For the film “The Color Purple” she was even nominated for the Most important thing that was noted after working with her was her ability to give joy to people. Looking at her wide smile, there is no doubt about it. But she was not always so cheerful and cheerful. The iron character inherent in Scorpios helped her overcome beatings and bullying from her father, drinking and beatings from her husband, constant miscarriages and hints from producers about her bad appearance.

The woman who gave heroes

Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren is also a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. All her life she dreamed of starting to write books. But housekeeping, two children and caring for her husband did not give her the opportunity to completely immerse herself in the literary world. During her daughter’s illness, she finally took the reins of her destiny into her own hands and wrote a story about the adventures of the Kid and Carlson. Later such works as “Pippi Longstocking”, “The Lionheart Brothers”, “Mio, My Mio” were written. These stories educate more than one generation of young people, investing the best qualities inherent in the Scorpio writer. After all, only this zodiac sign is not afraid to radically change their life.

"Low-Society Princess"

Actress Julia Roberts is a worldwide celebrity and a Scorpio woman. She never considered her life to be hard. She thought that everything could be achieved only through incredible work. There were days when she had 25 castings a day. Her legs were aching from fatigue, but the only thing she heard from the producers was the phrase “You have an ugly appearance.” Any woman would give up trying to become famous, but it bore fruit. She was invited to play a role in the film “Steel Magnolias.” He received several Oscar nominations. She was noticed. And her success was cemented by the film “Pretty Woman,” in which she played the role of a prostitute who fell in love with a millionaire. She later cemented her successful career by receiving a gold statuette. She also succeeded in family terms: she has three children and a charming husband. The main quality of a Scorpio inherent in an actress is the ability not to sit idle, constantly working on oneself.

"Not Rejected" actress

Anne Hathaway is another Scorpio celebrity according to her horoscope. She was never afraid to experiment in the acting profession. Her professional portfolio includes very explicit roles that more famous actresses refused (for example, the role of a freedom-loving wife in Brokeback Mountain or a sick girl in the sexual drama Love and Other Medicines). But she did not stop experimenting with roles, changing her image. From a long-haired beauty, she turned into a short-haired girl for her role in the film Les Miserables. She finally achieved real recognition - she won an Oscar for Best Actress. But this peak seemed too small to her. She found a husband to match and gave birth to a baby from him, becoming a happy mother. Now she combines the joy of motherhood and her career. The character of Scorpio manifested itself in emancipation and the desire to impress other people, but at the same time make oneself happy.

The girl is not from this time

This is what critics called actress Scarlett Johansson (she is also a Scorpio star) after the release of the film “An Earring of Pearls.” She quickly gained popularity and received four Oscar nominations. But never in her career have there been roles similar to each other. She is irresistible in both comedy and drama. She believes that emotional stagnation is the worst thing that can happen to an artist. Therefore, he directs all his potential towards self-improvement.

Not the first iron lady

Hillary Clinton has become a household name among the first ladies of American presidents. She was able to absorb the style of Jacqueline Kennedy, the wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt and the mind of Martha Washington. She showed Scorpio-like willpower during the discovery of her husband’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. She not only forgave her unfaithful husband, but also dared to announce it on television. It turned out to be easier for her to forgive than to start looking for a new soul mate and abandoning past happy memories. The role of the first lady turned out to be so small that she decided to first run for governor, and later for president. And although she did not win, the number of her fans is constantly growing.

Great director

About a dozen films are included in the top list of the best films in the world. “The Departed,” “Goodfellas,” “Shutter Island,” “Casino” and other films revealed the man’s directorial side in different ways. And this is one of the main features of Scorpio - to constantly improve and find endless ideas within themselves.

Vivien Leigh

Who else was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio? Celebrity Vivien Leigh is a fatal beauty who became famous thanks to her role as Scarlett O'Hara. She was so irresistible that she even captivated the heart for a while. Millions of girls of that time envied her that she could be (even if only for a short time for fun) in the arms of this handsome man. But she showed Scorpio perseverance and remained faithful to her husband Laurence Olivier. In addition to popularity, this picture brought her the coveted statuette.


Without watching the films of Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov, not a single New Year will be possible. Even without holidays, his films leave a piece of the great director’s warmth. Despite the fact that almost all of his films are comedies, the director found the right shots to penetrate the souls of people and make them think about many things. Eldar Aleksandrovich had to use Scorpio in the fight against the Soviet Ministry of Culture, which wanted to mercilessly cut down “undesirable” films. But it was precisely thanks to these scenes that the master’s films became so beloved by people. Now it is impossible to imagine that someone has not watched “The Irony of Fate”, “Office Romance”, “Forgotten Melody for Flute”, “Girl without an Address”. These films have long become classics that many generations have grown up with.

Every person has potential, which, if developed, can achieve great success and recognition. Representatives of each Zodiac Sign are capable of becoming famous in one area or another, but each has their own ways and capabilities for this.

How Scorpios achieve success

Scorpios know how and can be both good and bad. No one knows better than they how to play on the feelings of others, no one knows better than them what it means to be truly honest or deceitful. They know a lot about the nature of people and they are not used to being silent about it. Therefore, there are many iconic writers among Scorpios: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is the most ideal example, because he is known throughout the world for his drama “Crime and Punishment.” In it, he plays on the nerves and feelings of the readers, like a violinist on a violin. By the way, about the violin - the most mysterious, most interesting musician of the 19th century, virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini, was also a Scorpio.

The combination of mystery and the ability to show people what they can be is the best combination for actors, of whom there are a lot of Scorpios. They are rightly called the best actors in the world: Arkady Raikin (the best comedian of the USSR), Julia Roberts (the greatest Hollywood actress of our time), Alain Delon (the greatest actor of France), Leonardo DiCaprio (the famous actor of our time).

Famous Scorpio men

Musicians: Joe Dassin, Igor Talkov, Eros Ramazzotti. These people are known for the sensuality of their works, which for Scorpios is the best way to talk about the nature of people.

Actors: Joaquin Phoenix, Matthew McConaughey, Alain Delon, Sam Rockwell, Leonardo DiCaprio and many others. Such a star cast speaks volumes: these people know how and can play in such a way that the viewer experiences incomparable emotions. It is difficult and requires innate talent, which requires self-study and years of practice.

Other great people: the navigator Ferdinand Magellan, the fortune-makers Bill Gates and Roman Abramovich, the famous sportsmen Diego Maradona and Guus Hidding.

Famous Scorpio women

Actresses: Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada), Jodie Foster, Whoopi Goldberg, Scarlett Johansson, Winona Ryder, Maya Plisetskaya. Very charismatic personalities, presenting even everyday life and the simplest emotions in such a way that no one can do it better.

Scorpio women know how to be unusual. Such as, for example, Björk, a singer and composer who amazed the world with her individuality. Women of this Zodiac Sign are strong politicians, because they are strong in spirit and very self-confident. Indira Gandhi and Hillary Clinton are proof of this.

Famous Scorpio people amaze us with their skills and innate talents, developed to genuine impeccability. You may observe this in yourself or in your Scorpio friends. Remember that each person is unique, regardless of belonging to a particular Zodiac Sign. We wish you success in all your endeavors, be happy and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:40

Each of us has the opportunity to achieve success and become famous. And innate abilities will help you get what you want...

In order to get what you want and gain success and fame, it is enough to know your strengths and...

Let's see which of the star actors belongs to the strongest zodiac sign, Scorpio. The smallest “Scorpio” who has adopted something from the previous sign of Libra is the wife of Tom Hanks Rita Wilson, which will celebrate its 57th birthday on October 26.

On October 28, the Oscar winner and mother of three children will celebrate her 46th birthday with a radiant smile - “Pretty Woman” Julia Roberts. At the beginning of next year, on January 30, the premiere of the film directed by John Wells “August” will take place, in which, together with “Scorpio” Roberts, viewers will be able to see such stars as Meryl Streep, Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliet Lewis and Dermot Mulroney .

The next day, October 29, will be 42 years old. Winona Ryder, which will also soon be seen in Russian cinemas. The action movie starring Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder and Kate Bosworth will premiere on November 28.

November 3 - birthday Dolph Lundgren, a regular participant in action-packed action films with two higher educations, knowledge of five languages ​​and a black belt in karate. Despite the fact that Lundgren will be 56 years old, he is still actively acting in films. So, in 2014, three films with his participation will be released at once, and these, of course, will be action films.

Versatile actor Matthew McConaughey will celebrate its 44th anniversary on November 4th. This year, McConaughey starred in two TV series, one of which, the drama “Dallas Buyers Club,” will reach Russian television screens on February 17, 2014. This is the true story of Texan Ron Woodroof, who managed to profit from his own misfortune.

On November 6, two “scorpios” of very different age categories were born. Two-time Oscar winner Sally Field turns 67. The Golden Globe nominee and Spider-Man's new companion Emma Stone, who also played in the wonderful comedy “This Stupid Love”, has a small semicircular anniversary - 25 years.

November 8 is notable for two bright names of Russian and French cinema - Oleg Menshikov And Alena Delona. Menshikov will turn 53, Delon is already 78.

On November 11, there will be two anniversaries at once - the winner of the Golden Globe Leonardo DiCaprio will celebrate her 39th birthday, and the Golden Globe nominee and recently divorced Ashton Kutcher Demmy Moor this year 51.

DiCaprio recently finished working with his favorite director Martin Scorsese in the drama The Wolf of Wall Street. The world premiere of the film is scheduled for November 15.

On November 12, the winner of a very fresh Oscar for her role in the musical “Les Miserables” will turn 31 years old. Ann Hataway. Russian viewers will see Hathaway on cinema screens not so soon - only in July 2014, when the film “Once Upon a Time in New York” is released, but you can hear her voice already in March 2014, in the cartoon “Rio 2”.

The next day, November 13, the favorite of the female half of the audience, the actor, celebrates his 44th birthday Gerard Butler. Currently, Butler is preparing to play the main role of football player Nikolai Trusevich in the US-produced drama “Dynamo” about the famous “death match”.

A native of Ukraine, and now a Hollywood diva Olga Kurilenko, who recently starred in the fantasy drama “Oblivion” with Tom Cruise, will celebrate her 34th birthday on November 14.

On February 13, 2014, Kurylenko will again appear on Russian cinema screens in Mark Waters' drama Vampire Academy.

To a beautiful French woman Sophie Marceau On November 17 he will turn 47 years old. Marceau will be seen in theaters at the end of the month in Jean-Paul Lilienfeld's new thriller Arrest Me.

"Queen of Melodrama" Meg Ryan from “You’ve Got Mail,” with three Golden Globe nominations in his acting baggage, will celebrate his 52nd birthday on November 19. In June of this year, the series “Web Therapy” was released on Russian television with Ryan’s participation.

Another rom-com legend - Oscar winner and long-term wife of actor Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn will celebrate its 68th anniversary on November 21. Nowadays, the actress no longer acts in films; now her interests are directed towards environmental problems and animal protection.

And the list of famous “Scorpios” is completed by the beauty born on November 22 Scarlett Johansson, which was literally just seen in theaters in Joseph Gordon-Levitt's new project Don Juan.

Four-time Golden Globe nominee Johansson will soon delight Russian audiences again with her appearance in the film Walk in My Skin. The premiere of the fantastic film by John Glaser is scheduled for December this year.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Scorpio


Character of Scorpio Scorpio is a warrior, and he often rushes into battle without even thinking about warning others about it.


If you are attracted to adrenaline in any form, be it a volcanic eruption or violent passion, then Scorpio is the person you need. No matter what, he won’t let you get bored and sour. However, perhaps your idea of ​​marriage was somewhat different, perhaps you imagined marriage as a quiet family haven - nothing can be done about it. If you have fallen under the deadly charm of a Scorpio man, then, I’m afraid, this is forever. The fact is that once Scorpio has chosen you, nothing will force him to back down. If this has not happened yet, think carefully about whether you know how to handle fire? The emotions of a Scorpio man are akin to a violent element that fascinates and delights, but can burn painfully.


“Oh, what a bliss it is to know that I am perfect!” Mary Poppins admitted in the famous film, and all the men around her absolutely agreed with her. Apparently, this amazing supernanny was precisely a Scorpio woman, since she managed to combine the mystery of a fatal beauty and sincere feelings, a storm of passions and external equanimity, even to the point of coldness. There is nothing to be done about the Scorpio woman: a real lady who knows her worth and not wasted on trifles. Her movements are leisurely and graceful, but there is a hidden strength behind them, like the deceptively soft movements of a panther. Her smile, her hand movements, her bewitching gaze - everything seems to be filled with hidden meaning.


Scorpio's love is mysterious and incomprehensible, as is the nature of this sign of the Water element. He knows how to be kind, caring, generous and gentle, but he will never show this to the people around him. The attractive and dangerous Scorpio may have good compatibility in love and marriage with a person who can see his true essence behind the external mask. To everyone else, Scorpio is happy to demonstrate his poisonous character, determination, willpower and strong position in life. Scorpio makes high demands on his chosen one. Next to him he wants to see an ideal life partner with high intelligence and many talents. Having met such a person, Scorpio builds a cunning strategy to win the object of sympathy and uses any means to achieve his goal. And sooner or later he becomes the winner and the absolute owner of the hand and heart of his chosen one.


A decisive, insightful, strong-willed Scorpio child is endowed with enormous vital energy, which from childhood manifests itself in violent outbursts of emotions and a desire to test oneself. Despite his independent character and categorical nature, he is in dire need of understanding and trust. Make sure that in his impulsive soul there is a place for patience, the ability to compassion and forgive, and the Scorpio child will grow up to be an irresistible, purposeful person. Scorpio baby


Decided to outsmart Scorpio? Most likely, you yourself will be left with your nose! Suspicious Scorpio will not believe you right away, even if you are honest as a pioneer, and if he catches you in insincerity, you will never gain his trust again. Scorpio reveals dishonesty and duplicity in people at once, while he himself is not distinguished by openness.


By nature, Scorpio is a winner who knows how to get his way. He is infinitely confident in his own abilities and is able to overcome any obstacles on the way to his goal, so he almost always gets what he wants. Another thing is that his horizons are too wide, and his goals are not always related to work. Nevertheless, if he still has the desire to make a brilliant career, invent a new device or discover a new law of physics, rest assured that over time, any of these super-tasks will be within his grasp. Scorpio will move towards his goal calmly and persistently, without giving way to anyone. His high intelligence, developed intuition and habit of relying only on himself can open any doors for him. Scorpio can fully realize his talents in any areas related to research, where he is a real pioneer and is responsible for everything. He can become an excellent scientist, journalist, psychologist, psychiatrist, writer, surgeon, researcher, detective, etc.


Scorpio love is like hot cocoa: the same bittersweet taste. A representative of this zodiac sign is capable of both warming and burning his chosen one. His significant other knows very well how passionate and intense a relationship with a Scorpio can be. However, his attractiveness is so high that few people will voluntarily give up the sweet torments of his love.


By nature, Scorpio has enormous vitality, which often makes him, both in his own eyes and in the eyes of those around him, a kind of superman, capable of coping with any illness. However, there is a catch in this: Scorpio is so incapable of calculating his own strength that when he finally reaches his limit, he can become seriously ill for a long time. In this case, Scorpio’s most vulnerable places are usually the back, heart, throat, nose and circulatory system . In addition, fearless Scorpios are more likely than others to be prone to accidents and injuries. However, Scorpio is capable of not only undermining his health with his self-confidence and violent emotions, but also independently healing from the most severe illnesses - his powerful willpower can work real miracles.

On June 19, 1992 he was taken into custody under Art. 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on suspicion of stealing 55 cars with diesel fuel from the Ukhtinsky oil refinery in the amount of about 4 million rubles. The case was sent for further investigation.

On December 19, 1999, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Chukotka single-mandate electoral district V No. 223.

In the State Duma he was not a member of any of the factions or deputy groups. Since February 2000 - member of the State Duma Committee on Problems of the North and Far East.

Venedikt Erofeev. Writer (prose poem "Moscow-Petushki"). Birthday: October 24, 1938. Date of death: November 5, 1990

In addition to the poem, which almost became the national anthem of Russia in the second half of the 20th century, V. Erofeev wrote the essay “Dmitry Shostakovich” (1972), the text of which has been lost, the essay “Vasily Rozanov through the eyes of an eccentric” (1973), the essay-montage “My little Leninian" (1974), the tragedy "Walpurgis Night, or the Commander's Steps" (1985).

In recent years, Venedikt Erofeev has been contemplating a play about Fanny Kaplan, the action of which would take place in modern Moscow at a glass container collection point. But a long-term, painful illness, which took away the writer’s voice, did not allow his plan to come true.

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the Spanish city of Malaga. Picasso received his first artistic lessons from his father, a drawing teacher, and soon mastered it to perfection.

Johann Strauss (son). Composer, conductor and violinist. Birthday: October 25, 1825. Year of death: 1899

Like his father, Strauss traveled all over Europe with his orchestra; in 1872 he conducted four concerts in New York and fourteen in Boston, and also performed “The Blue Danube” with an orchestra and choir of 20,000. The fiftieth anniversary of Strauss's first performance at Dommeier's restaurant, October 15, 1894, was celebrated throughout Vienna, with greetings sent by Bismarck, Verdi, Leoncavallo and many other celebrities.

He belonged to the symbolists of the “younger generation” (together with A. Blok, Vyacheslav Ivanov, S. Solovyov, Ellis). In 1904, the first collection of poems, “Gold in Azure,” was published, supplemented by a special section “Lyrical passages in prose.” A. Bely was one of the theorists of Russian symbolism of the “second wave”, the developer of a new aesthetic worldview.

Singer Jennifer Flowers told the press that she had an affair with Bill Clinton that lasted twelve years. As a rule, such a scandal means the political collapse of a presidential candidate. Hillary saved her husband's career by appearing with him on the popular television show 60 Minutes.

Hillary Clinton was the most powerful White House owner in the history of the United States. She is a vain woman, well aware of her competence and her importance.

In the story of her husband's sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Hillary once again came to her husband's defense. As if nothing had happened, she continued to travel around the country, speaking in support of Democrats running for Congress, and her popularity ratings grew by leaps and bounds.

Now Hillary is a public politician herself. She won a seat in the Senate on her first try.

Thai on her father and Chinese on her mother, Vanessa spent the first three years of her childhood in Singapore, where she was born. After which she moved with her mother to London, where she now lives. In addition to the violin, which Vanessa began to learn at the age of five, she has been playing the piano since she was three years old.

Vanessa first performed at the age of nine, and at the age of ten she was already playing with the Philharmonie Orchestra. At the age of 13, she had recordings of three classical works to her credit. At the age of fourteen, she began work on the album "The Violin Player", which soon after its release topped the ratings in more than twenty countries. In 1996, Vanessa was nominated for "Best Artist of the Year" at the BRIT Awards competition held in the UK. It is noteworthy that Vanessa became the first classical music performer to be nominated for this competition and awarded the award.

Niccolo Paganini. Violinist and composer. Birthday: October 27, 1782. Date of death: May 27, 1840

Born into the family of a small merchant. At the age of eleven he performed an independent concert in Genoa (among the works performed were his own variations on the French revolutionary song “Carmagnola”).

Paganini’s personality was surrounded by fantastic legends, which was facilitated by the originality of his “demonic” appearance and the romantic episodes of his biography. The Catholic clergy persecuted Paganni for his anti-clerical statements and sympathy for the Carbonari movement.

After Paganini's death, the papal curia did not give permission for his burial in Italy. Only many years later, Paganini’s ashes were transported to Parma.

Paganini was the first violinist to use playing by heart in concert practice; he laid the foundations of modern violin technique and influenced the development of pianism and the art of instrumentation.

Cook circumnavigated the world three times, 2 times as captain.

On February 14, 1779, Captain Cook, as well as Corporal Thomas, Privates Hinks, Allen and Fatchett, were killed at about 9 a.m. near the village of Kaavoloa on the island of Gwawi in a fight with the local population. The cause of the fight remains unknown to this day. According to the most reliable sources, the captain tried to sort out mutual complaints about theft. An accidental shot and misinterpreted gestures led to tragedy.