Treatment of balanitis in men: how to treat and with what, use of drugs and ointments at home, photos. Balanitis How to treat balanitis at home

If we talk about, this disease most often occurs in males who have a long foreskin. The external manifestation of this disease is associated with the occurrence of swelling and erosion processes on the head. There may also be a not very pleasant and sour smell, as well as a certain sticky residue. It is necessary to note the seriousness of this disease, which requires surgical treatment, sometimes even surgery.

The doctor determines it based on the main signs already during the initial examination. However, certain tests may be prescribed, when blood and urine are checked, thanks to which the initial diagnosis is confirmed and the nature of the disease is determined. All this will ultimately give the doctor the opportunity to choose the right therapeutic course by prescribing the right treatment. This may even be an easier therapeutic course.

Why does the disease occur?

In general, any type of balanitis, including this one, is caused by various reasons, including pathological microorganisms. For example, mixed infections may well cause this disease. The same applies to monoinfections or diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Due to isolated skin lesions, in which the foreskin and also the head suffer, balanitis often begins too.

Due to the negative impact of pathological microorganisms, inflammatory changes begin to develop on the head. This can often happen when hygiene rules are violated or the genitals are injured.

Finally, people sometimes self-medicate and irritate their skin with some substances. Synthetic underwear can also cause irritation on the head or foreskin, resulting in illness over time.

Forms of the disease and treatment

The development of a primary disease is usually caused by a fungal infection or some infectious agent of a bacterial nature. As a result of the action of the latter, inflammation begins to progress and harmful microbes multiply directly under the skin on the penis.

The development of microorganisms occurs in accumulations of smegma secreted by the skin and glands of the urethra. As a rule, accumulation processes result in inflammation. There may also be irritation. In its normal state, smegma is a curdled mass consisting of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands inside the mucosa.

As a result, there is an imbalance in the metabolic processes occurring inside the body, and the protective reactions of the skin epidermis will significantly worsen. Of course, in such conditions microbes will develop that can negatively affect the human body. If a person pays little attention to hygiene procedures related to the genitals and has poor immunity, such a disease may well occur.

If we talk about a disease such as secondary balanitis, this form occurs when microbes penetrate under the skin epithelium. With urethritis, microbial organisms enter from the urethra. The disease can also be provoked by other diseases, such as:

  • Purulent urethritis;
  • Diabetic disease;
  • All kinds of allergic diseases.

Finally, immune deficiency is often accompanied by some form of balanitis. Contact our medical specialist and he will prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

What kind of disease is this?

Balanitis is an inflammatory disease manifested by pain and intense itching in the area of ​​the glans penis. The cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms or mechanical trauma to the head. Pathogenic flora can settle on the penis due to violation of hygiene rules; and mechanical trauma can occur due to wearing tight and uncomfortable underwear. Another, less common factor in the development of the disease is the external use of chemicals that irritate the skin in the area of ​​the head of the penis.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are also typical for children, and not just for adults, since children's anatomy is somewhat different from that of adults - in boys, the head of the penis is completely covered by the foreskin, and this is often aggravated by phimosis - a narrowing of the foreskin. The secondary development of the disease occurs after the spread of microbes previously located in the urethra. This occurs against the background of diseases such as urethritis, for example. Urethritis has a different nature ( syphilitic, gonorrheal, trichomonas, purulent). The role of the allergic component in the pathogenesis of the disease cannot be denied ( for hives or eczema), immunodeficiency conditions and diabetes mellitus.

Causes of balanitis and balanoposthitis

Diseases are classified into:
1. Specific ( when the type of pathogen is determined).
2. Nonspecific ( the type of pathogen is not specified).
3. Allergic.
4. Those that arise as a consequence of dermatological diseases.

In clinical practice, isolated cases of ulcerative lesions of the penis caused by cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Bar virus are observed.

Clinical manifestations

Clinical signs of the disease manifest themselves individually; there are not so many typical manifestations - in particular, the most typical include pain localized in the head of the penis and severe itching there. Sometimes a person may not observe any alarming signs for a long time. Such an asymptomatic, atypical course of the disease is also not uncommon in the practice of andrologists and urologists.

In the vast majority of cases of the disease, there is swelling of the head and hyperemia of the skin ( purplishness or cyanosis), erosive and ulcerative lesions, erythematous spots, plaque in the coronary sulcus and on the head of the penis itself, nodular rash. Less commonly, enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin occurs.

Full symptom picture:

  • General malaise.
  • Soreness.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Discharge under the foreskin ( smegma).
  • Discharge on the head.
  • Papules.
  • Redness.
  • Inguinal lymphadenitis.
  • Erosion and ulceration.
  • Cracks.
  • Corky.
  • Peeling.
  • Phimosis.
  • General lymphadenitis.
  • Meatal stenosis ( narrowing of the urethra after surgical procedures).
  • Rash on other parts of the body.
  • Rashes on the mucous membrane lining the oral cavity.
  • Malignant transformation.

Complications of the disease

Very often, inflammation of the foreskin is added to the clinical signs of the disease. This disease is called balanoposthitis. If treatment was not carried out or was ineffective, then purulent processes in the foreskin can progress and spread to the mucous surface of the urethra. Due to a pronounced inflammatory reaction, the urethra narrows, which leads to severe pain when trying to urinate.

Complications may include phimosis and paraphimosis developing after the acute stage of the disease. In some cases, the development of malignant tumors begins.
The most frequently developing complications after balanitis are phimosis and meatal stenosis.

Such types of diseases as Keir's erythroplasia or Bowen's disease , are precursors of cancerous tumors. Stevens-Johnson syndrome (in which erythema blisters form on the mucous membrane of the throat, eyes, mouth, genitals) – threatens with necrosis of the head of the penis.

Phimosis is a disease that is typical for boys and, less commonly, adult men. It consists in the impossibility of exposing the head of the penis due to a narrowing of the circumference of the foreskin. A mild degree of phimosis does not bring any unpleasant subjective sensations to the patient. However, with severe phimosis, problems with urination begin. Moreover, drops of urine accumulate in the preputial sac, causing irritation. If the cause of phimosis is balanoposthitis, then smegma accumulates along with drops of urine, which leads to a pronounced inflammatory reaction. Relative phimosis is also distinguished - it is noticeable only when the penis is in an erect state and looks like a kind of constriction of the penis in its upper third.

Meatal stenosis consists in narrowing of the urethra, and as a result, urination problems. This disease is not very common. It is more typical for boys under the age of 7-8 years. Normally, urine leaves the body without any obstruction through the external opening of the urethra. But if, as a result of surgical manipulation, the foreskin was excised and it began to heal, then the urethra becomes narrowed. Urination becomes not only painful, but also difficult. The child cannot get a straight stream of urine, the stream itself is intermittent, sometimes urination results in drips. Therefore, the bladder empties slowly and with great difficulty.

Morphology of varieties

Erosive circular balanitis: looks like purple or bluish round erosive elements located around the circumference of the head. Doctors differentiate such skin elements from the manifestation of chancroid in syphilis, which in its clinical signs may resemble gangrenous and ulcerative forms of balanitis. If this is really a soft chancroid, then its direct causative agent is quite difficult to identify.

Diphtheria occurring on the genitals produces symptoms similar to those of balanitis. This infection is not so common in boys, but it cannot be discounted.

Gangrenous balanitis: is a common form of the above-described erosive circular balanitis. This type of disease is characterized by the occurrence of multiple ulcerations of varying depths, on the surface of which purulent plaque is released. This form of inflammation is often accompanied by intoxication, fever, weakness, lethargy, and lymphadenitis. In some cases, no high temperature is observed. This cannot be said to be a favorable symptom, because persistent low-grade fever does not mean that the general manifestations will be less intense. Patients sometimes tolerate low-grade fever worse than high fever. An unfavorable prognosis for this form of the disease: gangrene of the head and preputial sac.

During laboratory examination, spirochetes, anaerobic microorganisms, and various cocci are found in the scraping removed from the erosive surface. Sometimes, with the gangrenous form, bleeding develops due to large vessels entering the localization of inflammation; and also deformation of the head of the penis occurs after treatment.

This form of balanitis should be differentiated from soft and hard chancre ( the gangrenous process in this case covers absolutely the entire area of ​​the head and surrounding tissues). It is also necessary to distinguish the gangrenous form of balanitis from Fournier's fulminant gangrene . This disease is rare, but differentiation is necessary to prescribe effective therapy, which differs for these two diseases.

Ulcerative-pustular balanitis: differs in that on the epidermis of the head of the penis there are small purulent pustules, which gradually turn into deep ulcerations with a purulent coating. The course of this form of balanitis is extremely acute, with a tendency to frequent relapses that are difficult to cure. Just as in other forms of the disease, diagnostic differentiation is first made from herpesvirus infection and from treponema pallidum. It is believed that the main etiological cause of ulcerative pustular balanitis is coccal infection, but this has not yet been confirmed.

Candidal balanitis- This is a common manifestation in men of such a disease as urogenital candidiasis. Characterized by severe swelling of the head; hyperemia; spots of different sizes and shapes; white discharge, with an accompanying sour, unpleasant odor; burning and itching sensation. The second name of the disease is male thrush.

Circinar balanitis refers to specific forms of the disease and is characterized by the presence of clearly defined spots on the head of the penis. Is a manifestation Reiter's syndrome (a disease combining the manifestations of allergies and infections). Often found in patients diagnosed with chlamydial infection. Typically, there are no subjective symptoms.

Xerotic balanitis also refers to manifestations of Reiter's syndrome and chlamydial infection. Characterized by dryness of the head of the penis and small exfoliations. The disease is accompanied by burning and itching of varying intensity. Occasionally, this type of balanitis can accompany skin diseases.

Allergic balanitis is a consequence of the development of genital allergies. Its symptoms are similar to those of erosive balanitis. The allergen is latex. The patient cannot use latex condoms. Occasionally, there are cases of an allergic reaction localized to the genitals, which occurs after oral administration of an allergen ( for example, sulfa erythema). In this case, this allergen is sulfonamide drugs.

Anaerobic balanitis: caused by microorganisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis. These microbes are anaerobic, that is, they do not use oxygen to carry out their life processes. This type of disease is characterized by erythema of the glans and foreskin, as well as a sticky and slippery, unpleasant-smelling coating in the coronal sulcus. It is characteristic that this form of the disease can heal itself. It often occurs in boys.

Balanoposthitis in women

Candida fungi in men are the cause of the development of candidal balanitis ( or male thrush). In women, these same fungi, when transmitted sexually, cause the development of vulvovaginal candidiasis. This is one of the most common gynecological female problems.

The symptoms resemble those of balanoposthitis in men.

  • Burning on the labia.
  • Thick discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain during coitus.
Thrush is characterized by the fact that it gives constant relapses, and it is quite difficult to cure it.

Advanced cases of the disease require appropriate “heavy artillery” in the form of a long course of local and general antibiotics.

In chronic forms of inflammation, medications are no longer effective. Therefore, in such cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

Surgical manipulation consists of cutting the foreskin and circumcising it after the clinical manifestations have subsided. It is especially important to remember this for those patients who have been diagnosed with concomitant infectious diseases and predisposing conditions ( immunodeficiency conditions, allergic dermatitis).

In severe forms of the disease ( for example, with erosive circular form of balanitis) the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is recommended. If a secondary infection occurs, doctors combine antibiotics with sulfonamide drugs in their therapeutic tactics. Rinsing with antiseptic solutions and herbal infusions are prescribed as local agents.

In case of the gangrenous form of the disease, it is advisable, in addition to the combination of sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics, the local use of acidic antiseptics: oxygen water, potassium permanganate, silver nitrate; as well as various healing ointments ( Solcoderm and Pantoderm, for example).

In such cases, it is also advisable to organize epidemiological surveillance of the patient. This is especially important in cases where a double infection is diagnosed ( for example, syphilis). The organization of epidemiological surveillance consists of careful monitoring of laboratory tests and examination of the patient’s sexual partner for infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

During the acute stage of inflammation, sexual intercourse should not be performed; if balanitis occurs due to phimosis, you cannot try to open the head of the penis on your own, as this risks pinching the head by the narrowed foreskin and impairing blood circulation. The consequence of this may be the development of gangrene of the penis. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis, and occasionally at home.

Treatment methods at home

If the patient is diagnosed with phimosis, treatment will be carried out only surgically. Otherwise, you can be treated at home if you follow all the recommendations received from the doctor.
  • Maintaining hygiene at all times ( washing the penis with soapy water, treating the glans with furatsilin, peroxide; baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate). In this case, you should, if possible, open the head and clear it of accumulated smegma.
  • Treatment of the area affected by inflammation with ointments and creams as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Strengthening the immune system, hardening, physical activity, balanced and vitamin-rich nutrition.

Of course, the main thing in home treatment is the doctor’s constant monitoring of the course of the disease. If necessary, the doctor will adjust the prescribed treatment.

Traditional treatment

The most popular method of treating balanitis and balanoposthitis ( as is known, these two diseases in most cases initiate the development of each other, which is why they rarely occur separately) is the application of an aloe leaf to the affected area. The aloe leaf is washed and cleared of thorns, then the top layer of skin is cut off. After these preparations, the cleaned side of the leaf can be applied to the head of the penis. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the patient feels relief.

The second method is to prepare sage infusion. Sage can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk. Two tablespoons of sage are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and allowed to brew. The infusion is used for local treatment: a gauze compress is moistened in the infusion and applied to the affected area.

To treat erosions and ulcers, use an infusion of calendula and olive oil: a third of a glass of oil and one tablespoon of calendula flowers. True, this method is very long. This mixture is infused for a week in the sun under a lid. After straining, you need to lubricate the erosions several times a day.

An effective result is shown by the use of baths from a decoction of St. John's wort. The decoction is made in the following proportion: a spoonful of St. John's wort per glass of water.

Bandages made from plantain on a sore spot are good at drawing out inflammation. Before use, plantain leaves need to be washed and mashed a little so that the juice appears on the surface of the leaf. It is advisable to do such dressings at least 3 times a day, and if you can do it more often, it will speed up recovery. A bandage with plantain is applied for half an hour; For each subsequent dressing, new leaves are used.

One of the effective methods of home therapy is carried out using a decoction of oak root. To do this, you need a small amount of crushed young oak bark, which should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water and simmered for about 20 minutes. The decoction should steep for at least 30 minutes. Washings or baths with oak broth are carried out for a week, or, if necessary, longer.

All of the above remedies against the disease, when used systematically, are very effective. But in addition, individual intolerance to any of the above components should be taken into account. Another condition for effective home treatment is an uncomplicated form of the disease. For severe symptoms, only a doctor can help.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The reproductive system plays one of the most important roles in human life, because procreation depends on its normal functioning. There are a huge number of diseases that disrupt the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, among them there are even pathologies that develop in childhood, which can pronounce a sentence of “infertility” on an undeveloped organism. Balanitis develops very often in men; the disease affects both children and men in adulthood. Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis; balanoposthitis means inflammation of the glans and foreskin.

Causes of inflammation and its symptoms

The disease develops due to the fact that, under the influence of certain factors, the production of smegma, a specific fluid, increases, which under normal conditions serves to protect the mucous membrane of the penis from bacteria. Gradually, the secretion of the glands of the foreskin accumulates under the skin, which covers the head and inflammation occurs when immunity decreases, frostbite or poor hygiene.

It should be noted that balanitis and balanoposthitis are not contagious diseases; a man during treatment, if he does not experience discomfort, can be sexually active, but it is very important that he use a condom. If the partner has a fungus or vaginal dysbiosis, the man’s symptoms will intensify.

If balanitis occurs, treatment must be carried out as quickly as possible, but without determining the cause, this cannot be done. Inflammation of the glans penis can be caused by infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases:

  • gonorrhea;
  • candidiasis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • gardnellosis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus.

In addition to infectious and non-infectious diseases, factors that increase the risk of developing symptoms of penile inflammation are noted:

  • promiscuity;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • phimosis;
  • chronic infections in the body;
  • excessive passion for masturbation and sex;
  • genital injuries;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

As can be seen from the lists above, there are a huge number of reasons for the development of a pathological process on the head of the penis. It’s good that with the help of modern diagnostic methods, half of the options can be excluded by taking a blood test. How to treat balanitis will depend on what exactly triggered the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Like any disease, inflammation of the penis and foreskin has a number of characteristic symptoms. Typical symptoms of inflammation of the genital organ include:

  • soreness of the head;
  • burning;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • purulent discharge;
  • redness of the tissues on the head and their swelling;
  • formation of small papules;
  • ulcers and minor erosions;
  • cracks and rough crust.

The main symptoms may include general malaise, dizziness, rash on other parts of the body, loss of appetite and slight fever.

Treatment of balanitis in men cannot be ignored, because in addition to the fact that the disease reduces a person’s quality of life and causes pain while walking, it is fraught with malignant formations that can develop against the background of inflammation.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis can be divided into acute and chronic forms. The acute form is characterized by the intensity of symptoms, while the chronic form is characterized by a calmer wave-like course. Treatment of balanoposthitis in men can be carried out at the acute stage, and complete recovery is guaranteed, but the chronic form cannot be treated. Doctors can only eliminate the symptoms that cause the most trouble for a man.

Methods for treating balanitis and balanoposthitis

Before treating balanitis in men, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis; for this, the doctor can refer the patient to donate blood, urine and a smear from the urethra. The doctor will decide how to treat balanoposthitis in men based on the obtained test results, age, and concomitant diseases, if any. In mild cases of balanoposthitis, treatment with ointments is carried out, but in advanced cases, injections are indispensable.

Treatment of balanoposthitis is a rather long process, in most cases it depends on the cause that provoked the inflammation. If the cause of the illness is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted, antibiotics will be prescribed for balanoposthitis.

Drugs for the treatment of balanoposthitis are selected depending on the pathogen; if the provocateur is Gradnela, Metronidazole, Clindamycin or Ornidazole are prescribed. In case of damage to the body by syphilis, Ceftriaxone and Erythromycin are prescribed. Antibiotics for balanoposthitis in men, which was caused by gonorrhea, have names such as Suprax, Rocephin and Cefixin. When affected by herpes infection, acyclovir derivatives are prescribed for therapy.

Tablets for balanoposthitis should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist; purchasing your own medications is strictly prohibited. Most of them contain a number of components that can cause allergic reactions and side effects.

Ointments and gels for inflammation of the head

Very often, urologists prescribe drugs for topical use; the ointment for balanoposthitis Levomekol has proven itself quite well. The drug has both antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Even if balanoposthitis is advanced, Levomekol ointment can eliminate the remaining pus and stop the inflammatory process in the shortest possible time.

Clotrimazole for balanoposthitis is used if there has been a fungal infection; the drug is active in the fight against fungi of the genus Candida and Aspargellus. It perfectly relieves itching and discomfort in the genital area.

Balanoposthitis cream Batrafen can be used if there is a burning sensation and constant itching. This medication has anti-inflammatory properties; it contains a complex of antimycotics and corticosteroids.

An ointment called Triderm is also used to treat the disease; it is inexpensive, but has a quick effect. The drug contains antibiotics, which do an excellent job against bacteria of different strains. If there are wounds and minor erosions, ointments for balanoposthitis in men are prescribed, such as:

  • Dermozolon;
  • Lorinden-S;
  • Hyoxyzone;
  • Lamisil;
  • Dermozolon.

The duration of drug therapy is adjusted by the doctor, but, as a rule, it is 4-8 weeks.

If balanoposthitis does not go away after antibiotics, it is necessary to conduct tests for the presence of a urinary tract infection, as well as undergo tests for tumor markers. It is likely that the cause of the disease is not a sexually transmitted infection.

Treatment of balanoposthitis caused by phimosis will be surgical; the patient will need excision of the foreskin. The procedure is not complicated, but is usually carried out under anesthesia.

In addition to antiseptics, which are presented in pharmacies as ointments and gels, you can carry out additional procedures, for example, making baths with potassium permanganate. Effective medicines can also be found among folk therapy recipes, for example, lotions with a decoction of herbs can relieve swelling in a matter of minutes. A decoction of dill root kills bacterial flora and will improve the effect of synthetic drugs prescribed by a doctor. Aloe juice, celandine and sea buckthorn oil can cope with inflammation just as well as synthetic drugs.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are very easy to prevent by leading a healthy lifestyle, monitoring your immunity and sexual relations. Preventative visits to the urologist once a year will avoid inflammatory processes and, accordingly, long-term treatment. Be attentive to your health, treat urinary tract infections in a timely manner, and you are guaranteed to be able to conceive healthy offspring.

Balanitis is a disease of the male genital organs caused by inflammation of the skin of the head of the penis.

Often, such manifestations are combined with inflammation of the foreskin of the penis, which is called posthitis.

Due to the fact that both of the above diseases are associated with each other, this disease is called balanoposthitis.

This disease is typical exclusively for men, and it can occur in both adults and children.

In women, balanitis, as a rule, does not develop, and inflammatory diseases are called differently.

Balanitis should be distinguished from pearly penile papules and papillomas, therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, you must consult a doctor who, after a visual examination, as well as other diagnostic methods, can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It should be noted that despite the fact that balanitis is a serious disease and requires timely and high-quality treatment, it cannot be transmitted sexually, unlike diseases such as candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes, etc. They can often become the initial cause of further development of balanoposthitis.

Possible variants of the disease

Types of the disease balanitis

The disease balanitis has many varieties, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics, which help to accurately establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

  • According to the clinical course there are acute balanitis, when inflammation of the glans penis begins quickly, as a rule, immediately after infection, and proceeds quite violently in its most striking manifestations.
  • In addition there is chronic balanitis, which is characterized by a sluggish course of inflammatory phenomena, with alternating exacerbations and remissions.

However, most often in men infectious balanitis occurs as a consequence of various types of infectious diseases, and not only sexually transmitted ones.

  • Also in some cases it is observed bacterial balanitis. It usually occurs when personal hygiene rules are violated, and it manifests itself in both a child and an adult man. Unlike balanitis in boys, a similar form of balanitis in men can still occur as a result of sexually transmitted infection, after questionable contacts.
  • Much less frequently, the tissues of the glans penis become infected with anaerobic bacteria, in which case the patient develops the so-called anaerobic balanitis. This type of inflammation occurs with the appearance of a characteristic plaque on the head and an unpleasant odor.
  • T Richomonas balanitis develops against the background of infection with sexually transmitted infections, and can also occur upon contact with contaminated water, for example, after swimming in an open reservoir, swimming pool, visiting a bathhouse and other public places.

Clinically, Trichomonas balanitis occurs in the form of severe itching, redness, and specific symptoms, often combined with urethritis. Trichomonas infection is often associated with other bacteria that develop intracellularly, for example, Neisseria gonorrhea and ureaplasma.

  • Chlamydial balanitis occurs as a result of infection with chlamydia. It is also called circinar balanitis and is characterized by bright spots on the head of the penis.
  • Genital herpes can develop herpetic balanitis when herpetic blisters and then ulcers appear on the head of the penis.
  • Fungi of the genus Candida cause fungal balanitis, or candida, which occurs with the appearance of a white coating.
  • Balanitis xerotica obliterans is an inflammation that develops against the background of lichen sclerosis or Reiter's syndrome. In this case, the surface of the head is covered with a gray coating, with ulcers surrounded by a white rim.


Balanitis obliterans is chronic and can cause strictures in the foreskin.

  • Also found allergic balanitis. It develops in response to contact with allergens, these can be errors in nutrition, contact with tissues, and contact with latex.
  • Balanitis Zuna, or Zoon balanitis, develops as a result of mycoplasma infection, which develops in the smegma - the lubricant of the foreskin. The main symptom of this form appears as bright red or brown plaques with a moist surface.
  • Atrophic balanitis manifested by the appearance of white spots on the head of the penis, which are important not to be confused with signs of other sexual diseases.
  • In case of illness xerotic balanitis Scales and crusts appear on the head of the penis. It is also called lichen sclerosus, one of its variants is Foldmann's flat acuminate atrophic lichen.
  • Erosive balanitis characterized by the presence of erosions. It must be differentiated from hard and soft chancre.
  • After various injuries to the head of the penis, traumatic balanitis. As a result of external influences, as a rule, cracks or irritation appear on the skin. The occurrence of such inflammation is associated with subsequent infection, in the absence of a quick response and appropriate treatment.

Balanitis disease: symptoms and signs

As noted above, balanitis can occur in acute and chronic forms.

The main manifestations of balanitis in both adults and children are itching, redness, irritation and various specific manifestations in the form of erosions and specific plaque.

Often with balanitis there is moderate or severe swelling of the damaged tissues.

When suffering from balanitis, the symptoms are presented in five groups.

  • Most often balanitis occurs with catarrhal syndrome. It is called irritative, or simple balanitis, with catarrh.
  • In this case, the process of inflammation itself can be widespread and local.
  • If formed erosive and ulcerative balanitis, then in this case the patient experiences obvious violations of the integrity of the skin as a result of the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the surface of the head of the penis.
  • Chronic hypertrophic balanitis characterized by hyperproduction of the epithelium of the glans penis. The head takes on a special appearance.
  • In its manifestation balanitis obliterans and sclerosing balanitis are characterized by a unique symptom complex.


Almost all symptoms of balanitis depend on both the pathogen and the form of its course. Balanitis cannot go away on its own and requires mandatory, timely and appropriate treatment. Otherwise, the disease will develop into more complex forms with complications.

The disease balanitis in the international classification is called plastic induration of the penis. Moreover, there is no division into types and variants of the course of this lesion.

The diagnosis of balanitis is classified by ICD-10 in the group “other diseases of the penis” and is assigned code N48.6.

Reasons for the development of balanitis

When the disease occurs, balanitis causes are divided into several groups.

  • First group - these are external factors. This type of balanitis is called primary. This may be a consequence of poor personal hygiene, when lubricant - smegma - accumulates under the foreskin in the area of ​​the folds. Its accumulation in combination with infection leads to the development of inflammation. Such balanitis often occurs in children in the absence of erectile function.
  • Second group- development of balanitis against the background of phimosis, when the head is compressed by the foreskin.
  • Third group- this is when the disease balanitis develops against the background of various types of infections, including sexually transmitted ones.
  • Fourth group- This traumatic balanitis, which occurs both as a result of external trauma and as a result of rubbing the head with rough tissue.
  • Fifth group - allergic balanitis, developing after contact with latex or other allergenic substances.

It is important to know

Internal causes of balanitis are either systemic and chronic diseases, or the characteristics of the skin and immune response. Secondary balanitis is possible due to the spread of infection from the urethra.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis often develop with diabetes mellitus, when the body's regenerative abilities are reduced. Also, the development of balanitis can be influenced by general fatigue, stress, and, as a consequence, decreased immunity.

Balanitis: diagnosis and treatment methods

In case of balanitis, diagnosis usually consists of the following stages:

  • external examination;
  • taking anamnesis;
  • laboratory tests.

In order to find out the cause of balanitis, a smear or scraping is made from the affected surface of the organ, and then carefully examined under a microscope.

Often, when diagnosing balanitis, diagnostics include inoculating the material on media and determining sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of balanitis depends on the etiological factor and can be done at home. The prognosis of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. As a rule, systemic and local drugs are used in this case.

Systemic medications include antibacterial tablets, antibiotics, and antiprotozoal drugs.. General strengthening therapy, such as vitamins, is also prescribed. For allergic manifestations of the disease, take antihistamines.

Local treatment is carried out by using antibacterial and hormonal ointments applied directly to the affected area. Baths with antibacterial and wound-healing medications are also shown. The patient can carry out this treatment at home, up to several times a day, depending on the severity of the condition and the prescription of the attending physician.

Treatment of balanitis

Treatment of balanitis in children is usually exclusively local; in this case, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the head of the penis with an antiseptic solution. Children are also given procedures in the form of baths with warm, but not hot, decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile or sage. In this case, it is imperative to slightly expose the head of the penis.


Even traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of balanitis in both children and adults can be used not after receiving information on a forum or other dubious resources, but only after consulting a doctor.

Prevention of balanitis disease and list of main complications

Prevention of balanitis and balanoposthitis is, first of all, personal hygiene. In hot countries, for the purpose of prevention and for phimosis, circumcision of the foreskin is performed. This is possible at any age after the inflammation stops.

In addition, prevention also involves avoiding casual sex and using condoms.

It is important to know

The consequences of balanitis depend on the form of the disease and how quickly treatment is started. Thus, acute balanitis in the absence of proper and proper treatment can easily become chronic.

In addition, the consequences of suffering from balanitis can be:

  • decreased sensitivity of the glans penis;
  • transition of inflammation to the urethral area with the subsequent development of urethritis in men;
  • ascending spread of infection;
  • development of strictures in the foreskin and phimosis;
  • necrosis (gangrene) of the tissues of the foreskin.

Such an ailment should not be neglected. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, seek qualified help from medical professionals.

Chlamydial balanitis is a sexually transmitted disease in which, as a result of the vital activity of chlamydia, an inflammatory process develops on the head of the penis. When this pathology spreads to the inner layer of the foreskin, chlamydial balanoposthitis is diagnosed. The causes of the disease, symptoms, and treatment methods should be considered in detail.


The appearance of chlamydial balanitis and balanoposthitis on the foreskin and glans penis of a man is associated with his reckless sexual contact with a patient with chlamydia.

The source of infection is considered to be pathogenic bacteria - chlamydia, which, under favorable conditions, easily multiply on the mucous membranes of the male genital organ. These microbes, in terms of their modes of behavior and development, occupy an intermediate position between bacteria and viruses. A feature of the development of chlamydial balanoposthitis (as opposed to balanitis) is the attachment of other pathogenic microbes to chlamydia. You can name the reasons that contribute to the spread of these bacterial infections:

The foreskin is a storehouse of smegma, which, if the rules of personal hygiene are insufficiently observed, provides a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Smegma consists of dead epithelium, sweat, urine, sebaceous secretions, etc.

An advanced form of balanitis and balanoposthitis in men can lead to the spread of infection deep into the body, affecting the epididymis, urethra, prostate, mucous membrane of the eyes, etc.

Symptoms of chlamydial balanitis and balanoposthitis

Balanitis and balanoposthitis caused by chlamydia have a somewhat muted symptomatic picture, not as bright as with other infectious diseases.

The next day after infection, a man may show the first signs of the disease. On the head of the genital organ:

  • strictly defined red lesions;
  • slight swelling;
  • itching, pain and burning during urination and sexual intercourse.

At the initial stages of the disease, destruction of the skin in the form of ulcers and erosions does not occur. Swelling and pain are mild.

If the infection is not treated, then after 2 months it becomes chronic. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • regular discharge from the urethra with an unpleasant odor;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • possible development of phimosis;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • general weakness.

The insidiousness of an infection that occurs in a chronic form is that, despite the apparent subsidence, the disease rapidly spreads inside the body, and this condition is difficult to treat.

The pathology can last for years, with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Over time, advanced infection leads to severe complications:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • gangrene of the penis;
  • lymphadenitis in the groin area;
  • and etc.

Normal sex life becomes impossible for the patient. The earlier treatment is started, the better the result will be.


An experienced venereologist or urologist can visually (even from a photo) determine balanitis or balanoposthitis. But making an accurate diagnosis, identifying the true causes and prescribing the necessary treatment is possible only after laboratory tests. To do this, biological material is collected from the mucous membranes of the patient’s genital organ: scrapings from foci of inflammation, a smear from the preputial sac, blood, urine, semen, and discharge from the urethra.

Modern diagnostic methods for studying infectious pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases are:

Cultural analysis, being one of the most accurate diagnostic methods, allows you to determine the sensitivity of a microbe to antibacterial drugs. This makes it easier to select effective drugs to treat the infection.

During the diagnosis, a study is carried out for the presence of STDs in order to exclude such serious sexually transmitted diseases as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.

Drug treatment

Treatment is designed to:

  • neutralize infectious agents;
  • increase the patient's body's defenses;
  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • prevent complications from occurring.

Getting rid of chlamydial balanitis and balanoposthitis is possible only with an integrated approach to solving this problem. Treatment of these infections includes systemic and general remedies.

The leading role in systemic therapy of balanitis and balanoposthitis caused by chlamydia belongs to broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs - Azithromycin and its analogues (Erythromycin, Zitrolex, etc.). The active substance of the antibiotic is easily introduced into the infected cell and has a detrimental effect on the pathogenic microbe. Systemic medications can be prescribed in the form of tablets, intravenous infusions and intramuscular injections. In addition to antibiotics, probiotics are prescribed to reduce the negative effects of drugs on the gastrointestinal tract.

In the fight against chlamydia, one cannot do without the use of immunomodulators that increase the body's defenses.

The simultaneous use of antibiotics and alcohol is strictly prohibited. The patient must refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages throughout the entire treatment period. To avoid re-infection, sexual partners should also undergo antibacterial therapy.

Local treatment for chlamydial balanitis and balanoposthitis is carried out using:

  • antibacterial ointments (,) and creams (, syntomycin liniment);
  • antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt,).

Antiseptic solutions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They are prescribed in the form of irrigations, instillations, and baths.

Treatment of balanitis and balanoposthitis caused by chlamydia should be carried out at home, but supervision by the attending physician is necessary. Self-medication will only worsen the patient’s condition. One of the prerequisites for successful recovery from infection is careful hygienic care of the genitals.

If serious complications occur, the patient is hospitalized in a medical facility.

Treatment with traditional medicine

As a complement to traditional therapy for chlamydial balanitis and balanoposthitis, after prior agreement with the attending physician, traditional medicine can be used.

Non-traditional treatment is based on eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease with the help of medicinal plants that have antiseptic, analgesic, healing, and anti-inflammatory effects. When using folk remedies, we must not forget about an allergic reaction to some plants.

Antiseptic decoctions are most often prepared from these medicinal plants for medicinal purposes. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of water. Boil over low heat for 15–20 minutes, then infuse and filter.

From the resulting product you can make baths, lotions, or add it to water during hygiene procedures.

The juice of some plants (aloe, plantain) can be used in pure form, only slightly diluted with water.

Conclusion on the topic

Bacterial balanitis and balanoposthitis are sexually transmitted diseases with known serious complications. To prevent serious consequences, you should promptly consult a doctor for qualified help.