How to make apple kvass at home: recipes, cooking features. Apple kvass at home Kvass from fresh apples

Kvass has long been considered a healing drink. It was prepared in every home and used to prepare various dishes. The value of this drink lies not only in the fact that it perfectly quenches thirst, but also serves as an excellent prophylactic against various diseases. The healing properties of kvass made it so popular that they began to prepare it not only from bread, but also from various fruits, berries and even vegetables, each time getting a new taste.
Apple-based kvass is a wonderful naturally fermented drink. In terms of popularity, it is inferior to its bread ancestor, although in terms of taste it is quite capable of competing with it. The reason, most likely, is that bread-based kvass is produced on an industrial scale, while apple drink, which is a little more painstaking to prepare, is often made at home.
Homemade apple kvass improves performance and serves as a general tonic; it cleanses the body of toxins and is simply a wonderful and very tasty refreshing drink.
It’s quite easy to prepare apple kvass at home, especially if you have your own garden plot. Ripe fruits without rot or mold are suitable for kvass. The variety of apples does not matter, but it is better to choose more aromatic fruits, such as “Antonovka vulgaris”, “White filling”, “Sinap”. The color of the kvass depends on the color of the fruit, so don’t be surprised if your drinks differ from those shown in the photo.
The proportions of sugar can be changed at your discretion. Properly made apple kvass will perfectly refresh and quench your thirst on hot summer days, and in winter it will delight you with its amazing aroma and fresh taste.

● To make homemade apple kvass have a sharper taste and be slightly carbonated, enhance the fermentation process by adding more sugar and raisins.
● Do not dilute malt and yeast in boiling water, otherwise they will die, and the alum wort will not ferment, therefore, you will not get a good drink.
● The fermentation temperature also affects the carbonation of kvass. The higher the air temperature, the stronger the fermentation occurs, and the “fizzyness” of the drink increases.
● With yeast, the drink should ferment in a warm place, without it - in a cold place.
● Apple kvass can be given a darker color by using burnt sugar; it is added to the still hot apple broth.
● During fermentation, be sure to cover the container with gauze to prevent midges from getting into the drink.
● To make the taste of apple kvass richer, a little berry (fruit) puree, prepared independently, is usually added to it. For example, quince or pears.
● The color of kvass is not always the same, and this depends not only on the fruits and other components added to it, but also on the variety of apples.
● It is not necessary to take sweet apples; you can also take sour varieties, but the amount of sugar or honey should be increased.
● To calculate the weight of a particular product, the Comparative Table of Weights and Measures will help you.

Prepare some kvass and drive away the melancholy!

Recipe 1. Apple kvass with coffee aroma

For this drink you need to take ready-made clarified juice. Both fresh homemade and canned store-bought are suitable. Kvass turns out moderately sweet, sparkling, with a slight sourness. Adding a small amount of instant coffee will make the color of the kvass more saturated and give it a pleasant flavor. In the summer heat, such a drink is a real salvation!


✵ water (purified or spring) - 3 liters;
✵ clarified apple juice (without pulp) - 1 liter;
✵ granulated sugar - 200 g (1 cup);
✵ fresh yeast - 5 g (or 0.5 teaspoon of dry yeast);
✵ coffee (instant) - 1-2 teaspoons.


1. Pour water into a large deep enamel pan, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add sugar and mix well until it is completely dissolved.

2. Cool the sweetened water to room temperature (no more than +30°C). If the water is hotter, the yeast will die and the kvass will not ferment.
3. Dissolve the yeast in a small cup with warm water.
4. Pour apple juice into cooled sweetened water, add yeast mixture, instant coffee and mix thoroughly until all ingredients are completely dissolved.

5. Pour the drink into plastic bottles and seal tightly. At this stage, if you squeeze the walls of the bottle with your fingers, the plastic will easily bend.
6. Leave the kvass at room temperature for 8-10 hours, and then try squeezing the bottle with your fingers again. If the plastic is pliable, leave it warm for a few more hours, and if the bottle feels hard to the touch, the kvass is almost ready. At this stage, the kvass is already tasty, effervescent and foamy (especially in the summer heat, when fermentation is very active). The taste of the final product depends on how long the kvass is kept warm. The longer kvass made from apple juice is kept warm, the better it will ferment and the more rich it will turn out. In the cold season, the ripening process of kvass can take up to 2 days.

7. Place the fermented drink in the refrigerator for another day.
8. Serve chilled apple kvass with coffee aroma in tall glass glasses or mugs. If desired, you can add pieces of ice.
The shelf life of the drink in the refrigerator is 8-10 days.

● You can experiment with the ingredients and try replacing apple juice with any other juice (for example, peach), using cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg, mint, etc. instead of coffee, and replacing sugar with honey.
● You can make kvass with or without coffee, each option is good in its own way, so we recommend trying each of them.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 2. Apple kvass with mint flavor

Apple kvass with mint flavor is an excellent refreshing drink.


✵ water (purified or spring) - 1 liter;
✵ apples ‒ 3 pcs. (medium size);
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 50 g;
✵ yeast - 5 g fresh or 0.5 teaspoon dry;
✵ lemon juice - 1/4 tbsp. spoons;
✵ raisins - 5-7 pcs.;
✵ mint - to taste.


1. Wash the apples, remove peels and seeds, cut into small slices and place in an enamel pan.
2. Carefully add hot water, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it brew under the lid.
3. When the broth becomes warm, dilute the yeast in it and leave for 15 minutes.
4. Then add sugar and lemon juice, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave to ferment in a warm place for 12-15 hours.
5. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth and place in the refrigerator.
6. For a brighter taste, add raisins and fresh mint to the kvass and serve chilled.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 3. Bread and apple kvass without yeast

According to this recipe, ordinary bread kvass acquires a pleasant apple flavor. It is better to use homemade bread kvass. If you don’t have your own drink, a store-bought one made using traditional technology will do.


✵ bread kvass - 3 liters;
✵ apples - 1 kg;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 200 g.


1. Rinse the ripe apples, dry with a napkin and grate on a coarse grater along with the peel and core.
2. Place the apple mixture in a deep saucepan, pour in bread kvass (prepared or purchased) and stir well.
3. Gently strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth or a sieve, add sugar and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.
4. Pour the finished apple kvass into bottles and store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 4. Yeast-free apple kvass

Old recipes for apple kvass do not use yeast. The drink is fermented in a cool place for 2-3 days. Apples need to be ripe, aromatic, you can mix several varieties.


✵ apples (ripe) - 5 kg;
✵ zest of 1 lemon (medium size);
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 500 g;
✵ water (purified or spring) - to the required level.


1. Sort the apples (remove broken and rotten fruits), wash and cut into 4-6 pieces.
2. Place the chopped apple pieces in a large enamel pan, add sugar and add water until all the fruit is covered. Using a long-handled wooden spoon, stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
3. Wash the lemon, scald with boiling water (then the drink will be even more aromatic and will not be bitter). Using a fine or medium grater, grate the lemon peel (zest) and add to the pan with the apples.
4. A yeast-free fruit drink should be fermented only in a cool place (do not leave it in the room, it is better to place it in the refrigerator or cellar).
5. This apple drink will ferment due to the acidity of the fruit and sugar for 2-3 days. Then you need to squeeze the apple slices very well and strain through several layers of gauze.
6. Pour apple kvass into suitable containers (bottles, jars), close tightly with lids and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 5. Classic apple kvass

A drink with nothing superfluous in its taste. Somewhat reminiscent of cider, but does not contain alcohol.


✵ apples - 0.5 kg;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 100 g;
✵ water (purified or spring) - 2 liters;
✵ fresh yeast - 10 g (or 2 g dry yeast).

Fans of kvass without yeast can replace the yeast with 30 grams of raisins and at the fifth stage increase the fermentation time to 14-16 hours.


1. Wash the apples and cut them into large slices, removing the core, seeds and stems (leave the peel).
2. Bring water to a boil, add chopped apples and simmer over low heat for 5-6 minutes.
3. Add sugar and, stirring, cook for a couple more minutes until it is completely dissolved.
4. Cool the resulting compote to room temperature (necessarily below +30°C), then add yeast (or raisins), mix well and cover with gauze.
5. After a couple of hours, foam and a slight sour smell will appear. This means that the kvass has fermented. Fermentation lasts 10-12 hours at room temperature.
6. Strain the drink through several layers of gauze and a sieve.
7. Pour into bottles, seal tightly and refrigerate. Apple kvass will be ready in 7-8 hours. Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 10 days.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 6. Apple-pear kvass

On hot summer days, cooling drinks are especially popular in the home. One of them is kvass. Try making delicious kvass from apples and pears according to a recipe that has been passed down from mouth to mouth for the last few generations and has retained its original taste and incredible refreshing properties. Fruit kvass is ideal for enduring hot summer days and invigorates even better than the usual varieties of kvass.


✵ water (purified or spring) - 4-5 liters;
✵ apples (fresh fruits) - 3-4 pcs.;
✵ pears (fresh fruits) - 3-4 pcs.;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 1 cup (180-200 g);
✵ yeast (dry) - 1 teaspoon;
✵ cinnamon (ground) - 1 small pinch.


1. Wash apples and pears thoroughly, core them and cut into thin slices.

2. Place the prepared fruits in a large saucepan, add water and put on fire.
3. When the broth begins to boil, add half a glass of sugar (the other half later) and cook the compote over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
4. Remove the finished compote from the heat and let cool until warm (from +25°C to +30°C).
5. Then strain the compote and pour into a suitable container where the drink will be infused.

6. Add the other half of the sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon and dry yeast. Stir, cover and leave for a day.
7. The finished kvass forms a film on the surface, so it needs to be strained again, poured into a suitable container (jars, bottles) and stored in the refrigerator.

Cook with pleasure!

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Step-by-step recipes for homemade apple kvass with raisins, coffee, spices, yeast, juice

2018-05-17 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


5 gr.

23 kcal.

Option 1: Classic apple kvass with raw yeast

Apple kvass is a refreshing and tasty summer drink. This is exactly what you need in the heat. Fruits for it can be taken of absolutely any type and variety. Scavengers work great; you just need to trim off the damaged areas. Additionally, for cooking you will need fresh compressed yeast in a small amount. You can't do without granulated sugar. It will ensure fermentation and give the desired taste.


  • 4 apples;
  • 0.1 kg sugar;
  • 2.3 liters of water;
  • 10 g yeast.

Step-by-step recipe for classic apple kvass

Cut the apples into quarters. Before this, the fruits must be thoroughly washed. Then from each slice we cut off the corner in which the seeds are located. The peel should be left. Moreover, sometimes kvass is simply prepared on the peel, which goes to waste after preparing jam, juice and other preparations.

Pour water into the apples and let them cook. Cooking time for fruit depends on the variety. Since they are usually summer, it is enough to let them simmer for five minutes. If the fruit is overripe, then cook for three minutes, do not let the pieces fall apart. Add sugar and turn off the stove after dissolving. Cool the compote to body temperature. It should become pleasantly warm.

It's time to add the yeast. It is better to first dissolve them in a small amount of water and then pour them into the total mass. There is no need to take out the apples. Let them remain in the kvass and continue to give off the aroma.

Cover the saucepan. You can take a lid or cloth (gauze), but just do not stretch the film; you also cannot use nylon lids for kvass. Leave for 15 hours. Traces of fermentation should appear on the surface in the form of white foam. You can simply taste the kvass.

We filter the drink and bottle it. Place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. There it will cool down and reach final readiness.

If the color of apple kvass is confusing, you can add a little burnt sugar, brewed chicory, or just coffee.

Option 2: Quick recipe for apple kvass with dry yeast

With dry yeast, kvass quickly and actively sours; they do not have such a strong smell and taste than their pressed counterpart. But these are not all the differences in this recipe. We choose apples for it according to our taste. We take the most ordinary powdered yeast from a bag.


  • 600 g apples;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 4 spoons of sugar;
  • 0.3 lemon;
  • 0.5 tsp. yeast.

How to cook quickly

Make compote from apples. Let it simmer for fifteen minutes. Then strain through a colander, sieve or cheesecloth, whatever you have at home. Squeeze the pieces to extract maximum flavor. Add granulated sugar.

As soon as the compote has cooled to 40 degrees, add dry yeast to it. Mix, cover with gauze so that nothing gets in or with a thin cloth. We leave it for five hours.

Checking the kvass. If sparkling appears and the yeast begins to work, then squeeze out the juice from a third of the lemon. If using a small citrus, you can use half. Stir and leave for another half an hour. Then we filter the drink again, bottle it and send it to cool.

The higher the temperature in the room, the faster and more active the fermentation will be, resulting in a carbonated and sharp drink. But in extreme heat there is a risk that the kvass will peroxidize. You need to check it periodically.

Option 3: Apple kvass with coffee

This recipe is for apple kvass made from juice. It is advisable to use a homemade drink or simply choose a high quality product. Often juice from packages is far from this. Additionally, you will need instant coffee to prepare a refreshing drink. It will give color and an original aftertaste.


  • 1 liter of apple juice;
  • 0.7 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 3 tsp. coffee;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 160 g sugar.

How to cook

We measure out the water and put it on the stove. Add sugar, about a whole glass. You can also add coffee right away. Bring to a boil, then cool.

Add apple juice. If desired, you can increase its quantity and make it half and half with water, that is, take two liters of each ingredient. Add yeast, stir and cover. Keep at room temperature for twelve hours.

Strain the kvass through a fine strainer or cheesecloth to remove undissolved particles. Pour the kvass into bottles and cool for five hours. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Instead of coffee, you can use regular chicory to make kvass, but in this case the quantity needs to be increased. You can also prepare a similar drink with concentrated apple compote; in this case, coffee is added along with sugar at the end of cooking.

Option 4: Apple kvass with bread

For this apple kvass, it is best to use fresh white bread. The drink will require a little more time to prepare, but the result will certainly please you. If necessary, we proportionally reduce the amount of ingredients.


  • 400 g bread;
  • 0.8-1 kg apples;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 3 g raw yeast.

Step by step recipe

Preparing sourdough. To do this, add yeast, 3 tablespoons of sugar and bread to 1.5 liters of water. Stir, cover and place in the sun to ferment. Or just keep it warm for a couple of days. Then we check. The result should be a sharp, sour kvass, but not very tasty. If necessary, you can leave it for another day.

Make a compote from apples and the remaining water, add all the sugar to it, mix and cool. We catch the apples or simply strain them.

Combine apple broth and bread sourdough. You can put it in jars or leave it in a saucepan. Cover and wait for fermentation. We check it the next day. If the taste suits you, then you can strain and bottle the drink. If the kvass has not yet soured enough, then let it sit until the next day.

The taste of apple kvass can be changed at your discretion at any time. If after straining the drink does not seem very sour, then simply squeeze a little lemon juice into it. If, on the contrary, it seems vigorous, then add sugar, honey or some kind of syrup.

Option 5: Apple kvass with raisins

This drink is based not only on apples, but also on raisins. It gives a good taste, as well as sharpness, enhances fermentation. We choose small, large, white or dark dried grapes.


  • 5 apples;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 4 spoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. yeast.

How to cook

Cut the apples into pieces, fill with water, you can immediately add granulated sugar. We set the base for the kvass to boil. Let it simmer for about five minutes and cool.

As soon as the liquid reaches 50 degrees and becomes slightly hot, add the raisins. Mix. Cool a little more and add yeast. After dissolving, the kvass needs to be covered.

We leave the drink overnight and check it in the morning. If the taste suits you, then you can strain it and put it away for cooling.

Similar kvass with prunes and dried apricots will be no less tasty; you can add fresh raspberries to enhance fermentation.

Option 6: Spicy apple kvass

This kvass is also made from apple compote, but with the addition of aromatic ingredients. The end result is an incredibly pleasant and fragrant drink that can easily replace harmful lemonade. A great option for a hot summer day. The variety of apples does not matter.


  • 800 g apples;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 1 sprig of mint;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • vanilla optional;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 10 g yeast.

How to cook

We cut the apples, throw out the seeds with cores, and leave the skin. Fill with water and cook the compote after boiling for five minutes. Add zest, cinnamon, mint and sugar. Boil for a minute, cover and turn off. Let it brew and cool.

Add the yeast to the warm mixture, stir and cover again, but now it’s better to use a breathable cloth. We wait until the kvass begins to ferment. We check periodically.

As soon as a light foam or light coating appears on the surface, you can strain the aromatic drink and, if desired, filter it. Pour it into bottles with a tight lid and leave to cool for 5-6 hours.

You can change the taste of such kvass by adding other fruits and berries, you can cook a compote with citrus fruits and use not only the zest. The juice, by the way, can be squeezed out for other purposes.

Option 7. Original recipe for apple kvass

Properly prepared apple kvass is aromatic, light and moderately sweet. The color of the drink depends on the type of fruit. Kvass tastes like cider, but is non-alcoholic.


  • half a kilogram of ripe apples;
  • 10 g pressed raw yeast;
  • two liters of filtered water;
  • ½ cup granulated sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for apple kvass

Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into large slices. We cut out the tails and seed boxes. Leave the peel.

In a kettle, bring the water to a boil. Pour it into a suitable pan. Place the apples in it and cook over low heat for six minutes. Add sugar and continue cooking, stirring constantly, for a couple of minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Cool the compote until slightly warm. Add yeast, stir thoroughly until it dissolves. Cover with gauze and leave for ten hours. Strain the drink through a sieve lined with gauze folded in several layers. Pour into glass bottles and seal tightly. Leave for eight hours in the refrigerator.

Instead of yeast, you can add a handful of raisins. But in this case, the fermentation time needs to be increased by several hours. Apples must be free of rot and damage.

Option 8. Quick apple kvass

Ordinary bread kvass will turn out much tastier, more aromatic and healthier if you add fresh apples to it and leave it to brew for a while.


  • three liters of bread kvass;
  • stack granulated sugar;
  • kilogram of ripe apples.

How to quickly make apple kvass

You can make bread kvass yourself, or use good quality store-bought kvass.

Wash the apples, cut into slices and cut out the core with seeds. Grind the fruit pulp on a grater with large sections.

Place the applesauce in a saucepan and fill it with bread kvass. Add granulated sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Strain the drink through cheesecloth. Pour into clean bottles, seal tightly with lids and place in the refrigerator for six hours.

The drink will be even more aromatic if you add citrus zest or juice. Screw the bottles tightly with corks so that the pressure does not squeeze them out during the fermentation process.

Option 9. Apple kvass “Peasant”

The basis for the preparation of this kvass is the classic yeast-free technology, when fermentation occurs due to the sugar and acidity of fruits. The drink has excellent taste.


  • five kg of peeled apples;
  • 20 g light raisins;
  • half a kilogram of white granulated sugar;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • three liters of purified water.

How to cook

For kvass, take fragrant ripe apples. Wash the fruit, cut in half and remove the core and stems. The weight of the peeled apple pulp should be five kilograms.

Cut the apples into large slices and place in an enamel bowl. Fill with filtered water and add granulated sugar. Stir with a wooden spatula until the crystals are completely dispersed.

Place the lemon in a deep plate and pour boiling water over it. Leave for a couple of minutes. Then dry and remove the zest using a fine grater. Add it to your apple drink. Cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place for two days. Strain the apple kvass and bottle it.

You can put several raisins in each bottle. The drink is placed in the refrigerator. You can consume kvass after ten hours. Okroshka is prepared on its basis.

Option 10. Apple kvass with coffee

Apple kvass can be made not only from apples, but also from natural juice from this fruit. Coffee will add piquancy to the drink. It tastes like real barrel kvass.


  • 8 g granulated coffee;
  • 5 g dry active yeast;
  • 3 liters of boiled cold water;
  • 1 liter of apple juice;
  • 220 g white granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Pour the amount of water specified in the recipe into the pan. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool until warm.

Add coffee granules, dry yeast and white sugar to warm water. Pour in a liter of apple juice here. Mix everything well with a wooden spoon.

Cover the enamel bowl loosely with a lid and leave to ferment for twelve hours. After the allotted time, filter the drink through thick cotton cloth. Pour into clean bottles and cap tightly. Refrigerate. After a couple of hours, you can drink the drink.

You can make apple juice from fresh fruit, or use a high-quality natural drink. Coffee must be of high quality.

Option 11. Apple kvass from dried fruits

Traditional Russian kvass can be made not only from fresh apples, but also from dried fruits. It only takes a day to get a refreshing sour drink with a hint of dried fruit.


  • 10 g light raisins;
  • 700 g dried apple slices;
  • 50 g rye bread crusts;
  • 5 liters of filtered water;
  • 15 g pressed yeast;
  • 500 g white granulated sugar.

How to cook

Place the dried apples on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in the oven and dry slightly.

Pour water into an enamel pan and boil over high heat. Place dried fruits in boiling water, stir and remove from heat. Cool the compote under the lid until warm. During this time, the apples will give off their aroma and taste.

Pour sugar into the warm fruit compote and crumble the compressed yeast. Place crusts of rye crackers. Stir until the yeast and sugar are completely dissolved.

Cover loosely with a lid and leave to ferment for a day. Strain the drink through a tight sieve and bottle it. Place a few raisins in each and seal tightly. Store kvass in the refrigerator.

In addition to dried apples, you can add other dried fruits. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste.

Option 12. Apple kvass with ginger and mint

Apple kvass itself is a very tasty and aromatic drink. Mint will add pleasant coolness to it, and ginger will make it even healthier.


  • four ripe apples;
  • fresh mint - a small bunch;
  • filtered water - liter;
  • white sugar - ½ cup;
  • fresh ginger - 50 g;
  • instant yeast - 3 g;
  • lemon - 1/8 part;
  • light raisins - a handful;
  • buckwheat honey - 5 g.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the mint with cold water and cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water over raisins. Peel the ginger and finely grate it. Peel the apples from the core and peel. Cut the fruit into small pieces. Place the apples in an enamel pan.

Pour a liter of boiling water and cook from the moment of boiling for six minutes over moderate heat. Remove the broth from the stove and cool.

Pour half a glass of chilled broth into a small cup and dissolve the yeast with a small amount of sugar in it. Stir and leave warm for 15 minutes. Pour the yeast mixture into the apple broth. Squeeze lemon juice, honey, chopped mint, sugar, raisins and ginger. Stir, cover loosely with a lid and leave for 12 hours. Strain the drink. Distribute into bottles and cap tightly.

The fermentation process can be significantly accelerated by adding sugar or honey. To prepare kvass, use only glass or enamel containers.

There are many varieties of kvass drink. But there are only three main ones: bread, berry and fruit. In the last group, a special place is given to apple drink, which is not only good for the body, but also very refreshing in the summer heat.

Apple kvass: traditional recipe

According to the classic apple-based recipe, it is prepared using yeast. Dry ones will not work in this case, only live pressed ones. You will need only 10 g of them per 2.8 liters of water. In addition, for kvass you need to prepare apples (1 kg) and sugar (400 g). This is the complete list of ingredients.

Sequence of preparing apple kvass:

  1. Prepare a pan (enamel), pour water into it and place on the stove.
  2. When the water boils, add the cored and sliced ​​apples. Cook for five minutes after boiling.
  3. Remove the resulting unsweetened compote from the stove and let it cool to a temperature of 30 degrees.
  4. After cooling, pour a third of the compote into a separate bowl, add yeast and sugar crushed by hand. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the yeast.
  5. Pour the compote with yeast and sugar back into the pan, stir and leave the resulting drink warm for 24 hours.
  6. After 24 hours, the kvass should be strained and poured into a three-liter glass jar. Cover the container with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Just a few hours - and apple kvass can already be poured into glasses. It is very easy to drink and has a pleasant taste of juicy apples.

Delicious apple kvass without yeast

This natural drink is obtained as a result of the natural fermentation of apples in a sweet and sour environment. No yeast is used in the recipe. All you need is water, apples, sugar and lemon.

To prepare apple juice, take apples (2.5 kg) and core them. The fruits must only be picked from the tree, that is, they need to be unbroken and without rot. Place the peeled apples in a saucepan or any other enamel container and fill with water 1 cm above the level of the fruit.

Dissolve sugar (250 g) in a half-liter glass jar. Pour sweet water into a saucepan with kvass. Also add grated lemon zest. You can also pour out the juice if you prefer kvass that tastes more sour. Cover the pan with a lid and send the drink to infuse in a cool place for three days. After the specified time, the drink must be strained and poured into a glass jar. It is also recommended to squeeze out all the juice from apples with your hands and pour it into a jar. Store apple kvass in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Apple juice kvass recipe

An excellent drink with apple flavor and coffee aroma is obtained from ordinary juice. Of course, it is better if it is freshly prepared homemade juice, but a store-bought product also makes good apple kvass.

The recipe at home involves the use of the following ingredients: apple juice (1 tbsp), sugar (200 g), pressed yeast (5 g), instant coffee (2 tbsp). Kvass can be prepared immediately in a three-liter jar.

First, the yeast must be dissolved with coffee in a glass of water. Then pour them into a jar, add juice and sugar. Stir and top up with boiled water. Mix everything again, cover the jar with a piece of gauze and send it to a warm place for a day. A window sill on the sunny side of an apartment or house is ideal for this.

from dried apples

Such kvass can be prepared both in winter and in spring, when the apples are not yet ripe, and the drying prepared from last summer is still preserved. This recipe is for 3 liters of water. If necessary, the serving size can be increased.

Cook unsweetened (200 g) in an enamel pan. Let simmer for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool to 35 degrees. After this, add compressed yeast dough (5 g) and a glass of sugar to the compote. Then cover the pan with gauze and leave in the warm dough for a day. After the specified time, pour the kvass from apple juice into a glass jar and add a handful of raisins to it. Thanks to this, the kvass will turn out sharper.

Apple kvass with carrots

To prepare kvass according to this recipe, you need to cut the apples into slices and grate the carrots. Then the ingredients should be placed in a saucepan, mixed, added yeast (live pressed 10 g) and a glass of sugar. Pour purified water (5 l) over the contents of the pan. Cover with gauze and leave to ferment in the room for a day.

After 24 hours, cover the pan with a lid and place in the refrigerator for another three days. After this, apple kvass needs to be bottled. The remaining wort can be left to prepare the next portion of the drink.

Recipe for apple kvass with raisins

A large ten-liter bottle, in which homemade wine is usually made, is ideal for preparing such kvass. It is not advisable to use metal pans (especially aluminum) and plastic buckets.

So, cut 2 kg of sweet apples into slices and place in a prepared container. Add sugar (700 g), raisins (1 tbsp.) and yeast starter. You need to make it from pressed yeast (40 g), sugar (25 g) and water. Pour the starter into a container with apples and sugar, shake a little and leave in a warm place for 6 hours.

After the allotted time, the kvass must be poured into bottles and closed tightly with lids. First leave the bottles at room conditions so that the drink begins to ferment, and then put it in the refrigerator for another 2 days. And only after this can you try apple kvass, the recipe for which is presented here. It turns out moderately sharp, with a pleasant apple aftertaste.

Making apple kvass with mint

Preparing kvass according to this recipe also begins with cooking unsweetened compote from 1.5 liters of water and apples (4 pcs.). When the broth has cooled, half of it needs to be poured into another glass container, add dry yeast (½ tsp) and sugar (4 tbsp). Place the container in a warm place to prepare the starter. When the dough rises, you need to pour it into the compote, add chopped mint and a handful of raisins.

Cover the container with kvass with gauze and leave to ferment for 12 hours. Apple kvass at home according to this recipe is prepared very quickly, but to obtain a richer taste it is necessary to let it sit in the refrigerator before use. Therefore, the finished drink is bottled and stored in the refrigerator for another 2 days and only then tasted.

(kvass): self-cooking at home

This kvass recipe was especially popular in Russia in the 19th century, and the product prepared in this way was called apple cider. According to the classic recipe, the drink matures in cellars for 6-9 months. But you can also prepare it using a simplified version.

Make a compote from 1 kg of apples and four liters of water. Cool it well and add 300 g of honey, live yeast (30 g), cinnamon (1 tsp). Cover the pan with all the contents with gauze and leave in a warm place to ferment for three days.

When the kvass is sufficiently ripe, it must be strained through a fine sieve, poured into jars or bottles, tightly closed with lids and refrigerated for several hours. And after this, kvass (cider) can be poured into glasses and served. It turns out softer than classic cider, but no less tasty.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Boil 3 liters of water. When the water boils, turn off the heat, add sugar and mix everything well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cool the water to room temperature or at least 36-38 degrees (if the water is hotter, the yeast will die and the kvass will not ferment).

Add yeast. Stir everything again until the yeast is completely dissolved.

Pour in apple juice.

If desired, add 1 tsp. instant coffee. Adding a small amount of coffee will make the color of the kvass more saturated and give it a pleasant flavor. You can make kvass with or without coffee, each option is good in its own way, so I recommend trying each of them.

Mix everything well again. Pour the kvass into plastic bottles and seal tightly. If at this stage you squeeze the walls of the bottle with your fingers, the plastic will easily break through.

Leave the kvass at room temperature for a day, and then try squeezing the bottle with your fingers again. If the plastic is pliable, leave the kvass warm for a few more hours, and if the bottle feels hard to the touch, the kvass is almost ready. In the cold season, the ripening process of kvass can take up to 2 days.

At this stage, the kvass is already tasty, effervescent and foamy (especially in the summer heat, when fermentation is very active), but if you let the drink brew, it will become even tastier!

Place the kvass in the refrigerator for another day, and then serve.

Homemade apple kvass is ready! Store the drink in the refrigerator and serve chilled.

The old recipe for apple kvass does not use yeast. The drink is fermented in a cold place for two days.

Apples need to be ripe, aromatic, you can mix several varieties. Before making apple kvass, broken and rotten fruits must be removed, washed and cut into several large pieces - 4-6 slices.

Place the prepared apple pieces into a large enamel pan, cover them with sugar and pour in water. You need to pour in enough water to cover all the fruit. Using a long-handled wooden spoon, stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Wash a medium-sized lemon, scald with boiling water - then the drink will be even more aromatic and will not be bitter. Using a fine or medium grater, grate the lemon peel and zest and add it to the pan. Fruit kvass should be placed for fermentation only in a cool place, do not leave the pan in the room, it is better to put it in the refrigerator or cellar.

This recipe is yeast-free - apple kvass will ferment due to the acidity of the fruit and sugar.

Leave the pan with apples to ferment for two to three days, after which the drink can be strained and bottled. Squeeze the apple slices very well, then strain through several layers of gauze.

Pour the resulting juice into bottles with corks or jars with lids and place in the refrigerator. Apple kvass is ready and you can already try it.

Recipe for apple kvass from juice

For this apple kvass recipe, you need to take ready-made clarified juice.
For one liter of juice you will need:

  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Yeast - 5 grams of live or a teaspoon of dry;
  • Instant coffee - 2 teaspoons;

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. In a small bowl or cup, dissolve the yeast in warm water, stir well and add instant coffee.
Pour sugar into boiled water, stir well until it dissolves and add the yeast mixture.

The juice drink should ferment in a warm place for 8-10 hours. When you decide how to prepare apple kvass, do not get confused - with yeast, the drink should ferment in a warm place, without it - in a cold place.
Pour the fermented drink into bottles or jars, close the lids tightly and put in the refrigerator.

Serve the prepared drinks in a large glass or mug, chilled or with ice cubes added.