Dream interpretation of bees hive. Why do you dream of a beehive according to the dream book?

See a beehive in a dream- you need to remove yourself from society for a while and be completely alone. Problems and minor troubles haunt you, although you do everything possible to ignore them. However, in order to truly calm down, you need to think carefully about everything, without being distracted by everyday trifles.

Walk between hives in a dream- you don’t trust your friends, although they haven’t done anything that could be considered betrayal or even a hint of it.

Making bee hives- the dream promises you quick changes in your personal life; you will have to take care not only of yourself, but also of someone else.

Maly Velesov dream book

Hive - annoying acquaintances; without bees - loss, sadness; with bees - profit, joy, wealth.

Russian dream book

Beehive - to profit, wealth, good luck in business.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about the Beehive?

A dream in which you saw a beehive- means happiness in the home, prosperity and good luck.

Broken beehive in a dream- portends bad luck and misunderstanding from all sides for you in real life.

Azar's Dream Book

Beehive - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A hive with bees is wealth.

Jump on him- slander out of envy.

Dream book for a bitch

Beehive - profit from investment.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a beehive is a sign of favorable development of a life situation; for the sick and people with poor health- a sign of the use of the medicinal and preventive properties of honey and other beekeeping products, as well as the properties of bee venom.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Beehive - for a joyful event surrounded by people.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Beehive - good money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hive - you are loaded to the limit, you feel tired.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Beehive in a dream?

A beehive is a big profit.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A beehive is a sign that in the future you will encounter a lot of intractable problems.

If in a dream several people are watching the hive- such a dream means that in the not too distant future very wise people will come to power in the state in which you live, but it will take them a lot of time to lead the country out of the crisis.

If you dreamed that you were making a beehive with your own hands- you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise on your way.

Seeing in a dream how someone makes a beehive- means that in the future you will meet a very strong person who will have a significant impact on your life.

Stick your hand into a beehive in a dream- to disappointment. Such a dream indicates that in the future you will be disappointed in people close to you. It is possible that the one you currently consider to be your best friend will actually turn out to be an angry, envious person.

To dream of a hive in which there are no bees at all- to serious losses. Perhaps you will lose something very valuable and will be very worried about it.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Beehive - plans that are difficult to implement.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a beehive in a dream- to a profitable job.

If you dreamed that you were repairing a bee hive- you have to work hard to be hired for a more interesting and profitable job.

Did you see a beehive in your dream? In the near future you will celebrate a joyful holiday with a large crowd of people. Why else do you dream about a bee house? Dream books will tell you about various interpretation options.

According to the general dream book

Did you dream about a wooden beehive? Get a profitable job. If in a dream you had to repair a hive, then in reality you will have to prove yourself worthily in order to earn a promotion.

Seeing a destroyed hive or destroying it with your own hands is bad. According to the dream book, this means that you will make a serious mistake and lose your job, position or good income.

Why dream if another character was repairing a hive, and you watched his actions? Wait for an offer for a lucrative job in an area you are unfamiliar with. Did you dream that someone broke a hive? Some of your colleagues will be fired or laid off.

If many bee houses appear in a dream, then in reality the problem of a difficult choice will arise. It's good to see a lone bee fly into the hive. This means that someone absent will return home.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a beehive? Soon many troublesome problems will arise. Seeing a beehive also means that it takes time and a lot of effort to get out of a crisis situation.

Did you dream that you personally built a hive? There will be obstacles along the way, but you can overcome them quite easily. If in a dream someone else made a bee house, then you will be disappointed in your close friends. Perhaps some of them will show a not very good quality of character.

It’s bad if a completely empty hive appears in a dream. The dream book believes that in reality you will lose something very valuable and will worry about it for a long time. A hive with bees filled to capacity with honey marks the onset of a favorable period in all respects.

Why do you dream of a hive with bees, without them?

Did you dream of a hive with bees? In reality, people you know will bother you. If in a dream the house was without bees, then get ready for loss and sadness. A hive with beneficial insects also symbolizes profit, great joy, and also excessive workload at home or work.

A hive with a buzzing swarm reflects personal hard work, which will help you achieve unprecedented heights. Have you ever seen bees flying into an empty hive? There is a possibility of changing housing in reality. Have you seen a hive abandoned by insects? You will be overcome by loneliness, hopelessness, and lack of money.

What does a beehive with honey mean in the night?

Why do you dream of a hive with honey and bees? In a dream, this is a symbol of an eventful, fulfilling life. If you stuck your hand into a hive at night to feast on honey, then in the real world you need to save in order to prepare for difficult times.

Did you happen to see a bear climbing into a hive with honeycombs? Help someone you know get a decent job and take a high position. Did you dream about honey in honeycombs? Receive rewards for work done in the form of a cash bonus.

Beehive in a dream – what to pay attention to

To obtain the most accurate prediction, you should remember as many additional details as possible.

  • hive with bees and honey - wealth
  • empty - false accusation, poverty
  • broken - misunderstanding, bad luck
  • hive for a military man - worthy subordinates
  • for parents - obedient children
  • for businessmen – business prosperity
  • for families - well-being, happiness
  • for single people - prospects
  • run into a hive - envy, slander
  • extracting honey from it is dangerous
  • knock on it - legal process
  • fumigate - improve health
  • queen bee - an insult from a high-ranking lady
  • poison - use unconventional methods of solving problems or healing
  • wax – excessive softness, indecisiveness
  • swarm - show diplomacy, dexterity

Why do you dream if the bee family left the hive? There will be death, fire, destruction in the house. If the hive is in an apartment, then a period of endless worries and troubles is coming.

A beehive with honey seen in a dream promises joy and pleasure. Upcoming events will bring variety to your life and fill it with pleasant moments. Communication with interesting people, visiting new places, useful acquaintances - this is what awaits you in the coming period.

Maintain an active lifestyle. Do not refuse incoming offers to spend time together. Plan your daily routine so that there is time for both fruitful work and good rest.

Interpretation of a dream about an inverted beehive

If you dreamed of an inverted beehive, in reality you will face misunderstandings in relationships with other people. You will have to defend your point of view in order to protect your interests and promote the proposed ideas. Certain difficulties will arise in business due to disagreements with business partners regarding the main nuances of joint activities.

React calmly to claims made against you. Try to provide strong arguments in defense of your opinion and do not allow the dispute to develop into a conflict.

Why see a hive with bees in a dream?

According to the dream book, a dream about a hive with bees is a harbinger of wealth. Most likely, you will get it well deservedly and its acquisition will be expected. All your hopes for making a big profit will be justified, and in the future you will be able to increase it. However, achieving a goal does not mean that you can now relax. On the contrary, you will have to work even harder to maintain your earned capital.

Do not weaken your position if you have firmly set your sights on achieving a certain level of wealth. Realize the full degree of responsibility for your decisions, otherwise you can quickly lose what you have gained.

The meaning of a dream about a bee's nest

If you see a bees' nest, you can count on a promotion or an offer to change your job to a more promising one. You will be involved in a new project, which, if successfully implemented, will bring great benefits. It will be possible to obtain the desired results only by working in a team.


Find out what the cards say about your sleep


A dream is a symbol of joyful events that will definitely happen to you. Sometimes it means the appearance of strangers who will bother you. This dream also symbolizes prosperity or making a profit.

A hive without bees is some kind of significant loss, with them it’s the opposite. Sometimes it means that in real life you strive for solitude, you need to move away from everyone and indulge in thinking about yourself and your affairs. Problems and troubles bother you and do not allow you to relax.

Installing hives for bees means quick happy changes in your personal life. You have to show concern for someone.


Seeing a beehive in a dream means that you need to be alone for a certain time. All sorts of minor troubles are slowly eroding your peace, despite all your efforts not to panic. And yet, in order to calm down, you will have to gather your strength and concentrate without being distracted by trifles. If in a dream you wander between hives, then in reality you stop trusting your friends, despite the fact that they gave you absolutely no reason for suspicion. Making beehives in a dream means imminent changes in your life; now you will have to take care of someone else besides yourself.


A dream in which several beekeepers appeared foreshadows the onset of a difficult period when wise rulers will come to power. Despite this, order in the state will not be established immediately, since it will take a lot of time and effort to bring the country out of the crisis situation.

If in a dream you built a hive yourself, then in reality you don’t have to worry that the difficulties that arise are within your reach. Also, such dreams predict that the dreamer will meet an extremely powerful person who will have a significant impact on his life.

Major misfortunes await the one who saw hives without bees in a dream - you are destined for experiences due to the loss of something that is of great value to you.

Serious disappointment is predicted by a dream in which you happened to stick your hand into a beehive. That person who pretended to be your closest friend for a long time will turn out to be a cruel and envious person.

Found in the following interpretations:


Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

In general, bees are a good symbol. They promise a person profit and prosperity. Dream books will help you understand in more detail why bees dream.

  • In Vanga’s dream book, bees symbolize irresponsibility and self-interest. The clairvoyant is sure that insects from a dream suggest that these are the qualities that predominate in a person’s character. They need to be actively fought.
  • According to Miller, bees promise good luck and profitable deals related to money. For parents, a dream with these insects promises pride in their heirs.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus suggests that bees from a dream turn out to be harbingers of a large monetary win. The more insects there are around the sleeping person, the more impressive the jackpot he will win.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream/a lot

  • It happens that a swarm of bees flies over the head of the dreamer’s ill-wishers in a dream. This is a clear sign that the enemy will soon be defeated and will not have time to add problems to a person’s real life.
  • Did a huge number of insects fly in the apiary? You should boldly decide to change jobs, no matter how good and promising your current one may seem. A new place will bring a person not only great money, but also long-awaited moral satisfaction.
  • A large swarm in a hive portends real wealth to a person. Soon the sleeper will have a chance to get it easily.

Bees that bite and sting

Are bees biting a sleeping person in a dream? In reality, it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. This applies even to the closest friends, whom the dreamer endlessly trusts. Perhaps one of them wants to offend him. Another interpretation of such a plot foreshadows the loss of a job.

If you manage to remember the place where the sleeping person was stung by a bee, this point also needs to be taken into account when understanding the meaning of the dream:

  • in the neck - to gossip and rumors that ill-wishers will spread about a man or woman;
  • on the lips - in real life you need to carefully control your words, otherwise one extra phrase can provoke a serious conflict around the sleeping person;
  • in person - a person will have an unpleasant conversation with parents or management at the workplace;
  • in your hand - you can expect big profits.

If the insect stings without pain and no traces of the collision remain on the dreamer’s body, then there is nothing to worry about. This only symbolizes that success and good luck await the person. Did you experience severe pain when bitten? In reality, you will have to work hard to cope with all the things you have started.

For representatives of the fair sex, a dream with a bee sting in the stomach or genitals promises a quick addition to the family. If an insect stings a girl painfully, pregnancy will be unwanted.

The sleeping person's body is completely covered by bees, but they do not sting? It's time to start implementing your plans immediately, because a very favorable period has come for this.

Dreamed about bees and honey, meaning

In a dream, bees and honey together are very favorable harbingers. If they appear right in the sleeping person’s house, it means that you can expect joyful changes soon. It is difficult to determine in advance which ones - it all depends on the desires of the dreamer himself. This could be the birth of a long-awaited heir, or the opportunity to make repairs or change the situation.

If insects carry honey, this is a hint for a man or woman that maximum results can be achieved by working as a team. For example, when planning a business, you don’t need to try to do everything yourself, but you can safely agree to work with partners, look for investors, etc.

Did you have to eat delicious sweet bee honey alone? Such a dream plot suggests that a person has sufficient life experience to independently make important and responsible decisions. He is smart, wise and does not need anyone's advice.

Dead bees

Dreams with dead bees in most cases promise trouble for a person.

Stories in which the sleeper himself kills insects have a particularly negative meaning. They indicate that a man or woman creates problems in real life with their own hands. You shouldn’t blame others for them; you need to reconsider your own behavior.

In a dream, a bee stung a sleeping person and died? This means that a strong competitor will appear on a person’s life path, but in the end he will still be defeated.

If there were a lot of bees in the dream, then in the near future the dreamer should avoid making new acquaintances. You will also have to give up long trips and spend your evenings at home. Only in this way will you be able to protect yourself from possible troubles. The danger to the sleeper comes precisely from strangers.

Apiary and hives

If a girl watches work in the apiary from the outside, it means that soon a man, whose attention she could not even dream of, will offer to enter into an intimate relationship. Before agreeing, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Especially if the fair sex is legally married.

Did you dream of a very large apiary with large beehives? Such a plot promises the patient recovery. He will finally be able to find a suitable effective medicine.

The apiary in which the sleeper himself works dreams of a prosperous, “well-fed” life.

Why else do you dream about a bee - dream options

If a bee gets tangled in the dreamer's hair, he will soon be exposed as treason or his deception will be revealed.

This will lead to a large-scale, protracted conflict with loved ones.

An unrealistically large insect flying next to a sleeping person indicates that a person has the ability to control others. They should be used exclusively at work, but not in love relationships.

Has a bee become attached to a person and follows him everywhere in a dream? In real life, he will have to communicate or cooperate with an unpleasant and annoying person, towards whom mutual antipathy will arise. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely avoid communication.