Who is in black star. Star team Black Star Mafia: composition, history of creation

Black Star Mafia - gaining momentum, Wikipedia coming soon will give detailed information about this component division of the label of the same name, headed by Timati (formally, not even by him, but by Pasha). So, in order not to get confused in the details, our hip-hop site is in a hurry to present a detailed analysis of what it is Black Star Mafia, what is the composition of this rap association.

Black Star Inc. is a label, production center and recording studio, and Black Star Mafia is a group consisting of almost all members of the label (Timati, Mot, L"One, MC Doni, dj Philchansky, dj Kan, Sasha Chest, Scrooge, Dana Sokolova, Natan, VCVPELLV). Keyword, notes the rap portal www.. That's exactly what it is permanent composition of Black Star Mafia!

Black Star Mafia- this is part of the personnel, but by no means completely coincides with the full numerical list of the label’s artists.

Black Star- one of the most commercially successful enterprises in the hip-hop industry (let's call it that, since the roots of the style promoted under brand Black Star- rather lies in dance music than in what is commonly called Russian rap.

"BLACK STAR MAFIA" - this is the name of a whole non-production center, the founder of which is Timur Yunusov or, more simply, Timati.

The most famous are Timati himself, Egor Creed, Natan, Sasha Chest, Vlad Filatov. Less known, at least for me, are L"one; Mot; Kristina Si; DJ Kan; MC Doni.

Black Star Incorporated is a kind of association of famous creative people, the founder of which is the well-known Timati. In addition to him, the group includes: Sasha Chest, Natan, L`One, Kristina Si, MC Doni, Egor Creed, DJ Kan, Mot, DJ Philchansky. All of them are united not only by the common style of the repertoire (entertainment-commercial rap and hip-hop with dance roots)

Black Star Mafia A number of musicians who have united in a group call themselves. The founder is considered to be Timati, who brought together a number of creative people who are in one way or another connected with music. There are names that are better known to the general public, and there are some that are not yet very popular.

The composition is as follows:
The founder and music producer of the independent record label is rapper Timati. The members of the production center changed regularly. Producers Black Star Incorporated currently also Egor Gleb and Pavel Murashov. From former producers

BLACK STAR MAFIA is an organized group of people involved in music. They also record songs there. The founder of this center is none other than Timothy himself. The center includes Kristina Si, Vlad Filatov, Mot, DJ Philchansky and many others.

At the moment, the label's artists are not only those artists who are included in Black Star Mafia, but besides them - .

Who are the members of BLACK STAR MAFIA?

L"ONE - Tiger (video premiere, 2016)

Timati and L"One - GTO (Premiere of new video 2015)

Timati and L "One - Utyosov (GTO Tour, Video Premiere)

L"ONE - Yakutyanochka

Mot - 92 days (video premiere, 2016)

Mot - Day and Night (video premiere, 2015)


Timati recently announced the closure of his grandiose project. Sadly, the Black Star Inc label has come to an end. Such information appeared on the social pages of Timati, Yegor Creed, ILO and L”One. Fans, of course, cannot believe this and consider all this just a big PR campaign before the release of the new album. Therefore, there is no need to despair. Let's better remember and discuss the brightest and most talented representatives of the Black Star Mafia.

1. Timati
Timur Yunusov has long entered the major league of Russian rap. Actually, he created it himself, and then became its unofficial king. He has worked with such legendary artists as Puff Daddy, Craig David, Flo Rida, Xzibit, Snoop Dogg and many other stars. Timati has gained fans and close musical connections all over the world. At 33 years old, he has already received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic. Among other things, the musician is seriously involved in entrepreneurial and production activities.
Rapper, producer, designer, restaurateur... Timati never stops on his laurels!

2. L'One
His father dreamed of him becoming a certified lawyer, his mother a journalist. But Levan Gorozia (the artist’s real name) always knew that music was his true calling. Although as a child the boy was seriously interested in basketball. And who knows if the country would have found its favorite rapper if not for the injury. Having conquered all the radio stations, TV channels and corporate parties of his native Yakutsk, Levan went to Moscow. Here he, together with his friend Nel, created the group Marcelle. Their single “Moscow” quickly became a hit. In 2011, L’One signed a contract with the Black Star label and released the solo album “Sputnik”. The song “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” from this album became an obvious breakthrough in the musician’s work.

3. Egor Creed
As a child, Egor was a fan of the American rapper “50 cent”. He listened to his CDs for days on end. At the age of 11, the boy himself began to compose music and lyrics, and recorded everything on a voice recorder. Thus began his path to fame. Egor became known to the general public after he posted a video of a cover version of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy” online. Then even the “king of Russian rap” himself became interested in his person and began to negotiate with him. As a result, in April 2012, Yegor Creed signed a contract with the Timati production center and moved to Moscow. There he entered the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. The guy spends all his free time, despite the many temptations of Russian show business, on music. Keep it up!

4. Kristina Si
Christina Si became the first girl in the Black Star company. Not surprising, she always knew what she wanted from life. The girl grew up in the circus. Christina's father performed stunts as a motorcycle racer. Christina’s mother was involved in raising her, and she introduced her daughter to the world of music. The girl learned notes even earlier than letters. In 2008, Christina moved from her native Tula to Moscow to receive professional education. Already in 2011, the singer released a video clip for the song “I’m Starting to Forget.” This composition was on the top lines of many Russian charts for a long time. It was at this moment that Timati noticed the unusual girl. And already in 2013, Christina became a full member of the label.

5. Mot
Matvey Melnikov, known to everyone under the pseudonym Mot, has never been a “bad boy.” The future Russian rap star spent his happy childhood in sunny Krasnodar. From an early age, Matvey was engaged in ballroom dancing and was the undisputed star of Alla Dukhova’s Krasnodar studio “Todes”. The boy graduated from school with a gold medal, which allowed him to easily enter the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University. However, music always had a place in his life. Mot released his debut album back in 2011. In addition, he became a full-fledged resident of the acclaimed Soul Kitchen project. The musician gained connections and influence in certain musical circles. Therefore, Timati’s offer to join his gang did not come as a big surprise to him.

6. Nathan
“Hey, why are you so impudent?” – it is difficult to find a person who has not heard this masterpiece composition. But little is known about its performer Natana.
Nathan Mirov was born into a working-class family in distant Kazakhstan. Despite this, he began to reach for the stars from early childhood. The boy began writing poetry while still in elementary school. He began to think about a career as a musician at the same time, although he entered the acting department at the Institute of Arts. His path to fame was paved through thorns, and real success came to him only after meeting Timati. In 2013, Nathan became one of the winners of the show “Young Blood”, which was organized by the production center Black Star Inc. After which Nathan was offered to sign a contract with the label.

7. Claudia Coca
No one could believe that a modest girl from Yekaterinburg could successfully collaborate with the serious production center Black Star Inc. No one except Klava herself. Music has always been her calling. From the age of four, the girl began to seriously study vocals. And a little later - take part in all kinds of music festivals and competitions. Where she received many awards. From the age of 13, Klavdiya Vysokova (her real name) mastered playing the guitar and began composing songs herself. The girl also plays the piano, flute and drums. In 2015, Klava, at just 19 years old, released her first solo album, “Cousteau,” which quickly earned universal recognition and the love of fans. Definitely, Claudia has a great future ahead of her!

8. Karina Cox
It cannot be said that Karina’s collaboration with the Black Star label was fruitful, but definitely bright. We all remember Karina as the permanent leader of the group “Slivki”, whose songs are still played at school discos. And then there is such a sharp turn. According to rumors, Timati paid as much as 1.5 million dollars for Karina’s departure from the group. In addition, there was a huge scandal with producer Evgeny Orlov, who did not want to lose the bright soloist, who, in fact, supported the entire “Slivki” group. But Timati turned out to be more cunning. However, not even a year had passed since Karina terminated her contract with the famous label and, abandoning her “criminal” pseudonym, went into free swimming, completely changing her image.

9. Dzhigan
Another famous ex-gang member. His entire career is an example of hard work and unshakable self-confidence. And it all started in Odessa, when a sailor dad gave his little son a cassette recorder and films of foreign artists. At this moment, the life of Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein, as you guessed this is Dzhigan’s real name, changed dramatically. At the age of 9, he put together his first group with the non-childish name “Shamanic Potion”. In addition to music, Denis was passionate about sports from a young age. At the age of 19, he received the title of Master of Sports of Ukraine, and also twice became the champion of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat.
Now Dzhigan is deservedly resting at the very top of “Olympus” of Russian show business. In 2015, he received several prestigious music awards. He has two charming daughters growing up. In general, life was good.

10. Dana Sokolova
Every girl dreams of receiving an offer at least once in her life that she simply cannot refuse. Of course, most people dream of marriage, but this is not about Dana. When, after participating in the show “Young Blood,” the producers invited the girl to collaborate with the Black Star label, she was in seventh heaven. However, it is unclear who is luckier here. Dana is an incredibly beautiful and talented girl. She also knows how to shock the public. Today she’s blonde, tomorrow she’s brunette, and the day after tomorrow she’s completely shaved bald. In addition, the girl writes original texts herself. In 2015, her first poetry collection “Zusus” was published. We recommend you read it.

The founder of the Black Star production center worked for several months as a mentor on the “Songs” project. He prepared young artists for stage performances and effective presentation of musical material. He turned out to be an excellent teacher: Timati’s team showed brilliant results.

Daniil Burtsev

The celebrity decided to invite three of his charges to Black Star. These are Muscovite Daniil Burtsev, singer from Kazakhstan Nazima Dzhanibekova and Oleg Ternovoy (Terry) from Uzbekistan - winner of the “Songs” show.

Nazima Dzhanibekova

On June 4, the official presentation and signing of the contract took place, followed by a grandiose private party.

Oleg Ternovoy

It is known that Egor Creed, Mot, Pavel Kuryanov - the entire Black Star team - were present at the event. Journalists, critics, and representatives of other music centers were spotted.

"New Blackstar"

Timati noted on his Instagram page that he was pleased with his choice.

“They are talented guys. We have a lot of work and a cool tour ahead of us.”

The rapper has already spoken about Nazim. He predicted a brilliant musical career for her: “She, like a machine, works around the clock. A very beautiful and gifted singer!”

The winner of the show, Oleg Ternovoy, wrote on his Instagram page: “Mom, I am a Black Star artist!” The short post collected 92 thousand “likes” in 9 hours. Subscribers congratulated the 24-year-old guy on his victory.

“You deserve it!”

On the “Songs” project he showed himself as a versatile, persistent artist. His performances were always electrifying and his songs highlighted his strong voice.

Muscovite Daniil Burtsev performed superbly in the finals of the project. This was noted by both the judges and other participants: “We have never heard such a performance. Very good!"

Timati asked fans to follow the releases and express their opinions on which cities the new artists should go on tour. There were many comments: “These three guys will probably become stars. They performed well on what seemed like a simple project, but they were noticed. Now everything will be great for them!”

, modern rhythm and blues, pop

A country Russia Russia Location Moscow black-star.ru Images on Wikimedia Commons

Black Star Inc. (Black Star Incorporated listen)) is a Russian independent record label and production company. The founder and owner of the label is hip-hop artist and music producer Timur Yunusov (Timati).


In 2006, Timati organized the production center “Black Star Inc.”

In 2007, Black Star Inc. Together with the companies "ARS" and "IlyaKireev Company" they are organizing an R&B/Soul festival called "Version 0.1". After the competition, two festival participants were invited to the label - B.K. (Boris Gabaraev) and Music Hayk (Hayk Movsisyan).

B.K.: " I knew Timati even before the competition. On “Version 0.1.” I won the Grand Prix, that is, there was a main prize, it was won by the singer from Germany Mic, and there was a separate prize from Timati, which I received».

Music Hayk: " I approached Timati in the club, even before “Version 0.1.”, met him, and he invited me to come to the audition that Pasha was conducting. I decided to try my hand there, and they noticed me. After the competition they called me and offered to join the “Black Star” team.» .

After recording a joint song with Timati “Milagres” for the STS TV channel, it became clear that B.K. and Music Hayk sound very good together. This is how a group was formed, which later received the name “Tom’n’Jerry”. In 2008, the group recorded their debut track “Love and Peace” - the soundtrack to the film “Hitler Kaput! “, and in 2009 she released a remix version of the song “You are the light for me” with Anastasia Kochetkova and took part in Timati’s album The Boss .

In 2009, producer Valery Evsikov, who had previously collaborated with Timati for more than three years and was the author of such songs as “Dance”, “Forever”, “Heaven is Crying”, “Don’t Go Crazy”, left the label.

In 2010, the Black Star Inc. label bought singer Karina Koks, who had previously been the lead singer of the Slivki group, for $1.5 million. During this time, the label released two video singles by the singer - “Fly High” and “Everything Is Decided.”

In 2012, the label signed hip-hop artists L’One, KReeD (now Yegor Creed) and artist Pavel Galanin.

In the fall of 2015, Black Star Inc. signs a new artist, rapper from Tomsk Alexander Morozov, known as Sasha Chest. On October 7 of the same year, a joint video with Timati, “Best Friend,” was released, dedicated to the birthday of Vladimir Putin.

In October 2015, the label held an all-Russian casting “Young Blood 2015”. 2,500 people were admitted to the casting. As a result of the casting, Scrooge, Claudia Coca and Dana Sokolova became the new artists of the label.

On October 10, 2016, on the eve of the tenth anniversary of its founding, an image appeared on the label’s official website representing a crossed out logo and the inscription “The end.” Similar images were posted on social networks on the pages of the label and its artists. Among fans and journalists, there were versions of the closure of the label, or a PR campaign related to rebranding or the release of a new album. Next day online edition Life, citing a source close to the company, reported that what is happening is a marketing ploy before the upcoming rebranding.

At the beginning of March 2018, R’n’B singer Kristina Si left the label.

In September, the label signed Philip Kirkorov [ ], with which they released the video “The color of the mood is black” [ ] .



Current composition

  • Timati (since 2006, label founder)
  • L'One (since 2012)
  • Egor Creed (since 2012)
  • Mot (since 2013)
  • Nathan (since 2013)
  • Doni (since 2014)
  • Kan (since 2014)
  • Misha Marvin (since 2015)
  • Dana Sokolova (since 2015)
  • Klava Koka (since 2015)
  • Scrooge (since 2015)
  • Nazima (since 2018)
  • Terry (since 2018)
  • DanyMuse (since 2018)

Former members

  • DJ Dlee (2007-2009)
  • Karina Cox (2010-2011)
  • Music Hayk (2007-2012)
  • Lucky (2012)
  • Pavel Galanin (2012)
  • DJ MEG (2007-2012)
  • B.K. (2007-2012)
  • Dzhigan (2008-2013)
  • Fidel (2013-2014)
  • DJ Miss Dippy (2014)
  • Sasha Chest (2015-2016)
  • Vander Phil (2017)
  • Kristina Si (2013-2018)


  • Pavel Murashov - music producer of Black Star inc.
  • Egor Gleb - sound producer of Black Star inc.
  • Roma Chulenbaev - “DJ Re$mash”, founder of Black Star Kids in the city of Shakhty, hidden agent of Yegor Bulatkin (Egor Creed)
Former producers
  • Valery "Garage.Raver" Evsikov
  • Alexey "DJ Dlee" Tagantsev
  • Boris "B.K." Gabaraev


  • 2009 - “The Boss” (Timati, studio album)
  • 2012 - “VKLYBE.TV MUSIC COLLECTION - DJ M.E.G.” (DJ MEG, mixtape)
  • 2012 - “Happy...” (Music Hayk, mixtape)
  • 2012 - “Frozen” (Dzhigan, studio album)
  • 2012 - “SWAGG” (Timati, studio album)
  • 2013 - “Sputnik” (L’One, studio album)
  • 2013 - “Dash” (Mot, mini-album)
  • 2013 - “” (Timati, studio album)
  • 2013 - “Music. Life." (Dzhigan, studio album)
  • 2013 - “Everything will be” (Black Star Inc., collection)
  • 2014 - “#STONE QUARRY” (DJ Philchansky and DJ Daveed, mixtape)
  • 2014 - “Azbuka Morze” (Mot, studio album)
  • 2014 - “Lonely Universe” (L’One, studio album)
  • 2014 - “Don’t even think” (group “Panama”, mini-album)
  • 2014 - “Audio Capsule” (2014, mini-album)
  • 2015 - “Bachelor” (Egor Creed, studio album)
  • 2015 - “Car enthusiast” (L’One, mini-album)
  • 2016 - “Inside Out” (Mot, studio album)
  • 2016 - “Olympus” (Timati, studio album)
  • 2016 - “92 days” (Mot, studio album)
  • 2016 - “From Where I Am” (Scrooge, mini-album)
  • 2016 - “#QUARRY 2” (DJ Philchansky and DJ Daveed, mixtape)
  • 2016 - “Gravity” (L’One, album)
  • 2016 - “Light in the Darkness” (Kristina Si, album)
  • 2017 - “What do they know?” (Egor Creed, studio album)
  • 2017 - “Good Music of Keys” (Mot, album)
  • 2018 - “Hearse” (Scrooge, mini-album)
  • 2018 - “Thoughtfall” (Dana Sokolova, album)
  • 2018 - “Dance” (Misha Marvin, mini-album)


  1. International festival "Version 0.1". InDaRnB.ru (May 4, 2007). Retrieved April 30, 2013. Archived April 20, 2013.
  2. Tom and Jerry group: “It’s up to good songs to get people used to r’n’b.” rnb-music.ru (April 8, 2008). Retrieved April 30, 2013. Archived April 20, 2013.
  3. Music Hayk on the InDaRnB website
  4. Dmitry Kovalchuk. Timati terminated his contract with the producer. Life(November 11, 2009). Archived April 20, 2013.
  5. Tatiana Pustynnikova. Karina Koks left the group “Cream” for Timati. Life(July 14, 2010). Archived April 20, 2013.

During the year of the existence of his own label, Timati lit up many stars. Many of his wards remained to work with the producer, because he, like no one else, knows how to make stars out of them, but there are also those who decided to go “free swimming”. The first rapper Dzhigan left Black Star. Why this happened, we’ll figure it out further.

Dzhigan's career in Black Star

Rapper Dzhigan began working with Timati in 2008. During his six years under the wing of his mentor, he released two solo albums and recorded many tracks together with representatives of the pop scene. Duets have become a kind of “trick” of the rapper. During his career, he collaborated with Anna Sedakova, Zhanna Friske and Yulia Savicheva. At first he was a “dark horse” and did not stand out among other wards, but later he began active work. After the release of his second album, Dzhigan left Black Star; why this happened is still unclear to fans.

The peak of this performer's fame was the end of 2009, when he released a hit with Anna Sedakova. In the summer of 2010, a joint track with Timati was released on the song “Know” and almost simultaneously with it a joint work with Yulia Savicheva - “Let Go”. Everyone noted the excellent combination of female vocals with brutal rap. Later there was an equally successful track “You Are Next”, recorded with Zhanna Friske.

From spring 2012 to autumn 2013, he worked on his second album, which became a continuation of the first “Frozen”. The second record “Music. Life" gave fans a lot of positive emotions. It also featured several joint compositions (with Loya and Polina Sky), but it also included the solo work “To the End of the World.”

Why Dzhigan left Black Star inc.

Immediately after the release of his second album, the rapper leaves his producer. In 2013, the label lost several artists, including Lucky and the Buhar Jerreau trio. Fans explained this widespread “free swimming” by the fact that artists are becoming popular and want to work for themselves, so as not to give part of the fees to producers.

So, Dzhigan left Black Star. Why he made this decision remained a mystery until the end. In the interview, he spoke quite correctly, dismissing assumptions about a personal conflict with Timati. He himself refrained from making statements to the press, but Dzhigan said that he wants to realize himself as a solo artist and has a different vision of music. He decided to take a different path. Journalists suggested that the guy was tired of constantly working on duets.

Was the breakup really amicable?

Immediately after the breakup, the rapper flew to Miami on vacation with family and friends. There he began filming a new video, in which he collected all the stereotypical images - a beautiful life, black and busty girls. At the same time, articles began to appear that Dzhigan had left Black Star. The reasons given were the following: personal conflict with producers and fatigue from the pop repertoire. Photos from the set of the new video confirmed the latest version.

The scandal between rappers broke out only in 2015. Apparently, by that time a personal conflict had begun between them. Timati did not comment on his Instagram page that Dzhigan left Black Star; the producer has not yet explained why this happened. Instead, he noted a photo of Dzhigan from the south of France, filled with all the trappings of a luxurious life, and called him “an average sucker.” After this, it became clear that the break in cooperation, at least for one of the parties, was not peaceful. He later deleted his sarcastic comment, but both fans and members of the press had already noticed it.

How Dzhigan commented on the scandal

After the post from Timati appeared, speculation began to appear again that Dzhigan had left Black Star. Why did this happen, journalists and fans wondered. Denis (the artist’s real name) behaved quite diplomatically here too. He did not talk about grievances and conflicts, but preferred to say that he considered the publication of his photo a joke. After all, Timati later deleted the tag and his sarcastic post.

In addition, Dzhigan said that he did not consider this appeal a personal insult. Rather, it served as an example that photos on Instagram do not always tell about a person’s real life. Regarding his financial situation, Dzhigan joked that he has enough to live on. The photo was taken during a wild celebration of the rapper’s birthday at one of the most expensive resorts, so Timati’s words should not be taken seriously. Now he continues to work actively and delight fans with new tracks.