Anahata chakra: where is it located, what is it responsible for, how to open it? Anahata chakra: what it is responsible for and where it is located.

The Anahata chakra is located at the level of the heart, it is responsible for emotional manifestations, expression of feelings, openness, sensitivity, love, responsiveness. Translated, the name of the heart chakra sounds like “a drum that plays forever.” It allows you to notice the beauty of the world around you, understand the cyclical nature of everything that happens on Earth, and see the harmony of the world. A person with a developed heart chakra is capable of devotion in love.

a brief description of

Anahata is the fourth in a row. As for its location, it is located approximately in the middle of the chest, separating the lower and upper chakras. Thanks to it, the movement of energy is carried out as necessary. The heart chakra is symbolized by a six-pointed green star. Anahata can be described as the energy center of love, responsible for the sensual subtle body, as well as for the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Love has many definitions, and Anahata offers her own interpretation. Having studied its meaning, we can define love as the ability to show sensitivity and care, to feel compassion and empathy. This easily explains why people with healing abilities have an energetic assemblage point at the level of the heart. Only such people know how to treat diseases with the help of magical influences, they experience true love for all life on Earth, know how to come into contact with Higher Powers, and it is easy for them to find a common language with people.

The green chakra makes the heart open and sensitive, giving it the ability to selflessly give and receive love.

Anahata personifies the unconditional love of the Creator, which cannot be explained logically. It combines the physical and spiritual manifestations of love, even despite the fact that the sex chakra is more responsible for physics.

Healthy Chakra State

Cheating in relationships may be due to the fact that the anahata chakra is poorly developed. When the love center is in a healthy state, a person is not tempted to cheat. On the contrary, he likes to remain faithful, realizing the true value of family. Such people feel great in marriage, they love and are loved. They are characterized by love for all living things, they feel the Creator and see his manifestation in every creature born on Earth.

A person with a healthy Anahata gets great pleasure from contemplating landscapes; often these people have psychic abilities and know how to heal by turning to natural forces. Such an individual does not have psychological blocks and complexes; he does not tend to experience fear, which is the opposite of a feeling of love.

Those with a healthy heart chakra are not afraid to demonstrate their own weaknesses; they feel self-confident, do not experience internal contradictions, and are good at perceiving the emotional manifestations of others. They themselves are not used to restraining their emotions, not seeing any point in it. These are excellent psychologists who can easily read the thoughts of their interlocutor in his eyes.

Intuition is remarkably developed, thanks to this they are very insightful, and others are drawn to them. Sometimes it seems that after a conversation with such a person there is no trace of problems left, and the difficulties disappear on their own. Opening the chakra allows you not to experience any difficulties in communication. Such people are not characterized by arrogance, a sense of superiority, contempt, or greed. They sincerely want to help everyone around who needs support and help. Intuitively, they always know how to support a person and how they can cheer him up at the moment.

Manifestations of imbalance

If the heart chakra is out of balance, poor development will manifest itself as a tendency to respiratory diseases. The following ailments may appear:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • nervous tension for no reason;
  • inability to relax;
  • nervousness.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, for which Anahata is responsible, are often tormented. These are pain in the heart, too low or high blood pressure. The presence of such symptoms makes you wary.

The most striking manifestation of an unhealthy Anahata is the inability to remain faithful to one’s soulmate. Such a person cannot help but cheat and is constantly pulled “to the left.” At the same time, he considers himself an owner, does not respect his partner, lives in two families and experiences withering jealousy. The fear of being abandoned is extremely great, so a jealous person strives to control literally every step of his significant other, constantly experiencing unfounded suspicions.

A similar portrait is typical for people with a problematic 4th chakra. What the heart center is responsible for and how to heal it is a topic that is rapidly gaining popularity. Everyone wants to solve problems in their personal life by healing Anahata. In relationships with a partner, many people are now really disappointed, believing that the reason for the misunderstanding is the other half, and not themselves. Although in most cases both are to blame.

Personal Description

Continuing the description of a person with an unopened heart chakra, it must be added that such a character often clings to outdated relationships, fearing being rejected and being left alone. The fear of rejection provokes a person to keep all his feelings and emotions under lock and key and not trust anyone. Having become interested in esotericism, such an individual may show interest in the 4th chakra - especially with regard to what it is responsible for, how it is revealed, what resources it provides in a healthy state.

Having worked on this topic, a person gets a chance to increase the level of awareness and, as a result, solve many of his problems. If a person is convinced that she cannot be loved and is unworthy of it, new knowledge is unlikely to help her. Such people are cold, smile little, are rude and unsympathetic. They may give up the intention to start a family only for the reason that one day they may be abandoned.

Sometimes they do enter into a relationship, but with their mistrust and suspicion they hurt their partner, who ultimately cannot stand the tension and leaves. People with problematic Anahata do not believe in miracles and see the world around them in negative terms. This is due to the fact that the power of faith enters the subtle body through the heart center, which, being closed, forces the person to avoid emotional manifestations and avoid sincere feelings.

The love of such an individual is very far from Divine. Romantic manifestations are accompanied by selfishness, inadequate jealousy, and the desire to control a partner. Sometimes such people ridicule the feelings of others, explaining them as their inability to be strong. An imbalance can manifest itself in another way: a person behaves obsessively, clings to others, considers his opinion to be the only correct one, and gives advice that no one asked him for. When the heart is blocked and it is impossible to accept love, energy depletion can occur, leading to weakness, anger and resentment towards everyone.

Connection with the physical body

Anahata communicates with the body through the heart muscle. Any ailments related to the cardiovascular system indicate an unhealthy green chakra. Besides the heart Anahata also influences:

  • on the upper back area;
  • dermis;
  • body resistance;
  • circulation;
  • chest, hands;
  • respiratory system.

Frequent grievances can cause pressure surges, irritation, hypertension, despondency, apathy, and a feeling of hopelessness. If a person fails to accept and love himself, he may suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. After all, breathing personifies the ability to feel life and humbly accept everything that happens in it. An unhealthy heart chakra can make itself felt by the appearance of asthma. When a child suffers from an illness, the reason often lies in the parents, who literally suppress the child with their love.

Methods of harmonization

Typically, the period of development of the heart chakra occurs between the ages of 13 and 15 years. At this time, as a rule, disturbances in its functioning occur. If the child is deprived of parental love or the father and mother do not know how to express their feelings in the form in which the child needs them, Anahata may be blocked. But the situation can be corrected even in adulthood. Most of all, people who are going to become white magicians, healers, and bioenergeticists need to open their heart center. One who does not feel anything is not able to help another.

One of the ways to pump up the fourth chakra is mantras. In the case of Anahata, this is the mantra “Yam”. Many people underestimate the power of mantras, although in fact they allow you to develop your chakras well. You can not only listen to magic mantras, but also sing them.

It is also possible to open Anahata through aromatherapy, try it:

  • take a bath with aromatic oils;
  • mix healing oils into cosmetics;
  • arrange aromatherapy sessions at home.

The aroma of sandalwood and cedar helps improve the condition of the heart chakra. As for stones, it is recommended to use any stones of greenish shades.

There are other ways to reveal Anahata. If incense and mantras are not your thing, you can do without them. Give yourself the right to be yourself, stop strenuously struggling with shortcomings.

Accept your weaknesses and love them with all your heart. In order to get rid of vices, you must first accept them. Once you love yourself, you will notice how the attitude of others changes.

Increase your self-confidence, do what you like, and people will begin to gravitate towards you. Remember that you are unique, and there is no one else like you on the planet. Develop empathy and the ability to empathize, refuse to judge others, even when someone is really to blame. When you mentally give people the right to make mistakes, you will immediately feel that you yourself can make mistakes, and you will stop punishing yourself for every slight mistake.

Learn to look at the situation not only with your own eyes, but also through the eyes of another, then the understanding will come that everyone learns their own lessons, and there is no point in teaching and blaming. The fact is that when judging another person, a person gets a block in his ability to sympathize, and ultimately harms himself.

Source of love

In order for sensitivity and softness not to be perceived as weakness, it is important to simultaneously strengthen the inner core.

Don't take other people's troubles too seriously, and then you won't lose a lot of energy. If you are interested in the heart chakra, you know where it is located.

Located at the level of the heart, Anahata, in the process of its activation, makes itself felt by certain sensations. Blooming, it causes warmth in the chest, vibration at the fingertips, and the most incredible emotions. This is a feeling of lightness, a feeling of magical flight, weightlessness, soaring in air space. And it is not surprising, because the Anahata chakra has a corresponding meaning - it personifies harmony and love.

When the source of love is revealed, a person finds true happiness, which is destined for him by heaven. Each new day is perceived with joy, and life begins to seem like an interesting adventure. I want to love life, give my love to loved ones and enjoy every moment I live.

Attention, TODAY only!

“Love yourself - and the whole world will love you!” - a seemingly simple formula, but not everyone knows how to apply it. Why do we so easily fall in love with another person, turning a blind eye to all his shortcomings, but we cannot accept and love ourselves? Probably the reason is the inharmonious work of the Anahata chakra.

Where is the Anahata chakra located and what is it responsible for?

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is located in the heart region. This is where sincere love is born - for yourself, another person and the whole world. It is no coincidence that, wanting to express how strong our affection is, we say: “I love you with all my heart.”

If the Anahata chakra is not active

The heart chakra bestows the ability to compassion and forgive. “Put yourself in the other person’s place, feel what he feels,” her voice sounds like a refrain. However, at the same time, Anahata keeps a person’s own “I” intact, not allowing him to dissolve in other people’s problems. Therefore, one of the signs that something is wrong with the chakra is excessive concern for the lives of others, when one’s own needs are left unattended. They say about such a person: “He takes everything too close to his heart,” which gradually undermines his psyche, knocking him out of his internal balance.

People with a closed Anahata often suffer from unrequited love or are too dependent on the sympathy of others. They are dissatisfied with themselves, fear being rejected and lonely.

Tearfulness is another signal of inharmonious functioning of the heart chakra. In the form of tears, unexpressed emotions, unspoken grievances and claims that have “clogged” Anahata come out.

Problems with the chakra are also “read” in irritability, constant dissatisfaction with life and rapid fatigue. It is difficult for a person with blocked Anahata, literally and figuratively, to breathe deeply. It’s as if he doesn’t have enough air to realize his full potential.

How to awaken the Anahata chakra?

In wardrobe emphasis on green and pink! The colors of the fourth chakra are green and pink. Frequently wearing clothes or accessories of this range helps awaken the dormant Anahata and maintain its harmonious work. And since the element of the heart chakra is Air, the fabrics from which the clothes are made should be light and thin, for example silk and muslin.

Anahata Chakra Stones

Some gems from the jewelry box are also in tune with the vibrations of Anahata.

  • Rose quartz heals heart wounds resulting from unrequited love and someone's harsh treatment. In addition, it makes a person more sensitive to the beauty of poetry, music, painting, and awakens the power of imagination.
  • Tourmaline teaches that love is not only about taking, but also about giving.
  • Emerald strengthens and deepens love on all levels. This stone is like a rejuvenating apple for the heart and soul.
  • Jadeite endows the heart with wisdom, teaches you to see beauty in the world around you and in yourself.

It is better if these stones are inlaid with beads or pendants, the length of which reaches the heart area.

Menu for awakening Anahata. The menu for awakening the heart chakra should include lettuce, spinach, chard, parsley, dill, different types of cabbage, cucumbers, green radishes, and green onions. On a fruit plate there is a place for kiwi, green apples and grapes, pears and avocados.

Exercises to develop the Anahata chakra

  • Sit on your heels and straighten your back. Place your hands under your chest and take a deep breath through your nose. Feel your chest opening. Exhale slowly through your nose, while rounding your back and leaning forward slightly. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the level of your heart chakra for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Sit on your heels, straighten your back and spread your knees to the sides. Stretch the top of your head towards the floor. Take a deep breath through your nose and “roll” onto the top of your head, as if you want to do a somersault forward. At this time, the buttocks rise from the heels. Important: keep your body weight on your hands, with your palms resting on the floor; the pressure on your head should be minimal. Smoothly return the top of your head to its original position, extend your arms forward (palms down) and stretch your fingers towards an imaginary wall. Relax and lie there for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day on these exercises - and you will soon notice how your second wind will open!

The vibrations of Anahata correspond to the sound “Yam” - its regular singing also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the chakra. Inhaling the aromas of sandalwood, rose and cedar oils will also help to harmonize this energy center.

Since Anahata is also associated with the senses, with tactile perception of the world, a simple and useful exercise for its disclosure would be... hugs! Spread your arms wide, and then hug yourself, imagining that the Universe itself is doing this! Observe the sensations - see how this exercise lifts your mood.

Good day!

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” the great minds of humanity tell us. I suggest looking for an answer to the question of how this can be done from the point of view of yoga. Studying information on the topic “What the Anahata chakra is responsible for” will help us with this. In the article you will learn about what the fourth energy center teaches, influences and is responsible for.

What is the Anahata chakra responsible for?

Anahata is the connecting chakra between the three physical and emotional centers and the three mental and spiritual. This chakra helps to reveal all the most beautiful feelings in a person’s soul.

1. Basic information about the fourth energy center

Anahata is depicted as a circle bordered by twelve lotus petals, each of which performs a specific functional load. Inside the circle there is a six-pointed star, the corners of which symbolize the six chakras, but the point of their intersection indicates the seventh energy center - Anahata. A stem extends from the star, expressing the connection with the other chakras.

Anahata is located in the chest at the level of the heart. It represents the center of love, loyalty, compassion and care. Apparently because of the warmest and most tender emotions for which it is responsible, and because of its localization, this chakra is often called the heart chakra.

It is believed that it is thanks to it that a person discovers the ability to love and be loved, but how this feeling will be expressed depends on the state of this energy center.

This chakra corresponds to the element of air. So love, like air, should be comprehensive and pure. A person must learn to accept and appreciate this world and all living things.

The fourth energy center meets the following principles:

  • the ability to influence one’s environment (stimulate learning and manage people)
  • positive attitude towards life
  • inner freedom
  • getting pleasure from your work, which means achieving high results with minimal energy costs
  • immunity to all obstacles and temptations on the way to the desired goal
  • logic
  • dedication to your work and word

Anahata is motivated by the desire to understand the laws of the universe and their implementation, the desire to build a picture of the world and understand the essence of all processes and phenomena. This chakra is considered the second gate of the rise of special energy - Kundalini (the first is considered to be the root chakra - Muladhara).

See also There are several names for the second chakra. Svadhisthana is one of them, it is also called sacral - because of its location, orange - because of the main color and sexual, which indicates the main energy that this center controls.

2. Area of ​​influence of the fourth energy center

When answering the question of what the Anahata chakra is responsible for, we will consider its influence at different levels. To begin with, let us briefly list the main directions of its impact:

  • level of openness and emotionality
  • spiritual faith and stability
  • love and tenderness
  • control of human bioenergy
  • formation of an emotional shell
  • functioning of the chest organs and the state of the cardiovascular system

The harmonious interaction of all chakras also largely depends on Anahata.

Thanks to this chakra, we gain the ability to intuitively feel any person and, if the need arises, adapt. All this helps us fully experience the harmonious beauty of this world, which in turn contributes to realization in all spheres of life.

Anahata reveals to us pure love without an admixture of selfishness and helps us feel in harmony with the universe. And in order to achieve this, a person must first learn to love and respect himself, otherwise, instead of the beautiful, he will see only flaws in everyone and everything.

Also, the energy of faith passes through this chakra, without which a person simply loses the ability to dream and closes himself off from emotions, constantly afraid of being rejected and hurt.

Anahata teaches compassion, gentleness and openness towards other people. Oddly enough, this requires inner strength. Only a truly strong person is able to sincerely worry, support and love others and at the same time not allow self-destruction due to the suffering of others.

There must be a reasonable measure and balance in everything. For internal harmony, it is very important to learn to look detachedly at both your own and other people’s problems. In addition, this is the surest way to making the right decision and correcting a difficult situation.

The balanced energy of the fourth chakra helps to preserve your inner “I”. A person stops adapting to others for the sake of self-interest. He is sincere in his feelings and actions. The level of development of this energy center allows us to judge the emotional maturity of each person.

The Anahata chakra is also responsible for the ability to overcome obstacles, wisdom and self-control, which is very important for achieving success and self-realization.

An imbalance in the heart chakra affects men and women differently. For representatives of the fair half of humanity, the lack of harmony in this energy center leads to a complete imbalance in their lives.

Relationships in the family deteriorate, everything falls apart before our eyes, first joy and then success disappear from life. As for men, an imbalance of this chakra is not so destructive for them. They are characterized by a feeling of loneliness, which turns into uncontrollable anger at everyone.

An unbalanced Anahata, which is accompanied by a bunch of negative emotions, can cause breathing problems and lead to various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In order to prevent imbalance, you need to focus on the good and try to get rid of aggression, unjustified discontent and despondency. You can’t try fanatically to win the love of everyone around you, constantly proving something to someone.

The Anahata chakra is responsible for emotionality, which in turn affects many aspects of life. All feelings and emotions are produced in the second energy center, activated in the third, and their awareness comes in the fourth.

If you found useful information here, share it on social networks with your friends. And may love and empathy always be present in your life. All the best!

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The Anahata chakra is the center of love, loyalty and caring for others. This love is devoid of selfishness and selfishness, it is selfless and pure. The fourth chakra gives us the ability to feel the beauty of nature and establish harmony in life. She strives for unity with other people. In this article I will tell you how to open the anahata heart chakra and normalize its functioning.

This chakra is located in the sternum, in its very center. The dysfunction of the fourth chakra is evidenced by arrogance, deceit, possessiveness and fear of rejection. I have already talked about this in more detail. Be sure to check out this article.

Opening the Anahata chakra is performed in several ways, which together allow you to achieve good results. This includes chanting a mantra, meditation and working with active points on the hands and feet.

The heart chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs through which the 4th chakra is activated.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

Sit down to do the exercise sitting on the floor or on a fitness mat. Take a comfortable position with your back straight.

We begin the work with the right foot, find the active point on it and gently massage it clockwise with your thumb or index finger.

After the massage, simply press lightly on the active point. Visualize that a green ray of light is coming to this point from your thumb, with which you press. This color is delicate, not too dark, close to the color of blossoming foliage.

Continue the exercise for 15 seconds. Then do the same actions with active points on the left foot, and then on the hands. This helps unblock the heart chakra.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's do a meditation on the Anahata chakra. Take any suitable meditation pose. For example, sit on the edge of a chair or in a cross-legged position. Keep your back straight.

  1. Imagine how you find yourself in a summer forest. You are sitting on the ground, pressing your back against a wide tree trunk. Look up and you will see intertwining branches that form something like a dome above your head.
  2. The rays of the sun pass through the branches and leaves, forming amazing patterns of different shades of green behind the ground. There are some fallen leaves on the ground around the tree, some of them are fresh, bright green, others are a little faded.
  3. Observe the rich green color of the leaves, direct this light to the heart chakra area, let it cleanse and nourish it.
  4. Reflect on what negative emotions and heartache this may release. If you find something, it means that the Anahata chakra is being cleansed. Continue meditation until all negativity is gone.

This meditation to open the heart chakra will help you restore harmony in your soul.

Correspondence between chakra and element

The fourth chakra corresponds to the element of Air. This element, unlike Fire or Water, we cannot see, but only feel. Air contains prana - the vital energy necessary for every person on Earth.

The element of Air is related to breathing. When we inhale, the lungs fill with oxygen, which then enters the bloodstream. When interacting with blood, an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. The blood absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide is expelled during exhalation.

Oxygen-enriched blood moves through the arteries and disperses throughout the body.


Meditation is effective for activating the 4th chakra. Take any position. Imagine that you are walking across a field on a stormy and cool day. Feel the wind playing with your hair - you feel chilly.

Soon you see a grove, and behind it hides a small church. You move there while the wind blows leaves from the trees. Autumn is outside.

Once near the old church, you notice that it creaks and trembles in the wind. You find the latch and open it. Without any doubt, go inside, closing the door behind you.

You are enveloped in a state of peace; the sound of the wind is no longer heard here. The decoration of the church is very beautiful. Antique stained glass windows create colorful reflections on the walls and floor.

You enjoy the feeling of peace and harmony that has opened up before you here.

Reflect on the fact that similar situations occur in our lives. When you are overcome by life's storms and problems, it is so good to be in a place of rest and peace - you can take refuge there at any time.

You cannot see this place, it is like the wind, which you can only feel. But you can come here at any time to relax and gain strength.

Mantra for the fourth chakra

Before performing exercises with mantras, you should do breathing practice. Sit on the edge of a chair or lie cross-legged on the floor. It is important that no one distracts you and that there are no loud noises around.

Analyze the state of your body. Is there tension somewhere? Relax. Direct your attention to the tip of your nose. Consider whether its temperature changes when you inhale and when you exhale.

Breathing practice

Your breathing should be free and natural. Don't try to influence him in any way. Usually in this case the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. Continue doing the exercise for 5 minutes.

Then bring your attention to your heart. Visualize that it is enclosed in a circle - this is a symbol of safety and security. The circle has no corners where danger could be hidden.

When the circle becomes large, you will open up a lot of space for love. Think about a person who is very dear to you. Become aware of the feelings you have for him. Send him your love.

Then, continuing to breathe freely and naturally, close the heart chakra and reduce the circle to its original size.

Mantra Yam

The mantra of the Anahata chakra sounds like “yam”. There is another sound for the fourth chakra - “aaa”. Maybe this is the one that suits you better.

The mantra chanting exercise is performed immediately after the previous exercise. Stay in the same position. Bring your attention to your heart chakra. Imagine that it is hidden in a protective circle - in the one you created a little earlier.

We begin to chant the mantra - for the heart chakra, singing on the note “F” is better suited, but this is not necessary. First, take a deep breath and sing the sound “ah-ah-ah” as you exhale. Repeat several times.

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your lips and chant the first part of the mantra: “I-I-I-I...”;
  3. close your lips and continue singing the ending: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. then follows a new breath and repetition of the previous points.

If you complete the task correctly, you will feel vibrations in the area of ​​the anahata chakra.

As you do the exercise, visualize your heart chakra as a peaceful garden with a round pond in the center.

On the surface of the water, a pale pink lotus flower sways lightly among the green foliage. The sound of the Yam mantra emanating from it creates vibrations and ripples on the surface of the water. As a result, the lotus blooms. He gives you Divine love.

Yantra for Anahata

The sacred, mystical symbol or yantra for the anahata chakra is a circle with two triangles inside. One is directed with its apex up, the other with its apex down.

The yantra contains the meaning of the unity of opposites and the duality of human nature.

In order for a person to successfully move along the path of spiritual development, he must overcome this duality. Namely, to accept coexistence within yourself:

  • positive and negative character traits;
  • masculine and feminine;
  • creative and rational thinking.

Yantra Meditation

Take any meditation pose. Place the yantra design in front of you so that you can see it clearly. Relax, breathe evenly and calmly.

Think about the meaning of two overlapping triangles. Together they make up the Star of David. This symbol is known in Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Hindus see in it the fusion of linga (male strength) and yoni (female strength, fertility). Together they form a unity of opposites.

Think about the combination of masculine and feminine in your character. Both of these poles are contained in each of us, be it a man or a woman.

Are you able to balance these poles? Are you giving equal stress to the left and right hemispheres of your brain? Let me remind you: the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. Both should have a place in your life.

Chakras are plexuses of channels on the human energy body, around which vortices of life force occur. This concept is many years old, it came to us from yoga, but one way or another, similar knowledge is contained in every spiritual teaching. Through understanding the chakra system, you can understand the deep processes that drive people and solve a lot of personal problems. There are 7 main energy centers in humans. They are also stages of human development from the animal nature to the immeasurable heights of spiritual enlightenment. Between the animals and the spiritual chakras there is a very important center - anahata.

Heart chakra

Anahata is located in the center of the chest, close to the heart. Its color is green and its element is air. The heart center has 12 petals, which means 12 streams through which energy flows into it.

They are designated by the following letters: Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Nam, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, Jnam, Tam, Tham. In the middle of it are two crossed triangles.

A triangle with an upward apex symbolizes the spiritual path of development or the masculine principle (Shiva), and a triangle with a downward apex symbolizes the path of material decline or internal strength and the feminine principle (Shakti).

Crystals such as aventurine and rose quartz correspond to this chakra.

This chakra is responsible for feelings such as compassion, nobility, and the ability to love. The love that comes from anahata should not be confused with what is commonly called this word today. Now this is the name for sexual desire, selfish possession and mutually beneficial cooperation. Modern “love” is built on the desire to receive something or possess someone (check out).

The heart center contains all-encompassing and selfless love that does not demand anything in return. This is where true spiritual development begins. To successfully practice yoga, a person must be at the anahata level, since falling lower can seriously harm his practice.

Physical manifestations

At the location of anahata is the thymus gland. It has been proven that it actively works in childhood, but as it grows older it begins to decrease and lose its functions. In the first years of life, this gland influences the child’s immune system, protects him from diseases, and helps him grow strong and healthy. If this part of the endocrine system does not work well, then the baby will have poor health, and colds will become his constant companions.

If a person has an undeveloped heart center, he will often experience envy, jealousy, and irritability. This leads to very tangible health consequences. The cardiovascular system does not like negative experiences and suffers from them first. A serious imbalance can cause a myocardial infarction.

Yoga states that the heart chakra is associated with the air element. And these words find their confirmation in human physiology. Negative experiences make breathing shallow and rapid. This is unhealthy and puts the mind in the same superficial and agitated state. Both a lack of love and its excess can lead to negative consequences. If parents love a child too much and spoil him in every possible way, then he will probably have problems with the 4th chakra.

Signs of a Healthy Anahata

A person with a developed heart center is easy to recognize. He is calm and balanced, being next to him, those around him feel peace and tranquility. The harmony that is present in this subject is transmitted to others, which makes him a magnet for people. The opening of the heart center can occur either spontaneously, as a result of a pure life filled with love and compassion, or as a result of meditation or raising the power of kundalini. In any case, a person who has felt the love hidden in anahata will never be able to be satisfied with that counterfeit that is now commonly called by this beautiful word.

It is very rare to meet a person with a developed heart center. But meeting him will bring a piece of love and harmony into everyone’s life. Even the rudest and cruelest people soften in the presence of someone who has developed their heart chakra. Such a person understands those around him very well, sometimes even better than they themselves. Therefore, his advice is invaluable and can change someone's life forever. The emotional background also changes under the influence of a healthy heart center. Negative emotions and destructive feelings go away, making way for calm self-confidence.

Imbalance in the heart center

If there are blocks in anahata or it does not work correctly, then this will affect a person’s entire life. In some cases, he can give love to family and friends (check out the energy of love meditation), but is not able to receive it. The poor fellow begins to become cold and irritable, feeling deceived. Those who have a poorly developed heart center cannot love just like that, without expecting anything in return. As a result, only disappointment and anger await them. The desire to receive any payment for your love only creates suffering and emptiness. Yoga classes can help in opening this important center and give a feeling of pure and selfless love for all things.

How is it that such an important chakra becomes blocked? Most often this happens in adolescence, when the child ceases to feel the love of his parents and begins to hide his feelings, or even abandon them altogether. Over time, insensitivity will only progress, making a person callous and selfish. His affection will be a heavy burden, constant outbursts of jealousy and rudeness will be an obstacle to building a happy family.

How to develop anahata

The heart center can develop either spontaneously or as a result of targeted yoga practice. For example, the power of kundalini can help development. It lies dormant at the base of the spine, waiting in the wings. Chakras are steps on the path of kundalini, reflecting the level of development of the practitioner. This amazing power allows a person to reach their full potential, to become a completely new being. If kundalini rises to the heart, boundless love will come out. It is a sign of the correct setting of anahata, but this state is unlikely to last long. Over time, if you continue to practice yoga, the heart chakra will become stronger, opening the way for further growth.

Not only ancient spiritual practices can properly tune the heart chakra. Sometimes there are people who have never heard of yoga or the power of kundalini, but have an open heart and give others selfless love, bringing calm to their chaotic world. Often these are devout people who lead a pure life - monks, volunteers helping the disadvantaged, talented doctors who have dedicated their lives to saving people. Yoga classes can make this process more conscious and manageable. But practices such as raising the power of kundalini should only be carried out under the guidance of an experienced guru who will help you cope with this incredible process.

Anahata - the next stage of evolution

Today in society the qualities inherent in the lower chakras are cultivated. The main importance is attached to raw animal instincts. They are elevated to the rank of a sacred act, and any alternatives are ridiculed and vulgarized. In this case, the power of kundalini will remain dormant, and people will live empty lives, devoid of love and happiness. Fortunately, in recent years, more and more people have become interested in the spiritual world, rejecting the harsh materialism that is so fashionable these days. Yoga is becoming more and more popular, people began to look for happiness in themselves, and not in money and beautiful trinkets. This gives us hope for a happy future. The more people awaken their anahata, the more love and kindness there will be on our conflict- and hate-plagued planet. When kundalini reaches the heart chakra, boundless love comes into a person’s life. Showing kindness and compassion is the next step in the development of our civilization. Everyone can contribute to this wonderful process by embodying these high feelings.