Where is the Vishuddha chakra located? Main characteristics of Vishuddha chakra

Each person receives what he emits. Any problems on the spiritual level are reflected in reality. Illnesses, difficulties in career and personal life are a consequence of disruption of energy processes. There are seven main chakras - these are the centers through which vital energy circulates. Cleansing and balancing them will help improve your overall quality of life.

The following describes in detail the fifth energy center, which has an interesting name - Vishuddha Chakra. What is this center responsible for, what are the signs of its pollution and what needs to be done for purification and development? All these questions will help a person find balance and improve the quality of their own life.

5th chakra (vishuddha): brief description and essence

The name comes from a combination of two words in the ancient language - Sanskrit: "visha" means "dirt", and "sudha" means cleansing. One of the main functions of this center is considered to be the cleansing of the physical body and energy space.

The fifth chakra (vishuddha) is an energy center located in the cervical spine, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. People who are able to see the spiritual structure of the astral body describe this center as an elliptical vortex of sky blue color, located at an angle of 30 degrees from the 7th vertebra to the chin. The size ranges from 5 to 25 cm, depending on the level of spiritual insight and development of creativity.

Manifestation of the fifth center

As for the level of the physical body, the role of the center is as follows: it controls the functions of the thyroid gland and the immune system. But Vishuddha (chakra) is not only “occupied” with this. What it is responsible for on a spiritual, more subtle level, and how deep-seated problems associated with this energy center manifest themselves is a more complex question, since the sphere of influence of Vishuddhi is very large. But the short answer is that this chakra is responsible for the quality of communication with other people, the ability to express oneself and hear one’s inner voice.

Signs of an Unbalanced Fifth Chakra

The problem of self-expression

Self-expression can manifest itself not only at the verbal level, but also in a creative approach in everything.

Signs of chakra blockage that manifest themselves on the physical plane

At the emotional level, problems with the fifth chakra are most often expressed by tearfulness, touchiness, a feeling of one’s own uselessness and the injustice of others.

Since the ancient times of the East they have said that any physical illness is a consequence of problems on the subtle (spiritual and energetic) plane. Therefore, traditional medicine often turns out to be powerless, and attempts to cure a person do not bring good results.

As for the fifth chakra, when it is polluted, the thyroid gland is the first to suffer. Problems with the digestive and immune systems, respiratory tract diseases, stuttering and slurred speech, and excessive use of alcohol and drugs may also occur.

Causes of dysfunction of the fifth chakra

One of the common reasons for disruption of energy exchange at the level of the fifth center is the fear of expressing one’s opinion, a feeling of anxiety, and a feeling of guilt before others. Another indicator is the desire to hold back and not express your point of view. Hidden grievances, fear and anger do not pass without a trace. Such negative thoughts regarding one’s own right to speak out entail serious consequences on the energetic and then on the physical level.

Balancing the fifth chakra

Achieving a high level of development of the fifth center contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge due to the opened opportunity to look at life differently. Everything that entailed negative consequences disappears: restrictions that fetter the consciousness, as well as the desire to cling to a certain point of view in order to maintain one’s own ego. It is important to change your worldview, realize your right to express your opinion and stop being afraid of confrontation with other people’s beliefs. But this process must take place harmoniously. The highest level of development of the fifth center is freedom, creativity, the ability to think independently, going beyond social conditioning, and a calm perception of a different worldview.

The opening of the Vishuddha chakra will entail significant changes in all areas of life. In addition to endless new ideas and ease, changes also occur in relationships with people. People around you will begin to treat you with respect. The fifth energy center is associated with the collective mind, so cleansing and developing this chakra will definitely help to establish communication with the outside world. You will be able to develop self-confidence.

Another ability that will open is intuition. Blocks in the fifth center prevent you from hearing your inner voice, and purification will allow you to gain an amazing ability to understand what is happening at a deep level and navigate difficult situations. A person gains the ability to remain calm and make decisions without giving in to impulses and emotional outbursts. If any negative emotions appear (envy, anger or resentment), he manages to rise above it. The ability to look at what is happening from the position of an observer opens up. Fear and anxiety about the future disappears.

Vishuddha (chakra): how to develop?

Awareness of the problem is the first step towards solving it. Then you need to take action and cleanse the energy centers.

How to open the Vishuddha chakra? The main steps are as follows:

  • Breathing exercises.
  • Yoga and other spiritual practices.
  • Color meditation (contemplation, or visualization of the color blue).
  • Reconsidering your own beliefs, freeing yourself from stereotypes.
  • Creative activity.
  • Development of communication abilities.

Chakra harmonization through breathing exercises

One of the most important principles that allows you to harmonize the state of energy centers is calm, measured breathing. It is important to concentrate on the rhythm and try to take deeper and slower breaths. Gradually the level of anxiety and excitement will decrease. Tension and worries will be replaced by a state of peace. You can also imagine how, as you inhale, pure light enters the body, and as you exhale, all negative energy and illnesses leave the body. Visualization supported by sensations is very effective.

There is such a thing as the technique of execution is similar to the previous one. But when you inhale, you need to imagine that a pure blue glow enters through the thyroid gland, filling the center and cleansing it, and with exhalation, all the negativity comes out in the form of dark spots. The more clearly you can visualize the cleansing process, the more effective meditation will be.

Thanks to regular implementation, all centers will be balanced, including Vishuddha (chakra). Cleaning will help get rid of blocks and foreign energy.

Contemplation and visualization

Vishuddha is a chakra that has a sky blue glow. To activate the fifth center it is useful to contemplate this color. If it is not possible to spend time in nature on a clear sunny day and meditate while admiring the azure sky, you can find alternative options: a blue sheet of Whatman paper, a painting. People with good imagination can visualize the sky's hue with their eyes closed. During such meditation, it is important to get rid of all extraneous thoughts, turn off the internal dialogue, but without tension and effort. You just need to concentrate on the subject of contemplation and calm breathing.

It is advisable to perform more serious exercises under the guidance of a spiritual mentor. Meditations done incorrectly can be harmful.

Remedies for awakening and achieving balance

In addition to meditation and breathing exercises, which make up the technical side of working on energy centers, it is also important to consciously change your attitude towards life.

  • Find the strength to share your beliefs and opinions with others. Try not to worry about how this or that point of view will be perceived. It is important to learn to conduct a calm dialogue with the outside world, without turning communication into struggle and confrontation.
  • Give yourself a chance to be creative and take on some project that requires original ideas. During execution, it is important to completely immerse yourself in the creative process, without worrying about the outcome and results. Excessive concentration on profit is a consequence of the influence of lower centers. Since the fifth chakra (visuddha) is one of the highest, its opening will entail a feeling of freedom. You should not set yourself the goal of creating a masterpiece. The main thing is to start doing what you like, to express your true essence through creativity.
  • Try to sometimes step back from what is happening and take the position of an observer. This will help develop the ability to objectively assess situations without becoming attached to certain beliefs and stereotypes. The worldview will be formed on the basis of various ideas about life. But this is only possible if you manage to mentally abstract yourself from what is happening and look at everything from the outside.
  • As for stage fright, it needs to be curbed, but not suppressed. This is the energy that needs to be used. A person who has suppressed his anxiety and does not feel nervous while performing is likely to seem boring to the public. Anxiety is a consequence of an excess of energy. It is important to simply learn how to manage it.
  • Develop speaking skills.
  • Also, anyone who is thinking about how to restore the Vishuddha chakra should reconsider their previous beliefs, and not only reconsider, but also analyze. Perhaps most of them are imposed by society. By experimenting with different views, you can get a feel for how each one impacts your overall worldview.


Vishuddha is a chakra that is depicted as a lotus with sixteen petals. Each of them symbolizes one of the supernatural abilities available to humans. These opportunities, called siddhis, open up for those who have chosen the path of spiritual enlightenment and engage in certain practices. There are 24 siddhis in total, but the remaining eight are accessible only to higher, divine beings.


Mantras are combinations of various sounds, the pronunciation and singing of which allows you to tune in to the desired frequency and capture the necessary vibrations. The throat chakra - Vishuddha - corresponds to the combination "ham", which translates as "I am." Chanting a mantra will help get rid of blocks and open the way to self-realization and knowledge.

Spiritual Goals

Vishuddha is a chakra that is the boundary between the lower centers and the higher ones. Overcoming these energy gates will help you rise to high levels of enlightenment and purity of consciousness.

The opening of the fifth center will allow you to freely interact with society, share your own ideas and inspire other people. Those around you also begin to analyze their own lives and look for new paths. The relationship between the individual and society contributes to the discovery of hitherto unknown possibilities.

located in the cervical spine at the level of the thyroid gland. In humans Vishuddha chakra is responsible for creativity.

The article will discuss the symbolism of the Vishuddhi chakra in general, the main features of its manifestation in human life, the signs of an unbalanced and balanced Vishuddhi chakra. Some recommendations will be given for developing this level of consciousness.

Vishuddha chakra. Symbolism and what it stands for

The name means pure. “Shud” translated from Sanskrit means purity, purification.

It is depicted as a white circle, with a silver or bluish crescent inscribed in it, surrounded by sixteen blue petals. The crescent almost touches its edges at the top of the circle, giving the sensation of a full moon. The moon is a symbol of purity, is associated with intuition and has a strong influence on the somatics (bodily sensations) of a person.

Sixteen petals symbolize the movement of energy through sixteen channels. Eight channels are right-sided, eight are left-sided (their manifestations are qualitatively different). Eight streams of descending energy and eight - ascending.

located on the neck - between the body and the head, between the lower (body) chakras and the upper - head chakras. Accordingly, she is the manager of the lower bodily chakras and all processes in the body at the most subtle level.

In Vishudha, the properties of the lower chakras and the associated energies of the elements - earth, water, fire, air - are purified and manifested in harmonious interaction.

Signs of opening (awakening) of the Vishuddhi chakra

is associated with collective levels of consciousness and encourages a person to be creative. When the fifth chakra opens, a person clearly realizes his uniqueness. His own originality. He feels a certain creative gift within himself, which he strives to realize and enjoy to the fullest. The form of manifestation of this gift can be different: painting, career, singing, home improvement...

At the level of the fifth chakra a person gains the ability to discriminate. A person becomes able to observe, separate and compare various events and information and make own conclusions. Studying various religions and teachings, a person consciously expands his worldview, while maintaining the uniqueness of his views. An understanding comes that changing your outlook on life changes this very life.

At this level of consciousness Vishuddhi chakras a person begins to hear his inner voice, which tells him the truth about himself. A revision of life positions and a rethinking of past experiences begins. This significantly accelerates personal development, but is often accompanied by anxiety, nervousness, and can cause some confusion of spirit. You suddenly begin to clearly understand that many actions in the past that seemed correct and justified have a deep, hidden background from the category of those that, alas, no one would like to tell.

Vishuddhi chakra potential much higher than the previous ones. And you need to approach it prepared by working on the four lower levels. Nothing can be changed here - you are what you are. It’s like in a storm on a sailboat - either you accept the challenge and rush forward, using the power of the elements, or... There are few options. (In the second case, you will most likely become a fanatical supporter of some traditional religion or a sectarian).

If you accepted the challenge, and if you did it, then you have new opportunities. A desire for creativity appears, which always means the emergence of a connection between the personal mind and the collective mind, with the noosphere of the Earth. You begin to know and understand what was previously inaccessible. In certain moments of special ascent, insights come.

In these moments you experience indescribable delight and inspiration. At the same time, you understand that you have become the owner of new knowledge that opens up unprecedented prospects for you. The picture of your world changes immediately and forever. And this is a world of new possibilities.

You have your own independent point of view. You see the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world and any manifestation of culture. You are able to penetrate into the essence, into the depths of any phenomenon or problem. Understand their true nature.

Unbalanced Vishuddha chakra. Signs

Signs of an unbalanced Vishuddhi chakra are:

A person realizes the right to his own opinion and begins to reject and challenge any other point of view, instead of having and expressing your own.

There is a desire to speak out against generally accepted dogmas, which naturally causes a response from others. You have to constantly prove your point, constantly be on the defensive. And this blocks all creative channels. In the end, you can become a fanatical adherent of some idea, stop seeing new things and develop.

We must understand that the Vishuddha chakra- collective, in addition - throat, and therefore associated with speech. And it almost always manifests itself when a person needs to speak in front of an audience (directly, through the media, through the printed word). In the case of an unbalanced fifth chakra, a person makes the following points:

Hides part of the truth or commits an outright lie in order to obtain personal gain in some form. (In other words, transfers energy to lower, personal levels);

Inability to contain the onslaught of the audience. Again, due to attempts to control oneself (moving to lower levels). The only way to cope with the situation is to be open, use the energy of the audience - let it pass through yourself and return it back in a changed form. Aikido principle. In such cases, a person often says the right things, some of which he himself hears for the first time.

Balanced Vishuddha chakra. Signs

Let me remind you once again that the Vishuddha chakra belongs to the collective level of consciousness and can hardly be stably balanced until the balance of the lower chakras is achieved. In this case, instead of using the energy of the situation, the person will slip into a personal attitude towards the situation.

Life at the level of Vishuddhi is an open relationship with the world. The ability to hear your inner voice and perceive information from the collective mind allows you to see life in a new, creative way. Thinking becomes free, independent, capable of perceiving any idea coming from outside. Life begins to feel like an abundance of possibilities.

At this level of consciousness there is a sense of reality, the ability to see new opportunities in the current situation, and use problems as a springboard for achievements.

Logical thinking begins to interfere– it is too cumbersome and ineffective. Here you already have the ability, from a small amount of information, to grasp the essence of teachings, philosophies, problems and draw independent conclusions.

Since this center is associated with the throat, with the speech apparatus, an important manifestation of a balanced Vishuddhi is that you have the ability to speak the truth, to freely express your opinion, even if it does not coincide with the generally accepted one. At the same time, you are interested in the opinions of others and are able to learn from them.

It is clear that with this approach, being in a social environment with its conservatism is not always comfortable and, naturally, there is a need to spend some time in solitude for creativity, reflection, and meditation.


At the level, a person encounters collective consciousness. Acquires the ability to open up to the world, love and evoke the love of others.

The transition of consciousness to the level of Vishuddhi gives a person the ability to live creatively and innovatively. He can already have and express his own opinions. Even if they are not the ultimate truth, they have such virtues as truthfulness and honesty.

A person can accept other points of view, but is able to resist conventional wisdom if necessary.

Inspiration and insights come into a person’s life. Accordingly, as a rule, success accompanies him. Such a person becomes an inspiring example for others, stimulates them to develop and be active.

P.S. If a person allows himself to live at the level of the Vishuddhi chakra, then his life is filled with creative inspiration, insights and success.

P.P.S.I wish you creative success and all the best.

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5 Chakra Vishuddha

Depicted as a gray circle surrounded by 1b indigo petals. A white triangle is placed in a circle, and another gray circle is placed in a triangle.

Energy Color: blue.

Mantra: HAM.
Octave sound: salt.

Stones: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase
Location: neck
Perspective: creation
Deities: Sri Krishna and Sri Radha (center),
Sri Vishnumaya (left), Sri Yeshoda (right)
Physiological aspect: Cervical plexus (thyroid gland)
Controls: Neck, hands, mouth, tongue, teeth, nose, face
Qualities: Divine diplomacy, collective consciousness, the state of playful witness and detachment, sense of humor, self-respect, sweetness of speech, thoughts, behavior.
Number of petals: Sixteen
Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Stone: Sapphire
Element: Ether
Color: Blue/Gray
Symbols: Wheel of Time
Projections on the body: Index fingers and toes

Paranormal abilities: the power of telepathic transmission. This chakra allows you to gain Etheric and lower astral clairvoyance. Presence of Astral hearing, clairaudience. The ability to hear information transmitted from the Astral Plane, that is, spiritual mentors. The frequency of the heard voice is associated with the Astral Plane, regardless of the height, meaning illusory - this is an unrefined feeling of a consciousness that has not yet matured.

The effect of working with chakra: calmness, purity, clarity, melody of voice; ability for spiritual poetry; understanding dreams, penetrating the secrets of the Scriptures.

The fifth chakra is located in the throat area, has sixteen spokes and, accordingly, sixteen petals of a smoky purple hue, on which there are 16 vowel letters with Bindu on them: Am, Aam, Im, Iim, Um, Uum, Rim, Riim, Lrim, Lriim, Em, Aim, Om, Aum, and two aspirated ones - Am, Amkh.

According to the Devi Bhagavata Purana (7.35), this center is so called because the Jiva is purified in it through the vision of HAMSAH. Here is the center of the white circle of Akash or Ether Tattva, whose Bija is HAM. Energy flows through this chakra, enabling the higher functions of communication, creativity, and personal expression. The power of this chakra is most clearly manifested in connection with speech activity, which turns out to be the most susceptible to influence compared to all other types of human behavior. When this chakra is well developed, a person can speak with great force and persuasiveness. All creative activities involve a process by which we express something that lies deep within us. When the fifth chakra is strong, the expression is dramatic, powerful and profound. One of the potencies of this chakra is the ability to charm and bewitch.

The fifth chakra is governed by the higher mental realms, which involve separation and observation, giving you a wide variety of views about life from which to form your own point of view.

The fifth chakra encourages you to express yourself creatively. This is creativity at the highest level.

Self-knowledge at the level of the fifth chakra is the discovery of one’s development trends. You find inner freedom and allow your pure, liberated mind to shine at its full potential. You become a kind of “universalist”, gaining the ability to notice beauty in every religion and in every manifestation of culture.

Fifth chakra.. (Mars, throat, blue, Genius level)

The most important property of the fifth chakra is the awakening of your inner voice, which can tell you the truth.
The fifth chakra is governed by the higher mental realms, which involve separation and observation, giving you a wide variety of views about life from which to form your own point of view.
The fifth chakra encourages you to express yourself creatively. This is creativity at the highest level.
Energy brings us information in encoded form, and if you are able to cope with the wave, incredible “flashes” of information will appear in your mind. Your personal mind will merge with the collective mind. Creativity comes from the collective mind.
Self-knowledge at the level of the fifth chakra is the discovery of the tendencies of one’s development. You find inner freedom and allow your pure, liberated mind to shine at its full potential. You become a kind of “universalist”, gaining the ability to notice beauty in every religion and in every manifestation of culture.
When attachment penetrates to the level of the higher chakras, problems arise. If you are committed to any point of view, alternative or consistent, the mind ceases to be free. An extreme example of such a situation is fanaticism that develops into extremism. People who, with the help of strong faith, have opened the fifth chakra, but are not spiritually ready for this, become religious fanatics, which we all know.


Sexually creative energy. The pineal, pituitary and thalamic axes are connected to the sixth energy center system and distribute the energy generated by the area of ​​the first energy center. The energy is traced through some secondary chakras associated with the fifth energy center on top of the vault of the mouth. The energy is then sent by them to the first energy center to be used up in the process of reproduction or orgasm. This is why sexual orgasm is felt in the throat. As a result, individuals who are able to control this chakra are able to “do without air, food and water for a long time.” The chakra area in question is stimulated through the tongue to direct sexual energy down to the front of the body.


Refers to breathing, sighing and making a sound. Connection with cervical ganglia.

Sensual aspect

Perception, assimilation and integration; helps to consciously transform mantra (mental) energy into sound. Assimilation vibrations create sound through the voice in the form of speech, which in turn expresses “concept” and “feeling.”
This center “is the last to manifest itself in time and space.”

Volitional aspect

It is demonstrated by a feeling that expresses the “Personal Ego of the Self” in relation to oneself, society, and humanity. The aspect reflects how and why Service to society occurs in the form of a profession or employment, what the individual thinks about this, whether he acts according to his own will or against it, whether he is ready for sacrifice (sacrifice is the surrender of positions of the Personal Ego when something is done against


Expressed as coldness, distrust, stubbornness, lack of consciousness. Fear of being consumed, losing control of one's own life, desire to control others, obsession.

Energy disturbances

Blocks are felt manually; blocking the way of self-expression; damage to related organs.

Feeling on the palms


Ruling planet

Jupiter (Mercury - according to other sources)

The effect of working with chakra

Calmness, purity, clarity, melody of voice; ability for spiritual poetry; understanding dreams, penetrating the secrets of the Scriptures.


Knowledge is the plan of human existence.

Yantra form

Crescent. Vishudha chakra yantra. is a silver crescent moon in a white circle that shines like a full moon and is surrounded by 16 petals. The silver crescent is the lunar symbol of nada, pure cosmic sound. The fifth chakra is the seat of sound in the body. The crescent moon symbolizes purity, as an extremely important aspect of the Vishuddha chakra is purification.
In any aspect, the Moon is associated with psychic energy, clairvoyance and communication without words; Thanks to his purified energy, a person of the fifth chakra is able to understand non-verbal messages. In addition, the Moon indicates the existence of a cooling mechanism in the throat: in it, absorbed liquid and solid food is brought to an acceptable temperature for the body.
Circle with sixteen petals. The 16 petals of the lotus are gray-lilac or smoky purple. The number sixteen completes the cycle of two octals: ascending and descending. This is where the consistent increase in the number of chakra petals ends. The energy enters the fifth chakra of the sixteen dimensions. Expanding awareness allows the practitioner to see the akasha. Akasha has the nature of antimatter. In the fifth chakra, all the elements of the lower chakras - earth, water, fire and air - are purified to their purest essence and dissolved in akasha.
The Vishuddha chakra is the top of a stupa, that is, a temple enclosed in the human body (see diagram).

Predominant sense: hearing.

Sense organ: ears.

Predominant feeling

Sense organ

Organ of action

Vayu (air)

Udana-vayu. This vayu is located in the throat area and carries air up to the head, helping to pronounce sounds.

Loka (plane of existence)

Jana-loka (plane of human existence).

Bija sound

HAM. This bija is golden in color (sometimes said to be radiant white in color and has four arms). To pronounce the sound HAM, you need to form your lips into an oval and push air out of your throat; in this case, attention is focused on the hollow in the lower part of the neck. When pronounced correctly, this sound vibrates the brain and increases the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the throat, which makes the voice soft and melodious.

Spoken words come from the fifth chakra, and the heart gives them emotional coloring. The voice of a person with a predominant fifth chakra pierces the heart of the listener. This pure sound has an impact on the listener, changing his mind and personality.

Bija bearer

Elephant Gadja, lord of herbivores. His skin is a smoky gray, the color of the clouds. The Vishuddha chakra brings self-confidence, understanding of nature and surrounding circumstances, and awareness of sound, as indicated by large ears and the graceful gait of an elephant. The oldest living mammals, elephants carry with them the full knowledge of the earth, grasses and plants. This animal can serve as an example of patience, good memory, confidence and enjoyment of harmony with nature.

Unlike the symbol of the first chakra, the elephant Airavata, which had seven trunks, the elephant Gadzhi has only one trunk, symbolizing sound: from the seven trunks only pure, liberating sound remains.


Panchavaktra-Shiva. Panchavaktra has camphor-blue skin and five heads which represent the combination of smell, taste, touch, sound and what is visible to the eye, and the fusion of the 5 elements in their most purified forms.

Starting from the far right head, the faces of Shiva symbolize the following aspects of him:

Aghora. This aspect, eyes wide with rage, haunts the burning grounds of corpses. He has a round face and is of akashic nature.

Ishana. This aspect has already appeared in the Shiva Lingam. He has a round face; it is of the nature of the water element.

Mahadeva. The central head has an oval shape. This aspect corresponds to the eastern direction and the earth element.

Sada-Shiva. "Eternal Shiva" has a square-shaped face, which allows it to spread in all directions; its nature is associated with the air element.

Rudra. The Lord of the South has a triangular face; it corresponds to the element of fire.

Panchavaktra has four arms. With a gesture of one of his right hands he bestows fearlessness, while the second right hand rests on the knee and holds a mala (rosary) for japa. One left hand shakes a continuously humming damaru drum, symbolizing the sound of AUM. In the other left hand is a trident, the staff of Shiva.

The Panchavaktra can be visualized in the 5th chakra in the form of the Great Teacher, or the Highest Guru. All elements merge here into a single whole, and the plan of human existence is comprehended in its entirety. This awareness of eternal knowledge is achieved after all desires move higher, to the 6th chakra. The balance brought about by the harmony of all elements in the body brings a state of blissful non-duality. Through meditation on the Panchavaktra, a person ascends upward and is cleansed of all karmas; he dies to the past and is born again with the awareness of unity.


Shakini. The embodiment of purity. Shakini Shakti has pale pink skin and is dressed in a sky blue sari with a green bodice. She sits on a pink lotus on the left hand of her five-headed lord Shiva.

Shakini endows a person with all the highest knowledge and siddhis (abilities); in four hands she holds the following objects:

The skull is a symbol of detachment from the illusory world of sensory perception.

Ankushu is the staff with which she controls Gaja. The elephant of the mind can be arrogantly independent and move in the wrong direction due to knowledge poisoning.

Scriptures containing knowledge about the art of right living without difficulties.

Malu, which plays the role of a powerful instrument of concentration; When working with the Malaya, its beads are fingered one by one.

Beads made of wood or grains accumulate the energy of the owner. Beads made from crystal, precious stones and metals carry a strong charge of their own electromagnetic energy. The tips of the fingers are closely connected with consciousness, and therefore their activity influences the mind. Working with mala relieves nervousness and absent-mindedness and calms the internal dialogue.

Shakini Shakti is associated with good memory, intelligence, intuition and the ability to improvise. The fifth chakra is the center of dreams. Shakini reveals most of his teachings to his disciples during their sleep.

Effects of Meditation

Meditation on the clavicular cavity under the throat brings composure, serenity, purity, melodiousness of the voice, power over speech and mantras, as well as the ability to compose poetry, interpret sacred texts and understand the hidden meaning of dreams. In addition, it makes the practitioner young, strong (gives him ojas), and also turns him into a good teacher of spiritual teachings (gives him brahma vidya).

Characteristic behavior associated with the Vishuddha chakra: One who rises to the level of the Vishuddha chakra becomes a complete master of himself. In this chakra, all elements (tattvas) merge into pure akasha, shining with its own light. All that remains is the tanmatras: the subtle frequencies of these elements.

When performing any karmas, 5 organs of action are used: hands, feet, mouth, genitals and anus. In addition, the five koshas (sheaths) of consciousness appear here: gross, mobile, sensual, intellectual and emotional. Five is the number of balance - it is a one surrounded on both sides by twos. Being an odd number, five is associated with solar numbers. The ruling planet of the Vishuddha chakra is Jupiter, which in India is called Guru (“transmitter of knowledge”).

The earth dissolves in water and remains in the 2nd chakra in the form of the essence of smell. Water evaporates in the flame of the 3rd chakra and remains there as the essence of taste. Fire penetrates the 4th chakra and transforms there into the essence of form and outer shell. The air of the 4th chakra mixes with akasha and becomes pure sound. Akasha embodies the essence of all 5 elements - it has no color, no smell, no taste, no materiality, no form, as it is completely freed from gross elements.

The distracting nature of the external world, feelings and mind is no longer a problem. Higher prudence takes precedence over the elements and emotions of the heart. Such a person strives only for that knowledge that carries the truth and goes beyond the boundaries of time, social conditioning and heredity. The main problem associated with the 5th chakra is the denial mind that can develop through ignorant and unwise application of knowledge.

The Vishuddha Chakra covers the 5 planes of blissful jnana (awareness), which brings balance to the 5 elements of prana (the life force of the body), apana (the air that cleanses the body) and vyana (the air that regulates blood flow). Jana-loka (the plane of human existence) becomes vitally important for this chakra, since it is here, through the sixteen-dimensional worlds of experience, that a person receives the messages of divine wisdom that lead him to a true new birth.

One who rises to the level of Vishuddha Chakra follows knowledge - the path that guides a person to rebirth into the state of divinity. All elements are transformed into their purified essences, their purest manifestations. When this happens, a person is established in pure consciousness. He becomes chitta - free from the shackles of the world, the master of his own “I” in its entirety. The Vishuddha chakra embodies chit, cosmic consciousness.


When it comes to clothing, they prefer it to match one style or be an ensemble. At the same time, both a style ahead of its time and a retro one are possible.


When walking, focus on a straight back, “carrying” yourself.


When communicating, gestures are often localized near Vishuddhi - the throat area.


If Vishuddha is the leading area of ​​the throat, then a person does not even eat, he tastes. For such a person, the main thing is that everything is beautiful: table setting, clean tablecloth. They eat, in contrast to the noisy groins, which are already “wrinkling” with pleasure, quietly, with their mouths closed - the dream of mothers in childhood.



They prefer to work until they do something perfectly, so they usually don’t finish enough. They are often said to be “The best is the enemy of the good.”

Upper part of Vishuddhi

Responsible for the ability to simultaneously and holistically perceive mass phenomena, the ability to perceive a mass of people as one whole.

Middle part of Vishuddhi

Responsible for the ability to harmonize oneself, follow one’s personal path through life, and the desire to gain one’s integrity and individuality.

The lower part of Vishuddhi

Responsible for the ability to speak with a person in his language (form), the ability to diagnose a person, the ability to see a unique personality in a person.

Gheranda Samhita

“Akasha Dharani Mudra - concentration on the element of ether (space)

3.80. The element of ether, glowing with the color of pure sea wave, is associated with Sada-Shiva, its bija is HAM. Fix Prana and Chitta there (in Vishuddha) for 2 hours. This is the etheric Dharana that opens the door to liberation.

3.81. One who knows this Akasha-Dharana Mudra is a real yogi. For him there is neither old age nor death and he is not subject to dissolution in Pralaya.”

Vishuddha chakra (vishuddha) and diseases

Vishuddha corresponds to “Ether” and is located at the base of the throat. Yogis claim that one who masters it will achieve the highest success in life and acquire knowledge of the past, present and future.

This area is associated with the emotions of self-expression and the emotions that accompany the processes of education, learning, nutrition, trust, acceptance and receiving. Blockages in this area can manifest themselves in the form of coughing, forced silence, stuttering, or straining of the ligaments when a person speaks in an unnaturally tense and high-pitched voice. If a person has a fear of expressing out loud what he thinks, this area is usually fleshy.

This center is also responsible for creativity and willpower.

The front aspect of this chakra - 5A - is responsible for the acceptance and assimilation - assimilation - of everything that comes to it. This means, of course, not only food, but also all the many things/people that a person encounters in the process of life.

One man was traveling to Germany with certain plans. When his hopes did not come true - and this was indeed a very powerful blow to his plans for the future - his entire digestive tract, including his rectum, “flew”. He developed a lot of stomach problems. He also stopped communicating with people, watching TV, reading books, etc. Almost everything that came to him, he did not accept or assimilate. He completely closed himself off from the world.

This center is responsible for taking on our beloved responsibility for realizing personal desires. Finally, you have found out where, so to speak, geographically it is located, and you can direct your attention to this area, listen to it.

The Universe, as you know, is built on the principle of abundance, we have already considered this. If you have even the slightest suspicion that the universe is poor and hostile to you, then this center is completely or partially blocked.

How can you get anything in life if you think you live in a poor universe?

How can you accept anything from the enemy?

If this universe is still merciful, abundant and supportive - I remind you that the universe means the world around us and people including - then everything you need lies next to you. Only you and no one else are responsible for the fact that you don't have something.

What do you choose: to live in a poor and hostile universe, among poor and hostile people, or to live in an abundant universe, rich in everything you need, but where you are responsible for your life and for meeting your needs?

You can start taking it, but it still needs to be absorbed, processed, and the digestive tract is mainly responsible for this. If you have problems with digestion, this reflects the fact that you do not assimilate well or at all what comes to you.

You probably know many cases of new businessmen getting rich instantly and then just as quickly going broke. These are examples of how they couldn't stomach big money. Big money, something big must be approached gradually, preparing yourself step by step.

This center is also responsible for everything negative that happens to you in this life. When, as you work with yourself, you open up to the world, this center also opens up. New energies begin to flow into you, everything around becomes bright. They stir and awaken deep-lying blocks, and they begin to rise to the surface. When this happens, the center closes and everything around becomes darker.

Don’t be upset, this is a natural process, which only means that it’s time to work with a new block. You already know the law of “Outer Equals Inner,” so just be vigilant, notice the signs that always precede any problems, and then you will be able to catch blocks at the very beginning, as soon as they begin to appear outwardly. In this case, the blocks will not have the opportunity to simulate a negative situation.

Seeing that something incomprehensible is happening, you can always sit in meditation to clarify the problem facing you. Another way to deal with the situation is to talk it over with someone close to you to understand what the signs mean. It can be difficult to sort through a lot of details alone. I use this method very often, discussing the situation with my wife when I feel that time is running out and I need to make an urgent decision. If you want to use this method, remember that your interlocutor must understand and see very well that the External is Equal to the Internal.

It usually takes about three hours - or a little more - of supposedly “empty” conversations and wandering around to begin to realize what is happening. Moreover, during such conversations, criticism of each other’s statements is absolutely unacceptable. This game is worth the candle. In such cases, the block begins to reveal itself and calmly leaves - although sometimes only partially.

You will experience such ups and downs many times until this center remains open most of the time and you develop a positive attitude towards things that come to you.

All this seems long and boring. There's nothing you can do, you have only two options: either work with the block or not. Your choice. If you choose the first, play, don't take what you do seriously. Then you will have ease.

The back aspect - 5B - is responsible for what kind of relationships you have with people, how you feel among people and in your profession.

If you love your profession, if it satisfies you in all respects, if you feel inspired when going to work, if you have excellent relationships with people of both sexes, anywhere - at work, at home, on the street - if you feel feel confident - but not overconfident! - among people, you respect yourself, then everything is in order with this center.


On the physical body of men, this state of affairs is reflected as wide, sloping shoulders and a straight, firmly seated neck of harmonious dimensions. Remember the expression “an oblique fathom in the shoulders” - it speaks precisely of this situation. For women, everything is the same, except that their shoulders, of course, are narrower.

If there are blocks in this area, then the shoulders can be straight, raised, sharp, hunched, retracted, sagging, turned back. All these shoulder positions show the stresses that exist in this area and which reflect the presence of corresponding blocks.

What do you do when you're afraid? First of all, raise your shoulders and draw your head in. Days and years pass, and this body position becomes habitual, because most people are always afraid. What happens when there is tension in the muscles? The flow of blood and nervous energy is stopped, cells are not renewed in a normal rhythm, and stagnation occurs in this area. This is how you get osteochondrosis and headaches.

The reasons for blocking this center are, as always, varied and, in order not to repeat ourselves, we will consider them in limiting beliefs. And now I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is in this center that there is such a thing as


We have always been taught that pride is a good thing, and such an expression as “a proud man” has always evoked in us a feeling of awe and a desire to emulate. The fact is that pride is just a protective mask designed to cover up feelings such as lack of self-respect, weakness, low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. And I must say that it performs its functions perfectly.

How to use this mask? First, you must admit to yourself that all of the above - or most of it - is present in you. The mask of pride was created precisely to hide this from you, therefore, without making such an assumption, you cannot pass through it.

If you have suffered failures in life, therefore, the concept of your own weakness necessarily lives within you. If your masculine or feminine qualities have been questioned, then there is an inferiority complex living inside you. If the correctness of your actions was questioned, therefore, a low assessment of yourself lives within you. All people have gone through this, so it exists within you too.

Don't be afraid to come into contact with these blocks and the pain that accompanies them - the mask will begin to move and open them. And then it’s all a matter of technique with which you are well familiar.


This center also contains the fear of failure, and this applies both to one’s own creative realization and to relationships with other people, with the opposite sex. This fear very firmly blocks all your attempts to correct the situation we need.

How does this manifest itself for you?

It’s very good to work with him in meditations using the question “What will happen if...?” etc. However, after meditation, when you consider it necessary, what you understand must be checked in a specific situation, on the physical plane, so to speak.

Note that the fear of failure always exists together with the fear of success.

Fear of failure is a many-faced and many-armed hydra that penetrates literally all areas of our lives, entangling all our limbs and minds, preventing them from functioning normally. Therefore, you will have to make a lot of effort to overcome this fear; tune in to serious and regular work with yourself. However, the fear of this fear should not take root in you either. Everything goes as it goes, take failures lightly, consider them as an accumulation of positive experience and do not forget that there is joy and pleasure in life.

Don't hesitate to take the chance to work where you want and connect with the people you're drawn to. Do not isolate yourself in your loneliness and bitter feelings of abandonment and rejection. This won't lead to anything good, you already know that. Try again and again to establish the contacts you need, and quantity will definitely turn into quality. If failure happens, you meditate on it and try again. The golden key will definitely be in your hands.

Your internal and external systems are set up for success. This is the law according to which this universe develops, otherwise chaos would reign around all the time, and spring would never come.

To master this chakra, consider the following questions:

What is acceptance?

What happens if you start accepting what is given to you?

What will your life look like if you take nothing?

The universe is abundant. Can you accept abundance?

What is assimilation?

What is it like to assimilate everything that comes into your life?

What is weakness? Do you accept your weakness?

What is strength? Do you accept your power?

What is luck? What about failure?

What is natural behavior?

What does it mean to start doing what you like in life and in work?

Limiting Beliefs

1. I'm afraid to express my opinion out loud/I'm afraid to draw attention to myself/They won't listen to me/They'll shut me up anyway.

Stuttering helps me draw attention to myself so I can better control what's happening around me.

2. I can't create.

3. It is difficult for me to exercise my will.

I have many conflicting desires.

4. I don't accept what happens to me. I can't stand it.

I have a hard time letting money/people/help/work/sex/study into my life/They will always foist the worst on me.

Everything flows away from me like water through a sieve, and again I am left with nothing.

5. I'm afraid of responsibility.

6. I live in a poor and wretched world.

7. I am surrounded by enemies who are just waiting for my first mistake/I feel the hostility of the outside world towards me/I am afraid of everything/I am always on guard/Everything here is against me.

They always treat me badly/I am always humiliated/I am afraid of violence against myself.

8. I always expect something bad to happen to me.

9. I feel uncomfortable in this world/I feel uncomfortable among people.

10. I don’t like my job/I don’t like my profession.

11. I am always accompanied by failures and collapse/I am a loser/My life is/has been unsuccessful/I am always unlucky.

12. I am a weak, weak-willed person/I am in despair/I don’t know what to do/It’s too late to do anything.

13. Everyone interferes with me/Life has not provided me with favorable circumstances so that I can/could realize myself/Everyone envy me/They don’t recognize my talents, and I won’t do anything either, I won’t communicate with anyone at all.

14. They don’t love me/People are generally incapable of loving.

15. I’m better than you, you’re not worthy of me/I’ll prove to you that I’m better, smarter, taller, more talented than you/I’ll still take mine.

16. They/he/she won’t accept me, so I won’t even try to improve relationships/They will refuse me/Alone is always better/Everyone in this world is lonely/Loneliness is the meaning of life in this world.

New thoughts

1. Each person is an individual, including me. Everything in me is the same as in other people, I am a normal person. My opinion is as valuable as the opinion of any other person, people are willing to listen to me.

The attention of people and loved ones is enough for me. I relax and let trust in the people around me into my life. I speak when I need to, as much as I need to, and my speech flows easily, smoothly and freely.

2. Every moment of my life is creativity.

3. I am a human being, nature has endowed me with will, therefore I have every right from birth to openly express my will as I see fit.

I accept all my desires. I study them, whatever they are, and bring them into conformity with each other. I submit to the laws of the universe. My general will is in harmony with the laws of this universe.

4. Everything that happens to me makes me better aware of my connections with this world. I am relaxing. I open up and accept everything that happens to me as the best that can happen at the moment.

Everything that comes to me is the best that I could/could create with my thoughts at the moment. I'm opening up.

I easily and happily assimilate/digest everything that comes to me. What comes to me is what I need most at the moment.

5. According to the laws of the universe, responsibility always lies with me. I relax and begin to act. My actions are always correct and the most effective at the moment.

6. My thoughts create the world in which I then live. Now I choose only those thoughts that create for me a prosperous and abundant universe, full of love and mercy for me.

7. I see all my thoughts full of fears, hostility and suspicion towards people and the outside world. I see them and let them be as long as necessary. I see how my thoughts create the world in which I then live.

8. I choose not to expect bad things, but to live with the good things that I have in my life.

9. I let go of fears and negative expectations. People and the world are full of love and affection for me. I am relaxing.

10. Every job, every profession has aspects that are interesting to me. I open them. I put creativity into my work.

I can change my job and profession to a more interesting one at any time, without loss for myself. I am created/created in order to live and rejoice.

11. My so-called failures have allowed me to accumulate positive experiences, so I can consider my life as a complete success. My life is a complete success.

12. To remain a weak and weak-willed person, great will is required. Therefore, I have will and energy. I choose to act and direct my energy and will to do what I have always wanted in life. It's never too late to act. Success always accompanies me.

13. Every person, every situation that I encounter on my way helps me to realize myself. My talents are my purpose in life. I allow my creative energy to flow outward. I am open/open to people and life.

14. People give me their love every moment, I accept love into my life.

15. The most beautiful thing in the world is that every person is individual and there is no one among us who is higher or lower, better or worse, more talented or less talented. Each person is in his place - this is how Nature works. I make the best of what I can do by trusting and collaborating with people.

16. Every person who supposedly rejects me provides me with an opportunity to find those who are most suitable for my friendship and love. By communicating, people feed each other. I am open to contacts, I easily and with pleasure take the first step towards people and the person I like.



MANTRA TARE - fulfills wishes
Just read the mantra of Tara, the goddess of good activity - OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA. And ask Tara to protect you from all obstacles and bad influences. Tara is considered the mother of all living beings. She will give you protection


Blue chakra (fifth).
Located in the neck area.
Blue color provides the ability to hear and speak, sing and create, feel time and space.
A lack of blue color, or an admixture of black in it, can lead to scoliosis, inflammation of the tonsils, hyper- or hypofunction of the thyroid gland, migraines, and stroke.

download the mantra http://depositfiles.com/files/hsrpsr4gp

Physiological aspect

The Vishuddi chakra has 16 petals with different qualities and functions. On the physical level, it controls the throat, hands, face, mouth, teeth, etc. These organs need to be carefully looked after. For example, we need to protect ourselves from hypothermia, not smoke, and avoid other destructive habits that can harm the throat. We must take good care of our teeth and be respectful of those around us. Our hands, for example, can be a source of goodness and beauty, or rudeness if used incorrectly. Therefore, we must show care so that every movement is filled with love. Vishuddhi is also very important for our vibrational awareness, since the nerves with which we feel vibrations in our hands pass through this center.

Regarding the vocal cords and speech, we must try to use our voice correctly. We should not lie or make empty promises or talk too much as this is detrimental to the right side of the chakra. When we use our voice to praise rather than criticize, to speak politely rather than harshly, then the right Vishuddi becomes stronger. We should never act harshly, mock or be sarcastic towards anyone. We just have to speak from the heart. Indifferent use of mantras also blocks this center. This especially applies to mantras that are sold for money. They become useless amulets that have nothing to do with spirituality. Following the path of self-hypnosis is against consciousness. We grow spiritually in meditation, which occurs in full consciousness. There should be no clouded perception, there should only be inner peace and a state of thoughtlessness that gives energy and brings balance.

Deities chakra

Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the deity of the Vishuddi chakra. He presents God as the Witness. With complete detachment he watches the Play (Leela) of the universal performance. His incarnation expressed humanity at the highest level to which we can only aspire. He was an excellent diplomat and he was so humble that he saw nothing wrong in driving the chariot of the warrior Arjuna. He is also a master in our Yoga, union with the all-pervading energy of the Spirit, and it is he who shows us the path to the right techniques and goals. Vishuddi is also the seat of Virata - the highest form of deity in the Universe, as described in Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita: “And Arjuna saw in this glow the Universe in all its diversity...”. The cells of our body are united by the threads of Kundalini, and we must also meditate on unity, on our spiritual brotherhood with all humanity and the entire universe. We should not separate ourselves from the whole out of a sense of superiority or inferiority. The “gross personality” lives in his own limited world, and we must become universal beings. We must see ourselves in others, and also feel the Spirit of another person with the same feeling as we inhale the scent of a flower, with joy.
Sri Radha

Radha (“to prosper”, “to please”) is the energy of Sri Krishna. She helped Him by demonstrating the highest form of devotion, love and humility. Radha is understood as a symbol of the human Soul striving for God Krishna.

By the way, according to classical sources, Radha was significantly older than Krishna, they saw each other only during Krishna's childhood, and were never married or had any romantic relationships. This fact is often distorted in modern Hindu literature.
Sri Yeshoda and Sri Vithala Rukmini

The right aspect of Vishuddi is controlled by Yeshoda - the adoptive mother of Sri Krishna and the wife of Sri Krishna - Vithala Rukmini. They manifest themselves in people in the form of soft, diplomatic speech, absence of envy and aggressiveness, and correct dharmic behavior. In Hindu mythology, Rukmini is the first wife of Krishna, the daughter of King Bhishmaka from the country of Vidarbha (modern Birar). At the insistence of her brother Rukma, Rukmini was to become the wife of Shishupala, but on the wedding day, Krishna stole Her and, having defeated the armies of Rukma and Shishupala, took Her to Dwarika, where he married Her. Rukmini and Krishna had ten sons and one daughter. After Krishna's death, Rukmini, along with His seven other wives, immolated herself on her husband's funeral pyre.
Sri Vishnumaya

Vishnumaya is the power of the sister in the family. Three types of forces - sisters, wives and mothers - play a constant game on our chakras. A man protects these three forces surrounding him. Chastity is the Power of Vishnumaya within us, it is the Power of Gauri, it is a pure, untainted virgin. This is the basis of all dharmas.

First of all there must be moral chastity. This is very important because it is innate. And if your moral chastity receives perfect nourishment, then material chastity automatically appears. The power of Vishnumaya is the greatest power a person can have, it is the most auspicious thing, it is what makes a saint.

Vishnumaya came to this Earth and killed many devils and rakshasas to save the saints from their attacks. Her origin is that She was the daughter of Mahakali and was created by Mahakali herself to fight demons and She was also given special weapons to do this job. But in the time of Krishna She was born as His sister. And so that Krishna would not be killed by His uncle, She exchanged with Him... Then again She took Her birth at the time when Shri Krishna was the king of Dwarika, and being Draupadi, She married five Pandavas. There is great significance in this because She is the One who connects the five elements that create this material Universe. Thus Her relationship with Sri Krishna was established. Shri Krishna treated Her like a sister. But as soon as the Kauravas tried to insult Draupadi by pulling off Her sari, Shri Krishna was the One who appeared there and helped Her because She was His sister and such a powerful woman.

Vishnumaya is like electricity. It gets you into proper shape by burning out your negativity. It is very surprising that Vishnumaya's power is left-handed, and despite this, She has fire within Her, which can burn out the negativity and bhoots on the left side.


The Vishuddi chakra represents a period in the evolution of humanity when the need for harmony and collective coexistence arose. It symbolizes the cohesive nature of humanity, as well as man's ability to rise above petty differences and the desire to know the unity of the Spirit.

One of the qualities we need to develop for spiritual ascent is to be detached from the problems that we face every day while trying to survive in the modern world. A pure Vishuddhi chakra gives us a state of detachment that allows us to observe the “drama” of what is happening from the outside. As a result, we do not get involved in bad incidents, because for us they are just “events” that we pass by in life. This does not mean at all that we avoid responsibility for our actions, or that we have no interest in life. It is simply a way to find inner peace when we are constantly faced with psychological overload. We become a witness to the game and are at some distance from our problems and thoughts, from excessive planning and conventions, from our emotions.

After achieving self-realization, Kundalini awakens our ability to be a detached witness, and we look at everything as if from the outside. All events and incidents do not come from our Spirit, they belong to the outside world. This is how we remove layers from the personality and discover the most important invisible essence - the Spirit. Shri Mataji says: “We see our play, and the whole world becomes a performance for us,” and Shakespeare also identified the world with the stage, and people with the actors. The truth is that we can solve our problems when we can “see the forest for the trees.” In fact, many people find that they cannot solve their problems because they are too involved in them. So they ask their friends for advice (who can judge the situation detachedly) or, in desperation, go to counseling agencies who act as dispassionate witnesses. After receiving Self-Realization, we develop this ability in ourselves, and no matter what we encounter in life, we see the role we play in this performance and the possible solutions to the situation with greater clarity.

It is noteworthy that some people are surprised when, after receiving Realization, they encounter problems, as if we are all trying to live in an artificial and sterile environment. But this is not life. Life is about trying and challenging, overcoming adversity and striving to become a better person. Life is a struggle for our spiritual ascent, so as to become pure Spirit through inner purification; when we are above artificial states, then we will become Truth. Our Yoga, our Self-Realization, helps us to prevail in this battle, armed with love, and gives us the joy of the Spirit in our ascent, so that we can feel the reality of the goal and “spur” ourselves.

The Vishuddi chakra also represents the qualities that govern our relationships with other members of society. Our diplomacy, expressed through words and deeds, directly depends on the state of this center, it is also our sense of respect for ourselves and others. If we do not respect other people, then we will not be able to establish brotherly relations with them and be diplomatic with them, therefore Vishuddi is a very important chakra for our ascent to collective spiritual consciousness. Lack of self-respect (which is expressed as guilt) hides deep in the left Vishuddhi if we allow it, and this is very detrimental to our spiritual growth. A great sense of guilt arises as a result of improper upbringing - moralistic or religious pressure. This external pressure has nothing to do with us. We must learn not to fall into the trap of guilt, not to hide in this hole, thereby postponing the day when we need to face our weaknesses and do something. The spirit cannot be guilty, it is Pure. After achieving self-realization, we are able to see and overcome our weaknesses, and therefore overcome guilt once and for all.

Our ascent to collective consciousness can be very easily verified by our increased vibrational awareness. As soon as we become part of the whole (as the microcosm awakens and becomes an integral part of the macrocosm), we begin to feel the state of our subtle body, or our chakras, as well as the chakras of other people. Sahaja Yoga gives us a tangible experience of our enlightenment, which we can feel on our fingertips and throughout our body. When we achieve collective consciousness, we can work on the subtle systems of other people simply by detecting the state of their chakras at our fingertips and directing vibrations to the damaged centers. It is like gaining a new vision of the world, a new natural feeling - vibrational awareness. The unity of humanity is a goal that seekers have been trying to achieve for many lives, and in our time it has become possible, not only through myth and inference, but through direct evidence.

Hamsa chakra

The Hamsa chakra is a part of Vishuddhi and is located between the eyes on the bridge of the nose. This center is associated with the sense of discrimination and discernment, and also governs the relationship between men and women. The relationship between men and women on a universal scale is a brother-sister relationship. When this relationship turns into a marriage, the institution of marriage must be given full respect so that it becomes a model of Dharma. Spouses should treat each other with full respect and respect, and there should be no confusion in definitions - a man should be a man and a woman should be a woman. We must not forget the purpose of marriage - to give love in society, to increase respect for the family unit, to provide a path for the evolution of humanity through rebirth. chakras

From this article you will learn:

    Where is the fifth chakra located?

    What is the fifth chakra responsible for?

    How to develop the higher chakras

    How the fifth chakra is restored and treated

A person has 7 chakras - points through which the energy of life constantly and consistently circulates. Cleansed and balanced chakras allow you to achieve a higher standard of living in all areas. In this article we will talk about the fifth chakra, which has an interesting name - Vishuddha. What life processes does the fifth chakra govern, how to understand that it is clogged, and what to do to cleanse and develop it? Knowing this, a person will find balance and make his life better.

Where is the fifth chakra located?

The name of the chakra is of ancient origin and consists of two parts: “visha”, which is translated from Sanskrit as “dirt”, and “sudha” - purification. One of the key properties of this energy center is cleansing the body at the physical level, as well as the energy space surrounding a person.

The fifth chakra in the human body is located in the cervical spine, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. People who have the ability to see the astral body say that Vishuddha is an ellipsoidal vortex the color of a clear sky. The chakra is located at an angle of 30° from the seventh vertebra towards the chin. Vishuddha has a size from five to twenty-five centimeters - depending on the degree of spiritual development and the disclosure of a person’s creative abilities.

At the level of the physical body, Vishuddha (chakra) is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland and immune system. However, her role does not end there. What it “does” on a more refined, spiritual level, as the deep problems associated with Vishuddha are expressed, is not an easy question, because the area of ​​influence of this energy center is quite wide. Generally speaking, the fifth chakra oversees creative inclinations, the ability to communicate with others, the ability to listen to the inner voice and reveal your inner world through your actions and words.

Other names for Vishuddhi are the throat chakra (as it is located in the throat area), the volitional chakra (as it expresses the will of a person through words and the speech apparatus), the blue chakra (by its color).

The fifth chakra is depicted as a lotus with 16 petals, each being a symbol of one of the supernatural abilities that a person may have. Such abilities are called siddhis. They can open up in people who follow the path of spiritual enlightenment and engage in certain practices. In general, there are 24 siddhis, but 8 of them are subject only to beings of a higher, divine order.

Photographing the aura and energy centers (chakras)

Analysis of the aura glow will help you understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding yourself and your inner world

Certified Color Therapist
(International Academy of Color Therapy ASIACT, UK).

You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the auro-sensor, you will learn about how the energies of Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

What is the fifth chakra responsible for?

Vishuddhi is responsible for the following human organs and systems:

    nose, teeth, tongue;


    hearing aid organs;

    organs of the respiratory system;

    thyroid gland;

    throat and neck.

Spiritually, the fifth chakra is responsible for:

  • Human interaction with the surrounding reality. The will that a person manifests through the 5th chakra is characterized as “informational.” It differs from the one that manifests itself through the 3rd chakra - “materialized”, which represents action in the physical world.

The throat chakra is responsible for the will in the fight for one’s beliefs, views, ideas, etc., which are born in the area of ​​the 6th chakra, for the initial manifestation of these information structures in the surrounding world through words. Next, this informational will, expressed in the form of thoughts and beliefs, must manifest itself in the area of ​​the 3rd chakra as an action in a certain direction according to the corresponding, most probable future scenario, chosen by the 3rd chakra.

    A person’s perception of his “inner voice”(the voice of his Spirit), who prompts and gives advice in matters relating to the choice of life path and personal beliefs.

    Self-determination. This chakra is responsible for a person’s own “I,” so that he can stand out from the “crowd” and feel like a Personality, understand that there is no one like him anymore.

    Creative inclinations. Human creativity is manifested in the synthesis of personality traits and interaction with the higher collective mind. The fifth chakra helps to select creative ideas from the entire information space and implement them into something material, concrete. The creation of literary works, passion for music, dancing, drawing - these and other forms of creative self-expression are revealed through the fifth energy center.

    Energy-informational influence on others. Through violent influence through the throat chakra, you can convince a person to accept someone’s point of view, literally “break” his will, “infect” him with both positive and negative ideas.

Remember how you felt after a major quarrel with someone, a “showdown” at work, etc. Did you have any unpleasant painful sensations in your throat, did you suddenly develop a cough? Almost no one attaches importance to such physical consequences, reassuring themselves that they caught ARVI somewhere. In fact, due to such a negative energy-informational impact, the person’s Vishuddha chakra was affected.

How to develop the fourth, fifth and sixth chakras

With a well-functioning sixth chakra, you know how to achieve your goals and build detailed strategic plans. For example, imagine how sales of your new development will lead to the birth of a global corporation, how what you have planned will affect the life of all humanity. If you evaluate your actions from a global point of view, you will act for the benefit of all, contribute to human evolution, and move society in the right direction with your wise deeds. This means that your energy will be directed in the right direction, so the universe will repay you in return. The sixth energy center is the chakra of great scientists and Sages.

If your fifth chakra works perfectly, you understand your individual karmic task well, therefore, when you receive a reciprocal gift from the Universe, you will be able to most fully reveal your energy potential. That is, you do everything to realize your abilities to the maximum and make as many people happy as possible.

This is how we get to the essence of people’s energy potential: a person can reveal it most fully only when fulfilling his karmic task. Therefore, it is necessary to find YOUR WORK, destined for him even before his birth. By analyzing your personal horoscope, you can find out what this is all about. As a rule, people themselves feel their calling at the level of intuition. They are interested in doing this from an early age. But if suddenly nothing captivates the child, parents need to be wary: not finding something they like, your child, having matured, runs the risk of not achieving success and will constantly change jobs, trying to earn at least some money.

All people on Earth are destined to achieve a certain goal in accordance with their abilities. A karmic task is “assigned” to a person at birth, and everything that is given to him - energy, talent, personal qualities - should contribute to solving it. This means that the energy channels into which the energy of this particular individual should be directed were already initially determined in the Universe.

A person is supposed to fulfill only his task in this life in order to contribute as much of his energy as possible to the cycle of energies in the Universe. Thus, he finds himself exactly in “his own channel”, in his own energy channel, and therefore goes through life easily, “swimming with the flow”, in this case the energy level rises both in the channel and in the person. But when a person has not found something to his liking, he has not fallen into his channel, which means he is in vain trying to “break through the wall” or rowing “against the flow,” interfering with the general flow of universal energies. As a result, his energy is blocked, his talent is “buried into the ground.” Whatever your gift, it was given to you to solve your karmic task. Therefore, developing your talent is your path to success.

But what if you think you don’t have any special abilities and can’t find your calling?

In this case, the fourth chakra will help you. The main word of this energy center is LOVE. A karmic task becomes for a person his favorite activity, which he will not do just because of money. Therefore, if you do not like what you do, you will not achieve good earnings and professional success. Now you understand that parents who consider their child’s favorite business to be unpromising and force him into another profession are making a huge mistake.

In fact, a person in his place can achieve greater results than where, it would seem, they pay a lot, but this is “not his.” The one who goes to university with a friend for company is also very mistaken, because it is not at all necessary that this person will receive the same satisfaction from the profession that the friend likes.

Sometimes the following cases occur: a person makes for himself a list of certain profitable occupations and professions in full confidence that he will become rich and happy as soon as he “fits in” with those who have already achieved a certain success. These people evoke the image of a loser who believes that a person's fate depends on knowing some secret. But even mastering this secret does not help him in life. As a result, he concludes that the secrets are simply not the same, and continues to search for the “truth” all his life.

The final stage of checking whether you have chosen the right work for your life is the plane of the three lower chakras. In his place, a person understands that his energy is directed in the right direction, work is easy, his career is developing, his income is pleasing, and the activity itself is satisfying. But when a person does not do what is intended for him, then his career “does not go uphill”, and money and work do not bring pleasure.

We looked at the theoretical aspects of how a person's chakras are connected to his success and wealth. To achieve maximum heights in life, it is necessary to follow the principles of not only the second and third energy centers, but also the higher chakras.

Principle of 4 chakras: you need to find something you like, something that brings you joy.

Principle of 5 chakras: you need to do everything to fully reveal your abilities, to organize a business in which you could realize yourself.

Principle of 6 chakras: to found a business that will change other people, the life around us, and will contribute to the development of humanity as a whole.

Mantra for the fifth chakra

Mantras are a combination of different sounds, chanting or pronouncing which you can tune yourself to the required frequency and catch the necessary vibrations. The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, coincides with the combination “ham”, which means “I am.” Chanting a mantra will get rid of internal blocks and open the way to self-knowledge and realization of one’s own “I”.

Spiritual Goals

The throat chakra is the boundary between the higher and lower centers. To achieve the highest levels of enlightenment and purity of consciousness, one must overcome these energy gates.

Open Vishuddha promotes free interaction between a person and society, allows him to express his ideas and inspire others. Other people, inspired by your example, will come to the need to rethink their lives and find new paths.

Restoration and treatment of the 5th chakra

Each energy breakdown in the fifth chakra reduces a person’s chances of demonstrating his abilities. The presence of such “breakdowns” is indicated by the isolation, lack of communication of the individual, he does not have harmonious contact between soul and body. Such an imbalance entails depletion of a person’s physical resources, malaise appears, and severe chronic diseases develop.

In addition, if the fifth chakra does not work well enough, a person does not have a golden mean between the logical and emotional spheres. For the harmonious functioning of the chakra, one must continuously engage in self-development. Speak publicly more (attend special trainings for people with the same difficulties). Fully implement your own ideas into reality, don’t worry about the consequences of what you do. In addition, engage more in social activities, charity, try to achieve success in your career, etc.

Another stage in unblocking the fifth chakra is the development of leadership qualities and team management skills. Vishuddha is also well restored when you feel real gratitude towards other people.

With a well-developed throat chakra, a person becomes an independent and self-confident person, able to fully reveal his creative abilities. The fifth chakra will help you communicate more harmoniously with the people around you, be happy and successful.

Today it is not difficult to find a place where you can buy the things necessary to work with human chakras. We invite you to visit our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, Druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka, 4. We also have stores in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Samara, Orenburg, Volgograd and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

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The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is responsible for the ability to express thoughts and emotions, the ability to find a common language with others and express one’s “I” through creativity. Learn what a healthy and blocked blue chakra looks like, and how to open and develop it.

In the article:

Vishuddha - chakra of communication and creativity

The Vishuddha chakra is located in the neck area of ​​a person. It is believed that its petals surround the larynx, and the stem goes down to them from the back of the head. Each of them is responsible for a person’s predispositions, his physical organs, as well as his senses. Regarding the latter, the throat chakra symbolizes hearing. It also affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, throat, ears, which are closely connected with it, as well as the hands and muscular system.

Blue chakra - Vishuddha

In addition, each chakra corresponds to one of the subtle bodies of a person, which together make up aura. Vishuddha is responsible for the mental body. Its functions include a person’s sociability, building relationships with people around them and the cosmos, and harmony in the inner world. The way he sees himself depends directly on the state of this chakra, as does the connection between feelings, emotions and thoughts. Vishuddha provides communication between the lower and upper chakras, as well as the transmission of information from the Universe to a person and from a person to the Universe.

Without the influence of the Vishuddha chakra, people would not be able to express their emotions in any way - crying, laughing, rejoicing, falling in love. With its help, a person expresses his feelings towards other people and phenomena.

Responsible for creative abilities, Vishuddha is the center of translating creative ideas into reality. Thus, a person is capable of practicing any art. The energy accumulated in the sexual chakra passes through the Vishuddhi flower and is directed to bring the creative process to life. The perception of this energy also occurs during contact with works of art - viewers or listeners can work with the Vishuddha chakra without even knowing it.

If Sahasrara and Ajna are well developed, divine energy flows through them. With a harmoniously developed Vishuddha, the creations of such a person will have a special shade of wisdom. The viewer or reader who comes across this creation will find some important meaning in it. As Vishuddhi develops, a person gains the ability to express his feelings and thoughts through art. He is able to distance himself from disturbing feelings and control emotions.

Vishuddha is responsible not only for the ability to find a common language with other people and express one’s emotions through various arts. One of its functions is to ensure the ability to hear. This includes the opinions of others, your own inner voice, and the clues that the Universe provides. How a person sees himself from the outside also depends on the state of the Vishuddha chakra. She is responsible for self-confidence, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and lack of fear of mistakes and failures.

In addition, one of the functions of Vishuddha is to provide a sense of responsibility. First, a person develops for himself, and later, with age or as the chakra develops, responsibility for other people - children, elderly parents, or even almost complete strangers. At the same time, there is no desire to interfere in someone else’s life and impose your opinion.

How does a healthy blue chakra manifest itself?

A person with a balanced blue chakra is sure to maintain self-confidence.
He has no complexes. Even if people around him want to lower his self-esteem, they will not succeed. Such people are characterized by optimism, they know how to think positively and are not afraid of getting a result that is not the one expected. At the same time, they do not strive to hide their shortcomings from other people, and are not shy about their hobbies and views.

The owner of an open blue chakra freely shares his emotions and thoughts, which applies to both friends and loved ones and enemies. He does not care about the opinions of others, he is independent of public opinion. Such people are not afraid of condemnation or misunderstanding. They live as they see fit.

Those with a healthy blue chakra have a broad outlook and interest in creativity. They try to express themselves on all levels of life - physical, spiritual, material and others. As a rule, such people achieve great success in life. However, they do this not so much for themselves as for other people - the developed blue chakra helps to recognize their life mission, the purpose of the current incarnation.

A person with a developed throat chakra does not blame others for his problems. Instead of blaming someone with whom he recently had a conflict, he looks for the reasons for his anger. Instead of blaming his colleagues who have a cold for infecting him, a person with a developed blue chakra looks for the true reasons for the decrease in immunity. However, conflicts and colds are rare for him.

A person with a harmonious fifth chakra easily listens to other people. He does not strive to out-argue his opponent, preferring a calm dialogue to a stormy spat; he is interested in other people's opinions and is ready to put up with them if it does not harm him. Such people rarely raise their voices. Their vocabulary is large and they are considered excellent speakers. Owners of the harmonious fifth chakra are able to recognize lies by ear, always see the difference between the intonations of the interlocutor and are interested in communicating with interesting people.

People with a developed fifth chakra are often interested in art. They can express themselves creatively on their own, but not always. This can be either art for the sake of admirers, or creations that no one will ever get to know.

Problems with the Throat Chakra - How They Manifest

Since the throat chakra is responsible for hearing, one of the symptoms of disturbances in its functioning is problems with auditory perception. Not everyone is given the ability to have an ear for music, but everyone has the ability to distinguish between ears. With age, hearing deteriorates, and Indian yogis blame this on congestion in the throat chakra. In addition, it leads to the fact that a person hears what he wants to hear. He may twist what other people say to his advantage.

Frequent colds and sore throats, lung diseases and thyroid problems are physical signs of problems with the throat chakra. Ear diseases, frequent headaches and muscle pain should also be on your guard. Of course, the treatment of physical diseases should be carried out using methods familiar to doctors, and with the help of techniques to normalize the functioning of the chakras. In advanced cases, the voice may disappear. This is especially true for those who hold back anger. The consequences of this also include jaw diseases.

Treatment of the throat chakra is necessary for people who have problems communicating or have difficulty expressing thoughts verbally. If it is difficult for you to communicate with other people for any reason - from uncertainty to lack of interest in communication, most likely the issue is the incorrect functioning of Vishuddhi. Low self-esteem and various complexes are also symptoms of this.

The absence of a close relationship between emotions and reason signals problems in the functioning of the throat chakra. The opportunity to express the feelings that a person experiences towards relatives and close people is lost. His mind regulates that laughter and tears are equally unacceptable phenomena. People with a weakened fifth chakra consider such manifestations of emotions to be manifestations of character weakness. They are withdrawn and depressed, forced to constantly hide their emotions. These individuals are afraid to demonstrate what they consider weakness, so they are forced to constantly prove their strength. They can be rude and unresponsive to expressing feelings towards them.

Suppressing emotions rarely leads to positive results. They most often become a nervous breakdown, depression, apathy. A person who hides his feelings is unable to create and create, to express himself in ways accessible to everyone. He may become bitter and harsh, which will alienate friends and family. Such people run the risk of ruining relationships with loved ones.

Imaginary conversations with people are a common occurrence for people whose fifth chakra is out of balance.. The result is an inability to communicate in the real world. Such people do not know how to behave and how to build relationships with real people, and not characters from the world of dreams.

Any negativity that appears in communication pulls the rug out from under the feet of people with an imbalance of the fifth chakra. Self-esteem decreases, they often criticize themselves - if not out loud, then mentally. At the same time, such individuals crave understanding and sympathy. However, they try to please everyone around them. This leads to dependence on public opinion. A person is afraid to say something that even casual acquaintances, not to mention close people, will not like. His self-esteem falls with each experience of communication, and any rejection from others leads to another session of self-criticism. The feeling of not meeting your own expectations and the expectations of others leads to a constant feeling of guilt.

Attempts to attract attention often result in talkativeness. A person tries to avoid pauses in conversation by filling them with empty talk or gossip. The knowledge he has acquired is quickly forgotten, even if the person was seriously interested in the subject of study.

Excessively slow speech is another symptom of problems with the throat chakra. It also happens the other way around - a person speaks too loudly because he doubts that anyone is listening to him at all. There may be slurred speech, stuttering, and illegible pronunciation of words.

How to open and develop the throat chakra

Naturally, the 5th Vishuddha chakra develops in every person aged from 15 to 21 years. Now this age coincides with high school, graduation, higher education and sometimes the beginning of professional activity. In the process of learning, a person is faced with the need to develop the ability to express thoughts, prove his knowledge and express his own opinion in verbal form. At the age of development of the blue chakra, practices for its opening are optional, but useful.

After the age of 21, the natural development of the throat chakra slows down. If you want to achieve something more in magic or everyday life, you should pay attention to the further development of Vishuddhi. Problems with the development of the fifth chakra in children under 15 years of age are associated with similar problems in their parents. They are under their influence, and the influence of a person with a blocked or problematic throat chakra can hardly be called positive.

Aromatherapy and the use of stones and minerals will be useful for a person who is interested in the question of how to open the throat chakra. Lavender incense and essential oils correspond to it, as well as all blue and greenish-blue stones. . Listening and chanting the mantra also helps to open it. In the case of the throat chakra, mantras are especially useful.

Clearing the throat helps a lot in working with Vishuddha. This can be rinses or inhalations with natural herbs and/or sea salt. You can surround yourself with blue objects. It would be a particularly good idea to get a scarf of this shade. In addition, the appearance of blueberries in the daily diet also has a positive effect on the development of Vishuddha.

But how to develop the throat chakra without herbs, oils or stones, or chanting or listening to mantras? Contemplation of nature helps a lot. Admire the sky more often in clear weather. Green grass, spring flowers, walks in the forest or field - all this helps awaken the throat chakra no worse than aroma or lithotherapy.

How to open the throat chakra during a process directly related to it - communication with other people? Try to talk less about yourself, learn to listen to what is happening in the lives of other people. Get rid of sarcasm and cynicism, do not allow curses and ridicule of others. But this does not mean that you should not respond to insults - learn to do it with dignity. Don't hold a grudge, forgive those with whom you are angry. Anger saps your energy. At the same time, there is no need to do something to harm yourself or benefit the enemy.

If your habits include controlling people by raising your voice, do not allow yourself to try to dominate others using this technique. It is customary to receive benefits from communication of a completely different nature than unsuccessful attempts to raise self-esteem. Don't get involved in scandals. This doesn't mean you shouldn't stand up for your opinion. The dispute should proceed in the form of a calm dialogue, but not a loud showdown with the transition to personalities.