Beautiful vase drawing in pencil. How to draw a vase with a simple pencil step by step

What flowers have we already drawn:

  1. – I did it pretty well, I recommend watching it;
  2. – the lesson is difficult, and not everyone can do it

Try to draw them all! And today, at the request of our reader Dmitry Istomin, we will study, how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil. Here's what you should get: So, let's get started.

How to draw a vase with flowers with a pencil

Step one. Draw the outline of the vase. First, a circle in the center of the sheet. We will leave space on top to place the neck of the vessel and the flowers themselves. Step two. Now imagine that our circle is a ball, similar to Smesharik Krosh, only without ears, we need to place a cylinder on top. Let's draw its edges from our ball up. And then we’ll finish drawing the upper and lower bases of the neck. It is clear that we do not see the lower base, but for now we will leave all our auxiliary lines. Step three. Now we will show how flower stems stick out from the neck of our vase in different directions. Some are shorter, some are longer, some are more curved and some are straighter. Next, draw the outline and shape of the bud. These can be any flowers: irises, carnations or poppies. In our example - . Step four. We look carefully at the drawing. Now we need to shape the vase. At the same time, we outline our circle, show the neck and horizontal base. Step five. Now let’s responsibly draw the flower itself. We already had it. I suggest you look through it carefully to draw the tulip petals beautifully. Our buds will be collected. Step six. Well, we got the basics. You need to carefully erase invisible auxiliary lines. Now you can color. We will try to color the vase by drawing lines along its contour to emphasize the shape and add volume. Look carefully at the drawing: the left side is darker, and the right side is lighter, since the light falls from this side. The transition should be gradual. There are darker lines at the base of the vase itself and at the neck. We will also draw them along the contour, continuing the shape of the vase. All that remains is to color the flowers themselves. Also watch the video about how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil:
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Especially for DayFun

Master class on drawing for children of senior preschool and junior school age With step by step photos. Flowers in a vase.

Author of the work: Rassadina Elena Yurievna. Teacher at the kindergarten "Altyn Besik" Kazakhstan. Karaganda.
Description: This master class is intended for children aged 6-7 years and children of primary school age, kindergarten teachers, teachers primary classes, teachers additional education and just for creative people.
Purpose: This pattern can be used to decorate the interior (group, hall), or be used in a drawing class.
Target: Learn to draw flowers in a vase using gouache.
1. Learn to draw objects by observation, convey their features, and arouse interest in drawing flowers.
2. Develop a sense of color, composition, creative imagination, perseverance, ability to select paints according to color scheme.
3. Cultivate interest in plants, a desire to admire them, independence, and a love of drawing.
Material required for work: A sheet of white paper, gouache, brushes, a simple pencil. glass of water, palette.

Flowers attract us with their appearance, variety, delicate aroma. Flowers - beautiful plants that accompany a person at all stages of his life. Different types Flowers have different symbolism, be it a declaration of love, fidelity, friendship, respect and even memory.
Not a single holiday is complete without such a gift as flowers. Flowers, thanks to their beauty and aroma, can instantly lift your spirits and leave pleasant memories.

I would like to bring to your attention a master class on painting flowers in a vase.
1. First, let's take a sheet of white paper and make sketches of the future drawing.

2. Next we take gouache yellow color and a thick brush. Let's draw the background.

3. Then we will need light brown paint (ocher). We will use it to draw a table.

4. Use white gouache to paint the table on one side so that one side becomes lighter.

5. Then we take dark brown paint and darken the table on the opposite side, making a shadow.
6. Next we take it dark green paint And medium brush, draw leaves.

7. Draw a vase with white gouache.

8. Use ocher to draw a shadow on the vase.

9. Then we take white gouache and add a little blue paint to it, stir and draw flowers.

10. Then draw the center of the flower with yellow gouache.

11. Next, take light green paint and paint the leaves, diluting them with dark green ones.

12. Take a small brush and blue paint and draw small flowers with dots in different places, then mix blue and white paint and add blue paint to the small blue flowers.

13. Orange paint add flowers to the middle. Then we draw two fallen flowers on the table.

The picture is ready. Thank you for your attention.

"Ceramic vase". Master class with step-by-step photos

Drawing a vase with gouache step by step

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 8 "Aistenok" Michurinsk
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, additional education teachers, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: execution of the drawing in mixed media drawing.
1. Introduce techniques for using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to draw a vase in gouache on a sheet of colored paper using different techniques drawing.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
4. Develop the ability to notice and reflect in a drawing external features vases
Dear colleagues, today I would like to present a master class on drawing a vase with gouache on colored cardboard.
This vessel is beautiful and festive.
And if they bring flowers to the apartment,
Then they’ll cut it off right away
They will carefully place it in...

For work we will need the following materials:
orange cardboard;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
sippy cup for water,
palette, simple or white pencil.

Offer several vases for examination to determine what material the vases can be made of, for example, glass,



We can talk about the shape of the vase. Draw children's attention to the fact that all vases presented different shapes. Consider three-dimensional shapes with your children

Invite the children to determine what shape the vase we will draw looks like

Children come to the conclusion that it looks like a cylinder

Step by step process drawing a vase:
Place the cardboard vertically

Just below the middle, draw a horizontal line separating the surface on which the vase will stand

Use white gouache to tint (blur the gouache) the surface of the table

Vertical center line outline the location of the vase, its height

Horizontal lines outline the width of the neck, the widest and narrowest part of the vase

Smooth lines connect the marked points

We add volume to the vase with ovals on the top of the vase, the neck, the wide part, and the base.

We start coloring from the outline

Gradually paint the entire vase with brown gouache

Use a brush with water to blur the illuminated part of the vase.

Shade the darkened part of the vase with a darker tone brown gouache

Draw the neck of the vase

Use white gouache to add highlights to the illuminated part of the vase.

Let's frame the drawing

Let's look at the picture in the interior

It's very simple, kids.
Draw everything in the world.
We will need you with us
Pencil and sheet of paper.
Well, and the eyes, of course.
After all, my friend, they will help
See any object
Consider the shape and color,
Is it round or square?
All rough or smooth,
Is it crooked or straight?
Small or big.

Enjoy your creativity, dear colleagues!

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a vase for young children using this lesson, but if you have great desire- then you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a vase we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Ordinary household things are the easiest to draw, because you can always look at a vase, it’s always at hand and you can examine every detail. You have to draw not from your head, but from nature, and this is much more pleasant and easier. If you do not have the opportunity to look at what you are drawing, it is better to turn to a search engine and look at the photos before taking the lesson.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that each item, each Living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. Build this way complex subjects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

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Photo gallery: Drawing “Flower in a Vase” step by step for beginners. How to draw beautiful flower bell with a pencil - tips for children

Perhaps you won’t find a person in the world who has never stopped halfway to admire marvelous flowers. Wonderful aroma, bright color and unearthly beauty These fabulous plants have always inspired poets to create new stanzas, encouraged artists to create new masterpieces, pushed heroes to unthinkable romantic deeds and legendary feats. In addition, every fragile and defenseless flower hides within itself deep meaning. Thus, divine irises embody wisdom and hope, scarlet poppieseternal beauty and youth, cornflowers - tenderness, modesty and spiritual purity, bells - love and sympathy, and lush sunflowers - work, prosperity, abundance. Let's try to draw a wonderful “Flower” drawing in pencil or watercolor using simple step-by-step instructions for beginners. In a pot or in a vase, big or small, fabulous or natural - it doesn’t matter at all! Any beautiful flower, drawn with your own hands, will delight and inspire adults and children.

Drawing “Flower” - step-by-step instructions for children

“Flower” is perhaps the first drawing that children learn in exciting lessons in kindergarten or at home with your beloved mother following simple step-by-step instructions. It’s easy to draw a simple figure from several elements regular pencil or with a pen, and then color it in the most bright colors. This activity is especially relevant on the eve of the bright women's holiday - March 8th. After all, with a naive children's illustration you can not only decorate your home interior or kindergarten exhibition, but also congratulate your beloved mother, sister, or grandmother. We invite you to draw a “Flower” drawing with your kids - step-by-step instructions for children will help explain the process clearly.

Necessary materials for creating a child's flower drawing

  • sheet of thick white A4 paper
  • regular pencil with soft tip
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • gouache paints, colored pencils or markers

How to draw a flower - step-by-step instructions for the youngest children

How to draw a beautiful drawing “Bell Flower”

Bells are one of the few flowers that harmoniously combine timid tenderness and amazing beauty. Unlike sophisticated lilies and overseas orchids, they symbolize not arrogance and luxury, but sweet sympathy, affection and goodwill. This is probably why the beautiful drawing “Bell Flower” is considered the optimal gift for the first unobtrusive declaration of feelings. In addition, the flower illustration can be decorated as a postcard and given to your most beloved woman on March 8th. And now we will teach you how to draw a beautiful drawing of a “bell flower” with pastels.

Necessary materials for a beautiful bluebell flower drawing

  • medium hard pencil
  • color pastel
  • White paper A4 format
  • tinted pastel paper
  • eraser

How to draw beautiful bells step by step with pastels

How to draw a flower with a pencil - a step-by-step master class for beginners

Surely everyone is familiar with the legend of Prince Narcissus. So, the flower, which today we will draw step by step with a pencil in a master class for beginners, has the qualities of the legendary character of the same name. An unusual, whimsical flower symbolizes pompousness, selfishness and narcissism. But if you look a little closer, you can doubt the beliefs. Is such an elegant creation of nature capable of possessing negative qualities? Let's try to draw a daffodil flower with a pencil according to a step-by-step master class for beginners. Perhaps he will reveal himself to us from the other side.

Materials for a master class on drawing a daffodil flower with a pencil

  • sketch paper
  • simple soft and hard pencils
  • eraser
  • colour pencils
  • white pastel

How to draw a daffodil flower with a pencil – a step-by-step master class for beginners

Perfect drawing “Flower in a vase” with watercolors

You don't have to be a natural or trained artist to make the perfect drawing, because it's quick and easy to draw a flower in a vase watercolor paints you can according to our instructions. Select the necessary materials, be inspired and follow every step of the master class. We assure you that the perfect “Flower in a Vase” drawing with watercolors is guaranteed to you.

What is needed to create the perfect image with watercolors “Flower in a Vase”

  • watercolor paper
  • honey watercolor paints
  • simple soft pencil
  • eraser
  • synthetic brush No. 5 and No. 6
  • glass of water

How to correctly draw a picture with watercolors “Flower in a Vase”

Approaching magical holiday March 8, which means everyone should learn how to draw a flower in a pot or vase with pencils and paints. After all, the “Flower” drawing is the most symbolic and promising gift for a beloved woman, girl, girl. And if art you still haven’t submitted, our step by step instructions for beginners they will definitely help you.