Master Class. topic: "unconventional drawing

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

14 Mar 2018


Today there are many drawing techniques. One of the most interesting is grattage, which attracts many drawing enthusiasts with its unusual effect and ease of execution. By following simple instructions, even an inexperienced person can learn to create real works of art. The grattage technique, otherwise called waxography, will be interesting for children and adults of any age. Works made in grattage are distinguished by the contrast of a black background and white lines of the design.

What is grattage

Waxography is an ancient technique of making images using scratching. Modern grattage (French gratter - scrape, scratch) refers to the scratching of a design on a sheet of paper or tablet, which is covered with a thin layer of wax and ink. Currently, this is a common professional method for creating graphic artistic compositions. With its help, you can achieve precise strokes and create a spectacular look with minimal effort.

Drawings using the grattage technique gained great popularity at the beginning of the last century. Then in Russia they began to actively practice the technique of gratography, which they began to use to realize expressive and fantastic works. The works of M.V. became especially popular at that time. Dobuzhinsky and Lithuanian graphic artist D.K. Tarabildene. The latter illustrated the book “One Hundred Folk Ballads” using this technique.

Scratching a pattern on a black background involves using any sharp object of suitable diameter. Traditionally, quill pens, wooden sticks, and unfilled fountain pens are used to scratch out strokes and images. The essence of the modern scratching technique is as follows: a thick layer of wax is applied to thick paper or a sheet of cardboard, which is then covered with black ink. When a layer of ink is scratched with a sharp object, strokes are formed on the black background, the color of which will match the color of the wax base.

To create a black and white image, a white sheet of paper needs to be covered with wax and ink, and to get a spectacular multi-colored design, the backing is made from several colors of wax crayons. Let's assume another option - first, the base should be painted over with watercolors, setting the color context of the future drawing, then covered with wax and painted with ink. The result will be a colored scratch paper.

It is no coincidence that grattage became popular at the beginning of the last century, because then such qualities as simplicity, originality and conciseness were valued. It was possible to create drawings on a black background with a halftone effect using scratchboard using contours. This technique is often found in magazines and newspapers of the time. If the printing quality of those works was mediocre, then among the advertising products there are masterly examples that show the skill and wide range of scratching possibilities.

Even today, scratching is a unique drawing technique that is actively being introduced into preschool development programs. Scribbling for children is a relatively simple way to create drawings that has great learning potential. It introduces the baby to the basics of composition, develops fine motor skills and imagination, gives an idea of ​​the physical properties of ink, wax and paints, and also has a comprehensive effect on child development.

Preparation of material for drawing using the grattage technique

The history of using grattage is very long, so a lot of tools and materials for implementation have accumulated. To create a drawing with scratch paper you will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard or thick paper;
  • black ink or gouache;
  • flat brush (wide) with soft bristles;
  • oil pastels, wax crayons or paraffin candle;
  • a wooden skewer (for example, a toothpick), a quill pen, a nail, a knitting needle and another convenient tool for scratching - professional artists use cutters (special cutters).

Creating the Foundation

When you decide to create spectacular drawings using the scratching method, prepare a sheet of thick paper (whatman paper can be used) or cardboard. You have several options to choose from:

  • Leave the paper white.
  • Make the base colored. To do this, apply watercolor in random order.
  • Color the cardboard with simple wax crayons. You can use one color or sketch out multi-colored stripes without leaving empty spots.
  • Use colored cardboard as a base for scratch paper.
  • Prepare cardboard with a finished image on it, for example, a piece of a box of chocolates.


Having prepared the base for drawing using the grattage technique, apply wax to it. You can do this in several ways:

  • Rub a wax candle into the base.
  • Grate the candle into a container and place it in a water bath. Once the wax is melted, apply it to the cardboard using a small brush.
  • Light a tea candle and draw wax onto the brush directly from it, carefully transfer it to the cardboard.

If you have already applied wax crayons to the base, then skip the wax step. If the application with crayons seemed uneven, then this problem can be corrected at this stage. You can improve the situation with a solvent, for example, try using turpentine. Professional craftsmen use egg yolk, chalk, and special clay instead of wax to paint using the grattage technique.

For painting, you can use ink, gouache or acrylic paint. It is recommended to lightly mix the first two products with a soap solution or shampoo solution. Due to this, the paint will not roll off the greasy wax surface. More details:

  • One option involves using mascara. It will slide down the wax surface as you work, so you'll need to apply several coats. Alternatively, add color to the base with a sponge or cotton swab.
  • The second method of painting involves the use of gouache. Paint (any kind) must be applied in spots. This engraving will be less durable.
  • For painting, the scratching technique also involves the use of acrylic paint. At the same time, there are subtleties - acrylic hardens as a film and therefore scratching is possible with slight irregularities.

Creating a drawing using the grattage technique

Before you start creating an image using scratch paper, secure the sheet to plywood or a table by gluing it with tape. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Dry the surface completely before starting work. Place a napkin or a clean sheet of paper on the “non-working” areas.
  2. Paint over the surface using oil pastels of different colors. For example, for an autumn landscape take red and yellow tones, for an image of the underwater world – purple and blue.
  3. To make the shades flow smoothly into each other, take a piece of paper and rub the surface with it. The oil surface spreads well, so you get a solid multi-colored stain.
  4. Paint over the entire surface using black ink or gouache. Don't forget to add a little liquid soap or shampoo to the pigment.
  5. Outline the main contours with a white pencil or chalk. Indicate only the main outlines, because It will be difficult to erase a pencil from such a surface without damaging it.
  6. Start scratching the marked outline with a sharp object. Do not press too hard - do it with enough pressure to remove the black layer. Make sure the dark pigment is dry before scratching.
  7. Having scratched the main outlines, work on the details and complete your drawing.

Scratching can be made negative or positive. In the first case, the substrate is made dark and the background is light, and in the second (the most common) a light pattern is scratched onto a dark background. After covering the wax layer using mascara, you will get a semi-matte black surface, which must be handled very carefully - do not splash water or touch it with your hands. Fingerprints immediately remain on it, which cannot be removed later with anything. Helpful Tips:

  • If you don't dry the wax cardboard completely, you won't be able to scratch a straight line, because... the material will begin to crumble.
  • It is very important to work on a completely flat surface so that the cardboard does not break or bend. It is better to fix the worksheet on the plywood with tape.
  • You can choose materials for the grattage technique at your discretion. It can be thick paper, cardboard, plastic, wood, an old calendar and even metal. In the case of metal and wood surfaces, you don’t have to tint the base - just cover it with wax and scratch the image.
  • Apply the paint with a flat brush with soft bristles - this will ensure an even layer. If you use hard bristles, it will “injure” the wax layer. It is recommended to brush only once, otherwise the surface will become waterlogged and simply swell.
  • The intermediate layer can be made with a paraffin candle, egg yolk or wax crayons.
  • The last layer of paint is created using colored gouache or black ink. The finishing color can generally be anything - it all depends on your compositional idea.
  • To prevent the gouache from staining your hands when scratching out a design, add a little PVA to the paint.
  • To prevent the paint from rolling off on paraffin or wax when applying the finishing layer, cover the surface with chalk.
  • If ink or gouache rolls off a layer treated with wax crayons, you can first degrease the base with talc.


The date of the: 02/19/2015

Teacher - master:teacher Babushkina Maria Petrovna

Duration of the master class: 15 minutes

Purpose of the master class:increase the motivation of teachers to master non-traditional drawing techniques.


To introduce the non-traditional scratch-drawing technique for subsequent use of this technique in your work with children;

- teach the technology of priming sheets for drawings;

- promote the development of imagination and fantasy of master class participants;

Promote the formation of emotional, positive feelings and mood.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Forms of work : individual, collective.

Handout:cardboard sheets (tinted, covered with a layer of candles) for work, stacks, toothpicks, skewers, stationery knives, small sheets for experimenting, napkins.

Visual aids:presentation "Scratch"; works, musical works.

Demo material:exhibition of drawings using non-traditional techniques.

Master class structure:

1. Introductory part. 3 min.Announcement of the topic and purpose of the master class.

2. Main part. 10 min.

Explanation of the main stages of drawing using the Scratch technique

Choosing material for future creative work

The importance of non-traditional drawing for the development of a child.

Practical part. Mastering techniques for performing unconventional drawing using the “Scratching” technique

3. Reflection of the master class participants. Summarizing. 2 minutes.

Progress of the master class.

1. Introductory part.

Each person is looking for his own path, including me, and I am also looking for paths.

Paths to the hearts of children, to new facets of mastery, to various types of art.

One of these paths led me to unconventional drawing techniques.

There are many different techniques in fine arts,

As a teacher, I know them.

And the goal in front of me is this:

I teach others what I know.

I invite teachers to a master class.

(7 teachers occupy places)

I will introduce you to drawing techniques grattage.

The word “Scratching” comes from the French word - scrape, scratch, so another name for the technique is the scratching technique. Another name for this technique is waxography..

Scratch is a graphic design made by scratching wax with a sharp instrument.

This technique is often used in art schools and children's drawing studios. Many have heard about it, but not everyone has tried it, and in vain. Because work done using this technique looks very good. They have some kind of mystery, volume, each one turns out to be unique.

The scratch technique uses the following:materials and tools: cardboard, preferably white, wax crayons, candle, gouache, sponge, wide brush, crochet hook, toothpicks.

Look at the works done using this technique. Various means of expression are used here -line, stroke, spot, contrast.

Stages of work:

Complete sheet of thick paper or cardboardpaint over with wax crayons, wax pastel, gouache or watercolor.The color scheme depends on the intended design. It is also possible to use plain white or colored paper.

Next stage: we are completely cover our sheet with wax. To do this, we use an ordinary wax candle.

Then we take black mascara or black gouache, add a little liquid soap or shampoo so that the sheet does not stick to your hands.Covering the painted sheetwith a wide brush or sponge. We wait until the sheet dries -it turned out to be a blank.

Next, take any sharp object : a toothpick or feather, a crochet hook or knitting needle, a pen with a used rod and scratch the design on a black background.

Since preparing sheets for scratch paper is not a quick process, my guys and I prepared them for you.(I show the scratching technique)

And that's the magic! A pattern of thin colored or white strokes appears on a black background.

And so do it!

Pick up a skewer and toothpick

And the sheet of paper is not easy,

And like a magician - scratching

Create your own drawing.

There is no smell of indifference here,

There is such room for creativity

That sometimes you don’t even believe

That this was done by you.

If a child finds it difficult to choose a plot, then I offer templates. For example, I drew a fish according to a template, and then the children begin to finish drawing, scratching algae and pitfalls.

So, our master class has come to an end.


I tried to talk about all the stages of teaching preschoolers the non-traditional drawing technique “Scratching”.

Summarize . Dear Colleagues,Please tell me if you were interested and would you like to apply the knowledge you have gained?

Showcase your work.

Thank you for your interest in unconventional drawing techniques and for your active participation in the master class. It was a pleasure to work with you. Wonderful pictures will remain as a keepsake for you.

Dear jury!

So that we don’t forget the “Grattazh” technique

I will give the paintings to you now.

Self-analysis master class


Conducted by: Babushkina M.P.

Purpose of this master class was to increase the motivation of teachers to use non-traditional drawing techniques in working with preschoolers. The assigned tasks were completed in full. The stages of learning a new drawing technique were considered. The teachers got acquainted with the “scratch” technique, with the stages of children’s learning, and created creative works using a new technique. Conditions were created for the participants of the master class to develop imagination, creative thinking, and master the “grattage” technique.

The master class was held in the form of practical work. Works made using the grattage technique were presented. Participants were provided with materials to perform creative work.

The introductory part consisted of announcing the topic of the master class and its content.

The main part discussed the stages of the work.

The final part summarized the results.


All assigned tasks were achieved. The theme of the master class gave teachers the opportunity to learn new things, feel new sensations, and do good work. The stages of the master class had a logical sequence. The psychological atmosphere was friendly. Everyone did an excellent job with the practical part. Overall, I liked the master class and am pleased with the result.

Master class on non-traditional drawing techniques. "Scratch" method

Anna Aleksandrovna Sharypova, teacher of the 5th group of the Naberezhnye Chelny MADOU “General developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of development of pupils No. 96 “Umnichka”

The master class is intended for kindergarten teachers and parents, children of senior preschool age.
The “scratch” technique is also called “tsap-scratch”
Teach children to draw using a stencil.
Develop accuracy while performing work.
Improve children's skills in combining various techniques.
Develop speech and thinking
Introduce students to one of the types of graphics - grattage

Job title: "Butterflies"
We read G. Ryaskin’s verse

There's a miracle in a forest clearing -
there are bows on the flowers,
the butterflies have settled
like colored candy wrappers.

Landscape sheet
Wax colored pencils
Black gouache
Liquid soap
Sharpened stick or paste rod


Color a sheet of paper with colored wax pencils. The pencil should cover the sheet with a dense layer.

Then we rub the drawing with a candle without gaps.

Cover the drawing with black gouache. P.S. It is better to mix gouache with liquid soap for a more even application of paint. Cover the sheet with the resulting mixture using a brush.

Let the paint dry a little.

While the drawing dries, we do finger gymnastics with the children. (Ermakova I.A. “Developing fine motor skills in children.”)
(Place all fingers of one hand on the table)
The bunnies came out to the meadow,
We stood in a small circle.
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies,
Four bunnies, five...
(count the bunnies)

Let's knock our paws
(Tap all your fingers on the table together or in discord)

Knocked, knocked
And they began. We sat down to rest.
(Curve your fingers into a fist)

Make a fist with your fingers. Alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and index into a ring. With straightened fingers, make quick movements (“the butterfly flaps its wings”) - first with one hand, then with the other.
The drawing has dried and you can continue. We take a sharpened stick or a used rod (in my case). Scratch the design (or trace it using a stencil).

If desired, you can not only trace the outline, but also “color” the drawing itself with a rod.

Natalia Smirnova

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention master- class on unconventional drawing techniques grattage. Scratch-drawing engraving, the image is scratched onto a specially prepared sheet with a sharp wooden stick. Today I will talk about how to do color scratch paper. We traditionally do work using this technique for the Day astronautics(children call them " space")

So we will need: wax crayons, black gouache colors(you can use black ink, a drop of liquid soap, a sheet of watercolor paper, a wooden toothpick or wooden skewer, a soft brush.

Paint over a sheet of watercolor paper with wax crayons. It is necessary to paint over it tightly, preferably in several layers, so that the white sheet is not visible at all.

Colors can be arranged in any order

Can you depict " cosmic rainbow"

By the way, wax from crayons lies more evenly around the circumference, the crayons don’t crumble as much.

When the entire sheet is painted over with wax crayons, we begin to apply the black layer. For this, the classic version uses mascara, but black gouache is also suitable. Add a drop of liquid soap to the gouache (so that the paint does not drip from the wax) and mix carefully.

Now, using a soft brush, carefully apply black paint to the wax drawing.

Before work, the brush must be moistened and blotted with a napkin (it should be damp, but not wet, now we will only need water to wash the brush at the end of work. O tassel: I use flat brushes made of synthetic material, they apply the paint more evenly, but you can also use simple soft brushes.

Paint the entire sheet, if necessary, in several layers. Color The layer should not be visible.

The sheet should dry well and only after that you can begin the actual drawing.

Take a wooden toothpick or skewer (whichever is more convenient) and begin to apply the design by scratching the black background.

Because our topic is " space", space objects and we will draw.

Closer to the center of the sheet we will draw a “star named the Sun”, let the rays from it stretch across the entire sheet (this will make it easier to navigate where what is color under black paint).

It’s clear that without Saturn and Earth we can’t escape

“Rocket Caravans” can be drawn using a stencil, or you can do it yourself.

Finishing the drawing of comets and others cosmic bodies(as your imagination dictates)

The work is ready.

Children in the older group can already prepare the sheet before applying the black layer on their own, but it is better for an adult to apply the black paint.

When scratching a drawing, the black paint crumbles, so I do not recommend doing large works on an easel, but the table should be covered with oilcloth.

Closer to the Day astronautics I will post lesson notes for different age groups on technology grattage.

Thank you for attention.

The Scratch technique gives children their first ideas about engraving. The works performed using this technique are very original. Choose from five ways to create scratch paintings in the master classes published here. Scratching, unlike other types of engravings, is simple, quick and cheap. Therefore, it is great for children and beginners. Even the smallest and most inexperienced can create a beautiful picture using this technique the first time.

What is the essence of the Grattage technique?

The design is scratched with a sharp object on a specially treated surface of a sheet (usually cardboard). The French word "grattage" translates as "scrape, rustle, scrape." The resulting original graphic works are called “Scratchies” by the children. “Scratchies” are simple and rainbow-colored.

Drawing tools for the Scratch technique

Any pointed, convenient object is suitable for scratching. This could be a sharp wooden skewer or stick, a glass, a pen that no longer writes, a toothpick, the back of a brush. You can use several objects of different formats to scratch lines of different thicknesses.

Methods for preparing sheets for scratch paper drawing

You can buy ready-made sets of albums or notebooks for Scratchboard drawings. But there are also technologies for making engravings with your own hands. The most important thing for a new painting is to prepare a base sheet for scratching the drawings. The sheet must be made smooth and sliding, and a dark thick layer of paint or ink must be applied to the sliding surface, which will be scratched. In our master classes with photos you will find step-by-step instructions for these simple processes.

Scratch 1: using a candle and black ink

This is the simplest type of grattage, which produces a white design on a black background. For it you will need white cardboard, a wax or paraffin candle, black ink, laundry soap, a soft brush and a scratching tool. First, the sheet is rubbed with a candle and then covered with black ink. Soap is necessary to lather the brush before dipping it into mascara. This is necessary for better fixation of the mascara. When it dries, you can scratch the picture.

Scratchboard 2: with oil pastels

This picture will already be more colorful, because instead of a candle, a sheet of paper is rubbed with colored crayons made from oil pastels. You can use a combination of many colors and apply them on the sheet in any order: chaotic spots, stripes or squares. All other steps are exactly the same as in the version with a candle. When the drawing is scratched, a bright multi-colored layer will appear under the black background, which will give the picture an unusual effect.

Scratch 3: using a candle and gouache

This method uses a paraffin candle to create a sliding layer. But before treating the sheet with it, it is decorated with rainbow stripes of multi-colored gouache. On top, gouache is again applied to the paraffin layer, only this time it is black. When the black layer is dry, you can scratch your masterpiece. It will also be created with colorful multi-colored lines on a black background.

Scratchboard 4: With multi-colored wax crayons and gouache

A white sheet of cardboard is filled with spots or squares using multi-colored wax crayons. The result is a bright panel of “patches”. There is one rule for applying color with crayons: the main thing is that there are no gaps. Then the sheet is covered with black or dark blue gouache. And when the background dries, you can scratch your miracle drawing.

Scratchboard 5: With markers, tape and acrylic background

To make such a drawing using the scratching technique, you will need dark acrylic paint, tape, scissors, multi-colored bright markers or felt-tip pens, a soft brush, any dishwashing detergent and, of course, a sharp object - a tool for drawing.

First, a sheet of paper is filled with colored spots, stripes or squares using markers. After this, the surface of the sheet is laminated with tape (evenly, without creases or bubbles). When the multi-colored smooth surface is ready, it is covered with a background. To do this, mix detergent with dark acrylic in a 1 to 1 ratio. You can also use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process. Now you can start scratching the design.

What subjects can be drawn using the Scratch technique?

These can be any drawings. Birds, animals, flowers, people, landscapes, abstract patterns. Inscriptions with words. There can be no limits to a child's imagination. Particularly “magical” in the rainbow “scratch” are scenes with a city at night, the sky with fireworks, paintings on space and New Year themes.