Journal of familiarization with local acts sample. Journal of familiarization with local regulations

Current labor legislation implies the obligation of employees who have just started working to familiarize themselves with the local regulations in force on the territory of the enterprise. Absolutely every employee must go through the procedure of becoming familiar with the basic documents related to his work activity.

Such documents include next set of papers:

  • vacation schedule;
  • staffing schedule;
  • collective agreement;
  • job training;
  • social Security;
  • trade secrets and confidentiality of information;
  • position related to bonuses.

In accordance with the current legislation, the employer undertakes to provide all these acts to the employee for familiarization.

Within the framework of this documentation, only those provisions that are directly related to the activities of the newly hired employee are taken into account. Such familiarization must take place for signature.

And this is not just a formality: if this requirement is ignored, there is a possibility of an administrative penalty under an article related to failure to comply with the requirements of labor legislation.

Nobody wants to pay fines, so the familiarization process must be documented and confirmed with a signature. Eat several ways of this event:

  • drawing up separate sheets for review purposes, and then attaching them to individual provisions, contracts, orders, instructions and other papers;
  • putting down paintings directly on the sheet;
  • creation of a special journal that regulates the procedure for familiarizing employees with certain regulations and other forms of documentation.

As for the order documents related to hiring, vacations and other personalized elements, familiarization with them takes place “under signature”, that is, confirmation is placed on the document itself. As for internal regulations affecting several persons at the same time, the situation is much more complicated, because if every full-time employee signs on the paper, as a result there will simply be no free space left on it.

Therefore, employers have to create special sheets and magazines, which include all this information. Such documents are especially relevant for large enterprises with a large average number of employees.

As for regulations and documents relating to the safety of personal information, they must be drawn up strictly in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 Federal Law “On Personal Data”. The familiarization sheets are prepared in the form of a plate; this is necessary for ease of filling out. The magazine must be laced.

In order for a larger number of employees to familiarize themselves with local documents, it is necessary to maintain magazine, which is drawn up by analogy with sheets and other papers.

What is it for?

An employee’s knowledge of internal regulations and documents is the key to successful and fruitful work. In addition, possession of such information guarantees safety at work and in other work areas. Eat a few reasons, for which you should not neglect to familiarize yourself with this type of documentation:

  1. Guarantee of safety in production, trade, and services.
  2. Knowledge of job specifics
  3. Getting an idea of ​​the labor process.
  4. Normalization of relationships in the team.
  5. Establishing relationships between employees and management.
  6. Structuring the activities of all departments.
  7. Sequence of work of all links.

As for the necessity of the journal itself, it is compiled in order to systematize all the information and integrate it into one picture. The principle of operation of such a document simple and clear: the employee gets acquainted with the rules and local documents, and then confirms this fact in a special journal, putting his full name, date, and then signature. The journal is convenient because it contains a large number of pages and can be signed by several employees. Such a document will last for several years.

What is LNA? The answer to the question is in the video.

Structure and composition

If we pay attention to the classic example of this document, we can conclude that the structure, composition and form are as simple as possible. Traditionally, there are quite a lot of local regulations (LNA) with which staff need to be familiarized, so several pages should be allocated for each of them.

However, the structure will remain the same and will include the following important materials:

  • the position to which the newly hired employee entered;
  • surname, as well as first and patronymic of the newcomer;
  • date and time at which the document is endorsed;
  • personal signature of each employee.

If desired, the sheets can be numbered and stitched, but this aspect is not strictly necessary. The person responsible for maintaining such a document is usually a personnel specialist. If the organization is small, this person may be the manager himself.

Storage periods and procedures

Separately, it is worth mentioning such points as the features and storage periods of the type of documentation in question. This issue does not have any legal regulation, so it is resolved exclusively by the organization itself.

Most often, employers set short storage periods for such magazines and sheets, amounting, for example, to 5 years. This is a big mistake, because in practice a longer storage time should be set, because most LND are stored for a long period of time, so they must lie in the enterprise minimum 10 years.

In addition, the lion's share of employees who became familiar with the rules many years ago may require rereading. And without such a document, it is problematic to provide proof of compliance.

You should also remember about the Order issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, No. 558, which contains data that all LNA, as well as orders, orders, instructions on the personal data of employees are documents that have a continuous shelf life.

Therefore, it is best to install similar requirements and for the magazine to familiarize themselves with them. This is especially true for provisions on the structural divisions of the organization and on remuneration. Therefore, if employees sign in person, the retention period must be appropriate.

Sample document

To have an idea of ​​what this normative act is, you need to familiarize yourself with sample of this paper. There is no legally approved form of journal and sheet. Moreover, the paper is not mandatory or even recommended, so legislators decided to ignore it.

The fact that an organization introduces this form into its document flow is strictly voluntary. Therefore, it depends on the employer exactly how this issue will be resolved.

In any case, you will have to develop the required form yourself. The main thing is that it includes all the necessary information and regulations that must be familiarized with by all employees. The generated form must be approved by the head of the company. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this.

Traditionally, the template looks like tables. Above the table is written the name of the normative act, which is subject to review, and then data about the employees is entered in the columns - serial number, position, full name, signature. Below the table is information about the author of the document, as well as his signature.

In legislation no mandatory item and that the document should be given a paper form. The journal can also be a set of separate sheets that are placed in a binder. There is no need to put any visa or other information indicating that the paper has been approved, either on the title page or in the text of the document itself. The only thing that is recommended to take into account is the start and end dates of the entries.

Thus, a sheet or log of familiarization with LNA is a special document that is compiled on an individual basis and is determined directly by the management of the organization.

There is another form of the table template of this document, it looks approximately in the following way:

  1. The first column is the serial number of the employee who is being familiarized with working conditions.
  2. The second column requires your full name.
  3. The third column shows the position.
  4. Next comes the structural unit in which the employee performs his direct job responsibilities.
  5. A note indicating that familiarization with the internal labor regulations has been completed.
  6. Confirmation of familiarization with the certification provisions.
  7. Mark on understanding of trade secret provisions.
  8. Confirmation of the fact of verification of the processing of personal data.
  9. A note on reading the standards for remuneration of employees and their bonuses.

In addition to these points, there may be some additional provisions that depend on the individual situation.

How can I familiarize myself with LNA and orders against signature? The answer to the question is in the video.

A log of familiarization with local regulations - a sample is given below - may be required if there is a large number of personnel and other conditions that will be discussed in the article.

The purpose of filling out a log to familiarize yourself with local regulations

In some cases, the management of the enterprise, in accordance with Art. 22, 68 and paragraph 8 of Art. 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must familiarize employees with internal documents against receipt. This refers to local regulations (LNA) that directly relate to the work activities of employees or to the processing of their personal data.

NOTE! It is necessary to familiarize yourself with regulations not only due to legal requirements, but also in order to assign responsibilities to the employee that were not specified in the employment agreement or other documents.

Such circumstances arise in cases where an employee’s signature is required under the company’s privacy policy. When an employee’s signature on a normative act is absent, it will be very difficult for him, even if he divulges commercial information that is a secret, to present justified claims. And it is even more difficult to punish.

The process of familiarizing enterprise employees with official documents and personal identification documents is not defined in the law. However, the entire procedure can be streamlined using a familiarization log.

What information should the familiarization log contain?

To ensure completeness of information, the designated document must contain the following information:

  • what internal regulations are in force at the time of familiarization;
  • personal information about the employee who must familiarize himself with the document, his position and place of work, indicating the department;
  • date when the familiarization process takes place.

In addition to this information, the journal must provide space for the signature of the employee who has read the normative act.

It is not necessary to stitch and number the sheets of the journal, but it must be approved by the head of the company.

If the above explanations are not enough to create a review log, you can use the form posted on our website.

Keeping a journal in which the company’s employees sign that they have read internal documents is necessary for two reasons: by law and by objective necessity. Employees sign the journal and thereby certify that they have become familiar with the regulations. The journal must be approved by the head of the company.

Such a document provides summary information about all approved internal regulations, designed for repeated use, which establish the procedure for managing employees.

Local regulations (LNA), which are given in the journal:

  • job descriptions (regulate the range of responsibilities and competence of issues resolved by employees);
  • various provisions, for example on remuneration or on working with personal data;
  • collective agreements (perform the functions of coordinating labor relations);
  • labor regulations and others.

In accordance with the law, the employer is obliged to familiarize employees with the LNA, the jurisdiction of which affects their activities, against signature (Articles 22 and 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This applies to both existing and newly hired employees. Personnel must become familiar with the LNA that regulates the procedure for processing personal data in the company (clause 8 of Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Familiarizing employees with LNA is necessary and important not only in connection with legal requirements. This procedure legally establishes the employee’s responsibilities, which are not clearly stated in the employment contract, but are of high importance when building legal relations between the employee and the company.

For example, if an employee has not familiarized himself with the provisions on trade secrets (local acts typical of most enterprises), the company will not be able to make claims against him in the event of a leak of secret data beyond its borders. In turn, if the employee signed this act, the company will be able to hold him accountable.

By law, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the internal rules, collective agreement and other regulations that are directly related to his duties before signing an employment contract (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, a number of documents are offered to the employee during the work process. These are shift schedules (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), orders on the application of disciplinary sanctions (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and personnel records.

Structure of the familiarization magazine

The document consists of several sheets. It most often records:

  • local acts approved at the enterprise for the period of provision of the document to the employee for signature;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of employees who must sign;
  • departments of the enterprise where personnel work;
  • dates of staff familiarization with internal papers.

The structure of the journal also provides columns for the signatures of employees certifying that they are familiar with the necessary list of internal regulations.

The magazine is approved by the head of the enterprise.

Who keeps where and how much is stored

The personnel service employee usually keeps a log of familiarization with LNA.

The storage period for the journal is determined by the director of the organization, since this period is not established by law. However, sometimes it is necessary to set long storage periods. This applies to situations where LNDs have a permanent shelf life or a shelf life of 10 years.

The enterprise is also obliged to keep internal regulations that have expired. The storage periods for document flow are established by the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the storage periods approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

How to compose correctly

There is no special approved form. Any organization or its division can develop its own with the number of pages it needs. However, you should adhere to the basic structural elements given above.

In the sample, the acts for review are formed into groups (internal regulations, regulations on remuneration, etc.). When hiring new employees, it is more convenient to familiarize them with internal documentation by section. Practice shows that companies with a large number of employees usually create separate journals for each type of internal regulatory regulation.

The magazine is published in a convenient format (A 4, book). The cover is thick and durable (thick glossy cardboard 300 g + PVC), high-quality white paper 80 g. Part of the columns in the table of the magazine for familiarizing workers with local regulations is located on the left side of the spread, part - on the right.

In addition to the approval visa, the so-called “familiarization visa” is often used in office work. An familiarization visa is a mark affixed by an employee to a document indicating that the employee is familiar with its contents. Its difference from the “visa” requisite is that it is issued not on the project, but on an official document, i.e. already signed, approved and entered into force. In this regard, when developing local legal acts of an organization (instructions for office work, regulations, etc.), this element of the document should be called “a note on familiarization with the document.”

Why do you need a log of familiarization with local regulations?

The provisions of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide for the employer’s obligation to familiarize employees with all local regulations (LNA) that are related to his work activities. Such familiarization must necessarily take place against the signature of the employee. Ignoring this requirement entails administrative liability for failure to comply with the requirements of labor legislation. No one wants to pay fines, so the familiarization process has to be formalized somehow. There are several ways to do this:

Separately, it is necessary to note the procedure and terms of storage of this document. This issue is also not regulated by law, so it must be determined by the organization itself. Most often, employers want to make it small, for example 5 years. This is a mistake, and in practice it is better to set longer shelf life. After all, many local acts have a permanent shelf life or are stored for at least 10 years. It is advisable that these periods do not differ from the period of storage of documents on familiarization with them. In addition, employees who were familiar with the LNA more than 5 years ago can continue to work in this organization and raise the issue of familiarizing them with certain standards. Without this document, it will be quite difficult to prove that the requirements were met.

Order familiarization sheet

It is unacceptable to let in any of the enterprise employees mentioned in the order, much less forge their autographs. If one of the employees is absent from the workplace at the time of collecting signatures, for example, due to illness, vacation or business trip, you must wait until he returns and only then take a signature to familiarize himself with the order.

As a rule, acquaintance with the order occurs immediately immediately after its release or within a few days after that - usually the deadline is indicated by the director in the document itself. In any case, the employee must sign before he begins to carry out the order.

In conclusion, we note: in cases where the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with a particular document against signature, and the employee refuses such familiarization and does not issue a familiarization visa on a copy kept by the employer, it is advisable to draw up an appropriate act. In some cases (for example, if an employee refuses to familiarize himself with an order to apply a disciplinary sanction against signature), the drawing up of such an act is expressly provided for by labor legislation.

The need to obtain an familiarization visa also arises when a document is received from another organization, if officials must familiarize themselves with its contents in accordance with their official position and official responsibilities. To organize high-quality and timely implementation of internal orders, the contents of the document (order, instruction, etc.) must be familiarized to the employees responsible for its execution.

Visa for familiarization with local regulations in the journal for familiarization with orders

Orders for core activities are stored separately from orders for personnel. A note is made in the lower left corner of the order regarding the sending of the order for approval of the Journal for familiarization of interested employees with orders for the main activities.

How, during the employment relationship, to familiarize an employee with a new local regulatory act that affects the terms of his employment contract, if the new local regulatory act is approved by order and the employee’s familiarization visa is issued in the Journal of familiarization with orders for the main activity.

Logbook of familiarization with local regulations of the organization

Some employees, after applying for a job, begin to be indignant that when they signed the employment contract they were counting on different working conditions, working hours, payment, a different composition and scope of duties, rights and responsibilities, that, knowing “everything”, they would not have applied for the job . It happens that after signing an employment contract, an employee no longer wants to sign local regulations and comply with them. To avoid unnecessary dissatisfaction and disputes, it is possible to familiarize the employee with exactly before signing with him an employment contract with the conditions established in the local regulations of the employer, the collective agreement.

Along with the local regulations directly provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer, carrying out local rule-making, can adopt other documents containing labor law norms necessary to solve emerging problems in relations with employees.

Journal of familiarization with local regulations

For example, if an employee has not read the provisions on trade secrets (typical of many LNA enterprises), the company will not have the right to make any claims against him regarding the leakage of secret information outside the enterprise. In turn, if the employee confirms with his signature his familiarity with the relevant LNA, the company will be able to hold him accountable.

Important! Apart from the fact that familiarization of employees with LNA is the responsibility of the employer company by law, the corresponding procedure is important from the point of view of legally establishing the employee’s responsibilities that are not provided for in the employment contract, job description and other regulations, but are critically significant when building labor relations between this employee and employer.

Familiarization with local regulations: sample magazine

  • requesting the necessary documents from the future employee;
  • familiarization with local acts related to his upcoming work;
  • signing an employment contract;
  • issuing an order from the manager on hiring a new employee;
  • filling out the employee’s personal card;
  • making an entry in the work book.

When hiring an employee, he needs to be familiarized with the local regulations of the enterprise, which will directly regulate his work activities. The fact of familiarization with the documents must be confirmed by the signature of the employee. In practice, there are several ways to do this. One of the options for collecting and storing employee signatures at the disposal of a personnel specialist is a log of familiarization with local regulations. We offer a completed sample of the magazine prepared by our employees. You can download our sample and there is no need to buy it.

LNA does not affect the terms of the employment contract and is approved by order; familiarization visa - in the journal for familiarization with orders

In the case when a new local regulatory act is approved by order, the fact of familiarization of the employee with the employer’s LNA, which is an appendix to this order, may be the affixing of his signature in the Journal of familiarization of employees with orders for the main activity.

Since there is no normatively established form for this document, the employer has the right to independently develop a Journal for familiarizing employees with orders for the main activity (Template for the Journal for familiarizing interested employees with orders for the main activity template). It is necessary to take into account that the components of the “Introduction Visa” requisite are the name of the employee’s position, his personal signature, the date of inspection and the transcript of the signature. Therefore, they should be reflected in the Journal. How they will be located in the Journal is at your discretion.

Order log form

  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules for storing and using personal data of employees, as set out in the Regulations on Personal Data;
  • wage regulations;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • job description;
  • regulations on social security of employees;
  • regulations on information security and trade secrets, etc.

A sheet of familiarization with local regulations is a document containing a list of local regulations, including internal labor regulations and other documents that are related to the employee’s work activity. The sheet must be provided to all employees for review before signing an employment contract between him and the employer.

25 Jul 2018 611

When hiring an employee, he needs to be familiarized with the local regulations of the enterprise, which will directly regulate his work activities. The fact of familiarization with the documents must be confirmed by the signature of the employee. In practice, there are several ways to do this. One of the options for collecting and storing employee signatures at the disposal of a personnel specialist is a log of familiarization with local regulations. We offer a completed sample of the magazine prepared by our employees. You can download our sample and there is no need to buy it.

What a new employee needs to know

Hiring an employee is a strictly regulated procedure consisting of several stages:

  • requesting the necessary documents from the future employee;
  • familiarization with local acts related to his upcoming work;
  • signing an employment contract;
  • issuing an order from the manager on hiring a new employee;
  • filling out the employee’s personal card;
  • making an entry in the work book.

The company's staffing table is not a local document that must be familiarized to employees. The fact is that it does not regulate the labor activities of employees (letter of Rostrud dated May 15, 2014 No. PG/4653-6-1).

Option for recording information about familiarization - journal

One of the available options for documenting familiarization with internal regulatory documents is to keep a journal of familiarization with internal labor regulations.

If you decide to start a journal, then you need to include all the local regulations of the organization. Including, Internal Labor Regulations, Regulations on Business Travel, Regulations on Overtime Work, etc.

The legislation does not establish a unified form for the log of familiarization with regulatory documents. Therefore, it can be issued in any form. It is certainly possible to buy an introduction magazine. However, in our opinion, the only point in purchasing is that the “paper” magazine will be bound and have good printing design. For the convenience of our readers, our experts have prepared a familiarization journal form that can be downloaded.