Who wrote the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool. — Meaning of the name “fool”

Knowing how to brew tea correctly, you will be able to prepare a delicious drink from any raw material, getting maximum pleasure from your homemade tea meal. Simple rules preparations will help improve the characteristics and quality of your favorite drink.

How to brew tea?

Basic knowledge of how to brew tea in a teapot, and tips on improving its taste, will be useful to both a novice housewife and an experienced cook who can comprehend the previously unknown intricacies of preparing a hot drink.

  1. The ideal vessel for brewing tea is a porcelain or earthenware teapot.
  2. The container is rinsed with boiling water, warming the bottom and walls, and poured out.
  3. Pour tea leaves into a warm, damp teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of the finished drink.
  4. Filtered, bottled or spring water boil, let it cool to 90 degrees, pour about a third of the norm into the kettle.
  5. After a minute, add another third of total number liquids.
  6. Leave the teapot covered with a lid and a napkin for a minute, then add the rest of the water and let the drink brew for another 2-4 minutes.

How to brew tea in a thermos?

Tea in a thermos is a variable recipe and depends primarily on the type of raw materials used. For example, traditional and black tea does not tolerate prolonged infusion and requires drinking, or at least straining from the brew, in the first 10 minutes after pouring hot water. Using rose hips, dried berries, ginger, meadow or field herbs as tea leaves, on the contrary, it takes time to maximize the flavor and properties.

  1. When learning how to brew black or green tea in a thermos, it is important not only to understand the importance of getting delicious drink, but also preserve its benefits. The thermos is rinsed with water, the tea leaves are poured in and hot water is poured in for 5-7 minutes. After time, the drink is filtered and returned to the flask to keep warm for a long time.
  2. Thermos is an ideal vessel for brewing dried or fresh rose hips, berries, ginger and a whole range of field and meadow herbs. As in the case of traditional tea, the flask is initially heated with boiling water, after which the raw materials are placed in it and filled with hot water.

How to brew black tea correctly?

To brew the most delicious black tea, you should first take care of having high-quality dry tea leaves. No tea ceremony or secrets to improve taste can save a product of dubious origin and low quality. In addition, it is important to use filtered or spring water without chlorine impurities, foreign taste and odor.


  • black tea – 2 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar, honey, jam, lemon - to taste.


  1. A porcelain or earthenware teapot is heated by rinsing it with boiling water for a minute or lowering the bottom of the container into a bowl of boiling water.
  2. Pour dry tea leaves into a hot, slightly damp vessel.
  3. The water is boiled, allowed to cool to 90-95 degrees, a third is poured into the teapot, the container is covered with a lid and a napkin.
  4. After a few minutes, add the same amount of hot liquid and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. Pour in the rest of the hot water and start drinking tea: the finished drink is poured into cups and served with sugar, honey, and jam.

How to brew green tea correctly?

The following recommendations will help you understand how to brew correctly green tea. The technology is similar to the preparation of black varieties, but it also has its own characteristics: the raw materials can be filled with hot water up to three to four times. Brewing time depends on the desired effect. To get the invigorating effect of the drink on the body, you need to pour it into cups after 1.5 minutes. A richer taste and tonic properties are revealed when infused for 7-10 minutes.


  • green tea – 2 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. Tea leaves are poured into a heated teapot.
  2. The water is boiled and allowed to cool to 80-90 degrees.
  3. Pour a third of the total amount of hot water into the kettle.
  4. After a minute, add the same amount of liquid, and the rest is poured in before serving the drink.
  5. Serve green tea with lemon and honey. Sugar is less preferable when served with this type of drink.

How to make ginger tea?

Knowledge of how to properly brew ginger tea will help you provide yourself and your family with an amazing drink, the characteristics of which will not only allow you to truly enjoy the tea ceremony, but will also help you cope with colds and many other ailments. The ground fresh root is simply ground and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, or prepared using the technology presented below.


  • ginger root – 30 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • lemon slices and honey - to taste.


  1. The ginger root is peeled, removing the dark skin, and then cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour hot water over the slices and simmer quietly for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Let the drink sit a little longer under the lid, strain, add lemon slices and sweeten with honey.
  4. Drink tea with ginger, lemon and honey in small sips.

How to brew and drink Ivan tea?

Further information on how to brew fireweed tea, which is famous for its beneficial effects on the body and numerous beneficial properties. The excellent taste and unique properties of the healing drink are preserved when the tea leaves are poured with boiling water multiple times: the same leaves can be used up to five times.


  • Ivan tea – 30 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • honey or jam - to taste.


  1. Ivan tea is placed in a preheated teapot and poured with boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave the drink to brew for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Serve hot tea with honey or jam.

How to brew masala tea?

The following recipe will help you learn how to properly brew masala tea, which is a traditional drink in India and is popular among gourmets and true connoisseurs tea drink worldwide. The constant spices added to the drink are ginger root and cardamom. The remaining spices: cinnamon, cloves, star anise, nutmeg, pepper and other components are added according to desire and taste and are optional.


  • black tea – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • ginger root – 40 g;
  • green cardamom – 2 pods;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • pepper – 2 peas;
  • cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Cardamom, cloves and pepper are ground in a mortar.
  2. Add spices and cinnamon to the mixture of water and milk and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add tea and sugar, boil Indian masala tea for another 5 minutes, strain and serve.

How to brew rosehip tea correctly?

The following recipe is for those who do not yet know how to brew delicious rosehip tea. It is preferable to use a thermos for this purpose or, if you don’t have one, insulate the container with the drink for a while. The valuable product does not tolerate prolonged boiling, but gives maximum of its properties when infused for a long time in water at a temperature of 75-80 degrees.


  • rose hips - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • filtered water – 0.5 l;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Rose hips are crushed, poured into a thermos with hot water and left for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. If you don’t have a thermos, bring the rose hips and water to a boil and cover them for at least an hour.
  3. When serving, sweeten rosehip tea with honey.

How to make cinnamon tea?

Classic black or green tea acquires amazing taste characteristics if you add cinnamon to its composition. However, a tasty and healthy drink is often brewed using spices without tea leaves or a minimal amount of them. For additional taste, you can add lemon or orange slices, berries, mint, and citrus zest.


  • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons or 2 sticks;
  • purified water – 1 l;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • mint – 2 sprigs;
  • black tea – 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Cut the washed orange into slices and add it to the container along with mint, cinnamon and tea leaves.
  2. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, boil for 2-3 minutes, and let it brew a little.
  3. The finished tea with orange and cinnamon is filtered and served with honey.

How to brew matum tea?

Those who are familiar with Thai cuisine will be interested in how to properly brew matum tea from the dried fruits of the valuable exotic Bail tree, which are often called wood or stone apples. This drink is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Its regular use will improve your health and help you cope with a number of ailments easier and faster.


  • dried “stone apple” mugs – 4-5 pcs.;
  • water – 400-500 ml;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. Cups of dried exotic fruit are poured with boiling water, heated for a minute, then cover the container with a lid and leave for at least an hour.
  2. The longer Thai matum tea is infused, the richer its final taste will be.
  3. Serve the drink with honey, adding lemon slices if desired.

How to brew pu-erh tea correctly?

Proper Pu-erh tea has an inimitable rich taste, exquisite aroma, and has an invigorating and slightly intoxicating effect. A clay teapot is the ideal brewing container, but should not be used for brewing other types of tea. If there is no separate kettle, it is better to use a porcelain or earthenware container.


  • Puer tea – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • purified water – 400-500 ml;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. The tea is placed in a heated teapot, poured with hot water and immediately drained.
  2. Pour a fresh portion of water over the leaves, leave for 5-7 seconds, and pour into a heated cup.
  3. Each subsequent portion of tea is infused for 10-15 seconds more.

How to prepare sea buckthorn tea?

You can increase the nutritional value and enrich the properties of classic black tea by adding sea buckthorn berries to the composition. You can brew sea buckthorn tea with orange, lemon, or simply add citrus zest, a cinnamon stick, and other spices. The berry mass must first be ground in a mortar or crushed in a blender.


  • black tea – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – 150 g;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • lemon or orange slices - to taste;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Black tea, prepared sea buckthorn berries, and citrus slices are placed in a hot teapot.
  2. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid, wrap it up and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  3. When serving, sweeten the drink with honey.

How to brew Egyptian yellow tea?

Egyptian yellow tea is a drink made by brewing fenugreek. In addition to the exquisite nutty taste, the drink has a lot of useful properties, which are maximized when properly prepared. The seeds must first be rinsed, dried and lightly fried in a dry frying pan.


  • fenugreek – 4 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. The prepared seeds are poured with water, heated to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Allow the finished drink to brew under the lid for another 20-30 minutes, after which it is served with honey.

How to brew herbal tea correctly?

All kinds of herbal teas are extremely beneficial. Depending on the base component used, the drink will have different effects on the body. For example, drinking mint or lemon balm will calm your nerves, thyme and coltsfoot will help with coughs, and chamomile tea with lemon will help with sore throats. It is preferable to drink any drink without sugar or sweeten it with honey.


  • herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water – 250 ml;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. The teapot is heated by rinsing it with boiling water or placing it in a container with boiling water.
  2. Pour herbs into the vessel, pour boiling water over it, cover the vessel with a lid and wrap it well.
  3. After 5-30 minutes, depending on the expected richness of taste, pour herbal tea into a cup and serve with honey.

How to prepare Kalmyk tea with milk?

Milk tea prepared according to the Kalmyk recipe will give you vigor and strength, and will quench your hunger for a long time. The authentic recipe uses pressed green tea, but if you don’t have it, you can also use regular leaf tea. The main thing is that the product is good quality. The milk should ideally be camel or mare milk.


  • green tea – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water – 250 ml;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • butter – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • black bay pepper, nutmeg, salt - to taste.


  1. Green tea leaves are poured with cold water, heated to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Add salt Bay leaf, black pepper, nutmeg, add hot milk and cook the drink for another 5 minutes.
  3. Place a slice of butter in the container, cover with a lid and let it brew for another 20 minutes.

Feb 11, 2018 Olga

Even in ancient times, Mongolia, Tibet and China used the method of brewing pu-erh. This method was described by Lu Yu in the Tea Canon, the very first treatise on tea drinking and tea. In him great importance is given practical recommendations on preparing different types of tea, talks about how to choose water for tea. Thus, Lu Yu believed that water for brewing pu-erh should be taken only from mountain springs.

In the Tea Treatise, each stage of boiling is given poetic titles, they successfully describe them, carry aesthetic value. There are only twelve stages of boiling, all of them must be distinguished and observed when brewing tea. Despite the fact that Lu Yu himself did not brew puer, this method is still called cooking according to Lu Yu's method. Now everyone can brew pu-erh following his recommendations.

Preparing for the pu-erh brewing process

Cooking pu-erh is a whole ceremony, you need to prepare for it, prepare all the necessary kitchen utensils and ingredients. For the ceremony you will need:

  • Pu-erh - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Filtered or natural water.
  • Kettle made of heat-resistant glass.
  • Gas burner or stove.
  • Tea tongs (you can use a spoon).
  • Bowl.
  • Chahai or container with a lid.
  • Sieve.

Pu-erh is first washed in cold water. To do this, put pu-erh in a small mug and fill it with water for 2-3 minutes. You can rinse the pu-erh several times, draining the water, to prepare it for cooking, awaken it, soak it, and clean it from dust. You need to make sure that the dishes are clean.

How to cook pu-erh correctly? You need to pour water into the kettle, place it on a gas burner and carefully monitor the boiling process. The first stage of boiling occurs as soon as a slight crackling sound is heard. At this time, 150 ml is poured from the kettle into a separate container. After this, the kettle returns to the fire.

As soon as the water begins to crackle again and bubbles appear, the drained water must be returned to the kettle. This helps rejuvenate the water.

The third time the water will start to make noise again and bubbles will appear, you need to take a spatula or tongs. They need to make a funnel in the water, stirring it continuously. Tea is poured into a funnel. As soon as a gentle boil begins, the kettle is removed from the heat. It is very important not to overcook the tea on the stove.

After a few minutes, the tea leaves will sink to the bottom and the tea will infuse. Using a sieve, it is poured into chahai and then poured into bowls.

Cooking pu-erh with milk

How to cook pu-erh with milk? The cooking rules are the same as for cooking in water, but there is important features. By cooking pu-erh in milk, you can feel completely new taste, discover this tea for yourself again.

For a liter of milk, 2 tbsp is enough. l. puerh. Before brewing, the tea is washed, as in the previous recipe.

Milk is poured into a kettle, which is placed on medium heat. Milk can run away and boil away, so you need to watch it more closely than water. After the first signs of boiling appear, pu-erh is poured. The heat is reduced, the milk is brought to a boil, after a couple of minutes the kettle is removed from the heat. Let it cool and brew for about 5 minutes. You can add spices and honey. The result is a very tasty, warming, rich drink.

A modern method of cooking pu-erh using juice

Most unusual way cooking pu-erh - cooking with cherry juice. To do this you will need freshly squeezed juice, cloves, cinnamon, pu-erh. The tea is washed with water at room temperature. The juice is brought to a boil, tea, cinnamon and other spices are poured into it. The mixture is cooked over the fire for two minutes. After straining, the drink can be poured into mugs. The taste of this tea is rich, a little reminiscent of mulled wine.

Pros and cons of brewing pu-erh

The advantage of this preparation is that beneficial features, the aroma and taste of pu-erh is revealed to the maximum. Pu-erh lovers believe that brewed tea becomes soft and aromatic. The cooking process is a special ceremony and will bring great pleasure. If you use traditional Chinese attributes, the Chinese tea ceremony will acquire special sophistication.

This method also has disadvantages. Pu-erh can only be brewed once, but tea can be brewed repeatedly. This method is very expensive. The tea may not work out the first time; if the pu-erh is overcooked, the tea will become tasteless and bitter, and if it is not infused enough, the infusion will turn out weak and watery. If you have patience, pu-erh will give you its exquisite taste and incredible aroma.

But it is equally important to heat it correctly - under-boiled and over-boiled water equally spoil the taste of tea.

Boiled water

Have you ever run, abandoning everything you were doing, to the kettle as soon as you heard the sound that in just a second the water would boil over? Do your non-tea friends look at you like you're crazy at this time? :)

At first, for tea lovers, the problem of boiled water is very acute - electric kettles automatically turn off when the water has boiled enough, and this is not given any attention special attention. Leave the kettle on the fire until a powerful stream of steam the size of cumulus cloud, also easy.

There is little oxygen left in boiled water, so the tea becomes flat and tasteless. For the same reason, water cannot be boiled again - always only fresh water.

We will tell you below how to heat water correctly.

Half-boiled water

Not enough hot water- the other extreme and the same problem as boiling over.
Often people deliberately choose colder brewing water to avoid bitterness and astringency in the taste. Colder water actually reduces bitterness and astringency. But by brewing your tea with such water, you do not get everything that it can give you (in to a greater extent this applies to “dark” teas).

The best way to control astringency/bitterness is to adjust the brew time and brew quantity. Lowering the temperature often reduces the richness of the taste, making it thinner and lighter. For green teas and weakly fermented oolongs, this can all be true, but not for dark teas, and especially shu puer. You're just not reaching their full potential.

Water heating devices

There is absolutely nothing to please people who use coolers. The problem with coolers is that the water in them is not hot enough to brew dark teas. If you like red teas, pu-erhs, and highly fermented oolongs, then the only solution may be to buy an electric kettle.

Electric kettles with thermometer

These kettles allow you to heat water to the desired temperature. They have sensors - 70C, 80C, 90C, 95C, 100C.
Alas, 70-80-90C is unboiled water, and it is not suitable for tea.

How to properly heat water for tea

Remember, friends, for any tea you need to boil water. And only then cool, if necessary: ​​on average, in 5 minutes, water at room temperature cools to 80C.

Firstly, you need to boil if you use spring water, especially if you are not sure of its safety.

Secondly, boiling helps reduce water hardness and reduce chlorine content. Many teas, experimentally brewed with half-boiled water, suddenly acquired a fishy taste.

The kettle should be removed from the heat/turned off as soon as the noise of the water in it subsides, and the first large air bubbles appear on the surface, rising from the bottom of the kettle - that is, at the very, very beginning of boiling. It is very important not to miss this moment.

In the old tea texts this is called "observing the boiling water."

Boiling stages of water

They were described again by Lu Yu in his “Tea Canon”:

1. “Crab eye” - small air bubbles appear at the bottom, and a subtle crackling sound appears in the water.

2. “Fish-eye” - the bubbles increase, the crackling noise increases.

3. “Strings of pearls” - strings of bubbles begin to rise from the bottom to the surface, the water makes noise.

4. The threads become thick, the water begins to boil - “the sound of the wind in the pines.” At the very beginning of this stage, the kettle must be removed from the heat.

Boiling water over a live fire.

Water boils slowly over a fire, so all stages of boiling can be easily monitored. Not everything is conveyed in the photo, but you can trace the sequence. A glass heat-resistant teapot and a gas camp burner were used.

Boiling water in an electric kettle

It is a little more difficult to track the water in electric kettles. First, many teapots are opaque. Secondly, the water boils quickly in them, and it turns off automatically only after it has boiled strongly.

We photographed the main stages of boiling water in a kettle:

What should you boil water in?

As you can see, in both cases we use glass. It is chemically inert and allows you to observe the water.

Other materials:

Plastic(electric kettles) - the most inappropriate option. Plastic is not chemically inert. In addition, you should avoid kettles that prevent the formation of scale - the heating element will remain clean and shiny, but the water will remain hard, and calcium enters the body and can cause the formation of kidney stones.

Iron(metal kettles for heating over a fire). Not particularly suitable for boiling water. The metal somehow comes into contact with water, changing its taste. That is why it is better not to get rid of scale on the walls of metal kettles or to use enamel cookware.

Fire-clay- the most canonical (based on old treatises on tea) option for boiling water. But also the rarest in a city apartment. Clay allows oxygen to pass through, enriches water, and retains heat for a long time. And although you cannot see the stages of boiling water through the clay walls, you can easily determine at what stage of boiling the water is by the sounds made by such a kettle.

Today there are many traditional drinks which are consumed daily. Black tea in all its diversity is considered one of these. It would seem that the brewing process should not cause certain difficulties. However, the procedure includes a number of nuances, such as the temperature of the water, the material of the teapot for brewing, the duration of infusion, and the dosage of leaves. To fully comply with the technology, it is important to adhere to step-by-step instructions, which we will talk about today.

Stage No. 1. Boiling water

This step is rightfully considered the most important, it depends on final result. To get delicious tea, you need to heat the water correctly.

  1. Prepare a kettle for boiling and fill it with filtered water. The softer the liquid, the tastier the tea leaves will be. The water should not contain impurities or chlorine; you can purify it in any convenient way.
  2. Fill the kettle, retreating 1-2 cm from the beginning of the neck. This move will help control the boiling process, since the free space between the surface of the water and the lid of the kettle will create a certain resonator.
  3. According to all the rules, water should be boiled over an open fire or use a gas stove and a kettle adapted for it. However, not everyone can afford this, so we’ll make do with a modern electrical appliance.
  4. The optimal water temperature is considered to be between 85-95 degrees. This means that the kettle needs to be turned off 3-5 seconds before it clicks on its own. You cannot boil water several times; water heated once is poured into the teapot.

Stage No. 2. Preparing the teapot

  1. A prerequisite for brewing black tea is the preparation of the kettle, namely its heating. If you neglect this rule, when you pour boiling water, its temperature will drop by 20-30%. As a result, you will not be able to achieve an ideal result; the tea will turn out tasteless.
  2. You can warm the teapot in several ways, everyone chooses an option “for themselves”. The first method is to pour boiling water into a pan, then lower the kettle into it. The exposure time is 3 minutes, during which time the glass will warm up.
  3. The second method is the simplest and most popular. Boil water to the maximum mark, pour it into the teapot, leave for 5-10 minutes. Next, drain the liquid and immediately proceed to the next step.
  4. Another method is more problematic. It is necessary to warm up the brewing container in the oven. To do this, place the teapot on a baking sheet and place it in a device heated to 50 degrees. Every 2 minutes the temperature increases by 10 degrees. Heating occurs within 10 minutes.

Stage No. 3. Compliance with tea dosage

  1. The amount of dry tea sent for brewing depends on many factors. Traditionally, people add one teaspoon per serving (mug), but that's not all.
  2. If you did not filter the water before boiling, as a result of which the liquid remained hard (with impurities, metals, chlorine, etc.), you need to take 1.5 teaspoons more tea leaves than usual.
  3. If we are talking about a black drink in leaves, tea chopped into small pieces brews many times faster than large ones. Therefore, it is allowed to put a little less than a teaspoon per serving into the teapot. Regarding loose leaf tea, the proportions vary between 1-1.5 teaspoons per person.
  4. Not many people know, but after smoking or eating, a person’s taste becomes dull. If you plan to drink tea during this period, you need to take 30% more tea leaves. However, many nutritionists do not advise drinking tea immediately after eating; you need to wait 1.5-2 hours.
  5. To pour the tea leaves into the teapot, prepare a teaspoon. Scald it with boiling water in advance and dry it with a towel. Measure the required number of leaves, taking into account all the nuances and personal preferences.
  6. Once you have poured the tea, shake the teapot to distribute the particles evenly. This move will allow all the flavors to be revealed, each particle will receive its own portion of boiling water and will warm up evenly.

Stage No. 4. Brewing black tea

  1. The British are considered true professionals when it comes to the technology of brewing black tea. After you add the raw materials to the heated kettle, pour boiling water over it by 30%. Wait 3 minutes, then fill the teapot another 60-65%.
  2. When all the boiling water has been added to the dishes, you need to wait 7-12 minutes. The smaller the leaves, the longer it will take to infuse. Large specimens reveal taste and aroma in just 5 minutes.
  3. If you don't have time to divide the brewing process into 2 stages, do it differently. Pour the raw materials into the kettle and fill with boiling water to the brim. Cover with a lid and wrap in a towel. Wait 7-10 minutes and start tasting.
  4. While pouring water, make circular movements with the kettle. This way you will raise the tea leaves for even heating. High-quality raw materials form a yellowish foam on the surface of the water. If the tea is of low grade, you will notice floating sticks.
  5. Many people brew black tea 3-5 times in order to save money, but such actions are extremely erroneous. It is not allowed to scald raw materials with boiling water more than 2 times, and the interval between brewing should not exceed a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, the drink will be different and not beneficial.
  6. When you prepare a delicious brew of black tea, store it in porcelain, glass or earthenware containers. The listed materials will help preserve the taste and aroma. Be sure to screw the lid on the teapot.

  1. The main rule is that fresh filtered liquid is used to prepare a tasty drink. The water should not smell musty or hydrogen sulfide, or contain particles of rust, scale, or bleach.
  2. To get a tasty drink, make sure you have soft water in advance. Otherwise, magnesium and calcium salts, as well as sulfuric acid compounds, will destroy the beneficial qualities of the drink. The tea will turn out cloudy and sour.
  3. If you have hard running water in your region, take care of softening it in advance. To do this, pour 1-2 liters into a jug and leave for a day to settle. You can also freeze the liquid, then let it thaw at room temperature.
  4. To get a tasty drink, you can increase the brewing proportions by 1 teaspoon. In this case, it is advisable to use finely chopped raw materials. You should resort to similar methods if you cannot soften the water.

Brewing black tea requires attention to detail and nuances. Soften the water in advance by settling or filtering it. Heat the liquid to 95 degrees, then scald the kettle with boiling water. Pour in the required amount of tea leaves, pour, shake. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes and start drinking. Remember that large-leaf raw materials are brewed faster, and less of it is also required.

Video: how to brew black tea