Kombucha - how to grow from scratch? Kombucha - preparing the drink and growing it.

Kombucha helps normalize metabolism, get rid of excess weight and improve immunity. Outwardly, it resembles a jellyfish and is a collection of microorganisms and yeast fungi. You can grow it at home, but you need to know what kind of water to fill your kombucha with. How to make your own drink from it?

How to pour kombucha at home and get a healthy drink?

To make a drink at home, you only need to purchase a small piece of this microorganism. Tea and sugar are needed for its growth and reproduction. Without these components, the mushroom will lose all its beneficial properties.

It can be placed in black tea. In this case, you will get a delicious restorative drink. Can kombucha be infused with green tea? Yes. The drink will be much healthier. Green tea contains more vitamins and beneficial microelements than black tea.

You can also pour a herbal decoction over the mushroom. Nettle, coltsfoot, linden or plantain are suitable for this. All these plants have properties valuable for the body.

You should not pour the mushroom with varieties of teas that contain essential oils in large quantities, for example, a decoction of sage or chamomile. It is also better not to use ordinary water, because only tea provides vitamin C.

It is better not to experiment with ingredients. There is no need to add honey instead of sugar.

Preparing the drink

To properly pour kombucha, you need to know the proportions of the main ingredients. To prepare two liters of drink you need to take 2 tsp. black or green leaf tea and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Mushroom growing process:

1. Brew 2 tsp. tea in a small amount of water. Strain after cooling. Do not allow tea leaves to float in the solution.

2. Pour the tea leaves into 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature.

3. Add 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

4. Pour the liquid into a three-liter jar.

5. Dip the mushroom into the solution.

6. Cover the jar tightly with gauze.

After two weeks, the drink can be consumed. The finished solution is best stored in the refrigerator. The beneficial properties will only improve. Shelf life – 5 months.

Kombucha helps to prepare a delicious drink and, in addition, it has a lot of useful properties, which we will also remember in this post. How to grow kombucha yourself from black tea or rose hips, how to store kombucha and many other tricks for you.

Growing Black Tea Mushroom

If you only need kombucha for a tasty drink that has a general strengthening effect, you can grow kombucha only from black tea. You will need a three-liter jar, gauze cloth, a teapot, boiling water, sugar and large-leaf black tea. Moreover, the brew should be as usual, without any additives - the cheaper, the better.

The first thing you need to do is to very thoroughly wash the three-liter jar, which will become the residence of your mushroom. This is a mandatory requirement, since kombucha loves cleanliness very much. Otherwise, he will die without having time to grow. And one more very important point: under no circumstances use synthetic detergents to wash the jars - regular baking soda is enough.

Place five tablespoons of black tea in a teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water over them, leave until the tea leaves have cooled completely. Then add 7 tablespoons of sugar to the brew, stir thoroughly and strain using gauze. Pour the sweet, strong brew into a three-liter jar, cover it with gauze on top and place in a warm place for about a month and a half.

After about a week or a week and a half, a strong vinegar smell will appear - this is completely normal, you will have to be patient a little. After 5-6 days, the smell will practically disappear, and a thin film will form on the surface of the liquid - this is kombucha. Every day it will become thicker and thicker - the growth of the fungus does not stop throughout its life.

Growing mushrooms from rose hips

If the task of your kombucha is not only to relieve thirst, but also to take care of your health, it is best to give preference to growing it from rose hips. This kind of kombucha is a real find during the cold season, during the flu and cold season, as well as in the spring, when vitamin deficiency becomes more active. The principle of growing is the same as from simple tea leaves, but there are some nuances, which we will talk about now.

First you need to prepare a rosehip infusion. To do this, you can use both fresh and dried fruits, which are sold in any pharmacy. Place four tablespoons of rose hips in a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water and cover with a lid, leave for five days.

After the rosehip infusion is ready, you can proceed directly to growing the mushroom. Wash a three-liter jar, pour the rosehip infusion and pre-prepared tea leaves into it - at the rate of a tablespoon of large-leaf black tea per glass of boiling water. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly, leave for a day.

Then strain using a gauze cloth, rinse the jar and transfer the infusion into the jar again. Cover the jar with a gauze cloth, previously folded in several layers, and place it in a warm, dark place. Next, the process will develop according to the standard pattern - after about two weeks a strong vinegar smell will appear, which will soon disappear. And the mushroom itself forms in one and a half to two months.

Kombucha care

Growing kombucha at home from scratch is only half the battle. The second equally important half is proper care of the mushroom. Otherwise, you risk getting something that resembles vinegar rather than a tasty drink. Or even worse - the kombucha grown with such care will simply die.

By the way, there is an excellent indicator of the health of kombucha - it should always be on the surface of the water. If your mushroom sank to the bottom, or refuses to float up again after adding tea leaves, there is a very high probability that it has become ill. If your kombucha gets sick, you made a mistake in caring for it. This means that it must be treated, and in all cases, without exception, the treatment is the same - cleanliness and proper care.

Liquid volume

As you remember, initially the jar contains a small amount of liquid - approximately 0.5 liters. But when the mushroom has already grown, there should be much more liquid - about three liters. It goes without saying that your kombucha is not a piece of decoration and you will drink it. This means that don’t forget to add fluid regularly.

To do this, you can use already dried tea leaves - pour boiling water over it, cool and add sugar, then pour it into a jar. There should not be too much sugar - no more than two tablespoons per liter of liquid. If necessary, it is better to add sugar to the cup of drink.

Many people do not strain the tea leaves - they simply add it. There is no harm in this for the mushroom, it just won’t be very convenient for you to drink the drink later. But there will be no harm only if all the sugar is completely dissolved - grains of sugar should under no circumstances come into contact with the surface of the mushroom.

Bath day

Once every two to three weeks, be sure to give your kombucha a bath day. Very carefully remove the mushroom itself from the jar and place it on a wide plate, being careful not to deform it too much. Thoroughly strain the liquid in which the mushroom was located using a gauze cloth and pour into a clean three-liter jar.

Place the plate with the mushroom in the sink and carefully rinse with warm (but not hot) water, leave in the air for a couple of minutes. Then also carefully transfer the kombucha into a jar and cover with gauze. That’s it, the “brainwash” of kombucha is over. It would seem like a completely simple procedure, which is very easy to do, and it is thanks to it that your kombucha will be healthy.

Otherwise, the mushroom will begin to hurt - first it will acquire a brown tint, and then it will begin to separate completely. It is very difficult to save such a mushroom, and in most cases it is easier to grow a new one. And drinking a drink from such kombucha is generally not recommended, because it not only loses its benefits, but moreover, it becomes dangerous to health. Remember that the kombucha infusion should always be extremely clear.

Storing Kombucha

Another necessary condition for the health of kombucha is its proper storage. Firstly, the temperature – it should only be high enough when growing kombucha. Then the optimal temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Secondly - illumination. For the normal functioning of kombucha, light is simply necessary, and the daylight hours should be at least 8 hours. But direct sunlight must be avoided, so don’t make the very common mistake of placing a jar of kombucha on the windowsill.

Benefits of Kombucha

It’s impossible not to at least briefly mention the beneficial properties of kombucha - after all, it’s not for nothing that you bother with it?

Metabolism and immune system

The first thing worth mentioning is vitamins. The kombucha drink contains much more useful substances than the most expensive vitamin and mineral complex. Vitamins, minerals, carbonic, lactic and other acids, minerals, enzymes - this is not a complete list. Therefore, it is not surprising that a drink made from kombucha has a very positive effect on the functioning of the immune system and normalizes metabolism.

Digestive tract

Are you suffering from gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, dysbacteriosis? Just one glass of kombucha drink, drunk on an empty stomach, can improve the situation in just a week. And its regular use promotes complete recovery. By the way, the drink eliminates even the most severe heartburn very well.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing and caring for kombucha. Therefore, if you set out to grow this miracle mushroom yourself, go for it, because the benefits are obvious!

Quite a lot of people in Russia prefer to quench their thirst in the summer heat not only with a tasty drink, but also with a healing one. We are talking about kombucha and its infusion, which is prepared at home by almost all housewives. But there are also people for whom such a wellness program may become unattainable due to ignorance of where to get the kombucha itself. In fact, everything is as simple as shelling pears; kombucha is grown with one’s own hands using certain instructions and conditions. To do this, you just need to be patient and after a successful experiment, the grown mushroom will independently “bear fruit” with new mushrooms.

Initially, adherents of a healthy lifestyle are interested in the question “is it possible and how to grow kombucha yourself.” The answer is obvious - perhaps, in order to enjoy a healthy and tasty drink in the future, kombucha can be gradually recreated from ordinary tea brewing.

In addition, not only black tea, but also rose hips can serve as starting capital. In order for the kombucha to form as quickly as possible and retain its valuable qualities for as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the preparation instructions and, after its appearance, regularly care for it.

Among the people, you won’t surprise anyone with your own kombucha, unless they call it “tea kvass” or “tea jellyfish”. But it is most correct to call kombucha kombucha; this term is used at the world level.

Many European countries have already brought kombucha to the forefront in terms of benefits and taste over typical carbonated drinks and kvass. Visually, kombucha is a film on top of a liquid, consisting of many layers. For doctors and scientists, kombucha is a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast-like fungi of sweet tea.

Kombucha from black tea - grown at home

To grow kombucha at home from scratch, you just need to stock up on tools and ingredients in advance and strictly follow the recommendations.

So, to prepare kombucha at home you will need:

  1. three-liter glass jar;
  2. teapot;
  3. tea leaves;
  4. boiling water;
  5. gauze bandage made of several layers;
  6. sugar (honey or fructose).

In order for the mushroom to form correctly and quickly, you should choose large-leaf tea leaves without impurities or additives. As practice shows, the cheaper the tea costs, the better the kombucha will turn out. If dust is found in a pack of tea, it is better to give preference to another variety.

Instructions for making kombucha:

  1. Pre-clean the containers for growing mushrooms from dust and dirt. If the bottle is not clean, the kombucha will most likely die in the early stages of formation. You should not wash the bottle with dishwashing chemicals; it is better to use the old method - a sponge and baking soda.
  2. The next step is preparing the tea leaves. For such purposes, about 5 tablespoons of tea leaves are poured into the kettle, which are filled with half a liter of boiling water. In this state, the tea should be infused until it has completely cooled. There is no need to pour heaping spoons of tea, 50 grams will be enough.
  3. As soon as the brew has cooled, 70 grams of sugar are added to it, which must be thoroughly stirred until completely dissolved.
  4. The broth is filtered using gauze or a metal strainer. The tea drink is placed in a three-liter jar. After this, a thick layer (preferably several layers) of gauze is placed on top of the jar.

This tea drink is sent to a secluded place for 6-7 weeks. If after 1-2 weeks you notice an unpleasant vinegar smell, just don’t worry. This phenomenon only signals the beginning of fermentation, during which a mushroom is formed. After a few days, this smell will gradually disappear, and a thin film will form on the surface of the drink. And every new day will thicken this layer until a good kombucha is formed.

Rosehip kombucha - growing at home

As practice shows, properly prepared kombucha has a large list of beneficial properties. And if a mushroom based on tea leaves is grown to produce a delicious thirst-quenching drink, then a mushroom based on rose hips will become a truly healing drink. Few people know how to properly prepare kombucha from rose hips, an indispensable remedy during the off-season and cold weather. This drink will strengthen the immune system and fill the body with vitamins and nutrients. In fact, the cooking technology is almost identical, with the exception of a few points.

  1. Prepare an infusion based on rose hips. These can be either freshly picked or winter-dried shrub berries. Place 4 tablespoons of rose hips in a thermos, after which another half liter of boiling water is added. The hermetically sealed thermos with rose hips should be set aside for 5 days.
  2. After this, the infusion is poured into a glass jar, which must be washed accordingly. 2 tablespoons of large-leaf black tea are also sent there (10 grams of tea leaves per glass of boiling water).
  3. After brewing, add 50 grams of sugar to the infusion, the liquid is thoroughly mixed until it dissolves. The infusion should be left for a day.
  4. As soon as a day has passed, the liquid in the jar must be filtered from the sediment. After this, the bottle needs to be rinsed again and a clean infusion without raw materials should be placed in it. After this, the jar is covered with several layers of gauze and placed in a secluded warm place for the same number of days as indicated in the previous recipe.

Usually, the process of developing kombucha on this basis does not differ from the previous version; after 1.5-2 months you can already find a large and healthy kombucha.

Kombucha Care

Kombucha, as it was previously said that this is the name of kombucha, requires not only the correct preparation process, but also regular care. If you do not follow the recommendations for caring for it, the mushroom will begin to deteriorate, and the drink based on it will have an unpleasant vinegary aftertaste. Sometimes, due to ignorance, inexperienced housewives simply ruin their mushroom.

A healthy kombucha will definitely be located on the very surface of the liquid, in no case falling below. If such an unpleasant incident does happen, the housewife should take care of treating the fungus. To do this, he needs to create all conditions of cleanliness and sterility.

So, experts suggest familiarizing yourself with several recommendations on how to properly care for kombucha:

  • If initially kombucha appears in only half a liter of water, after a while and as it grows, the volume of liquid must be increased to 3 liters. To do this, you can take already used tea leaves. It is again poured with boiling water and sweetened with sugar (up to 2 tablespoons per liter of tea), as indicated in the instructions above.
  • The housewife’s decision not to strain the infusion from the tea leaves cannot be considered wrong. The entire preparation technology will not be affected in any way, it’s just that such a drink will not be very convenient to drink later.
  • Direct contact of sugar with kombucha is unacceptable; because of this, the mushroom will simply get burned and begin to hurt, or die altogether. Therefore, the liquid and sugar need to be mixed thoroughly to dissolve the grains and only then pour it into the mushroom.
  • After the mushroom has formed, it should be rinsed under running water at least once a month. It is very important to remove the mushroom carefully so as not to damage its integrity and structure. It is placed in a flat plate to be rinsed under the tap. Then the mushroom needs to be dried for 2 minutes in the fresh air. The mushroom is placed back into the jar with the infusion.

If chlorinated water comes from the tap, it is preferable to rinse the kombucha with filtered store-bought water. If you do not follow such advice, after a while the mushroom will begin to change its color and peel off, showing the person its illness. A drink based on a diseased mushroom is not only not useful for the human body, it can cause harm to it.

Storing Kombucha

For the development of useful, valuable kombucha, it needs specific conditions of maintenance and subsequent storage.

      1. The air temperature is no more than +25 degrees and a dark, secluded place. If the air temperature drops below +17 degrees, the mushroom will begin to lose its activity and will begin to overgrow with blue-green algae on top. Direct sunlight is completely destructive to it.
      2. To use the drink, you need to prepare two glass jars in advance. The mushroom is grown in one, and the finished drink will be poured into the second. If it’s summer, you need to drain the infusion every 3 days, and if it’s winter, after 5 days. To store the finished drink you will need a refrigerator. If you do not replace the drink with fresh infusion in time, a film will be visible on its surface.
      3. The thickness of a full-fledged kombucha should not exceed 4 cm. If the mushroom thickens, just peel off a piece of it and place it in another jar. This is how kombucha is distributed.
      4. The most valuable and nutritious are the lower layers. To saturate the mushroom with “benefits”, it is enough to add herbs to the infusion, for example, nettle, birch, blackberry, plantain and more. You can use green leaf tea as a base.
      5. The drink must be no older than 1 month. Beyond this limit, the drink will begin to accumulate vinegar. If the drink has become unsuitable for consumption, it can only be used externally for various purposes.

Car drivers need to be careful when drinking this drink, as it contains ethyl alcohol.

Apple Cider Vinegar Kombucha

To prepare this variation of kombucha, you need to put a bottle of apple cider vinegar in a secluded warm place and forget about its existence for 2-3 months. If a cloudy sediment is visible at the bottom of the vinegar, then you can start making kombucha. To do this, prepare a sweet brew of tea, adding apple cider vinegar.

Once the ingredients are mixed, the liquid should be left to infuse for several weeks. After 1.5-2 weeks, the first film forming a mushroom will be noticeable. The longer the liquid sits, the more this film will thicken, turning into a good kombucha. It is very important to choose high-quality vinegar that does not contain flavorings, preservatives or other additives.

This drink will have a subtle, spicy, sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma. It is useful to use this infusion of kombucha during periods of vitamin deficiency and the body’s lack of minerals and trace elements.

Kombucha looks like a brownish-yellow jellyfish with a loose base and a dense upper part. Long thin threads hang from its base. Tea “jellyfish” consists of yeast fungi, as well as acetic bacteria, which transform ordinary tea into a carbonated sweet and sour drink, similar to kvass. The resulting drink contains organic acids, vitamins, lipids, caffeine and sugar. It heals the body and even prolongs life. In ancient China, it was believed that kombucha produced an elixir of immortality. Today, everyone can prepare this magic at home and enjoy healing and delicious tea kvass every day.

How to make kombucha - instructions

  • Prepare herbal or green tea in the following proportions: for 2 teaspoons of tea you need 1 liter of water and 4 tablespoons of sugar. This is infused for all 15 minutes.
  • The infusion should be strained and cooled to normal room temperature.
  • Place the mushroom in a glass jar and cover with gauze or bandage. Place it in a dark and warm place. If your mushroom is young and weak, then add a few spoons of infusion from the jar where the mushroom lived and infused.
  • In 4-6 days the drink will be ready. The mushroom needs to be washed and placed in another jar of tea.
  • To get an unusual tea with gas, you need to pour the infusion into a glass bottle, close it tightly and keep it in a cool place for 5 days.

How to prepare kombucha - maintenance and care

  • The mushroom must be kept in a glass container of suitable size, most often a 3-liter jar. It is not recommended to keep it in metal containers. The fact is that the acids produced by the fungus will begin to react with the metal.
  • Keep the jar of mushroom only in a dark place. Direct sunlight and cold inhibit the development of kombucha.
  • Kombucha should be kept at a temperature of about 25 degrees. If the temperature drops below 17 degrees, blue-green algae will grow in the fungus.
  • The jar with the mushroom cannot be closed with a lid - the mushroom must breathe. To prevent insects from getting into the jar, cover it with gauze.
  • Direct contact with sugar causes burns in the form of brown spots on the plant.
  • Do not make tea that is too strong, as this will inhibit the growth of kombucha.
  • Do not leave tea leaves or granules in the tea solution. This is harmful to the kombucha and will cause wounds on its body.
  • Periodically rinse the kombucha in plain water. In winter this should be done once every 3 weeks, and in summer once every 2 weeks.
  • Do not put mushrooms in hot tea.
  • If you notice that the top of the mushroom has turned brown, the mushroom is dying. Rinse it, separate it and discard the top layer.

How to Make and Grow Kombucha from Scratch

Take a large jar (3 liters) and fill it with green tea. It shouldn't be too strong. Prepare half a liter of tea, no more needed. The bottle is needed so that the fungus has enough space to grow in width, and you won’t have to move it once again when it grows.

Add sugar to tea at the rate of 100 grams per 1 liter. Cover the jar with gauze and place it where no one will touch it. The temperature should be about 20 degrees. But don’t be upset if it’s less – the process will go slower.

Kombucha uses

  • Drink about 500 grams of a liter of tea daily. Drink the strained drink 3 times a day, 30 minutes after each meal.
  • Drink 1.5 glasses of tea daily every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Daily 1/2 glass an hour before each meal.
  • 1 glass early in the morning on an empty stomach (a few minutes before breakfast), 20-30 minutes before lunch, and the last glass before bed.

If you want to take a break from the wonderful drink for some time and not use it, then you need to dry the mushroom in the proper way. Place the mushroom on a large plate. Turn it over every day. When the “jellyfish” turns into a thin, dry plate, put it in a closet. Before use, place the mushroom in tea and after a week it will come to life and produce a new drink for you.

Kombucha (originally “Japanese”, since it was brought to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War) was to the taste of Russian people. Maybe due to the fact that the drink has a very unusual taste - strong kvass, more like beer, combined with apple syrup. Preparing it does not require any special skills; anyone can make an infusion at home. Kombucha (another eastern name for a mushroom) is prepared from tea leaves with the addition of yeast and sugar. But this is a classic recipe; variations with rose hips, kvass, beer and even apple juice are also possible.

How to get kombucha, making it at home from scratch

To have a carbonated drink at home every day, you need to grow your own mushroom. It's very simple, all you need is tea leaves, sugar and a large jar (3 liters would be enough). It will grow for about 1.5–2 months.

Growing scheme:

Disinfect the jar by pouring boiling water over it. This will help kill germs and ensure that mold does not appear;
You will also need strong tea, brewed in another clean container (dry tea leaves 2 or 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water). Leave for at least 20 minutes, only then will it receive the necessary strength for our mushroom;
Pour the tea into a three-liter jar, straining it in advance. Mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar, stir until sugar dissolves. The tea solution will be rich and sweet;
Take the gauze, fold it in four and tie the neck. This way we will not allow dust to penetrate, but there will still be enough air for fermentation processes;
Now the “difficult” part: hide the jar for 1.5-2 months and don’t touch it. If everything was done correctly, you will see a 1-2 mm film on the surface, which will be the early stage of the fungus. You raised this miracle!
You again need to prepare tea leaves and transplant the mushroom germ into it. After a week, repeat this action again.
After some more time, you will end up with something similar to a jellyfish. You need to remove it from the jar, rinse thoroughly under water, after which the mushroom can be used in making drinks.

The recipe for the drink itself is simple. Once you have washed the mushroom, you need to put it in a jar of sweet tea. Now you will have to wait much less (literally 5-10 days - and the drink is ready). The mushroom will give up all its beneficial bacteria and the sweet tea will acquire a completely different bright taste. We recommend drinking kombucha chilled.


It is forbidden to place a jar of mushroom in the sun, but the temperature in the room itself must be at least 25°, only then will your mushroom grow.

If you add a small amount of apple cider vinegar (1/10 of the total volume) to the finished drink, then it will be easier to grow the mushroom from scratch. This will take less time.

How to grow kombucha from a piece?

Growing kombucha at home 2 months is a long time. Few people want to wait that long, so you can ask for a piece of mushroom from relatives or friends. Maybe someone will share with you. It is capable of growing quite quickly, so a piece will soon turn into a large, whole and living mushroom.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot cut a piece; let them separate it for you with your hands. It's layered like an onion, so your friends won't have any problems coming off.

The great thing is that such a piece does not need to be grown for further drinking, it can be used immediately, and it will grow and develop itself in the process. If the provided layer is very small, then we advise you not to create kombucha in a three-liter jar; then it would be more appropriate to start with a two-liter jar.

What to do if you get a piece:

First of all, be sure to wash it, you must not allow dust or dirt to penetrate, as our friend from Japan will get moldy;
The tea you need is not very strong, strain it, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
Now you need to wait until the tea leaves cool down. When warm, pour it into a pre-prepared jar, carefully placing your layer of mushroom on top. Don't forget to tie the neck with gauze;
Now you need to hide the jar in a warm place, but as with the option of growing from scratch, you must not allow it to be exposed to sunlight;
The drink takes 5-10 days to brew. Some people start using it after 3 days; the taste in this case will be milder. You can drink a little on day 3, and then on day 10, to see what you like more. During this time, your little layer will grow a little;
You can pour the entire drink into another jar when it is ready, then immediately pour cool sweet tea over the mushroom. This way you will provide yourself with a new portion in advance.


If your mushroom is still very small, it is difficult for it to get used to new conditions every time you drain the liquid. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to leave a little of the drink, and then add a new sweet brew to it.

Kombucha care

Always keep kombucha in a glass container, as various metals can negatively affect it when oxidized. The only exception may be a polyethylene container; it is made of organic compounds of synthetic materials;

We recommend placing the jar in a dark place. It would be great if you find a similar place somewhere in the kitchen away from other food smells. Please note that you cannot place the mushroom near a window, because cold or direct sunlight can slow down its development;

Room temperature is ideal for it to thrive. If the temperature in the house does not fall below 17 °C and does not rise above 25 °C, then growth will occur very quickly;

The gauze cannot be removed from the neck even after the mushroom has given its juice. If you replace the cheesecloth with a lid, the brew will stop fermenting and you will no longer be able to make kombucha drink. In addition, gauze protects the drink from dust and insects, which often fly towards its pleasant aroma;

You can’t put a mushroom in a jar with undissolved sugar, and it’s also forbidden to add sweetness. All this will lead to burns on the fungus and the appearance of large brown spots;
The tea must be moderately strong for the mushroom to grow successfully. Otherwise, the process will slow down;

awssssssssssssss of tea leaves cannot be left in a jar of juice, they will slowly begin to deteriorate his health. If your jellyfish is covered in wounds, it may be because of the tea leaves;

Wash your kombucha. Firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, constant care will prolong its life. You can use tap water, but it is better to buy spring water and rinse with it. In summer you need to clean it a couple of times a week; in winter, once on the weekend is enough;

It is forbidden to put mushrooms in very hot tea;

You can track its health by color. If your pet is covered with a brown color on top, then rinse it with water, and separate the part in which it has changed and throw it away. This often happens when it sits in its own solution.


Kombucha can delight you all year round, and all you need is to grow your own little mushroom, which not only tastes good and perfectly quenches thirst, but is also a very valuable health infusion. Its health benefits have been scientifically proven, so this is a rare case when something tasty can also be healthy.