The best full-length anime films list. Full-length anime films, list of the best in good quality

Actually, anime is an art form - Dean Winchester Supernatural.

Anime is my favorite genre

Almost all of us love anime. Full-length (we'll look at the list of the best below) cartoons are interesting to both adults and teenagers. Anime is often filmed for an adult audience - and in a seemingly ordinary cartoon, philosophical questions are asked that completely change the world view of TV viewers.

Today we will look at the list of the best, according to TV viewers, anime in the fantasy genre. As well as combat fantasy, quivering melodramas and even horror. Each description will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this picture. The conclusions are based on reviews and feedback from people who have already had the pleasure of experiencing this anime.

So, the best full-length anime films...

"Spirited Away" (2002)

Another film by director Miyazaki, popular both in Japan and abroad.

The film takes place in a parallel reality, in a city ruled by the powerful sorceress Yubaba. She turns the parents of the main character Chihiro into pigs, and the girl, in order to save them, is forced to serve her. Only his faithful friend Haku will help the poor girl.

This picture opens our list of “best full-length anime”. Science fiction, telling about otherworldly creatures and adventures, was loved by the audience. An incredibly atmospheric anime that, like a chameleon, changes its meaning depending on who is watching it. Here everyone will see and find something of their own.

Beautiful landscapes and images, good musical accompaniment and the dynamics of the picture will captivate you from the first minutes.

"Asura" (2012)

Genre: fantasy, history.

Asura was born in dark times when people were dying in agony from hunger and thirst. Born at the foot of the temple, the boy was destined to become a monster who travels across defeated Japan. Armed with an ax, the boy kills people and eats their flesh. And only meeting the girl Wakasa and the support of a Buddhist monk can change the animal boy and return him to his human form.

This full-length anime is filled with cruelty and pain, among which you can still discern compassion and humanity. In addition, the anime relies on religion, because only faith will help the monster become human.

In mythology, asuras are demonic creatures with enormous physical strength.

The anime received mostly positive reviews, and its rating was 6.7 units, which is already saying something. "Asura" amazed TV viewers with its cruelty and originality.

In reviews, viewers highlight the terrifying frankness that was shown in the first 15 minutes of the film. It is worth highlighting the originality and unusual animation, as well as suitable soundtracks. Many people call this story a masterpiece. But is this so - check for yourself.

"Ghost in the Shell" (1995)

Genre: science fiction.

The manga, released in 1989, became a story that was filmed more than once. In 1995, a full-length anime was released, later a multi-part series was filmed, and in 2017 a film was released with Scarlett Johansson in the title role. But it was the first anime that became the most successful and popular in the film biography of this manga.

2029 Technology has made incredible progress. A hacker nicknamed the Puppeteer poses a threat to the world's leading politicians. His capture is carried out by cyborgs (cybernetically modified police officers), led by Major Motoko Kusanagi. The girl takes her task very seriously, but is the Puppeteer really a villain?

This picture is an excellent fighting anime fantasy. It tops the list of the best (feature films) for good reason. The anime received incredibly positive and even rave reviews. An excellent story that has become a classic of the genre, offers the viewer not only excellent action scenes, but also a philosophical component that makes each of us think. The director of the film once admitted that he knows how and can create action films, but for him, conversation is more important than a fight.

The anime is accompanied by methodical music, which is in perfect harmony with the picture. Computer graphics, which were used in such large quantities for the first time in those years, soundtracks, plot and meaning - everything here is at its best. Many TV viewers are sure that this is the best full-length anime in the history of Japanese cinema.

"Pirate Harlock" (2013)

Genre: fantasy, action.

Future. People have explored space, but have paid a high price for it. Now humanity is in captivity of more powerful beings than researchers once imagined. There is no freedom, no hope.

But in the vast expanses of space, the pirate Harlock appears, who has sufficient strength and courage to challenge the invaders. A rebel at heart, Harlock cannot come to terms with the established system and the ghosts of the past, which force him to rush into the thick of things.

This is a space action movie with excellent graphics and great action scenes. "Harlock" appealed to those TV viewers who love action films filled with the confrontation between good and evil. In addition, the writers worked on the plot - it turned out to be dynamic and unpredictable. And the ending will surprise everyone. In almost every topic where full-length anime is discussed, the list of the best includes the name “Pirate Harlock”.

Reviews also highlight the excellent soundtracks and graphics. The characters are drawn so vividly and realistically that the viewer soon forgets that he is watching a cartoon. Their charismatic characters are also pleasing - each is an individual with his own principles and concepts of justice.

"Howl's Moving Castle" (2004)

Sophie is a young seamstress who accidentally gets into an argument with a powerful witch who visits her hat shop. The angry witch imprisoned the girl's soul in the old woman's body. Sophie, frightened that she will no longer be able to regain her former appearance, finds the sorcerer Howl. He lives in Howl's Moving Castle with his servant, the demon Calcifer.

"Howl's Moving Castle" is a full-length anime in a purely Japanese style. It can be put on the same line with other films in the category “best full-length anime about love.” After all, Sophie was looking not only for support and help from Howl - she was, as it seemed to the girl, unrequitedly in love with him. After all, who would love an ancient, ugly old woman? Certainly not such an arrogant handsome man.

The story fell in love with television viewers thanks to its two main characters - the kind and gentle, but ugly in appearance Sophie, as well as the handsome and stately, but indifferent Howl at heart. Against the backdrop of such a large-scale event as war, the love of these two seems like a flower, fragile in appearance, but strong. After all, it is love, and not Howl’s charms, that returns Sophie to her former beauty.

Also, TV viewers in their reviews praise the excellent soundtracks and originality in details, for which Miyazaki, one of the most famous anime directors, is famous. This is the best full-length anime where the plot is based on love.

"Lady Death" (2004)

Genre: fantasy, horror, action.

They burned her, blaming her for the sins of her own father, who turned out to be Lucifer. Having lured her to hell, he invited Hope to rule in the dark kingdom together, but the girl refused, thereby earning exile to the depths of hell. Now Hope dreams of only one thing - to destroy her father.

Horror anime must be truly amazing to be enjoyable to watch. "Lady Death" received controversial reviews from viewers - some were pleased with the solid and dynamic horror, others were sincerely perplexed by the heroine's sudden transformation and predictability.

In any case, thanks to the heroine’s talents, the battles look interesting - the girl levitates and even has telekinesis. Some note the film as the best full-length anime in the horror genre.

"Evangelion 1.11: You (Not) Alone" (2007)

Genre: fantasy, action.

And again we are transported to the future. Most of humanity is destroyed, the second is forced to fight with alien creatures called Angels. Ikari receives an assignment from his father (the commander-in-chief of a secret organization) to pilot the secret weapon Evangelion. This is a humanoid robot that was developed to protect humanity. This is the best full-length anime from the classic films.

A series of the same name was filmed based on this plot. It is worth noting that it was filmed before the full-length film, so many people compare them. In fact, the director did retain the general concept of the plot, but at the same time his intentions were not an exact repetition of the events of the series.

“Evangelion” is the best full-length anime that not only looks interesting, but also changes the worldview, many viewers are sure. Indeed, this picture has an interesting plot, wonderful music and graphics. Thanks to the intrigue, the cartoon looks incredibly interesting, and the simple and understandable humor is closer to the audience than in the Evangelion series.

Among the minuses, there is excessive pathos and an abundance of fighting (as if the heroes do nothing but fight, and during the breaks they sigh about their difficult fate).

"The Garden of Fine Words" (2013)

Genre: fantasy, melodrama.

When discussing full-length anime cartoons (the best of the best), we must not forget about melodramas with a fantastic plot. “The Garden of Fine Words” has high ratings and many positive reviews.

The film tells the story of a young man, Takao, and a girl he meets by chance in a park on stormy days. Gradually, two lonely hearts begin to reach out to each other.

This melodrama touched the heartstrings of every viewer. Its stunning atmosphere, clearly detailed details in the images of the characters, amazing landscapes - that's not all. It is much more important to look deeper, understand and accept the main idea of ​​the cartoon. And each TV viewer understands it, albeit in their own way. The director managed to show loneliness from the side of the coin that does not frighten or repel.

Top best anime

And for those who have already watched the films described above,” and who loves full-length anime, we present the top best, lesser-known:

  1. "The city where I am not" (9.2).
  2. "Grave of the Fireflies" (9).
  3. "Cowboy Bebop" (8.8).
  4. "Agent Vexill" (8.8).
  5. "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" (8.7).
  6. "My Neighbor Totoro" (8.7).
  7. "Apple Seed" (8.8).
  8. "Bleach" (8.9).
  9. "Princess Mononoke" (8.7).
  10. "Elvish Song" (8.8).


If you are an anime fan, then you will probably like all the pictures described above. Here, not only the graphics and dynamics are excellent, but also the plot, which does not leave viewers indifferent.

This TOP 100 full-length anime films based on the number of views by users and guests of our online cinema. This list of the best full-length anime films on the portal includes only anime films! The rating of the best anime series is in another TOP. If you are unhappy that your anime movie is ranked poorly in the top, then the best way to raise it in the ranking is to recommend it to your friends to watch it!

When boredom sets in or the desire to learn something new, a simple line in a search engine usually helps people - watch online in good quality. After all, as a rule, it’s a long way to get to the cinema, there’s not always enough money for a ticket, but getting comfortable on the bed with a bag of chips and your favorite movie/cartoon, absolutely free, is the way out. Our cinema is an excellent helper in this matter. All you need to do is select the category you are interested in, make a couple of clicks, relax and have fun. What can bring you the most pleasure? Of course, cartoons. True, while in various countries they are aimed at children, Japan makes its own product for adults and teenagers. This category is called anime cartoons and here you will find list of the best full-length anime films. Anime is a limitless world that you can fall in love with endlessly. Once you watch one episode, you will immediately want more and more.

Anime movies online in Russian

Watch the best anime of 2017 here. The film portal team has prepared for you the best selection of anime, which is definitely worth your attention. These are storylines that describe many characters, unsurpassed graphics, a combination of many styles and genres, a variety of eras and scenery - all this captivates from the first moments of viewing. In 2017, this category will delight fans with improved images and incredible design.

So, the best new anime of 2017 are only here. Film distribution has prepared a story about a strong-willed girl who is vulnerable inside, the anime “Maybe I’ll meet you in the dungeon? Sword of Oratorium” will tell about her. The princess, fighting for victory, falls in love with an ordinary boy whom she meets on the fiftieth floor, where the corpse of a dragon has been rotting for a long time. Captivating graphics help transport the viewer to the desired episode and make them really live this moment.

Fans of the anime "It's a Wonderful World!" were looking forward to this year. After all, the second season will tell about an amazing fantasy world in which the main character wakes up again. True, he doesn’t like it there, he is trying to return home and on the way he encounters serious difficulties. Will the hero be able to overcome the obstacles and return home? To find out the answer and find many other fascinating stories, fans can watch online anime 2017 on our portal, but please note that rating of the best anime series is on another page, here we have prepared only the best anime films.

Last week, the anime “Your Name,” directed by Makoto Shinkai, was released in Russia; it has already become the highest-grossing anime of all time, having replaced the previous leader, “Spirited Away,” in this place. “The Futurist” invites you to remember which anime films became cult not only in Japan, but also in the West.

"Pokemon: Mewtwo vs. Mew"(1998)

Director Stars: Kunihiko Yuyama, Michael Haney

Collections in the world : $163.6 million

Everyone remembers the Pokemon series with Ash, Pikachu and their friends, but the full-length history of Pokemon is even more successful and has 19 films that have earned over $956.7 million in total. The first film in the series, Mewtwo vs. Mew, is the most popular of them all. . The film is divided into three parts - the first tells a short story of Pikachu, and the second is a prologue to the main film, in which Ash and Pikachu take part in the largest Pokemon tournament.

"Barefoot Gen" (1983)

Director : Mori Masaki

Collections in the world : n/a

Film based on biographical manga Keiji Nakazawa , tells the story of how a boy named Gen experiences the end of the war and one of the most terrible events in Japanese history - the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Having lost almost his entire family and being left alone with his mother and newborn little sister, Gen struggles with death from starvation and radiation sickness that struck many of those who survived the bomb.

"My Neighbor Totoro"(1988)

Director : Hayao Miyazaki

Collections in the world : n/a

Early strip Hayao Miyazaki was planned as part of an aesthetic education program for Japanese schoolchildren and was shown together with Grave of the Fireflies. Two girls and their father move from the city to the village, get used to their new life and meet different forest spirits. Soon, the giant forest guardian Totoro became one of the most recognizable images of Japanese animation, and references to Totoro are found in many Japanese films.

"Ninja Scroll"(1993)

Director Stars: Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Kevin Seymour

Collections in the world : n/a

One of the pillars of Japanese animation and a recognized classic along with Akira and Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scribe contributed to the popularity of adult-oriented anime films outside of Japan. The film tells the story of a samurai warrior who kills a legendary demon and saves a girl. Now he is being hunted by the rest of the "demons" from the "Eight Demons of Kimon", who turned out to be ninjas with outstanding abilities.

"The Wind Rises"(2013)

Director : Hayao Miyazaki

Collections in the world : $133.4 million

They promised that the film would be the last in the career of the master of animation, although Miyazaki himself later said that he had changed his mind. The story is based on the biography of a Japanese designer Jiro Horikoshi , who designed the main Japanese fighter aircraft of World War II. The film tells about a man who followed his dream - he could not become a pilot due to myopia, but found himself in aircraft construction. The title of the film refers to the poem Fields of Verlaine “The wind is getting stronger! You have to try to live."

"The Wolf Children of Ame and Yuki"(2012)

Director : Mamoru Hosoda

Collections in the world : $52.1 million

One of the most popular anime of 2012, the film tells the story of the children Yuki and Ame, whose father was a member of an ancient line of werewolves. When he dies, their mother moves to a new place and tries to start over, hiding from strangers. Children grow up and are faced with a choice - to become a wolf or remain human.

"True Sadness" ( 1998)

Director : Satoshi Kon

Collections in the world : n/a

The film is about a pop singer Mimarin Kirigo , who decides to leave the music group and try herself as an actress. Fans react to this too violently, and one of them begins to keep a diary for her on the Internet, which describes daily events in the life of the actress. When she is offered an unusual film role, Mimarin is faced with a choice - to remain an actress or return to her career as a pop star.

"D: Bloodlust" (2000)

Director : Yoshiaki Kawajiri

Collections in the world: n/a

The film tells one of Japan's iconic vampire stories, comparable only to the success of Mad House's Hellsing films, but much more elegantly executed. The film takes place in the distant future, where the hunt for vampires is still carried out by an experienced destroyer of the undead, nicknamed Dee, who himself is half a vampire and uses this in the fight against enemies. The love story of a vampire and a mortal girl, which became the basis of the plot of "Bloodlust", became a new case in a series of stories involving Dee, whose world was originally described in a series of novels Hideyuki Kikuchi .

"Paprika" (2006)

Director : Satoshi Kon

Collections in the world : $944 thousand

A philosophical painting reflecting on the nature of dreams and reality, released 4 years before “Inception” Christopher Nolan , and, in a sense, superior in concept. A group of scientists invents DS Mini - a device that allows you to penetrate other people's dreams. When the device is stolen, inexplicable things begin to happen to the world, reality and dreams are blurred, and the main characters must overcome themselves in order to defeat the awakened evil. A love letter to Western cinema, Paprika is stunning with visuals that rival Inception.

"Grave of the Fireflies"(1988)

Director : Isao Takahata

Collections in the world : n/a

One of the cult films of Japanese cinema, which was even included in the Japanese school curriculum, received such respect not by chance. She talks about the painful and historical turning points for Japan in the Second World War. The plot is based on a novel Akiyuki Nosaki , who described the death of his loved ones during the war. The name refers to the Japanese belief that the souls of soldiers killed in battle become fireflies. Among the old Japanese aristocracy, there was entertainment when spectators gathered on the river bank at night and watched the “firefly wars.”

"Garden of Fine Words"(2013)

Director : Makoto Shinkai

Collections in the world : n/a

This film is worthy of mention and viewing before going to the premiere of Your Name, if only because of the number of references. Makoto Shinkai loves to remind viewers of his previously filmed films. The story of a truant schoolboy and his strange meeting with a mysterious stranger in the park, tied to the theme of rain, admiring nature and the change of seasons, allows us to better understand the purely Japanese “contemplative” approach of the director to his films.

"Arietty from the Land of Lilliputians"(2010)

Director : Hiromasa Yonebayashi

Collections in the world : $145.6 million

The production project of Hayao Miyazaki, which, like many films by Studio Ghibli, paid for itself many times over at the box office. The love story about a midget girl who finds a common language with an adult man received critical and audience acclaim, and also won the Japanese Academy Award for Best Animated Film.

"Whisper of the Heart" (1995)

Director : Yoshifumi Kondo

Collections in the world : n/a

Filmed from a script by Hayao Miyazaki with the participation of the famous Japanese impressionist artist in the landscape work Naohisa Inoue , the film quickly became a Studio Ghibli classic. The plot tells the story of a girl who loves to read and over and over again comes across the name of one boy in the library cards of her books. Their meeting becomes a director's exploration of a girl's first love, her feelings and growing up.

"The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"(2006)

Director : Mamoru Hasoda

Collections in the world : n/a

An inventive time travel film. The girl Makoto Konno accidentally gained access to a time travel device and is using it to try to arrange her life, but she is not very good at it. Along the way, she meets her classmate Chiaki, who is the owner of a time travel device, but he had his own goal of traveling to the past.

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Director : Hayao Miyazaki

Collections in the world : $235 million

According to the plot, an evil witch imprisoned 18-year-old Sophie in the body of an old woman. Sophie meets the powerful wizard Howl and his demon Calcifer, hoping that they will help her get rid of the curse. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.

"5 centimeters per second"(2007)

Director : Makoto Shinkai

Collections in the world : n/a

This film became the second full-length animated film by the director of Your Name. Three short stories tell about the life of an ordinary Japanese youth, showing his childhood, adolescence and growing up. The film, despite its belonging to animation, is considered by the Japanese themselves to be exclusively adult, “contemplative”, since it does not contain bright plot twists or sharp drama.

"Princess Mononoke"(1997)

Director : Hayao Miyazaki

Collections in the world : $159.4 million

Hayao Miyazaki's epic tells the story of the exiled warrior Ashitaka and his quest to escape the curse placed on him by a boar. Fantasy in which giant-sized animals talk and wage their wars honed Miyazaki's craft and made him a superstar, as well as the beginning of the continued financial success of his films around the world.

"Akira" (1988)

Director : Katsuhiro Otomo

Collections in the world : $49 million

At that time, the most expensive anime film in history, Akira became a new word in animation and the use of computer special effects. A cult movie, the film attracted the attention of Western audiences. Along with “Ghost in the Shell” and “Ninja Scroll,” it is a landmark film in the history of anime. The film takes place in a hypothetical year 2019 after World War III and the nuclear bombing of Japan, and the main characters are children with supernatural powers.

"Ghost in armor"(1995)

Director : Mamoru Oshii

Collections in the world: n/a

The iconic cyberpunk that inspired the brothers (now sisters) Wachowski to The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell became a cultural phenomenon, spawning a sequel, a TV series, an anime prequel, and a Hollywood remake with Scarlett Johansson starring. In the story, the cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi must stop a hacker nicknamed the Puppeteer.

"Spirited Away"(2001)

Director : Hayao Miyazaki

Collections in the world : $274.9 million

One of the most famous anime of all time, the film is also the only anime to win an Oscar for Best Animated Feature. In the story, the little girl Chihiro must save her parents from the evil spell of a witch, along the way she meets a flying dragon, who turns out to be a boy. This film finally turned Miyazaki into a living legend; after this picture, any of his films enjoyed constant success with the public and critics.

Makoto Shinkai is an animator, director and screenwriter. He prefers to work alone, making do with minimal resources. He drew his first cartoons without any help on his home computer. Shinkai has been called “the second Miyazaki” more than once for his high-quality and detailed pictures, but the artist himself is too modest to agree with this.

Your name

  • Fantasy, drama, melodrama.
  • Japan, 2016.
  • Duration: 110 min.
  • IMDb: 8.5.

Mitsuha is a high school student from a small town hidden in the mountains. She dreams of growing up quickly and moving to a noisy metropolis. Taki is an ordinary guy living in the center of Tokyo. They have never known each other and have never met anywhere, but an unusual connection still exists between them. In their dreams, Taki and Mitsuha switch bodies and gain the ability to live each other's lives. At first they perceive it as a fun game, but over time everything becomes much more complicated.

Garden of beautiful words

  • Melodrama.
  • Japan, 2013.
  • Duration: 46 min.
  • IMDb: 7.6.

Takao wants to dedicate his life to making shoes, so he regularly escapes from boring school classes to a Japanese kindergarten to calmly draw sketches. One day he meets a mysterious woman, Yukio, who only goes out for walks when it rains. Takao falls in love with her, but the rainy season is coming to an end and it is unknown whether they will ever see each other again.

Catchers of Forgotten Voices

  • Drama, adventure.
  • Japan, 2011.
  • Duration: 116 min.
  • IMDb: 7.3.

The girl Asuna lives in a small Japanese village. She has very few friends, so she spends most evenings on the hillside, listening to an old radio using a magic crystal. One day, on the way to the hill, the girl is attacked by a strange creature, from which the young man Xiong saves her. After this incident, a friendship develops between them, but suddenly Shun dies tragically, and Asuna goes on a risky journey.

5 centimeters per second

  • Drama, melodrama.
  • Japan, 2007.
  • Duration: 63 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

Three beautiful and sad stories about love, time and distance, organically connected into one well-drawn cartoon with amazing sound. They are about the life and growing up of the main character Takaki Tono and his attempts to support.

Mamoru Hosoda

Mamoru Hosoda is a director and screenwriter of animated films. He made his first film in high school, while still just a boy. In many interviews, Hosoda says that life experience often serves as the basis and incentive for new scripts for his films. That is why the director has so many works dedicated to family, the process of growing up and developing a personality.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

  • Science fiction, drama, melodrama, comedy.
  • Japan, 2006.
  • Duration: 98 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

After surviving a terrible accident, seventeen-year-old Makoto suddenly discovers that she has the ability to travel through time. Inspired by an extraordinary gift, she begins to do her best to improve her life, returning to the past over and over again to fix something. But it soon becomes clear that time travel is not a gift at all, but simply the action of a special device that belongs to the boy Chiaki, who arrived from the future.

Child of the monster

  • Fantasy, adventure.
  • Japan, 2015.
  • Duration: 119 min.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

The story of a homeless orphan boy, Kiyuta, and the bear man, Kumatetsu. The boy and the monster live in different worlds that should not intersect, but what happens is that the inhabitants of a parallel universe take the orphan to themselves. Kiyuta becomes Kumatetsu's student and begins to learn various fighting tricks from him in order to prepare for the impending natural disaster.

Hiromasa Yonebayashi

Hiromasa Yonebayashi is considered the youngest director of animation studio Ghibli. In 2016, his feature film Memories of Marnie received an Oscar in the Best Animated Feature category.

Arrietty from the Land of Lilliputians

  • Fantasy.
  • Japan, 2010.
  • Duration: 90 min.
  • IMDb: 7.6.

Twelve-year-old Sho comes to stay at his aunt's ancient house and accidentally saves an unusual tiny girl named Arrietty from a cat. So he learns that next to ordinary people live Lilliputian “miners” who are trying their best to keep their existence a secret. Despite all prohibitions, a friendship begins between Sho and Arrietty, but it does not last long.

Memories of Marnie

  • Drama.
  • Japan, 2014.
  • Duration: 123 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

Anna is an incredibly lonely girl who neither her adoptive parents nor anyone else can understand. Her only consolation is drawing. One day, during a lesson in the park, Anna experiences a severe asthma attack, after which her parents decide to send her to her relatives in a house on the coast for treatment. There she meets the mysterious Marnie, who after a while disappears somewhere.

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki is the most famous Japanese animator director, writer, and one of the founders of the Ghibli animation studio. In his works he often pays attention to such complex topics as war, pacifism, environmental problems, man’s relationship to nature, and growing up.

Porco Rosso

  • Fantasy, melodrama, adventure.
  • Japan, 1992.
  • Duration: 94 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

A cartoon about a virtuoso pilot, Marco Pagotta, who became so disillusioned with people that he was cursed and became like a pig. After the fascists came to power in Italy, Marco began working for the state, protecting merchant ships from attacks by air pirates. They didn't like this very much, so they decided to eliminate Marco, forcing him to fight the real king of flights - ace pilot Curtis.

The wind is getting stronger

  • Drama, biography, history.
  • Japan, 2013.
  • Duration: 126 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

The extraordinary life story of Jiro Horikoshi, the man who designed Japanese fighter aircraft during World War II. According to Miyazaki, The Wind Rises is his only animated film made for adults.

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

  • Science fiction, fantasy, drama.
  • Japan, USA, 1984.
  • Duration: 112 min.
  • IMDb: 8.1.

A terrible environmental disaster occurred on Earth: almost its entire surface was covered by a toxic sea. The only island of peace in this world remains only the Valley of the Winds - a serene kingdom ruled by the unusual girl Nausicaä and her wise father. This piece of paradise haunts residents of other surviving states who decide to fight for the remaining natural resources.

Goro Miyazaki

Goro Miyazaki is a Japanese artist and director, son of the famous Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki's father was opposed to his son getting involved in directing, arguing that he did not yet have enough experience. But Goro still started working on his own animated series and to date has already released several independent works.

From the slopes of Kokuriko

  • Drama.
  • Japan, 2011.
  • Duration: 91 min.
  • IMDb: 7.4.

Since childhood, Umi has been accustomed to being independent and solving problems alone. She was not at a loss even at the moment when she had to go to Tokyo for an important meeting with the school’s sponsor in order to save the building from demolition. While all these events were happening, the girl did not even notice how unexpectedly it was.

Yoshifumi Kondo

Yoshifumi Kondo is a Japanese animator, designer and production director who worked at Studio Ghibli together with Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Unfortunately, Kondo died of an aneurysm, but left behind several magnificent works as a keepsake.

Whisper of the Heart

  • Drama, melodrama.
  • Japan, 1995.
  • Duration: 111 min.
  • IMDb: 8.0.

Shizuku loves books very much and tries to spend every free minute reading. She soon notices that all the books she borrows from the library have already been read by a certain Seiji Amasawa. Shizuku decides to find out who this mysterious stranger is, with whom her interests coincide so much, and to get to know him better.

Isao Takahata

Isao Takahata - director, screenwriter, producer, co-founder of Studio Ghibli. His works are wise, melancholic and largely realistic, so if you want to watch something dreamy and light, then choose something else from the list.

The Tale of Princess Kaguya

  • Fantasy.
  • Japan, 2013.
  • Duration: 125 min.
  • IMDb: 8.1.

An anime based on the ancient Japanese folk tale "The Tale of Old Man Taketori". One day, while walking through the forest, old man Taketori came across a strangely glowing stalk of bamboo. When he took a closer look, he discovered a tiny girl who would change his life forever.

Grave of the Fireflies

  • Drama, military.
  • Japan, 1988.
  • Duration: 89 min.
  • IMDb: 8.5.

An anime about the difficult and dramatic fate of two orphans who lost their parents during World War II and are now forced to survive in the cruel post-war world on their own.

Satoshi Kon

Japanese director Satoshi Kon is not very famous, but his work inspired such directors as and, and this already means something. In his films, the director likes to touch on various acute social problems.

Once upon a time in Tokyo

  • Drama, comedy, adventure.
  • Japan, 2003.
  • Duration: 88 min.
  • IMDb: 7.9.

Wandering the streets of Tokyo, three homeless beggars find an abandoned newborn baby on the street. Homeless people decide to help the little girl find her parents, no matter the cost.


  • Detective.
  • Japan, 2006.
  • Duration: 90 min.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

In the near future, the DC Mini device was invented, allowing doctors to penetrate the dreams and fantasies of patients. It was not dangerous until it fell into the hands of attackers who, with its help, began to drive innocent people crazy.

Would you like to recommend some other good anime that is not in the selection? Welcome to the comments!

Today it has become very popular to watch films of various types. Now there are very, very many genres of films, ranging from action films to porn films. One such genre is anime. What are they and what are their features?

Anime movies is a direct genre of cinematography that is becoming more popular and famous every day. As a rule, full-length anime films were invented and developed in Japan several decades ago. Immediately after its creation, anime films quickly gained popularity and fame not only in Japan, but also in other Asian countries. Over time, anime began to popularize both Western America and Eurasia.

Full-length anime became very popular and famous because it has several main features that are not found in other genres of cinematography. What are these features? Firstly, this is the style of presenting the immediate plot. Indeed, the style of presenting the plot in anime is very unique, because in anime the viewer does not get bored due to the fact that the plot is constantly fascinating and it is presented much faster than in ordinary films. As a rule, this style was not invented by anyone, since at the time when, in fact, the anime genre was created, there was a shortage of paper in the country, with which anime was created at that time, so anime developers had to resort to a paper-saving style , thanks to which the plot in the anime develops quite quickly. Secondly, the anime characters themselves. As a rule, characters in anime films have very large eyes, and their mouth and nose are practically invisible, thanks to which all the characters in anime are very cute and fabulous.