Thematic planning with kes and kpu english. What is a codifier

  1. Methodological materials for the test for experts in assessing tasks with a detailed answer in English


    Appeals against the results of the exam. CodifierelementscontentByEnglishlanguage for compiling control measuring ... institutions 2010 - Demo version of the exam ByEnglishlanguage 2010 - Codifierelementscontent and level requirements.

  2. Demonstration version of the test in the 2009-2010 academic year in English, proposed for certification of teachers for the second first and highest category Explanations for the demonstration version of the control attestation materials 2010


    Certification materials 2010 ByEnglishlanguage When reviewing the demo ... the 2010 exam, is given in codifierelementscontentByEnglishlanguage for compiling control measuring materials...

  3. Additional professional educational program for advanced training "improving the efficiency and quality of teaching English in the system of the federal state educational standard"

    Main educational program

    Conducting the exam; changes in KIM. CodifierelementscontentByEnglishlanguage for compiling KIM USE: speaking ...; requirements for the procedure for conducting the GIA. CodifierelementscontentByEnglishlanguage for compiling KIM GIA: speaking...

  4. Demonstration version of the test in the 2009-2010 academic year in German, proposed for certification of teachers for the second first and highest category Explanations for the demonstration version of the control attestation materials 2010


    Exam 2010, given in codifierelementscontentByEnglishlanguage for the preparation of control measuring materials ... 2 points. When the examinee receives 0 points By criterion " Content" The entire task is worth 0 points.

  5. Demonstration version of the test in the 2009-2010 academic year in French, proposed for certification of teachers for the second, first and highest category of an explanation for the demonstration version of the control attestation materials


We are publishing an interview with the author of a series of manuals published by the Fedorov publishing house N.B. Fomina.
N.B. Fomina - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers of the IDO MSPU (Moscow), the author of numerous scientific and practical publications and teaching aids. Practical work at school, accumulated experience and knowledge allowed Nadezhda Borisovna to develop and test a new system for assessing the quality of education, which has already gained recognition in many regions of Russia.
During the interview, Nadezhda Borisovna spoke about author's methodology, paid attention to a new abbreviation for many teachers - IES, explained what it is and why it became in demand, expressed an expert opinion on what a modern control and thematic planning gave advice on the use series of notebooks "Controlled Content Elements (CEC)" within the framework of intraschool monitoring.

In your seminars and webinars, you pay a lot of attention to the consistency of external and internal evaluation. How can the consistency of these two assessments be achieved in the practical daily activities of the teacher?

In the Exemplary Educational Programs, the concept of “consistency of external and internal evaluation” occurs several times. How can a teacher apply this thesis in practice? You can suggest the following rule: "check as others will check you."

The Exemplary Program states that the school must be meaningfully and criteria-based in the same way as external evaluation is carried out. Evaluate not the way the teacher wants, not what seems important to him, but evaluate the way external evaluation does. For us, in this case, the reference point is the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, and in developing recommendations for the formation of an internal system for assessing the quality of education, we are guided by both the content and the criteria that this institute offers us. Therefore, our programs include both substantive and criteria-based approaches based on external evaluation. We recommend using them in the formation of an internal system for assessing the quality of education at school.

A new abbreviation for many teachers is IES. There is little information about IES, but they talk a lot. What is it and why has it become popular?

Now the basis for assessing the quality of education is assessment of planned learning outcomes. The intended learning outcomes are clearly stated in the Exemplary Curricula, but there is no such thing as a "Controlled Content Element", or, for short, "CES" in them. These elements are present in the Codifier for the subject for which the final assessment of the student is carried out.

The codifier is the basis of the education standard; it contains those content elements that are controlled by external evaluation procedures. In the codifier, these elements are called controlled. Where does this name come from? - Controlled content element (CEC) is the element that forms the basis of the standard, and, accordingly, it is he who should controlled Firstly. This is the basic educational material that allows the child to continue education at the next level. If a student has mastered the controlled elements of content in elementary school, he calmly masters the material of the main school, and so on.

The controlled content element is the basis of every test today. If we are talking about the control and evaluation activities of the teacher - it is now one of the main activities of the teacher - then only IES, the code of this element indicates that the teacher checks exactly what he must check, exactly what is recommended for assessment in the standard of education, and not the task that the teacher wants (and it’s not a secret that most often the teacher checks what the children have learned well, or what the teacher himself considers important). And only the presence of controlled content elements (CESs) suggests that the standard of education is checked. That is why this element of content is called controlled. It is obligatory both in thematic, and in the intermediate, and in the final control in order to determine the progress of mastering the standard of education, and its result, and the level of mastering.

- What is a codifier?

Kotlas electrical networks branch of JSC "Arkhenergo" organization, tech., energy. Source: IES Kumertau electrical networks tech. IES Integrated Energy Systems… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

IES- IES: Condensing power plant. Integrated Energy Systems is a Russian energy company. List of ... Wikipedia

IES- kerosene meter electric aircraft film power plant condensing power plant ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

kes- One thousand rubles. Usually this word is used by majors. "Hey, my glasses are worth eight cases!" Youth slang … Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

IES-Holding- "IES Holding" Type private company ... Wikipedia

IES Holding

a la kes- * Swimmers on the first Russian. the 1913 Olympics in Kiev competed in six main types of swimming: on the chest (à la caisse; on the chest is ordinary; on the chest racing; on the side; trudgeon) freestyle, (reminiscent of crawl in technique); rabbit... ...

gross cas- *grosse caisse. music Drum. But since grossses caisses and trombones do not play a role, and one cannot spend sixty thousand on a production, Giselle is not considered a modern ballet. Skalkovsky To the theatre. world... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

RD 34.40.503-94: Typical operating instructions for network water heating installations at TPPs and KPPs- Terminology RD 34.40.503 94: Typical operating instructions for network water heating installations at TPPs and CPPs: 3.5. Supply water pressure protection on the suction side of CH I and II stages. The protection is local and acts to turn off the operating MV ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

condensing power plant- (CPP) a thermal steam turbine power plant, the purpose of which is the production of electrical energy using condensing turbines (See Condensing turbine). Fossil fuel is used at IES: solid fuel, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Integrated energy systems- "IES Holding" Year of foundation 2002 Key figures Mikhail Slobodin (president) Location ... Wikipedia


  • Learning to work with IES. The system for assessing the achievement of planned results in primary school. Federal State Educational Standard, Fomina Nadezhda Borisovna. Learning to work with controlled content elements (CES). The system for assessing the achievement of planned results in primary school. Toolkit. In the teaching aid ... Buy for 343 rubles
  • Learning to work with controlled content elements (CES). Federal State Educational Standard, Fomina NB. Learning to work with controlled content elements (CES). The system for assessing the achievement of planned results in primary school. Toolkit. In the training manual ...