Memo for the student on the speaking section of the exam. Memo for the student on the speaking section of the exam Away with fear, away with doubts !!! You will succeed

reading aloud a short text (preparation time - 1.5 minutes, task completion time - 2 minutes);

participation in a conditional questioning dialogue (questions of the dialogue are recorded on audio media, the response time for each question is no more than 40 seconds);

a monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan (preparation time - 1.5 minutes, task completion time - 2 minutes).

The oral response time is 15 minutes per respondent. Each subsequent task is executed after the completion of the previous task. All responses are audio-recorded.

The use of drafts by participants of the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking") is prohibited by the Procedure.

For the oral part of the exams, two types of audiences are used:

a) a preparation room where participants wait for their turn to take the exam. Additional equipment for training classrooms is not required;

b) the audience where the participants are instructed, are issued by the CIM. In the audience of the conduction, means of audio recording and playback of audio recordings should be prepared.

Technical specialists or organizers in the audience set up digital audio recording facilities for high-quality recording of oral responses.

In the preparation and holding classrooms, there must be at least 2 organizers in each classroom. On the day of the oral part of the exam, a technical specialist must be present at the PES.

No more than 25 students can be present in the training room at the same time (seating for two people per desk is allowed).

The responsible organizer in the preparation room and the responsible organizer in the holding room receive examination forms for the participants of the exam and CIM, respectively, at the PES Headquarters.

Issuance of examination forms to participants in the training room is carried out no earlier than 10.00 am on the day of the exam.

Students are invited to the audience to receive the task of the oral part of the KIM and the subsequent recording of oral answers to the tasks of the KIM.

Exam participants are escorted from the preparation room to the conducting room by the organizer outside the room.

Each group of participants enters the audience only after all participants from the previous group have completed the exam (it is recommended that a maximum of 4 OGE participants can pass through one workplace in the audience per day).

In the audience, the participant takes a workplace.

The organizer conducts a briefing in this audience.

The organizer also warns the participant that when performing task 2 (conditional dialogue-questioning), it is necessary to answer the question immediately after listening to it, then listen to the next question and answer. The participant should be informed that there is no time to prepare for answering the questions in task 2. Before starting to answer the questions, the participant speaks in Russian into the audio recording device the unique identification number of his work.

Before answering each task, the participant pronounces the number of each task in Russian.

After completion of the 1st task, the exam participant proceeds to the 2nd task, participation in a conditional questioning dialogue.

The participant sequentially listens and answers each question in the audio recording, and then proceeds to prepare and complete the 3rd task.

After 15 minutes, the organizers in the audience announce the end of the exam and turn off the audio recording of the answer.

The organizer (technical specialist) saves the audio recording of the participant's answer under a certain code - PES number_audience number_ unique identification number of the work.

The participant shall sign the statement of the examination.

After all participants in the group in the holding room have completed their work, a new group of participants is invited to the holding room from the waiting room.

The organizers control the preparation time for tasks and control the time for completing tasks. If the preparation time for the task or the time for answering the task has expired, the organizer must inform the participant about this. The technical specialist or organizer gives the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. If a technical failure occurred during the recording, the student is given the right to take the "Speaking" section again.

In the event of a technical failure of the equipment or the low quality of the audio recording of the response of the OGE participant in foreign languages ​​after completing the tasks of the "Speaking" section, it is possible to retake the oral part of the exam on the same day (in this case, the participant is given a new set of EM) or at additional times set by the schedule.

At the end of the exam by all participants, the audio recordings with answers are collected by a technical specialist in catalogs by the classroom and sent to the RCSI for examination of the answers on a removable electronic medium.

Passing the OGE in foreign languages ​​implies the obligatory participation of students in the performance of written tasks, as well as tasks in the "Speaking" section.

The procedure does not provide for the refusal of students to participate in the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking").

In order to optimize the time spent in the PES of participants in the OGE in foreign languages, the JIU decides to choose one of the schemes for organizing the exam for all participants in the OGE in foreign languages:

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously the written part and the oral part (section "Speaking") on one of the days provided for by the schedule;

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously the written part and the oral part of the “Speaking” section) on two days, provided for by the schedule;

Conducting the written part of the exam on one day, and the oral part (section "Speaking") - on another day, provided for by the schedule.

Conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​in writing

When conducting the OGE in foreign languages, the exam includes the section "Listening", all tasks for which are recorded on audio.

Audiences allocated for the section "Listening" are equipped with audio playback facilities.

To complete the tasks of the "Listening" section, technical specialists or organizers set up the audio playback tool so that it can be heard by all students. The audio recording is listened to by the students twice. Between the first and second playback of the text there is a pause, which is provided during recording. After the completion of the second reproduction of the text, the participants of the OGE proceed to the examination work.

Hosts in the classroom turn off the audio playback facility.

OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking")

When conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking"), oral answers to tasks are recorded on audio media.

Conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking") includes the implementation of 3 tasks:

reading aloud a short text (preparation time - 1.5 minutes, task completion time - 2 minutes);

participation in a conditional questioning dialogue (questions of the dialogue are recorded on audio media, the response time for each question is no more than 40 seconds);

a monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan (preparation time - 1.5 minutes, task completion time - 2 minutes).

The oral response time is 15 minutes per respondent. Each subsequent task is executed after the completion of the previous task. All responses are audio-recorded.

The use of drafts by participants of the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking") is prohibited by the Procedure.

For the oral part of the exams, two types of audiences are used:

a) a preparation room where participants wait for their turn to take the exam. Additional equipment for training classrooms is not required;

b) the audience where the participants are instructed, are issued by the CIM. In the audience of the conduction, means of audio recording and playback of audio recordings should be prepared.

Technical specialists or organizers in the audience set up digital audio recording facilities for high-quality recording of oral responses.

In the preparation and holding classrooms, there must be at least 2 organizers in each classroom. On the day of the oral part of the exam, a technical specialist must be present at the PES.

No more than 25 students can be present in the training room at the same time (seating for two people per desk is allowed).

The responsible organizer in the preparation room and the responsible organizer in the holding room receive examination forms for the participants of the exam and CIM, respectively, at the PES Headquarters.

Issuance of examination forms to participants in the training room is carried out no earlier than 10.00 am on the day of the exam.

Students are invited to the audience to receive the task of the oral part of the KIM and the subsequent recording of oral answers to the tasks of the KIM.

Exam participants are escorted from the preparation room to the conducting room by the organizer outside the room.

Each group of participants enters the audience only after all participants from the previous group have completed the exam (it is recommended that a maximum of 4 OGE participants can pass through one workplace in the audience per day).

In the audience, the participant takes a workplace.

The organizer conducts a briefing in this audience.

The organizer also warns the participant that when performing task 2 (conditional dialogue-questioning), it is necessary to answer the question immediately after listening to it, then listen to the next question and answer. The participant should be informed that there is no time to prepare for answering the questions in task 2. Before starting to answer the questions, the participant speaks in Russian into the audio recording device the unique identification number of his work.

Before answering each task, the participant pronounces the number of each task in Russian.

After completion of the 1st task, the exam participant proceeds to the 2nd task, participation in a conditional questioning dialogue.

The participant sequentially listens and answers each question in the audio recording, and then proceeds to prepare and complete the 3rd task.

After 15 minutes, the organizers in the audience announce the end of the exam and turn off the audio recording of the answer.

The organizer (technical specialist) saves an audio recording of the participant's response under a certain code - PES number_audience number_ unique identification number of the work.

The participant shall sign the statement of the examination.

After all participants in the group in the holding room have completed their work, a new group of participants is invited to the holding room from the waiting room.

The organizers control the preparation time for tasks and control the time for completing tasks. If the preparation time for the task or the time for answering the task has expired, the organizer must inform the participant about this. The technical specialist or organizer gives the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. If a technical failure occurred during the recording, the student is given the right to take the "Speaking" section again.

In the event of a technical failure of the equipment or the low quality of the audio recording of the response of the OGE participant in foreign languages ​​after completing the tasks of the “Speaking” section, the oral part of the exam can be retaken on the same day (in this case, the participant is given a new set of EM) or at additional times set by the schedule.

At the end of the exam by all participants, the audio recordings with answers are collected by a technical specialist in catalogs by the classroom and sent to the RCSI for examination of the answers on a removable electronic medium.

(Continuation of the article "Results of the Unified State Examination in Foreign Languages ​​in 2008." To the previous section)

Section "Speaking"

The number of participants (percentage) who scored on section "Speaking" one or another score is shown in Figure 11.10.

Figure 11.10. Distribution of test scores for the performance of the "Speaking" section

In the distribution of the results of this section, it is noteworthy that a fairly large group of subjects (about 600 people) did not begin to complete the tasks. At the same time, for groups with a high level of preparation, the section did not present any particular difficulties. In this case, the mode of distribution (the most common result) is equal to 14 points.

The objective of the 2008 exam In chapter "Speaking" was to check the level of formation of the ability to use oral speech to solve communication-oriented tasks. In order to complete the task, the examinees were offered two test tasks: “Thematic monologue statement” (С3) and “Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluation information” (С4).

The level of complexity of the tested skills varied according to the degree of independence of the utterance, the complexity of the subject matter, the complexity of the language functions used, the complexity of the language material used. Task C3 had requirements related to the basic level, while task C4 had requirements of a high level of complexity.

Table 11.16 provides information on the types of tasks, the level of complexity, the skills tested, the duration of the tasks of control measuring materials (CMM) in section "Speaking".

An obligatory component of the oral examination test is an introductory conversation (warm-up) between the examiner and the interlocutor examiner in order to establish the necessary contact. This part is not scored; its duration is about 1 minute. Thus, the total duration of the oral section is up to 10 minutes.

Each task of the oral part consisted of the following materials:
. Examiner's card for tasks C3, C4
. Card of the examiner-interlocutor for tasks C3, C4
. General scheme for assessing oral answers for tasks C3, C4
. Additional scheme for assessing tasks C3, C4.

In addition, it ensures the equality of requirements for the examinees.

Table 11.16
The structure and content of the section "Speaking"

The answers of the examinees were recorded on an audio cassette or digital media in order to provide the possibility of double assessment by different experts. The first assessment was carried out directly during the answer, and the second - at the end of the exam while listening to the audio recording.

In case of a significant discrepancy in the estimates, the answer was evaluated by a third expert.
Table 11.17 provides a list of criteria that were used to grade items C3-C4 in KIM 2008.

Table 11.17

Criteria K1-K4 from those indicated in the table were evaluated on a scale from 0 to 3 points. Criterion K5 - on a scale of 0-2. At the same time, the fulfillment of task C3 was assessed only according to the criteria K1 and K2, and the fulfillment of task C4 according to all five criteria. For the performance of the entire oral part, the examinees could receive from 0 to 20 points.

The average result of completing task C3 was 61% (2007 - 66%) of the maximum score, and task C4 - 69%, almost the same as in 2007 (68%), of the maximum score.

An analysis of the examinees' oral responses to task C3 (Thematic monologue statement) showed that most examinees are able to logically construct a monologue statement in accordance with the communicative task, they successfully demonstrated the ability to give a detailed answer to an additional question and touch on all the required aspects of the task. At the same time, the problem area remains the ability to give a detailed argumentation of one's point of view, which was noted by only half of the subjects.

The greatest difficulty for the examinees in task C4 (Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluative information) was the use in oral speech of the ability to invite the interlocutor to express their suggestions on the issue under discussion and give an adequate argumentation of their own point of view.

Based on the analysis of typical mistakes made by the examinees, the following recommendations can be made to teachers on the development of speaking skills:
. Pay more attention to the performance of tasks of an interactive nature, which contributes to the development of students' initiative, independence in making decisions, increases activity, resourcefulness when answering.
. To achieve from students the validity of answers, good reasoning.
. To develop in students the ability to clearly perform the task, since in real life the language is used for this very purpose, that is, one should learn to carefully read the text of the task, paying special attention to the highlighted content elements.
. To teach students to actively support and direct the conversation, that is, to use the language functionally when communicating with the interlocutor, namely:
− ask the right questions;
- actively discuss various options, speaking both “for” and “against”;
- do not be afraid to ask for an explanation if any words are not clear;
- ask for the opinion of the interlocutor on the issues under discussion;
- invite the interlocutor to make his proposals.
. Explain to students that in task C3 (Thematic Monologue Statement) they should not retell the topic studied. In this case, the task will be considered failed.
. To teach examinees in task C4 (Dialogue for the purpose of exchanging evaluative information) to really communicate with the interlocutor: respond to his / her remarks, ask clarifying questions, invite them to express their thoughts.
. Teach students to justify their statements. Draw students' attention to the fact that they can get the highest score only if all the items listed in the task are disclosed.

English is not the most popular subject in which the USE is taken, but interest in it among graduates is growing. Moreover, soon the English exam is promised to be made mandatory. What are the features of preparing for the exam in a foreign language? What mistakes should be avoided when completing the exam tasks?

Why learn English?

Modern society clearly requires workers in many areas of knowledge of the English language. In some schools, its study begins already from the first grade, even non-linguistic universities are chosen for admission to a number of specialties of the Unified State Examination in English. Moreover, we are promised that in the near future the USE in English will be on a par with the mandatory exams in Russian language and mathematics.

Most of those who take the USE in English are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, 29.2% of all graduates pass it, in St. Petersburg - 21%. The results in these cities are also higher: on average in Russia - 57.8%, and in St. Petersburg - 60.44%, in Moscow - 64.55%. But high school students from other regions take English much more reluctantly, those who want it are 10 times less! Only 6% in all regions.

“Polls show that students from schools outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg are afraid of the Unified State Exam in English,” says Irina Zotova, adviser to the MAXIMUM company, candidate of philological sciences. - They do not want to take it because they are not sure of their result. Thus, they themselves limit the circle of leading prestigious universities for themselves. And so it goes from year to year.

Compliance with the USE according to English international standards

But a language cannot be learned in one day. It is best to start preparing for the exam in English two years in advance, that is, in the 10th grade. Despite many unflattering reviews about the USE, this exam is very similar in structure to international ones - such as TOEFL, which unequivocally confirms its ability to determine the real level of foreign language proficiency.

In accordance with the documents of the Council of Europe, the tasks of the USE of the highest level of complexity correspond to the B2 level according to international standards. In practical life, this means that only a small part of the USE tasks in English require an understanding of the content of complex texts, including highly specialized ones, and the ability to speak about them.

All texts used in the exam are authentic and go through three stages of substantive examination, which is always carried out by a native speaker and reveals the textual correspondence of the text. The exam tests the level of competence of students in three types of speech activity: listening, reading and writing. Separately, lexical and grammatical skills are checked. In each of the sections there are tasks of varying complexity, which allows you to most accurately determine the level of knowledge of the student.

Typical mistakes in the exam in a foreign language

An analysis of the performance of the USE, typical mistakes, the opinions of parents and students, and especially the sales volumes of various educational and methodological aids show that exam preparation is often understood as an endless execution of tasks - without a sufficient training stage, development of a strategy and action algorithms and subsequent analysis. But such popular collections of test materials in themselves do not teach anything, moreover, often they do not even reflect the realities of the exam, and even more so do not allow you to work out all the necessary skills. Unfortunately, in many schools, preparation for the exam comes down to solving "options" - very often without a subsequent analysis of errors and the reasons for their occurrence. And this means that the root of the problem when passing the exam in English is not the exam itself, but the way to prepare for it.

No matter how trite it sounds, but the basis of preparing for the exam in English is the study of the language. Without this, it is difficult to count on the exam for a good score. But there are typical mistakes in the USE in English that graduates often make.

Judging by the number of points received, the easiest section for schoolchildren is "Listening". His tasks are aimed at checking the general understanding of the listened text and the information requested from it. Typical mistakes in this section show that students tend to "catch" individual words from the text and do not pay attention to its general meaning. In 2013, for example, the difference between the British and American versions of the word "mobile phone" became a trap for many: mobile phone and cell phone. Appealing only one word, and not the general meaning of the statement, many chose the wrong answer.

The "Reading" section is similar in structure to the "Listening" section, only here, instead of the oral text, you need to work with the written one. The main difficulty in these tasks was working with words that are close in meaning, for example, return - recovery - come back. In one of the tasks, the answer to the question was contained at the end of the text, but a similar incorrect answer was in the first paragraph, which led to a large number of errors in this question.

The section "Grammar and Vocabulary" turned out to be not as difficult in 2013 as in 2012. His average success rate has risen to 58%. Despite this, typical mistakes from year to year remain the same: forms of irregular verbs and passive voice. Such a result is evidence of insufficient or incorrect work with errors, which should include determining the cause of the error, appropriate work with the theory to eradicate this problem, and reinforcing exercises. And you need to learn: there is a strictly defined set of irregular verbs that you just need to learn!

Of particular difficulty are tasks devoted to lexical compatibility. The reason for this, first of all, is insufficient work with the "real" language. It is necessary to constantly work with authentic texts and analyze in them those linguistic features that confuse the exam. This is one of the most interesting aspects of the language, which is often "hidden" from students, which reduces their enthusiasm and interest in learning foreign languages.

"Writing" is the last section, which most clearly reflects the level of knowledge of the language. It includes tasks C1 and C2. Due to the fact that the exam time increased by 20 minutes, many began to take on these tasks, but so far not very successfully, as evidenced by the average score that has decreased for them. To complete the task of part C, it is necessary not only to correctly express your thoughts on paper, but also to strictly follow both the requirements of the task itself and international standards for writing letters in different styles. The training of the necessary skills for this should be carried out constantly and in different formats, which is quite possible if the overall approach to the exam is sufficiently thought out.

It is important to mention here the "Speaking" section, which was canceled in 2006, but will definitely return to the USE in a few years. Since this section is not currently on the exam, many schools simply "don't speak" the language. But due to speaking, and only due to it, you can expand the vocabulary on which the entire exam is built, you can learn to formulate your thoughts, listen to someone else's speech and monitor mistakes. All this is the basis not only for the successful passing of the exam, but also for real knowledge of a foreign language.

Algorithm for preparing for the exam in English

  1. It is necessary to start preparing for the exam no later than two years before the exam.
  2. Knowledge of the language cannot be divided into specific tasks and prepared only for them: all skills are interconnected, and only complex work allows you to cover and develop the maximum necessary skills.
  3. In the "Listening" section, it is necessary to perceive the meaning of the statement as a whole, and not to "catch" individual words from the text.
  4. In the "Reading" section, special attention should be paid to working with words that are close in meaning.
  5. In the section "Grammar and Vocabulary" it is obligatory to learn the theory: forms of irregular verbs and passive voice.
  6. In the "Writing" section, you need to train your writing skills, study international standards for writing letters in different formats.
  7. It is necessary to constantly work with authentic texts and analyze in them those linguistic features that confuse the exam.
  8. Develop English speaking skills.


When you do extra work, then there will be no problems. If you are lucky with the school, then you should not even worry at all. My child has been studying separately for three years now, at the school of foreign languages ​​Linguist-I. Goes to group classes, already level C1. And at school it is A2 maximum. And in general, if you want the child to know the language and be able to use it. That needs extra work. My daughter did not pull at all, now she is the best in the class, they found an approach or maybe the program is built differently, therefore.

Return-recovery-come back - different parts of speech!!! I mean the second word recovery

29.11.2018 18:00:07, Natalya

Everything that is written above is correct and has long been known to everyone.

Comment on the article "Unified State Examination in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips"

More on the topic "Preparation for the exam in English":

The Unified State Examination (USE) is the final exam after the end of the 11th grade, and the results of the USE are also used as entrance exams to higher education ... USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips.

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. An experienced teacher of the highest category with extensive experience in school and preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Examination offers his assistance in preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. In addition, the school, in addition to preparing for the exam, also has a curriculum that it must fulfill. And the USE has a lot of "pitfalls" that you also need to learn how to overcome.

Preparation for the exam, tasks for the exam with a tutor. Relieve stress during exams. Alena Zanina, tutor of English and Japanese, teaching experience - 3 years. Most of those who take the USE in English are in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Section: Unified State Examination and other exams (Unified State Examination in English lost the audio recording). The results of the OGE appeal (English). Look for audio in English according to the interests of the child. USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips.

Well, some in the written exam from inattention plant errors, because the combination of written and oral is good. Compliance with the USE according to English international standards Typical mistakes in the USE in a foreign language Algorithm for preparing for the USE in ...

OGE English Moscow - posted. USE and other exams. Advise, pliz, a textbook for preparing for the GIA in English. I need a tutor to prepare for GIA in mathematics. ... age Especially since they promise to do an English exam soon ...

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. Most of those who take the USE in English are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Recommend trusted tutors in social studies, English and Russian to prepare for the exam.

Skype English. Preparation for the exam. We DO NOT climb in thick dictionaries, we DO NOT read Oscar Wilde in the original on the first lesson, we DO NOT draw seven-story schemes of times in English - we train, repeat OUT LOUD, we participate in language sparring...

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. It is best to start preparing for the exam in English two years in advance, that is, in the 10th. My advice is not to try to keep up with fifty birds with one stone, grabbing at all the options for preparing for the exam.

Recommend trusted tutors in social studies, English and Russian to prepare for the exam. The boy is in 11th grade. If the tutor is really good, we will go to any area, or consider Skype lessons.

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. Most of those who take the USE in English are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Section: USE and other exams (USE in English results). English Girls, and on the oral part, the entry should be ...

Recommend a manual for the OGE. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Recommend a manual for the OGE. My son is moving into 9th grade. Recommend manuals for training in the Russian language, social studies, history, mathematics, literature, English.

USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. Most of those who take the USE in English are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you find errors, malfunctions, inaccuracies on the page, please let us know. Thank you!

On the exam in English, you still need a sickly ingenuity to write an essay, for example. On this topic, you need to come up with two arguments for, one argument against and one more counterargument to this argument against. Is it realistic to prepare for the exam in English in 3 years?

strategy for preparing for the exam. USE and other exams. Teenagers. USE in English: typical mistakes and 8 preparation tips. It is best to start preparing for the exam in English two years in advance, that is, in the 10th grade. tasks - without a sufficient training stage ...

USE and other exams. Teenagers. Essence of the question. Is it realistic to prepare for the exam in English in 3 years? My daughter is going to 9th grade. On the subject at school 5. Has been studying for a year with an average-level tutor: improve grammar, increase vocabulary.

USE in English Impressions?. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Another tip is that every school has teachers who are required to take courses to prepare for such events.

If you are interested in the "brochure" by M. Harrison "Oxford tests in English for preparing for the Unified State Examination", then this is not a shortage, see the link. We were just intrigued. Testing 9 classes is the GIA in English? And what does the relod have to do with it? It's just a store.

The situation is this: until the 5th grade, the child studied at a regular school, from the 5th grade they were transferred to a special school. English. They translated not because the language is really needed, but the school itself is better and it is more convenient to get there, and there are a lot of arguments in general, this is not a solution out of the blue. We knew in advance that we would be translating, we tried to prepare, the child studied at the VKS for a year, before that another year in an English circle. The teacher at school put a confident 4. And so they moved on. To say that it lags behind in language is an understatement. Barely 3.