Earrings for weight loss: gold, magnetic, Chinese, from Mukhina. Magic Slimming Earring Slimming Earring Pain When Installed

Anyone who wants to adjust their figure or who is overweight can use an earring for weight loss.

The exception is patients whose obesity is caused by hormonal pathologies or diabetes mellitus. Patients with serious illnesses such as:

  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;

as well as women in the state of pregnancy and lactation, this procedure is contraindicated.

Slimming Gold Earring

The slimming earring has a standard shape (resembling a safety pin).

Gold is the only metal that can actively irritate energy points and cause a reflex reaction in the body necessary for weight loss. That is why a gold slimming earring must be used to obtain the desired effect.

It will take time to change the usual course of the metabolic process, to rebuild the endocrine system. The period of wearing an earring is selected by a specialist individually, depending on the weight of the patient, the amount of adipose and bone tissue:

  • the minimum course is three weeks;
  • the maximum (recommended) course is six months.

The result of the procedure

Patients dreaming of a "magic" weight loss remedy are likely to be disappointed. Inserting an earring does not mean losing weight. This method teaches a kind of discipline of nutrition, since along with acupuncture, an individual nutritional program is connected.

The accessory has a healing function, motivating the body to work in a new, healthy mode, the patient needs to follow the recommendations of a specialist in terms of the selection of nutrients.

It is noteworthy that this technique allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to prevent the formation of skin defects (stretch marks, sagging). Women suffering from infertility increase their chances of becoming mothers.

Expected effect

By tradition, patients with great enthusiasm begin to follow the recommendations of the doctor only when the first result is visible. Starting to wear an earring and eat right, after two weeks you can notice changes:

  • improved metabolism;
  • increase in psychological tone;
  • normalization of the digestive tract.

After one month, weight loss is guaranteed, and after completing the full course, the patient's body is completely rebuilt to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The important thing is that the result obtained - the desired weight - will be maintained reflexively in the future! Look in our photo gallery, what result can be achieved with the help of a slimming earring.

Where to put an earring for weight loss

Center specialists Slim Clinic develop individual programs, combining various methods of treatment.

Whether an earring in the ear will be effective for losing weight for a particular patient is decided after analyzing all significant factors - weight, lifestyle, medical indications. During the course, the dynamics of weight loss is regularly examined, the general condition of the patient is monitored.

The effect of the technique largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor. Our center specializes in aesthetic medicine, therefore it offers its patients only highly effective and safe methods of body shaping.

In Moscow, the average cost of the procedure, the installation of an earring and the preparation of a nutrition plan ranges from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. A too low price should alert you, since the healing earring must be made of 14-carat gold, and only specialized specialists can install it.

In the SlimClinic center, you can sign up for a comprehensive program, which, in addition to installing an earring, also includes acupuncture, a therapeutic technique for normalizing the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

I was given an earring and the result suits me perfectly. BUT! be sure to follow a diet, add acupuncture - this is also 3-4 thousand, at first my head may hurt (I had a headache). Well, the cycle was broken, although it may not be the case with the earring. But the result: I have minus 15 kg, my colleague has 26.

Sveta, 43 years old

After giving birth, I gained another 14 kg in addition to my already extra pounds, I tried different diets, nutrition systems. Something gave a result, but most often everything returned ((I didn’t want to put an earring on at first, I couldn’t find clear reviews anywhere, but the results of my colleagues losing weight in this way still pushed me to sign up for the procedure. And I want to say that it just helped me !! In the first three days, my appetite decreased and has not returned so far, now I need to eat less food to eat. As a result, 5 kg was gone in a month. Now I plan to add sports and improve results! Lose weight with pleasure, girls !!!)))


lose weight lost weight but I just think that it's not the needle. the needle itself will not give anything without diets. but if only as a placebo effect and believe in this case

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Ear needle for weight loss(or a slimming earring) is a very unusual way to lose weight. Loudly declaring herself as an effective remedy, she immediately found lovers to lose weight with the help of miracle remedies, without really straining in the gym. Will a gold earring (needle) really help to lose weight, the site Koshechka.ru will tell today.

What's in the article:

The principle of the earring

Let's figure out how the earring for weight loss works. The human body, in addition to internal organs, the skeleton and other things, consists of active biological points. Science deals with these points acupuncture. With the help of special needles and an accurate knowledge of specific points on the body, many diseases can be cured.

The golden needle for weight loss works on the same principle. Through biological points located in the ears, she is able to affect metabolism, reduce appetite and promote rapid satiety from food.

That is, according to supporters of earrings for weight loss, a person only has to put on this wonderful jewelry, and he will be able to independently control the amount of food consumed, reduce appetite and lose weight from this.

Gold earring - for weight loss or for decoration?

Scientists and nutritionists regard the earring a little differently. They acknowledge that Earrings can help you lose some weight, but it is suitable only for those who:

  • gained excess weight in case of overeating;
  • has no health problems, because the list of contraindications when using an earring is very impressive;
  • will be able to withstand the strictest diet, which must be adhered to when wearing an earring.

Although if you deal with the last point, then you need to consider that for at least some successful result the earring must be worn for at least one month but the best is three to five months. And it is very difficult to sustain such a long period on a diet. And if you succeed, then you can lose those extra pounds without an earring.

So before you buy it, think carefully about why you need it so that you don’t start using it as a decoration in the future.

Needle in the ear for weight loss: contraindications

Also take good care of your health. As the site has already seen more than once, if you suffer from one of the following ailments, you should not even think about using a gold earring for weight loss, so that in the future, in addition to being overweight, you should not treat these ailments:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anemia
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • benign or malignant formations;

Earring for weight loss: reviews

  • My friend lost a lot of weight - as much as 20 kilograms in 3 months. Where, I ask. Speaks - this is an earring for weight loss, I was seduced by the reviews about it and inserted. But to wear it, you need to follow a diet. So I don't think it's just the earring. And it looks beautiful in the ear! Nika.
  • At my work, two employees tried to insert a needle into the ear for weight loss. One lost a little weight, but as soon as she stopped dieting, that’s all, the earring does not work! The question is - why an earring, if you can just not eat? Olga.
  • Girls, and I tried to lose weight with an earring in my ear, I am writing my review. Firstly, with this earring you really lose weight, much more than just on one diet. I lost 18 kg, and my girlfriend lost 35 kg! But there are many rules that must be followed. Firstly, this is a diet, it must be strictly observed. Every month you have to go for acupuncture, it costs about 3,000 rubles per session. Masha.
  • The slimming earring doesn't work! I put this, a year has already passed. Hunger does not go anywhere from her, and even a diet, she did not lose weight at all by a gram, so think for yourself. Irina.
  • I wore an earring for weight loss, the result - I lost 9 kg, I am very satisfied. But with all this, at first, her head hurts and her state of health is somehow strange, like a bag was hit. I also lost the female cycle from a needle in my ear. And the diet is quite simple: just do not eat fatty, floury, fried and cereals. I took out the needle, but I also eat. The weight is held in place. Angelina.

Acquiring and maintaining a slim figure is one of the main problems of modern women and men. A person is constantly in search of an easy way to lose weight. This opportunity is provided by an earring for weight loss, which affects the body through an energy point on the ear.


The patented invention of doctor Mukhina, a certified nutritionist, is designed to be worn in the ear. The doctor assures that the method makes it possible to take a course of diet, while maintaining the activity of life. The method is based on the laws of acupressure based on ancient oriental techniques. Now the method of auriculotherapy is quite in demand. The auricle has many active points, there are 170 point projections on the entire human body. If you rub your ears for one minute, you can feel a noticeable surge of strength. Point massage activates blood flow and brain activity. There are on the auricles and points that promote weight loss.

Energy points can also be massaged on their own, providing a short-term effect. For example, during an attack of hunger, you can press on a point located in the middle of the hollow between the upper lip and nose with your index finger. Massage is done clockwise and counterclockwise for fifteen seconds in each direction. This helps to distract from a small feeling of hunger, but is ineffective in an acute attack.

The "Magic Earring" or "Golden Needle" is a hypoallergenic piece of jewelry for permanent wear. The period of use varies from a month to six months. Usually it is made of gold, since this metal has the strongest properties of accelerating metabolic processes in the body. In addition, gold is hypoallergenic. The therapeutic jewelry is threaded into the tragus of the ear through special points, the joint activation of which allows you to influence the saturation center. An elegant earring is supplied with a special diet and instructions for motor activity. There is an analogue of an earring for weight loss - a magnetic clip. Its influence is also effective, and the price is much lower.

The slimming earring is put on the patient by the doctor after passing the examination. It also informs the person about the need to change the style of eating and lifestyle. The diet is selected individually. The impact of the earring on the appetite point starts the process of getting rid of excess body weight and allows you to withstand severe dietary restrictions. In addition, the treatment at the medical center is complemented by acupuncture and the periodic change of the earring. Approximately once a month, you should again undergo an examination with a specialist.


You can attribute the effect of earrings for weight loss to an auxiliary method. Wearing jewelry is accompanied by a rather strict diet, which is mandatory. Such a diet can be perfectly used separately from wearing an earring. It is recommended to draw up a nutrition schedule, count calories using special tables. The diet is based on the almost complete rejection of flour and sweets, cereals, semi-finished products and nuts. Reception of vitamin complexes is prescribed. Eating protein foods, fish and meat is the main part of the daily diet. Long-term digestion of proteins contributes to a long-term lack of hunger.

The main effect of a slimming earring on the body:

  • metabolism increases, the process of fat breakdown is activated;
  • decreased appetite and food intake;
  • dependence on sweets and carbohydrates disappears;
  • there is a more complete saturation in small portions;
  • Reducing your calorie intake helps you lose weight.

It is known that not all patients get the same good result from wearing an earring. Some doctors are of the opinion that the slimming earring acts like a placebo, that is, its effectiveness is based on the person's belief in the effectiveness of the method.


The magnetic clip is just as effective as an earring. The impact is made using a magnetic field. It is attracted by its low cost, the availability of purchases via the Internet or television. The clip for weight loss has a drawback, which is expressed in the possibility of incorrect self-installation on the desired energy points that suppress appetite. The product may also exert excessive pressure on the skin, damaging it with sharp edges.

The placebo effect is typical for a magnetic slimming clip in the same way as for earrings. But the correct putting on of jewelry according to the methodology, in a medical institution, has a much greater psychological effect. In addition, by donating funds for the purchase of a slimming earring, a person already provides himself with the motivation to do everything so that the money is not wasted.


The use of an earring that helps to lose weight is shown for obesity, increased appetite, and an unbalanced daily routine. This method should not be used in the following cases:

  • the presence of diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bulimia and anorexia;
  • neoplasms;
  • intolerance of the material used.

Treating obesity with an earring or clip in the presence of serious diseases or hormonal failure is a waste of time and money. Therefore, it is necessary to get the advice of a doctor to find out if problems with internal organs are the cause of weight gain.

The magic earring for weight loss has become the subject of lively discussions in most women's forums. We will try to figure out what a magic earring for weight loss is and whether the words EARRING and SLIMMING can even stand side by side.

It turns out that an earring and weight loss can be close, although it is impossible to call the method new or even revolutionary, because it is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture.

It is known that there are many biologically active points on the ears that are responsible for metabolic processes, and the earring affects them. Proponents of this method of losing weight argue that in this way self-regulation mechanisms are launched in the body, leading to a decrease in appetite and rapid satiety during meals, with the help of a slimming earring, a person easily begins to regulate his appetite, reduces the amount of food consumed and, accordingly, loses weight.

The experts, whom we asked to express their opinion about the magic slimming earring, are ready to agree with these statements only in part. First of all, because excess weight is not always the result of overeating, it can occur due to diseases, stress, medication, the wrong approach to diets, and so on. In these cases, the magic earring is unlikely to bring real weight loss.

In addition, the weight loss earring technique requires a mandatory diet, moreover, we quote, "it is imperative to follow a diet. Without this, it is impossible to achieve significant weight loss and after the end of treatment to keep the result." If we take into account that the magic earring is put on for at least a month, and the accepted "standard" is three months, you can understand what kind of load falls on the body during a three-month diet. Here you will lose weight even without earrings.

It is no coincidence that the weight loss earring has a wide range of contraindications, such as bulimia, pregnancy, lactation, it is impossible for malignant and benign neoplasms, convulsions, anemia, cardiovascular, renal, hepatic insufficiency, hypothyroidism in the stage of decompensation, type 1 and type 2 diabetes . Plus, of course, individual intolerance to earrings as such. In this case, before combining the concepts of an earring and losing weight, it is better to talk with a doctor.

The conclusion that we draw is this - a magic earring for weight loss has the right to exist, but only fairly healthy women who need some kind of incentive or assistant in their desire to give up sweets and lose a few kilograms can use it. After all, an earring for weight loss, if you look at the program offered by clinics, provides not only for the installation of an earring, but also for the control of a reflexologist and a nutritionist, preferably acupuncture courses for other biopoints and various massages.

Regina Raitova especially for

In addition, we present to your attention the ten most popular diets for weight loss in Russia. It's super popular

The problem of excess weight, which became especially relevant at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, makes us look for more and more new ways to solve it. But it’s so difficult in our age, when computer games are replacing outdoor activities, and natural products from the garden are genetically modified “relatives”, fast food, carbonated drinks and products with chemical additives that disrupt metabolism and stimulate the unjustified appearance of hunger. . Our children prefer hamburgers, cakes, ice cream to vegetables and fruits, so the problem of excess weight for many begins from childhood. It is clear that many minds are concerned about its solution, which at one time developed various abstruse techniques, special fat burners, and even such a miracle as a weight loss earring aimed at getting rid of extra pounds, especially without limiting themselves in anything.

What is a slimming earring and how it works

The idea of ​​creating a tool that helps fight excess weight by influencing certain parts of the body arose due to the development of non-traditional methods of treating various pathological conditions. We are talking about the now popular technique of oriental medicine, known as acupuncture.

At present, this direction has become widespread not only in China and the countries of the East, but also in Europe, including our country. A clear confirmation of this is the many manuals on acupuncture and the creation of alternative medicine centers where this technique is practiced.

According to this doctrine, there are many so-called biologically active points on the human body, by influencing which many processes in the body can be corrected and health in general can be improved. Each such point is responsible for a certain organ, which means that by influencing it, the organ is “repaired” with the correction of its work in case of certain violations. Stimulation of biologically active points can be carried out in various ways, the most popular of which are massage and acupuncture.

True, without knowing the basics of acupuncture, stimulation of active points can achieve the opposite effect or a dangerous health disorder, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Hunger is one of the most powerful feelings that makes people do unreasonable things. When a person is very hungry, he agrees to eat even that which is not customary to eat in a normal situation.

The feeling of hunger in the human body is controlled by a certain part of the brain - the hypothalamus, in which the centers of hunger and satiety are located. If for any reason they fail, a person can no longer control his need for food, which we are dealing with in the case of a number of pathologies that cause an increase in body weight.

But the habit of eating a lot is not always associated with disorders of the hypothalamus. Much depends on family traditions and the habits of each individual person regarding the regimen and amount of food. In people whose excess weight is caused by overeating, appetite can be corrected by acting not on the hypothalamus itself, but on special points of the human body that regulate its work in this direction.

Such points that correct appetite, according to the doctrine of acupuncture, are located in the earlobe, and more precisely on the tragus. By influencing them and biologically active points responsible for metabolism, a noticeable weight loss can be achieved by reducing a person's need for food.

It is this moment that forms the basis for the development of slimming earrings. I'll find out how justified this is below, having considered different types of useful jewelry and reviews on their use.

Indications for the use of earrings for weight loss

Having found information about a new weight loss product on the pages of the Internet or fashion magazines, many female representatives, concerned about the issue of weight loss and bringing the figure closer to the generally accepted ideal of beauty, immediately try to use these funds on themselves. There is nothing reprehensible in this if a woman (or even a man) first studies all the information available about a new method or remedy, including indications and contraindications for use.

In the case of slimming earrings, it is clearly stated that their action is based on dulling the feeling of hunger. This is true if a person eats a lot and cannot deny himself this pleasure. In other words, a positive effect is observed if the appearance of excess weight (or even obesity) is provoked by banal overeating.

If the increase in body weight is associated with certain diseases, as a result of which the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates or the work of the centers responsible for saturation is disturbed, a person needs qualified help from a specialist doctor to treat the underlying disease, and not its causes.

Earring for weight loss and pregnancy

The use of a slimming earring during pregnancy is considered undesirable, because what can benefit the mother is not always beneficial for the fetus. For the future mother, the first place should be the safety and normal development of the baby growing inside her. The child must receive all the nutrients necessary for his proper development, including fats and carbohydrates, so there can be no talk of a strict diet without urgent need. The same can be said about mothers whose babies are breastfed and receive everything they need along with mother's milk. Will there be everything you need if mom is on a diet?

Maybe the earring itself for weight loss does not pose a danger to the fetus and does not affect the course of pregnancy, as some manufacturers claim, but wearing it without a diet is unlikely to be effective. And a diet during pregnancy is possible only according to the testimony of a doctor, if the excess weight of the expectant mother threatens the development of other serious pathologies.

In any case, the use of various methods and means that affect the functioning of the body should be carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor, especially during pregnancy. The young mother will still have a lot of time to take care of herself when the baby becomes at least a little more independent and switches to “adult” nutrition.

Contraindications to the use of jewelry for weight loss

Any person who first encountered such an unusual method of weight correction as an earring for weight loss and taking care of his health has a completely fair question: is such a controversial invention suitable for everyone, and does it have dangerous contraindications?

The question is quite logical, since any intervention in the work of the body, no matter how good intentions they may be caused, has its consequences. Ideally, slimming earrings are intended for use by relatively healthy people whose primary health problem is being overweight. If there are other health pathologies, then before trying new methods, it is necessary to consult with a specialist doctor about their safety in connection with existing health pathologies, and also discuss with a nutritionist about various safe methods of weight loss through proper nutrition.

Despite the promises of manufacturers regarding the beneficial properties of magnetic earrings and the sufficient effectiveness (according to numerous positive reviews) of gold jewelry of this kind, they are not recommended if a person has the following pathologies:

  • malignant tumor processes associated with a decrease in the immune defense of the body,
  • benign neoplasms, especially in the ear area,
  • serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, in particular renal failure,
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • anemia.

There is evidence that the use of earrings for weight loss can cause some harm in case of thyroid pathologies, convulsive syndrome, bulimia, as well as allergies to gold (in the case of using a gold earring).

One of the contraindications for use is diabetes mellitus. This moment looks somewhat contradictory, given that magnetic slimming earrings contribute to the normalization of sugar in the blood plasma.

Not all people perceive acupuncture well. If there is a deterioration in well-being associated with this, the use of an earring for weight loss should be abandoned.

Weight correction with earrings involves not only wearing healing jewelry, but also diet, physical activity, outdoor walks, good rest and sleep. In this regard, it is not recommended to use slimming earrings for people who work in shifts, and for those whose working day is not standardized. Psychological and physical stress in the absence of normal rest can play a bad joke and worsen the health of the owners of healing earrings. In addition, dieting in such conditions is extremely difficult, and sometimes almost impossible.

As for the negative side effects, when using the earring for weight loss, they were not noted. Acupuncture and exposure to the magnetic field of clips on the human body can cause some harm to human health only if contraindications for use are not taken into account.

Slimming Gold Earring

Currently, on the free market, you can find several options for unusual jewelry with the effect of weight loss. This is due to the great demand for such products, as well as the desire of women to be not only slim, but beautiful. And which of the representatives of the weaker sex does not like jewelry, if this love has been laid in them since childhood?!

It is clear that from the whole variety of materials for jewelry, women prefer gold, so the gold earring for weight loss is undoubtedly in great demand. And this is quite justified, because gold earrings, for whatever purpose they are purchased, look much more advantageous than items made of silver and various alloys. In addition, such products are considered hypoallergenic, which means that almost all people can wear them with rare exceptions (after all, an allergy to gold is rather an exception to the rule).

Another argument in favor of gold earrings is its amazing properties. Experts in the field of oriental medicine claim that this unusually beautiful metal also has tremendous power, so its effect on a person is much greater than that of other metals.

The slimming earring is a little different from regular earrings, as it has a special design that is convenient for piercing the tragus of the ear, as required by the technique of its use. Wearing it without restrictions as an ordinary piece of jewelry is not worth it, as well as buying unlicensed goods.

Earring Mukhina: a sound approach to solving the problem

The so-called Mukhina's earring for weight loss enjoys good reviews in terms of weight loss. And it's not even about the earring itself. By purchasing licensed earrings, the buyer receives further support at all stages of its use: finding the appropriate biologically active point that regulates the saturation center, piercing the ear at the right point, calculating the duration of wearing the earring necessary to achieve the desired effect.

The calculation of the duration of the course of wearing an earring for weight loss is carried out directly by the creator of the unique jewelry Miriam Mukhina or her students. This indicator is individual for each and depends on many factors that must be taken into account when appointing a course. Such factors are gender, age, the number of extra pounds, the degree of obesity, if the problem has already passed into the category of health pathologies, the presence of other diseases. The course of weight loss with the help of Mukhina's gold earring can range from 1 to 6 months.

The place of the ear piercing is also individually calculated. After all, the impact should be exerted precisely on the point responsible for the appearance of a feeling of hunger, and according to Eastern teachings, it may differ slightly in location. To determine the point correctly, so as not to harm human health, only a physiotherapist can, who should carry out an ear piercing and further management of the patient.

Yes, yes, a simple ear piercing should not be enough. A person should visit a doctor during the course of acupuncture with an earring to monitor the results and correct the timing of the weight loss procedure with the help of an earring.

Losing weight with the help of Mukhina's gold earring is an effect on the patient's body in several directions:

  • normalization of the diet and control of the amount of food consumed,
  • establishing the optimal ratio between calories entering the body and consumed by it,
  • skin care (acupuncture helps to increase the tone of the skin and tissues under it),
  • the ability to safely influence metabolic processes.

Such a complex effect is produced not only by wearing earrings for weight loss. If someone thinks that such an earring is a panacea for extra pounds, do not be too encouraging yourself. Earrings to combat uncontrolled appetite will not be able to justify themselves if certain requirements are not followed, including adherence to a low-carb diet and sufficient physical activity.

Let's just say that without exercise and normal physical activity (as opposed to physical inactivity, which is characteristic of both the old and the young), the fight against excess weight will be a waste of time. Even if some result is noted, without a change in lifestyle, everything will soon return to normal. In some cases, after such weight loss (for example, on fat burners), the weight not only returns to its previous high rates, but even overtakes them.

Another requirement of the method of Dr. Mukhina is the observance of a special, rather strict diet, in which there is no place for flour products, sugar, sweets, high-calorie desserts, and alcoholic beverages. But the developer of the unique method only welcomes the use of eggs and meat, because these products cause a long-term feeling of fullness due to certain difficulties with their digestion. Fruits and vegetables are not limited to Mukhina's diet.

An important condition for the diet is the refusal to eat in the evening, which means that dinner should end no later than 18 hours. Even if the diet itself does not cause any special difficulties for some people (most people have a hard time during the first week), then the last requirement turns out to be difficult to fulfill. And here, according to M. Mukhina, the golden earring comes to the rescue, allowing you to control your appetite and make it easier to adhere to restrictions on the quality and quantity of food, as well as control your diet.

Magnetic Slimming Earrings

In addition to gold earrings, which are an interesting addition to the female image, there are other types of jewelry useful in terms of weight loss. Particular attention should be paid to such a variety of "healing" jewelry as magnetic earrings, which are also actively used by women for weight loss.

This is already a self-service option that does not require tissue puncture, which, if performed incorrectly, can adversely affect human health, which is sometimes experienced by clients of beauty salons. An unprofessional approach to the piercing of the ears, replete with various biologically active points, can provoke disturbances in the work of various organs and systems. It is not for nothing that this procedure is recommended to be carried out in medical institutions.

All these complications can be avoided by giving preference to a method that does not require violation of the integrity of body tissues. We are talking about the use of clips, in appearance and produced effect completely replacing ordinary earrings. Magnetic clips involve the use of special materials that create a magnetic field around them, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The use of magnets in slimming earrings is one of the innovative methods of dealing with extra pounds. But this is the method that causes the most controversy about its effectiveness in relation to weight correction.

We will not reject the benefits of the impact of the magnetic field of earrings on the human biofield, since these are not the only products of this kind used to improve the body. The manufacturers themselves claim that in addition to weight loss, a person using these products can get a lot of beneficial effects:

  • normalization of blood pressure indicators,
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system,
  • correction of blood sugar levels,
  • stimulation of the digestive system,
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state,
  • improvement of the endocrine and genitourinary system,
  • correction of joint mobility,
  • fight against excessive sweating.

It would seem that wearing magnetic clips should almost completely heal the body. Perhaps it would have been so if it were not for the lack of control over the use of the product by professional doctors.

On the one hand, everything is very clear: there are clips and instructions for them, which clearly shows how to use the earrings and what points to act on. In order to understand the annotations to the product, neither medical education nor special knowledge is needed.

But on the other hand, the lack of skills and control over wearing earrings can cause products to be used incorrectly. For example, strong squeezing of ear tissues can lead to disruption of their trophism, and improper setting can affect the wrong organs, which will lead to disruption of their functioning (and there are a lot of biologically active points on the ear, and they are located very close to each other).

Another unpleasant moment: such products with a lower, and therefore more affordable price than gold earrings, are sold mainly via the Internet and do not always have a genuine certificate of quality. Earrings that are not licensed may have various flaws, due to which wearing them can lead to scratching and damage to the tissues of the ear, and the result may not meet your expectations.

Many doctors also have doubts about the effectiveness of the impact on the biologically active points of hunger and thirst of the magnetic field. Unlike manufacturers who tout their product as more effective than gold earrings, they argue that the effect of such jewelry is most likely based not on the teachings of acupuncture, but on the "placebo effect", i.e. on the belief in the possibility of losing weight using magnetic earrings. If there is such a conviction, the benefits of earrings are obvious, but for those who doubt, it is very difficult to foresee the result. And here it doesn’t matter at all what kind of earrings they have, and what material they are made of.

There is a slight dependence of the results on the place of purchase of goods and services. Trust in online shopping, for obvious reasons, is much weaker than in buying goods and services in medical institutions. Accordingly, by trusting the seller, it is easier to convince yourself of the effectiveness of his offer. In this case, the "placebo effect" is more likely to work.

Slimming Gel Earring

A transparent, invisible gel earring of a special design, also used for wearing for the purpose of losing weight, is not as popular as gold and magnetic earrings, because it is not an ornament. However, there is a certain demand for such a product, because not all overweight people are ready to wear earrings for this.

The introduction of the gel into the acupuncture points of hunger and thirst is carried out in a clinic by specialist doctors. The invisible needle has its advantages. It can be worn by both women and men. The material of the needle is completely hypoallergenic, so the injection sites are not prone to inflammation and suppuration. The body does not reject the gel material specially designed for this, which means that it sits firmly at the puncture site, which eliminates the possibility of accidentally hooking a slimming earring or losing it.

After removing the gel earring, the place where it was located heals quickly, leaving no rough scars and marks.

Alas, this method is still not widely used, although it has a corresponding patent. The introduction of gel earrings for weight correction is carried out only in individual clinics, so it is too early to talk about its widespread use.