Rating of zodiac signs by beauty, intelligence, and loyalty. Rating of killers among zodiac signs

So, which one Zodiac sign considered the most jealous?


Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the Zodiac. Even years later, from time to time he is interested in the lives of his former partners. He remains interested in “how long”, “with whom”, “is it serious”, he continues to “monitor” social network pages, casually tries to find out from his friends how things are going with those who were once dear to him - his Jealousy eats him up. His jealousy does not mean that he misses a certain person... No, selfishness and a sense of ownership rule here - Aries is not used to sharing “his own” with someone, so he becomes furious when he finds out that his ex-half happy with someone else.

Nevertheless, it must be said that sometimes it is outbursts of jealousy that kindle interest in a new partner and become a kind of signal that the game can begin. Aries is generally a very gambling sign of the Zodiac, getting involved in the game, he cannot stop, there is no need to be angry at Aries’s outbursts of jealousy, he just understands how painful and scary it will be for him to find out about physical or emotional betrayal (yes, psychological factor worries him even more), because this fear provokes strong jealousy in him. Having deceived Aries, you can’t even count on him forgiving the betrayal. If anyone betrayed him, he remained forever in a past life.


A sense of ownership, a suffocating sense of affection, and even some kind of emotional dependence constantly force Cancer to experience this terrible, merciless and such burning jealousy. True, he differs from the other most jealous signs of the Zodiac in that he does not like to show his emotions, he will keep it all to himself, making it only worse, because his sparks of jealousy turn into a terrible flame, and the one who kindled this terrible fire will be very unlucky . He is constantly tormented by doubts about his other half. Cancer is not completely confident in the sincerity of his chosen one’s intentions, and feels a certain instability if he does not take really serious steps.

Cancers often choose partners to whom the feeling of jealousy is alien, since they themselves want to gain freedom, while the Cancer partner himself must prepare for emotional swings. And yes, a representative of the Cancer zodiac sign will only be with someone who will not give the slightest reason to doubt him.


Scorpio is the most jealous sign of the Zodiac, it’s better not to give him a reason (he’ll find one himself). They have extremely possessive natures and can be jealous even of former partners for whom they feel absolutely nothing. They themselves would like their attacks of jealousy to appear less frequently, but they find it difficult to cope with this feeling. They expect their partner to give them freedom and independence, but it is difficult for them to show reciprocity in this. Although outbursts of jealousy do not last so long, they are quite frequent, especially if Scorpio is not confident in his partner. But Scorpios can also be understood - they are one of the most devoted signs who are ready to go hand in hand with their partner all their lives. And this is exactly what they expect from their chosen one, and their fears and doubts manifest themselves in the form of “shots” of jealousy.

Scorpio's lover must understand and accept him, and in order for outbursts of jealousy to be extinguished, you need to show more attention and surprise with pleasant surprises that will make Scorpio's heart beat faster - this could be romantic trips, walks, joint sports, etc. , but the main thing is to be able to make Scorpio understand that his partner is serious. Scorpio women do not understand the joys of fleeting relationships, one-time sex and want their partner to be honest with them.

According to leading astrologers, there are a number of representatives of the zodiac signs who stand out for their character traits and internal qualities. Of these, the most faithful, jealous and flighty were chosen. Now we will find out which of all the representatives comes out on top in terms of these qualities and temperament.

The most faithful zodiac signs

Cancers are considered the most faithful, as they are monogamous and value family comfort and idyll. They give their whole soul to love and never cheat. Even more faithful representatives of the zodiac include Aquarius and Aries. The signs that lag behind in terms of loyalty, but are still faithful, are Capricorns and Sagittarius.

The most jealous zodiac signs

Jealousy is common to every person, but some zodiac signs are especially jealous and sometimes simply cannot control their emotions. These include Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Especially Taurus and Cancer, as they are true owners. Libras are also very jealous, but usually they don’t show it at all, but keep everything inside themselves.

The most windy signs of the Zodiac

Scorpios and Geminis are among the most flighty representatives of the zodiac signs. Although Scorpios are owners, they themselves believe that they can afford to unwind on the side. As for Gemini, the problems here lie in their own character and uncertainty. There are always two Geminis: one wants to be a faithful and good family man, and the other always wants to have fun, adventures and new extreme sensations.

Pisces can also be considered flighty, but they are so well thought out that sometimes no one even suspects their infidelity. Virgos are flighty until they meet true love. But in freedom, they love to have fun and change partners like gloves.

There are also atypical zodiac signs to which this information should not be attributed.

Are you familiar with jealousy, and how susceptible are you to this destructive and unpleasant feeling? What can your zodiac sign say about this, taking into account, of course, your character traits and temperament?

1. Scorpio

You are a poisonous person and will never miss an opportunity to sting your partner, as jealousy and suspicion seem to be born with you. You are always stalking your other half, constantly wondering about their whereabouts. Spying and regular accusations are your usual actions in relationships. If you could, you would embed a chip under your partner's skin to constantly monitor him.

2. Virgo

Against the backdrop of your insecurity, you behave in an annoyingly curious manner and only push your partner to lie and cheat. No matter what he does, you will still blame him for all sins. You are essentially causing the person next to you to suffocate in the cage. If you don't pull yourself together, your jealousy will ruin everything.

3. Leo

Your inflated ego prevents you from being openly jealous, but underneath the lion's confident and menacing image is a trembling little kitten. The moment you have any suspicions (even unfounded ones), you begin to go crazy with jealousy and growl furiously.

4. Aries

Your superficial bravado masks deep insecurities in your romantic relationships. And it’s not your partner’s behavior that causes jealousy - it’s your own complexes. Are you starting to wonder what the problem is? Are you overweight? Bad hairstyle? Not high enough salary? You will not blame your partner, you will torture and eat yourself first.

5. Gemini

Your conscience prompts you to jealousy, because you yourself are not without sin. You know what you have been doing behind your partner's back, so when you are jealous, it is nothing more than a projection - you believe that he, too, is capable of unseemly acts towards you. The more jealous you are, the more guilty you feel.

6. Libra

You're very jealous, but you're also afraid of conflict, so you'll show your jealousy in little passive-aggressive comments: "Why do you think this girl is cute? You need to get your eyesight checked." You also understand that showing jealousy can be seen as a sign of weakness, so you try hard to restrain yourself.

7. Capricorn

You don't ask questions because you don't want to hear the answers. You suspect, but don't accuse. You may be very jealous, but you will never show it. Instead, you suffer and carry everything inside, hoping that your partner will not succumb to any temptations.

8. Taurus

You are very loyal by nature, but your mistake is to expect everyone else to be as loyal as you. Your partner must give you a real reason for suspicion, because you will not specifically look for “traces of a crime.” But if the deception is too obvious, you will not even explode in a fit of jealousy - you will simply leave and burn all the bridges behind you.

9. Sagittarius

You are not prone to jealousy, but you are also not prone to forgiveness if someone gives you reasons to be jealous. You understand perfectly well what a slap in the face and a blow to pride this is. You also don't want to show that you can and know how to be jealous. But when you have a good reason, then the relationship is over.

10. Cancer

For you, love is blind, so you almost never notice when you are being deceived. But if you suddenly find out that your partner has betrayed you, you will never forgive him. He took your love for granted, so you will take this love from him.

11. Aquarius

You love to flirt and even manage to have several affairs at the same time. But similar behavior from your partner drives you into a quiet rage. You like to think of yourself as an open and tolerant person, but at heart this is not the case at all. Once it becomes impossible to deny that your partner is cheating on you, you will immediately stop all contact with him.

12. Pisces

You consider jealousy a disgusting quality because you are an overly understanding person who tends to justify everything. More often than not, you even blame yourself rather than your partner. Unfortunately, people take advantage of this, which is why they are more likely to deceive and betray you than any other sign - you will always understand and forgive anyway.

Incredible facts

Have you ever looked through your boyfriend or girlfriend's phone? Or maybe you followed the object of your love on social networks?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you are a jealous person, but to what extent?

Each zodiac sign has a certain degree of jealousy.

This feeling most often arises from our insecurity and vulnerability. It makes us obsessive, self-doubting, and sometimes downright crazy.

Are you one of the most jealous signs of the Zodiac?

Rating of the most jealous zodiac signs

Aries: 8 out of 10 - hot-tempered

This hot zodiac sign becomes jealous if he knows that his loved one is having a good time without him, especially alone with someone.

Aries does not like to feel inferior in any way, and always wants to be number one. The natural spirit of competition leads to many situations of jealousy in relationships with Aries.

Aries are like an exposed nerve. They can aggressively demonstrate their feelings and even attack their opponent.

The advantage is that Aries are quick-witted and happy, and quickly forgive everything.

Taurus: 9 out of 10 - owner

Taurus is the sign of the owner, and often representatives of this zodiac sign consider their lovers as part of their property. This sign, just like its opposite brother, Scorpio, does not know how to let go.

He believes that since he has invested a lot of time and effort into the relationship, his partner belongs to them and no one else. If a loved one begins to violate the boundaries established by Taurus in a relationship, this can lead to severe jealousy.

Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting the fact that Taurus is usually straightforward in his feelings.

Gemini: 3 out of 10 – understanding

Gemini is a zodiac sign that is highly flexible, and jealousy rarely becomes an issue in relationships with them. They perfectly understand the fickle nature of man and do not take any little thing or action seriously.

Like everyone else, they experience jealousy, but only if it is truly justified. They are rational and rarely allow emotions to control their behavior.

Geminis trust the promises of their loved ones, try to make relationships easy and quickly get rid of negativity.

Cancer: 7 out of 10 – sensitive

Being a water sign, Cancer takes love and relationships very seriously, and this will sooner or later lead to jealousy. Since they are ruled by the Moon, Cancers are prone to big mood swings. They may become furious with jealousy and make your life hell, but then tearfully explain why this situation hurt them so much.

Despite their reputation as the most sensitive and whiny signs of the zodiac, they can act quite rudely and reprimand their loved ones if they suspect them of something inappropriate.

Cancer needs an emotionally honest and committed relationship, and if it doesn't get it, it can come out with its claws.

Which zodiac signs are the most jealous?

Leo: 8 out of 10 – demanding

Leo is a sign for whom love and self-expression play an important role, and he is used to demonstrating his feelings on a grand scale. When Leo is in love, he is used to showing love to everyone around him and demands that his partner also prove to them his boundless devotion and admiration.

If you ignore a Leo and don't compliment him, it hurts his ego. And if you decide to pay attention to someone else, be careful.

Leos are very easily turned on by jealousy; they can attack an opponent and then leave, licking their wounds. When the attack of jealousy passes, they again become cute and fluffy, giving you gifts and proof of their love.

Virgo: 5 out of 10 – nervous

Virgos cannot be called very jealous or obsessive; they are rather nervous. Virgos are used to doubting everything, including themselves and their partner.

Therefore, even if they are confident in their relationship, jealousy may arise due to the fact that Virgo is working themselves up into a state of anxiety or panic.

Virgos are quite rational and picky about their partners and do not allow their emotions to get the better of them.

They know their loved ones inside and out and therefore can easily recognize when a truly serious threat arises. But they also have moments of weakness when they allow their thoughts to take them too far.

Libra: 6 out of 10 – attached

Libra is the sign of partnership and they value relationships very highly. But being an air sign, they love to flirt and are quite open by nature. However, Libras themselves don't really like it when their partner flirts with someone else.

Libras see a lot of things from an "we" perspective, so when a loved one starts to pull away a little or show their independence, it can be a little scary.

If the possibility of a third party appears in a relationship, they can turn from good-natured people into jealous ones. The positive thing is that thanks to their ruler Venus, Libra will always look for a solution to the problem that has arisen.

Scorpio: 10 out of 10 – obsessed

Yes, Scorpios are jealous to the extreme. They believe in love to death even before marriage. If a Scorpio falls in love, he loves very deeply and there is no room for uncertainty.

Since Scorpio completely devotes himself to his loved one and gives 100 percent of his love, he is very hurt when his partner thinks about someone else. Suspicions and anxieties often take over their minds and begin to eat away from the inside.

It hurts them to even imagine that the person they love could flirt with someone, let alone cheat on them. Scorpio demands complete devotion, because he himself is ready to offer the same.

They should learn to loosen their grip sometimes, as true love requires trust.

Top jealous zodiac signs

Sagittarius: 2 out of 10 – open

Since this is a freedom-loving sign, the word “jealousy” is basically absent from the Sagittarius dictionary. Sagittarians want to live in a world where there are no rules, and they abhor the idea of ​​labels and restrictions.

Their ideal partner would be honest and open about his intentions, not hiding anything from them.

Of course, like other signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is capable of experiencing pangs of jealousy, but he is considered one of the calmest partners in this sense.

They just know that holding on to someone with a death grip is not the best way to save a relationship.

Capricorn: 7 out of 10 – controlling

Capricorn is familiar with jealousy only when there is a real threat to their status and reputation. The worst thing for them is to expose themselves to ridicule in front of others.

You need to know that Capricorn takes a very long time to enter into a relationship, and therefore if their loved one threatens to destroy everything that they have worked for a long time, this causes them considerable suffering.

Capricorns get jealous when their partner neglects their relationship and does something inappropriate. They need an ideal relationship, and deviation from this ideal on the part of their loved one causes them great jealousy and anxiety.

Aquarius: 4 out of 10 – honest

Aquarius, being a sign of rebellion and friendship, is not known for much jealousy. Aquarians have progressive thinking, are open to everything new and value friendship with representatives of both sexes.

They show jealousy only if they do not feel special in the eyes of their loved one or find out that their partner has found someone more interesting than them.

It is very important for Aquarius to be unique and important. Fortunately, relationships with Aquarius most often begin with friendship, and therefore communication and honesty do not give much reason for jealousy.

Pisces: 5 out of 10 – caring

Pisces can be either very jealous or completely indifferent. As a mutable sign of the Zodiac, they are characterized by duality.

On the one hand, they are very touchy and have a rich imagination, which can lead to problems with jealousy. On the other hand, they are among the most understanding and forgiving signs of the Zodiac.

They are not jealous by nature and react to jealousy by becoming upset rather than angry. Pisces try to trust their partner, but at the same time trust their intuition.

Who is the most jealous person according to their zodiac sign? Let's find out now. So:

12th place - Aquarius.

“Water gave, water took,” as the little wise northern people said, and this is the main life motto of Aquarius. Therefore, Aquarians are not only not prone to jealousy - they are able to ignore the betrayal that is happening right under their noses. Because there are more interesting things in the world, indeed. Spoiler: betrayal is also sometimes included in the list of “more interesting things.” So for those whom Aquarius is not jealous, we recommend not to relax: Aquarius also does not understand jealousy towards itself and does not consider it as a significant factor. Is the hint clear?

11th place - Virgo.

Virgos do not know how to be jealous, because jealousy always begins with suspicion, and Virgo has no suspicions. The Virgo sees right through her beloved and “fires” the impending betrayal long before he even realizes that his Organ of Valor is itching. But this does not mean at all that Virgo will prevent this very betrayal, oh, no! She will watch with true delight the young pathologist: come on, come on, what’s going on in our hearts? And, if there really is treason, Virgo, with maternal tenderness, will kiss the unfaithful person on the forehead and send him on all four sides. But he won’t take it back, no. You are the weak link. Farewell.

10th place - Libra.

Libras want only two, but very important, things from this life: first, to be loved, and second, for everything in their life to be quiet, calm and beautiful. And jealousy is terribly ugly: surveillance, reading personal letters, scandals, tears, snot, splashes of saliva - ugh to be like that! So Libra is the only woman in the horoscope who is able to invite her rival to tea and have a nice chat with her. But it seems to us, of course, that this is an insidious intent: well, really, who can seriously compete with Libra?! Laughter alone.

9th place - Taurus.

Level eighty conceit. Jealousy in the life paradigm of Taurus does not exist in principle, because what kind of idiot would look at other women when she is next to him? A lover from God, a brilliant housewife, a smart girl and a beauty of amazing destiny. And even if - well, suddenly, although this is almost impossible - a man decides to look at another, Taurus will not be confused at all: what? Are her legs longer? Ha, me too! But Taurus has narcotic borscht, erect chest and a cat. Did you eat it?!

8th place - Gemini.

Eighth place goes to Gemini, who, as the star chart tells us, are unusually jealous and possessive. And we will have to take our word for it, because no one has ever seen jealous Geminis. It's not that Geminis hide their true feelings so well - they just don't have time to start being jealous before they're already jealous of them. Well, that's what you're going to do, they didn't let my darling turn around again!

7th place - Cancer.

Cancers are very jealous, but they never show it, because from early childhood they have learned the main rule of life: no matter what happens, maintain your feminine pride! So, in principle, Cancer can even be cheated on, she won’t even raise an eyebrow. That is, he will just raise his eyebrows, put on a contemptuous expression on his face and over-salt the borscht - but that’s probably all. For the time being, for the time being. Because the second rule of life for Cancer: what gets into the claws is lost. So, bro, you are her property, and when she decides that this property is more trouble than it’s worth, she will click-clack. And at that moment when you are sure that you managed to hide everything and generally did well. Haha.

6th place - Capricorn.

Capricorn sincerely does not understand where she should go - to the smart or to the beautiful. On the one hand, she is an intelligent and well-educated woman: jealousy is so base, she is above it! On the other hand, who is this bitch with makeup, huh?! It's unbearable not to know! Therefore, Capricorn tries to hide her fierce, furious jealousy somewhere deeper and is sure that she succeeds brilliantly. In fact, Capricorn swells up like a ruff fish, puffs up his eyes indignantly and bares his teeth, imagining that he is smiling sweetly. In general, there are few people who want to take a man away from Capricorn.

5th place - Sagittarius.

Be careful, dangerous moment! Sagittarians are wildly, furiously jealous, but they never talk about it directly. They sulk, argue, cling to trifles and bore. And the worst thing you can do in this case is to ask: “Are you jealous, my fool?” Because yes, Sagittarius is jealous and really wants to sprinkle broken glass in her rival’s coffee. But he will never, under any circumstances, do this. Because her rival didn’t give her any oaths, but the man really did. Didn't you give it too? And this is a built-in option, by the way. And if you catch a Sagittarius being jealous, that means you’ve got the hang of it. Now they will remove this fluff for you. Along with the skin.

4th place - Aries.

Almost falling short of the top three are Aries, who are jealous of their sweetheart literally for every female person passing by. And preventively, without waiting for the very fact of betrayal, they throw a scandal at the unfaithful and attempt the scalp of the insidious homewrecker. At the same time, Aries is not at all interested in whether this mop intended to reciprocate her man. On the other hand, Aries calms down as quickly as they fall into a holy rage. And then they very passionately ask for forgiveness from the unjustly accused dear one. Unfortunately, history is silent about what happens to that mop.

3rd place - Lev.

The bronze medal goes to the Lionesses, who are sincerely convinced that a man who is allowed to approach her royal person is giving himself into voluntary slavery until the end of time. So a glance thrown at a stranger is not just an insult to the lion's female pride, oh, no! This is actually treason! Which, as we remember, was always punishable by execution on the spot. But Lionesses are still noble and merciful, so the death penalty will most likely be replaced. To a public flogging.

2nd place - Scorpio.

The silver medal goes to Scorpios, who aren't just jealous, oh no: Scorpios revel in jealousy. Jealousy is like a warm-up between morning coffee and a session of trampling someone's insignificant soul, just warming up. Or a way to entertain yourself when you're bored. Or a way not to lose shape (oh, this is the worst thing for Scorpio!). And it would be possible to somehow even live if Scorpios were always jealous like that, but no: Scorpios are so jealous for no reason. And if there is a reason, she will rip your heart out, chew it, spit it out and put it back in, and then go kill her rival. And your pitiful wheezing will not save anyone.

1st place - Pisces.

Ta-damm! The place of honor and the title of the main zodiac jealous goes to Pisces. And remember the main thing: The fish is silent. Fish don't make a scene. The fish does not make it clear, either by word or hint, that it is jealous. But at the same time she THINKS. So, in her fantasies, a random smile at a wine and vodka saleswoman, noticed by Rybka, turns into an unbridled orgy with moonshine rivers and latex banks. And you shouldn’t expect that since Pisces is silent and only looks meaningfully, it will always be like this. She is silent for a reason. She bears a terrible revenge. Honestly, it would be better if there was an orgy - you won’t be able to survive anyway, so at least there would be something to die for.

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