Decorations for the fairy tale The Nutcracker in kindergarten. Kindergarten - project “a fairy tale in music”

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 11 “Teremok”

Lesson notes on visual arts in the middle group

Subject: “Safe road traffic “Traffic light”

Teacher additional education according to fine arts

N.S. Diaghilev.

Psebay village.

Target: Strengthen children's understanding of rules traffic.

Introduce children to the rules of crossing the road using a traffic light. Enrich and

activate children's vocabulary.

Continue to instill in children an interest in appliqué. Hold the scissors correctly and

cut circles from the squares, cutting off the corners.

Carefully glue the parts onto the rectangle, sequentially by color, red,

yellow green.

Material: Illustrations with traffic rules. Toy "Kolobok". A rectangle of black paper. Squares of colored paper in three colors: red, yellow, green. Glue, scissors, brush, napkin, scissor stand.

Progress of the lesson:

Children in go to the art room and sit on chairs .

Vos-l: Around the city along the street

Don't just walk around

It's easy to get into trouble

Be attentive all the time.

And remember beforehand:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!

The teacher invites the children to look at illustrations depicting traffic rules and asks the children questions about their content:

What is shown in this picture?

How should you cross the road correctly?

The teacher listens to the children's answers and corrects the children's answers.

Crying is heard. The kolobok comes to visit. The teacher turns to Kolobok.

What happened to you Kolobok?

Kolobok: I left my grandmother and my grandfather, but I don’t know how to cross the street?

Voss: Well, it doesn’t matter Kolobok, we’ll teach you.

To help you, my friend,

The path is dangerous

Lights burn day and night

Green, yellow, red.

The teacher shows a picture of a traffic light. Gives the children a riddle.

Day and night I'm burning

I give signals to everyone,

I have three colors

What's my friends name? (Traffic light)

Voss: That's right, guys, it's a traffic light!

Red - stop!

Yellow - wait

And green - come on in!

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Traffic Light”

The children stand in a line. The teacher holds in his hand three colors: a red circle, a yellow circle, and a green circle.

Question: If I show you a red circle, you should step back two steps, if a yellow one you stand still, a green circle, take three steps forward. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The one who never makes a mistake will win.

Vos: When the color is red, there is no road

On yellow - wait

When the light is green,

Bon Voyage.

Guys, let's each make our own traffic light and give it to Kolobok so that he can show his friends how to cross the street.

Children perform the “Traffic Light” application. The teacher first shows how to cut out circles from squares and in what order to glue colored circles onto a rectangle.

Children sit at tables on which all the material for the applique has been prepared in advance. The teacher walks with Kolobok and helps the children in performing the “Traffic Light” application. (Calm music sounds)

The bun and the teacher evaluate the children's work and praise the children for their efforts. And then he invites the children to give their work to Kolobok.

The teacher summarizes the lesson about the rules of the road, different traffic lights and their meaning

Traffic rules,

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tiger cubs,

Pony and kittens

You guys too

You need to know them all.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on traffic rules in the middle group “Road ABC”.


I offer a summary of direct educational activities for children middle group on the topic "Road ABC". This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers. This summary of an integrated educational activity is aimed at developing children’s knowledge of traffic rules, the development of speech and motor activity, and instilling in children the need to follow the rules on the roads.

Integration of educational areas:

"Safety", " Artistic creativity», « Physical Culture", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization". Formation of secondary education in children preschool age basics of safe behavior on the street.

Expand children’s knowledge about traffic rules, introduce them to the concepts of “pedestrian”, “crossing”, “traffic light”, “carriageway”, “sidewalk”;
To consolidate children's knowledge about city buildings (residential, public);
Expand children's understanding of the street;
Exercise children in crossing the roadway (using a model).

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations;
Examination of cards with images of road signs;
Production of the “City Crossroads” model;
Reading literary works on this topic;
Conversations on the topic;
Role-playing games: “Chauffeur”, “We are going to visit grandma”, etc.

Materials and equipment:

Layout "City Crossroads";
Illustrations of our city;
Cards "Road Safety";
Cards "Road Signs";
Layout of a traffic light (with flashing lights), layouts of transitions: underground and above ground;
Album, pencils, wax crayons, pastel.

Group registration:

On the magnetic board - “Road signs”; "Road Safety" cards.

Methodical techniques:

Conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, creating an imaginary situation on the road, physical education, drawing up short stories, productive activity, analysis.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddles and try to guess them!
1. The houses stand in two rows,
Ten, forty, a hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They look at each other. (Street)
2. Although he has three eyes,
But he doesn’t look at everyone at once,
And he always looks alone,
Well, we are keeping an eye on him. (Traffic light)
3. The miracle wiper is in front of us
With raking hands
In one minute I raked
A huge snowdrift. (Snowplow)
4. The bus doesn’t roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another way. (Sidewalk)
5. Striped horse,
They call her "zebra".
But not the one at the zoo,
People keep walking along it. (Crosswalk)
6. I'm walking around the city,
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure -
I follow the rules. (A pedestrian)
Educator: Guys, we live in a big place. beautiful city with wide streets and avenues. Cars and trucks move along them, trolleybuses and buses travel, and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly follow the established traffic rules. And knowledge will help us follow these rules!
(The teacher invites the children to go to the table on which there is a model of an intersection).
Educator: Children, we looked at illustrations of our city. Now, let's go to the layout and look at it. You see that houses are located along the roads. Look, the buildings in the city are different: residential, where people live, and non-residential (public), for example: a clinic, a kindergarten, a pharmacy, a school, a store.
Educator: Guys, look carefully and show me where people walk?
(Children show where people walk, interview 4-5 children).
Educator: Children, tell me, what is the name of this part of the street? (Children's answers).
Educator: Right! You can walk from building to building along the sidewalk - these are paths for people that are laid along the streets (show the children the sidewalk). Guys, show me on our model what houses you live in? In high, low? (children's answers).
Educator: So, we learned that people walk on the sidewalks. Tell me, guys, how do cars, buses, and trolleybuses move? (children's answers). That's right, they are driving along the road. And that part of the road along which cars drive is called the carriageway of the street. Let's look at the layout of the roadway. We see that in the middle of the road there is white stripe, it separates traffic flows and is called dividing. Some cars go to the city center, while others come from the center.
Educator: Guys, tell me, have you ever crossed the road with your parents? (Children's answers). Then show me how you and your parents did it.
(Children “cross the road” according to traffic lights 3-4 times).
Educator: Well done! Now guys, let's take a little rest.

Physical education lesson “Road”.

(Children read the poem and perform the corresponding movements)
- The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch... (walking),
- First look left, then look right (turns head)
- Turn to the left, smile at the friend next to you, (turns head with a smile),
- Stomp right foot: one two Three, (stomping feet),
- Shake your head: one - two - three (shaking head),
- Raise your hands up and clap: one - two - three (clapping overhead).
Educator: Guys, do you know that there are not traffic lights everywhere where you need to cross the road? What should people do? (Children's answers).
Educator: That's right, the police came up with rules for crossing the road. People who walk are called pedestrians, and the place where pedestrians are allowed to cross the road is called a “pedestrian crossing.” A “pedestrian crossing” is indicated by a zebra crossing and a special road sign. (The teacher shows the children a zebra crossing and a pedestrian crossing sign).
Educator: And if there is no traffic light near the pedestrian crossing, it doesn’t matter. In order to cross the street, you need to look to the left, if there are no cars, go to the dividing strip, and then look to the right, and if there are no cars, cross the street to the end. Let's try to cross our street! (3 -4 times).
Educator: Now, let's make road signs for pedestrian crossings. (Children sit at tables and begin to decorate the road sign blanks).
Used Books:
1. T.F. Saulina, Three traffic lights: introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road, a manual for teachers and parents, for working with children 3-7 years old Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009

Target: to form children's ideas about traffic rules and road signs.


1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules.

2. Introduce children to road signs:

Indicative (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”);

Prohibiting (“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”).

3. Foster a culture of behavior on the street, developing the need to comply with traffic rules.

Equipment: layouts of road signs, traffic lights, templates various shapes for drawing signs, wax crayons, educational games: “Assemble a traffic light”, “Assemble a sign”.

Characters: teacher, children.

Progress of the lesson


Guys, guess the riddle:

My three magic eyes

They manage everyone at once.

I'll blink and the cars will come.

Women and men will stand up.

Answer together in chorus:

What's my name?... (Traffic light.)

Educator(shows a layout of a traffic light). What is a traffic light for?

Children. A traffic light is needed to regulate traffic so that there is order on the streets and roads.

Educator. What colors light up on it?

Children. Red, yellow, green.

Educator. What does each traffic light signal mean?

Children. A red traffic light indicates that the road is closed, a yellow one warns: “get ready,” and a green traffic light allows traffic.

Held didactic game“Build a traffic light.”

At the end of the game, the teacher reads a poem:

Red is a dangerous color

This means: there is no move.

Yellow – don’t rush

And wait for the signal.

Green color is on:

Now the way is open for you!

Educator. Well done guys, you did a good job.

Educator. A traffic police inspector came to visit us... (introduces the guest). He wants to test your knowledge of traffic rules.

Inspector. Hello little pedestrians! As you know, there are a lot of cars moving on the streets and roads, and if you don’t know the rules of the road, you can get into trouble. Do you all know these rules? (Children's answers.)

Let's check:

What do you call people walking down the street? (Pedestrians.)

Where can you cross the street? (On transitions.)

What should you do before crossing the street? (Look to the left, then walk to the middle of the road and look to the right, and then walk the rest of the distance.)

Why can't you cross the street at a red traffic light? (Because cars move very fast. You can fall and the driver will not have time to brake.)

Inspector. Well done boys! You know the rules of the road well.


Be careful on the street, children.

Remember these rules firmly.

These rules will always help,

So that no trouble happens to you!

Physical education minute

(word coordination with movement)

In the morning you get up, leave the house - (They walk in a circle.)

At the crossroads your old friend (They stop.)

He will blink a red light at you, (Put their hands on the belt,

make turns with the body.)

He will say: “It’s dangerous. The transition is closed.

The yellow light comes on - wait a little.

When the light turns green, go freely.” (They walk in a circle.)

Inspector. Guys, I came to visit you not alone, but with my assistants - road signs. Road signs are needed so that the street can “talk” to drivers and pedestrians in a language they understand. Wherever you go, there are road signs on the streets. They different color And different shapes. This is no coincidence. Today you will try to learn to understand the language of the street - the language of signs.

Educator. Children, today we will get acquainted with directional and prohibitory road signs.

The teacher shows the “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

Educator. This sign is called "Pedestrian Crossing". This direction sign, as it indicates the place where you need to cross the road.

Pedestrian only

Sign at the crossing point:

In the blue square -

Transition indicator.

The teacher shows the sign “Underground pedestrian crossing.”

Every pedestrian knows

About the underground passage.

He doesn’t decorate the city -

Helps pedestrians.

Inspector. Among all the road signs, the strictest ones are prohibitory ones. They are shaped like a circle with a red border or red background. You need to remember the following signs...

Shows the sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go!”

The teacher shows the sign “Bicycles are prohibited.”

Bicycle on a red circle -

This means it’s dangerous to travel here!

The didactic game “Collect a sign” is played.

At the end of the game, children answer the questions:

What is the name of the sign?

What does it matter?

What road signs do you encounter on the way to kindergarten?

Show direction signs.

Show prohibition signs.

Inspector. Well done guys, you did a good job and answered the questions correctly.


Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!

Today in class we studied road signs: directional and prohibitory. And so that you remember them better, I suggest drawing them.

The teacher gives the children templates of round, triangular and rectangular road signs and wax crayons.

At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of children's works, the traffic police inspector praises the children and gives them board game"Traffic light".


1. Complex classes with children of middle and senior preschool age under the section “ Social world"(program "Childhood") / author.-comp. O. F. Gorbatenko. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. – 203 p.

2. Formation of a culture of safe behavior in children 3-7 years old: “The ABC of Safety”, lesson notes, games / author’s compilation. N.V. Kolomeets. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 168 p.

3. Traffic rules: education system for preschoolers / auto-comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Aleksandrova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 219 p.

4. 33 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children / Author-comp. A. V. Nikitina. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009. – 128 p.: ill. – (Series “Popular Speech Therapy”).

Program content:

Educational task:

Instill in children responsibility for road safety.

Educational objective:

Expand children's knowledge about the road and the rules for driving on it; familiarization with the concepts of “slippery road” and “braking distance”.

Developmental task:

Develop children's attention and interest in learning road maps

signs, develop children's speech.

Methodical techniques:

Artistic word

Teacher's story

Phys. just a minute

Surprise moment

Questions for children

Show illustration

Lesson summary

Activating the dictionary:

Activate terms and concepts in children’s speech: “road”, “transport”, “pedestrian”, “pedestrian path”, “pedestrian crossing”, “slippery road”, “braking distance”


Road signs


Didactic games

Preliminary work:


Monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: A thread stretches, winding among the fields.

Forest, copses without end and edge.

Neither tear it nor roll it into a ball.

Children: road.

Educator: that's right, dear.

Educator: what types of roads do you know?

Children: road, railway...

Educator: What types of roads do you consider dangerous?

Children: wet road covered with snow...

Educator: People and cars feel differently on different roads. It's good when the road is dry and smooth. But after the rain the road becomes wet and slippery. The road can be damaged by wet snow or ice; a road covered with fallen leaves or doused with foreign liquid is also dangerous.

Drivers and pedestrians should be careful and be prepared for hazards. Do not get close to cars. Especially if they are turning, braking or moving away.

Educator: Guys, now let's play a game with you:

"Say it the other way around"

There are different roads:

long -...short

wet -…. dry

rough -…. flat

asphalted -…. unpaved

narrow-... wide

Educator: Well done children, you were attentive and gave

right answers.

Phys. just a minute:

Our little feet

They walk briskly along the road

The path is open for us everywhere - they go

We are pedestrians now

Now we'll run

We are rushing to the bus.

We were afraid of being late - they ran

We were very worried

Now we are passengers

Well settled

We drove for a long, long time - they sat down

And we arrived in Nurlat

A beautiful city and a big one - they are surprised and

He greets guests with all his heart and raises his hands up

The children sit down. There's a knock on the door. Dunno comes in, greets the children and begins to talk about his adventures: “It’s winter now and it’s very slippery outside. I went to kindergarten and forgot that it was slippery. Suddenly I see a bus driving very close to me. I thought - “Well, let him go - I’ll have time to cross the road - and off I go.” Suddenly I slip and fall! The driver saw this and started to slow down, but the bus on the slippery road did not listen to the brakes, it kept going anyway. Although not fast, it goes as if on skis. He stopped right next to my nose, a little more and would have crushed it. Oh, and the driver scolded me, but I still don’t understand why.

Educator: Children, why did the driver scold Dunno?

Children: the driver scolded Dunno for crossing the road at

in the wrong place.

Educator: What should Dunno have observed?

Children: Follow traffic rules.

Educator: What do you call people walking along the road?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: Who was Dunno on the road?

Children: On foot.

Educator: Children, choose the signs that the pedestrian needs.

(children choose signs).

Educator: Why did Dunno almost fall under the wheels of a bus?

Children: The road was slippery, so the bus was unable to stop suddenly.

Educator: Now we will see how the cars drive on a slippery and rough road. The teacher shows how the cars drive. Why do cars drive like that?

Children: Because one road is slippery and the other is rough.

Educator: Now, children, you have seen for yourself that on a rough road the braking distance is shorter, and on a slippery road the braking distance is longer.

Children demonstrate this technique once again in order to consolidate knowledge. Dunno thanks the children and gives them emblems with road signs:


Underground crossing

Overhead passage

Rough road

Educator: What signs are intended for pedestrians?

Dunno: I don't know

Educator: Children, let's help Dunno!

Children: Yes!

Educator: This kind of sign

He is on guard for the pedestrian.

Let's move together with you

We're on our way to this place. (Crosswalk)

Educator: When using a pedestrian crossing you need to be very careful. After all, you will walk to the other side of the road along the roadway. When approaching a pedestrian crossing: look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right, make sure there is no traffic nearby.

Overground and underground pedestrian crossings are the most convenient because you do not have to go out onto the roadway.

Educator: Dunno, now you all understand what these mean


Dunno: Yes

Educator: Dunno, what other cars are moving on the road?

Dunno is silent.

Educator: Let's tell Dunno!

Children: Trolleybuses, trams, trucks, cars

cars, taxis.

Dunno: Thank you children, I remember everything. I have to go. Goodbye! .

Children: At a red light there is no way

On yellow - wait

When the light is green

Bon Voyage.

Educator: What new did we learn today?

Children: we met a new sign - a slippery road.

A game:"Collect a sign"

Lesson notes developed

Teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 296

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Department of Preschool Education

Bogdanova T.Yu.

Lesson notes on

artistic creativity

"Road signs"

(middle preschool age)

Program content:


To consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, information and directional road signs and service signs.


Educational objectives:

  • Reinforce with children the names of road signs and their meanings.
  • Practice coloring skills without going beyond the outline of road signs, using different visual materials(colored pencils, wax crayons).
  • Develop spatial orientation skills and conscious use skills knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.
  • Develop attention creative imagination children

Educational tasks:

  • Develop safe behavior skills on the road.
  • Foster a desire to comply with traffic rules.
  • Cultivate responsiveness (the desire to come to the rescue in Hard time, having completed the task).
  • Bring up careful attitude to health.

Methods and techniques:

  • Surprise moment, questions, creation problematic situation, practical method, didactic game, method of social education, artistic expression.

Material for the lesson:Piggy toy, “damaged road signs”,traffic light suit, rod, layout with a set of warning road signs, images of prohibitory, mandatory, information and directional signs. Sets of 5 road signs (“Tram stopping place”, “Residential area”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Pedestrian path.

Paper, wax crayons, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Piggy comes to visit the children for a lesson.

Piggy: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in Fairyland, everything was fine with us, but one day little Roo stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents found road signs, but they are in such poor condition that they are simply a disaster. Not a single sign looks like itself anymore, I'll show them to you now(hangs up “damaged” road signs, gives time to examine the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fell under the wheels of cars, cars could not cross the road passing through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers could not understand where the “food point” was and where the “maintenance point”. Guys, help us, please correct our signs.

Educator: Let's help residents Fairyland?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Okay, but first we’ll repeat once again what road signs exist and what they mean, and Piggy will listen to us and tell us his opinion.

Children's stories about road signs.

Piggy Well done guys, everything is right! But what should we do with “damaged” signs?

Educator: Don't worry, Piggy, we will help you, the children will draw for you existing signs and they will also come up with and draw new ones that will help the residents of the Magic Land in life, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We will split into three groups; the first group will draw warning signs (triangle shape, white field with a red border - warn drivers and pedestrians of possible danger); the second group is prohibitive (the shape of a circle, the color of the field is white with a red border around the circumference - some maneuvers are prohibited for drivers: speeding, stopping, parking); and the third - information, directional and service signs (quadrangle shape, blue field - notify drivers and passengers about the locations of parking lots, food outlets, hospitals).

Children are divided into groups and distribute among themselves who will draw which signs. Independent work children, during which the teacher provides individual assistance, hints, and reminds them of the ways and techniques of drawing.

Educator: Are you done, guys? Piggy, look, did our children complete the task?

Piggy: Yes, thank you.

Well done, did you like the lesson? In the next lesson we will continue to familiarize you with the rules of the road.

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