Unearthly beauty: women in painting of different directions.

World history visual arts remembers many amazing incidents related to the creation and subsequent adventures famous paintings. This is because for real artists, life and creativity are too closely connected.

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch

Year of creation: 1893
Materials: cardboard, oil, tempera, pastel
Where is: National Gallery,

Famous painting“The Scream” by Norwegian expressionist artist Edvard Munch is a favorite subject of discussion among mystics around the world. Some people think that the painting predicted terrible events XX century with its wars, environmental disasters and the Holocaust. Others are sure that the picture brings misfortune and illness to its offenders.

Munch’s own life can hardly be called prosperous: he lost many relatives, was repeatedly treated in psychiatric clinic, has never been married.

By the way, the artist reproduced the painting “The Scream” four times.

It is believed that she is the result of manic-depressive psychosis from which Munch suffered. Anyway, the look of a desperate man with big head, with an open mouth and hands attached to the face, and today shocks everyone who looks at the canvas.

"The Great Masturbator" by Salvador Dali

Year of creation: 1929
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is it located: Reina Sofia Arts Center,

The general public saw the painting “The Great Masturbator” only after the death of the master of shocking art and himself famous surrealist Salvador Dali. The artist kept it in his own collection at the Dalí Theater-Museum in Figueres. It is believed that an unusual painting can tell a lot about the author’s personality, in particular about his painful attitude towards sex. However, we can only guess what motives are actually hidden in the picture.

This is akin to solving a rebus: in the center of the picture there is an angular profile looking down, similar either to Dali himself or to a rock on the coast of a Catalan city, and in the lower part of the head a naked female figure rises - a copy of the artist’s mistress Gala. The painting also contains locusts, which caused inexplicable fear in Dali, and ants - a symbol of decomposition.

"Family" by Egon Schiele

Year of creation: 1918
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is it located: Belvedere Gallery,

Beautiful painting in its time Austrian artist Egon Schiele was called pornography, and the artist was sent to prison for allegedly seducing a minor.

At this price he was given the love of his teacher’s model. Schiele's paintings are one of best examples expressionism, while they are naturalistic and full of frightening despair.

Schiele's models were often teenagers and prostitutes. In addition, the artist was fascinated by himself - his legacy includes many different self-portraits. Schiele painted the canvas “Family” three days before his own death, depicting his pregnant wife who died of the flu and their unborn child. Perhaps this is far from the strangest, but definitely the most tragic work of the painter.

“Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer” by Gustav Klimt

Year of creation: 1907
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is: New gallery,

History of creation famous painting Austrian artist Gustav Klimt's “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer” can rightfully be called shocking. The wife of the Austrian sugar magnate Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer became the artist's muse and lover. Wanting to take revenge on both of them, the wounded husband decided to resort to an original method: he ordered a portrait of his wife from Klimt and tormented him with endless nagging, forcing him to make hundreds of sketches. Ultimately, this led to Klimt losing his former interest in his model.

Work on the painting continued for several years, and Adele watched as her lover’s feelings faded away. Ferdinand's insidious plan was never revealed. Today the "Austrian Mona Lisa" is considered national treasure Austria.

“Black Supermatic Square” by Kazimir Malevich

Year of creation: 1915
Materials: oil, canvas
Location: State Tretyakov Gallery,

Almost a hundred years have passed since the Russian avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich created his famous creation, and debates and discussions still do not stop. Appearing in 1915 at the futuristic exhibition “0.10” in the “red corner” of the hall intended for the icon, the painting shocked the public and forever glorified the artist. True, today few people know that supermatic paintings are non-objective paintings in which color rules the roost, and “Black Square” is actually not black and not square at all.

By the way, one of the versions of the history of the creation of the canvas says: the artist did not have time to finish work on the painting, so he was forced to cover the work with black paint, at that moment his friend came into the workshop and exclaimed: “Brilliant!”

"The Origin of the World" by Gustave Courbet

Year of creation: 1866
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is it located: Orsay Museum,

The painting by the French realist artist Gustave Courbet was considered extremely provocative for a very long time and was not known to the general public for more than 120 years. A naked woman lying on a bed with her legs spread still evokes mixed reaction spectators. For this reason, at the Orsay Museum, the painting is guarded by one of the employees.

In 2013, a French collector announced that he had stumbled upon the part of the painting in which the sitter’s head was visible in one of the antique shops in Paris. Experts confirmed the assumption that Joanna Hiffernan (Joe) posed for the artist. While working on the painting, she was in love affair with Courbet's student, the artist James Whistler. The picture provoked their separation.

"Man and Woman in Front of a Pile of Excrement" by Joan Miró

Year of creation: 1935
Materials: oil, copper
Where is it located: Joan Miró Foundation,

For a rare viewer, when looking at a painting Spanish artist and the sculptor Joan Miró would be associated with horror civil war. But it was precisely the period of pre-war anxiety in 1935 in Spain that served as the theme of the film with the promising title “Man and Woman in Front of a Heap of Excrement.” This is a premonition picture.

She depicts an absurd “cave” couple who are drawn to each other, but cannot budge. Enlarged genitals, poisonous colors, scattered figures on dark background- all this predicted, according to the artist, approaching tragic events.

Most of Joan Miró's paintings are abstract and surreal works, and the mood they convey is joyful.

"Water Lilies" by Claude Monet

Year of creation: 1906
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is it located: private collections

The cult painting of the French impressionist Claude Monet “Water Lilies” has notoriety- It is no coincidence that it is called “fire hazardous”. This series of suspicious coincidences continues to surprise many skeptics. The first incident occurred right in the artist’s studio: Monet and his friends were celebrating the completion of a painting when suddenly a small fire broke out.

The painting was saved, and soon it was bought by the owners of a cabaret in Montmartre, but less than a month later, the establishment also suffered from a severe fire. The next “victim” of the canvas was the Parisian philanthropist Oscar Schmitz, whose office caught fire a year after “Water Lilies” were hung there. Once again, the painting managed to survive. This year, a private collector purchased “Water Lilies” for $54 million.

"Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" by Pablo Picasso

Year of creation: 1907
Materials: oil, canvas
Where is the museum contemporary art,

“It feels like you wanted to feed us oakum or give us gasoline to drink,” he said about the painting, “ Avignon girls"Picasso's friend the artist Georges Braque. The canvas really became scandalous: the public adored the artist’s previous, tender and sad works, and the abrupt transition to cubism caused alienation.

The female figures with rough male faces and angular arms and legs were too far from the graceful “Girl on the Ball”.

Friends turned their backs on Picasso; Matisse was extremely dissatisfied with the painting. However, it was “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” that determined not just the direction of development of Picasso’s work, but the future of fine art as a whole. Original title paintings ‒ “Philosophical Brothel”.

"Portrait of the Artist's Son" by Mikhail Vrubel

Year of creation: 1902
Materials: watercolor, gouache, graphite pencil, paper
Where is it located: State Russian Museum,

The brilliant Russian artist of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Mikhail Vrubel, succeeded in almost all types of fine art. His first-born Savva was born with a “cleft lip,” which deeply upset the artist. Vrubel depicted the boy in one of his canvases frankly, without trying to hide his congenital deformity.

The gentle tones of the portrait do not make it serene - shock can be read in it. The baby himself is depicted with an amazingly wise, childlike look. Soon after completing the painting, the child died. From that moment in the life of the artist, who was grieving the tragedy, a “black” period of illness and madness began.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

The beauty of the female body has been and remains a desired object for depiction by artists of all times and peoples.

The most picturesque nudity was given to us, of course, by the Renaissance, when the magnificence of naked bodies was vigorously glorified according to ancient canons. However, the masters of later times are in no way inferior in skillful presentation female image. The techniques and places against which the maidens were depicted changed, and the muses themselves began to acquire different features over time. But the image feminine nature is still a special topic that excites the consciousness of all fans of natural beauty.

Sandro Botticelli

"Birth of Venus" 1482-1486

Peter Paul Rubens

Rubens was a magnificent portrait painter, painted landscapes and paintings on religious themes, founded the Baroque style, but the general public knows Rubens best from his images of naked women and men, to put it mildly, of not asthenic physique.

"Union of land and water", 1618

"The Three Graces", 1639

Francisco Goya

"Maja Nude", circa 1800

Not everyone knows that Maha is not a name at all, but a name for Spanish common townswomen of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Maha, whose image developed in Andalusia, over time began to be perceived as the quintessence of the Spanish woman. Because of romanticism, picturesqueness, a strong national accent and violent passion.

Eugene Delacroix

"Liberty Leading the People", 1830

Delacroix created the painting based on the July Revolution of 1830, which put an end to the Restoration regime of the Bourbon monarchy. In a letter to his brother on October 12, 1830, Delacroix writes: “If I did not fight for my Motherland, then at least I will write for it.”

There are naked breasts in the picture for a reason. It symbolizes the dedication of the French people of that time, who went bare-chested against the enemy.

Jules Joseph Lefebvre

Lefebvre was a French salon artist who specialized in depicting beautiful girls. Thanks to the image female beauty he took a very prominent place as an elegant, although somewhat mannered, draftsman.

"Mary Magdalene in the Grotto", 1836

The painting “Mary Magdalene in the Grotto” has its own special story. After the exhibition in 1876, it was bought by Alexandre Dumas the son. After his death, it was sent to St. Petersburg for an exhibition in 1896. Nicholas II acquired it for Winter Palace and now “Mary Magdalene” can be seen among the treasures of the Hermitage.

Edouard Manet

At the Paris Salon of 1865, the painting became the cause of one of the biggest scandals in the history of art. Contemporaries could not see the volume of the depicted figure and considered the composition of the picture to be rough and flat. Manet was accused of immorality and vulgarity. The painting attracted hundreds of people who came to the exhibition only to curse the painting and spit on it. As a result, the painting was hung in the farthest hall of the Salon at such a height that it was almost invisible. How nervous people were in those days.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Renoir is known primarily as a master of secular portraiture, not devoid of sentimentality; he was the first of the impressionists to gain success among wealthy Parisians. The nude was one of Renoir's favorite genres.

"Nude in sunlight", 1876

First shown at the Second Impressionist Exhibition in 1876, where it received very harsh reviews from critics: “Instill in Mr. Renoir that the female body is not a pile of decaying flesh with green and purple spots, which indicate that the corpse is already rotting in full swing!”

"Big Bathers", 1887

And this picture marked Renoir’s transition from pure impressionism towards classicism and engrism. “Large Bathers” is made with clearer lines, cooler colors, and when painting this painting, Renoir used sketches and sketches for the first time.

Vladislav Podkovinsky

"Female Orgasm", 1894

From the title it is clear that in his work he depicted Polish artist Vladislav Podkovinsky... The exhibition of the painting began with huge scandal and lasted for 36 days. Unable to withstand the pressure, on the 37th day Podkovinsky came with a knife and cut up the entire canvas. The artist died of tuberculosis at the age of 29. After his death, it was decided to restore the painting.

Adolphe-William Bouguereau

John Collier

The range of themes in the paintings of the English painter Collier is very wide. However, it gained the greatest popularity due to its use in true romantic tradition images beautiful women from legends, myths, literature and history as the main theme for his paintings.

Lady Godiva was based on the legend. The naked beauty depicted in the painting (Lady Godiva) begged her powerful and domineering husband (Count Leofric) to reduce taxes on the poor in his domain. To which he offered an almost losing bet. He promised to reduce taxes if his lady rode through the village of Coventry naked on a horse, which his wife did.

Herbert James Draper

"Odysseus and the Sirens", 1909

David Shterenberg

"Nude", 1908

Gustav Klimt

All details related to mythological plot, removed from the picture, leaving only the scene of fertilization by the golden shower into which Zeus turned. The choice of pose and distorted perspective give Danae's body an unusual sexuality.

In no other work did the artist bring female sexuality to such hypertrophy - this is self-absorbed lust.

Herbert James Draper

Herbert James Draper was an artist famous for his works to historical and mythological theme. Although Draper received acclaim during his lifetime, his work is now unfairly forgotten and rarely seen at auction.

"Mountain of Mists", 1912

"Mountain of Mists" is one of the most powerful, sensual and enchanting of all the artist's images. The naked girls presented are as beautiful as Waterhouse's nymphs, although unlike his femme fatales luring men to their deaths.

Boris Kustodiev

Picturesque plasticity, emphasis on the artistry of the model and bright characteristics of appearance - these are the main features of Boris Kustodiev’s work.

"Russian Venus" 1925-1926

“Russian Venus” depicts a plump woman in a bathhouse, but unlike the goddess, the naked girl is surrounded not by sea foam, but by clouds of steam from a Russian bathhouse. Rainbow bubbles on a wooden bench confirm that this is Venus. The goddess was born from foam Mediterranean Sea! And here in Russia - from bath foam...

Amedeo Modigliani

Modigliani is rightfully considered the singer of the beauty of the naked female body. He was one of the first to depict nudes in a more realistic emotional way. It was this circumstance that at one time led to the lightning-quick closure of its first personal exhibition in Paris. Modigliani's nude paintings are considered the pearl of his creative heritage.

"Seated Nude", 1916

Egon Schiele

Egon Schiele's paintings and graphics are nervous, sophisticated, dramatic and very sexy. Heavily influenced by the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, Schiele gave free rein to his own complexes and doubts in his work, and many of his works were overtly sexual in nature. This even led to the artist’s imprisonment for “creating immoral drawings.”

"Nude on her knees", 1917

"Reclining Woman", 1917

Anders Zorn

A Swedish painter and graphic artist who paid special attention to the individuality of the nude model, the originality of her facial expressions, gestures, and facial expressions, which are sharply captured in his works.

"In Werner's rowing boat", 1917

"Reflections", 1889

Zinaida Serebryakova

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova is one of the first Russian women to go down in the history of painting. By pictorial means the artist presented an image of a pure female body. Her models did not have an athletic build; there was no rigidity or sharpness in them, but only a smooth harmony with the environment.

In “Bath”, Serebryakova depicted naked women without embellishment; features of idealization appeared in her work later.

“Reclining Nude”, portrait of Nevedomskaya, 1935

IN late creativity Serebryakova became increasingly interested in the theme of works depicting nude models, and Serebryakova remained faithful to the “nude” genre. In “Reclining Nude” she feels that she succeeds in this theme and addresses it constantly.

"Sleeping model", 1941

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is one of the most famous artists in the history of Russian culture of the 20th century. One of his most famous works is the portrait of Flora.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov

Another famous Russian artist who, unlike the previous one, dealt with the depiction of rough and simplified erotica.

"Village bathhouse", 1938

The artist wrote many sketches “for himself” on the theme of “Village Bath” over many years. There are several nudes in the picture women's bodies, connected by a complex structural composition. Each figure is an image, an individual character.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov

Arkady Plastov - “singer of the Soviet peasantry.” Special attention in his works he paid attention to the patriotic work of women during the Great Patriotic War. The artist captured the colorful image and simplicity in the painting “Tractor Drivers”

"Tractor Drivers", 1943

How many interesting and unusual things can be learned from the history of just one painting. The history of "Olympia" by Edouard Manet is like a short adventure novel, but with a good ending.

Olympia" is one of best paintings French impressionist Edouard Manet, which was created in 1863. the canvas is a masterpiece of modern painting.

Edouard Manet 1832-1883- French painter, engraver, one of the founders impressionism.

In all centuries, Venus has been revered as the ideal of female beauty; in the Louvre and other museums around the world there are many paintings with nudes female figures. But Manet called for looking for beauty not only in the distant past, but also in modern life, this is something the enlightened philistines did not want to come to terms with.


Olympia. Edouard Manet.

The painting depicts a reclining nude woman. With her right hand she rests on lush white pillows, top part body slightly raised. Her left hand rests on the thigh, covering the womb. The model's face and body are facing the viewer.

A cream blanket, richly decorated along the edge with a floral pattern, is thrown over her snow-white bed. The girl holds the tip of the bedspread with her hand. The viewer can also see the dark red upholstery of the bed.

The girl is completely naked, wearing only a few jewelry: her pulled back red hair is decorated with a large pink orchid, and around her neck she has a black velvet with a pearl tied in a bow. Pandan earrings match the pearl, and on the model’s right hand is a wide gold bracelet with a pendant. The girl's feet are decorated with elegant pantalette shoes.

The second character in Manet’s canvas is a dark-skinned maid. In her hands she holds a luxurious bouquet in white paper. Black woman dressed in pink dress, contrasting brightly with her skin, and her head is almost lost among the black tones of the background. A black kitten nestles at the foot of the bed, serving as an important compositional point on the right side of the picture.

The spatial depth of the interior in the painting is practically absent. The artist operates with only two planes: light human figures- in the foreground and a dark interior - in the background.

Two sketches and two etchings from the painting Olympius have survived.


Olympia" was one of the most famous nude XIX century However, Olympia has many famous examples that preceded it: the image of a reclining nude woman has in the history of art long traditions. The direct predecessors of Manet’s Olympia are “Sleeping Venus" Giorgione1510 and " Venus of Urbino» Titian 1538. Nude women are painted on them in almost the same pose.

« Sleeping Venus» Giorgione1510 g

« Venus of Urbino» Titian 1538

The direct and open look of naked Olympia is already known from “ Mahe Nude" by Goya , and the contrast between pale and dark skin has already been played out in the film “Esther” or “ Odalisque" by Leon Benouville 1844, although in this painting the white-skinned woman is clothed. By 1850, photography was also widespread in Paris nude lying women.

Goya.Nude swing.1800

Leon Benouville: Odalisque. 1844.


One of the reasons for the scandalous nature of the painting was its name: the artist did not follow the tradition of justifying the nudity of the woman in the painting with a legendary plot and did not call his nude a “mythological” name such as “Venus” or “Danae.”

The very name that Manet gave the girl is also unusual. A decade and a half earlier, in 1848, Alexandra Dumas published her famous novel “The Lady of the Camellias,” in which the main antagonist and colleague of the heroine of the novel bears the name Olympia. Moreover, this name was a common noun: ladies of the demimonde were often called this way. For the artist’s contemporaries, this name was associated not with the distant Mount Olympus, but with a prostitute.


  • In Titian's painting "Venus of Urbino" the women in the background are busy preparing the dowry, which, together with the sleeping dog at the feet of Venus, should mean home comfort and fidelity. And in Manet, a black maid carries a bouquet of flowers from a fan - flowers are traditionally considered a symbol of a gift, a donation. The orchid in Olympia's hair is an aphrodisiac.
  • Pearl jewelry was worn by the goddess of love, Venus, and the jewelry on Olympia's neck looks like a ribbon tied on a wrapped gift.
  • A sagging kitten with its tail raised is a classic attribute in the depiction of witches, a sign of bad omen and erotic excess.
  • In addition, the bourgeoisie were especially outraged by the fact that the model (naked woman), contrary to all norms of public morality, did not lie with her eyes modestly downcast. Olympia appears before the viewer awake, like Giorgion's Venus, she looks straight into his eyes. Her client usually looks straight into the eyes of a prostitute; thanks to Manet, everyone who looks at his “Olympia” ends up in this role.

As soon as Olympia has time to wake up from sleep,
A black messenger with an armful of spring in front of her;
That is the messenger of a slave who cannot be forgotten,
The night of love turns into flowering days:
Majestic maiden, in whom is the flame of passion. (Zachary Astruc)


Because of Manet's Olympia, one of the most major scandals V art of the 19th century V. Both the plot of the painting and the artist’s painting style turned out to be scandalous. Manet, addicted Japanese art, refused careful study nuances of light and dark, which other artists strived for. Because of this, contemporaries were unable to see the volume of the depicted figure and considered the composition of the painting to be rough and flat.

Gustave Courbet compared Olympia to the queen of spades from a deck of cards, just emerging from the bath. Manet was accused of immorality and vulgarity. Antonin Proust later recalled that the painting survived only thanks to the precautionary measures taken by the exhibition administration.

“No one has ever seen anything more cynical than this Olympia,” wrote modern critic. - This is a female gorilla, made of rubber and depicted completely naked, on a bed. Her hand seems to be in an obscene spasm... Seriously speaking, I would advise young women expecting a child, as well as girls, to avoid such experiences."

The canvas exhibited at the Salon caused a stir and was subjected to wild mockery from the crowd, agitated by the criticism that came from the newspapers. The frightened administration placed two guards at the painting, but this was not enough. The crowd, laughing, howling and threatening with canes and umbrellas, was not afraid of the military guard.

Several times the soldiers had to draw their weapons. The painting attracted hundreds of people who came to the exhibition only to curse the painting and spit on it. As a result, the painting was hung in the farthest hall of the Salon at such a height that it was almost invisible.

The artist Degas said:

"The fame that Manet won with his Olympia and the courage he showed can only be compared with the fame and courage of Garibaldi."


The model for Olympia was her beloved Manet's model - Quiz Meurand . However, there is an assumption that Manet used the image of famous courtesan, mistresses Emperor Napoleon BonaparteMarguerite Bellanger.

Portrait of Quiz Meurant's work Edouard Manet, 1862,

Ambroise Vollard described her as a wayward creature who spoke like Parisian street women. From December 1861 to January 1863 she worked as a model in an artist's studio Thomas Couture . Manet met her in 1862, when she was 18 years old. Before 1875Victorina posed for him for numerous canvases, including his masterpieces like " Street singer», « Breakfast on the grass», « Olympia" And " Railway" She was also a model Edgar Degas.

Later she began to have a weakness for alcohol and started love relationship with the model Marie Pellegri , which he told about in his autobiographical novelMemories of my dead life (1906) Manet's friend George Moore. At first ( Velcro) begged in cafes and bars, and then got herself a monkey, dressed in rags, played the guitar on the street and begged for alms.

Margarita Belanger.

She performed as a rider in a provincial circus, lived like kept woman in Angers and Nantes.

In the early 1860s she became the mistress of Emperor Napoleon III (in 1865 their relationship was severed: Margarita claimed that the son born to her in 1864 was not from the emperor; biographers have differing opinions on this matter). Marguerite Bellanger is mentioned in Diary brothers Goncourt (1863).

After 1870, she moved to England, married a wealthy lord, and subsequently left him. She became the heroine of many cartoons of the era, often obscene. She published a book of memoirs (1882).


After the closure of the Salon, Olympia was doomed to almost 25 years of imprisonment in Manet’s art studio, where only the artist’s close friends could see it. Not a single museum, not a single gallery, not a single private collector wanted to purchase it. During his lifetime, Mane never received recognition from Olympia.


More than a hundred years ago, Emile Zola wrote in the Evenman newspaper, “Fate had prepared a place in the Louvre for Olympia and Luncheon on the Grass,” but it took many years for his prophetic words to come true. In 1889, a grandiose exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary was being prepared. anniversary of the Great french revolution, and “Olympia” was personally invited to take pride of place among the best films.

There she captivated a rich American who wanted to buy the painting for any money. It was then that a serious threat arose that France would forever lose Manet’s brilliant masterpiece. However, only the friends of Manet, who had died by this time, sounded the alarm about this. Claude Monet offered to buy Olympia from the widow and donate it to the state, since it itself could not pay. A subscription was opened and collected the required amount- 20,000 francs.

All that remained was “a mere trifle” - to persuade the state to accept the gift. According to French law, a work donated to the state and accepted by it must be exhibited. This is what the artist’s friends were counting on. But according to the unwritten “table of ranks” at the Louvre, Manet had not yet “pulled up”, and had to be content with the Luxembourg Palace, where “Olympia” stayed for 16 years - alone, in a gloomy and cold hall.

Only in January 1907, under the cover of darkness, quietly and unnoticed, it was transferred to the Louvre. And in 1947, when the Museum of Impressionism was opened in Paris, “Olympia” took in it the place to which it had the right from the day of its birth. Now the audience stands in front of this painting with reverence and respect.

What about YOU? How would you feel about this picture?