Men's haircuts for large heads. Men's haircuts for triangular faces

Have you already dreamed today? Then imagine: you go to one of the famous barbershops in the country. Every detail of the interior indicates that this is an exclusively male space. You are greeted by a professional barber who, having looked at your hair, already knows what haircut to give you.

No fuss, a pleasant atmosphere, cosmetics intended only for men, and no shampoos scented with hibiscus or jasmine. You leave the salon happy, and the former disgrace on your head is ordered and ennobled. Perfect! It’s a pity that in most cases everything happens according to a completely different scenario, and you have to choose your hairstyle yourself. But there are no unsolvable problems if you read us. We invite you to find out how to choose a haircut for a man, and which models will be the most popular in the coming season.

Choosing a hairstyle for a man

A man who decides to choose a new hairstyle should know that in this matter it is dangerous to mindlessly follow fashion trends, trying on any images you like. Hairstyle must match individual characteristics men. Lifestyle, profession, hobbies inevitably leave their mark on men's hair style. Let's say a man who plays football is better off with a short sporty haircut than asymmetrical bob with long bangs, and creative hairstyles with machine-shaved patterns will be strictly contraindicated for a bank employee.

So, how to choose a man's hairstyle? The surest way is to focus on your face shape, existing length and hair type. The next “filter” will be the man’s occupation.

Note: remember 2 important rules that will help you choose the right men's hairstyle. Firstly, do not add volume to an area where there is already a lot of hair. Secondly, the outline of the face and hair should have the shape of a regular oval.

Hairstyles for Square Faces

Men with a square face shape are best suited to hairstyles that visually elongate the “square” and soften its contours. Too much long hair, as well as extremely short men's haircuts for those with a square face will not be the best option, as they can easily upset the balance of proportions.

The best option- these are strands elongated on the top of the head in combination with hair middle length On the sides. We recommend paying attention to the MrCool men's haircut. It is performed on medium-length curls; its peculiarity is the soft graduation of the strands. The hairstyle looks impressive on slightly wavy hair.

Oval face shape

Those with an oval face shape, which, by the way, is considered the standard, can safely try on almost any look. The exception will be men with sharp features faces, for example, a large nose or eyes, a convex forehead. In this case, in order to choose the right haircut, you should follow a simple rule: you cannot create the maximum volume of the hairstyle in the area that is in line with the protruding facial feature. That is, a man with an aquiline nose cannot have a haircut with a voluminous nape.

An interesting option for those with an oval face will be the men's Undercut haircut - an unconditional trend for the coming season. Her feature is shaved temples and volume at the top of her head. Moreover, the transition between lengths is clear, not smooth.

The Undercut haircut can be included in almost any male image up to, you just have to comb the strands back using wax or fixing gel. However, if your hair is too curly, thick and unruly, you will have to give up the Undercut haircut.

Triangular face

Do you have wide cheekbones and forehead, but your chin, on the contrary, is narrow and slightly elongated? So your face shape is a triangle. If you haven't yet, perhaps you should forget about the razor for a while? A full beard can balance a triangular face, after which you can create almost any men's haircut. For example, in combination with a good beard, a Barista haircut styled in a hipster style will look impressive.

It is similar to the Undercut haircut, but the hair at the temples is not so short and the transition to the elongated strands on the top is smoother. The barista will look great with straight hair, one condition is that the strands in the crown area should be of medium length.

Tip: Avoid overly voluminous, layered haircuts that add volume to the top of the head. To give harmony to the features, stylists recommend that men with a triangular face wear.

Choosing a haircut for a round face

A hairstyle for a chubby man should never have rounded contours. Such a haircut will only enhance the effect and make the face visually even more round. Lush haircuts with multi-stage smooth graduations should be avoided. The best option is short haircuts.

Opt for a hairstyle called Side Part. In it, the main emphasis is on the side parting and short temples. The length of the strands on the top of the head can vary, but men with a round face should limit themselves to a length that is slightly longer than the thickness of a finger.

The condition of hair is a direct indicator of a person’s health. Beautiful, shiny and well-groomed hair will tell more about its owner than his clothes or the aroma of perfume. Therefore, it is important that the hairstyle suits the character young man, and him social status, and face type, and hair structure, and preferences. The most important thing is that the hairstyle pleases its owner and gives him self-confidence. After all, what difference does it make if someone thinks that this haircut doesn’t quite suit you, but you feel great with it?

Trends in the world of modern men's hairstyles

The basis of modern men's hairstyles is modernized classic haircuts. They are improved with the help of torn strands, different hair lengths or shaving certain areas of the head, including curly ones.

Classic men's haircut

Modern world strives for freedom. Even Office Style no longer requires the presence of a strict three-piece suit with a tie. It is already acceptable to come to a business meeting in jeans and a shirt. And even colleagues call each other by their first names, and not by their first and patronymic names. In many companies, the charter states that employees address each other first name, regardless of their position and age.

And when you are in last moment heard someone on the street calling out: “Man!” or “Woman!”? Now we are all “young men” and “girls”. And what difference does it make what date of birth is written in the passport?

These global trends have not bypassed the world of men's hairstyles. Today you can afford literally everything. Green Mohawk and formal suit? Great, just let the suit be slightly greenish so that it matches the hairstyle.

So, today in fashion are those that look natural and a little careless. That's why modern hairstyles do not require from their owners special effort on hair styling and maintaining shape. Freedom and simplicity are the motto of fashion stylists.

Modern version classic hairstyle

Hairstyles in which:

  • too much fixing agent has been applied, it is not natural;
  • sloppy hair: freedom is freedom, and one must always be neat;
  • a bald spot covered with a long thin strand: don’t be ashamed of yourself, you need to choose the right short haircut;
  • “hedgehog needles” on the head - they went out of fashion back in the 90s;
  • thin line of bangs with a shaved head;
  • a haircut that makes its owner constantly adjust it, get nervous and worry about what others will think of him.

To choose a hairstyle that suits you, you need to accurately determine 2 parameters: face type and hair structure.

Choosing a haircut based on your face type

Determining your face type is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to approach the mirror in natural light. There should be enough light so that you can see everything and not have to look closely. Then you need to remove your hair from your face, take off your turtleneck sweater or scarf, in general, everything that in one way or another covers your face and ears. Next, you need to take 4 measurements; for greater accuracy, you can use a ruler or ask your girlfriend for help:

  • forehead width;
  • width of the face (from cheekbone to cheekbone);
  • chin width;
  • facial height (from hairline to chin).

Speaking of which, there are 4 main types of faces:

  • oval
  • round
  • square
  • triangular

You Oval face, if the following conditions are met:

  • the length of the face is slightly greater than its width;
  • the forehead is high, it is wider or equal to the length of the jaw;
  • the chin and cheekbones are clearly expressed;
  • the chin may be slightly pointed;
  • the face is proportional.

Oval face type

You have a round face if the following conditions are met:

  • the length of the face and its width are approximately the same;
  • forehead is low;
  • the chin and cheekbones are not clearly expressed.

must meet the following conditions:

  • the length of the face and its width are the same;
  • the width of the forehead is equal to the width of the jaw and face from cheekbone to cheekbone;
  • the chin and cheekbones are clearly defined;
  • forehead and chin slightly angular.

You have a triangular face if the following conditions are met:

  • forehead width > face width > chin width;
  • prominent cheekbones;
  • the chin is pointed and noticeably narrower than the width of the forehead.

Triangular face type

Within these basic types, subspecies can be distinguished. For example, a square face would be rectangular, and a triangular face would be a diamond or diamond-shaped face. Correctly determining your face type is half the success in choosing the right look.

So, according to your face type, you can choose your hairstyle.

Face type The principle of choosing a hairstyle
Oval face
  • , which does not have a clear edging at the temples and on the back of the head;
  • medium-length temples to distract attention from massive cheekbones
  • small bangs covering the hair growth line;
  • voluminous hair styling in the parietal area of ​​the head.
Round face
  • pay attention to asymmetrical haircuts with elongated strands near the face;
  • avoid long hair in a ponytail;
  • It is better to cut curly hair short;
  • do not make offset partings;
  • Avoid short bangs.
Square face
  • the temples should be cut shorter so as not to add massiveness to the jaw;
  • observe the principle of balance: if the temples are short, then the top of the head is short, if the temples are long, so as not to further stretch the face, then the top of the head is with elongated hair, which needs to be given volume;
  • if there is a bang, then it must be combed vertically upward.
Triangular face
  • in combination with a voluminous crown, it will visually even out the width of the forehead and cheekbones;
  • volume needs to be added to the bangs and side strands so as not to focus attention on the chin;
  • installation should be careless;
  • Hairstyles for medium hair are good.

Choosing a haircut based on your hair type

Hair type - second important parameter, which you need to rely on when choosing a hairstyle. The type of hair depends on its structure: straight or curly; and from hardness: soft or hard. WITH It is extremely easy to determine the hair structure - you just need to look at yourself in the mirror. Curly hair is easy to distinguish from straight hair. Hair hardness can be determined not only by touch. If the hair tends upward, even if the short haircut has grown a lot, then it is coarse. Soft hair will fall according to the shape of your head. If you want to make them more voluminous, you will need to lay them specially. But “slicking” coarse hair is hardly a feasible task.

Undercut haircut for coarse hair

Another division of hair by type is based on the intensity of the sebaceous glands on the head. There are normal, dry, oily and mixed hair types. This type can be determined by your feelings: how often do you want to wash your hair because your hair is dirty? Oily hair requires a daily shampoo, normal hair – every 1-2 days, dry hair – 1-2 times a week. Mixed type characterized by uneven greasy hair on different parts of the head.

Hair is also divided into thin and thick. It depends on the thickness of each hair. As a rule, soft hair will be thin, and thick hair will be coarse and thick.

The choice of hairstyle should be based on whether the hair is curly and its coarseness. The remaining hair divisions by type affect the features of caring for them in the first place.

Hair type Hairstyle selection criteria
Straight soft There are practically no restrictions; any hairstyle will do. It is necessary to base only on the type of face. You should only avoid haircuts that require a certain rigidity: hedgehog, mohawk and the like. Asymmetrical haircuts will help add volume to your hair.
Straight hard Hairstyles with clear boundaries, shaved areas on the head, and curly shaving are suitable. It can be difficult to give such hair a careless look, so you should avoid randomly lying strands of different lengths.
Curly soft If you have an oval face, then an elongated bob will look great; the hair will frame your face in soft waves.
Kinky tight Such hair is difficult to “train.” This type of hair is most common among representatives Negroid race. If your face type does not suit voluminous curls (for example, men with a round face type), then your haircuts are clipper haircuts: short hedgehog, boxing or perhaps half-boxing.

Features of installation and care

It is necessary to take care of your hair, regardless of the haircut, for both men and women. Men's hairstyles, as a rule, do not require much effort in styling and care. It is only possible to emphasize some strands in asymmetrical hairstyles or comb the bangs at your discretion.

If you prefer to style your hair, don't forget that it should look natural. Don't use too many styling products; they weigh down your hair and even make it look unkempt.

In most cases, it is quite enough to keep your head clean and fresh and prevent dandruff from appearing.


For more details regarding the choice of men's hairstyles, see the video below.


For many men their appearance just as important as for female representatives. It must not only be neat, it must correspond to the age, status and type of activity of its owner. And also be created taking into account all the features of a man’s appearance, including face type, head shape, hair condition and structure. After all, a properly chosen hairstyle allows you not only to spend less time on styling, but also to feel much more confident.

To look good, it is important to understand how to choose a hairstyle based on a man’s face shape. After all, as you know, people are greeted not only by their clothes, but also by their hairstyle.

Features of haircuts for men

Choosing a haircut can be quite a daunting task. For a stunning effect, you must not only boldly experiment, but also take into account the features of your face shape. Successfully hidden flaws and emphasized advantages will create a stylish and attractive image.

All people are unique and have different appearances. Physical appearance is a unique expression of a person’s essence. When choosing hairstyles, men often focus on the lower jaw to emphasize strong-willed qualities or want to cover broad forehead. But first of all, you need to determine the shape of your face.

In order not to make a mistake, a man needs to outline the contour of his face in the mirror and outline it along the border of hair growth, the lines of the cheeks and chin. All that remains is to remember school curriculum and determine the geometric figure.

Choosing a haircut for your face shape

Face shapes can be round, with sharp angles or combined. The choice of hairstyle for each type should be made individually. First, let's look at rounded face shapes:

  1. Oval. Those with this type of face are the luckiest. You don’t have to think long about how to choose the right option. A man can try any hairstyle with long or short hair. You just have to think about what features you would like to highlight. For example, you can sharpen your face by creating volume and angular shape at the crown. Long haircuts gathered in a small ponytail and with bangs combed back will look good. We select boxing haircuts, undercut haircuts, haircuts with bangs (not very long).
  2. Circle. A man with this face shape needs to create visual effect angles and heights. Short hair on the sides and longer hair in the center will look advantageous. It is worth choosing to create asymmetry, which will make the face more angular. You need to forget about bangs and short haircuts, as they round the face. If a man wants to wear long hair, then it is better to lay it on one side and cut it in layers. Undercut, Canadian and extravagant quiff mohawk haircuts are perfect for this type of face. Fans of Elvis Presley can try on his famous hairstyle.
  3. Square. If earlier we were talking about creating corners, now we need to talk about smoothing them. However, the field for experimentation in this case is also quite wide. You can choose your hairstyle classic style or choose something extravagant. If you want everyone to admire your impeccable style, it is better to choose the option with bangs and short hair on the sides. To emphasize masculine facial features and a noble wide jaw, you need to remove the ends of your hair from your face. Direct parting is not recommended. The following hairstyles for a square face will look good: short or tousled, 50s-60s haircuts, slicked back hair.
  4. Triangle. For a man with this face shape, it is better to choose haircuts that are short on the sides and have volume at the top. Short hair will look great. You can grow your bangs or comb them to the side. Choose voluminous or complex haircuts. The main thing is not to create angular shapes, but to soften them. Men's hairstyles for a triangular face will look great: British, Canadian, quiff and haircuts with a comb on the right or left sides. Also try slightly messy styling for long hair.
  5. Rhombus. Men with this type of face have wide cheekbones and a narrower forehead and chin. As an option, you can consider long hair. Bangs will help hide a long forehead and balance your facial features. Don't be afraid to lift your hair at the roots, creating volume. A variety of medium-length hairstyles are suitable. The more natural the haircut looks, the more stylish the whole look will become.
  6. Heart. Owners of this face shape should avoid large volumes. All haircuts with long hair and short hairstyles that will emphasize the width of the forehead are suitable. Men can comb their bangs back or lay them on the right and left sides. It is worth trying the universal undercut and canadian hairstyles.
  7. Pear. Men with this face shape have a narrow forehead and a wide, masculine jaw. Choosing a haircut for this type is not an easy task. It's worth trying a layered haircut that will add volume to the temple area. If you like the style of a street hooligan, then you can safely choose options with medium-length hair and disheveled bangs. Connoisseurs of long hair should wear it in a ponytail, because the flowing strands near the chin will make it even more massive.
  8. Elongated shape. In men of this type, the face looks quite thin. The challenge is to make it less long. It is worth abandoning voluminous and high haircuts. Hairstyles for thin face you need to choose one with more hair on the sides and less in the center. Also possible different variants With a bang.

Men's faces are rich in their diversity and contrasts.

It takes a lot of effort to figure out how to choose suitable hairstyle.

The greatest difficulty is to correctly determine the shape of the face.

Unfavorably emphasized flaws can destroy a man’s beauty and prevent him from expressing his individuality.

When choosing a hairstyle, you should think about how much time a person can devote to hair care.

After all, long Thick hair will look terrible if they are dirty, tangled and unpleasant to the touch, like straw.

Then it is better to choose a shorter haircut. In addition, not everyone can devote time in the morning to styling unruly bangs.

It is important to understand individual hair structure. Men have many opportunities to look stylish and original.

Tireless stylists work day and night, creating more and more new images. All that remains is to understand the many shapes and lines.

More and more representatives of both sexes began to ask the question of how to choose a haircut for a man. We often chase idols and strive to copy their image onto ourselves. But the problem often lies in the fact that the style and manners of your “favorite” do not suit you, and you look like a simple impersonator! We are sure that you would be better suited your own image!

To make the right choice, first decide on your type and in the process remember which style will make you more attractive to the ladies around you:

1. Oval

An oval shape is considered ideal; this will not be difficult, because any choice will not be a mistake. Great, most likely you are the happy owner of an ideal type! Before making a final conclusion, look carefully: the chin should be round in outline, slightly tapered towards the tip. The forehead will be wider than usual. Large mouth, nose or eyes are not present with this face. If all of the above fits the description, then congratulations, you see a lucky winner in front of you! Experiment with it to your heart's content!

For other types, you need to choose a style to get closer to the oval type.

2. Round

Here you can choose a layered style, for this you resort to a ladder on the sides, steps on the back of the head. Unlike oval, this type does not have an elongated shape. The forehead, jaw and cheekbones always have a similar scope. He has massive cheekbones, but with all of the above, he has his own balance. Lush haircuts will not the right choice, as well as circular ones. Unless, of course, you want your face to appear even rounder.

Curvy long haircut will only emphasize the roundness of the face.

Short hairstyles without clear edges, with medium length on the sides and a little longer on top, will suit you. Open hair lines will only emphasize the shape. Bangs will help solve this problem; by combing them to the side, you can smooth out a little, and in some cases, hide the roundness. More information about haircuts for round face.

3. Square

If you are, then first of all the task is to visually soften all the rough outlines, so to speak, to slightly elongate the face. This type is characterized by an angular, square-shaped chin and jaw. They should have a similar width. A man should choose a haircut with medium length on the sides. With longer hair on top.

4. Oblong

Here the lines of the cheekbones, chin, and jaw are the same width.

Absolutely everyone pays attention to the hairstyle. It says a lot about a person. The right haircut will help create the look. You will be able to highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. How to choose a men's hairstyle? Let's figure it out.

We will start choosing the ideal men's hairstyle by determining the shape of the face. I would like to especially note not the shape of the head, but the shape of the face. To determine it correctly, you can trace the outline of the face in the reflection of the mirror. Outline the face along the hairline, cheeks, and chin.

For example, the young man in the photo above has a triangular face shape.

Men with an oval face shape will suit any hairstyle.

Hair can be any length, smooth or wavy, everything will look good.

If you have a square face, then the task of the hairstyle is to smooth out these angles and, ideally, visually elongate your face.

This will help you create high hairstyles/ Short haircut“hedgehog” will give the image toughness, masculinity and brutality. Stubble will help smooth out the corners if it contrasts sufficiently with the skin tone and is of decent thickness. Dark stubble easily changes the visual impression. If your beard grows light, then discard this option, it will add unnecessary volume.

It is logical that those who have a long face need to visually make it less long.

From volumetric and any high hairstyles need to refuse. You should also not wear long hair; with this type of face, it will visually make it longer and thinner. Options with bangs are perfect, but they won’t suit all hair types.

If you have a round face shape, then the task of the hairstyle will be to make it more masculine and, visually, taller.

High voluminous hairstyles and haircuts, especially fashionable now, will be very on topic. You should not choose long hairstyles and medium-length haircuts with a lot of volume, they will make your face look like a ball.

People with a pear-shaped face need volume that will hide the narrowed upper part.

Short haircuts will not work. If you Thin hair, then you will have to think about simple styling that you can easily do yourself.

A triangular face shape also requires volume.

It’s good if your hair allows you to wear long hairstyles or fits well with bangs. If you style your hair as in the third example, this will help balance the shape in the simplest way.

The last option, a less pronounced triangle.

With this face shape, the frames are less rigid than with the previous one. Less voluminous and complex haircuts will also suit you.

The next stage that needs to be dealt with is the complexity of the haircut.

Not everyone is ready to style their hair every day. If you don’t want to waste time on this, then choose the simplest possible hairstyle option. Most men prefer not to change the hairstyle they like. They go to a regular hairdresser and get their hair cut only by him to be sure of the result.

You've explored hairstyle options that suit each face type, now it's time to choose the right hairstyle for yourself. To do this, you need to understand what type of hair you have. On different hair the same hairstyle will look completely different.

To determine your hair type, answer yourself a few questions. Do you have coarse hair? How obedient are they? Are they smooth or frizzy? What is their density? Are there any bald spots? Do you have gray hair, do you like it or not? What is your hair growth direction?

All these factors influence how your hairstyle will look. It’s quite difficult to decide on your own here, primarily due to the lack of hairdressing experience and understanding of what and how will happen in the end.

The easiest and surest way is to explore the options, save the ones you like and show them to your hairdresser. A professional will tell you which of them will be easily executed on your head in the intended form. You can see my review of the most common men's haircuts that will never go out of fashion -.