In the modern world where. Man in the modern world

Who is fighting with whom? The Islamic State (IS) and its allied groups are fighting against the central government and the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan (the Peshmerga militia - literally "those who stare death in the face"). Numerous Arab tribes are also drawn into the conflict: some support the Islamists, while others support the government. Now the main forces of the Islamic State have been defeated, and the territories under its control have been liberated, but the militants continue to carry out terrorist attacks and sabotage.

What are they fighting for? IS aims to create a kind of worldwide “Islamic caliphate”, built on the strict implementation of religious precepts. Those Muslims who do not share their views are equated within the group with “infidels.”

Number of victims. Over the past year alone, the Iraqi army has lost about a thousand people killed. IS losses are unknown.


Who is fighting with whom? Various groups are fighting among themselves, the largest of which are the government forces of President Bashar al-Assad, various Islamist movements, the Kurdish confederation, as well as forces supported by Turkey.

What are they fighting for? Different groups pursue different goals, and some of them are supported by foreign countries.

Number of victims. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, by the beginning of September 2018, 522 thousand people were killed during military operations, and more than 7 million people were forced to leave the country.

Who is fighting with whom? The civil war in Somalia has been ongoing since 1988. Several dozen different “governments,” “armies,” factions and clans, as well as the Islamist movement, took part in it.

What are they fighting for? Nowadays there is practically no military action. However, Somalia does not actually exist as a single state. Each of the groups controlling different regions seeks to maintain its power.

Number of victims. The number of deaths during the civil war exceeds 500 thousand people.


Who is fighting with whom? In 2015, NATO troops left Afghanistan. However, armed conflict continues in the country between the government and the Islamist Taliban movement.

What are they fighting for? Military operations are taking place mainly in areas bordering Pakistan. In the territory under their control, the Taliban established orders reminiscent of the medieval ones. The Taliban are also active in the border regions of Pakistan, where they confront the Pakistani army.

Number of victims. Since 2015, the Afghan army and police have lost more than 7 thousand people killed in battles with the Taliban. The Taliban's losses amounted to more than 10 thousand people.

Who is fighting with whom? Local rebels (Houthis) control the Yemeni capital and have formed their own government. Supporters of the old regime, in turn, dug in in the south, where they united with local separatists. They are supported by Saudi Arabia, which is actively participating in the conflict.

What are they fighting for? The Houthis call themselves defenders of the interests of Shiite Muslims, who make up a significant part of the country's population, but for a long time did not have access to power. Supporters of the old government mainly adhere to the Sunni branch of Islam.

Number of victims. About 50 thousand people died during the fighting; more than 3 million were forced to leave their homes.


Who is fighting with whom? The government army is confronting local Islamist groups.

What are they fighting for? Libyan Islamists consider themselves part of the Islamic State and view their actions as part of the global struggle for the caliphate. In turn, the army is trying to ensure government control over the entire territory of the country.

Number of victims. The war in Libya has claimed the lives of more than 10 thousand people.

SUDAN, South Kordofan
Who is fighting with whom? The Sudanese Armed Forces (and the militias that support them) are fighting the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army.

What are they fighting for? Southern Kordofan is located on the border between two African states - Sudan and South Sudan. Each of these countries considers the region its own.

Number of victims. During the conflict in Southern Kordofan, about 1.5 thousand people died, and almost 500 thousand people were left homeless.


Who is fighting with whom? Rebels from the Ogaden National Liberation Front confront the government army. The conflict cannot be called intense, but armed clashes continue.

What are they fighting for? The conflict in the Ogaden has been going on for 24 years. The rebels demand independence for the region, and in the future they plan to unite with Somalia into a single state.

Number of victims. The Ethiopian government keeps all information about the course of the conflict secret. The exact number of victims is unknown.

Who is fighting with whom? In fact, the official government of the Central African Republic controls only certain areas of the country's capital, Bangui. The rest of the territory is under the control of various armed groups.

What are they fighting for? Among the participants in the civil war there are Muslim and Christian fundamentalists seeking to rebuild the life of the country according to the principles of the Koran or the Bible. There are also groups representing the interests of individual ethnic groups and supporters of certain political leaders. Finally, some groups are simply engaged in banditry and extortion.

Number of victims. The exact number of deaths during the civil war is unknown, but human rights activists and international organizations speak of thousands of victims.

“If you want to live, know how to spin.” Life in the modern world is akin to an endless race. The time we live in is a time of accelerated pace of life. Quickly take a shower, quickly eat a sandwich, and run to work. Everyone runs at work too. Time must be saved, time is money.

Time, money and everything that money can buy are the most important values ​​in modern society.

Until recently, almost yesterday, our parents lived completely differently. Their life was predictable and planned. The value was respect in society, a board of honor. Could they imagine how quickly and dramatically life would change?

So what has changed?

Humanity is constantly evolving, life in the modern world is completely different than 50 years ago.

Today a person is rational and pragmatic, fast and dexterous, the best earner, a born entrepreneur, an ambitious careerist. He is flexible in every sense of the word. He feels the rhythm and intuitively determines the time. A watch is his traditional accessory. They symbolize his value - time.

It was the rational man, always cutting corners, not wanting to waste time going around ponds and cliffs, who built bridges. It is these people who have always introduced innovations into the lives of others that make their lives more convenient and save time.

Life in the modern world is comfortable for humans. Just “yesterday,” some 100 years ago, this was not the case. It was the transition to the current phase of development that led to the rapid flourishing of industry, producing everything that allows us to spend less time and consume more.

Life in the modern world - what is success?

Success in the modern world is considered financial well-being and high social status. Today, people strive for high social status and material advantage. This is his value. The one who can consume the most is now considered successful.

If you ask the average person about his goals, desires and plans, they will turn out to be material and related to consumption. Buy a house, apartment or car, visit a country or make repairs. Goals are considered to be what is associated with production and consumption.

Open any book about success - the word “success” means money. The word “goals” means material values ​​that can be purchased with money.

Any success training says the same thing: “Set yourself goals,” as if achieving these goals is success. Have you ever wondered why these trainings don’t work? Why do most people never do what they are taught in training? Why do some of them turn out to be completely unadapted to life in the modern world?

The answer is simple - those who are able to achieve success do not need success training - guided by their innate desires and aspirations, they achieve success themselves, thanks to their mental properties. And such a person will really bring satisfaction, joy and happiness, material and social advantage. This is his value. He will feel that he has been fulfilled in this life. But this is not the value of other people. The rest, no matter how many success trainings they undergo, will never strive for the same. And if they do, it will not bring them happiness and joy, since their innate, true desires will not be satisfied.

The era of consumption. Consumption as the meaning of life

“If you have achieved one goal, set the next one – higher and bigger,” say success coaches. “And you will be happy,” they mean. And for many, material goals are borrowed desires.

Life in the modern world, the world of consumers, provides many opportunities for a comfortable, interesting life. These possibilities are endless, but they require money. There is no way to live for free. For all the delights of modernity - the Internet, telephone, transport, comfort - you have to pay for everything. And if you want more, you need more money. This is why the lives of many people have turned into a race for consumption. Consumption in the modern world has become the meaning of life.

In the race for benefits, a person does not pay attention to his inner feelings - is he happy or not? Does he enjoy life or not? Is he satisfied with his life, or is something missing?

And this is perhaps the biggest trap of our time. If a person does not realize his mental properties, if he does not satisfy his innate desires, if, in other words, he does not fulfill his calling, his species role, then he will inevitably have unconscious internal shortcomings. This results in internal tension, which accumulates over the years and turns into hostility towards everyone and everything.

A person with deficiencies does not feel joy and satisfaction from life in the modern world, no matter how attractive it may be and no matter how much he consumes. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong – it’s unconscious dissatisfaction.

This is similar to dissatisfaction in sex. By the way, about sex. In the modern world, it has also turned into a consumer one.

“I feel good with you, give me your phone number” - sex consumers

Meeting people in a bar and straight into bed is now normal. One-time or several-time sex is a reality. Meeting (maintaining a relationship) with a girl (guy) in order to have sex is also a natural part of our life in the modern world. We use each other to consume sex. Even single women are looking for partners not to create relationships, but for sex, “for health,” as they say.

Nobody considers a girl who often changes sexual partners to be a girl of easy virtue, as it was before. Frequent changes of partners have entered the range of sexual acceptability in the modern world.

Having a balanced, not too strong libido, such a person chases the factor of novelty. He is no longer excited by the partner to whom he is already accustomed. He seeks new sensations by changing sexual partners.

The sex consumer does not need commitment, relationships, love. He doesn’t care about the person next to him, he “consumes” him. He needs sex, new experiences, pleasure, fulfillment of his own desires. And there is a big catch in this too.

By consuming sex, a person loses that feeling of intimacy of what is happening, closeness, excitement, satisfaction that full intimacy can give. Life in the modern world is different in that feelings, sensuality and sensitivity are dulled, the desire for sex ceases to be huge and exciting the imagination. Easily accessible sex ceases to be something so passionately desired and bringing intense pleasure.

Surprisingly, such consumer sex eventually ceases to bring sexual satisfaction. As a result, private and collective sexual frustration is growing in society. And we have more and more homosexuals, pedophiles, etc.

Life in the modern world - is happiness possible?

We live in amazing times. It is really very interesting, it really gives us a lot of opportunities for enjoyment and fulfillment, for creating successful relationships and happiness in every sense of the word. Life in the modern world is an adventure for each of us.

In order for this adventure to be joyful, and not difficult and stressful, you need to fulfill your own, innate (healthy) desires, realize your own mental properties.

For obvious reasons, the modern “prohibition law” is most popular among, because, as you know, the Prophet Muhammad was a categorical opponent of alcohol. But the authorities of the countries have to make some kind of deal with their conscience, since numerous tourists, who make a significant contribution to the country’s treasury, cannot live without alcohol. So you have to get out of it so as not to break the laws of religion and not spoil the business..


Alcohol is prohibited throughout the country, except for the cities of Aden and Sana'a. But even there it is allowed only to tourists, only in special institutions, or at home. Alcohol is strictly prohibited for local citizens.


There are quite strict rules regarding the sale and drinking of alcohol. And in the city of Sharjah it is generally prohibited to anyone who does not have a special license from the state. However, such a license is, in principle, needed by all residents of the UAE who want to conduct their business using alcohol.


At one time, alcohol was completely prohibited by the ruling Socialist Party of the Sudanese Union. She professes quite radical Islam, by the way. And if the combination “Islamic socialism” has not yet caused you to break your pattern, then don’t worry - life in the country shows that this combination is not very effective. But tourists can drink here, but only at home.


One of the poorest countries in East Africa. It is also Islamic, so the production and consumption of alcohol is prohibited here. So, alas, Somali pirates sail without Somali rum.

Saudi Arabia

Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Even foreigners. Even at home under the bed. Even the slightest hint of this matter is fraught with imprisonment. And there can be no question of importing anything from abroad.


Everything here is quite contradictory. On the one hand, alcohol is prohibited for local Muslims. On the other hand, this is the norm among local Hindus, so the authorities have to somehow balance between them. For example, issue permits for the production and consumption of alcohol to certain national minorities and organizations.


Locals are not allowed, tourists are allowed, but be careful. Only in restaurants and bars that have an official government license.


The country is Islamic, despite its location in Southeast Asia. Local residents are strictly forbidden to drink, but tourists are allowed alcohol. But you can only drink a bottle of alcohol purchased at duty-free at home.


One of the most popular resorts in the Indian Ocean is also a prohibition zone. But exclusively for locals - tourists can drink as much as they want on hotel grounds.


In some Indian states, "local laws" restrict alcohol consumption. To varying degrees, moreover. In some places the ban is categorical for everyone, for example in Bihar and Nagaland. And in others, drinking alcohol on the streets is simply limited. And there are also places where alcohol is not regulated at all.

We also believe that you would be interested to know about some related to Dubai - a city from the UAE. Let's just say that these facts quite comprehensively characterize the cultural features of this exotic and unusual country.

In our rapidly changing world, it is simply necessary to be a modern person , but not everyone can understand what does it mean to be a modern person. In fact, everything is simple, because ours is an information age, and in it, you need to constantly be in search of new information and knowledge. Today, it is useful and necessary to be a smart, wise and informative person, creating new ideas and opportunities.

Today, in this article you will learn the most basic points and methods that will help you become a modern person and achieve everything you want.

Do you want to become a modern person

Undoubtedly many want to be modern people, but for some reason few people do anything about it. People believe that if they live in the modern world, then they are also modern, but this is far from the case. Even if we live in the 21st century, this does not mean that we have become modern, since our consciousness, knowledge, capabilities, principles, values ​​remain from the 19-20 centuries. Our education system has also remained outdated, which today teaches us to live in a world that has not existed for a long time. Decide whether you want to be a real, modern person or continue to live in the past. For greater efficiency, write down on a piece of paper what prospects and opportunities will open up for you when you become a modern person.

Appreciate everything you have

Strange as it may seem, only 10% of 100% of people can rightfully be considered modern, since 90% live in a new world, but with old thinking, ideas and opportunities. Therefore, in order to realize what it means to be a modern person in the modern world, you need to start cherishing and appreciating everything you have and improving yourself, becoming even better. Strive for the best, but appreciate everything you already have. One who does not have this principle, often achieving some result or success, does not appreciate it and fails. Live in the present, appreciate life by appreciating everything and everyone around you.

Explore new sciences and discoveries

In the modern world, we need to start studying new discoveries in the sciences, especially in psychology. Since in our time people most often have problems related specifically to psychology, so you need to either surround yourself with professionals in this field, or start studying this science yourself. Of course, you need to study other sciences, but without it, today it is difficult to cope with common problems. Modern psychology, for example, discovered that all our thoughts and emotions are material, and not only discovered but also proved in practice for millions of people. Therefore, if you start studying this science, you will not regret it.

Engage in self-development

Self-development is simply necessary for those who want to be a modern person . Since self-development consists of many factors that you need to independently study and apply in practice. The most important thing in self-development is giving up bad habits, overeating, poor lifestyle, and addiction. Start with this, and when you get rid of it, start reading your favorite books or those that are necessary to achieve your goals. In books, you will find answers to all your questions and will be able to move faster towards your dream. Self-development will help you start learning better and faster than at school. Because what they teach at school is not what a modern person really needs.

Play sports

Due to the fact that the modern world mainly requires intelligence, new ideas and opportunities from a person, which makes a person sedentary, you need to play sports. Sport will help you stay healthy, improve your physical fitness, and also clear your mind of unnecessary information. Sport helps you to be in an alert state all day long, as well as take a break from mental work. Since the best rest is a change of activity, and for the modern world, where work is mainly mental, breaks and sports will help. Sports do not require heavy loads from you, since you can simply do morning exercises every day and take sports breaks from mental work, which more effectively helps a person to relax and return to work, with new strength and fresh memory. For those who have sedentary jobs, even basic walking and gymnastics will help.

Look for new opportunities and create ideas

The most important thing to do to be a modern person is to look for new opportunities and create ideas. To do this, each person needs to have his own dream or goal and go towards it. Then, in this process, new ideas and opportunities will begin to come into your life that will help you achieve all your goals. It’s enough just to really want something and believe every day that you will achieve it, then everything will turn out to be much easier. Anyone who does not know what he wants from life will achieve nothing, and will continue to blame others, but not himself. Once you find your purpose, ideas and opportunities will come into your life.

Find your favorite thing

In order to be a modern person in the modern world, you need to find your favorite thing. Without a favorite job, a person will continue to go to an unloved job, working for someone who has a favorite job and goal. Always the one who does not have a specific goal in life will work and obey the one who has it. So realize that

Despite the fact that the Internet has long become a “matchmaker” for adults, and applications like Tinder make finding a couple much easier, St. Petersburg residents complain that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find a partner. Maria Galimzyanova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, told how to do this.

Marriage or cohabitation?

Olga Salnikova, website: - The bill of Senator Belyakov, who proposed to equate unregistered relationships for 5 years with an official marriage, caused negative reviews. Although in many European countries it is possible to legally formalize “cohabitation,” although it is voluntary. How do you feel about this idea and “civil marriages” in general?

Maria Galimzyanova:“I think the state shouldn’t interfere here.” Research shows that most people use “civil marriage” as a springboard to test the strength of a relationship, to understand whether it is worth living together - before registering with the registry office.

This allows you to avoid so-called separation marriages, of which there were many during the USSR. Cohabitation in those years was not encouraged; if you moved away from your parents, you had to get married right away, but it could soon become clear that the spouses were not suitable for each other. And in the first year and a half there is just a grinding in: love weakens, family attitudes that have been laid down since childhood come to the fore, difficulties arise due to different ideas about roles in the family. If all this is accompanied by a silent expectation that the partner will show psychic abilities and guess desires, then the relationship reaches a dead end.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with going through a period of “grinding in” in an unregistered marriage. But there is an interesting feature here. According to surveys: women in a “civil marriage” tend to feel married, while men feel single. There are also men who keep a suitcase in their hallway for years, packed in case they leave. And such unstable relationships, especially if they last for years, are more likely to suit men.

- Speaking of parents... It turns out that their model of relationships will really be decisive for their children later?

Research data shows that the more conflict-free and loving the parents' relationships were, the more satisfied their children feel when creating their families. And if there is an experience of a strong parental family, when, despite disagreements, people found a common language, a person will strive for this model - to look for love and support in his future spouse, to perceive family conflicts as temporary difficulties.

And if he has a single-parent family behind him, a painful divorce, quarrels and domestic violence, he may have little idea of ​​how to interact, and conflicts may be perceived as the collapse of the relationship. It happens that partners are chosen based on traumas experienced in childhood. Thus, those who have experienced suffering, the departure of one of their parents from the family, often choose spouses with whom they can “relive” these feelings. And they can even unconsciously provoke them to do this. The good news is that traumatic childhood experiences can be “edited” with the help of your partner and psychologists.

Eternally searching

- Another law on payments for the birth of the first child, which has already entered into force (in St. Petersburg, more than 10 thousand rubles per month), also caused a discussion. Some believe that this will increase the birth rate, which has fallen to a record low over the past 10 years, while others believe that marginalized people will give birth for the sake of this money.

Such payments can give some sense of security and become an additional argument in favor of the decision to have a baby. Although the economic factor is not the only one here. Moreover, we may face an even greater demographic failure due to psychological reasons: today's children have no idea about family. And if earlier at school there were lessons on “ethics and psychology of family life,” which allowed them to at least “prepare” a little for their family future, now no one teaches them this.

The topic of intimate relationships is actively taboo; they are trying to replace it with spiritual values, while at the same time transferring all responsibility to parents. The latter are often confused, considering such conversations “awkward.” After all, no one talked about this with many of them. As a result, awareness among young people decreases, and the number of abortions increases. Good literature is published on this topic from time to time, but recently there have been calls to ban it. As a result, the only and not the best option for teenagers is the Internet. And they won’t teach family values ​​there...

- Can adults build their family by finding a couple on the Internet?

I support online dating - it is a salvation for business people and for those who find it difficult to meet people directly. Yes, there are “grooms” and “brides” who “live” on these sites for years and even decades. Often they initially do not have the task of creating a serious relationship and it is the search that becomes the goal, not the result. They are usually distinguished by correspondence lasting months...

When meeting such applicants, people become disappointed in dating sites; it seems to them that everything there has problems. But many of my friends who firmly set themselves the goal of finding a partner approached this issue in a businesslike manner and successfully entered into marriage. The main thing is to decide what kind of person you want to see next to you, what relationships you strive for, and which ones you will never allow - and follow this. It is very useful to discuss your past relationships with a specialist so as not to step on the “old rake”.

Sports bar instead of theater

- If a woman does not have the opportunity to find a soul mate in Russia, is it worth looking for her abroad or will different mentalities become a serious obstacle?

It makes sense to take advantage of every opportunity. Although entering another culture is often a painful process. Having moved to a foreign country, a person finds himself alone with his partner, since the social circle has not yet been formed, plus there are often problems with knowledge of the language and work... And if the partner does not meet expectations, which is absolutely normal, then dissatisfaction increases and the person becomes more and more isolated. In such a situation, a local psychologist who knows the traditions and characteristics of the culture from the inside could facilitate integration.

European men cite the commercialism of Russian women as one of the cultural characteristics that is difficult to accept...

Indeed, many foreigners who tried to build relationships with Russian women came to this conclusion. Yes, for the most part, Russian women expect that a man will pay in a restaurant, buy gifts, and pay for trips. They absorbed this image with their mother’s milk, and the actively advancing European feminism has not yet succeeded in erasing it.

On the other hand, it is difficult to accuse Russian women of commercialism, because they often do not spare the last money to buy their partner a desired gift, and take two jobs if their husband has lost his. And as a result, they often take responsibility for their children, husband and parents... A lot has changed in recent years. Many mothers are now building a career, and fathers are actively raising children. More and more men want to be present at childbirth and share all the concerns about the baby, although 10 years ago this was rare.

- What advice could you give to those who want to meet their love, but don’t know how?

It is important to be optimistic, to cheer up, and not to remember all your love failures and be afraid of new ones. A person who is open, interested and has a sparkle in his eyes is always more attractive. It makes sense to try different options - from the Internet to acquaintances and friends, to whom it would be nice to let them know that you are looking.

Many women try to find a partner where they themselves like to be - in theaters, museums, at development courses, but often nothing works out. But you should go to a sports bar, a car dealership, a gym or a stadium and it turns out that there are a lot of interesting men there! As Dale Carnegie said, although he personally loves strawberries and cream, it’s better to catch fish with worms, which they prefer...