Mars in a woman's birth chart. Positions of Mars and female images of the male ideal

"Which planet interested you in the first place?",

then the leader Moon.

In second place - Venus, on the third -Sun,

on the fourth (with a big lag) - Mars.

We have already met with the Sun, Moon and Venus, and I think many have discovered a lot of new and interesting things with the help of these planets.

But this is not the end of the solar system. There are many more planets that are as informative as the Sun, and the Moon, and Venus, only in their own area.

What characterizes Mars in your horoscope?

Mars- these are our actions, their power of manifestation, the realization of our individual motives (according to the Sun) in accordance with our desires (the choice of our Venus).

Mars represents the external manifestations of a person.

Mars is the lever by which we turn the world upside down. Depending on whether Mars is weak or strong, your leverage will be the same. We will definitely discuss this in the topic Mars in the signs of the zodiac.

In addition, where in your map is Mars You put in the most energy.

Girls choose their own Mars your ideal man.

And men Mars characterizes directly what kind of "macho" he is and what he can brag about without fail.

Yes, this is no less interesting planet and Mars is quite worthy for us to get to know him better.

To start, each of you must find out, what sign of the zodiac was MARS on the day and hour of your birth. This task is not easy, but doable.

There is special astrological tables "Ephemeris" , where the coordinates of MARS for each day are registered in the Signs of the Zodiac.

In addition, there astrological programs , where you only need to enter your date, place and time (if you know) of birth, and in a second the program will build for you a map of the sky at the time of your birth with all the planets in their respective Zodiac Signs.

How to find out in which Zodiac Sign you were at birth MARS:

FIRST METHOD: The easiest way to write to me DATE, PLACE (city, region) and approximate TIME of your birth. I will look at the astro program and write to you in which Zodiac Sign you have MARS.

Write your details in comments"
or email me sovetastrologa

click on the table to enlarge it

SECOND WAY: For those who want to figure it out themselves, I suggest downloading it for yourself astrological tables "Ephemeris". The first time to understand them is difficult, but if you dig a little, you will figure it out for sure.

1. Look for a table with your year and month of birth.
2. In this table, in the very first column, find your birthday, and in the uppermost horizontal row of the table, look for the image of Mars (usually this is the eighth column from the left). Mars is depicted as a circle, and above it - an arrow up and to the right.

3. At the intersection of the line with your date of birth and the column of Mars, there will be the coordinates of Mars on your birthday.

4. If there is no sign of the Zodiac sign next to the coordinates, then you slide your finger up the column with the image of Mars and after a few lines you come across the sign of the Zodiac sign. This is your Zodiac Sign Mars.

Ephemeris tables can be downloaded from the Internet.
For those who want to seriously engage in Astrology, it is better to buy this book (price 500-700 rubles). Usually they are issued for a period of 90 years (for example, from 1930-2020)

THIRD METHOD: Install any astrological program on your computer (any paid program offers a free Lite version).

On my blog in the section "Interesting sites on Astrology" (to the right of this article) there is a link to the astrological program ZET. Go there, select the "Files" page at the top and then follow the detailed instructions on the ZET website. Having installed it for yourself, you will enter the program, in the "Initial data" section, type in your birth data and your horoscope will immediately be displayed. Look for the icon of Mars and see what Zodiac Sign it is in.

There are many sites on the Internet, where you enter your birth data and the Zodiac Sign of your Mars is written to you. I cannot vouch for such data, because I don't know where the information comes from. And in the three above options, the data will be accurate.

As long as you find out

What zodiac sign is Mars in?

I will prepare the first article on this planet.

Diseases of Mars
Traditionally, Mars is considered a malefic planet, exerting a dangerous influence wherever it is at the time of birth, but this is especially evident when it is in an unfavorable position relative to another planet.
Although the powerful action of Mars is often manifested in the spread of energy that excites many diseases, yet it can have a constructive influence, like the Sun, give the body warmth and vitality, cleanse the body of the accumulation of toxins so that the fire of life burns brightly. Therefore, when the habits of Jupiter and Venus for treats and Saturn's constipation tendencies poison the body, Mars kindles the fire of fever and inflammation to burn away the waste and give the body a new breath of life and energy.
The pathogenic action of Mars predisposes to sudden inflammatory acute diseases, in contrast to Saturn, which tends to slow, temperatureless, chronic diseases. Therefore, of these two malefic planets, Saturn is the more insidious.
Some authors note that the influence of the red planet is more dangerous in the so-called Martian period of life, namely from 42 to 56 years.
(Harrison. Medical Astrology. Planetary Pathology.)

Mars is astronomically the closest planet to the Earth, the orbit of which goes beyond the Earth. This is a small planet, its diameter is 6800 km. The average distance to the Sun is 228 million km, the orbit is elongated. The time of one revolution around the Sun is 686 days and 22 hours.
In the Avesta, Mars is associated with Yazad (angel) Vertragna (Veretragna, Varharan, Varahram, Bahram, Behram). It is associated not only with victory, but also with the achievement of power, with gigantic forces. He was depicted as an Angel with a Sword, and this is a magical Sword that cuts through the darkness. On another level, one of the Amesha-Spenta (Immortal Saints, Archangels), Kshatra Vairyo (Shahrivar), the leader of the heavenly Holy Host, is connected with Mars: “in the struggle you will find your right”, in the struggle of Light and darkness with the inclusion of huge forces and active principles .
Mythologically, Mars, Mavoros, Marspiter is one of the most ancient gods of Italy and Rome. March was dedicated to him - the first month of the ancient calendar, in which the year began on the day of the vernal equinox. At various times, Mars was considered the patron of fertility and vegetation, wildlife, war. The identification of the functions of Mars and the ancient Greek god Ares occurs in a rather late period and close to our time, and it was more present in literature than in religion. With the merging of the functions of Mars and Ares, Mars was increasingly revered as the god of war.
Mars refers to the beginning of Yang.
Character traits:
(+) activity, assertiveness, impulsiveness, perseverance, directness, reaching stupidity, enthusiasm, courage, zeal in achieving the goal. Self-confident, likes risk, full of energy, active and easily excitable, quick-tempered, impatient, passionate, carefree. He loves competition, and always strives for leadership, does not tolerate external restrictions and barriers. He pays little attention to the feelings of others, but he is ready to protect his own from encroachment. He does not like moralizing very much, he cannot stand waiting - waiting is torture for him.
(-) aggressiveness, conflict, ruthlessness, rudeness, vulgarity, selfishness, can give a love of blood.
A good Martian is brave, courageous, resolute, has tremendous strength, will and passionarity - an excess of passion that can make a victim out of a person. An honest Martian lacks organizational skills, the ability to conduct intrigues. This is the real knight.
Aggression, rudeness, arrogance, anger are the features of an evil Martian. In everyday life, this is a tram boor. Often uses fists and always attacks first. With a good Mars, he will not be the first to attack, but with an evil one, he will, because he does not know how to wait. An increased desire and readiness for rash actions can lead such natures to crimes.
In life, good Mars gives a lot of passions and bright events. In everything such people are accompanied by struggle and victory. Good Mars makes it possible to successfully complete the work begun on one's own initiative. With evil Mars, a person experiences a sharp interference in his life or he himself can interfere in someone else's life. Such Mars can lead to drastic changes, catastrophes, dangers of violence. Possible fractures of bones, all kinds of injuries and injuries. Mars is a "little misfortune". Since Mars governs the head, it is precisely such a person that a brick can fall on his head. "Evil" Martians can have migraines, head injuries. Transiting Mars gives an acute course of diseases, outbreaks of infections, various redness, problems with the nose.
Key words: will, army, struggle, aggression, passion, savagery, protection, victory, activity.
Personalities: Admiral Kolchak, Van Gogh, Bismarck, Pugacheva.
Zodiac signs: Aries, Scorpio.
Microcycle: 687 days. It determines the stability of the relationship. If you have been dating a person for more than 2 years, then your relationship takes on a completely new color. If people have withstood each other, then tests are no longer needed.
Macrocycle: This is the so-called great opposition of Mars, which occurs when the Earth and Mars approach and are approximately on the same line. Hence 2 macrocycles: 13 and 15 years. For girls, taking shape occurs earlier, when the point of life passes through the zodiac sign Taurus (Taurus is a female sign), so the cycle of 13 years affects women more, and 15 years for men.
Appearance: The facial features of a Martian are characterized by rigidity, relief, a hooked nose, rather dry and rough skin, pronounced folds on the cheeks, nasolabial folds, especially in women. These folds give ardor and activity in love. The folds on the back of the neck, especially if the head is bald, speak of a person's greed. Martians love to wear short hair. The hair is tousled, sometimes coarse and unruly. Skin color is usually reddish. If Mars is evil, then they often “burn out” in the sun. The Martians have a dense body with pronounced musculature. Women have a pronounced torso, broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips. Often athletes.
Print on the body: a birthmark or a red mole at the back of the lower spine is a warning about violent death from piercing and cutting objects. A spot or mole can also be located on the coccyx along the line of the spine. A red pimple forming in the same place indicates the same. Don't get into a fight.
Print on the hand: the line of Mars is a transverse middle line passing through the entire palm, the line of the head. A large, clearly defined line indicates that a person has great willpower. If the line of the head begins directly under the index finger, then this indicates incontinence in childhood. Points on the line mean passions in a person's life. The star sign on this line indicates the danger of overspending energy. If the line begins between the thumb and forefinger, this speaks of harmonious development, a tendency to test and superiority, and normal ambition. But if at the very end it winds or if there is a fork at the end and it goes down, then this may be a negative sign, in which case you need to look at other indicators.
Professions: military, athletes, scientists who give a lot of ideas, medical practitioners, mostly surgeons who deal with blood.
Medical Correspondence: Among the organs, Mars corresponds to the brain, the system of iron exchange in human blood, muscles that are controlled by the will, striated muscle tissue. Sense organ - appetite, taste.
Number: 3.
Day of the week: Tuesday.
Color: red.
Metal: iron.
Stone: ruby, garnet, hematite.
Taste: sharp.
Note: before.
Landscape: forest, there may be some sharp ledges.
(P.P.Globa. Planets)

MARS signals with pain about disorders in the body and, in extreme cases, to burn toxins, leads to an acute inflammatory process.
Corresponds to excretory organs, muscles, red blood cells (erythrocytes), cerebral cortex, musculature, and striated muscle tissue; is responsible for the blood circulation of the brain and the exchange of iron in the body (the level of hemoglobin in the blood), taste and appetite. It is associated with infectious diseases (Mars and Neptune), fevers, inflammatory processes, accompanied by severe pain, surgery, high fever, injuries, scalds (Mars and Neptune), high blood pressure. Diseases according to Mars appear sharply, are acute, accompanied by fever and often a feverish state.
(E.K. Kashenina Planets)

Mars is will, activity, activity. Therefore, there are people of pressure, independent, individualists, leaders. The military is often referred to Mars, but this is not the main of the Mars professions. Sports should go first, there is will, individualism, competition, strength. Businessmen, people seeking to have "their own business". It is the Mars types who are the first to rush into risky situations. The very element of risk is important to them, requiring pressure, independence, and aggressiveness. Therefore, Mars types choose sports, business and racket for themselves - this is the first three typical Mars professions. And it is no coincidence that an athlete, having finished his career, goes first to racketeers, and then to businessmen. His psychological type inclines to this. The fact is that the whole psychotype of a person as a whole usually affects the choice of a profession. This happens most often. But sometimes a person may be “abandoned” to a profession other than his own by indirect signs: for example, in cases where the sixth house indicates one profession, and the entire psychological make-up of a person indicates another, and a person, following the instructions of the sixth house, as a result takes not that it’s not his place at all, but still he is engaged in a business that does not correspond to his psychotype, so he does not achieve much here, and if he does, he is not very satisfied with it. But if a person is allowed to choose freely in a certain space, and if society gives him the opportunity to realize this choice, then a person chooses a profession most often according to his psychological type. This is how former athletes, following their psychological type, choose for themselves such activities where they could fully demonstrate their high competitiveness, aggressiveness, will, tendency to independence, desire for physical activity, movement, etc. Army. Here it must be taken into account that military service as a whole is not a Mars type of activity. After all, the main thing in the army is discipline, which Mars cannot stand. A pure Mars type - one with Mars ascending or culminating - most likely will not go to the army. He, as we already know, is characterized by independence, competitiveness, a tendency to leadership. And in sports, as in business, there are more opportunities and space for such a person than in the army. But Mars in the sixth house usually does not give an athlete, but it just predisposes to the military profession. For example, former US President George W. Bush has Mars in the sixth house and, as you probably know, he was a professional military pilot. I had to meet a lot of people of different military specialties who have Mars in the sixth house. So the war, if you approach it from this side, can be considered as a Mars service, but not a Mars field of activity. Mars people are also a category of leaders, like solar ones, but even more rigid in type. In fact, the boss is a profession, just like, for example, in the United States, the president. This is also a profession, and moreover, in part, it is of the Mars type. However, we must not forget that not a single profession passes purely on one planet. The next group of professions of Mars is associated with fire and metal, with giving the hard material the necessary shape. And, most often, manual skills are required here. These are, for example, chasing, stamping and cutting of metal, wood and stone carving, processing of difficult material that requires will, energy, and skill. Here, however, one must also have the special qualities inherent in Mars in an earthly sign, and most of all in Taurus, which is also associated with the second house. This includes turners, locksmiths, blacksmiths, steelworkers. (Fire and metal, but in addition to gold and silver: jewelry work on silver belongs to the lunar group, with gold - to the solar group of professions). Carpenters and joiners, although to a lesser extent: wood as a material is traditionally associated with Venus (Taurus). Drivers, repairmen; manual skills related to metal, structures, mechanisms. What this entire group of "Martian" professions have in common is the ability to work with the hands in combination with muscular effort. It is not the pure dexterity of the fingers of the Mercurial professions. Watchmakers are, along with Mars, Mercury (fine work) and Saturn (timekeeping). Sewing, artistic embroidery are not among the Martian skills, but go along Venus; knitting and weaving of lace - Venus together with Mercury. Sewing standard costumes, as well as weaving from wicker and birch bark, is almost pure Mercury. Another group that I have hinted at before are the professions on the other side of the law. They may be plutonic. These are not the largest mafiosi, although there are some among them. There are more "ordinary" criminal professions: professional racketeering, banditry, robbery. This, however, does not include pickpocketing, burglaries, fraud and other non-violent crimes, for these are of the typically Mercurial type. This also includes card cheating. Remember, in fiction it is described how a card sharper is beaten on the nose with a deck of cards - what kind of Mars type will go for such humiliation a second time? Psychologically, only the Mercurial type can agree to this. And although there is undoubtedly an element of risk, but probably some element of masochism must also be present. The science. There is a whole category of professions here. By type of thinking, Mars is always an analyst; a scientist passing purely under Mars is always a hard experimenter and with Mars in the YIII house, but not in the X - otherwise it would mean a person making an independent career. Research in the field of metal, fire and other Martian interests: certain sections of chemistry, physics, metal science, such a rare specialty as volcanology, etc. In medicine, Mars also has its own sphere. First, it is surgery; but only you must not understand it superficially. The mere fact that the surgeon has a knife in his hands does not mean anything. For even the cook often holds a knife in his hands. The point, however, is that a surgeon is a profession that requires courage, the ability not to be afraid of blood, the possession of some refinement and determination. Please note that these people do not hesitate for a long time: they are used to making decisions instantly and have the ability to act - innate or acquired. The resuscitators have more Pluto than Mars, for they are more connected with death. Even more so - the pathologists. Beneath Mars are the medical professions associated with the ability to work with the hands: massage therapists, chiropractors, probably - and dentists, especially dental surgeons. Magicians and healers, if they are not under Pluto. Survival schools are undoubtedly Mars professions. Professions associated with blood and risk. Here, however, Pluto and Uranus also have a strong influence. These three planets love to take risks - Mars, Pluto, Uranus, so they often intersect in "bloody", deadly professions. Stuntmen and testers (Mars and Uranus), firefighters, prospectors (plus the Sun for gold diggers), hunters. Climbers are less often of the Mars type, and more of the uranium type. Circus performers: gymnasts, trainers of wild animals, etc.
(M. Levin. Planets and professions.)

By examining Mars in the marriage horoscope, we get a description of the most active side of the couple's life, especially with regard to its location in one of the houses of the horoscope. It also shows the form of expression of feelings by the spouses and the degree of impulsiveness of their behavior when they are in each other's company.
(Horoscope of marriage. Planets)

Mars -
1) astronomically, the closest planet to the Earth, the orbit of which goes beyond the earth. This is a small planet, its diameter is 6800 km. The average distance to the Sun is 228 million km, the orbit is elongated. The time of one revolution around the Sun is 686 days and 22 hours.
2) Astrologically, it symbolizes the power of attraction, energy, the will of a person. Mars seeks to get involved with all activity, not taking into account possible obstacles. He strives for complete victory. With “positive” Mars, this is not only willpower, healthy uncompromisingness, confidence in victory, but also the reality of achieving the goal. Mars also indicates youth, the power of sexual desire.
Mars meets its kindred energy in Aries and partly in Scorpio. If in Aries Mars manifests itself as it is, then in Scorpio it shares control with Pluto, which is the highest octave of Mars and symbolizes, in particular, the masses, in contrast to Mars, which shows individuality. The spirit of the planet is Samael. Angel - Faleg. Genius - Samuel. Tarot card - Strength. The number is 11. The day of the week is Tuesday.
(Planets - general description)

It symbolizes the power of attraction, energy, will, uncompromisingness, confidence in victory, the reality of achieving the goal.
(Planets - brief description)

Principle: Desire; the will to act; initiative; physical energy; stimulus.
Presented urges: Assertive and aggressive urge; sexual urge; motivation to act decisively.
Symbolized needs: The need to achieve desires; the need for physical and sexual arousal.
The principle of Mars is activity, action. Action, outward realization of the impulses of the individual (the Sun) in accordance with his desires (the choice of Venus). Action changes the world by overcoming its resistance.
In the human character, Mars manifests itself as activity, independence, initiative, vigor, passion, courage. A person does not go with the flow, but achieves his goal by actively intervening in events. If the Martian qualities are expressed excessively, then we can talk about rudeness, intemperance, aggressiveness, viciousness.
Francis SAKOYAN, Lewis EKKER (Planetary Aspects):
The sign and house occupied by Mars, or where it is lord, shows the ability to actively act, whether these actions will be creative or destructive, and in what areas of life they will manifest themselves. If Mars is in tense aspects, then a person is prone to desperate, thoughtless actions, does not think about the consequences. Mars afflicted means irascibility, sometimes fits of rage, violence.
The energy of Mars must be directed to the path of creation and intelligence, the good aspects of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn help in this; Mercury gives spiritual understanding, Saturn gives discipline, and Jupiter gives altruism. In a woman's horoscope, Mars shows the type of man she would like to lure, and in a man's horoscope, Mars shows how he will use his masculine abilities to please a woman. Mars is very connected with the world of instincts, many people act on the basis of their needs, only in highly developed personalities the spring of action is the will directed to spiritual affairs.
(Planets - short description - Arroyo, Levin, Kolesnikov, Francis SAKOYAN, Lewis EKKER (Aspects of the Planets))

For predictions, ancient astrologers used data on only five planets visible to the naked eye. Among them are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A separate place in this science is given to the Sun and the Moon. To each of these heavenly bodies, classical astrology ascribes responsibility for certain qualities of a person and the circumstances that arise in his life.

The sun is the personality, our ego, the moon is the subconscious. Mercury is responsible for intelligence, mental abilities, the ability to express one's thoughts. Venus gives a person charm, amorousness, good taste, love of comfort. In men, she also symbolizes his ideal woman. Mars - energy, vitality, power, as well as the ideal of a man in the eyes of the owner of the horoscope. Jupiter is a benefactor, Saturn is credited with the role of a strict teacher. People are born with the unique position of the planets in their horoscope, so there is no one who would repeat someone else's fate or have the same character as someone else.

Places of strength and weakness of the planets

At each point of the horoscope, when moving from one sign of the Zodiac to another, the planets acquire different characteristics. They can be in places of their strength, weakness, in hostile, friendly signs; in harmonious or complex aspects with other celestial bodies. A lot in the character of a person also depends on the combinations of the positions of the planets in each of the 12 houses of the horoscope.

There are many nuances for compiling a detailed description of the owner of the natal chart. Astrologers possess this knowledge, but if there is a superficial interest, it is quite possible to compile an express in one of the many services. However, you should not take seriously everything that the program will give out to characterize the personality - the computer cannot take into account many important nuances of the natal chart, only human intelligence can do this.

How to determine what sign the planet is in?

Experienced astrologers at a glance can accurately determine which zodiac sign is most pronounced in a person. In most cases, this is the sign in which the Sun is located, but this is not always the case. If the luminary is located in an unfavorable sign and house, then other planets will come to the fore in the character of a person. With a strong, unfavorably located Mars, this will be an aggressive, unrestrained person. If Mars is located in Aries, the place of its power, in the first house of the horoscope, this is an energetic, active person. When damaged Mercury comes to the fore, a person may well turn out to be narrow-minded and tongue-tied. A strong Mercury in Virgo, located in the 10th house of the horoscope, means that thanks to a logical mindset, career success can be achieved.

It is also impossible to unequivocally determine in which signs other personal planets are located, since too many factors influence this. However, this does not bother the tabloid publications, which publish daily horoscopes and characteristics of the planets in huge numbers. These publications should be treated only as entertainment and not be upset if the image turns out to be unpleasant.

Mars in astrology is a planet of great energy and great passions. His motto is "I'm doing it!". Mars is subject to human emotions, his passion, thirst for activity and thirst for life, as well as violent emotional outbursts. The planet Mars, bearing the name of the god of war, has a masculine character, capable of generating outbursts of anger and aggression. However, in fairness, it must be said that it is Mars in a person’s horoscope that gives his character activity and strength, so that, despite any obstacles, he can boldly move forward towards his goal.

In addition to the impulse to action and self-affirmation, Mars in the horoscope is responsible for sexual energy, bringing passion and fire into the relationship between a man and a woman.

Most of the qualities of Mars are associated with its fiery nature: it is able to burn, shine, smoke, shed light restlessly. People in whose horoscope Mars is strong are fiery people with an unbending inner core, for whom nothing is impossible. These are people whose energy raging with flames is so strong that they are able to subdue almost everything to their will. Even the orbit of his own life.

The influence of Mars on the Aries horoscope

Two zodiac signs at once - Aries and Scorpio - are ruled by the energetic planet Mars. The ruling planet Mars endows Aries with the gift of eloquence and logical thinking. It is thanks to the influence of Mars that Aries make excellent lawyers, politicians, scientists, businessmen and simply businesslike, active, enterprising people who are not inclined to wait for favors from Fate, but take it into their own hands and direct it in the direction they need.

The influence of Mars on the horoscope of Scorpio

In the zodiac sign of Scorpio, Mars is a co-ruling planet, sharing this responsible role with the planet Pluto. Astrology says: in the natal chart of Scorpio, Mars brings such qualities as composure, activity and some aggressiveness, which helps Scorpio fight and win.

However, in some areas of life, especially in everyday life, "Martian" aggressiveness sometimes becomes the Achilles' heel of Scorpio, making him a person with not the easiest and most accommodating character. However, Scorpio has a great opportunity to overcome such influence of the warlike planet Mars: to direct their turbulent energy to solving difficult work tasks, as well as to blow off steam more often by playing sports.

Positive manifestations of Mars in character and destiny:

Energy, purposefulness, realization of the plan, impulse, courage, strength, desire, enthusiasm, penetrating abilities.

In the signs of the Zodiac, in which Mars is the ruling planet (Aries and Scorpio), these positive features are especially pronounced. In the horoscopes of people of other signs, the influence of Mars and other planets depends on the location of the stars at the time of their birth.

Weaknesses of Mars

As a rule, weaknesses are the reverse side of strengths, which can manifest themselves in certain circumstances. For resolute Mars, this can be selfishness, aggression, anger, imprudence, thoughtlessness of actions, intemperance in words, ardor, militancy.

Mars orbital period

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system. It passes through the entire zodiac circle in 22 months, a guest in each sign of the zodiac for a little less than two months.

"Mars in the horoscope", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

Key words: energy, action, desire, assertiveness, strength. The planet Mars in astrology rules the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio, as well as the first and eighth houses.

Previously, astrologers called Mars the planet of "Little Misfortune" and associated it with wars, fire and destruction. The planet personifies the instinct of self-preservation inherent in all people - the impulse to protect oneself, one's home or one's opinion. You feel its influence when you defend your position, compete with others, or defend yourself from criticism, trying to protect yourself.

The energy of the planet maintains the necessary intensity as a stimulus to action and the desire to survive, without which it is impossible to achieve goals. Mars in astrology is associated with physical attraction, strength and regeneration. He personifies the desire to test his strength and courage. In matters of love, it represents the masculine principle and masculine erotica. In order to enhance the positive influence of the planet, use the talisman of Mars.

Properties of Mars in astrology

Mars represents vital energy, basic motives and motivations. At the level of the body, it symbolizes physical strength. From the point of view of astrology, Mars is responsible for the driving forces that help you take on any challenge and mobilize yourself in the face of danger. This is your "inner warrior", a competitive spirit that represents the heroic archetype. He loves to test your strength and courage, throwing various challenges.

The position of the planet in the natal chart shows whether you can impose your will on the world and whether there is enough physical and moral endurance to overcome all obstacles. At best, it ignites you with courage and the desire to be the first, the ability to act quickly and decisively. At worst, he makes you act recklessly, without thinking about the consequences. This is a fickle energy that brings the best results when used consciously.

In terms of interaction, especially in personal relationships, Mars is controversial. In astrology, he personifies the male principle, and his position in the natal chart shows how a man feels and manifests his masculinity. In a woman's chart, he means those qualities that she finds attractive in men and shows how she herself uses Martian energy.

This planet astrologically also symbolizes the courage it takes to become independent. To reach your potential, you need enthusiasm and confidence that what you want is achievable. Mars assists the Sun in developing healthy selfishness in a person in order to achieve significant goals. If you are confident in your power, then you can let others be themselves. It is only when you are afraid that you try to impose your will on others. Planetary influence brings passion and dedication to life, the more fully this energy is used, the more active you become and the more harmonious you feel.

Symbolism of Mars

Mars symbolizes the declaration of independence and self-determination. In childhood, this manifests itself in the desire to walk independently. The position of Mars in the natal chart shows the distribution of energy, the ability to manifest qualities such as rage and aggression, and how far you can go in your anger. It also shows how deeply you will allow yourself to be hurt, and how much you are capable of hurting others. Such personal qualities as the ability to act, to achieve what you want, to show physical strength, in astrology are associated with this planet.

In ancient Roman mythology, Mars was the god of war; in ancient Greece, he was known as Ares, who was usually depicted as an armored warrior. Thus, he personifies self-confidence, the birth of an impulse. If we talk about the development of human qualities, then Mars turns on at the stage when children begin to assert their independence and take their first steps in this big world. It symbolizes the forces that make you declare your independence, defend your positions in difficult and conflict situations, and not allow others to use you. In addition, Mars in astrology personifies the instinct of self-preservation and the desire to win a place under the sun.

Nowadays, people rarely have to fight for survival in the truest sense of the word. Much more often you are engaged in ideological battles. As children, and even adults, you are constantly subjected to pressure, coercion, they try to inspire you with what you need to be and what to do. In astrology, it symbolizes the desire to defend their rights, their territory and personal boundaries.

If Mars is weak in the natal chart, there will be a lack of enterprise, endurance, assertiveness. On the other hand, an excess of Martian energy leads to recklessness, intolerance, selfishness, recklessness and exhaustion. Indecisiveness, feelings of dissatisfaction, helplessness, loss of individuality and disorientation are all consequences of the weak energy of Mars. This can lead to depression or destructive behavior to compensate for feelings of powerlessness. If you use Martian energy for evil purposes, it can turn against a person and torment him. However, if you are able to justifiably express anger or other strong emotions, then the planetary influence will be supportive. Active actions in the sphere of influence of Mars can improve health and increase vitality. These include sports and physical activity.