Traits characteristic of a choleric person. I am sharp and straightforward in my communication

May be useful to many.

Types of temperament

A very, very long time ago, back in 400 BC, the scientist Hippocrates said that people can be conditionally divided into 4 main groups. The Roman physician Gallen supplemented this theory by discovering four main types of temperament:

  1. Melancholic. The name comes from two words: “melena” and “chole”, which means “black bile”. In short, such people are distinguished by touching, sophistication and sadness.
  2. Phlegmatic person. The word from which this term originated is “phlegm” - phlegm, lymph. Such people are calm, balanced, but malleable and slow.
  3. Sanguine. From Greek the term "sanguinis" is translated as blood. These are cheerful active people.
  4. Choleric. Translated, the term “chole” means “yellow bile.” These are emotional, impulsive people who are prone to sudden mood swings.

How to find out what type of temperament a person has? Is he sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic or choleric? The Eysenck test can help with this. This is a classic task to determine the type of temperament. However, it must be said that in their pure form they are quite rare. In a person, two main types of temperament are most often mixed, one of which is more active, i.e. leading.


So, the characteristics of a choleric person. Scientists have even identified the main external features of a person with this type of temperament:

  1. Choleric people are most often thin. He has long limbs and thin muscles.
  2. The chest, pelvis, and back of such people are predominantly narrow.
  3. The skull is cone-shaped, retracted, narrowed upward with a slightly pointed parietal region.
  4. The facial features of a choleric person are also pronounced and pointed.
  5. Such people are distinguished by a fast, purposeful and clear gait.

About children

Characteristics of a choleric person (this type of temperament) can begin by considering the character of such children. How will they differ from their other peers? Already at a very early age, such kids know their worth and love to be in charge. They easily subjugate adults. Parents achieve everything through crying and hysterics, which can go on for hours. If the child gets what he wants, he becomes affectionate and loving. He has fun and plays, expressing joy with his whole being. However, it must be said that from a very early age such kids become dictators and tyrants. This type of behavior sometimes persists for the rest of your life.

Motor skills of choleric people

What else is interesting about the choleric type? Such a person can be recognized even by special movements. Their motor skills have the following features:

  1. Facial expressions are always expressive.
  2. Their movements are sharp and feverish.
  3. Feels strong and energetic.
  4. Speech is very fast. It seems that they are simply afraid of being late to say or do something.

Positive aspects of character

It is imperative to consider the character of the choleric person. What positive aspects can be identified in people with this type of temperament?

  1. Optimism. For the most part, choleric people are optimists. They almost never get upset, because... can find a way out of a variety of situations. In addition, they are able to inspire other people, lead them, and show the way. Cholerics are excellent at concentrating exclusively on what is necessary, always making the right decision.
  2. Confidence. Cholerics are always confident in the correctness of their actions and decisions. That is why very often they achieve success in life. Doubt, which is essentially a destructive sensation, is alien to them.
  3. Leadership. Cholerics are very often leaders. Often - informal, so-called black cardinals. They have a sharp mind and the ability to make the right decisions with lightning speed. This is why others respect them.
  4. Responsibility. People with this type of temperament are very hardworking. And they take responsibility for completing assigned tasks. This quality often helps them achieve success in their careers.

Negative character traits

What else needs to be said if the characteristics of a choleric person are considered? So, it is necessary to highlight the negative aspects of the character of people with this type of temperament.

  1. Authoritarianism. Very often such people think that only they know what and how is right. In addition, choleric people most often do not know how to sympathize and have compassion. Justifying this by the fact that everyone is to blame for their own misfortunes.
  2. Irritability. Cholerics are very fast, both in thinking and in action. They do not like slow people, as well as those who are indecisive and shy. These qualities of people with this type of temperament are very annoying. Also, choleric people do not tolerate people disagreeing with their opinion.
  3. Tendency to violence. Cholerics are not inclined to forgive insults. In addition, they are very vindictive. Such people can exert psychological pressure. They are demanding parents and sometimes abusive partners.
  4. Tendency to prejudice. Cholerics force others to believe in what they themselves believe.
  5. Impatience. People with this type of temperament do everything very quickly, without dwelling on details. This is why they sometimes miss important little things.
  6. Stubbornness and cunning. A choleric person can easily persuade a person to his opinion, light him up and force him to work for himself. He is also very jealous of his own opinion, not wanting to listen to someone else’s.
  7. Limited communication. Choleric people do not like to be surrounded by too many people. They choose friends and employees who do not irritate them. If the boss is choleric, he will interact with the team through one person.

Emotional sphere

  1. Choleric people very often fall in love at first sight. This feeling grabs them instantly, like an explosion.
  2. They are very proud and ambitious. They love to be honored or respected by others.
  3. Cholerics are characterized by frequent and rapid mood changes. They come out of a calm state abruptly, becoming aggressive, impatient, and angry.
  4. People with this type of temperament are characterized by short temper. They have a lack of self-control.
  5. A choleric person expresses his emotions brightly, openly, and without embarrassment.

Labor activity

So, the characteristics of a choleric person, what else should be mentioned? So, I would like to separately talk about how such people behave in the workplace. As mentioned above, these are very hardworking and purposeful people. They are not alien to the desire to become a leader, and for this they will do a lot (sometimes going over their heads, as they say). To achieve their goal, choleric people can even sacrifice personal relationships with employees. In the hands of such an employee, everything goes smoothly, he does any work quickly. However, it is not always of high quality, because it does not know how to focus on details. If a choleric person becomes a leader, he will be very demanding and authoritarian. Everyone will have to take his opinion into account, and his initiative will most often be punished. Any innovations should go through such a director and all issues should be resolved. However, the enterprise itself with such a leader will only benefit and prosper.


Who does a choleric person get along with best? Its compatibility with other types of temperament:

  1. Choleric-phlegmatic. A choleric person will be very comfortable in the shadow of an imperturbable phlegmatic person. And the latter, in turn, will rejoice at the partner’s activity and restlessness. A phlegmatic person will never fully open his soul, but a choleric person does not care about this. After all, he does not pay attention to little things and details. Such a union is possible and can last a very long time.
  2. Choleric-sanguine. In this pair, mutual support between partners comes to the fore. The choleric person will be a generator of ideas, the sanguine person will try to bring them all to life. Problems may arise at the stage of choosing a relationship leader, because both members of the couple strive for leadership and the main position. There will be constant rivalry here. If this is sorted out, the couple can live together for a very long time.
  3. Choleric-melancholic. Most likely, such a relationship is doomed to failure. After all, a morally weak melancholic simply cannot withstand the pressure of a choleric person. In addition, a choleric person will not take into account the emotions of his partner, bringing him to tears and hysterics. The latter will not last long and will soon simply run away.
  4. Choleric-choleric. This is a very noisy and stormy union. There will be everything here - love and fights until you drop. Breaking of dishes and passionate reconciliations are possible. There will be practically no mutual assistance, since everyone strives to be independently responsible for their actions. Attempts to take a leadership position will lead to multiple scandals. Such an alliance can either quickly fall apart or last a very, very long time.

However, it is worth saying that in any case you should fight for the relationship. And if both sides give in to each other, even the most seemingly incompatible types of temperament will be able to exist side by side for a very long time.

The division of people according to types of temperament in ancient times was a purely medical subject, but in the modern world it has firmly entered into popular culture. Choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people, melancholic people - everyone is trying to get to know themselves and better understand the people around them, based on the accepted typology. Read about who a choleric person is and how to get along with him in the material below.

Who is a choleric person?

The theory of temperaments began to be developed back in antiquity. It was first proposed by the great ancient Greek healer and philosopher, the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, who lived in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. It is he who owns the terms denoting types of temperaments.

According to Hippocrates, human behavior is regulated by a mixture of neurohumoral fluids in the body - the so-called “vital juices”. He identified four components, the ratio of which constitutes one or another type of temperament:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • yellow bile;
  • black bile.

The predominance of one or another component gives us one of four types - choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic. This typology was developed in more detail by the ancient Roman surgeon Galen. According to the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen, yellow bile predominates in the body of a choleric person.

At different times, many scientists dealt with the problem of the relationship between the physical and emotional qualities of a person. Kretschmer, Sheldon, Eysenck, Jung and even Immanuel Kant proposed their models. The most interesting practical research in this area was carried out by our famous physiologist I. Pavlov.

Observing the interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition, Pavlov identified three properties of the nervous system:

  • strength;
  • equilibrium;
  • mobility.

Thus, a general brief description of a choleric person is as follows: a strong, mobile, but unbalanced type, excitation processes, in the cerebral cortex of which inhibition processes prevail.

How to identify choleric?

Surely many remember the famous French comedian Louis de Funes and his characters - impetuous, impetuous, angry, with active facial expressions and gestures, with expressive emotions and loud speech. These characters are a somewhat grotesque, but quite accurate illustration of those with a choleric temperament.

It is so interesting to watch choleric people that there is even a joke about this:

– How to distinguish a phlegmatic person from a choleric person?

- Very simple. The phlegmatic person believes that two and two equal five, and is absolutely calm. The choleric person knows for sure that two and two are four, but he is terribly nervous.

By this characteristic feature - constant nervousness and readiness to explode - it is easy to recognize a choleric person in any company.

Even in a calm state, a person of this type of temperament resembles a dormant volcano.


The connection between temperament and a person’s external appearance was the subject of reflection, for example, by E. Kretschmer. At the beginning of the 20th century, this German psychiatrist published his famous work “Body Structure and Character,” in which he proposed a model of constitutional typology. A little later in the USA, the idea was picked up by W. Sheldon and developed his own concept.

Being in a close relationship with a choleric person is not easy. It will still not be possible to change its nature, so the most correct strategy would be a philosophical attitude towards all flashes and explosions.

The easiest way to get along with a choleric person is a good-natured and lively sanguine person. He reacts just as quickly and vividly to everything, will not let his partner get bored, and will respond to choleric riots with his best weapon - humor. A sanguine person knows how to smooth out conflicts and make compromises, without allowing himself to be bullied. And on occasion it can provide choleric people with some of the difficulties they need like air.

Choleric - what type of temperament is and what can be expected from him?

Who is a choleric person and how does a person with such a character differ from others? The answer at first glance is very simple - a choleric person is a person with an explosive temperament, a person who is overwhelmed by a storm of emotions, often uncontrollable, erupting on everyone around him like streams of hot lava. How a choleric person works, what he can and cannot do, how he behaves and what he wants, the answer to all these questions will allow you to understand the main thing - how to communicate with such a person. First of all, choleric is a type of temperament.

Mysterious beauty

As much as it may surprise you, the Greek doctor Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, the man who killed thousands but saved millions, did not coin the term “temperament.” The ancient doctor introduced another, no less sonorous concept - “krasis”, which, in his opinion, determined the characteristics of human behavior depending on the most important fluids (“vital juices”) prevailing in his body.

  • If lymph predominates (in Greek - phlegm or phlegm) - the person becomes calm and reasonable, phlegmatic.
  • Sangvis (“blood”) makes a person cheerful, active and cheerful - a sanguine person.
  • “Ominous” black bile (from the Greek melen chole) turns a person into a gloomy, secretive recluse, sad and cowardly melancholic.
  • Seething yellow bile (from the Greek chole, “poison”) turns a person into an impulsive, wild, unbridled choleric.

And in the modern world - temperament

Herodotus's reflections on character types, behavioral characteristics and reactions to the world around him inspired later researchers, resulting in the emergence of the term temperament (in Latin temperamentum) as a scientific concept. A significant contribution in this area was made by a Russian researcher who lived at the beginning of the 20th century - Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. He was able to determine and prove that the basis of temperament is a type of higher nervous activity that combines mobility, balance in the processes of inhibition and excitation, as well as strength. Pavlov explained temperament as a set of innate and acquired characteristics of the nervous system.

According to this definition, a choleric person is a person with a strong, unbalanced, mobile type of nervous activity, in whom the process of excitation prevails over inhibition. Vivid emotions predominate in him, his activities are fleeting, impulsive, he often does not have enough strength for long-term work, therefore the choleric person often prefers to lead, drawing new energy from the process of dominating other people.

Pavlov characterized a choleric person as a strong and unbalanced type, whose lack of emotional stability, in the absence of proper upbringing, can lead to nervous breakdowns and a lack of ability to control one’s emotions in difficult life situations.

Character is strong and dangerous

What is characteristic of a choleric person? Such a person is characterized by lack of restraint, speed, impetuosity, and the ability to devote himself entirely to the task, but positive dynamics persist for a short time. He is able to overcome enormous difficulties, dominate others, show excellent leadership qualities, lead initiatives that interest him to a victorious end, demonstrating inexhaustible energy. At the same time, this type of character is explosive, aggressive, unpredictable, inclined to dominate, command, and even enslave others. Choleric people are prone to outbursts of emotions, rapid mood changes, active facial expressions and gestures. The movements of a choleric person are sharp and impetuous, and their gait is usually confident. This type is generally characterized by high self-esteem, unshakable self-confidence, bordering on or developing into unreasonable self-confidence and pride.

A scientific view of the volcano of emotions

According to the modern scientific view of things, the type of temperament is associated with several features of the nervous system:

  • Balance is a combination of the processes of inhibition (the ability of the nervous system to adequately respond to overloads by “braking” itself) and excitation (the ability of the nerves to withstand excitement, endurance).
  • Mobility is the speed of alternation of nervous processes.
  • Strength is the ability of the brain and nervous system to withstand heavy loads, to “take a hit.”

Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic are distinguished by fairly high strength, in this understanding, but differ significantly in mobility. In general, choleric people are a strong, but unbalanced type, capable of withstanding enormous mental stress, but at the same time unstable and irritable.

Choleric, melancholic, sanguine - prone to emotional swings, in the first it is aggressive forms, in the second it is depressive, in the third it is positive.

Choleric and labor

A choleric person is rarely capable of monotonous work; he also has difficulty performing tasks that require prolonged effort. This temperament is capable of taking things headlong, going on an assault, fighting for results, but if you force him to “sit in a trench,” he will quickly lose interest and work carelessly. A separate song - the choleric boss. Who is a choleric person in a leadership position? This is a leader, a bright personality, a fighter and an unshakable leader, at the same time he is a tyrant, a despot who cannot be convinced, a dictator who seeks to suppress everyone with his will. The only way to get along with a choleric boss is to obey unquestioningly. People of this type often become politicians, often military officers (albeit not very good ones). The main condition for a choleric person to work is the presence of visible results and interest.

Choleric in childhood

Cholerics tend to subjugate, dominate, and use emotions and arguments to control other people. The first person to face this is the mother, whose choleric child can cry, scream, and be capricious for hours, just to get what she wants. In adolescence, it is choleric people who are characterized by hyperactive emotional manifestations, which are then used to characterize “all teenagers.” An aggressive teenage bully is generally a classic version of a pronounced choleric person. At the same time, choleric people are more capable than anyone else of returning good for good; a contented choleric child is the most affectionate, gentle, sweet, kind and sympathetic of children. The main thing is to find an approach while maintaining a balance between love and common sense.

Choleric one on one

Dealing with a choleric person is difficult - constant mood swings, aggression, jealousy, emotional outbursts, violent reactions that sometimes seem completely inadequate. All together, this makes the choleric person unbearable, and yet he also strives to dominate others, prevail and “rule.” In a relationship, he only wants to be a leader, he expresses his thoughts and emotions without any extra thought about how they might offend others, and he is also terribly offended when he is not the center of attention. But at the same time, a choleric friend is the best person in the world, this person is ready to fight for his loved ones, ready to suffer, ready to provide all their needs (at his own discretion, however). A choleric friend is the same person whom you can call in the middle of the night, say that you are in trouble and in half an hour he will already be at your door, this is the person you can call to hitchhike to Vladivostok or “right tomorrow” to jump with a parachute. If you don’t argue with a choleric person and don’t try to suppress him, communicating with this type of temperament may well bring pleasure.

Mixed temperaments

Modern approaches in psychology claim that not a single temperament is found in a “pure” form in humans. At the moment, one of the most common methods for determining temperament is the Eisneck scale, which is based on the principles of extraversion (a person’s focus on the world around him) and neuroticism (balance of reactions of inhibition and excitation, which are mentioned above). According to this scale, each person can have certain traits of different temperaments, ideally two, depending on the circumstances, there may be more (up to traits of all four temperaments, but this is already an unstable psychotype).

The most common combination for a choleric person is sanguine cholericism. The choleric-sanguine person is distinguished by softened forms of emotional reactions, the same rapid change of emotions, embodied in softer, more often positive forms. Combining the features of a choleric person and a sanguine person, a person acquires the ability to work fruitfully (typical for a sanguine person, atypical for a choleric person) combined with a “punchy” ability to achieve a goal. As a leader, the choleric-sanguine person is also superior to the choleric person, since he builds his relationships not on the principle of dominance, but on the principle of mutual understanding, while maintaining the rigidity characteristic of choleric people.

The second original combination is choleric-melancholic, or melancholic choleric. This is considered almost impossible by certain criteria, but the facts prove the likelihood of such a nature. Among bright, creative personalities, there are often those who experience cyclical phases of their emotional state. At one moment they can be obsessed with ideas, active, aggressive, striving to achieve the impossible and do something extraordinary. But this phase, due to shocks or as a result of accumulated fatigue, can quickly be replaced by a period of apathy, pure melancholy, absolute indifference to everything around. This type, despite the negative aspects, is quite stable - it combines the dynamics characteristic of a choleric person with an internal reserve of strength and emotional stability characteristic of melancholic people. Such a person can rarely “strain himself”, having experienced another period of depression, the choleric-melancholic person again enters the phase of activity, demonstrating the ability to reach such heights that are unthinkable for a pure choleric person.

As already noted, there are virtually no pure temperaments. So don’t be afraid to meet a pronounced choleric person among your friends. Each person, depending on upbringing, external factors, life circumstances, is capable of demonstrating traits characteristic of different types of temperament, but still, one type is most often dominant and to communicate with such a person you need to know the characteristics of his character in order to avoid conflict situations and reach mutual understanding.

Tatiana Mironova

If you look into a psychology textbook, then among other descriptions of a person’s psychophysiological characteristics you can come across such a concept as temperament. This characteristic depends on the type of nervous system of the individual and is considered the basis of the character of each individual.

Currently, people use the terminology and classification once proposed by Hippocrates, which allows them to describe the type inherent in a particular person. And along with other types, choleric is considered the most “bright”. Let's figure out who a choleric person is, what traits make up the character of a choleric person, and what patterns of behavior are typical for him.

When wondering what the definition of the term “choleric temperament” (choleric temperament type) is, it’s worth going back to the distant past. The fact is that Hippocrates (as mentioned earlier) became the founder of the theory about different types of character, each of which includes a certain set of qualities.

The word choleric comes from the ancient Greek chole (χολή), meaning “bile” or “yellow bile.” Hippocrates associated this designation with a vital fluid that is present in the human body. In turn, the remaining types are characterized by the following relationships:

  • Phlegmatic – lymph (from the word “phlegm”).
  • Melancholic – black bile (from the words “melena” and “chole”).
  • – blood (“sangvi”).

What qualities of a choleric person will help you recognize him in a crowd?

Let's return to the basic terminology and classification in search of an answer to the question: “Who is a choleric person?” In psychology, there are two different concepts proposed by K.G. Jung and allowing us to divide all people according to personality types into two main groups: extrovert and. These are completely different and at the same time absolutely opposite psychotypes.

For example, an extrovert is a person whose behavior pattern is aimed at his environment and interaction with the people in it. At the same time, an introvert is a person who acts by turning inward. Based on this classification, we can say that choleric is a concept in psychology that applies to an extrovert, a person whose behavior patterns are focused on the external environment.

But, given the type of nervous system of such a person, he can be called an extrovert with an unstable/unbalanced emotional background. Moreover, this type is represented by strong people who have an active life position and love to be in the center of attention. Although, as practice shows, in some cases choleric people act as introverts with experience in self-control.

A choleric person, whose description of his personality type does not allow him to be considered a very cheerful person, has the following character traits:

  • Decisiveness (resolve).
  • Courage.
  • Perseverance.
  • Determination.
  • Inconsistency.
  • Willingness to take risks (even unjustified ones).
  • The desire to be a leader in everything.
  • Passion for controversy.
  • Thirst for new knowledge and discoveries.

In addition to the qualities described above, choleric people stand out due to others. For example, such a person may experience frequent mood swings, which can be observed daily by people from his immediate environment. In addition to this, a choleric person is a restless and even hyperactive person, sociable, impulsive, unrestrained, passionate, and reacts violently to different situations.

According to Hippocrates, the fact that “chole” (yellow bile) predominates in the body of such a person affects his behavior. This means that choleric people are often hysterical and aggressive, capable of throwing out all their negativity and discontent.

Temperament development at different age stages

Since temperament is often an innate quality of each individual personality, trends in its development are noticeable from a very early age. Thus, a choleric child is usually subject to frequent mood swings, which are observed in him already from the cradle. Such children are characterized by intolerance to loneliness, which manifests itself in the desire to constantly be in the arms of adults or to be in their company.

Choleric children do not sleep well at night. This can be explained by the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes in the nervous system. In addition, such children are emotional and very clearly express their desires to satisfy any of their needs. Such manifestations include such typical choleric features as crying, hysterics, screams, and whims.

But, speaking about children who, by their temperament, are choleric, one cannot help but say that they are responsive to affection and are able to appreciate kindness, love, and care. They are very inquisitive and active, which sometimes bothers their parents. Other features of a choleric person in childhood are sociability, the ability to easily and simply “get involved” in play with adults, a violent expression of joy, and the ability to sincerely love.

Among their peers, mature choleric people stand out for their determination, penchant for leadership, and thirst for new knowledge. Parents of such a child, who has been characterized by impulsiveness and increased emotionality since childhood, should use individual parenting techniques to instill in him the skill of self-regulation and self-control from childhood. Otherwise, the shortcomings of such a psychotype may gradually become a personality trait. This, in turn, can be expressed in manifestations of aggression, inappropriate rudeness and inability to complete tasks started.

An adult choleric person (a characteristic of a man) is often a personality striving for dominance, who can become a despot in the family, because he will demand from all its members unquestioning obedience and fulfillment of his demands, which is inherent in this personality. At the same time, a choleric man is a person who can become a breadwinner and a stone wall for a woman, reliable support and support for parents, as well as a loving and caring father for his children.

In turn, a choleric woman is a strong, strong-willed personality, characterized by a penchant for leadership, a desire for independence and a willingness to take risks. For this woman, household chores are not a priority, because she is not interested in the monotony of gray everyday life. She strives to conquer new heights and conquer the world.

What type of temperament is suitable for creating a couple with such a woman? In order for her to direct her energy in the right direction, there must be a phlegmatic man next to her who can withstand the stormy and hyperactive rhythm of his chosen one’s life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the psychotype

Like any other type of temperament, choleric has its pros and cons. A choleric person can be described in only a few words, which can only present a general psychological picture.

In fact, being a choleric person has a lot of advantages. The energy seething in him will allow him to give his best on the way to his goal, and the ability to plunge headlong into his favorite activity will help him choose the right path in life. Other advantages of the choleric type of temperament include:

  • An innate sense of leadership.
  • High stress resistance.
  • The ability to capture the attention of the public, persuade and lead people.
  • The ability to quickly make the right decisions.
  • Well developed imagination.

At the same time, choleric people also have several disadvantages. The disadvantages of this temperament include:

  • Excessive aggressiveness, which, in the absence of self-control skills, can turn into a force that destroys a person’s life.
  • Hot temper.
  • Ambition.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Little patience.
  • Irritability, which makes communication and friendship with such people very burdensome.

If there is a choleric person in your environment (and this will be easy to notice if you know the description of the main traits of his character), try to show more tolerance towards him. Such people, although prone to mood swings and irritability, can be responsive, grateful, attentive, caring and loving. Author: Elena Suvorova

Impulsive, passionate, hot-tempered, unbalanced, reacting quickly to a situation - this is how one can characterize a person whose predominant temperament type is choleric. Despite the fact that such people often have to “blow off steam,” they can be restrained and reasonable.

Character traits

A choleric person is an unbalanced but strong type; he can cope with significant mental stress, but such a person has an increased level of irritability and instability. Representatives of this type are easy to get excited about, they are aggressive, they often splash out emotions on others, but if you meet them halfway, they can quickly calm down and cool down. Innate leadership qualities contribute to the fact that choleric people strive to be winners in everything, it is important for them to attract attention to themselves, they are in constant motion. You can notice a choleric person by their expressive facial expressions and sharp, feverish gestures; they often chatter and consider attack to be the best defense.

Simple test

There is a simple procedure for determining the type of temperament a choleric person has, just note your inherent qualities from the following.

  1. Active.
  2. Angry.
  3. Initiator.
  4. Stubborn.
  5. Leader.
  6. Noisy.
  7. Dominant.
  8. Hardy.
  9. Rival.
  10. Forgetful.
  11. Vigorous.
  12. Active.
  13. Intolerant.
  14. Excitable.
  15. Impulsive.
  16. Impatient.
  17. Hot-tempered.
  18. Restless.
  19. Aggressive.

Don’t expect a complete match, because often one person has traits from at least two temperaments. If you have more than half of these qualities, then the choleric temperament type is predominant.


By nature, choleric people are sociable and make contact easily, but at the same time they want to remain leaders.

Choleric child

A choleric child is often capricious, trying to get what he wants; he often becomes the center of the family, and the rest of its members revolve around him. Despite this, such children become grateful for the slightest attention; they are responsive and affectionate when they are happy with everything. Such a child tends to violently express any reactions to surrounding events; he will be delighted to go to the circus, and the reaction to any prohibition will be screaming and crying. In group games, he prefers to be the leader. In adolescence, hyperactive expression of emotions will take over, so an aggressive teenager-hooligan can be considered a typical choleric person.

Choleric woman

Ambitious, strong, strong-willed, this is how you can describe a choleric woman. She is not afraid of everything new, which she easily learns, and loves to lead, regardless of whether she is in the family or at work. She will not make an ideal housewife; such women rarely sit at home, they strive to conquer heights and are ready to take on any interesting work. Next to a choleric woman there should be a pliable, calm, patient and softer man; a phlegmatic type of temperament will be an ideal husband, since only he can withstand such high activity.

Choleric man

A choleric man will dominate the family and will not allow his wife to command him. He is a representative of the stronger sex and behaves accordingly, taking care of the well-being and safety of the family. A choleric father can become a despot; he will demand unquestioning obedience from his children, but he is also characterized by sensitivity, love and care.

A choleric man can become a tyrant in the family, then the child will suffer the most. You won't be able to change your character, but you can try to correct it.

A representative of this type needs followers whom he can command, so at school such individuals often gather a large company around them, which is ready to follow and obey. They are not prone to loneliness, so they are sociable and often have many friends. Thanks to their organization and quick reaction, choleric men quickly move up the career ladder and often become successful in business.

Choleric extrovert

An extrovert can be characterized by the predominant process of excitation over inhibition. And choleric people are typical unstable extroverts, since they are focused on the outside world, always strive to be in the center of attention, therefore they are extremely sociable, but at the same time uncompromising and often splash out their negative emotions on others.

Choleric introvert

An introvert is a secretive person, he is not inclined to share his experiences and thoughts with others, and does not openly show emotions. Such people avoid large and noisy companies and are never the first to make contact. Based on this characteristic, we can assume that an introvert and a choleric person are something so incompatible that it is extremely rare to meet such a person.

Pros of temperament

A choleric person always pre-analyzes the situation before inserting his “two cents” and this can be attributed to the advantages of this type. This type of temperament is disruptive; it can even be called an innovator, since excessive activity makes one strive for more. Such individuals are able to quickly make important decisions due to their high concentration of attention. A creative approach to work makes it possible to expand activities.

Cons of temperament

As for the disadvantages of this type, such people often do not finish the things they start, since it is difficult to do one thing for a long time, and their range of interests is wide. The choleric person is active, but being in constant motion, he often gets tired and sometimes does not understand this, because of this emotional breakdowns occur.