Negroid race: distinctive features. Blacks in Brazil

Much is known about black slavery in the United States and the fight to abolish it, but much less is known about the impact Africans had on the formation of countries Latin America. But black slaves exported from Africa, among whom, according to the most conservative estimates, were at least 30% Muslims, were brought within the framework of the “Golden Triangle” not only to North but also to South America.

Millions of Africans were transported to Brazil in the holds of slave ships. Today, half the population of this country has African roots. African culture played important role in the formation of Brazilian culture, influencing, among other things, the local cuisine.

Africans began to be brought to Brazil's neighboring Argentina at the end of the 16th century, mainly to work on plantations in the Rio de la Plata region.

By the beginning of the 19th century, they made up up to half the population of some provinces of the country.

In the capital, Buenos Aires, they made up about a third of the population.

Since the second half of the 19th century, the percentage of blacks in the population began to decline.

This fact can be explained very simply: in 1865-1870, Argentina fought with Paraguay and entire units were formed from blacks and sent to the most dangerous places.

Those lives that were not claimed by the war were claimed by the yellow fever epidemic in Buenos Aires in 1871. By order of then-Argentine President Domingo Sarmiento, blacks were not allowed out of areas of the capital where the disease was raging and were not provided with any medical care.

Many blacks also fled to Brazil and Uruguay, where they were treated more humanely.

Argentina is now considered an overwhelmingly white country, but blacks have not actually disappeared from the country.

The thing is that, as in any society where most people have mixed ancestors, the question of origin is very confusing and sensitive. Having black ancestors in your ancestry is considered “wrong” and therefore by default people with different shades skins are considered "white". In Argentina they tell as an anecdote an incident that had real place in life: when a famous woman came to the country in the 50s black singer Josephine Baker, she asked Health Secretary Ramon Carilio, who was also black, “Where are the blacks in this country?” He answered her: “There are only two of them here - you and me.”

According to demographers, at least 1 million modern Argentines have black ancestors, and in Buenos Aires about 10% of the population are descendants of black slaves.

However, at the state level, a policy has been adopted of hushing up the role that black slaves played in the development of the country.
In this regard, Miriam Gomez, a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, who studies the history of black slaves in Argentina, writes: “People have been indoctrinated for years with the idea that there are no blacks in Argentina. This is even mentioned in school textbooks. Racial prejudice is strong in our society and people really want to believe that they are white and descendants of whites. If a person has only a drop of “white” blood, he considers himself white.”

This is complemented by the fact that for many decades, immigration to Argentina came mainly from Europe and people with African blood mixed and preferred to hide their true origins.

“If you look here for people with very dark skin you won’t find them,” Gomez continues, “everyone is already mixed up here.” The purpose of "excluding" blacks from Argentine history is the desire of all successive Argentine governments to present the country as a continuation of “white” Europe in Latin America. The participation of Africans, [many of whom were Muslim by origin] in the history of Argentina, the use of slave labor is surrounded by a conspiracy of silence. “All this demonstrates the racism of the country’s ruling elite, which views people of African descent as uncivilized savages.”

Ildar Mukhamedzhanov

Did Charles Darwin renounce his theory of human evolution at the end of his life? Did ancient people find dinosaurs? Is it true that Russia is the cradle of humanity, and who is the yeti - perhaps one of our ancestors, lost through the centuries? Although paleoanthropology - the science of human evolution - is booming, the origins of man are still surrounded by many myths. These are anti-evolutionist theories and legends generated by popular culture, and pseudo-scientific ideas that exist among educated and well-read people. Do you want to know how everything “really” was? Alexander Sokolov, Chief Editor portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU, collected a whole collection of similar myths and checked how valid they are.


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People descended from blacks

This is a popular interpretation of the African homeland hypothesis: man is from Africa, and blacks live in Africa. Therefore, they are our ancestors. Logical?

Not really.

If we understand that one modern species (for example, chimpanzees) cannot be the ancestor of another (for example, humans), then let's be consistent. It is foolish to look for ancestors of others among some current races. All modern races evolutionary history the same length - approximately same number generations separates Negroids and Caucasians from their common ancestor.

One could, of course, argue that some of the races evolved more slowly and retained more archaism than others. But blacks are in no way suitable for the role of such “relics”: they (unfortunately for racists) have no more archaic features than any other race.

Europeans usually pay attention to the protruding jaws and wide nose of Negroids - seemingly ancient signs, but much less often they notice such progressive features as a high, even convex forehead and weak development of the eyebrows, a generally reduced massiveness of the skull and long legs. Here the Negroids will give Europeans a head start.

Of course, we must not forget that the population of Africa is extremely diverse - this is confirmed by both anthropologists and geneticists. For a resident of Europe, “they all look the same,” but Africans are the “classical” blacks of West Africa, and the much more Caucasoid Ethiopians, and the short pygmies from the Central African forests, and the peculiar Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, who generally look like a separate “small big race" (small in number, large in genetic differences from others). By and large, they are united only by dark skin, curly hair and some other features that are an inevitable adaptation to the African sun.

The oldest African finds, attributed, sometimes with some stretch, to Homo sapiens, from 100,000 to 200,000 years. But were they blacks? And in general, can they be classified as any race?

The skull of Omo 1, often remembered as the oldest sapiens, consists of many fragments, and little of his face remains. Even if it is indeed a sapiens (which some respected researchers doubt), its racial identity is hardly determinable.

The same applies to other controversial and undisputed ancient sapiens. Here are a couple of examples.

The famous skull from Kherto (Ethiopia, supposedly 155,000 years ago) is so distinctive that it is described as a separate subspecies of sapiens - Homo sapiens idaltu. In any case, he does not look like a black man: his nose is wide, but his jaws protrude weakly, and his eyebrow is of impressive size.

A much later skull from Hofmeyer ( South Africa, 36,200 years ago) looks more like European Cro-Magnons (and, by the way, the aforementioned skull from Herto) than Negroids: his size is very large, his face is extremely large, which is not typical for modern Africans; the eyebrow is in the form of a continuous ridge.

A similar picture is typical for other ancient human remains from Africa - Dar es? Soltan (60,000–90,000 years ago, Morocco), Nazlet Khater 2 (30,000–45,000 years ago, Southern Egypt), Wadi Kubanya (16 000–19,000 years ago, Southern Egypt), etc. In short, not a single African find, until the end ice age, that is, actually until 11,000 years ago, does not qualify for the title of a real Negroid. Along with Negroid features - such as a low face, a wide nose and protruding jaws - these skeletons always have features that are not found in modern blacks. Therefore, the term “palaeonegroids” is sometimes used for them. It should be added that the remains attributed to paleonegroids are not at all similar to each other - some of them could be considered representatives of different races.

Let me remind you that 11,000 years ago man had already settled throughout Eurasia and Australia and entered America. It turns out that the Negroid race in modern form formed not only tens of thousands of years after the species arose Homo sapiens, but after the sapiens last time came out of Africa (45,000–50,000 years ago).

This does not change the fact that the oldest sapiens in Africa were most likely in many ways similar to modern Equatorialians. They probably had dark skin to protect them from the scorching sun rays; curly hair - an air layer above the head to prevent heat stroke; wide nose, thick lips, elongated body proportions for effective heat transfer. These signs are often found in human populations living in the equatorial zone (for example, among the Papuans in Melanesia), and do not indicate their kinship, but rather adaptation to a hot climate. It is possible that different groups people, such features arose repeatedly and independently.


Our ancestors lived in Africa, but they were not real blacks. Modern Negroids are a race that finally formed in Africa about 11,000 years ago.

White blacks of the USSR - the goal and result of the criminal racial policy of industrialization of 1920-30. Part 1.

Communism is racial mixing! A rally against race mixing as a policy of the communist government.

"Black Russians -The Red Experience" documentary trailer

The Soviet government allowed black jazz ensembles to tour around major cities. Can you imagine the result of these tours in a year in demographic terms? A dozen young energetic blacks stage mind-blowing concerts, after which they dine in restaurants with white women - there were no others!

Blacks in the USSR dance with white women in a restaurant. It’s not hard to guess what they will do after dinner, but in those years it didn’t matter with contraception....

In January 1932, black 30-year-old Langston Hughes was approached by employees of the Soviet foreign trade department Amtorg with an offer to go to the USSR as a screenwriter for an anti-racist film. Hughes recruited a crew of 22 American blacks, mostly natives of New York's Harlem. (Hughes' film crew)

Young black men full of strength and health. The Soviet government created ALL the conditions for them to be happy. Paid high salaries. The men had money. And this is during famine and the rationing system in the USSR. Well, what woman can resist the offer to date such a wealthy macho, but the fact that the black man is the same, poor fellow, oppressed proletarian...

"Communist ideology shocked the world with its radicalism, and Soviet Union became a phenomenon of the twentieth century. - implementation of a socio-political project unprecedented in world history. The new state was perceived precisely as a family of nations. Many members of ethnic minorities were eager to visit the “mythical land”: “We all knew that one of the basic principles Soviet state- rejection of the idea of ​​racial inequality,” wrote one of the most prominent representatives"Harlem Renaissance," poet and writer Langston Hughes."

Hughes wrote that in the Soviet Union “I received much more money for one edition of translated poetry than for numerous publications in various American magazines. For a publication in Uzbek, which most Americans had never heard of (even I before I came here), I was paid enough to live on whole year without needing anything"

Approximately two hundred African Americans from 1922 to 1936. came to the Soviet Union in the hope of finding there better life. All of them can be divided into three groups. Firstly, young communists who sought to build a career in the diplomatic service, who came to the USSR to study Marxism-Leninism and the mechanism of organizing revolutions. The second group are cultural figures, namely, non-partisans, as a rule, intellectuals and artists; And another group were technical specialists who came to work under a contract (R. Robinson, D. Tynes, O. Golden, D. Sutton). At that time, it was not difficult for an African-American who emigrated to the Land of the Soviets to get a well-paid job. The Soviet government hired US workers ostensibly to improve production in the Soviet Union. During the Great Depression, this turned out to be very useful, and the workers agreed, completely unaware that the authorities of the young socialist state planned to use them, and especially black specialists, as an effective tool of Soviet propaganda.

Some African Americans who came to the USSR to work, study, or simply came out of curiosity in the 1920s and 1930s decided to stay. They lived like all other Soviet citizens and started families. This is how a diaspora of Russian African-Americans appeared, who can be considered the heirs of the “Harlem Renaissance”.

Blacks came to the Soviet Union whose skills and talents were needed Soviet society. In other words, they constituted the top of African-American society. Serving Soviet propaganda could provide a good career and a better life than other citizens, but it had to sacrifice a lot. For example, R. Robinson noted that work was not always assessed according to its merits in materially. In addition, after 1937, the USSR was a closed society - foreigners were simply not allowed to return to their homeland. All blacks noted that prejudice against racial minorities was prohibited by law. Only freedom in the Soviet Union was limited for all citizens.

The end of the “New Negro Movement” is usually associated with the height of the Great Depression. Blacks became its first victims. The unemployment rate among people of color was twice that of whites; level wages the Negro worker was one third lower than that of a white worker.

The USSR became an ally of American blacks as representatives of an oppressed people, and therefore an enemy of “true Americans.”

In 1937, Stalin issued a decree that all foreigners must either leave the USSR or become its citizens - the decline began " iron curtain" This is how a diaspora of Russian African-Americans was formed - heirs of the “Harlem Renaissance”.

In the USA, in 1937, the economic crisis worsened. The stock market collapsed again. In less than six months, another 4 million men and women lost their jobs. The Roosevelt recession was an unprecedented collapse in American history. And again, blacks suffered the most, while white southerners had such power on Capitol Hill that even F. Roosevelt lacked the political will to push through federal law against barbarian vigilantes.

Those blacks who became Soviet citizens and decided to stay in the USSR after 1937 fell into a trap; few of them were able to subsequently return to their homeland.

Blacks began to come to the USSR during industrialization in the early 1930s, at which time blacks were shown in zoos in all zoos in Europe and even in the USA. That is, white society clearly showed his attitude towards them as inferior in development, almost animals, not much different from a monkey.

There was racial discrimination in the USA; blacks were kept at a distance from whites.

The USSR government, sending Amtrak employees to recruit foreign workers, deliberately preferred to invite blacks, although for the same money and on the same conditions they could have invited white specialists and workers, that is, they deliberately created conditions for interracial mixing.

At the same time, it is difficult to accuse white women of debauchery, given the devastation, hunger, rationing system, queues for food, lack of necessary industrial goods for sale, and housing hell. Relations between white women and blacks almost always ended in the birth of mulattoes:

Only in 1935-36 in Europe were the last cages with blacks in zoos eliminated - in Basel and Turin. Before that, white people willingly went to look at blacks in captivity (as well as Indians and Eskimos). But the last “temporary exhibition” with blacks was in 1958 in Brussels at the Expo, where the Belgians presented a “Congolese village with its inhabitants.”

(Basel Zoo, 1930, with Somalis on display)

Already in the 16th century, blacks were brought to Europe as exotics, much like animals from newly discovered lands - chimpanzees, llamas or parrots. But until the 19th century, blacks lived mainly in the courts of rich people - illiterate commoners could not even look at them in books.

Everything changed with the modern era - when a significant part of Europeans not only learned to read, but also emancipated themselves to such an extent that they demanded the same pleasures as the bourgeoisie and aristocracy. This desire of the white common people coincided with the widespread opening of zoos on the continent, that is, from about the 1880s.

Then zoos began to fill with exotic animals from the colonies. Among them were blacks, whom the eugenics of that time also classified as representatives of the simplest fauna.
(And these representatives of the simplest fauna flooded the USSR at the invitation of the Soviet government and carried out a demographic revolution - replacing the white population with mulatto mutants.)

As sad as it is for today's European liberals and tolerants to realize, their grandfathers and even fathers willingly made money on eugenics: for example, the last black man disappeared from the European zoo only in 1935 in Basel and in 1936 in Turin. But the last “temporary exhibition” with blacks was in 1958 in Brussels at the Expo, where the Belgians presented a “Congolese village with its inhabitants.”

The generation of descendants of industrialization—mulattoes born after 1930—even by the end of the Second World War did not reach conscription age, that is, their generation survived and multiplied.

After the end of the Second World War, the difference between the white population and the mulattoes began to be striking. The Soviet government was not at a loss this time either: the whites were forced to call themselves Russians, their nationality was written into their passports: Russian, Russian culture and customs were invented, and the mulattoes and their descendants were called Jews,

They also came up with their own culture and customs. But after 1972, mulattoes were allowed to return to their ancestral homeland - this was the so-called Jewish emigration. No surprise! In fact, this Jewish emigration was nothing more than repatriation!

And the wife of dear Leonid Ilyich, Victoria Brezhnev, a BLACK WOMAN, worked for this Jewish emigration-Negro repatriation, which is why she was almost never shown on television.

The descendants of blacks occupied the USSR and now occupy almost leading positions in politics, economics, finance, and the media in the Russian Federation. They are leading entertainers, athletes, painters, astronauts, military leaders, managers....

They won't let anyone into their circle.

They maintain a perimeter defense on all fronts against the white race, creating new piles of lies every day. They work tirelessly to White race didn't guess who it was main enemy and how he ended up in their native white country, Russia.

MEDIA LYES Television is in the hands of Jews and not Russians

Zhirinovsky. All Russian bankers are Jews!

Why do we have many Jews in politics?

There are no Jews, there are descendants of blacks, mulattoes, white blacks.

The descendants of blacks - wolves in sheep's clothing - put on the guise of benefactors bringing progress and prosperity, but in reality they are deprived creativity, survive only due to the printing press and funds taken from the white race. By the way, about the Federal Reserve printing press, founded in 1913. The contract for the use of the machine was temporary, for only 100 years, which is why white women, children, and old people were killed with such haste and cruelty, and the survivors were turned into slaves and subjected to forced racial mixing. They were in a hurry, but they didn’t have time; not all the whites were ground into powder. Why was it necessary to destroy the whites? To sleep peacefully, without fear of resistance, and so that only the descendants of the Negro invaders of the planet live on the planet. But it's time to pay...

About ethnic origin Abkhazian blacks and how these Africans got to Abkhazia, experts do not have a consensus. Historians agree that the settlement by blacks of a number of villages in the vicinity of Adzyubzha in Abkhazia (then part of Ottoman Empire) most likely occurred in the 17th century. According to one version, several hundred black slaves were purchased and imported by the princes Shervashidze (Chachba) to work on citrus plantations. This case was the only - and, apparently, not entirely successful - experience regarding the mass import of Africans that occurred on the territory of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

According to another version, the Negro Abkhazians are descendants of the Colkhians. However, the question of the likelihood of at least some kind of continuity between the ancient Colchians and the current Abkhazian blacks is open: reliable evidence there is no information about the existence of a Negroid population in historical Colchis. They may also come from Egyptian Copts or from Falasha, Ethiopian Jews. The Abkhaz writer Dmitry Gulia in his book “History of Abkhazia” compared data on the toponymy of Abkhazia and the corresponding area of ​​​​Ethiopia and argued that some of geographical names“exactly the same”: Bagada - Bagada, Gumma - Gumma, Tabakur - Dabakur, etc.

In 1927, Maxim Gorky, who became interested in the problem, together with the Abkhaz writer, Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the SSR of Abkhazia Samson Chanba, visited the village of Adzyubzhu, where he met with old-time blacks. Based on the results of his trip and comparison of the information received with the literature available to him, he considered the Ethiopian version of the origin of the Abkhazian blacks to be similar to reliable.

There are also a number of “folk” poeticized legends, which may have had some basis in reality.

  • According to one of them, mentioned in a memo from Ivan Isakov to Nikita Khrushchev, an Ottoman ship with slaves who were being transported for sale was wrecked near the Abkhaz coast during a storm. And today’s Negro Abkhazians are the descendants of those who escaped from that ship and founded a colony in Abkhazia. This legend, however, does not explain how such a ship could have drifted into the waters of this part of the Black Sea so far from the main sea routes of the then world slave trade.
  • Another legend tells of relations between the Narts and certain “black-faced people” from the Horn of Africa. Along it, the legendary sledges returned to the Caucasus from a long African campaign with a hundred black guides. The latter remained to live in Abkhazia.
  • According to the third legend, Peter the Great was involved in the appearance of black Abkhazians: he imported many araps to Russia - and those of them who could not acclimatize in northern capital Russia, St. Petersburg, generously donated to the Abkhaz princes. According to the candidate historical sciences Igor Burtsev, there could really be several dozen such “gifts of Peter” in Abkhazia.

Perhaps, to a certain extent, several scientific hypotheses and legends are true at the same time: many of them do not de facto exclude, but complement each other.

In Georgian, Negro Abkhazians were called shavi katsi (“black people”) or shavi khalkhi (“black people”). In the aforementioned memo from Ivan Isakov to Khrushchev about the Abkhazian blacks, among other things, it is said that the governor of the Caucasus, Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov, imitating Peter the Great, had in his personal convoy blacks from Adzyubzha, who accompanied him in Circassian coats. Prince Alexander of Oldenburg, the founder of Gagra, kept at his court several representatives from each of the peoples of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, including local blacks. It is known that already in the 19th century all Abkhazian blacks spoke only Abkhazian and considered themselves representatives of the Abkhazian people. Other Abkhazians take this for granted without objection. Their total number is estimated by different observers in the range from “several families” to “several villages”. There is also no unity among the sources regarding the predominant religion - apparently (see below) in Abkhazia there exist or existed in the recent past both Christian blacks and Muslim blacks and Jewish blacks.

Abkhazian blacks are engaged in growing citrus fruits, grapes, corn, work in the coal mines of Tkuarchal, at Sukhum enterprises - a knitting factory, in the port, etc. Like many Abkhazians, Abkhazian blacks today speak Russian. Most of them are assimilated and heavily mixed, many left Kodor, settling in other parts of Abkhazia, neighboring Georgia and Russia, as well as beyond their borders.

Among the very contradictory evidence concerning or supposedly concerning the ancestors of the Abkhazian blacks or themselves, researchers usually note the following: Colchians, apparently Egyptians: I understood this myself even before I heard from others. Having become interested in this, I began to ask [about this relationship] both in Colchis and in Egypt. The Colchians retained clearer memories of the Egyptians than the Egyptians did of the Colchians... They are dark-skinned, with curly hair. However, this still does not prove anything. After all, there are other peoples of the same kind. The following arguments are much more solid. Only three peoples on earth from time immemorial have subjected themselves to circumcision: the Colchians, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians. - Herodotus, History. In nine books. Book II. Euterpe / Transl. G. A. Stratanovsky. - M.: AST, “Ladomir”, 2001.

I was amazed by the purely tropical landscape. In the bright greenery of the dense virgin thickets huts... covered with reeds loomed, curly-haired black children were swarming, everywhere there were... black people in white clothes. Negroes are no different from Abkhazians, they speak only Abkhazian, they profess the same faith... I think that blacks in these places are a random element.

Ethnographer E. Markov, publication in the newspaper “Caucasus”, 1913.

There is still a black population left in the mountains of Abkhazia. ...The Muslim black villages of Abkhazia lived little better than their ancestors in Africa: almost complete illiteracy, poverty. The local population does not mix with the blacks, they were pushed into a barren mountainous area... Young people who knew Russian... said that everyone wanted to study, that women were illiterate, that, in general, the race was dying out.

Daughter of Joseph Stalin Svetlana Alliluyeva, Only one year old
- New York: Harper & Row, - 1969. ISBN 0-06-010102-4

For the first time I saw them not in Israel, but in distant Sukhumi. And we met in... the Sukhumi synagogue. On the second floor, an attendant sold me a bag of matzah baked on an “American machine.” Suddenly several completely black, curly-haired men entered the room - they looked like real blacks - and Abkhaz language They asked the servant something. He answered them... When they left, I asked: “Are these blacks Jews? And how did they end up here?

N. Orlov, Abkhazian descendants of Pushkin - “Aleph” magazine (Israel)

Well, how do blacks live in the Soviet Union?
- What blacks? - the owner became interested.
- Like what? - the prince was surprised, looking around at the local blacks sitting at the same table. - To you!
“And we are not blacks,” said the owner, smiling with his characteristic smile and nodding at the other blacks, “we are Abkhazians.”

Millions of people live on our planet. Each has its own characteristics and original appearance. All people can be roughly divided into races. IN in this case these groups will differ in basic characteristics, i.e., skin color, eyes, hair. Such differences are passed on from parents to children. They can change, but this process is very complex and lengthy.

The emergence of racial characteristics

Today there are only a few races. This is the Negroid race. They are the most numerous at present. In ancient times, their number was tens of times greater.

The question of the emergence of races is akin to the question “where did people come from?” Despite the achievements of science, these topics still remain relevant and not fully understood. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the division into races occurred under the influence of climatic conditions. The peoples who once inhabited the continents were exposed to various external factors. For example, dark color skin lesions in residents of hot countries appeared as a result of constant exposure to the sun. The specific shape of the eyes of the Mongoloids protected them from the steppe wind and sand.

These changes were felt most by the Negroid race. It is believed that the features appearance entrenched at the very beginning of the existence of its representatives. Initially they lived on African continent. Other peoples could not penetrate these territories. They were hampered by vast distances, seas, oceans and mountain ranges. All this made possible the emergence of obvious differences between people.

Negroid race: signs

Representatives of this race are distinguished by dark skin (brown or black), slim figure, long legs, curly dark hair, wide lips and nose, dark eyes. The Negroid race is divided into African and Oceanic (Papuans, Australians, Vedas, Melanesians). In the first case, people have virtually no facial hair. In the second case, the beard and mustache grow abundantly.

Today, many blacks represent a significant portion of the American population. They are descendants of the blacks who inhabited these places after the discovery of the continents.


Until some time ago, every nation was dominated by representatives of some race. Nowadays one can observe their mixing. For example, representatives of all races can live in one country. In addition, such mixing often results in the emergence of new racial types. For example, Russians are representatives Caucasian. However, among them there are very often people with narrow eyes and wide cheekbones. These are the consequences associated with mixing with

The Negroid race spread across all continents. As a result, Europeans developed very and Because of this mixing, mulattoes appeared, of which there are many on the American continent and Australia. Some peoples of America are mestizos. They inherited the features of both the Caucasian and Mongoloid races.

The emergence of new subspecies of races is still possible today. IN modern world people have the opportunity to move any distance, to any point on the planet. This provides an excellent opportunity to create a new, unique appearance for a person.