Valery Fadeev: Russia in search of meaning. Valery Fadeev no longer runs Expert Fadeev Valery Aleksandrovich chief editor of the magazine expert

The life of a journalist is always exciting and interesting. The masters of the pen walk their path together with a million readers, and it is they who make them truly famous. Valery Fadeev, now a famous journalist, presenter of programs on central television and

Career path

Fadeev Valery Aleksandrovich was born in Tashkent on October 10, 1960. In 1983, he received a higher education diploma from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in management and applied mathematics. Beginning in 1988, he was engaged in scientific activities for four years. From 1992 to 1995, he developed in two directions: journalism and science. First of all, Valery Fadeev is an expert and scientific editor of the Kommersant publishing house and also deputy. Director of the Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Since 1995, his dynamic career in the field of journalism began. He gained particular popularity in 2014, becoming the host of the socio-political talk show “Structure of the Moment”. As for his political career, he took part in the development of the law “On the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation”; in 2012 he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin. An important stage in his development was the start as the host of the television program “Time” on Channel One.

Family matters

The current Channel One star is in no hurry to share information about her personal life. As you know, Valery Fadeev is married and has three children. He chose the red-haired Tatyana Gurova as his wife. As you know, the spouses are co-owners of the Expert holding. Tatyana holds the position of first deputy editor-in-chief. As for the children, it is known that their adult daughter graduated from a prestigious educational institution - the Higher School of Economics.

Moment structure

Starting from October 2014 and ending in June 2016, Valery Fadeev shone on the television screens of Channel One viewers as the host of the show “Structure of the Moment.” The socio-political show aired every week. Guests and studio participants discussed controversial topics related to the problems and difficulties of life in Russia. Public figures proposed possible solutions, which were also commented on by permanent presenter Valery Fadeev. “The Structure of the Moment” was held in a round table format. The host's guests were Karen Shakhnazarov, Alexey Venediktov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Leonid Slutsky and other public figures. The show explored topics such as “The UK referendum on leaving the EU” or “Does Ukraine and the Minsk Agreement have a future?” Often the guests did not come to a common opinion and allowed themselves harsh statements towards each other, but Valery Fadeev, whose biography helped him learn how to act in such situations, was always tactful and competent when resolving conflict situations. Now you can only watch archived episodes of the program, since after Fadeev’s transfer to another program, “Structure of the Moment” ended its existence.

In place of Zeynalova

As you know, the host of the Channel One news program “Evening Time” since 2012 has been Irada Zeynalova. The viewer got used to her style and enjoyed watching new news broadcasts with her comments. It seemed like it would be like this forever. But in September, as the host of an evening news program, the viewer saw a new face for this program. The new presenter was Valery Fadeev. It is not completely known what these rearrangements are connected with. One of the opinions says that Irada Zeynalova’s ratings fell, and they decided to replace her. There is information from other sources that Zeynalova was tired of the quiet life of a news anchor and wanted to return to the life of a correspondent with various business trips. Whatever the reason, the news program is now hosted by Valery Fadeev, a person close to power, a liberal and former host of the socio-political show “Structure of the Moment.”

Not Dmitry Kiselev, not Dmitry

“Sunday Time” on Channel One overlaps in time with “News of the Week” on the Rossiya TV channel. In this regard, channels have to not only divide the audience, but also compete in ratings. The presenter of Vesti Nedeli, Dmitry Kiselev, is known to be ahead of Irada Zeynalova in all indicators. Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the introduction of a new face to Channel One. The newly minted news presenter Valery Fadeev, according to viewers and experts, is the complete opposite of Kiselev. Fadeev’s format does not include statements regarding spies, the fifth column, so beloved by viewers and fans of Dmitry Kiselev. But perhaps the first channel is guided by the fact that Kiselev’s time, like Zeynalova’s, will sooner or later pass, and then Valery Alexandrovich will reach his peak of popularity.

Say what you think and you'll be right

The love and respect of the audience is most valuable to Valery Fadeev. Reviews of his work are not always clear-cut. This is due to the fact that he always has his own opinion, which sometimes does not coincide with the view of the audience. But they listen to him, they listen to him and discuss him. For example, he notes: “A journalist works in order to be in the place where an interesting and significant event took place. His responsibilities are to find out the details, communicate with eyewitnesses and then convey this to the public, preferably without deception. But, despite this, each journalist should have his own position and at least some kind of worldview. Of course, you can write political articles and defend your personal opinion in them, but you can no longer call it journalism. This is simply an expression of the position of a publication or a specific person.” And here is what Valery Fadeev says regarding foreign media: “If you do not take into account political correctness, then, in comparison with ours, the Western media, of course, are stronger and more powerful. For comparison, I would like to cite the attendance of Spiegel magazine from Germany. There are no entertaining topics, everything is about politics, but to the point. Discussion of the state budget of Germany simply tears up all possible ratings, since everything is stated clearly and intelligibly - for whom the changes are good and for whom they are not. They do not attribute the lack of popularity to the disinterest of the people; they try in every possible way to captivate the people. And, as a result, they get a return.”

An expert's view of the Russian economy

As part of the Synclite at VIAM, Valery Fadeev spoke about the Russian economy, the difficulties of its development and ways to solve them. In his reflections, he came to the conclusion that the main problem is the most severe monetary policy, namely, recommendations for a sharp reduction in the money supply. In his opinion, to create the basis for the development of the country’s economy, it is necessary to forget about templates and highlight truly significant guidelines. To do this, it is important to discuss the real economic situation, and not spend all the time creating “mythical assumptions” about it. According to Valery Fadeev’s acquaintances, he does not write books, but conveys his opinion through meetings with interested people and conducting political broadcasts. At the synclite, he highlighted the problem of reducing the interest rate in mortgage lending. He stated that the cost of mortgage housing in our country could be 5 times less. Answering questions from guests, Valery focused on missing innovations, the production of a meager range of goods and the degradation of the economy.

Heart-to-heart with Dmitry Medvedev

On the air of the final program “Sunday Time,” Valery Fadeev was able to talk and ask questions to Dmitry Medvedev. Answering important economic questions, Dmitry Anatolyevich noted that negative trends will completely exhaust themselves in the near future. The reason for this will be government measures and the desire to improve the country's health. According to the Prime Minister's forecasts, GDP growth will be observed next year. Subject to improvement in other macroeconomic indicators. As for the rise in prices, this, according to Dmitry Anatolyevich, will only happen within the framework of inflation. And, according to his forecasts, it should be insignificant, which means it won’t hit Russians’ pockets too much.

Journalist = civil servant

When Valery Fadeev was asked for his opinion on the idea of ​​equating journalists with civil servants for the purpose of publishing and declaring income, he responded with indignation and bewilderment. In his opinion, this is overkill. The desire to get into the pockets of journalists is understandable, especially on the part of the opposition, but, according to Fadeev, this will only entail the development of “black accounting.” But no one will ever know the true state of affairs. And the appearance of journalistic salaries “in envelopes” will only further aggravate the country’s economic situation.

Svetlana Povoraznyuk, Anna Akhmadieva

The founder of the Expert TV channel, Expert-TV LLC, which had multimillion-dollar debts to creditors and former employees of the TV channel, was renamed and ceased to exist after a merger with the Ivanovo-based Paradise LLC, specializing in the wholesale trade of food products. According to lawyers, it will now be extremely difficult to achieve payments for obligations from the legal successor of Expert-TV. The prosecutor's office stated that there were no grounds for conducting verification activities and prompt response.

The Expert TV channel was launched by the media holding of the same name in 2008. Problems with the channel began almost immediately after the launch, and then the search for investors began. The debt of Expert-TV LLC for employee salaries, according to the editorial team, amounted to about 25 million rubles. In 2012, Expert created a new company, LLC Company Expert-TV, to which employees of the unprofitable channel were invited. After this, the TV channel continued to accumulate debts. One of the main shareholders of the Expert media holding, Vnesheconombank, allocated 100 million rubles for their liquidation. However, on March 12, 2013, the Expert-TV company filed a bankruptcy petition with the Moscow Arbitration Court.

According to the team’s estimates, the debt owed to them by both companies is about 50 million rubles. Employees are trying to “knock out” money through the courts. At the moment, payments have been made to 10 employees on maternity leave and several more employees who came from the regions. Debts are paid by Expert-TV Company LLC.

However, the second debtor - the co-founder of the TV channel - Expert-TV LLC - has still not paid the debts. Instead, in 2012, the company was deregistered and renamed Techno-TV, co-owned by CJSC Media Holding Expert (30.30%), CJSC Group Expert (30.30%), and the magazine Expert" (30.30%) and a native of the Tambov region Sergei Menshchikov (9.09%). In February 2013, Techno-TV was reorganized into Paradise LLC, which should now be responsible for the debts of Expert-TV.

According to a former employee of the channel, Natalya Antipina, when trying to find someone responsible for the obligations, the search ends at Techno-TV.

Lenders are sent to Techno-TV on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, but there is no one there and never will be,” she explains.

Antipina’s words are confirmed by the conclusion of the Moscow prosecutor’s office (available to Izvestia). Capital prosecutors found out that Techno-TV does not operate at the address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; in addition, its general director is Sergei Menshchikov, who died on December 10, 2012. The merger with Paradise took place on February 15, 2012, on this date Menshchikov is listed as the general director and co-owner of the company.

[Maria Istomina, 07/05/2013: As we managed to find out, the founders of LLC "TECHNO-TV" (changed name of LLC "Expert-TV") include dead souls!!! On February 15, 2013, a native of the Tambov region, who hanged himself on December 10, 2012, was appointed the new general director of the company. That is, in fact, for a month (before the closure) the channel was led by a dead man... What makes the situation even more piquant is the fact that the legal successor, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is Paradise LLC (!!!). The document recording these facts is in . – Insert]

The capital's prosecutor's office and the prosecutor's office of Tambov (where Menshchikov lived) came to the consensus that there were no grounds for a prosecutorial response. The channel’s employees, who see elements of fraud in the actions of the former management, expect that measures will be taken by the prosecutors of the city of Ivanovo, where Paradise is located.

However, the head of the Dobronravov and Partners bureau, Yuri Dobronravov, claims that it is too early to talk about fraudulent actions. First, prosecutors must prove the company's intent.

A lawyer colleague from the Knyazev and Partners bureau, Ruslan Konorev, who specializes in LLC activities, calls the renaming of the company with further reorganization into a provincial company a standard scheme for avoiding responsibility to creditors and employees. Most often in such cases, the final legal successor goes bankrupt.

This is what they do when they want to get rid of a company in a civil way. “Don’t just throw it away, but drain it,” says Konorev. - The legal successor is located far away, and no one will go there. Its founders are also, as a rule, nominal.

In this case, you should not count on compensation for debts to employees, the lawyer believes. He is also supported by his colleague from the DS Law law office, Mikhail Alexandrov.

Co-owner and general director of the Expert media holding Valery Fadeev, in a conversation with the publication, said that he was not ready to comment on the situation around Expert-TV LLC and did not understand what kind of reorganization we were talking about.

Expert-TV LLC has gone bankrupt, and I have nothing to do with it. Some procedures are underway, it is known,” he said.

Fadeev noted that the reorganization of Expert-TV was probably caused by needs, but Fadeev does not remember what exactly. [...] this story was familiar for the TV channel (and, according to rumors, for the holding’s print media). Salaries of employees have been delayed since the very moment of launch and, even despite the found investors in the form of VEB and promises to pay everything, many of their debts have not yet been returned. In the summer of 2012, designer Alexander Korotich, who came up with the design for the channel, publicly accused the management of the Expert holding - Valery Fadeev, Tatyana Gurova and Alexander Privalov - of cheating. According to Korotich, he was owed 600 thousand rubles for the design of the channel. After management refused to resolve the debt issue with him diplomatically, he went to court and won, but discovered that he could no longer get his money from the company.

The fact is that in January 2012, the Expert-TV channel changed its legal entity - from Expert-TV LLC to Expert-TV Company LLC. Thus, all the won claims were addressed to the defunct company. Many other employees of the TV channel found themselves in a similar situation, and the debts of some of them reached the amount of their annual salary. According to Fadeev, the change of legal entity was made as part of the restructuring of the holding. He refused to talk in more detail about this restructuring in a comment to, as he refused to name the amount of the company’s debt.

The last time Expert-TV journalists were paid was in mid-January - a quarter of their salaries for November 2012. But, according to employees, the TV channel owes not only to them, but also to most of its counterparties, so much so that now in the office they threaten to simply turn off the lights for non-payment of rent. However, few people will need light there anymore, since at the beginning of March the channel stopped broadcasting news and latest program releases, and on March 12 it stopped broadcasting altogether, including on the Internet. As a result, all the results of four years of work disappeared from the channel’s website, although some of the recordings can still be found on the Expert-TV page on YouTube.

On the same day, March 12, the management of Expert-TV filed a bankruptcy petition with the Supreme Arbitration Court. And on the evening of March 13, Valery Fadeev met with Expert-TV journalists to talk with them about the fate of the channel and the company’s debts (a correspondent was present at this meeting). Fadeev announced to employees that external monitoring would soon be introduced and that from the moment the external observer appeared, the company would stop paying debts (the text of this speech, by the way, is already available on Facebook).

According to Fadeev, the reason for the failure was that the channel’s expenses significantly exceeded its income, although in terms of costs, Expert TV was “the most effective channel in Russia.” Fadeev explained that the project was difficult from the very beginning, since it was launched during a crisis, and its management “overestimated how the market would develop.” As for the payment of debts to employees, Fadeev drew special attention to the fact that they were warned in advance that the project was difficult. “Leave this risky job and find another job. Many will confirm that this has been said many times,” Fadeev noted.

After the opening remarks, the general director answered questions from employees, who, naturally, were most concerned about the issue of paying wages. After several evasive answers that the holding puts the payment of wages as its top priority and will try, despite filing for bankruptcy, to start selling equipment and furniture, as well as find other, unnamed sources for repaying debts, Valery Fadeev finally admitted that cannot promise anything and does not undertake any obligation to return the money. Desperate journalists, who had clearly heard many of these phrases not for the first time (although previously they had still been promised to return the money), eventually suggested that Fadeev turn for help almost to Putin, whose confidant is the journalist.

Valery Fadeev, of course, responded to such a request only with a surprised look, but the channel’s journalists published it the next day, promising to send it, including to the State Duma and the presidential administration. [...]

The news about the closure of the Expert TV channel and the scandal with debts to employees was received ambiguously in the media environment. Some sympathize with deceived journalists, others consider that they had to understand what they were taking on and for whom they were working. Still others note that there is nothing surprising in this story, since Fadeev "famous deceiver". And the general director of RBC-TV, Alexander Lyubimov, directly stated that the TV channel was run by “non-professional managers” who should not have gotten involved with television.

The Expert-TV journalists themselves, when asked why they stayed on the channel, answer that they had too good a team and immediate superiors, and besides, they believed Fadeev’s promises for a long time and relied on the reputation of the Expert holding. [...]

Valery Fadeev "for 5 years satisfied his ambitions at the expense of not only his employees, but also shareholders and creditors"

Original of this material
© "Forum.msk", 03.25.2013

A confidant of the National Leader bankrupted his TV channel, but did not become impoverished himself

Receive 400 million rubles from the State Bank for the development of a TV channel, and then bring it to bankruptcy; accumulate 50 million in debt to employees and leave only tables and chairs on the company’s balance sheet; change the legal entity in a timely manner and ignore dozens of legal claims from former employees and contractors. Only a person of remarkable intelligence with great connections can do this. One of the founders of the Expert TV channel, Valery Fadeev, is a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Putin’s confidant in the 2012 presidential elections of the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, in Russia the founders are not at all responsible for their LLCs: at one point you don’t like the financial indicators - you leave the company along with the employees, with debts to creditors and that’s it - you are clean before the law, you continue to live happily ever after.

Former Expert-TV employees spent more than a year going through various authorities. However, all appeals to supervisory authorities, ministries and departments, in the end, ended up where they began their journey - in the Savelovskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office and in the State Tax Inspectorate, where they were safely shelved. The Russian judicial system was unable to resist such sophisticated methods of doing business by Mr. Fadeev. It seems that only the guarantor of the Constitution can cut this “Gordian knot”. Desperate employees of the Expert TV channel turned to the President of the Russian Federation for help. Text of the letter:

"Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

We, the team of the TV channel "Expert-TV", appeal to you as the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and urge you to pay attention to the blatant violation of the law on the part of your authorized representative in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, head of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic initiatives, head of the Expert media holding and one of the founders of the Expert TV channel Valery Aleksandrovich Fadeev. Thus, the behavior of this manager partly discredits the authorities.

For 5 years, the head of one of the most authoritative Russian media outlets satisfied his ambitions at the expense of not only his employees, but also shareholders and creditors, among whom were state-owned banks such as VEB and GLOBEX. In 2007, Valery Fadeev established the Expert-TV channel, brought it to bankruptcy with his illiterate leadership, and is now evading responsibility and the legal claims of hundreds of employees, as well as Russian and international counterparty companies. The debt to members of the labor collective of the Expert-TV television channel amounts to tens of millions of rubles (from 150 thousand rubles for each employee).

Financial problems at Expert-TV began from the moment of launch and continued until the broadcast ceased. On March 12, the Expert TV channel declared itself bankrupt. On March 13, at a meeting with employees, Valery Fadeev said that only two cameras remained on the channel’s balance sheet and promised to repay part of the accumulated debt using the proceeds from the sale of tables and chairs. All liquid assets of Expert-TV Company LLC, including video cameras, studio equipment and vehicles, were transferred to the balance sheet of the Expert media holding a year ago, just at the moment when Mr. Fadeev asked Vnesheconombank for money to develop the TV channel . Throughout 2012, the TV channel rented the above equipment from the media holding. This means that we have almost no chance of getting the money we earned through honest labor. At a meeting with employees on March 13, 2013, when each person already had thousands of debts, Mr. Fadeev cynically stated: “And we warned you: if you are afraid to take risks, do not do it. Leave this risky job and find another job.”

The state twice tried to help the TV channel in distress. In 2009, 20% of the holding's shares were purchased by GLOBEX Bank, and two years later an additional issue of shares was carried out. Mr. Fadeev has repeatedly said that “400 million from VEB should be enough for 3 years of active development of the TV channel.” However, the channel’s employees never saw the appearance of new equipment, the repayment of debt to the team, or any other benefits from the receipt of money from the state treasury. At the same time, at a meeting with the staff on March 13, Valery Fadeev categorically stated that “all this money was literally ‘eaten up’ by the TV channel in a year.”

In 2011, in order to restructure the Expert media holding, the legal entity was changed from Expert-TV LLC to Expert-TV Company LLC, where the entire workforce of the TV channel was transferred in January 2012. We were convinced that a change of legal entity was necessary in order to get away from debts to third parties and pay off employees. As the main argument, the management of the media holding used its reputation, which supposedly would not allow it to deceive its employees. However, the debt to the team for the “old company” was never paid. Expert-TV LLC was renamed into TECHNO-TV LLC with a new legal address, so the management of the media holding ignored dozens of court decisions made in favor of the plaintiffs (former employees of Expert-TV LLC). The debts of some of them from the “disappeared company” reach the amount of an annual salary. In addition, Expert-TV Company LLC was deprived of any financial freedom: in 2011, the commercial service of the TV channel was transferred to the media holding. Everything that the TV channel earned from advertising was transferred directly to the Expert media holding.

Wage delays were systematic in both companies. The debt to the channel's employees, according to our calculations, is about 60 million rubles. The last payment made to us for the “new company” was on January 16 and amounted to 1/4 of the salary for November 2012. Debts for the previous legal entity were not repaid. In addition, no contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for over two years. Currently, ten channel employees are on maternity leave. For several months they do not receive the benefits they are entitled to, which, by the way, is compensated to the employer by the state. At a team meeting on March 13, 2013, Valery Aleksandrovich promised to “think about employees who are on maternity leave.” We are afraid that he will limit himself to “thoughts”, and women will remain “hanging” on the balance sheet of a bankrupt company, without receiving the money they so need and are entitled to by law.

We filed collective and individual complaints with the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow, the Savyolovsky Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, the Savyolovsky District Court of Moscow, the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. All lawsuits were resolved in favor of the plaintiffs, but the employer did not comply with the requirements.

All this time, the Expert-TV team fulfilled its official duties in full. None of us received any complaints from management. Moreover, many employees received certificates and verbal thanks.

We have repeatedly asked the immediate management of the TV channel to resolve the problem of non-payment of salaries. The general director of the TV channel, Firuz Karimov, forwarded our appeals to the management of the Expert Media Holding and personally to Valery Fadeev. In response, we received only regular promises to pay off the debt and stabilize the salary payment schedule, but they were not fulfilled.

Thus, the channel staff found themselves in the position of serfs, while many employees found themselves below the poverty line, with dependent families and loan obligations. Some workers did not even have the financial ability to travel to their place of work, and some nonresident employees had to live in the TV channel’s utility rooms. In response to direct questions from channel employees about the prospects of repaying the increasing debt, management simply offered to resign. But, as practice has shown, employees who resigned have not yet received their pay.

We believe that the positive image of Valery Fadeev as a politician and public figure is incompatible with such a disdainful attitude not only towards his employees, but also towards the norms of Russian legislation. We turn to you for help, because the supervisory authorities and the judicial and legal system of the Russian Federation as a whole sometimes turn out to be powerless in the face of businessmen who know how to find a loophole in any legislation, such as Valery Fadeev. We believe that it is very dangerous for the country’s economy to have such an “economist” as Mr. Fadeev at the head of the ASI Expert Council.

We ask you to take special control of the settlement of the financial dispute between the management of the Expert media holding and the creative team. We earned our money through honest work and are confident that an employer must fulfill its obligations to its employees.

In the new television season, Channel One will replace the host of the “Sunday Time” program. The place of Irada Zeynalova, who has been the face of the program since 2012, will be taken by the General Director of the Expert media holding Valery Fadeev.

This information was confirmed to RBC by several sources on Channel One, as well as those close to Valery Fadeev. The journalist himself refused to comment on this information, and Irada Zeynalova advised contacting the channel’s press service on this issue, which did not provide comments on the change of presenters.

Now the “Sunday Time” program has a planned vacation. The last episode of the TV show was released on July 10, and the new season will begin on September 4 - until this time, the program staff is on vacation and also knows nothing about the situation with the change of presenters. However, it is known that Valery Fadeev is already preparing for the role of the host of “Sunday Time”, passing tests in the program’s studio.

Most likely, sources say, Irada Zeynalova will remain on Channel One - she may be offered to host some talk show.

Zeynalova has hosted the “Sunday Time” program since 2012, replacing TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy, who is now running for the State Duma from United Russia.

One of the reasons for the change of presenters is said to be fierce competition with the program “News of the Week with Dmitry Kiselev”, aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. The ratings for the programs are approximately the same: the latest episode of “Sunday Time” scored 4.7%, while “Vesti Nedeli” had 4.4%. Before this, the VGTRK program held the palm for three weeks in a row, but the advantage was insignificant 0.1 - 0.3%.

The choice of Valery Fadeev fell due to the fact that the Kremlin wants to see a leader on the eve of the presidential elections who will inspire more confidence among the conservative electorate. The second reason is the Kremlin’s desire to compensate for Fadeev’s offense for his loss in the United Russia primaries and his failure to get into the State Duma, the publication writes. Fadeev was promised a place on the list of Moscow United Russia members, but at the last moment he had to advance in the Komi Republic, which was unfamiliar to him.

Valery Fadeev has been the editor-in-chief of Expert magazine since 1998. Since 2006, he has headed the holding of the same name. He is a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia, one of the leaders of the party’s liberal platform, and a member of the central headquarters of the ONF. Vladimir Putin's confidant in the presidential elections. Former member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

The reshuffle in the “Sunday Time” program was commented especially for “Davydov.Index” by the head of the department of advertising and public relations at the Institute of Industry Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir Evstafiev:
Valery Fadeev is a very attractive, imposing man in appearance, who is most likely liked by women. Then he speaks well, his speech is correct, he does not need to read from a piece of paper. This is a very big plus. He has a brilliant understanding of the intricacies of politics, which is why he has been doing this for a long time, for almost twenty years. And he himself took part in all this. That is, he can be extremely useful when editing news, and can become a leader.
He is very calm, reasonable, without any hysterics, and not greedy for sensations, as some people like. Therefore, his appearance will undoubtedly decorate the broadcast and ennoble it, making it more professional. Of course, Zeynalova and her emotions will be missed, but she will probably find another application for herself.

Political scientist, historian and blogger Sergei Zelenin, in turn, does not see much difference in the change of presenters of “Voskresnoye Vremya”.
One talking head was swapped for another talking head. I just can’t imagine what could categorically change as a result of this. Any presenter does not speak from himself, he voices something. If it’s not an original program, like Dmitry Kiselev’s on Channel 2. This means that for some reason the management needed to change the presentation of the material.
I would not say that this is a serious, life-changing change that can change the attitude towards Channel One. Many just as they did not watch television, just as they did not perceive the information provided by central TV, will not do so,
— the expert commented.

Well, something like this.

Full version of the material with detailed expert comments

Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.
Russian journalist. TV presenter.

Valery Fadeev was born on October 10, 1960 in the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. At school, the boy showed himself to be an excellent analyst, who can easily master precise subjects. After receiving his matriculation certificate, Valery enters the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where he studies at the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics.

Then the young specialist’s career included research institutes. He worked on energy issues, and in recent years the USSR became a senior researcher at the Institute of Market Problems. In independent Russia, Valery Fadeev joined the team of the Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as deputy director.

Later, the man plunged into social activities. Fadeev believed that his experience would be useful on the political path and joined the United Russia party, in which he became a member of the Supreme Council. Valery is also a co-author of the law “On the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation” and has been among the members of this organization for almost six years.

Thanks to his work at research institutes on issues of domestic and foreign markets, Valery Fadeev became a very high-level specialist. And in 1992, he was invited to be an expert, and subsequently scientific editor, of the very popular weekly magazine Kommersant.

Three years later, the man took on a new project - the analytical magazine Expert, where in a couple of years he rose to the position of editor-in-chief. It was this publication that made Valery Fadeev famous throughout the country. In addition, he collaborated with such a large-scale publishing house as the Izvestia newspaper.

In 2004, the journalist first tried himself on television. He hosted the talk show “The Structure of the Moment,” the topic of which was the socio-political life of Russia and the rest of the world. This program is still airing on Channel One and the managers were very pleased with Fadeev the TV presenter. As a result, in the summer of 2016 it became known that from the beginning of September it was Valery Aleksandrovich who would replace Irada Zeynalova, who hosted the program earlier, in the Sunday edition of the TV program “Time”.

In March 2017, by Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Valery Fadeev became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. At the first plenary meeting, June 19, 2017, he was elected secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.

In September 2018, Fadeev left Channel One due to workload at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. He himself perceived his work on television as a part-time job.

Journalist and member of the Public Chamber Valery Fadeev October 21, 2019 appointed Chairman of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia.

Family of Valery Fadeev

Valery Alexandrovich is married and has a daughter.

Irada Zeynalova (Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti)

In 2014, a scandal erupted around one of the stories shown in the Sunday program. The journalist interviewed a refugee from Slavyansk, who talked about how Ukrainian troops, having entered the city, allegedly staged a public execution of a three-year-old boy. Ukrainian and Russian media discovered factual inconsistencies in the story, and also drew attention to the fact that a similar story had previously been published on the blog of pro-Kremlin political scientist Alexander Dugin. Zeynalova later commented on the scandal surrounding the story, saying that the journalists had no evidence of the veracity of the story, but “this is a real story from a real woman.” In 2014, the TV presenter was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list.

One of the reasons for replacing the presenter is due to fierce competition with Dmitry Kiselev’s Vesti Nedeli, says Zeinalova’s colleague. Sunday “Vremya” was one of the most popular information and analytical programs in the country, along with “News of the Week” (aired on Sunday on channel “Russia 1”), according to data from TNS Russia. The rating of the latest issue of Sunday's Vremya was 4.7%, and Vesti Nedeli was slightly behind - 4.4%. Prior to this, Kiselyov’s program managed to maintain its leadership position for three weeks in a row, but with a minimal advantage - 0.1-0.3 percentage points. But in general, the Kremlin had no complaints about Zeynalova’s work, says a federal official and a colleague of the TV presenter confirms.

A better place than the State Duma

An acquaintance of Fadeev gives two reasons why the choice fell on him: according to him, on the eve of the presidential elections (planned for 2018), the Kremlin wants to see a new person on television who will inspire more confidence among the conservative electorate. Fadeev is more suitable for this role, says RBC’s interlocutor. The second reason is the Kremlin’s desire to compensate Fadeev for his loss in the United Russia primaries. Fadeev was promised a passing place on the Moscow lists of United Russia, but at the last moment, due to the reluctance of the capital authorities, he had to run in the primaries in Komi, which was unfamiliar to him, his acquaintance claims. He lost the primaries and ultimately did not make it onto the list of candidates.

Fadeev has been the editor-in-chief of the Expert magazine since 1998; in 2006, he also became the general director of the media holding of the same name. He was a member of the Public Chamber and is still a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia. Together with deputy Vladimir Pligin, he leads the liberal platform of United Russia. He was Putin's confidant in the presidential elections and joined the central headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF).

He already has experience as a TV presenter: since 2014, he has been hosting the “Structure of the Moment” program on Channel One.

The host of an evening program on the main TV channel should be a person of an emotional and heartfelt nature, while Fadeev pretends to be intellectual, says Evgeniy Minchenko, head of the Minchenko Consulting holding. “If we are talking about generating trust among the population, then it must be a different type of person. This is not Fadeev’s role,” says the political scientist.