What does methodological assistance include? Basic means and forms of methodological assistance to teachers of additional education

The successful development of the leisure sector is unthinkable without the development of its theory and methodology. Plays a significant role in this process methodological activity. In the scientific literature, methodological activity is considered as a set of actions aimed at obtaining, systematizing and disseminating methodological knowledge. Main the subjects of methodological activity are methodologists who are professionally engaged in it. Methodological activity is one of the aspects of the professional activity of the methodologist, which he carries out along with others (for example, pedagogical, organizational-mass, etc.) It includes, first of all, the study of the theory, methodology and practice of cultural and leisure work and the development of methods for implementing and analysis of cultural and leisure activities.
Main types of methodological activities:
description and synthesis of best practices;
creation of methodological products;
training of cultural and leisure work personnel, methodological guidance;
methodological assistance;
methodical correction.
Methodological assistance- this is the prompt and promising response of the methodologist to the requests and needs of creative groups, personnel in the cultural and leisure sphere, and cultural institutions.

Methodological assistance carried out by various means - consulting, methodological guidance, methodological support, etc.

Basic forms of methodological assistance
Thematic consultation allows you to deeply, comprehensively consider a certain issue, to thoroughly reveal the essence of the topic. As a rule, thematic consultations are planned by methodologists in advance and included in long-term planning. Thematic consultations may be included in the program of training seminars. When preparing for a thematic consultation, the methodologist selects visual aids and methodological material.
Current consultation is carried out systematically on various issues that arise among cultural organizers and leaders of artistic groups in the course of their professional activities.
Operational consultation carried out on the initiative of the methodologist, administration, leaders of creative groups during the organization and conduct of specific cultural and leisure programs. The competence of the methodologist is manifested in a prompt response to mistakes made and in the provision of immediate assistance.
Mentoring used in working with young specialists of cultural and leisure institutions, as well as in mastering effective best practices. This type of assistance is based on data from a problematic self-analysis of the activities of the organizer of cultural and leisure activities, analysis of the process and conditions for testing new methods, cultural programs, etc.
In the practice of cultural and leisure institutions, the following approaches to maintaining methodological documentation on advisory issues have developed: in the methodological office, methodologists keep records in the “Journal of Advisory Assistance to Employees.” Form of the journal: types of advisory assistance provided; Full name of the methodologist conducting the consultation; date, month, year of consultation; Full name of the employee receiving the consultation and his feedback on the consultation received, application for the next thematic consultation; paintings of the consultant and the methodologist in the journal.
Methodical manual is expressed in a clear definition by the methodologist, together with cultural organizers, of promising and specific goals of joint creative activity, appropriate ways to achieve them, outlines the stages and procedure for organizing educational activities, develops criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of educational activities, monitors the implementation of programs and work plans.
Methodical training- this is the participation of a methodologist in the creation and work of methodological associations in cultural institutions, this is the creation of creative workshops, problem-based seminars, discussion clubs, and creative laboratories. These means of activity make it possible to increase the professional competence of personnel in cultural and leisure work, replenish the methodological fund, and expand publishing activities.
These and other means of methodological assistance are most effectively implemented in the following forms of methodological activity: theoretical seminars (reports, communications);

workshops (reports, messages);
disputes, discussions (“round table”, dialogue-argument, debate, forum, symposium, cassette of “ideas”, etc.);
“business games”, role-playing games, simulation exercises;
lectures by didactic scientists, psychologists, sociologists, speech therapists and doctors;
discussion of modern latest methods, technologies, achievements in the field of leisure activities;
discussion of individual open events or their cycle;
discussion and evaluation of original programs and projects, methodological developments, teaching aids;
discussion of methods for diagnosing the development of cultural and leisure environment;
various exhibitions, self-education reports (reports, abstracts, lesson developments);
discussion of effective best practices and recommendations for their dissemination and implementation;
competitions “Best Methodist”, “Best Cultural Organizer of the Year”;
scientific and practical conferences, seminars, etc.

The organizational and methodological department of the MKU "Center for supporting the activities of budgetary institutions of the city district of Sudak" on the basis of a letter from the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" dated November 16, 2017 No. 1181/01-07 "About courses in ICT" informs about that the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" offers in 2018 training on an extra-budgetary basis under an additional professional development program "Fundamentals of the use of information and communication technologies in the professional activities of a teacher."

Please note that training under the specified additional professional development program is carried out full-time at the institute, full-time at the educational organization (subject to the enrollment of a group of 25 people) and through correspondence training using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

The cost of training per student is 2,200.00 (two thousand two hundred rubles 00 kopecks).

Applications for training in 2018 must be submitted by 12/01/2017 to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. "> sudak_ goroo@ mail. ru

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Dear colleagues
Let's think about how to achieve more in our professional teaching career.

A teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity is a set of professional and individual qualities, the compliance of which with the requirements of the profession ensures the effectiveness of his work.


What place in your professional activity would you like to occupy? Are you happy with the place you currently occupy?

Do you sometimes feel dissatisfied with your achievements and feel strongly that you deserve more? In the modern world, to be a successful teacher, you need to have a number of professional and personal qualities. Let's think about how to achieve more in our professional teaching career.

Only a successful teacher can raise a successful student. For if a teacher is unsuccessful, what can he teach?

In 2010 they were approved Qualification characteristics of educational positions,

which make demands:

Teacher competencies and competence

The document stipulates as requirements for teacher qualifications:

Teacher information competence (ICT competence)

Legal competence of a teacher

Social and communicative competence of a teacher

Teacher's methodological competence

Teacher training

Knowledge of didactics and much more..

Regulatory framework
1. Regulations on the methodological service
2 .Regulations on the methodological council
3. Work plan of the methodological council
4.Plan of methodological work
5.Regulations on the portfolio of teaching staff
6.Regulations on the school subject week
7.Regulations on the base center
8.Operation plan for the base center
9. Regulations on the methodological association of subject teachers

In preparation for the certification procedure, the teacher prepares portfolio.

Purpose portfolio is to record, accumulate and evaluate the level of professional development and growth, as well as the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.
A modern school, in the context of the transition to a national model of education, needs a “new” type of teacher - a creatively thinking one, possessing modern methods and technologies of education, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, methods of independently constructing the pedagogical process in the conditions of specific practical activities, and the ability to predict one’s final result.

The problem of the formation and development of professionalism is a social and state problem, the solution of which is given priority. It is no coincidence that the main goal of education is not a simple body of knowledge, skills and abilities, but personal, social and professional competence based on them - the ability to independently obtain, analyze and effectively use information, the ability to live and work rationally and effectively in a rapidly changing world.

The teacher is the main character of any school reforms, which require him to reorient his activities towards new pedagogical values, which, in turn, highlights one of the main problems in the work to improve the professional skills of teachers - the formation of a research culture.

Today, the teacher is placed in conditions where mastering research skills is a prerequisite for his formation as a pedagogical subject in accordance with the new paradigm and methodology of education. Only with such a teacher can we talk about quality education, since the quality of education is an indicator of the development of society, national culture, and national identity.

Today, there are many approaches to developing teacher reflection (self-assessment) skills.

Only the formula “knowledge - abilities - skills” is not suitable for a teacher. And there is no instrument with which to measure all the nobility of the teacher’s soul, the unique moments of his creativity.

On the other hand, the teacher should have a “dossier of success”, which reflects everything joyful, interesting and worthy that happens in the teacher’s life. A “teacher’s portfolio” can become such a “dossier of success.”

The competitiveness of a teacher in the labor market, as is known, largely depends on his ability to master new technologies and adapt to changing working conditions, therefore it is important to use the “teacher portfolio” technology for the teaching staff, especially for newly certified teachers.

According to modern dictionaries, portfolio- this is a complete collection of your own achievements, a kind of dossier.

A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a teacher in various types of activities: educational, educational, creative, methodological, research.
Portfolio design requirements and operating principle:
1. Systematic monitoring.
2. Credibility.
3. Objectivity.
4. The author's focus on self-improvement.
5. Structuring of materials, logic and conciseness of all written explanations.
6. Neatness and aesthetics of design.
7. Integrity, thematic completeness of the presented materials.
8. Visibility of work results.
9. Manufacturability.

Possible portfolio sections.
Section 1. General information about the teacher
This section includes materials reflecting the teacher’s achievements in various areas:
last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth;
education (what and when did you graduate, specialty obtained and diploma qualification);
labor and teaching experience in this educational institution;
advanced training (name of the structure where the courses were taken, year, month, course topics);
copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees;
the most significant government awards, diplomas, letters of gratitude;
diplomas of various competitions;
other documents at the discretion of the person being certified.
This section allows you to judge the process of individual development of a teacher.

Section 2. Results of teaching activities
This section contains:
materials on the results of students mastering educational programs and their development of key competencies in the taught subject;
comparative analysis of the activities of a teacher over 3 years based on control sections, participation of students in school and other Olympiads and competitions;
results of intermediate and final certification of students;
information about the presence of medalists;
information about admission to universities in the specialty, etc.
The materials in this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the certified teacher’s teaching activities for a certain period.

Section 3. Scientific and methodological activities
This section contains teaching materials that testify to the professionalism of the teacher:
justification for the candidate’s choice of educational program and set of educational and methodological literature;
justification for the candidate’s choice of educational technologies used;
justification for the use of certain pedagogical diagnostic tools by the certified person in their practice to assess educational results;
the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.;
work in a methodological association, cooperation with the city methodological center, universities and other institutions;
“participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions;
participation in methodological and subject weeks;
organizing and conducting seminars, round tables, master classes, etc.;
conducting scientific research;
development of proprietary programs;
writing candidate or doctoral dissertation manuscripts;
preparation of a creative report, abstract, report, article;
other documents.

Section 4. Extracurricular activities in the subject
The section contains documents:
a list of creative works, abstracts, educational and research works, projects completed by students in the subject;
list of winners of Olympiads, competitions, competitions, intellectual marathons, etc.;
scenarios of extracurricular activities, photographs and videotapes with recordings of events held (exhibitions, subject excursions, KVN, brain rings, etc.);
work programs for clubs and electives
other documents.

Section 5. Educational and material base
This section contains an extract from the classroom passport (if available):
a list of dictionaries and other reference literature on the subject;
list of visual aids (layouts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, portraits, etc.);
availability of technical teaching aids (TV, VCR, stereo system, overhead projector, etc.);
availability of a computer and computer teaching aids (virtual experiment programs, knowledge testing, multimedia textbooks, etc.);
audio and video aids;
availability of didactic material, collections of problems, exercises, examples of abstracts and essays, etc.;
measures of the quality of student learning;
other documents at the request of the teacher.

Main purpose of the portfolio- assessing the teacher’s work on the topic of self-education, the nature of his activities, tracking the creative and professional growth of the teacher, promoting the formation of reflection skills (self-esteem).

The portfolio structure can be varied.

Lecture 6.

Lecture outline:

1. Methodological assistance tools

· consulting,

· methodological manual,

· methodological support.

2. Forms of methodological work.

3. Principles of methodological support.

1. Methodological assistance– this is a prompt and forward-looking response of the methodologist to the requests and needs of children's groups, teaching staff, methodologists of the preschool system, schools and preschool institutions. Methodological assistance is provided by various means -

· consulting,

· methodical guidance,

· methodological support, etc.

Thematic consultation allows you to deeply, comprehensively consider a certain issue, to thoroughly reveal the essence of the topic. As a rule, thematic consultations are planned by methodologists in advance and included in long-term planning. Thematic consultations may be included in the program of training seminars. When preparing for a thematic consultation, the methodologist selects visual aids and methodological material.

Current consultation is carried out systematically on various issues that arise for teaching staff in the course of their professional activities.

Operational consultation are carried out on the initiative of the methodologist, administration, teachers during the organization and conduct of specific educational activities. The competence of the methodologist is manifested in an immediate reaction to mistakes made and in the provision of immediate assistance.

Mentoring used in working with young specialists of educational institutions, as well as in mastering effective teaching experience. This type of assistance is based on data from problematic self-analysis of the teacher’s activities, analysis of the process and conditions for testing new methods, educational programs, etc.

In the practice of OUDOD, the following traditions have developed for conducting methodological documentation on advisory issues: in the methodological office, department, methodologists keep records in the “Journal of advisory assistance to teaching staff” in the form: types of advisory assistance provided; Full name of the methodological worker conducting the consultation; Date, month, year of consultation; Full name of the teacher receiving the consultation; feedback from the teaching staff on the consultation received, application for the next thematic consultation; signature of the teacher (consultee) in the journal; signature of the methodologist (consultant) in the journal.

Methodical manual is expressed in a clear definition by the methodologist, together with teaching staff, of promising and specific goals of joint creative activity, appropriate ways to achieve them, outlines the stages and procedure for organizing educational activities, develops criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of educational activities, monitors the implementation of programs and work plans. Analyzes the progress of implementation of the OUSD Development Program.

Methodical training- this is the participation of a methodologist in the creation and work of methodological associations in educational institutions and secondary schools, this is the creation of pedagogical workshops, problem seminars, discussion clubs, creative laboratories in educational institutions. These means of activity make it possible to increase the professional competence of teaching staff, replenish the methodological fund, and publishing activities.

The logic for determining methodological support for personnel is as follows::

· diagnostics of the needs and difficulties of teachers, their professionally significant personal qualities (surveys, questionnaires, testing, analysis of teaching practice, self-analysis of teachers), analysis of the effectiveness of methodological work in the Center and study of the demand for methodological services of teachers and managers;

· recording of identified professional needs, difficulties, personal characteristics of teachers, demanded types of methodological services at different levels;

· analysis of identified problems and formulation of orders for methodological services from teachers and managers;

· setting goals, objectives, directions of work of the methodological service, taking into account the analysis of the above factors, development trends and integration of general and additional education of children in modern conditions.

· identifying the main directions and developing the content of the activities of the methodological service that is adequate to the goals set.

1. Improving the educational process.

2. Improving teaching skills.

3. Creating conditions for revealing and enhancing the creative potential of teachers.

4. Attracting specialists in various fields of creative activity and teachers from other educational institutions to work in the Center.

5. Development of our own personnel training system, including from students of the Center.

6. Organization and coordination of the work of methodological associations in the Center, in the city.

7. Analysis, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

8. Methodological guidance, certification of teaching staff.

9. Methodological work on software and analytical support in the Rostock educational center and methodological assistance in organizing and improving additional education in educational institutions of the city. Elektrostal.

2. The following individual forms of methodological work are implemented: self-education, internship, development of problems (creative topics), mutual attendance at classes, self-analysis, mentoring, interviews, consultations.

Important organizational forms of methodological work are:

1. Information reviews of scientific, methodological, pedagogical literature.

2. Exhibitions of creative works of teachers and children, methodological developments, manuals and teaching materials.

3. Creative reports from teachers.

4. “School of Pedagogical Excellence.”

5. Patronage of experienced teachers over young ones.

6. Open classes, master classes.

7. Workshop on acquiring various skills and abilities necessary for work.

8. Analysis of pedagogical situations (solving pedagogical problems).

9. Problem seminars. Conducting business and role-playing games.

10. Debates, discussions (“round table”, dialogue-argument, debate, forum, symposium, “aquarium technique”, “panel discussion”, cassette of “ideas”, etc.);

11. “Business games”, role-playing games, simulation exercises; panorama classes,

12. Lectures of didactic scientists, psychologists, sociologists, speech therapists and doctors;

13. Conducting a competition of pedagogical excellence

Methodological support for teaching staff is based on the following principles:

1. Maximum use of teachers’ experience in order to increase the effectiveness and optimize the educational process.

2. The operating principle of learning through experience. Focus on activating the creative potential of teachers through the organization of activities, practice-oriented forms and methods of methodological support for personnel. Immersion in certain situations.

3. Psychological and pedagogical support for personnel.

4. The principle of freedom of choice of methodological activities is focused on the professional needs and difficulties of teachers.

5. The principle of seminar work is cooperation, joint search, joint creativity (co-creation).

The implementation of the main directions of methodological work was carried out through various forms and methods.

Most common forms of methodological assistance: methodological instruction (consultations, comments and reviews, calls from library workers to the methodological center, etc.), visits to libraries, methodological publications.

Methodical instruction- a form of methodological assistance to libraries, which specifies methodological assistance, taking into account the characteristics of a particular library.

Methodological instruction was carried out during the methodologist's visits to libraries, through consultations in libraries - methodological centers, at meetings, conferences, during seminars or workshops.

Consultations There are individual and group sessions. Both can be oral and written. Individual consultations were carried out if a single issue arose.

Group consultations, both oral and written, were usually carried out according to a predetermined plan, on topics of interest to all librarians in the region or individual groups of them. Group consultations were usually timed to coincide with meetings, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, but could be organized independently. They were also carried out in cases where it was urgently necessary to give librarians clarification on a particular issue (implementation of the LBC, introduction of new rules, compilation of a bibliographic description, etc.).

Comments and feedback in written or accounting form were given by methodologists for methodological materials (plans, reports, minutes of reader conferences or literary evenings, etc.) received from libraries in the region.

Before giving comments on a plan or report (about work for a certain period of time, on a topic or on an event), the methodologist had to analyze the materials, determine whether they correspond to the tasks facing the library in a given period, note the positive, new things in the work , decide what can be used for propaganda among other libraries, pay attention to the shortcomings and prepare proposals to eliminate them.

Visiting libraries(business trips) is one of the most effective forms of methodological assistance. They can be frontal and thematic. They visited libraries for different purposes: checking their work, studying activities (of the library as a whole or its individual areas), providing methodological assistance on a specific issue, etc. Objects of visit: library departments, the library as a whole, libraries of a given region.

Methodological publications(methodological instructions, methodological recommendations, methodological and methodological bibliographic manuals) are one of the forms of influence of library-methodological centers on regional libraries. Methodological publications were produced in the form of leaflets, posters, booklets, brochures, and books.

Methodological publications regulated the procedure for implementing the main activities of libraries and performing individual functions of libraries, their divisions, and employees; the content of processes and the order of performing technological operations were determined; the content of the work of libraries in a certain period was revealed in connection with the most important political events; methods, methods, techniques for rational implementation, decisions and instructions of higher organizations were specified, the procedure for implementing standards and recommendations was determined; the most effective forms and methods of promoting books and guiding reading, organization and technology of library work were proposed, taking into account advanced library practices.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Application


Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services at different levels has developed. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodological service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In a preschool educational institution, methodological work is carried out by a senior teacher or deputy head of educational work.

The task of methodological activity is to create an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, managers, senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, from the professional teaching community. Currently, this need has increased many times due to the transition to a variable education system. Teachers now need special additional training and constant methodological support in order to competently and consciously build a holistic educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children in the practice of teaching and upbringing.

Methodological work in a preschool institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training of educators in methods and techniques of working with children is carried out.

1. Types of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

For the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, a constant search for new, more effective methods of education and training is necessary, with the help of which the content of education is transmitted to children. It is methodological activity that plays the leading role in the creation and implementation of the most effective methods of raising and teaching children.

Methodological activity is a specific type of educational activity, the content of which is the systemic unity of creating a method, its testing, implementation of the method (obtaining methods), application of methods.

Methodological activity includes three “activity spaces”: the space of creating methods, the space of disseminating and implementing methods (receiving methods), the space of applying methods.

In the process of methodological activity, these spaces are interconnected into 3 types of methodological activity, which are a single chain of certain elements, in which each stage has a final product: method, technique, guaranteed result. This is clearly illustrated in the diagram presented.


Based on this diagram, we can highlight the main actions of the methodologist (senior educator) in each of these spaces.

Atcreation,searchingmethodsworkWithchildren used: study of methods used in practice, observation, description, comparison, identification of patterns, expert opinion on significance, etc.

AtimplementationmethodVworkteachers the senior educator informs, teaches, disseminates, organizes experimental work and reproduction of this method, etc.

Atapplicationtechniques,method the main emphasis is on monitoring the implementation of the main provisions and correction of this methodology V.A. Tavberidze, V.A. Kalugina. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: organization of management of methodological work. - M.: School press, 2008, p. 5-6. .

2. Contents of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

The activities of the senior educator are aimed at solving priority and urgent tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to design and determine its content for the entire composition of management functions: information-analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic and regulatory-corrective.

Let's try to fill these functions with the content of the senior educator's activities. It should be supplemented taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the work of each particular kindergarten (see table) Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007, p. 15. .


In each kindergarten, methodological work with personnel is planned annually. It is important to recall that at present we need to talk about the system of methodological work, the modernization of its tasks, and content. And here there is both general and specific.

The general thing is to build a system of methodological work in three planes.

1. In relation to a specific teacher, where the main task is the formation of an individual, original, highly effective system of pedagogical activity of the teacher. Therefore, methodological work in kindergarten should be aimed at enriching the teacher’s knowledge, developing his motives for creative activity, and developing pedagogical techniques of performing arts.

2. In relation to the teaching staff of the kindergarten, methodological work solves the problem of forming a team of like-minded people. It is aimed at developing a pedagogical credo, traditions of the team, organizing diagnostics and self-diagnosis, monitoring and analyzing the educational process, identifying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. At present, it is important to involve the team in scientific and experimental work.

3. Methodological work in kindergarten is built in relation to the general system of lifelong education, which involves a creative understanding of regulatory documents, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices. In each kindergarten, a system of advanced training for teachers is built in a differentiated manner through self-education and all forms of methodological work.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on an analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, the specific interests, needs and requests of educators. The search and selection of the optimal methodological work option is always relevant for the manager. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

To evaluate the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, it is necessary to identify evaluation criteria. Their number may vary and depend on the specific kindergarten, but the most common ones should always be taken into account.

The first criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work can be considered achieved if the results of children’s development grow, reaching an optimal level for each child or getting close to it in the allotted time without overloading the children.

The second criterion for rational expenditure of time. The economy of methodological work is achieved where the growth of teachers' skills occurs with a reasonable investment of time and effort on methodological work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities.

The third criterion for the stimulating role of methodological work is that there is an improvement in the psychological microclimate in the team, an increase in the creative activity of teachers in their satisfaction with the results of their work.

It is important to remember that the true assessment of the effectiveness of methodological work is given by the final result, and not by the number of various activities carried out Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. M.: Creative center "Sfera", 2003, p. 64-65. .

3. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions

All forms can be represented in the form of two interconnected groups:

groupforms methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.);

individualforms methodological work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodological work.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational, pedagogical, and moral-psychological conditions specific to this institution in the team of A.I. Vasiliev, L.A. Bakhturin, I.I. Kobitin. Senior kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 1990, p. 36 pp. .

Pedagogicaladvice is one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. The pedagogical council in kindergarten, as the highest governing body of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of the preschool institution.

Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as consulting teachers. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on current problems of pedagogy, on requests from educators, etc.

Any consultation requires training and professional competence from the senior educator.

The main consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but individual consultations are held as needed.

Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also strives to form in them a creative attitude to activity.

SeminarsAndworkshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten.

The annual plan of the preschool institution determines the topic of the seminar and at the beginning of the school year the head draws up a detailed plan for its work.

A detailed plan with a clear indication of working hours and well-thought-out tasks will attract the attention of more people who want to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can suggest supplementing this plan with specific questions to which educators would like to receive answers.

The leader of the seminar can be the head or senior teacher, or invited specialists. Teachers, specialists, and medical workers can be involved in conducting individual classes. The main goal of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience working on this issue.

The question is increasingly being raised about the need to train parents, especially young mothers, in methods of person-oriented communication with a preschool child. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists may be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; They will also teach you how to organize the game. You can organize an evening of games for children and adults, in which the leader of the seminar will be an attentive adviser and observer. He will tell parents about his observations and notes at the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

The seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent location. A seminar can be considered effective if it helps to quickly and timely make changes to the educational process.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a big role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant to a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo for the participants of the seminar, which indicates the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, and a mandatory list of literature that is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think through methods and forms of including all seminar participants in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks are also used, working with punched cards, discussing two opposing points of view, working with regulatory documents, game modeling methods, etc. The seminar leader must clearly think through the tasks for each topic of the lesson and evaluate their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the teachers’ works.

Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. The work of a teacher who achieves the best results is singled out, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to” by N.S. Golitsina. Organization and content of the work of a senior preschool teacher. - M.: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008, p. 74-75. .

Advancedpedagogicalexperience is a means of purposefully improving the educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice.

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practice originates in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result.

For any teacher studying best practices, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to compare your capabilities and make a decision about introducing experience into your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands, to the changing situation of education. Advanced experience born in the thick of life is very instrumental and, subject to a number of conditions, successfully takes root in new conditions; it is the most convincing and attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to this special role of best practices, every year, as part of methodological work, open screenings are held in kindergartens, at which the best experience in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy is presented.

Openshow makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during class and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open display can set several goals:

promotion of experience;

training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

When planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of sharing experience: open display, work in pairs, author’s seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, open days, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work, permeating the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into the practice of preschool educational institutions V.A. Tavberidze, V.A. Kalugina. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: organization of management of methodological work. - M.: School press, 2008, p. 92-93. .

Currently businessgames have found wide application in methodological work, in the course system of advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, more familiar ways. The positive thing is that a business game is a strong tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

A business game increases interest, causes high activity, and improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems.

In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, allow us to connect theory with practical experience.

Preparing and conducting a business game is a creative process. Therefore, the design of a business game bears the imprint of the author’s personality. Often, taking a model of an already developed business game, you can change its individual elements or completely replace the content without changing the model.

If a business game is used for educational purposes, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars, special courses, or practical exercises. It should be carried out at the end of training.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

creating a business game project;

description of the sequence of actions;

description of the organization of the game;

drawing up assignments for participants;

preparation of equipment.

" Roundtable" - one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placing participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, puts all participants on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that brings together employees - l iterativeorpedagogicalnewspaper. Purpose: to show the development of creative capabilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, assess personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children - writing, speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Creativemicrogroups arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis when it is necessary to learn some new best practices, a new technique or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship or psychological compatibility. There may be one or two leaders in the group who seem to lead and take on organizational issues.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience and development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, and offers their own options. It is important that all this is implemented in everyone’s work practice. Group members attend each other's classes, discuss them, and highlight the best methods and techniques. If any gap is discovered in the understanding of the teacher’s knowledge or skills, then a joint study of additional literature takes place. Joint creative development of new things goes 3-4 times faster. As soon as the goal is achieved, the group disbands. In a creative microgroup there is informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search and research activities, the results of which are subsequently shared with the entire staff of the institution.

Next form - Jobabovesinglemethodologicaltopic. With the correct choice of a single methodological topic for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is truly capable of captivating and captivating all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in uniting a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and truly important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity it has achieved, the interests and requests of teachers. There must be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience accumulated by the work of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to introduce and develop everything advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach when the team itself carries out experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, breaking down a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodological work and be combined with the themes of self-education for educators Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007, p. 45-47. .

methodological teaching staff teacher

Continuous system promotionqualifications Each preschool education teacher requires different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and senior teacher is carried out through advanced training courses every five years. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In kindergarten, the senior teacher must create conditions for self-education of teachers.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes work in such a way that self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step to improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and teachers’ work experience.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by year, but are used to compile thematic catalogs and help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located in a specific system.

For each book, a special card is created, on which the author’s surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are written down. On the reverse side you can write a short summary or list the main issues covered in the book. Thematic card indexes include books, journal articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator compiles catalogs and recommendations to help those engaged in self-education, studies the impact of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and deadline of the report are recorded. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at a pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This could be a demonstration of working with children, in which the teacher uses the knowledge gained in the course of self-education Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. - 83-85 p. .

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;

participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

obtaining consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience Golitsina N.S. Organization and content of the work of a senior preschool teacher. - M.: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008, p. 95. .


For the head of a preschool institution, it is important to search and select the optimal option for operating a kindergarten. The staff of each pedagogical institution must have its own identity, there must be individuality in the system of work of the preschool institution.

To do this, it is necessary to use new forms and methods of working with teachers to increase their interest in work and creative dedication; look for ways to find innovative solutions to many issues that arise in the practice of planning the work of a preschool institution. So that the end result is always high and effective.

In modern conditions, it is possible to build an effective system of methodological assistance to the teacher only with knowledge of the specific characteristics of each teacher. After all, the work of educators with children depends on the work of the leader with teachers. The main thing is to teach the teaching staff to think together to improve the ways and means of education. The teacher must have pedagogical freedom, independence in choosing the most effective course of action in the current situation, possess the moral qualities of kindness and responsiveness, breadth and sincerity, decency, and treat others with respect.

And the main task of the leader in this regard is to promote the creativity of teachers.

When working with teachers, it is necessary to provide feedback, a frank exchange of opinions, analyze specific situations, and make the necessary decisions. It is also necessary to teach a culture of discussion, to unite the team, and to improve the level of relations between employees.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. - 96 p.

2. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 1990. - 215 p.

3. Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. M.: Creative Center "Sfera", 2003.

4. Golitsina N.S. Organization and content of the work of a senior preschool teacher. - M.: "Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 104 p.

5. Skorolupova O.A. Planning as one of the stages of work in a preschool educational institution. - M.: "Scriptorium 2003", 2009. - 101 p.

6. Tavberidze V.A., Kalugina V.A. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: organization of management of methodological work. - M.: School press, 2008. - 154 p.


TestForyoungteacherondefinitionhispedagogicalstress resistance

From the above proverbs and sayings, select those that most reflect the characteristics of your life as a young specialist:

1 . AdmissiononworkVchildren'sgarden:

A. Don’t look for a hare in the forest - it’s sitting at the edge of the forest.

B. I was on my way to see you and stopped by to see us.

V. Caught like a crow in soup.

2 . DedicationVjob titleteacher:

A. The ambassador is not flogged, not chopped, but only favored.

B. I can fly, but they won’t let me land.

B. You will write with a pen that you cannot take it out with an ox.

3 . Firstindependentexperience:

A. You won’t die before the age.

B. Send him, but go get him yourself.

V. As soon as I stepped in, I was up to my ears in water.

4 . AttitudeTomentoring:

A. Science teaches only the smart.

B. The sick person expects health even before death.

V. To know where to fall, I laid out straws.

5 . Carrying outclassesWithchildren:

A. The Tatar’s arrow does not hit.

B. Teach others - and you yourself will understand.

V. The godfather was traveling to God knows where.

6 . Carrying outregimemoments:

A. Day after day, ax after day.

B. Alive, alive Smoking room.

V. Whatever it is, a ruff or a hedgehog.

7 . Parentalmeetings:

A. It’s not difficult to do, but difficult to conceive.

B. The first damn thing is lumpy.

V. I complained to everyone, but no one listens.

8 . ParticipationVpedagogicaladviceVpreschool educational institution:

A. This song also lives for the cause.

B. Shot at a sparrow, but hit a crane.

B. The style is more expensive than the stock.

9 . Endeducationalof the year:

A. It’s not so expensive that it’s red gold, but it’s also expensive because it’s made of good craftsmanship.

B. For a scientist (beaten) they give two unlearned (not beaten).

B. Evening is mourning, but in the morning there is joy.


If your answers prevail:

" A" - You have formed stable ideas about yourself as an “ideal teacher” (what you would like to become), a “potential teacher” (what you could become) and a “real teacher” (how you evaluate yourself). This allows you to learn from more experienced teachers and successfully work in your chosen specialty.

" B" - your ideas about yourself as a real and potential teacher are not sufficiently differentiated. You are used to studying and working without thinking about the fact that you are changing during this process. Try to look at yourself from the outside - and you will see that you are already developing your own style of teaching, unique to you.

" IN" - You have low self-esteem in both self-educational and professional activities. This leads to self-doubt and passivity. Try to come up with an ideal image of yourself as a teacher and you will see that the difference between your capabilities and desires is much smaller than you think!

Stress resistance:

for answers of type "A" - normal.

for answers of type "B" - unstable.

for answers of type “B” - indicates the need to provide psychological assistance in the process of adaptation to the requirements of the teaching profession.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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