Holidays and dates January 31st. Day in history

On this day you will be able to celebrate many celebrations. Some of them are celebrated all over the world.

What do we celebrate in Russia on January 31

International Jeweler's Day

This professional holiday celebrated every year on January 31st. The profession of a jeweler can be called one of the most ancient professions. After all, people have always loved to decorate themselves. The very first jewelry was made from various auxiliary materials that could be processed. In those days, the tools themselves were also primitive.

Jewelry could include beads made from shells, pebbles with a hole on a strip of leather, or necklaces made from fangs. But the richest and most luxurious jewelry was always worn only by the leader of the tribe. Ancient Greece considered the birthplace of jewelry. Stone carving was made there for the first time, and there were also decorations made from precious metals with gems.

Today, the works of ancient masters still amaze with their beauty. In Russia, the history of jewelry goes back to the distant past. And it begins with the birth of Kievan Rus. In Rus' at that time, silver and gold settings for stones were widely used. The same gems were considered a symbol of supreme power. Under Peter I, Ural gems became universally famous. Cutting and polishing factories began to be made in Rus'.

Birthday of Russian vodka

The event that simply caused this day occurred in 1865 on January 31st. On such a day in St. Petersburg, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev defended his famous doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water.” He worked on it in 1863. The dissertation can be found in the museum of the great scientist - in St. Petersburg state university.

The purpose of the work was to study the specific gravities of alcohol + water solutions, depending on the concentration of these solutions and temperature. Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation talk about the results of a study of aqueous-alcohol solutions, including those with a concentration of 33.4% by weight or 40% by volume. So January 31 can safely be considered another contribution to world science, which was created by the Russian scientist Mendeleev.

By the way, it is also known that the scientist’s hobbies were limited not only to scientific research. Some scientists say that white bread wine was brought to Russia from Scandinavia in the 16th century. Others say that it was 100 years earlier from Genoa. But no one can say for sure. As for the strength of vodka, it has never been a dogma in Russia. Manufacturers could create different varieties– 35, 45 and even 56 degrees. And today there are also stronger varieties.

Folk calendar and holidays on January 31

Afanasyev Day, Afanasy the Clematis

On such a day, the memory of Athanasius, who was one of the fathers of the Greek Church, is celebrated. He was also archbishop in Alexandria in the 4th century. In Rus', Afanasy was nicknamed Clematis because on his day they attacked very coldy. There were a lot of sayings that are associated with such a celebration. For example: on Afanasyev’s day it’s the worst, the most frosty. There were also many signs that were associated with such a day.

If the day was blizzard, then there will be no early spring. But if the weather was clear, then forty and spring will come. If crows fly and circle in flocks, then you need to prepare for severe frosts. Our ancestors also believed that on such a day witches fly to the Sabbath and there they lose their heads from excessive fun. But when they come back, they can harm people. So on Afanasyev’s day it was necessary to drive out evil spirits from the home.

People who celebrate name day on January 31st

Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Efrem, Illarion, Kirill, Ksenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey.

Day in history

  • 1714 - the Sovereign's Cabinet - the Cabinet of Curiosities - was created.
  • 1729 – The first printed book in Arabic script was published in Istanbul.
  • 1892 – The first competitions were held at the Holmenkollen ski jump in Oslo.
  • 1893 – registered trademark Coca Cola.
  • 1921 – founding day of MTUSI.
  • 1921 – the first Constitution of the USSR was adopted.

Celebrities who were born on January 31st

  1. Franz Schubert 1791 – Austrian composer.
  2. Alexey Bakhrushin 1865 – Russian merchant, philanthropist.
  3. Patriarch Tikhon 1865 – Patriarch of Moscow.
  4. Theodore William Richards 1868 – American chemist.
  5. Alva Myrdal 1902 – Swedish diplomat.
  6. Vladislav Strelchik 1921 – Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema.
  7. Tengiz Abuladze 1924 – Georgian and Soviet film director.
  8. Nadya Rusheva 1952 – Soviet graphic artist.

On January 31, 1714, Peter I founded another museum in St. Petersburg - the Kunstkamera. It was a collection of various kinds of wonders and anomalies, and visitors perceived it accordingly: they came to gawk at the oddities and curiosities. There was a contrast between what was familiar to these people cultural environment and an exhibition borrowed from a completely different civilizational context. “It’s very wonderful!” - Peter wrote down every now and then, examining similar establishments in Europe. He behaved like a barbarian in the precise terminological sense of the word, adopting the attributes of a higher civilization. And as a result, there was a revision of the Russian cultural tradition, renewal of the national soil. To increase attendance at the Kunstkamera, Peter ordered that no entrance fee be charged, but on the contrary, every visitor be treated to a cup of coffee or a glass of vodka. This is how the first museum in Russia was born. The current building of the Kunstkamera on Vasilievsky Island was built in 1727, 20 years later there was a terrible fire there, and almost all the exhibits collected under Peter were destroyed. Now the Kunstkamera has turned into the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, one of best museums Russia.

On the same day of the same 1714, Peter I signed a decree that actually forbade noble youths from marrying without receiving the basics of mathematical literacy: “Send several people from mathematical schools to all provinces to teach noble children, except for those of the same palace and the official rank, tsifiri and geometry and impose such a fine that he will involuntarily get married while he learns this.” And priests were strictly forbidden to marry noble offspring without the “permission” of the school teacher.

On the day we are considering in 1729, the first printed book in Arabic script was published in Istanbul. Dictionary Jauhari translated into Turkish language published by the outstanding cultural figure Ibrahim Muteferrika, a Transylvanian Hungarian or Jew who converted to Islam. A writer from Kalosvar (now the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca), he was, among other things, a geographer, astronomer, philosopher, diplomat and not the least person at the court of the Sultan. In the summer of 1726, despite the opposition of mullahs and calligraphers, the Ottoman pioneer printer, through the Grand Vizier Nevşehirli Ibrahim Pasha, managed to obtain permission from Padishah Ahmed III to open a printing house. Of course, in Islamic country It would have been necessary to print the Koran first, but, without opposing the opinion of the Muslim clergy, who objected to the “desecration” of the book of books, the Sultan nevertheless prohibited this.

On January 31, 1747, the first clinic for the treatment of venereal diseases, the Lock Hospital, opened in London. Two hundred and fifty years later, in 1999, scientists announced that AIDS was transmitted to humans from monkeys.

On January 31, 1864, a zoo opened in Moscow; its official name then was “public zoological garden.” According to its purpose, this museum with living exhibits was (and still remains) not so much a scientific institution as an educational and recreational one. The animal world is supposed to be interesting.

On the last day of January 1865, Dmitry Mendeleev defended his dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water.” Many are sure that in it he laid the foundation for the recipe for Russian vodka.

On January 31, 1874, near Gedshill, Missouri, Jesse James robbed a train. The criminal handed the driver his “press release,” which he asked to submit to the local newspaper.

On the day we are considering in 1876, the United States decided to move Native Americans, that is, Indians, to reservations. On the same day, 17 years later, in 1893, the Coca-Cola trademark was registered in the US Patent Office.

On this day in 1909, Vladimir Mayakovsky, who was not even 16 years old, was arrested for participating in preparing the escape of political convicts from Novinskaya prison. By that time, Mayakovsky had already been a member of the RSDLP for a year. Once he was even arrested, but was soon released. This time Vladimir had to spend six months in prison. Coming out of Butyrka, he walked away from revolutionary activities and took up painting and literature.

On January 31, 1912, the world's first comic book page was published in the New York Evening Journal.

On this day in 1924, the Second Congress of Soviets approved the first Constitution of the USSR. The first Constitution was adopted in 1918 in connection with the formation of the RSFSR. After the establishment of the Soviet system, control functions, in accordance with the principle “All power to the Soviets!”, were concentrated in the highest body of Soviet power. The Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 established that the supreme body of power in the country is the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, and in the period between congresses - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK). The second Constitution was adopted in 1924 (in connection with the formation of the USSR). Supreme body state power became the Congress of Soviets of the USSR, in the period between congresses - the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the USSR, and in the period between sessions of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR - the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. The USSR Central Executive Committee had the right to cancel and suspend acts of any government bodies on the territory of the USSR (with the exception of the higher one - the Congress of Soviets). The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee had the right to suspend and cancel decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and individual people's commissariats of the USSR, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the union republics.

On January 31, 1929, by decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Leon Trotsky finally left the country. There was no longer any doubt about who was left in charge, and this leader got down to business with renewed energy.

On this winter day in 1955, the first musical synthesizer was demonstrated in the United States.

On January 31, 1961, a chimpanzee named Ham made a space flight in low-Earth orbit in the United States and returned safely - monkeys have every right to be jealous of people who flew later, but received the highest honors. The rocket had a speed of 8000 km/h and rose to an altitude of 250 km above the Earth. The chimpanzee was returned safe and sound.

On January 31, 1966, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station “Luna 9” was launched at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It was the first in the world spaceship, which made a soft landing on the surface of the Moon on February 3 and transmitted its panoramic image to Earth. The station landed on the border of the Ocean of Storms, northeast of the Cavalieri crater. 4 minutes 10 seconds after landing, the first Moon-Earth radio communication session began. Seven communication sessions lasting more than 8 hours were conducted with the station’s lunar laboratory. Radio signals brought large materials to Earth scientific value— panoramic image of the lunar microrelief. In some parts of the panorama it was possible to distinguish details 1-2 millimeters in size—a million times smaller than on best photos The Moon, photographed by terrestrial observatories. Luna 9's mission ended on February 6 when its power supplies failed. Luna 9 was four months ahead of the first American robotic spacecraft, U.S. Surveyor 1, which was launched on May 30, 1966 and made a soft landing in the Ocean of Storms region on the Moon on June 2.

On January 31, 1976, a live pterodactyl was seen in Texas. And since then - not a word, not a word...

January 31, 1990 in Moscow on Pushkin Square The first American restaurant opened fast food McDonald's. As Vechernyaya Moskva reported then, on the first day McDonald's served a record number of visitors in its history - 30 thousand people. Residents of the capital stood in the cold for several hours to try hamburgers, which were quite expensive for those times - 1 ruble 60 kopecks. The most expensive on the menu was “Big Mac” - 3 rubles 75 kopecks. 25 thousand people wanted to work at the first Moscow McDonalds, the competition was 5 people per place. The opening of the restaurant was the culmination of years of negotiations that began during Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976 and culminated in the signing of the largest joint venture agreement between the Soviet Union and a catering company. For the first full year operations in Russia, McDonald's served 15 million people.

On this winter day in 2003, homosexual marriage was legalized in Belgium.

On January 31, 2004, news appeared from the nearest part of space - namely, from Mars. The Opportunity rover, like its fellow Spirit, successfully landed and set off to explore the Red Planet. Since Mars rovers are solar-powered, they continue to operate successfully to this day. Except that sometimes there are reports in the press that another dust storm is interfering with their work... but nothing, they wait it out.


IVAN THE TERRIBLE during Livonian War besieged Polotsk, which was taken half a month later.


(January 21, O.S.) FALSE DMITRY I, having replenished his forces with Little Russian Cossacks, attacked the tsar’s army at Dobrynichi, but, despite his extraordinary courage, was defeated due to the large number of troops (artillery) in the tsar’s army ke.

Chashnik Mikhail Fedorovich SHEIN, who brought this news to Tsar BORIS GODUNOV at the Trinity Monastery, was granted a okolnichy, the governors received gold, and 80,000 rubles were distributed to the army. Boris, in a letter to the governors, again used the phrase that he was ready to share his last shirt with his faithful servants. Apparently, even then there were political strategists who put forward slogans and zealously monitored the steady implementation of their recipes.

(January 21, O.S.) The Danish prince VALDEMAR (VOLMER), the son of CHRISTIAN IV from Countess Munch, to whom the king was married on his left hand, entered Moscow (what does that mean?).

The purpose of the visit was to marry Princess Irina Mikhailovna, but it will soon become clear that, in contradiction to the previously reached agreement, the main condition of the marriage was the prince’s acceptance of Orthodoxy. Valdemar would actually be under house arrest for a year and a half, since no one was going to let him go home so easily. Only the death of MIKHAIL FEDOROVICH will help him leave Russia.

(January 20, O.S.) PETER I issued the famous decree on the compulsory education of noble children in “tsyfiri and geometry.”

As history teaches, the main problem all good intentions in their implementation in practice. The tsar decided simply and wittily: “to send several people from mathematical schools to all the provinces to teach the noble children numbers and geometry, and impose a fine such that they will not be free to marry until they learn this.”

PETER I ordered the transfer of all his personal collections of curiosities to new capital and place them in the office space Summer Palace on the Fontanka, called in the European manner the Kunstkamera - the cabinet of curiosities. Thus was born the first museum in Russia, whose full name today is the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) named after. Peter the Great RAS.

These collections began at the end of the 17th century, when Peter I brought from trips abroad models of ships and cars, instruments and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals and birds. Exhibits came from all over Russia in accordance with the tsar’s decrees issued during these years. A unique collection of anatomical preparations was acquired from the Dutch scientist Frederik Ruysch. Soon the former building became too small, and the exhibits were transferred to a two-story stone building near Smolny, known as the Kikin Chambers.

In 1719, the Kunstkamera opened to the public. To increase attendance at the museum, Peter rejected the proposal for an entrance fee; on the contrary, everyone was given a treat upon visiting - a cup of coffee or a glass of vodka, for which 400 rubles were allocated annually. In 1727, a new building of the Kunstkamera was built on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island, into which all the collections and the library were transported. Great damage to the museum was caused by a fire in 1747, when all the ethnographic collections were actually lost. It took years to restore the collections and repair the building, and the Kunstkamera was reopened only in 1766.

(January 20, O.S.) Continuation of the development of the conflict between PETER I and his son ALEXEY. In response to a letter received the day before from his father (“either abolish your character and unhypocritically honor yourself as an heir, or be a monk”), the prince wrote to him: “Most gracious sir! I received your letter, to which I cannot write any more due to my illness. I wish for the monastic rank and ask your gracious permission for this. Your slave and obscene son Alexey."

Peter did not (could not) immediately carry out his threat, before leaving abroad, I visited my sick son and gave him some more time to think. In the fall, Alexey will go to his father, but will change the route and disappear, hoping to find refuge abroad.

(January 20, O.S.) In Moscow, in the house of Count Roman Illarionovich VORONTSOV, the first performance was held comic opera“The Miller is a sorcerer, a deceiver and a matchmaker,” composed by the poet Alexander ABLESIMOV to music composed by the violinist of the Petrovsky Theater Mikhail SOKOLOVSKY based on Russian songs. "Melnik" had huge success, was constantly staged in Moscow and St. Petersburg and did not leave the Russian stage until the 30s of the 19th century.

Birthday of Russian vodka

The event that led to the informal establishment of the birthday of vodka occurred on January 31, 1865. On this day in St. Petersburg, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev defended his famous doctoral dissertation - “On the combination of alcohol with water” - which he worked on in 1863-64. The dissertation is kept in the museum of the great scientist - at St. Petersburg State University.

The purpose of the work was to study the specific gravities of alcohol + water solutions depending on the concentration of these solutions and temperature. In other words, studies of the specific gravity of mixtures were carried out at various temperatures and concentrations, ranging from anhydrous alcohol to a solution of 50 wt% and then to 0%.

Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation, entitled, respectively, “On the greatest compression that occurs during the mutual dissolution of anhydrous alcohol and water” and “On the change in specific gravity when combining alcohol with water,” speaks about the results of a study of aqueous-alcohol solutions, including with a concentration of 33.4% by weight or 40% by volume. It is quite obvious that not a word is said about either the physiological or biochemical effects of the systems being studied on a living organism.

What about vodka? Some sources report that white bread wine was brought to Russia from Scandinavia in the 16th century; others are 100 years earlier, from Genoa. There is also information that strong drinks were consumed in Rus' already in the 11th and 12th centuries. By the way, the strength of vodka in our country has never been a dogma. Traditionally, different varieties were produced - 38, 45 and even 56 degrees. Now, as you know, there are stronger varieties.


During Russian-Turkish war 1877-78 After a series of victories won by generals GURKO and SKOBELEV, the Adrianople Truce between Russia and Turkey was signed.


(January 19, O.S.) In 1876, the public warmly greeted the production of P. I. TCHAIKOVSKY’s opera “The Blacksmith Vakula” based on the plot of Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas,” but the composer was dissatisfied with his creation, ten years later he reworked it and presented on this day called “Cherevichki”. The importance the author attached to his work follows from the fact that Tchaikovsky himself conducted the production, taking the helm for the first time.

The Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR approved the first Constitution of the USSR.

The first issue of the Znamya magazine was published.


The first blast furnace of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works was launched.

The enterprise began to be built in 1929 at the foot of Magnitnaya Mountain as component coal and metallurgical base in the east - Ural-Kuzbass. In 1931, the mine came into operation, and next year the legendary Magnitogorsk produced the first cast iron.

On the night of January 31, units of the 38th Infantry Brigade and the 329th Engineer Battalion blocked the building of the central department store in the center of Stalingrad, in the basement of which the headquarters of the 6th German army. After the ultimatum, Field Marshal PAULUS, together with a group of staff officers, surrendered Soviet troops and was taken to the headquarters of the 64th Army. A total of 16 generals were captured. The bulk German troops stopped resistance, and on February 2 the defeat and destruction of the entire group of encircled Nazi troops was completed.

The automatic station “Luna-9” was launched in the USSR, which in three years will make a soft landing on the surface of the Earth’s satellite, and then begin to transmit images of the landing area.

The first McDonald's restaurant in the USSR, the largest in the world, opened in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square.

Sochinets Evgeniy KAFELNIKOV won the final of the Australian Open over Swede Thomas ENKVIST with a score of 4:6, 6:0, 6:3, 7:6, for the second time in his sports career winning a Grand Slam tournament.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Presidential Prizes Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for 2001 were awarded to Galina VOLCHEK, Valery GERGIEV, Mikhail ZHVANETSKY, Nonna MORDYUKOVA, Gleb PANFILOV, Mikhail PLETNEV, Victor ROZOV.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the 2001 Bulat Okudzhava Prize was awarded to Alexander DOLSKY.

Born on this day

Grigory Petrovich CHERNYSHEV
(1672 - 10.8.1745),
military leader, statesman, count. An associate of PETER I took part in the Azov campaign, distinguished himself in the battles of the Northern War of 1700-21, and was the governor of the Azov, Livonia and Moscow provinces.

Nadezhda Avdeevna KUBAROVSKAYA
(1856 - unknown 1916, Nizhny Novgorod),
poetess. In Nizhny, where her family moved in 1884, she taught in schools and boarding schools. Since 1897, she was constantly published in the local press with poems and poems of religious content, then becoming a typical “urban poetess”, responding in poetry to all the topical events of city life - anniversaries, deaths, tours.

TIKHON /Vasily Ivanovich BELLAVIN/
(1865 - 7.4.1925),
Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Took monastic vows in 1891, from 1897 bishop, in 1898-1907 archbishop in North America , in 1907-13 Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov, from 1917 Metropolitan of Moscow. On November 18, 1917, he was elected patriarch, and his enthronement took place on December 4. Arrested in 1922, he was under house arrest. He was buried in the Donskoy Monastery. In 1981 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and in 1989 by the Russian Orthodox Church. This day (October 9), like the day of his repose, is celebrated in his memory.

Vladimir Nikolaevich PERETZ
(1870, St. Petersburg - September 24, 1935, Saratov),
literary critic, folklorist, art critic, teacher, academician (1914).

Alexander Nikolaevich DINNIK
(1876, Stavropol - 22.9.1950, Kyiv),
scientist in the field of mechanics and theory of elasticity, academician (1946).

Lidia Alekseevna CHARSKAYA
(1875, St. Petersburg - 18.3.1937, Leningrad),
children's writer.

Boris Viktorovich SAVINKOV
(1879 - 7.5.1925),
Social Revolutionary, terrorist, writer.

Margarita Vasilievna SABASHNIKOVA
(1882, Moscow - 2.11.1973, Stuttgart),
poetess, memoirist, artist. Wife of the poet Maximilian VOLOSHIN.


Evgenia Rudolfovna RUSSAT(real name RUSSATIE)
(1885, St. Petersburg - 10/22/1934, Leningrad),
poetess, novelist, playwright and translator

Arkady Aleksandrovich PLASTOV
(1893 - 12.5.1972),

Alexey Nikolaevich GRIBOV
(1902 - 26.11.1977),
Moscow Art Theater actor, National artist THE USSR.

Valentina Stepanovna GRIZODUBOVA
(1910 - 28.4.1993),
pilot, hero Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor. Her anniversaries continue to be celebrated on this date and year, but employees of the Grizodubov Museum in Kharkov discovered in the archives that the true date of birth of the twice Hero is April 27 (May 10), 1909.

Vladimir Ivanovich SMIRNOV
(1910 - 16.6.198,
geologist, academician (1962), Lenin Prize laureate.

Vladislav Ignatievich STRZHELCHIK
(1921 - 11.9.1995),
actor, People's Artist of the USSR

Lev Alexandrovich RUSOV
(1926 - ??.??.1987),
artist, master of portrait painting.

Viktor Anatolyevich AKULICHEV
specialist in ocean acoustics, hydrophysics and mechanics of wave processes, director of the Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2000).


Alexander Shalvovich POROKHOVSHCHIKOV

Valery Vasilievich LUNIN
Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2000).

Alexander Vasilievich KORZHAKOV
former head of the Russian Presidential Security Service, now a writer, film actor and deputy.

Served in the Kremlin regiment, then almost 20 years in the 9th Directorate of the KGB (protection of senior party and statesmen). In 1985, he was assigned to the 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee, did not leave him in disgrace, and as a result became one of the most influential people in the circle of the President of Russia. But such friendship did not oblige anyone to anything, as literary creativity proved.

But correspondence education made it possible to become a candidate economic sciences , a member of two academies - security problems, defense and law enforcement and medical and technical sciences, therefore it is not surprising to be elected with such talents to the State Duma, where he is now a member of the faction " United Russia"is deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense.

Nikolai Konstantinovich KRUGLOV
biathlete, two-time Olympic champion in 1976 (20 km race and relay), Honored Master of Sports. Now his son Nikolai KRUGLOV, who has already been a champion among juniors, takes his place in the Russian national team.

Nadya / Nadezhda Nikolaevna / RUSHEVA
(1952 - 6.3.1969),
artist, graphic artist, illustrator of works by PUSHKIN, Leo TOLSTOY, BULGAKOV and many other authors.

Sergey Borisovich IVANOV
(1953, Leningrad),
currently 1st Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Defense in 2001-07.

Vera Vitalievna GLAGOLEVA
film actress.

Sergey Nikolaevich BABURIN
former vice speaker of the Russian State Duma.

Alexey Borisovich MILLER
Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom

Alexey Gennadievich NILOV
(1964, Leningrad),
film actor. He started out working in the theater, but the role of Captain Larin in “Streets of Broken Lanterns” determined the main direction of his entire work.

(1980, Rostov-on-Don),
2004 Olympic champion in rowing as part of a four-scull, rowing team.

Yulia Viktorovna NACHALOVA
(1981, Voronezh),
singer. Wife of CSKA football player Evgeniy ALDONINA.

Vladimir Sergeevich BYSTROV
(1984, Meadows),
football player, midfielder of Zenit and the Russian national team, bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship, Honored Master of Sports. And the attitude towards the player of the most ardent part of Zenit fans, who do not forgive him for his four-year stay in Spartak, may well be used by doctors as clinical picture corresponding pathologies.

On this day it was gone

Alexander Vasilievich DRUZHININ
(20.10.1824 - 1864),
writer, critic, translator, editor of the magazine “Library for Reading”. He was the first Russian critic and literary critic who widely covered history and current state English and French literature. I. S. TURGENEV wrote to him: “You are a master at this work - and perhaps the only master in our Rus'.”

Gabriel Stepanovich POPOV
(12.7.1798 - 1874, St. Petersburg),
an amateur writer who wrote poems on occasion and was famous in the circles of the capital's bureaucracy.

Semyon Yakovlevich NADSON
(26.12.1862 - 1887),

Vadim Vladimirovich ROMANOV
(5.5.1841 - 1890, Nice),
fiction writer, journalist.

Mikhail Osipovich MIKESHIN
(21.2.1835 - 1896),
a draftsman, according to whose designs many monuments were built. In 1858 he graduated Petersburg Academy arts, and a year later won the competition for the monument to the Millennium of Russia. For almost a century and a half this majestic monument has been decorating Velikiy Novgorod. Among other works of the artist that have survived to this day are the monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Kyiv, Ermak in Novocherkassk, and Catherine II in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Leonidovich LOZINSKY
(20.7.1886 - 1955),
poet, translator, translation theorist. Friend of Nikolai GUMILEV.

An indispensable participant in the “Workshop of Poets” was first arrested in 1921 in connection with the arrest of Gumilyov. He was arrested several more times later. According to N.Ya. MANDELSHTAM, “...he was one of those who always had a pre-prepared bag of things at home.” From that time until the end of his life, Lozinsky was engaged only in translations, and his main thing was creative achievement in this area has become " The Divine Comedy» DANTE.

Mikhail Leontievich MIL
(22.11.1909 - 1970),
helicopter designer.

Viktor Maksimovich ZHIRMUNSKY
(2.8.1891, St. Petersburg - 1971, Leningrad),
outstanding philologist, academician (1966).

Matvey Vasilievich ZAKHAROV
(17.8.1898 - 1972),
Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Konstantin Konstantinovich KUDRYAVTSEV
(1.3.1912 - 1994),
speed skater, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR. The first of those to be awarded both honorary titles.

The famous Russian philanthropist and patron of the arts was born in 1865.Alexey Bakhrushin.

Alexey Alexandrovich allocated funds for the creation of the domestic air fleet and for various medical experiments, but the main business of his life was collecting objects and attributes related to the theater and its history. For his charitable activities and assistance to the state, he received the rank of full state councilor and the title of honorary citizen of Moscow.

Literary and Theater Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences - under this name a museum was opened in Zamoskvorechye in 1894, which today we call Bakhrushinsky, named after its creator. This museum still exists today and is considered the largest in the world in terms of holdings.

And it all started like this. Once upon a time in the company of young people cousin Alexey Bakhrushin Kupriyanov began to show off the various theatrical relics he had collected - posters, photographs, random souvenirs bought from antique dealers, etc. However, all these varied acquisitions did not make an impression on Bakhrushin. For a collection to have value, he said, one must not only buy things from sellers, but must look for them oneself, subject to a deep personal interest in the subject. Otherwise it will be a waste of time.

Kupriyanov flared up and began praising his “treasures”; Bakhrushin also became angry. Word by word...

- Yes, I’ll collect more than you in a month! - Alexey Alexandrovich announced.

The offended cousin proposed a bet. It was concluded in front of numerous witnesses and won in due time. So a blind chance (or maybe providence itself?) prompted young Bakhrushin to the main task of his life.

By that time he had very little collecting experience. I tried to collect Japanese things, then everything that had to do with Napoleon. But it was just a tribute to fashion, transitory, accidental. Now my pride was affected; I didn’t want to be defeated in the argument.

Bakhrushin rushed to second-hand book dealers and antique dealers, and every Sunday he went to Sukharevka. Amazing finds awaited him there...

Over the years, collecting turned into a passion - Alexey Alexandrovich thought only about his collection, he could only talk about it. His acquaintances were surprised, laughed at his eccentricity, shrugged their shoulders - well, who could then imagine that the “theatrical nonsense” diligently collected by Bakhrushin would become a most valuable aid for studying the history of domestic and foreign theater?

Who could, for example, have imagined that Bakhrushin’s passion for ballet shoes (how many witticisms were made about this!) would in the future provide an opportunity to clearly trace how ballet technique developed. The thin shoes of Fanny Elsler and Maria Taglioni tightly fitted the ballerina's leg in early XIX centuries and made her dance truly airy. Then a cork sock appeared in the shoe - it helped the ballerinas do the most difficult dance moves. The beginning of the 20th century brought an amazing innovation - the steel toe, which made it possible to bring ballet technique to the utmost perfection.

The collection grew and grew. The house was swollen with things, books, papers. In 1913, his father put the former royal mansion at the disposal of Alexei Alexandrovich, but that too was soon filled to the brim with relics. Bakhrushin constantly sorted through, laid out his treasures, sorted them into departments: theatrical, musical instruments, composers, literary, ethnographic, etc.

“When the conviction became firmly established in me that my collection had reached those limits at which I no longer considered myself entitled to dispose of its materials, I thought about the question whether I, the son of the great Russian people, was not obliged to provide this collection for the benefit of this people,” – Bakhrushin said these words on a memorable day for him - November 25, 1913, when his collection was transferred Russian Academy Sci.

After the revolution, Alexey Alexandrovich did not leave his homeland. He could not even imagine separation from his creation, his life’s work. The Bolsheviks retained Theater Museum, and since 1918 it began to bear the name of Bakhrushin, its founder and manager. Thus, Bakhrushin became one of the very few Moscow philanthropists whose activities - in the same capacity as before the revolution - continued even during Soviet power. Director for life - he remained in this position until last hour, and Alexey Alexandrovich died in 1919.

February. Get some ink and cry!

Write about February sobbingly,

While the rumbling slush

In spring it burns black.

Everyone is familiar with these lines from Boris Pasternak. Here's how we greeted the arrival of the second month of winterValery Bryusov, who wrote the poem “February” on January 31, 1907:

A moment between light and shadow!

The day between winter and spring!

I completely obey the movement

Songs floating with me.

In 1909, he was arrested for his participation in preparing the escape of political convicts from Novinskaya prison.Vladimir Mayakovskywho is under 16 years old. By that time, Mayakovsky had already been a member of the RSDLP for a year. Once he was even arrested, but was soon released. This time Vladimir had to spend six months in prison. After leaving Butyrka, he moved away from revolutionary activities and took up painting and literature.

“Remorse begins where impunity ends,” said the French philosopherClaude Adrian Helvetius, born on the same day in 1715.

The combination of personal interest with the common good - these are, according to Helvetius, the foundations of a reasonable “philosophy of happiness.” One of his main works, the treatise “On the Mind,” was banned and burned. It was published in Russian only in 1917. But still Helvetius was read in Russia. His name is mentioned by Pushkin in drafts among the authors of Onegin’s library: “Baron D’Holbach, Voltaire, Helvetius.”

Born in 1769 in ParisAndré Jacques Garnerin, the first parachutist. During the Great french revolution Garnerin served in the army and was captured. Returning to his homeland in 1797, he took to the air in front of the Parisian public. hot-air balloon filled with hydrogen, and from a height of less than a kilometer jumped down on a round parachute made of white silk with a diameter of about 7 meters.

Garnerin traveled around Europe and surprised spectators with stunts. Zhanna Genevieve, his wife, who worked with him, also went down in history: in 1799, she became the first female paratrooper.

In 1803, Garneren reached Russia: in July he covered the distance from Vasilyevsky Island to Malaya Okhta in a hot air balloon in St. Petersburg, and in October, having placed the first Moscow beauty Praskova Kologrivova in a basket, he flew from Moscow about 30 kilometers to the estate of the Vyazemsky princes in Ostafyevo.

The aeronaut died on August 18, 1823, having received an accidental blow to the head with a wooden beam while preparing for his next flight.

In 1910, in Kharkov, she was born into the family of the famous aircraft designer and inventor Stepan Grizodubov.daughter Valentina, who was destined to become the first woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1929 she graduated from the Penza Aero Club. She was involved in gliding, worked as an instructor pilot at the Tula Aviation School, then as a pilot in the Gorky propaganda squadron at the Central Airfield, and in 1936 she began serving in the Red Army. In 1937, using the UT-1, UT-2 and AIR-12 aircraft, Valentina set five world aviation records for altitude, speed and flight range. But main record was ahead.

September 24-25, 1938 as crew commander on the ANT-37 Rodina, together with co-pilot Polina Osipenko and navigator Marina RaskovaValentina Grizodubovamade a non-stop historic flight from Moscow to Far East, setting a world women's flight distance record: in 26 hours and 29 minutes, the brave pilots covered a distance of six thousand 450 kilometers. For completing this flight, all three were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Great Patriotic War overtook Valentina Stepanovna in the position of head of the USSR International Air Lines Directorate. During the war, Colonel Grizodubova made about 200 sorties to bomb enemy targets and to maintain communications with partisan detachments. After demobilization in 1946 from Soviet army Valentina Stepanovna worked in civil aviation. In January 1986, she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The legendary pilot died in April 1993.

Jeweler's Day

- international professional holiday
All over the world, on January 31, jewelers celebrate their professional holiday - International Jeweler's Day. People have always loved to decorate themselves, so the profession of a jeweler is one of the most ancient. Jewelers make our lives more beautiful.

Lunar New Year

international holiday
January 31st according to the Chinese calendar is celebrated New Year- the longest and most important holiday, which after the winter solstice falls on the second new moon, that is, between January 12 and January 19 and it lasts for as long as 15 days! Various vibrant festivals and folk festivities are held on this holiday.


The Buddhist New Year begins on January 31st.
By Buddhist tradition New Year is celebrated in different years in different ways - between the end of January and mid-March, on the first spring new moon lunar calendar, therefore the date of the New Year according to the lunar calendar is calculated annually.

15 Wonders of Buddha (Monlam Chenmo)

This Buddhist holiday is also called the First “Great Prayers”; it is dedicated to the memory of 15 miracles that Buddha Shakyamuni, according to legend, performed in the Indian city of Shravasti. The holiday coincides with the Buddhist New Year.

Birthday of Russian vodka

On January 31, 1865, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev in St. Petersburg defended his doctoral dissertation, on which he worked in 1863-64, entitled “On the combination of alcohol with water.” This event was the reason for the establishment of the vodka birthday holiday on this day.
The dissertation is currently kept at St. Petersburg State University in the museum of the great scientist. The purpose of the work was to study the specific gravities of different alcohol + water solutions, depending on their concentration and temperature.
The specific gravity of the mixture was studied at different concentrations and temperatures - from anhydrous alcohol to a 50% solution and then to a solution containing 0% alcohol.
In chapters 4 and 5 of his dissertation, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev wrote about the results of studies with aqueous-alcohol solutions with a concentration of 33.4% or 40%.
But there was no mention of the physiological or biochemical effects of these systems on a living organism.
According to some sources, it is known that “white bread wine” was brought to Russia in the 16th century from Scandinavia. Other sources have information that vodka was brought from Genoa 100 years earlier. There is historical information that strong drinks in Rus' began to be consumed in the 11th-12th centuries.
The strength of vodka in Russia was not a dogma; the country produced different types of vodka from 38, 45 and up to 56 degrees. Today, stronger varieties are also known.
Celebrating the birthday of vodka, I would like to remember that many scientific research confirm that alcohol is harmful to health.
Alcohol and tobacco were recognized as narcotic substances by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1985.
Fedor Uglov in his book “The Truth about Legal Drugs” writes that 45 g of alcohol kills 1000 neurons in the brain.

Church Orthodox holidays

Day of the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh - St. Cyril and Mary.

According to legend, the venerable boyars Cyril and Maria, the parents of Sergius of Radonezh, lived on their estate in the ancient Rostov principality, four miles from Rostov the Great.
Cyril and Maria followed strict church rites, loved the temple of God and were diligent in prayer. Boyar Kirill was in the service of the princes of Rostov.
When God gave them a second son, Bartholomew - St. Sergius Radonezh in the future, the pious couple had another son - Stefan. Cyril and Mary, after Bartholomew, had Peter, their third son. The spouses raised their children in piety, purity and the Law of God.
Even before the birth of Bartholomew, the righteous spouses made a vow to God - if a male child was born, they would devote him to serving the Church and God.
When the children grew up, boyar Kirill sent them to learn to read and write. Bartholomew was not given a letter and the boy was worried about this and cried bitterly, fervently praying that the Lord would enlighten him.
Miraculously, Bartholomew was given a great gift from God - the knowledge of book teaching. When boyar Kirill became poor in old age, he was forced to settle in the city of Radonezh, on the land of Moscow.
Bartholomew's brothers Stefan and Peter got married, and Bartholomew wished to take monastic vows. Cyril and Maria asked Bartholomew to wait and not fulfill his intentions until their death, so that Bartholomew could put their old age to rest. Bartholomew of Grace obeyed his holy parents.
But the Monks Cyril and Maria, at the end of their lives, themselves wished to take monasticism. First they took monastic vows, and then the schema. But around 1337 they departed to the Lord in peace.
The veneration of Saints Kirill and Marib began in the 16th century. In the Intercession Cathedral of the monastery, the Psalter is constantly read at their relics and requiem services are served.
The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992 canonized Saints Cyril and Mary.

Day of Saints Athanasius and Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria

On January 31, Orthodox Christians celebrate another religious holiday- Day of Saints Athanasius and Cyril, archbishops of Alexandria, who were born around 297 into a virtuous Christian family in Alexandria.
The joint celebration of the day of Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria was established for their great long-term labors and exploits that they suffered against heresies in defense of the dogmas of the Universal Church.

Holiday according to the folk calendar

Afanasyev Day, Afanasy the Clematis

On this day, January 31, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Athanasius the Great, who, in the 4th century, was an archbishop in Alexandria and was considered one of the fathers of the Greek church.
Afanasy in Rus' was nicknamed Clematis because severe frosts occurred on this day. People used to say on this day: “The frost grabs the lazy by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the nimble.”
There were many signs on Afanasyev's day, here are some of them: if the day is blizzard, then you should not wait for early spring, and if the weather is clear at noon, then it will come early spring.
If on this day crows fly and circle in flocks, then severe frosts will come. A loudly buzzing samovar also foreshadowed severe cold.
There was a popular belief that on Afanasiev days, in severe frosts, witches fly to the Sabbath, where they lose their heads from excessive fun, so when they return back, they try to harm people.
On this day, our ancestors tried to drive out evil spirits from their homes. At midnight, the healers cast a spell on the chimneys, through which the witch could fly into the house, and the men took whips and shafts, walked around the village with them and, pounding on the walls of houses and barns, drove away the evil spirits.
Name day January 31 at Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Emelyan, Hilarion, Kirill, Ksenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Sergei

Unusual holidays

Birthday of Russian vodka
- Day of calling your exes
— Spontaneous Kindness Day
— Day of admitting other people’s mistakes
— Day of the nose with a hump