Draw a balloon. How to draw a balloon step by step

Necessary materials:
- paper
- graphite pencil.


Stage 1
Draw an even circle - this is the base of the ball. Draw a straight line in the center of the sheet. Place a dot in its center. Draw a straight line through it perpendicular to the first one, of the same length. Try to make the lines barely noticeable.
To understand where the center of the sheet is, you can still use a ruler, but it’s better to develop your eye - this will come in handy more than once in the future.

Stage 2
Connect extreme points the resulting intersecting lines, forming a circle. You probably won't succeed smooth circle the first time, but don't give up trying. When you are done with this task, erase the extra lines.

Stage 3
Let's create volume by applying shadows. Let's say the light comes from above and to the left. Place a dot in the most illuminated part of the ball and mark the width of the shadow with a stroke.

Stage 4
Now you need to draw the diameter of the ball through its center, perpendicular to the direction of the incident light. Based on the diameter segment, draw an ellipse indicating the light-shadow boundaries.

Stage 5
Conventionally, the ball can be divided into several parts in accordance with the degree of illumination. Some part is strongly lit, some is weakly lit, some part is darker, and the fourth is entirely in the shadow. It is better to first visualize these areas, different in illumination, mentally (if this is difficult, you can place a spherical object in front of you). The most illuminated place that reflects light is the glare. You can simply remember it, or you can mark it on a piece of paper.

Stage 6
A light spot surrounds the highlight. Then there will be a gradual transition from light to shadow and finally the darkest area. Draw the shadow with arched strokes.

Stage 7
It's time for shading. Do not touch the highlight area, paint the light area with light gray. Make the shading color darker in the shadow direction. Don't forget about arcing strokes, parallel to the outline of the ball, and then diverging radially from the highlight to the shadow. Make the reflex lighter in comparison with the falling shadow.

Stage 8
Make an image of the shadow cast by the ball on the surface. In artificial light it will be clearer, in daylight it will be less clear.

Stage 9
If necessary, add a subject plane and background.

Congratulations! Now you know how to draw a ball step by step.

Another example of drawing a ball

    To draw a flying balloon, you need to draw an object shaped like an inverted pear or a light bulb, then below you need to draw a basket and sandbags. And the usual one balloon is drawn as an oval, pointed at the bottom, with a thread. Step-by-step video instructions for drawing a balloon and balloon will also help you draw them correctly.

    If you are interested in a balloon on which people fly, then your actions should be as follows: the same paper and pencil. Draw a ball, four straight lines from it down a little at an angle, and at the bottom a basket in the form of a rectangle, for example. This is the basic diagram. And then work a little on the details, and your ball is ready :)

    Draw a circle.

    Then divide it into vertical stripes;

    draw a basket;

    ropes holding the basket;

    decorate the ball with decorative elements.

    Balloons can be decorated using any sample in the bottom picture.

    Take a piece of paper and a pencil in your hands. Place the sheet on the table right hand take a pencil (you can use the left one), draw a circle or oval with a pencil, and draw a rope at the bottom. That's all. If desired, your balloon can be painted.

    We will draw a balloon in just five steps:

    First step. We draw the shape of a ball, one might say in the form of a lamp, which connects at the bottom with a point.

    Second step. We align our figure using auxiliary lines and draw a basket in which people are traveling.

    Third step. We remove all previously drawn auxiliary lines and just outline our entire drawing.

    Fourth step. Draw the slices of the balloon.

    Fifth step. Now we draw lines horizontally, get our ball in a box and draw a basket for people. The drawing is ready.

IN modern life Too much of everything is automated and mechanized. And the more valuable become hand-made things and drawings created with soul. Many people love to draw - young children, teenagers, and adults. Sometimes you want to depict some interesting real object. For example, how to draw Balloons with a basket, you can find out from this article.

Where do the balloons come from?

A long time ago, people wanted to rise above the ground. Hot air ballooning made it possible to travel by air relatively safely. In essence, such an aircraft is a sphere connected by ropes to a passenger basket. This method of transportation is still used today, but more as an entertainment attraction or as an option for a romantic date. Many artists depict it on love cards. How to draw balloons? Let's find out, it's worth learning, if only to please your loved one.

Stages of creating a drawing

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a balloon step by step. First of all, you need to decide how many balls will be depicted and determine the proportions of the objects. At the next stage of deciding how to draw balloons, you need to outline a large sphere and a small basket. Next, the sphere itself is divided into shares, like an orange - these are the ropes that hold the ball and the basket together. You also need to detail the passenger basket, making sure that it is connected to the ball itself. When completing the drawing, you need to carefully remove the construction lines with an eraser. In order to add dynamics and liveliness to your work, you can outline clouds, treetops, and birds flying nearby.

To lift a balloon into the air, you need a gas that is light. So, how to draw a hot air balloon? The design consists of a basket and a ball. They don't have an engine. It is impossible to control such a device, because it does not have a control system. It flies wherever the flow of air masses carries it.

Almost everyone dreams of riding such a unit, because it is not as scary as riding a parachute. But people have a fear of heights, because it is completely uncontrollable. This is not very scary, because he cannot rise up into the cold masses, but he can fly to another country. Every child can see such flying machines in animated films. Therefore, we can try to make out one of these cartoon drawings.

Yellow-red ball

Let's try to figure out how to draw a balloon with a basket. To help, you should draw a cross on the worksheet. But we make the top vertical bar longer than the bottom one. Under the horizontal short one we draw another similar straight line. Starting from the top small one, draw a ball, stretching it to the sides and up. From the bottom we begin to draw a basket. We connect it with the ball with rafters.

For the volume of the ball, draw parallel but curved lines on the ball. We limit it from below, and a little further we make a circle for fastening, from which the ropes extend to one point. From there we direct the ropes to different ends of the basket. We erase the auxiliary lines. Paint the sky blue.

The last stage is coloring. After one stripe we make them yellow and pink. The basket should be brown. We make white clouds in the sky. It is best to create highlights on colorful stripes, then the volume and reality of the picture will increase several times.


Now let's look at an older version of the balloon. We also draw an elongated circle to which the basket is tied with ropes. On the top of the third part of the figure we make stripes that come out from the top. Further, the middle of it will have three circles. And in the last part of the ball we draw three sagging ropes. We connect the ball to the ropes of the basket with a large number of lines.

We set boundaries. We make horizontal stripes above and below the circles. From the circles we form flowers with five petals. Draw the basket with square shading and add two ropes on the sides of the ball.

We make green and black stripes on top, the flowers will be pink with a green border, and we will place them on a yellow background. We make sagging ropes green, and the background under them gray. Next, draw the petals in pink. The basket will be brown. It is impossible to find such devices now, because they are all more modern and not so brightly and flashily decorated.


In this part you need to figure out how to draw a balloon step by step. To do this, we will do some auxiliary actions. We draw a circle, which we limit on the top and sides with small segments. Divide the circle into halves using a diagonal and extend it downwards. Almost from these side segments we draw two straight lines down, narrowing the distance between them. We finish them when they are almost close to each other. Below we make sketches of the future basket.

Add four ellipses different sizes: above, below the center, below the circle and slightly below the last one. We draw a semblance of a basket in the form of a cube below.

Now we draw parallel lines from the top to the penultimate ellipse. Add ropes to the basket.

We draw the front part of the upper and next ellipse. We do the same with the bottom one. Let's finish drawing some fastening elements.

Add wrinkles to the upper part of the fabric of the device. We finish drawing the curves of the ropes above the basket. Add clouds.

When creating man in his own image, the Almighty forgot several details. For example: hands should grow from the right place, or one should not stick one's nose into other people's business. But all these are small things compared to the fact that we still cannot fly. This is unfortunate, and the person is trying in every possible way to rise into the air with any accessible ways. I will now tell you in more detail about one of these methods. You will learn how to draw a ball with a pencil. Aerostat - correct name balloon. But no one cares; for us it is an ordinary spherical object, capable of rising to a bird's eye height thanks to heated air. It is used extremely rarely as a means of transportation. Usually this is a type of attraction. Every girl dreams of riding such a miracle. It's very romantic, scary and fun. Yes, in that order. I would also ride one if I had one. But in the absence of it, I can just copy it:

How to draw a balloon step by step

Step one. Let's draw this shape. Step two. Now let’s make it smoother, it should work geometric figures. Step three. We delete the auxiliary lines and outline the contours. Step four. Let's divide it like a tangerine into slices. Step five. Now it's the same thing, only horizontal lines. And don't forget to draw the basket. We have lessons in drawing other flying objects and celestial bodies, Here.