How to draw a car with a simple pencil. Learning how to draw a jeep

We present to you a lesson in drawing a car step by step with a pencil; draw a car with your child in just 5 steps! Car model: Ferrari.

Drawing a car step by step

To draw a car for your child or together with your child, use our step-by-step instructions.

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How to draw a car in five steps - learn by playing

The page is dedicated to young artists and parents who love their children and care about their comprehensive development. The drawing lesson is primarily dedicated to boys, but girls will also have great fun drawing a sports car, so let them join in this exciting process too!

Yes, the question of how to draw a car step by step with a pencil interests many, because some models are really difficult to draw. But there’s nothing wrong with that if you have patience, a good pencil and a soft eraser. In a word, don’t be shy and start drawing! The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly, then you will definitely succeed! And even if the first steps seem easy, they should be given close attention, because carelessness can ruin the entire drawing.

Is something not working out for you? Don’t be discouraged, the next drawing will be much better, and after several unsuccessful attempts on a piece of paper you will be able to draw with a pencil the car of your dreams, although not real, but very beautiful!

We believe that you will show all your hidden talents and quickly learn how to draw various models of cars step by step with a pencil! Dare and believe in your own strength!

Racing cars are the embodiment of power, speed, and design ideas. And if you also like these mechanisms, then there is nothing better than learning how to draw a racing car.

Red racing car on the track

The most interesting thing will be to figure out how to draw a racing car step by step while driving. The car will rush along the track at great speed in order to be the first to cross the finish line and bring the driver a well-deserved victory.

First, let's outline the general shape of the body. It will be low, wide, and as streamlined as possible.

Then we will depict the cabin - a low, small elevation in the center of the shape.

After this we will edit the shape of the hood. It will be somewhat similar to the nose of a hammerhead fish - a wide structure on a narrow “leg”.

Now let's add one wheel and a wing. The wing provides the car with better traction on the road.

At the next stage we will draw two more wheels and add some small details.

Then we will erase all the unnecessary and auxiliary lines and draw the main ones.

Let's add colors - we'll make the body red and white, and around it we'll draw blurry landscapes with trees and a bridge flying through the windows.

That's all - the picture is completely ready.

Racing car - a combination of smoothness and power

Racing cars do not always look like alien ships - often their design is quite familiar, and only the streamlined shape and the presence of a wing indicate that this is an ultra-fast device. So, let's learn how to draw a racing car with a pencil.

First of all, let's draw the general shape of the car and wheels. All lines should be very smooth, without sharp corners.

Then we will add the roof of the car.

Then we will draw the front and side windows and separate the door.

After that, we will add details: headlights, side windows, radiator grille, wing, etc.

For beginners

If you love racing cars, but are just starting to learn fine art, then it is quite possible to learn how to draw a racing car for beginners. Simple shapes and a detailed description of each stage of drawing will allow you to quickly and easily make a nice sketch or drawing.

First, let's draw two large wheels and the front part of the hood. We will draw directly with a felt-tip pen, without a preliminary pencil sketch. If you doubt your abilities, you can first sketch with a pencil and then draw the lines.

Then we will finish drawing the doors, steering wheel, wing, cabin and a man sitting in the cabin in a helmet. The cockpit will be open - the pilot is, in fact, “outside”.

That's all, but if you wish, you can paint the car in some bright color - this way the picture will look much more interesting.

Funny cars - drawing with kids

If your son or daughter is interested in racing, cars and various mechanisms, then it would be a great idea to learn how to draw a racing car for children. The baby will probably love this, especially if you stock up on bright pencils, markers or paints in advance. Or, for example, wax crayons or colored pens.

First, let's draw the bottom of the car and two fairly large wheels with spokes.

Then we will complete the rest of the body - its shape will be elongated, with smooth curves and a pointed edge in the hood area.

Then we will depict the wing and the driver sitting in the cab. Or, in racing terminology, a pilot. The pilot will smile cheerfully.

At the next stage we will add details: all sorts of buttons, panels, round pieces.

Now you need to color the drawing. We made the body of the car red and blue, but if you wish, you can choose other shades. Only the wheels must be black - tires of other colors are not yet available. Also, if desired, you can depict the landscape around.

That's it, the drawing is completely ready. Don't forget to praise your little artist and hang his masterpiece in the nursery.

A long time ago, cars came into our lives - special mechanical vehicles on four wheels. Previously, when they did not exist, people used horses, which were harnessed to carts, carts, and carriages. And only a horse could take the passenger to the right place. But progress did not stand still, and the age of speed came. And along with it, the automobile was invented. Machines appeared in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Nowadays, the number of cars, especially in cities, is very large. And almost every family has at least one car. Children, and especially boys, love to draw different cool cars. Now we will teach you how to draw a very cool car step by step. It's a little difficult, but you should learn from it. Follow our tips.

Stage 1. Let's draw auxiliary lines of the body of our car. Two slightly obliquely drawn parallel straight lines intersect on the right side with two parallel lines at an angle. Next, two vertical lines at a distance from each other intersect the lower parallel. And one straight line is drawn from the end of the top line to the first parallel oblique. Between them we begin to smoothly designate the car body. We draw the rear part of the body, then the top, the front part, and above the straight vertical lines we make places for the wheels.

Stage 2. Now we outline the lines of the body. We have an open body, a car without a top (convertible). We make strokes on the front window and on the hood. We give the car volume.

Stage 4. Let's draw the headlights. They have a rectangular shape with smoothed edges. Ahead, an enlarged view shows how to draw them. Draw two straight lines on the hood.

Stage 5. At the back of the car we will designate the taillights. We will show the handle on the door (see in the enlarged rectangle). This is an oval with an oblique handle drawn in front of it. There should also be a number on the bumper in front of the car. This is a special strip on which there is a plate with the car number.

Stage 6. Now it’s time to draw the rims on the wheels. These are special metal circles that are placed on the front of the wheels. See in enlarged format how to draw them correctly. Also at this stage you need to finish drawing the open interior of the car. We draw two chairs in front with striped backs and oval headrests. Behind these seats you can see the rear seat.

Stage 7. We erase all unnecessary lines, leaving only the main lines of our cool car.

Stage 8. And let's finish drawing the car by coloring it. We chose red. This bright color is very suitable for a cool car, it immediately attracts the eye. The interior of our car is black. Look how these two colors harmonize with each other!

So, now I’ll tell you and show you everything I know about how to draw a car with a pencil step by step!

Scheme 1

This scheme is suitable for the little ones. Let's start drawing with the wheels. Try to keep them more or less the same.

Now connect the wheels with a horizontal line. But what is a car without headlights? This is a mandatory element that should not be forgotten. I propose to depict the headlights in the form of two ovals, as shown in the figure below.

Add a semicircle above the wheels. Connect it to your car's headlights.

But how to drive this car? A steering wheel is a must! Two parallel lines, an oval - and it’s ready. In general, the whole car is now ready! Paint it well and you're ready to go! =)

There are other diagrams that explain how to draw a car step by step. They may be a little more difficult, but I am sure that you will certainly cope with them. Try!

Scheme 2

When drawing a car on paper, identify those details that you simply cannot do without. This is the body, cabin, wheels, bumper, headlights, steering wheel, doors.

Scheme 3

Oh, would you like to try drawing a race car? I have an easy and clear diagram, but the car turns out simply amazing.

Scheme 4

Here are a few more diagrams that will tell you how to draw a car beautifully.

Scheme 5

Draw a convertible with a simple pencil.

How to draw a truck step by step.

Many children and adults want to know how to draw cars simply and realistically. With the help of step-by-step lessons, even a preschooler can cope with this task.

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"Mercedes Benz"

Let's move on to more advanced lessons and learn how to draw cars with a pencil. There are several ways to start working on a picture: repeating the main outlines, using line markings on the sheet, or starting with the wheels. This lesson will focus on the first method.

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Fast and crazy "BMW"

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How to Draw Racing Cars

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