Characteristics of children born under the sign of Gemini. Raising Gemini boys and girls

Gemini's birthday falls between May 21 and June 20. Was your baby born under this zodiac sign? Get ready, you won’t be bored - the horoscope assures that Gemini children, regardless of gender, are a real perpetuum mobile. They are interested in everything at once, quickly learn to walk and - oh, horror! - speak. Gemini children are not beeches by nature, which is due to their attitude to life. All problems for this sign seem unrealistic and insignificant; the prose of life does not touch them at all.

A girl born under the sign of Gemini - general information

They are charming and lovely - little Gemini girls are so charming that they will not leave anyone indifferent. You will listen to her with rapture and watch her with ongoing interest, since the baby has plenty of ways to express herself. At the same time, you need to keep your eyes open with the baby; behind the spontaneity and external lightness of character there is hidden an inquisitive mind that calculates the options, notices all the pitfalls and stops the possibility of making mistakes. This zodiac sign has complete order with vision - while others dream about something abstract and distant, Gemini children take note of everything that is in close proximity to them.

According to the horoscope, a child born under this zodiac sign is simply a living accumulator of information, and he is interested in absolutely everything. With equal attention, the girl will listen to details from the lives of her neighbors and scientific explanations regarding the trajectories of the planets. At the same time, her curiosity is completely inexhaustible.

The main characteristic of the Gemini sign is changeability. A certain duality inherent in both adults and children sometimes makes us suspect that two completely different personalities are hidden under one shell. Just a light breeze, a little thing not worth attention, is enough - and from a meek dove the girl transforms into a predatory cat, puzzling those around her with such metamorphoses.

The horoscope assures that the interests of such individuals are equally inconsistent - the child moves from active games to quiet gatherings with an abstruse book in his hands. However, well-developed thinking does not cancel out excellent physical data. Gemini children are able to amaze with their sporting achievements from a young age. These guys have excellent coordination; combined with a subtle mind, they are able to conquer a complex computer game - or come up with a mind-blowing fairy tale story in a minute. The brain of babies whose sign is Gemini is like a flame - it constantly requires informational food, and as much as possible.

Childhood of representatives of the sign

This sign in childhood does not lack the love of others. Adults adore a lively, inquisitive child; parents see in him the embodiment of their own aspirations and dreams. At the same time, children, despite the apparent fragility of their structure, do not cause much trouble in terms of character; apparently, optimism at birth is firmly woven into their aura. True, it wouldn’t hurt to pay a little more attention to the girl’s health than other signs. This is especially true for nutrition and colds.

The horoscope warns that this zodiac sign rewards those born under it with increased activity. Gemini girls cannot sit quietly in one place - they simply become bored and lonely. But when surrounded by adults, little Geminis flourish. For parents, the joy that the child has quickly learned to speak wears off very quickly - it is enough for the child to start asking endless questions, which are often difficult to answer.

Another feature that the horoscope indicates: the inquisitive mind of children is not very capable at such a young age of filtering the data received, absorbing everything - both good and bad. So an indecent word escaping from the little girl’s mouth is not exactly the norm, but it hardly deserves much surprise. Also, girls of this sign are not very characteristic of the traits inherent in most babies of their age. They don’t like to play with dolls, preferring instead to run around the streets with the neighborhood boys and make life fun for those around them.

School years

Any child perceives going to first grade for the first time as a significant event, but those whose sign is Gemini experience a real shock at this moment. Girls realize earlier than many that this day is the beginning of a completely new life. School becomes a testing ground for them where they can fully give free rein to their curiosity. Moreover, in addition to the coveted knowledge, there are a lot of other children around them, and this means increased communication and, again, a constant influx of information.

However, there is also a problem - the horoscope warns that school can also cause a certain protest in the soul of Gemini. Talking during lessons is prohibited; you won’t be able to question the teacher to your fullest satisfaction; you should wait patiently until they deign to call you to the blackboard. Homework, as the feeling of novelty wears off, becomes simply boring, and the child of this fickle sign begins to actively look for acceptable ways out of the situation, actively using his quick learning skills. Options can range from “memorize it quickly” to “peep it in a book and somehow we’ll get through it.” The main thing is to have more self-confidence.

It is not surprising that with a love for new knowledge and a reluctance to repeat what has already been learned, little representatives of the sign hear every now and then that they have a light head, however, at the same time they are rather superficial and do not know how to work with the material. And how can you not be offended? Choosing a profession is generally a separate conversation, since the child is interested in many things, is able to make an informed choice - and in the process of learning can easily change his mind, even to the point of refusing further studies.

"My Universities"

As the horoscope assures, a matured girl is still the same child in character, restless and restless. And the necessary profession here is appropriate, capable of satisfying not only the desire for constant change, but also providing constant nutrition for brain activity. So it’s worth thinking in the direction of intellectual or practical areas of activity - a matured child can become an excellent journalist, find himself in the hotel business or administration, and the legal profession is also suitable.

The main thing that the horoscope advises not to forget about is whether a child, an adult, a girl or a boy, Gemini is always prone to movement and internal restlessness. At the same time, representatives of the mark do not accept strict restrictions. They need to be given a certain freedom in order to avoid a riot on the ship.

The horoscope recommends forgetting about compliance only in one case - negligence or half-fulfilling one’s assumed responsibilities is unacceptable. By letting Gemini get away with such a mistake once, you provoke him to further repeat his mistakes.

The internal maturation of Gemini girls occurs quite quickly; by the age of twenty, they are fully aware of the imperfections of the world. At the same time, they are young enough to be able to succumb to joy. After all, even an imperfect world is interesting and beautiful!

There is not a single zodiac sign that can compare with him in terms of fun! Gemini boy is a child who never sits still, constantly jokes, laughs and is often the soul of a family or company. It's impossible to get bored with him.

If your child is a boy according to the horoscope Gemini

From a very early age, it seems that he is afraid of not being able to do something, because a boy like Gaius Julius Caesar does several things at the same time, and sometimes tries to do everything at once.

Do not try to give young Gemini advice - he will never do as he was told. It is better to give him the opportunity to figure everything out on his own, having an inquisitive mind and strong logic, often this will not be difficult for him.

But be prepared for the fact that he may come to a completely different opinion, because Gemini looks at the world around him from a unique angle, thereby earning himself a reputation as an inventive person. It’s not for nothing that statistics show that it was this zodiac sign that gave the world most of the geniuses.

What parents of a Gemini child need to know

Don’t force your child to sit in one place - it’s unlikely to work anyway, and you’ll ruin the relationship. It’s better to show him the diversity of this world and give him the opportunity to choose for himself, no one will regret this.

If you have a Gemini boy, you can choose the most suitable name for him. The following are considered the best in terms of compatibility: Albert, Anton, Apollo, Arthur, Vilen, Vladislav, George, Demyan, Cornelius, Luke, Maximilian, Naum, Oleg, Plato, Savely, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

Development of a Gemini boy

Gemini boys have a bewitching brilliance of mind and agility. They always play pranks with excitement, causing adults to admire and be indignant at the same time.

The Gemini boy is a master at attracting people's attention with his wit, and he loves it. Can tell about the most unremarkable event in such a way that you will be amazed. In the future, foreign languages ​​and the art of eloquence will be easy for him. He also has an amazing ability to accurately perceive everything that is happening around him and has good hearing.

His interests are varied and significant - today it could be hockey, tomorrow - football, the day after tomorrow - playing the piano. It is difficult for him to choose one thing, to dwell on it, although in most cases activities in which other people participate seem most attractive.

From a very early age, these children are very sociable. The Gemini child quickly finds friends and changes them just as quickly, as well as companies. He will find allies in any society. But when he loses interest in one of them, he will, without much mental anguish, make it clear that he no longer needs company. Gemini children can easily manipulate their parents, as they are well aware of their surroundings.

Gemini children have developed sensitivity and intuition; a child can search for the meaning of life, truth and justice from an early age.

Gemini mothers are very active during pregnancy. They communicate willingly, do not refuse trips, and expand their knowledge base. After birth, babies are very mobile, restless and often do not reach the required weight. This child begins to surprise his parents from the first days of his life. The baby will not be afraid if unfamiliar uncles and aunts take him in their arms; on the contrary, he will look at them with interest. He is always happy to meet new people, is very sociable, and this quality will remain with him throughout his life.

Gemini, the children's horoscope says that this child is surprisingly active, he simply cannot sit still, he is constantly distracted by something, which is why it is very difficult to feed him. Even the slightest unexpected noise makes him flinch. To bathe a child, his parents need to show considerable ingenuity and come up with a fun company of rubber ducks. Such children are extremely excitable and impressionable.

Twins preschoolers

At preschool age, they are very inquisitive, learn to write early and are drawn to books. They always ask their parents hundreds of questions, because at first they are perceived as the best encyclopedia. It is at this age that a child can develop a love for learning foreign languages, as it comes easily to them. The Gemini boy is distinguished not only by his curiosity, but also by his versatility of interests. He is interested in everything that catches his eye, and his interests are numerous and varied.

If your child finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, he will not be at all confused, but on the contrary, he will find a lot of entertainment and new acquaintances. A preschooler can be captivated by joint trips. If a child begins to fidget and spin around in place, this is a sure sign that he is starting to get bored.

To attract your child to participate in household chores, you can make them in the form of an entertaining and educational game. If you insist that a Gemini girl fulfill some duties, then she will evade them in any way. Be patient with your child, because multitasking is natural for him.

It is difficult to put the child to sleep. But since he needs healthy, full sleep, you can allow him to sleep longer on weekends. But under no circumstances let your child watch scary movies at night.

Gemini schoolboy

A child of this sign learns and learns everything quickly, one might say that he grasps it on the fly, but his academic performance leaves much to be desired, because they have difficulty completing the things they start, they quickly get bored with what seemed to captivate them two days ago. A characteristic feature of Gemini is laziness. They try to do everything quickly and efficiently, so as not to redo it a second time, but if they can escape the task, then Gemini will never miss such an opportunity. There is another problem for children of this sign - they easily acquire knowledge, but also easily forget it.

The Gemini girl child willingly participates in all kinds of school activities if they are related to creative activities, but will never agree to do boring, routine work.

If you want activity from your child, then make his leisure time as bright and interesting as possible. Even while doing homework, a student can turn on music or TV. If this does not affect the marks, then you should not interfere with it.

It is very important to plan his leisure time so that he does not have time for activities that go beyond the bounds of decency; at this age, a Gemini boy child has a high risk of falling into bad company. But do not put pressure on the child, as he may regard your attempts to protect him as an infringement of personal freedom.

Tendencies and hobbies of Gemini children

From early childhood they are fascinated by educational games. Most likely, Gemini will prefer a construction set or a puzzle to the popular war game. Such children have brilliant logic and are very independent.

Those born under this sign are accustomed to achieving success.

With age, Gemini becomes more disciplined and organized, but only if teachers and parents demand it.

on their own, but they do not always have enough faith in themselves. Therefore, it is very important to instill in your child as many good truths as possible while you have parental influence on him. Teach Gemini to finish what they start, develop in them the ability to wait and achieve.

Moreover, these children are excellent liars. And they lie not intentionally, but simply because their heads are filled with endless dreams and fantasies. The child wants to embellish his story, show his vivid imagination, resourcefulness and wit. But be careful, this can easily develop into a habit and become second nature, which will draw you into dangerous surroundings.

Gemini is attracted to astronomy, radio-electronic toys, a young naturalist's club, and an art studio. It is advisable to enroll your child in the library as early as possible. Another sure way to development is learning to play a musical instrument.

Children of this sign also find it easy to learn foreign languages. It is believed that it is better to start learning at the age of 2-2.5 years, since at this time the child is most receptive to new words.

Throughout their lives, Geminis are tormented by mental suffering arising from the discord between their inner world and reality. Therefore, even if a child does what he loves, this will not relieve him of emotional distress, duality, and nervousness. He can take on one task with special passion and just as quickly switch to another.

Therefore, it is very important to instill self-discipline, perseverance and responsibility in early childhood. As practice shows, studying in the company of authoritative and loved ones has a positive effect than studying on your own. It is necessary to develop the malleable intelligence of your child. He just needs to learn.

Gemini children reach a high level if they are passionate and do the same thing they love. It is advisable to support your child in absolutely everything; you cannot offend by word or gesture, you need to praise at any opportunity.

Gemini baby health

  • These children are plagued by injuries and accidents because the child is overly curious and tries to try everything himself. Therefore, as soon as the child learns to crawl, remove anything that may pose a danger away.
  • Babies of the Gemini sign are characterized by seizures and convulsions. If this happens, before the doctor arrives, you must place the child on his stomach and turn his head to the side.
  • They easily catch colds and suffer from respiratory diseases, which soon develop into more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia. But you shouldn’t wait for the disease to develop into an irreversible form; start hardening your child as early as possible. Geminis also have a tendency to tuberculosis and asthma.
  • Organize the correct daily routine. Spend time outdoors more often, engage in outdoor games, ensure sufficient physical activity and good sleep. Rest more often in nature: by the sea, in the mountains, in the forest.
  • Before going to bed, there should be a calm environment in the house. Due to frequent changes in impressions, the child becomes nervous and has to be treated for insomnia.
  • Geminis often develop a speech impediment. Therefore, it is very important to contact a speech therapist as early as possible. Do not forget that children have to communicate a lot with people, and a speech impediment can develop many complexes in them.


It is important for parents to establish a warm, trusting relationship with their child from an early age. Otherwise, when Gemini becomes a teenager, it will be impossible to establish contact. You should communicate as with your equal, that is, an adult, smart, understanding person. If you underestimate a child and treat him condescendingly, he will lose interest and respect for you.

Geminis are stubborn, but in a special way: they do not like open confrontation, but they will find ways not to do what they are forced to do. By the way, coercion is not the best method of education. He provokes lies, and this sign has a special relationship with lies.

During their childhood, Geminis fantasize and invent a lot, and parents should not, having lost their vigilance, miss the moment when dreams begin to turn into conscious lies. Appealing to logic and reason will work much better than coercion. Geminis need to be taught to be grateful; by nature they are not inclined to this.

In general, Geminis are not concerned about the fate of others. It’s difficult to raise them, they don’t listen to anyone and keep slipping out of their hands. Parents must soberly assess the abilities of their children. It is very important to choose the appropriate kindergarten, school or university for your child. Being in a comfortable environment, Gemini will be able to cope with various tasks, and there will be no insurmountable obstacles in their way.

Children's horoscope for other zodiac signs

Table: Complete for all zodiac signs

Element - air
Patron planet - Mercury
Color - yellow, pink
Stone - agate, chrysoprase, beryl
The main character trait is to invent and communicate
Positive character: intelligent, capable of any type of activity, quickly thinks and reacts, able to do several things at once, sociable, easy-going, inventive.
Negative character: infantile, disobedient, scatterbrained, fussy, nervous, contradictory, takes on many things at once and does not complete anything, fickle.

You have an unusually active and impressionable child. He flinches at the slightest sudden noise. He is full of curiosity and has trouble falling asleep because he is afraid of missing something interesting. The older he gets, the harder it will be to send him to bed. To prevent fatigue from accumulating, the only way out is to let him sleep longer on his day off. Loves variety in everything: activities, food. He is easily distracted, and when he is still small, it is therefore difficult to feed him. He doesn't like to swim. When he gets a little older, you can take your favorite toys into the bath to attract him. His attention is captured by everything that moves: cars, watches, dogs, wind-up toys. He asks a thousand questions and does not always listen to the answers. He gets excited too easily. Therefore, do not tell scary stories at night, do not let them watch scary films on TV. Children of this type are peculiarly stubborn. If they do not want to do something, they do not enter into open conflict, but still find ways to evade unwanted activities. They are extremely capable of literally everything, they grasp everything on the fly. But their main difficulty is that they take on many things at once and do not complete any of them. You will have to show a lot of patience to teach your child to concentrate and finish what he starts. If you can teach him this, he will be successful in adulthood. Usually these children easily communicate with others, friends change often.

Your child will most likely learn to read early. He is more interested not in fiction, but in books that contain facts and information. The child is capable of foreign languages; at an early age he can easily master them, and not alone! It would be nice if you started teaching him to play the piano or another musical instrument - this helps develop perseverance. In general, your child has an overactive mind. Make sure that he always has interesting and captivating activities. A bored Gemini may do something on his own initiative, and you may not like it at all.

It is very important that you and your child develop a trusting relationship from a very early age, otherwise you will find it difficult to understand him during adolescence. Don't lie to your child, he is too smart and may lose respect and trust in you. You should also not use coercion, otherwise the child will easily learn to lie. And if he learns this, it will be difficult for you to change him. If you want to achieve something from him, it is better to explain to him why this needs to be done, appealing to his mind and logic.

Take care of the child’s physical development, although he himself may not show any interest in physical education and sports. He benefits from mountain air and any physical activity in the fresh air.

If you think your child is daydreaming too much and nothing can be done about it, ask him to write down his stories. It will be useful for him.

Your child's vitality is moderate. Be careful about colds; a cold can easily turn into pneumonia. Accidents with arms, shoulders, and palms are possible. Babies sometimes experience convulsions. Don't be alarmed, put the baby on his tummy, turn his head to the side and call a doctor. These children do not know how to relax, hence the nervous tension and headaches. The environment, especially before bed, should be calm. And, of course, physical education helps a lot. Children of this type are often left-handed.

Geminis are original and like to do everything their own way, inventing their own methods to achieve the goal. And in any case, they do not like to do as they are advised.

What is contraindicated for a Gemini child?

The child is too nervous and excitable, so do not frighten him or leave him in the dark. He should not watch scary movies or listen to scary fairy tales before going to bed.

Don't deceive the child, he is smart.

He should not remain in a passive state; boredom and lack of employment are the beginning of all sorts of troubles.

Don't force yourself, otherwise your child will learn to lie.

What does a Gemini child need?

In a variety of impressions.

Constantly train him so that he learns to concentrate and achieve a goal, to start a new task only after completing the previous one.

Treat him as an intelligent, understanding person, otherwise he will consider you an unintelligent person and will lose respect for you.

He constantly needs mental food, his brain must always be occupied with something.

Your task is to establish a trusting relationship with him from early childhood, otherwise you will have difficulties in adolescence.

Element- air.

Patron planet- Mercury.

Color- yellow, pink.

Stone- agate, chrysoprase, beryl.

Main character trait- invent and communicate.

This is an active and impressionable child. He flinches at the slightest sudden noise, is full of curiosity and has trouble falling asleep because he is afraid of missing something interesting. The older he gets, the harder it will be to send him to bed. To prevent fatigue from accumulating, the only way out is to let him sleep longer on his day off. Loves variety in everything: activities, food. He gets distracted easily, and when he is still small, it is difficult to feed him. He doesn't like to bathe, so you need to take your favorite toys into the bath. His attention is captured by everything that moves: cars, watches, dogs, wind-up toys. He asks a thousand questions and does not always listen to the answers. The child is too nervous and excitable, so do not frighten him or leave him in the dark. He should not watch scary movies or listen to scary fairy tales before going to bed. Children of this type are peculiarly stubborn. If they do not want to do something, they do not enter into open conflict, but still find ways to evade unwanted activities. They are capable of literally anything, they grasp everything on the fly. But their main difficulty is that they take on many things at once and do not complete any of them. You will have to show a lot of patience to teach your child to concentrate and finish what he starts. Usually these children easily communicate with others, friends change often.

This child usually starts reading early. But he is more interested not in fiction, but in encyclopedias. A Gemini child usually shows aptitude for foreign languages ​​from childhood. This child has an overactive mind. He should not remain in a passive state; boredom and lack of employment are the beginning of all sorts of troubles.

It is very important that adults and children establish a trusting relationship from a very early age. You cannot lie to him, he is too smart and may lose respect and trust in you. You should also not use coercion, otherwise the child will easily learn to lie and then it will be difficult to wean him from it. If you want to achieve something from him, it is better to explain to him why it needs to be done.

Take care of the child’s physical development, although he himself may not show any interest in physical education and sports. He benefits from any physical activity in the fresh air.

Geminis are original and like to do everything their own way, inventing their own methods to achieve the goal. Just not in the way they are advised!

About health. The vitality of a Gemini child is moderate. He often catches colds. A cold can easily turn into pneumonia. Accidents with arms, shoulders, and palms are possible. These children do not know how to relax, hence the nervous tension and headaches. Children of this type are often left-handed.

What is necessary. Variety of impressions. Constantly train him so that he learns to concentrate and achieve a goal, to start a new task only after completing the previous one. Treat him like an intelligent, understanding person, otherwise he will lose respect for you. He constantly needs mental food, his brain must always be occupied with something. Encourage him to show gratitude; it is not very developed in children of this type.