Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary according to the Orthodox calendar. Church Orthodox holiday of August

August 28, 2017 - Monday, day 240 of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. August 28 corresponds to August 15 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Holidays on August 28, 2017 in Russia

  • There are no holidays on August 28, 2017 in Russia.

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Holidays on August 28, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Holidays August 28, 2017 In Ukraine - none.

World and international holidays August 28, 2017

  • There are no world and international holidays on August 28, 2017.

Orthodox holidays August 28, 2017

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary;
  • Khakhulskaya; Atskurskaya; Sophia - Wisdom of God (Novgorod); Uspenie Adrianovskaya; Borovenskaya; Surdegskaya; Vladimirskaya (Rostovskaya); Galichskaya (Chukhlomaskaya); Blachernae (Georgian); Tsilkanskaya; “Assumption” Ovinovskaya; Gaenatskaya; Tupichevskaya; “Assumption” Zvenigorodskaya; Vladimirskaya Florishchevskaya; “Assumption” Pskov-Pecherskaya; “Assumption” (Semigorodnaya); “Assumption” Kiev-Pecherskaya; Kvabtakhevskaya; Bakhchisarai (Crimean, Mariupol); “Assumption” Pyukhtitskaya; Metekhi; Mozdok (Iverskaya) - icons of the Mother of God.

National holidays August 28, 2017

Reapings. The national holiday “Obzhinki” is celebrated on August 28 (according to the old style - August 15). According to the church calendar, the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on this day. Other names of the holiday: “Dozhinki”, “Big Immaculate”, “Spozhinki”, “Assumption”. By mid-August, the grain harvest was ending, hence the name of the holiday. Our ancestors often associated the Mother of God with the ancient deity - Mother Raw Earth, therefore, on the day of the Assumption, the earth was considered the birthday girl. On this day, it was forbidden to walk barefoot on the ground, or to stick any sharp objects into it - neither stakes, nor shovels, nor any other tool. The holiday was sometimes called Dozhinok, because at this time they finished reaping bread. Since mainly women participated in the harvest, in the old days the time of rest after the Dormition was called the young Indian summer, which lasted until Ivan Lent, that is, until September 11. The celebration began right in the field, where a small grain plot was left specially until that day - exactly for one last sheaf. The Slavs believed that good field spirits lived on the field, who monitored the growth of cereals, scared away pests and from time to time descended to the ground with torrential rain. The spirits overwintered in the last sheaf, so they knitted it very carefully, with special ceremonies and silently, so as not to frighten off the field workers. All the last days, sheaves were piled up around this place, just as logs are piled up when building a hut, and the next sheaf was laid so that its ears overlapped the butt of the other. After the last sheaf was tied, several spikelets remained inside this simple structure, which were tied with ribbons and bent to the ground. This ritual was called “beard curling” and was dedicated first to Veles, then to Ilya. Then the celebration continued in villages and villages. They baked loaves and pies from the flour of the new harvest, prepared salamata (flour jelly), cooked porridge, honey and beer. All this was done jointly, by the whole village, because the celebration was universal. The table was set right on the street, and the last sheaf, beautifully decorated, was placed nearby. In some provinces they even dressed him up in a sundress or shirt. While savoring the rich treat, it was customary to praise the grain from which more dishes were prepared. They bowed to the sheaf at the waist - thanked for a hearty lunch. After the treat, the children immediately ran to play outside the outskirts, and the women gathered again in the field. Another obligatory ritual is rolling on a compressed field to increase female strength and for the successful birth of children. After all the conventions were met, the adults went around the courtyards to treat themselves; it was imperative to drink tea and talk with all the relatives. And the girls and boys went to the clearing to play various fun games and dance in circles. We prepared for this celebration in advance, because the next day they began sending matchmakers to future brides. The girls spent a long time preening themselves in front of the shiny samovars, and this is understandable: the one who was not betrothed at the Assumption will sit as a girl right up to the Intercession!

Holidays on August 28, 2017 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in the Philippines August 28, 2017 - Day of National Heroes. On the last Monday of August, residents of the Philippines celebrate a national holiday - National Heroes Day. It is dedicated to all the people who have made significant contributions to the development of the Philippine nation. The date of the holiday was timed to coincide with the beginning of the Philippine Revolution, as a result of which the Philippines was liberated from Spanish colonial rule and became an independent republic. The first anti-colonial uprising in the Philippines was launched by the secret patriotic organization Katipunan under the leadership of Andres Bonifacio in August 1896. The first significant battle between the rebels and the Spanish colonial army took place near the city of San Jose del Monte. National Heroes Day honors all Philippine heroes, both known and unknown. However, in 1995, the Committee of National Heroes was established, which compiled a list of people who made the greatest contribution to the establishment of the Philippines as an independent state. They included: Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo Del Pilar, Muhammad Kudarat, Juan Luna y Novicio, Melchora Aquino, Gabriela Silang. And for Andres Bonifacio and Jose Rizal there are even separate memorable days in the Philippine calendar.
  • Holiday in China August 28, 2017 - Qi Xi is a holiday for lovers. One of the most romantic traditional Chinese holidays. It is celebrated on the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month according to the traditional Lunar calendar. Hence another name for this holiday - Double Seven Festival. The Qi Xi Festival is closely connected with the legend of the Shepherd and the Weaver - a touching love story that has come down to this day from time immemorial. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), noisy fairs were held in the capital, where special gifts and items were sold for the Qi Xi holiday. In ancient times, Qi Xi was one of the most beloved holidays. Nowadays, some traditions of the Qi Xi holiday are still preserved in Chinese villages, but in the cities many customs have already lost their flavor or have completely disappeared. In recent years, the Qi Xi holiday has become very popular among urban youth, who celebrate it as Valentine's Day. During this holiday, Chinese girls wonder: when the star Vega rises high in the sky, you need to put a needle on the surface of the water, and if it does not sink, then the girl is ready to find a husband. Girls can make any wish on this day, but they say only one per year. The Japanese, having borrowed a tradition from ancient China, celebrate a similar holiday on July 7 - the Tanabata festival.
  • Holiday in the USA August 28, 2017 - Dream day. August 28th is known in the United States by the informal name "Dream Day". It was on this day in 1963 that Martin Luther King delivered his most famous speech, “I have a dream.” The leading black civil rights leader's most famous speech came from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, a peaceful protest organized by civil rights, religious and labor organizations. In his speech, Martin Luther King proclaimed his vision of a future where people of different races could coexist as equals. The style of this speech is reminiscent of a Negro Baptist sermon. It contains many references to the Bible, the US Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Manifesto and the US Constitution. The speech is considered a masterpiece of oratory and is ranked among the best speeches in history, and the American Oratory Society recognized it as the best speech of the twentieth century. The “I Have a Dream” speech eventually had the desired effect: after the march, authorities passed the Civil Rights Act, which banned segregation in public places, as well as the Voting Rights Act, which gave African Americans equal voting rights.
  • Holiday in Montenegro August 28, 2017 - The day Montenegro was declared a kingdom. Every year on August 28, Montenegro celebrates an important memorable date - the Day the country was declared a kingdom. From 1515 to 1851, Montenegro was ruled by rulers - spiritual leaders. When Danilo I renounced his priesthood, he became the first secular leader of the state. Power after his assassination in 1860 was inherited by Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. Nikola I Petrovic-Njegoš (Nikola I Mirkov Petrović-Njegoš, October 7, 1841 – March 2, 1921) was a prince (1860-1910) and then king (1910-1918) of Montenegro. Also known as the poet of a popular song in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise. Every year on August 28, Montenegro celebrates an important memorable date - the Day the country was declared a kingdom. From 1515 to 1851, Montenegro was ruled by rulers - spiritual leaders. When Danilo I renounced his priesthood, he became the first secular leader of the state. Power after his assassination in 1860 was inherited by Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. Nikola I Petrovic-Njegoš (Nikola I Mirkov Petrović-Njegoš, October 7, 1841 – March 2, 1921) was a prince (1860-1910) and then king (1910-1918) of Montenegro. Also known as the poet of a popular song in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise.

On Tuesday, August 28, Orthodox Christians will celebrate a major church holiday - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Otherwise, they used to call it the second Easter. The date does not change: every year celebrations take place on this date.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the twelve feasts. It ends the church year. In churches they commemorate the Virgin Mary and remember her death. This holiday ends the Assumption Fast.

What does the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary mean?

The name of the holiday can be translated from Old Slavonic. “Dormition” means “sleep, death.” This is essentially the day of the death of the Most Holy Theotokos, and it is festive only because the Orthodox rejoice at the event - the Virgin Mary passed into the Kingdom of Heaven and was reunited with the Lord.

The Gospel contains no information about the life of the Virgin Mary after the Ascension of Jesus Christ, her Son. Only a little is told about her earthly life and death. According to Scripture, when the Most Holy Theotokos was praying, Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and said that she would soon appear before the Lord. After three days, Mary passed away, and relatives, friends and apostles from all over the world came to say goodbye to her.

The holiday did not appear immediately - it began to be celebrated in the sixth century. The date was set by the Byzantine Emperor Mauritius: on the basis of his edict, the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary began to be celebrated on August 15 (according to the new style - 28). Nowadays, various traditions and customs are associated with the holiday; moreover, the date falls during the harvest period - the time when they begin to prepare for winter. At the end of August, ears of wheat were previously and now consecrated in churches and vegetable canning begins. This is also the time to collect viburnum, apples, and pears.

What should you do on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Various traditions are associated with the festive event, and some of them have been preserved to this day. For example, you need to harvest the harvest and bring the ears of corn to the temple for blessing. One of the traditions has been preserved to this day - they dress up the “dozhinka” in a sundress. This dressed last sheaf is carried to the village, while songs are sung along the way and placed under icons. Then they organize festivities, celebrate the end of summer, brew mead, and dance in circles. And on the 29th comes Nut Spas, when nuts are collected in the forest and stored for the winter. They say that on the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, birds fly away and frogs do not croak.

On the holiday, you cannot engage in physical labor or do difficult work, especially if it is not mandatory. They do not work in garden plots, in vegetable gardens, do not light fires, do not use cutting objects, and do not break bread. They say that if a rainbow appears on the holiday, then a warm and long autumn will come.

On a holiday, you cannot utter swear words, swear with loved ones, or even step on the ground barefoot. It has long been believed that if a young girl has not met her love before the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she will be lonely until spring.

The great twelfth holiday is celebrated on August 28. The Holy Church glorifies the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl, Vladyka Pavel, told Vesti readers about the holiday and traditions of this day.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary-2017

Icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary". Theophanes the Greek. XIV century

“This event is not mentioned in the Bible, but we learn about it from the Tradition of the Holy Church. The very word “dormition” means “sleep”, because after the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ there is no death that awaited everyone, causing fear and sorrow.” , - said Metropolitan Pavel.

After the Ascension of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian and lived in the house of his parents near the Mount of Olives. She was a consolation for all believers, telling them about the wondrous events of Her earthly life. And also with her word and prayer, She, like the apostles, established the Holy Church.

Many people came from other countries to see the Most Pure Virgin Mary and hear words of edification and support from Her. And these were not only believers, but also those who had recently turned to faith, and those who wanted to know more about Christ and His Most Holy Mother. In addition to Jerusalem, the Most Holy Theotokos preached the Gospel together with John the Theologian in Ephesus, was in Cyprus with Saint Lazarus, who was a bishop there, and while on Holy Mount Athos she said that this place would be given to Her as a lot from the Lord.

So great was the love of Christians for the Mother of God that they preserved everything that they could notice from Her words and deeds and even conveyed Her appearance. The church historian Nicephorus Callistus (14th century), in the tradition he preserved, said that She was above average in height, golden hair, olive-colored eyes, arched black eyebrows, an oblong nose, a somewhat oblong face, long hands and fingers.

She was never angry, never irritated, she was very far from effeminacy, simple in Her humility. She did not exalt herself, she did not offend anyone. She loved to read and was very hardworking. Her quiet gait, even, peaceful voice, carrying enormous inner strength, and the absence of severity in her eyes were a reflection of Her soul and personified purity. And the first who reflected the external face of the Mother of God was the Apostle Luke, who painted the first icon of the Mother of God from life.

"Saint Luke paints a portrait of the Virgin Mary." Giorgio Vasari

“And we can see how beautiful this face is, in which God’s grace shines,” noted the rector of the monastery.

She turned all the days of her earthly life into fasting, slept very little, spending all her time reading, thinking about the implementation and fulfillment of intentions, and admonishing those who were eager to hear Her word.

And even though She left home for church surrounded by her relatives, She was Herself’s best guardian. At that time there were enough people who wanted Her death out of envy of Her glory, but the Lord protected Her day and night.

The circumstances of Her Dormition have been known since the times of the apostles and have been handed down to this day by church historians. “Spending the days of her earthly life in fasting and prayer, She often visited those places where Jesus Christ preached, very often visiting the Holy Sepulcher. And, despite all the attempts of her enemies, to prevent Her from visiting this holy place (there was even a guard posted ), nevertheless, the Most Holy Theotokos passed unseen by anyone, hidden from human sight and continued her prayers there. And one day during prayer, Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her with the news of Her imminent relocation to another world - to the Abode of the Kingdom of Heaven - and handed it to her branch of paradise,” said Bishop Pavel.

Before Her departure from earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos wanted to see all the apostles who dispersed throughout the world preaching the Gospel. And miraculously, the Holy Spirit gathered them all at Her bed, where She was preparing to leave for the Kingdom of Heaven in prayer. Addressing everyone by name, She thanked them for their labors and preaching the Word of God, and in Her prayer asked for the welfare of the whole world.

"She prayed, awaiting Her last hour, surrounded by the holy apostles. Suddenly the burning candles at the bedside of the Most Pure Virgin Mary dimmed, and the room was illuminated by a bright Light, in the rays of this Light the King of Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, descended, surrounded by angels, archangels, with righteous souls prophets and forefathers. Seeing Her Son, the Most Holy Theotokos exclaimed: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and My spirit rejoices in God, My Savior, as He has looked upon the humility of His servant.” And having worshiped Him, she gave up her soul into the hands of Her Son and Lord. "At that moment the angelic singing began, the heavenly gates met the soul of the Most Holy Theotokos, and Her face shone with Divine glory. With great reverence, the apostles venerated the body of the Most Holy Theotokos and were filled with grace and joy," the Metropolitan said.

Many people came to say goodbye to the Mother of God, and many healings of the sick occurred then at the bed of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, which glorified the Mother of God even more after Her departure into eternal life.

While chanting sacred songs, the 12 apostles carried a bed with the body of the Mother of God on their shoulders, and Apostle John the Theologian walked ahead with a branch of paradise. A great crowd of people accompanied this procession with candles. Suddenly everyone heard angelic singing glorifying the Mother of God, which echoed the earthly voices. And over the most pure body of the Mother of God and all those present, an extensive luminous circle appeared, like a crown, which accompanied the procession to the burial place.

The unbelievers, seeing such a majestic procession, reported to the high priests, and they sent their servants to disperse everyone and burn the body of the Mother of God. And when the soldiers rushed to disperse the people, a radiant cloud circle sank to the ground and hid those coming from them. Singing could be heard, but no people were visible. Many of the attackers were struck by blindness, and when the Jewish priest Affonia, in hatred, tried to overturn the bed where the body of the Mother of God lay, an Angel invisibly cut off his hands as soon as they touched the bed. Seeing such a miracle, Affonia repented, received healing, and subsequently became a zealous follower of Christ.

When they reached Gethsemane, there were so many who wanted to say goodbye to the Mother of God that only in the evening the apostles were able to put the body in the tomb cave.

According to the providence of the Lord, the Apostle Thomas arrived only on the third day after the burial of the Most Holy Theotokos and, bitterly regretting that he did not have time to say goodbye to the Mother of God, he fell to his knees at the cave with tears. Taking pity on him, the apostles opened the burial cave for him so that he could say goodbye to the Mother of God, but they found only burial shrouds there. They were convinced that the Most Holy Theotokos with her body was ascended to heaven.

When the apostles gathered in the evening to strengthen their bodily strength with bread, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them, saying: “Rejoice! I am with you all the days!” In joy they exclaimed: “Most Holy Theotokos, help us!” This served as the beginning of the rite of panagia, which exists in monasteries - the offering of part of the bread in honor of the Mother of God.

Her clothes, divided into parts, were distributed throughout the Orthodox world: Her belt, Her miraculous icons to this day show the greatness of the Most Holy Theotokos to the world, giving signs and pouring out healings.

Dormition of the Virgin Mary-2017

“In her earthly life, the Most Pure Mother of God did not have glory and honor, and the only solemn event is the Dormition. The evidence of Her earthly life is very instructive for you and me. After all, in our world people behave rudely, imprudently, trying to defeat their opponent with a strong word or screaming to prove their importance and superiority.Most often, such beliefs hide emptiness, an attempt at self-affirmation and elevating oneself above others.

Insult has already become the norm of life and the number of conflicts that is increasing is associated with the word and even our intonation.

Words can kill and create huge contradictions. The Most Holy Theotokos should be an example of communication for us, because through a sincere and quiet word our inner peace is revealed. And the Mother of God is for us an example of humility, patience and the ideal of human life,” Metropolitan Pavel emphasized.

The Most Pure Virgin Mary gained great glory through humility. And when blessed Andrew, a fool for Christ’s sake, saw the heavenly abodes, he saw many saints, but did not see the Mother of God. And to the question: “Where is the Mother of God?” - received the answer: “She is not here, She is on earth!”

"She, out of her great love for the human race, is now among us to help us in sorrows and joys. She is with us, it is difficult to understand, but it is true. I would like to note that deviation from the Orthodox faith is, first of all, disrespect "The Most Holy Theotokos and the Cross of the Lord. The fullness of veneration of the Mother of God is only in the Orthodox Church, where She occupies the highest place after Jesus Christ," noted Vladka Pavel.

He recalled one story about how angels carried the soul of one person to the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, but unclean spirits approached, accusing him of all sins, and the worst thing was the last accusation that the person had renounced God. Once he frivolously said: “Or maybe there is nothing...” The angels were powerless to protect this soul. And the sinful soul in this hopelessness exclaimed: “Mother of God! Zealous Intercessor!” All evil spirits flew away in an instant. There are a great many such examples, and they show us how omnipotent the intercession of the Mother of God is. This has been a holiday of the entire Russian Church since ancient times.

"Three laurels in Ukraine - Holy Dormition - Kiev, Pochaev, Svyatogorsk. There are a lot of monasteries and churches in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "At the Nativity you preserved your virginity, at the Dormition you did not forsake the world, Mother of God, you reposed in the belly, Mother of God Life, and through Your prayers You deliver our souls from death,” Vladyka Paul noted in conclusion.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: prayer

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icon

Prayer for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin, Lady, the highest Angel and Archangel, and all the most honorable creatures, angelic great surprise, prophetic high sermon, apostolic glorious praise, fair adornment of saints, strong affirmation of martyrs, saving instruction for monks, inexhaustible abstinence for fasters, virgins of purity and word , mothers quiet joy, babies wisdom and punishment, widows and orphans to nurse, naked clothes, sick in health, deliverance of captives, floating on the sea in silence, overwhelmed by a calm haven, wandering an easy mentor, traveling an easy passage, toiling good rest, in the troubles of the present Intercessor , protection and refuge for the offended, hopeless hope, requiring help, inexhaustible wealth for the poor, constant consolation for the sad, loving humility for the hated, salvation for sinners and appropriation to God, firm protection for the faithful of all, invincible help and intercession.

By You, the Lady, we see the invisible quickly, and we offer a prayer to You, O Lady, Your sinful servants: O most merciful and most wonderful light of the intelligent Queen, who gave birth to the King Christ our God, the Life-Giver of all, glorified by the heavenly and praised by the earthly: angelic mind, radiant star , most holy saint, Queen of queens, mistress of all creatures, Godly Maiden, undefiled Bride, chamber of the Most Holy Spirit, fiery throne of the invisible King, heavenly ark, carrying the Words of God, fiery chariot, chamber of the living God, ineffable composition of the Flesh of Christ: nest of the Heavenly Eagle, turtle dove God-voiced, meek dove, quiet and kind, child-loving mother, an abyss of mercy, opening the cloud of God's wrath, immeasurable depth, ineffable secret, unknown miracle, not made by hands to the church of the one King of all ages, fragrant censer, honest scarlet, God-woven purple, spiritual paradise, life-giving garden branch, a beautiful flower, heavenly joy that has blossomed for us, the cluster of our salvation, the cup of the Heavenly King, in which the wine of inexhaustible grace has dissolved from the Holy Spirit, Intercessor of the Law, the conception of the true faith of Christ, an unshakable pillar, destructive of heretics, the sword of God’s wrath against God’s opponents, intimidation of demons , victory in battle, the true guardian of all Christians, and the known salvation of the world.

O all-merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady, Mother of God, hear us praying to You and show Your mercy on Your people, pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil, and save our monastery, and every monastery, and the city, and the country of the faithful, and people piously resorting and calling on Your holy name, from every adversity, destruction, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, civil war, from every illness, and every situation: neither wounds, nor rebuke, nor pestilence, nor any righteous wrath of God Thy servants will diminish: but observe and save with Thy mercy, O Lady, praying for us, and grant us the beneficial dissolution of the air at the time of the fruitful offering: ease, uplift and have mercy, having mercy on the Lady, the Mother of God, in every misfortune and need that exists.

Remember Thy servants, and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the goodness of Thy mercy, so that we may be comforted with thanksgiving in having found Thee Helper. Have mercy, O Most Pure Lady, on Thy weak people, our hope: gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, bring back those who have fallen away from the pious faith of their fathers, support old age, discipline the young, raise infants, and glorify those who glorify Thee, and preserve the Church of Thy Son greatly , and keep the days long.

O merciful and most merciful Queen of heaven and earth, Ever-Virgin Mother of God! Through Your intercession, have mercy on our country and its Christ-loving inhabitants, and on all Orthodox Christians, who preserve them under the cover of Your mercy, protect us with Your honest robe: and pray from You, Who has become incarnate without the seed of Christ our God, that He may gird us with strength from above against all our visible and invisible enemies. , against foreigners and fellow tribesmen fighting against us and our Orthodox faith.

Save and have mercy, O Lady, most holy patriarchs, metropolitans, right reverend archbishops and Orthodox bishops, priests and deacons, and all the church clergy, and all the faithful people bowing and praying before your honorable icon. Look upon everyone with the gaze of Your merciful intercession: Raise us from the depths of sin, and enlighten the eyes of the heart to the vision of salvation, be merciful to us here, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, pray for us, having reposed in piety from this life, Your servants, in eternal life with Angels and Archangels, and with all the saints, rank, so that they may appear at the right hand of Your Son and God: and through Your prayer grant all Orthodox Christians to live with Christ, and to enjoy the joys of angels in their heavenly villages. For You are, Lady, the glory of heaven and the hope of earth, You are our hope, and the intercessor of all those who flow to You, and Your holy help of those asking: You are our warm prayer book for Your Son and our God: Your motherly prayer can do much to implore the Lord, and Through your intercession, we dare to approach the throne of grace of the Most Holy and Life-giving Mysteries even if we are unworthy.

Moreover, the all-honorable image of Yours, and seeing the Almighty held by Your hand on the icon, we rejoice in our sins, falling down with tenderness, and kiss this love, hoping, Lady, with Your holy, God-pleasing prayers to reach heavenly endless life, and do not be ashamed to stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and God ours, glorifying Him together with the Originless Father, and the Most Holy, Good, Life-Giving and Consubstantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of modest foods on the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Our Most Holy Lady, Virgin Theotokos, who, after Your departure from the earth, did not abandon Orthodox people, but always visited us with Her mercies, aggravating our joys, quenching our sorrows! We thank You, for even now You have granted us the joy of achieving the feast of Your honorable Dormition, to be comforted by the triumph of the Church, to enjoy spiritual food - praises sung to Your glory. We believe, Lady, that for the sake of Your intercession we have been given bodily consolation—a festive meal. Pray, O Most Pure One, to Your Son and our God, the Giver of all good things, that He may bless the festive foods, especially this one, from which, in obedience to the Charter of the Holy Church, Orthodox people abstained during the past days of fasting, so that those who partake of them will be in good health with thanksgiving, to strengthen our bodily strength, to joy and joy, so that we all, having every bodily contentment, will abound in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart we glorify Your Divine Son, Christ our God, who nourishes us and not because of our sin, who has mercy on us. His Father and the Holy Spirit, and to You, our Gracious Mother, Representative, Helper and Comforter, together with the holy apostles, cry out in prayer and gratitude: Most Holy Theotokos, help us always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Akathist to the Dormition of the Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

Troparion, tone 1

At Christmas you preserved your virginity, / in the Dormition you did not abandon the world, O Mother of God, / you reposed to the belly, / Mother of the Being of the Belly, / and through your prayers you delivered our souls from death.

Kontakion, tone 2

In prayers, the never-sleeping Mother of God / and in intercessions, the immutable hope / the grave and mortification cannot be restrained: / as if the Mother of the Life / was placed in the life / in the womb of the ever-virgin one.


We magnify Thee, / Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, / and glorify the all-glorious / Thy Dormition.

Selected hymns from the Assumption Service performed by the choir of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and the choir of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary under the direction of Archimandrite. Matthew.


At Christmas you preserved your virginity, at your dormition you did not abandon the world, the Mother of God, you reposed in the Life, Mother of the Life of the Life: and through Your prayers You delivered our souls from death.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs and traditions

It is believed that on this day going to a holy place becomes a must. You need to light a candle in the church for the Assumption.

Also on this day, preparations for the winter began earlier: “On the Assumption, salt cucumbers, on Sergius (October 8), chop cabbage.”

And in the old days, on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, believers brought seeds and ears of various breads to church for blessing and consecration, leaving only a small handful of uncut ears of grain on the field, which they tied with a ribbon and said: “God grant that there will be a good harvest next summer!”

On the Assumption, the peasants finished the harvest, baked pies, and called their relatives and neighbors for the holiday.

After the Assumption, the Meat Eater begins, with which comes the time for weddings. Therefore, young men try to woo girls before August 28, since this was the last opportunity this year to ask for their hand in marriage. And unmarried girls had to start looking for a betrothed, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get married until next spring.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what not to do on this day

There are also a number of prohibitions for this holiday. So:

  • on this day you cannot work - neither in the garden nor at home;
  • On this day you cannot pick up piercing or cutting objects, or cook food. Believers break bread with their hands, since it is forbidden to use a knife - it is believed that this leads to serious illnesses;
  • It is undesirable to light a fire on this day, so as not to attract various misfortunes into the house;
  • You cannot go barefoot on the Assumption - it was believed that this way you can collect all the illnesses, since the dew on this day is the tears of nature that the Mother of God has left this world and cannot be with people and help them;
  • you cannot quarrel with family and friends;
  • On August 28, young girls should not cut their hair or throw it away. In this way they can bring tears to the Virgin Mary;
  • You should not wear old or uncomfortable shoes to avoid problems in life: if you rub your feet on this day, you will have a difficult life full of problems and failures.

Folk signs for the Assumption

People have long noticed that:

  • Say goodbye to the Dormition, and welcome autumn: the time after the Dormition in the old days was called Indian Summer - it lasted until Ivan Lent (September 11).
  • Good weather - Indian summer will be cool.
  • Frost on plants on this day promises a very short autumn season, and frost will come very soon.
  • A rainbow appeared in the sky - a sign that autumn will be warm.
  • A lot of cobwebs are a sign that the winter will be frosty and with little snow.
  • If it is very foggy on the day of the Assumption, you should expect a large harvest of mushrooms, and the warm time will continue to please people a little.
  • If the water is not agitated, then autumn will be windless, and there will be no snowstorms in winter.
  • From the Assumption region you won’t have time to look after your betrothed - you’ll spend the winter as a girl.
  • The Assumption of the Mother of God marks the end of the summer suffering and the main harvest.
  • From the Feast of the Assumption, people began to collect mushrooms and nuts in the forests and store them for the winter.

August 28th is the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and the Ever-Virgin Mary.
— Today on the calendar, August 28, Montenegro celebrates its holiday, on this day Montenegro was declared a kingdom. Not all residents of Montenegro know this day as a holiday. Some people celebrate it, some don't. This holiday has no special value for the state.

Unusual holidays

On August 28, three funny holidays are celebrated: Pouting Lips and Tails Day, Minister of Religion and Cool Holiday Day, Head Tipping Day.
Pout and Tail Day. On August 28, everyone who wants to pouts their lips and braids their tails. Nowadays, most young people pout their lips in almost all photos. Therefore, on this day you can safely take these photos.
Minister of Religion Day. A minister of worship is a person who serves in a church. Therefore, if you have a friend, be sure to congratulate him.
Head Tipping Day. On August 28, every person is obliged to raise his head up and look at the beautiful buildings, at the sky, at what interests him. In our bustle, we don’t have time to do this.

Religious holiday

On August 28, all people celebrate the church holiday of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. This holiday is celebrated in both the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Birthdays are celebrated by the following names: Maria and Lavrentiy.
Name day August 28 from: Lavrentiy, Maria

Read more about the Feast of the Dormition in our selection:


Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Photo: Art Konovalov, Shutterstock)

Old style date: August 15

The full name of the holiday is the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. In both the Orthodox and Catholic churches it is dedicated to the date of the death of the Mother of God.

According to the New Testament, the crucified Christ ordered his closest disciple, the Apostle John, to take care of his mother. After the death and resurrection of her Son, the Mother of God lived with John in Jerusalem and often prayed at Golgotha. One day, while praying, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said that in three days she would “go to Christ God.” On the day of Mary’s death, the apostles, who had preached in different countries, miraculously gathered in Jerusalem to say goodbye to the Mother of God. They performed the burial, placing the body of the Mother of God in the tomb of her parents and closing the entrance with a stone.

Apostle Thomas was the only disciple of Christ who did not have time to say goodbye to the Mother of God before her death. When Thomas came to Jerusalem on the third day after the burial, the rest of the apostles opened the tomb so that he could say goodbye to the Mother of God. To everyone's surprise, Mary's body was not in the coffin - only funeral clothes remained, exuding wonderful fragrances. On the same day, the Mother of God herself appeared to the apostles, surrounded by angels, and greeted them with the words: "Rejoice, for I am with you always".

The Feast of the Assumption began to be celebrated back in the days of early Christianity. By the 6th century, this day was already celebrated everywhere. The first documented date when this holiday was officially established is considered to be 582. In Orthodoxy, the Dormition is one of the twelve holidays - that is, the twelve most important (after Easter) holidays. It is preceded by a two-week Assumption Fast - the strictest after Lent.

Our ancestors often associated the Mother of God with the ancient deity - Mother Raw Earth, therefore, on the day of the Assumption, the earth was considered the birthday girl. On the holiday, it was forbidden to walk on the ground barefoot, or stick any sharp objects into it - neither stakes, nor shovels, nor any other tool.

The holiday was sometimes called Dozhinok, because at this time they finished reaping bread. Since mainly women participated in the harvest, in the old days the time of rest after the Dormition was called the young Indian summer, which lasted until Ivan Lent, that is, until September 11.

Finally, the peasant women went out into the field, tied the sickles with straw and rolled on the ground, asking the stubble to return the strength spent on harvesting. After this, the last sheaf was dressed in a sundress and kokoshnik and carried to the village with songs.

On the Assumption, peasants often brought seeds or ears of various breads to the church for consecration and blessing. Afterwards they organized general feasts - fundraisers; Beer was brewed for them, sheep were fried, pies were baked. Rich people treated their poor neighbors.

The Dormition was also called Pickling, since on this day it was customary to pickle cucumbers and ferment cabbage. In winter, cabbage soup and pickles were prepared with them, and they were also consumed with potatoes and bread.


The harvest is coming to an end... (Photo: Fesus Robert, Shutterstock)

By the end of August, the harvest, harvesting and processing of wheat, barley, millet and other grain crops, as well as the preparation of seeds for the next season, ends throughout the entire Slavic land. Hence the name of the holiday - Sponges (dozhinki, crimps). The last sheaf is reaped silently, so as not to disturb the spirit of the field, which moves into it.

This joyful and important event for farmers was widely celebrated by our ancient ancestors throughout Europe. Slavic peoples first celebrated Zazhinki (the beginning of the harvest, the Day of the First Sheaf). Spozhinki (Dozhinki) was celebrated more magnificently - the day of the end of the harvest, the feast of the last sheaf, which used to fall in mid-August, on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (according to the old style - it was August 15).

According to an ancient custom, a small part of the uncut ears of corn is left on the harvested field, tying them with a ribbon - they curl the “Veles beard”:

“We are already weaving, we are weaving our beard
Veles on the field...
Curling the beard
At Veles and on a wide...
On the great field,
Yes, on a high mountain,
On black arable land...
Weave, weave, beard
Beard, hang yourself
Fill up!
At the beginning, the Magi-priests glorify Veles, raising a pot of millet above their heads:

"Generous Veles
Look at us from heaven
Give Zhitom
Revive the field
Thank you give weight.
That Vles is our forefather
Paradise to the earth, and sow grains,
And reap the veins of the broom
And he is to be blessed like the father of God.”
It was Veles who taught our forefathers to plow the land, and sow grain, and reap wreaths in the suffering fields, and place sheaves in their homes, and honor Him as the Father of God.

On this day, honey, apples and grain are illuminated. After the beginning, a cheerful feast begins (it is forbidden to eat beef). Basic Slavic Strava in Spozhinki: porridge, honey, apples, bread, beer.

Qi Xi - Valentine's Day in China

The holiday is popular among young people, who celebrate it as Valentine's Day (Photo: Tom Wang, Shutterstock)

Qi Xi Festival- one of the most romantic traditional Chinese holidays. It is celebrated on the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month according to the traditional Lunar calendar. Hence another name for this holiday - Double Seven Festival(Double Seven Festival).

The Qi Xi Festival is closely connected with the legend of the Shepherd and the Weaver - a touching love story that has come down to this day from time immemorial. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), noisy fairs were held in the capital, where special gifts and items were sold for the Qi Xi holiday.

In ancient times, Qi Xi was one of the most beloved holidays. Nowadays, some traditions of the Qi Xi holiday are still preserved in Chinese villages, but in the cities many customs have already lost their flavor or have completely disappeared.

In recent years, the Qi Xi holiday has become very popular among urban youth, who celebrate it as Valentine's Day.

During this holiday, Chinese girls wonder: when the star Vega rises high in the sky, you need to put a needle on the surface of the water, and if it does not sink, then the girl is ready to find a husband. Girls can make any wish on this day, but they say only one per year.

The Japanese, having borrowed a tradition from ancient China, celebrate a similar holiday on July 7 - the Tanabata festival.

Day of declaration of Montenegro as a kingdom

King Nikola I Petrovich and Queen Milena on August 28, 1910

Every year on August 28, an important memorable date is celebrated in Montenegro - Day of declaration of the country as a kingdom.

From 1515 to 1851, Montenegro was ruled by rulers - spiritual leaders. When Danilo I renounced his priesthood, he became the first secular leader of the state. Power after his assassination in 1860 was inherited by Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos.

Nikola I Petrovic-Njegoš (Nikola I Mirkov Petrović-Njegoš, October 7, 1841 – March 2, 1921) was a prince (1860-1910) and then king (1910-1918) of Montenegro. Also known as the poet of a popular song in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise.

On August 28, 1910, in the anniversary year of the 50th anniversary of his reign, following the pan-European tradition, as well as strengthening his sovereign power, Nicholas I proclaimed the Principality of Montenegro a kingdom, and he himself became its first king. Four years later, on the eve of the First World War, he assumed the emergency powers of an autocratic monarch.

At the same time, Nicholas II granted the king the rank of Field Marshal of the Russian Army.

In 1917, according to the Corfu Declaration (an agreement signed on the island of Corfu on July 20, 1917 and providing for the unification of Serbia and the Yugoslav lands of Austria-Hungary into a single state at the end of the First World War - the “Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes”), it was announced merger of Montenegro with Serbia.