Drawing on the theme of the last month of spring. We draw spring with children step by step with paints

At this age, children usually already know how to walk, but they do not do it very confidently. To strengthen this skill, take walks more often. It is advisable to walk not only along asphalt city streets, but also along forest paths, so that the child’s foot adapts to overcome uneven surfaces. For the same purpose, it is useful to walk on inclined planes, climb children's ladders and slides. The main thing is to always be there to catch your baby when he loses his balance. If you don’t know what to do with your child, always go for a walk; your child will never be bored outside. In summer, take a ball and toys for the sandbox with you, in winter - a children's snow shovel. At the same time, do not forget that at 1 year and 3 months the child quickly gets tired of walking on his own, so for long walks it is still better to take a stroller with you, otherwise you will have to take the baby in your arms.

Developmental clubs

A child of 1 year can already attend developmental clubs. Fortunately, today there are many development centers operating, and you will probably find one of them within walking distance from your home. At such classes, children are taught to draw, sculpt from dough, put together puzzles and much more. Moms will learn a lot here interesting ideas for home activities with your baby, learn new games for children. In addition, in the children's development center, the child will receive the first skills of communication with peers. Thanks to this, it will be easier for the child to adapt to kindergarten in future.

Home games

Many mothers do not know what to do with their children at home, but there are many ways to spend time usefully. Buy finger paints at a children's store and teach your child to draw. Usually this activity captivates children for a long time, however, then the mother will have to wash clothes and remove paint from furniture, so think in advance where and in what form it is better for the child to draw.

If a child of 1 year and 3 months has not yet sculpted from dough, it’s time to introduce him to this wonderful material. It's best to buy a special one baby dough for modeling, it is bright and plastic, but you can get by with improvised materials by making dough from flour and water. The dough is great for developing fine motor skills and can be used in several ways. So, you can sculpt animal figures from dough, or you can make a sausage, give your child a child’s knife and show how to cut it into pieces. Can also be purchased special album for a test, where each page will have its own tasks. For example, tear off small pieces of dough, roll them into balls and glue them onto a drawn apple tree, as if they were apples.

Even twenty years ago, this question would have caused bewilderment in everyone: what should such a baby do if at 2 months he still cannot hold his head up properly? But today, experts say with confidence: classes with your baby should begin as early as possible so that his auditory, visual and motor skills develop successfully. For this there are special games and gymnastics.

At 2 months old, the baby still sleeps a lot, but is already interested in playing

Developing vision

At 2 months, the baby can already fix his gaze on certain things in the room. Start teaching your baby to watch for moving objects. To do this, take a bright rattle, attract the child’s attention to it with sound, and then slowly move the toy first to one side, at a distance of no more than half a meter from the child’s eyes. The baby should look after the thing. Then move it to the other side. This exercise is an excellent way to prevent strabismus.

Spend no more than 30 seconds on this activity so as not to tire your baby.

Developing vision through looking

If there are any signs of dissatisfaction, stop playing. At 2 months, it is still difficult for a child to do long-term activities.

Once the exercise described above is mastered, you can give the toy other directions (up and down, in a circle and diagonally).

Another simple toy will help your baby train his eyesight and learn to distinguish emotions on faces. On a cardboard circle with a diameter of 20 cm, draw two faces - a cheerful one and a sad one. Secure the circle to a wooden or plastic handle. Show your baby alternately (but not too often) one side or the other. Over time, the baby will respond to the face with the same emotions that it expresses.

Developing hearing

At 2 months, you can give your baby rattles in his hands; melodic sounds will attract his attention with any movement of his hands. Mom can attract the baby's attention by rattling a toy out of sight of the baby. The child will look for the source of the sound and turn his head towards it. For the same purpose, you can use not only rattles, but also musical toys and just computer speakers. Move them to a new place each time to develop your baby's hearing skills.

Hearing development is carried out by emitting sounds from the outside

It is useful to draw the attention of a two-month-old baby to various everyday sounds (meowing of a cat, gurgling of water, sounds outside the windows).

Any manipulations carried out with the baby in Everyday life, be it bathing, dressing, feeding, accompany with comments and praise. In this case, you should lean slightly towards the baby’s face so that he sees your articulation and remembers. You can even just talk affectionately, bending over the child while he is awake. This will strengthen the emotional connection between mother and baby, and will also help the mother herself to escape from everyday worries.

After 2 months, the baby already responds with a smile when asked

If your child starts making sounds, repeat them after him. Then you can begin to draw out, sing-songly pronounce vowels, opening your mouth wide and actively moving your lips. Such enhanced articulation will help the baby master his speech apparatus.

We develop the motor function of the arms and legs

Accompany all kinds of nursery rhymes and jokes for the little ones with stroking fingers and arms. Such activities will help a two-month-old baby feel his hands and learn to control them independently. Play “pallets” by placing objects of different textures in your baby’s palms. True, you will first have to help the little explorer hold objects in his hands.

Playing with fingers is a massage, development of motor skills, and communication

Bright socks placed on your baby's feet will undoubtedly attract his attention and force him to start exploring. You can also use multi-colored dolls that fit on the hands of adults.

At 2 months, babies can already concentrate for a few seconds.

Hang bright ones over the crib, interesting toys different shapes, so that the baby has the opportunity to reach them. You should not show your child how to grab them. At one point he will decide to do it himself. Just choose toys that are not too loud and tiring. Change the location of toys, moving them either to the arms or to the legs, to develop the activity of all limbs.

Charging for a 2 month old baby

The most convenient time for gymnastics is the first half of the day, when the child has slept and is not hungry, but not immediately after eating. Do the following exercises:

  1. Having placed the baby on a changing table or sofa (it is better if it is a hard surface), move his arms up and down, to the sides and cross him on his chest.
  2. Turn the baby over on his tummy and let him learn to hold his head up. At two months, the child should hold his head with muscle strength for 15 seconds.
  3. Fist-box your child.
  4. Take his legs in your hands at the ankles and “ride a bicycle.”
  5. Bend the baby's legs towards the tummy and straighten them straight.
  6. Hold the child under the armpits, lift him above the surface of the table so that he can slowly push off from it with his legs.

Exercise for 2 months is a mandatory element of development

Do all exercises in moderate pace without committing sudden movements so as not to scare the baby. If you see any dissatisfaction on the part of the baby, postpone doing gymnastics for a while.

How to play during daily activities

To develop the skills of a two-month-old baby, it is not necessary to allocate special time for this each time; classes can be carried out without being distracted from ordinary activities.

Playing with a baby at 2 months is already very interesting
  • During feeding, you can develop the baby's vision and tactile sensations. Wrap it in covers different colors and textures at each feeding. The child will be interested in touching it.
  • Play peek-a-boo every chance you get. Hide from the baby behind a towel, blanket or diaper and suddenly peek out with a smile and an exclamation of “peek-a-boo.” This game is incredibly fun for kids.
  • When the child is not dressed, you can alternately breathe on different parts of the body. The warmth from mother's breath will help the baby learn to feel different parts of her body.

Not only the mother, but also the father should work with the baby at the age of 2 months; grandparents can also be involved.

This practice will help the child establish an emotional connection with all the adults in the family, and this experience will give the adults themselves magical moments of closeness with the baby and joy for his achievements.

It’s done: the baby is one year old! At this age, children become incredibly inquisitive and active. The choice of games and activities is becoming more and more extensive. What is the best way to develop and educate a child during this period? What to focus on? What activities and toys to choose with your child?

Many mothers, inspired by the advice of teachers on early development, rush to buy toys and educational aids as soon as the child turns one year old. But in most cases, the baby completely ignores puzzles, “laces” and other “developers”. And the child reacts negatively to the imposition of such toys. He cries, throws them on the floor, and tries to run away. This is not a reason to despair and give up on the baby’s development!

There is no need to force him to play something that he is not interested in yet. Such useful toys will definitely interest him sooner or later. At the very beginning, it is better to focus on developing and consolidating the child’s existing skills, namely, walking, first words, fine motor skills, and sensory skills. Games for 1-year-old children are very diverse and will help parents not only consolidate, but also repeatedly improve the baby’s skills by adding new skills and knowledge.

There is no need to wait for instant results. A child needs a little time to master some new game or learn to play with new toy. Parents need to be patient and work with their baby every day.

This should be done as positively as possible, without getting tired, showing how to correctly build a tower from cubes or assemble a pyramid. The results will definitely appear, perhaps much faster than mom and dad think. You can't put pressure on a child! If you're not interested, that's okay.

Speech development

Speech development is the most important area of ​​activities with your baby. How to develop speech in a one-year-old child? Of course, talk to him. Constantly. Don’t be lazy to tell your child how your day went or describe what you are doing (cooking food, cleaning the apartment). Describe to him the world when you walk on the street. Name objects, their color, size (the terms “big” and “small” are enough).

Fairy tales, children's songs, nursery rhymes and poems are great for speech development. There are many beautiful children's books with poems on sale now. Rhythmic phrases are easier to hear and are remembered by a child. Very good buy a lot different books With bright pictures, including special bathing items for a fun and educational time in the bathroom.

When the baby turns one and a half years old, you can pay attention to the technique of working with cards with bright pictures and words. Such classes are offered by Montessori, Doman, Lupan, well-known and authoritative teachers of early development.

The point of the lesson is to show the baby a card and talk about its contents, naming an object or animal, describing a color, etc. Such activities with a child can be carried out several times a day, using no more than three or four cards. You need to make sure that the baby does not get tired.

Cards can be purchased in ready-made sets or made by yourself

Development of fine motor skills and sensory skills

The development of motor skills and sensory skills is of enormous importance! Such activities are the best way to develop brain activity and correct perception. environment, psycho-emotional development of personality.

In this area you can come up with a great variety of entertaining games. Children love to play with cereals. For one-year-old babies who still put everything in their mouth, it is better to choose semolina. It is relatively safe, it is impossible for it to choke or block the ear or nose.

"Find a toy":

  • You will need a large bucket, basin or plastic container (at least 10 liters).
  • Several packs of the cheapest semolina.
  • Several small toys like ping pong balls.

It is necessary to pour the cereal into a large container and bury the toys in it. Next, the child is asked to find in the semolina what is buried there. The game is very fun. Children will be happy to rummage through the cereal, pour it into their hands, and look for toys.

Very good for motor skills practice finger games- ordinary “Ladushki” or “Magpie-Thief”. This is not only fun, but also great for developing coordination and rhythm.

Children love playing with water. You can play in the bath, pouring water from bowls different sizes, catch small rubber or plastic toys in a large basin or bucket.

An excellent purchase would be various rubber bath toys, special children's faucet or shower attachments that make bathing interesting and fun.

Development of creative abilities

What can a child do during the year to develop a creative vision of the world? Finger painting and modeling from plasticine are perfect. It is better to postpone modeling until the time when the baby stops putting everything in his mouth. But painting with finger paints can be practiced immediately after 1 year or even earlier.

Playing with cubes, pyramids and sorting toys perfectly develops motor skills and thinking. These are educational toys that can be safely purchased by the age of one year or earlier. If you actively play these games with your child, teach him how to build a tower and assemble a pyramid, then in a month he will be able to easily do it himself.

They perfectly develop motor skills and coordination when trying to eat independently. There is no need to be afraid to give your child a spoon. Yes, first most of There will be porridge on clothes and on the floor, but a few weeks will pass and you will be able to happily watch the baby eat on its own.

It's best to choose special paints, bright and safe, and whatman paper itself big size. Today, such products can be purchased at any stationery store or children's supermarket.

Physical development

With children you need to play not only games that develop the brain, you need to devote no less time to physical education. How to take care of physical development crumbs?

The first and most important rule is to walk more! In this case, you need to allow the child to stomp his feet along the street. It often happens that at the age of one year, babies do not yet know how to walk on their own. No problem! At one year and a month, most of these children already take their first independent steps. It is necessary to encourage the baby in every possible way, to praise and admire his efforts.

At home, you also need to organize activities such as gymnastics and exercises. At the same time, it is important not only to teach the child exercises, but also to show by example, studying with him every day. This practice will only benefit parents.

Experts believe that in childhood physical and mental development are inseparable from one another

The following exercises can be included:

  • Rolling a ball from mother to child and back.
  • Running (“catch up” with parents).
  • Tossing a ball.
  • Walking on an inclined plane.
  • Climbing a stepladder, steps or ladder with the support of mom or dad.
  • Climbing onto an armchair, chair, sofa. Getting down from there.
  • Rolling on a large inflatable ball with the help of adults.
  • Walking in place.
  • Raise your arms up and to the sides.
  • From one and a half years old you can start jumping on the spot.
  • Closer to two years, it is good to practice exercises such as “mill” with your hands and raising your legs bent at the knee at right angles to the body (marching).

Of course, don’t despair if your baby doesn’t immediately repeat the movements. Or he won’t like some of them. A month or two will pass, the child will get used to it, and gymnastics will become his favorite activity.

You can’t be lazy teaching your baby something new. The development of a child per year is very important! Every month it is necessary to introduce new activities, give the baby useful knowledge, teach the necessary skills. This work will quickly bear fruit, and the baby will give more and more reasons to be proud.