Homemade toys for kids. Homemade toys - the most interesting things on blogs

Galina Utkina

Currently there is a very huge selection toys for children - bright, beautiful, unusual. Choose any! But it’s always more pleasant and interesting to do something with your own hands.

Toys- homemade products have great pedagogical possibilities.

They develop imagination and creativity, constructive thinking and intelligence, expand gaming experience, provide knowledge about the world around them, enrich children’s vocabulary, and develop the ability to communicate with each other.

Toy made hands, even with the help of an adult, is not only the result of labor, but also a creative expression of the individuality of the creator. Homemade toy It’s very dear to a child, it’s much more fun to portray heroes of fairy tales, songs and short stories with it.

A little imagination - and no one will guess what your unique art object is actually made of.

Only the one who creates lives. Through play, a child develops and becomes smarter. But what is the game without toys? The more toys, the more fun and interesting it is to play, and especially if this toy made by the child himself or together with an adult.


1. To develop children’s interest in making toys from waste material and paper.

Cultivate a desire to bring joy to yourself and others toys, manufactured with your own hands.

2. Develop creative thinking, artistic taste, imagination when creating an image, accuracy and independence.

3. Use methods of transformation and design (cone, cylinder, box, cardboard - turn into toy).

Supplement the proposed option with details by gluing and painting.

4. Develop the ability to organize workplace, plan the stages of your activities, choose methods of action, and bring the work you start to the end.

5. Determine effective forms of working with parents.

Psychologically "hiding" behind toy, speaking on her behalf, the child becomes more open and courageous in contacts with others, begins to try on himself different models social behavior.

Dolls work wonders: entertain, teach, develop, correct behavior. In production toys- homemade preschoolers acquire labor skills and abilities, develop creative imagination and constructive thinking. Children develop a taste for beauty and a desire to do it with your own hands. It is necessary to always praise the child and thus maintain his interest. Firstly, it's very exciting activity, secondly, it makes children closer to each other. With manufactured homemade ones toys you can not only play, but also give them as a gift to his brothers, sisters, grandmothers.

In the process of work, preschoolers consult, discuss whether the part is suitable, and are happy if they succeed in their plans. This creates the conditions for the formation children's group, dialogical interaction, friendly verbal communication.

And these Russians folk proverbs– also help during work:

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

When you start something, think about the end.

It’s not easy to pull a fish out of the pond.

You can't cut a dress without scissors.

It’s not enough to want, you need to know and be able to.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

"Perhaps" And "somehow" it won't come to any good.

Try it on seven times, cut it once.

A blunder and a blunder - the ship will not leave.

Children like toys made with your own hands, they are not afraid to break or spoil their crafts, since they can repair them themselves. But the most important thing is that the child’s imagination manifests itself here, he opens up internally, becomes liberated. And every seemingly unnecessary thing turns into not only a interesting character for games, but also as a dear friend.

You probably have boxes of Hochland cheese or sweets left at home to throw away. From them you can make fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters, and make the characters’ legs and paws using yogurt or kefir lids.

Nyusha's hair, muzzle and legs are cut out of viscose napkin, the daisy on her hair is made of cotton pads.

Mashenka’s hair is also cut from viscose napkin.

You can also make tabletop theater characters from champagne corks, cotton pads and viscose napkins.

This is how the grandparents turned out for the theatrical play.

Turns out to be exciting toys shampoos made from unusual bottles, a little imagination and these are what the toys will work out

You can make cars like this from cream boxes, make wheels either from cardboard or from lemonade lids.

This KAMAZ tank is made from a jar "Rastishki".

This red cat is made from a cream box, the head is made from a strip of paper rolled into a roll, small parts cut from colored paper

We don’t cut out the world of human fantasy, you just have to pick up any waste material, a little creativity, here you go homemade toy. From a roll of toilet paper, a plastic spool, and a cream lid, we made this doll for theatrical play

These animals can be made from cups of yogurt and cotton pads

This cheerful horse, the symbol of the year, is sewn from viscose napkin, inside there is cotton wool, the mane and tail are made of threads of two colors, and the eyes are made of buttons.

By February 23, you can make these airplanes and a tank as a gift for dads. The work used cardboard, a matchbox or a Kinder Surprise egg, colored paper, glue, and the wheels were made of pasta and painted black.

This soldier is made from thick white paper, glued into a cylinder shape, and used for decoration. colored paper and cardboard.

This cow's head and body are also made of white cardboard glued into a cylindrical shape, small parts cut out of colored paper.

The little pig is molded from salt dough and painted with gouache.

And these look like ordinary candy jars, but inside, if you open them, they pop out surprise toys"Cheerful Parsley", "Bunny"

In this toy the main thing is to make the spring correctly (take two multi-colored strips, glue them together, bending them alternately, then one or the other strip to the end - you get a two-color spring, draw according at will cut out any face and glue it to the tail of the spring, glue the opposite end of the spring to the bottom of the jar, close the lid. The surprise toy is ready.

Thus, toys- homemade products are of great importance for the development of a child of any age. They develop not only fine motor skills, but also imagination, the ability to express oneself and understanding of the world around us.

This is how we play with homemade toys

Materials for production:
· Yarn “Kamtex Lotus grass stretch” 80m/50g (turquoise).
· Yarn “YarnArt Baby” 150m/50g Color 215.
Hooks 3 mm and 2.25 mm
Filler (sintepon or other)
· Beads for the eyes, black thread for the muzzle, decoration for the sheep (flower, button, etc.)
Needle with a wide eye and a regular thin one
· Pins and marker
· Glue (Moment Gel) and scissors
The following conventions are used:
VP - air loop
RLS - single crochet
PR – increase (2 stitches in one loop)
UB – decrease (knit 2 stitches together)
СС – connecting post
You can use a marker to mark the beginning of the row.
Body (Knit with fluffy yarn, crocheted 3 mm)

2. in each loop (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) – 6 times (18)
4. (2 sc, inc) – 6 times (24)
5-7. We knit without changes 24 sc in a circle (24)
Turn it inside out (this side of the fluffy yarn is “fluffier”). We hide the remaining thread inside the part. We begin to decrease. We fill the part with filler during the knitting process.
8. (2 sc, dec) – 6 times (18)
9. (1 sc, dec) – 6 times (12)
10. kill – 6 times (6)
SS, fasten and cut the thread, leaving the tip to tighten the loops. Using a needle with a wide eye, pull the loops together and remove the thread into the piece.
“Hat” (Knit with fluffy yarn, crocheted 3 mm)
1. 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2. in each loop (12)
3. We knit without changes 12 sc in a circle (12)
Turn it inside out. We hide the thread remaining from the beginning of knitting into the part with a crochet hook.
SS, fasten the thread, cut off and hide the tip of the thread that remains inside.
Muzzle (Knit with Baby yarn, crochet 2.25 mm)
1. 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2. in each loop (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) – 6 times (18)
4-5. We also knit 18 sc in the round (18)
6. 6 sbn, 7 ss, 5 sbn (18)
7. 7 sc, 4 dec (behind the front walls of the loops), 3 sc (14)
8-9. We also knit 14 sc in the round (14)
SS, fasten and cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing on the “cap”. Fill with filler.
Ears. As you know, you need 2 of them. (We knit with Baby yarn, crochet 2.25 mm)
1. 8 sc in amigurumi ring (8)
SS, fasten the thread (grabbing the remaining thread from the beginning) and cut it off, leaving the tip for sewing.
Paws. You also need 4 of them. (We knit with Baby yarn, crochet 2.25 mm)
1. 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2-3. We knit without changes 6 sc in a circle (6)
You need to fill your paws a little.
SS, fasten the thread, cut it off, leave the tip for sewing.
Sew a “hat” to the muzzle, the sheep’s head to the body, and paws. Fold in half, sew on ears. Hide both threads inside. Sew on the eyes somewhere on the 6th row. Embroider the muzzle with black thread. Sew a decoration to the “hat”. Ready!














Toys for children are not just fun, but also a way to understand the world. Educational games and toys contribute to the development of children creativity, thinking and imagination, help to form a sense of color, musical and phonetic hearing.

Today it is not at all difficult to buy for your baby not just toys, but real works of art and technological wonders. But many parents are familiar with this situation: the child has a lot of expensive beautiful toys, and he plays with old jars, boxes, etc. That is why homemade toys are an excellent addition to those bought in the store, which are good because of the cleanliness and naturalness of the fabrics, cheapness, and most importantly, when making a toy, parents put their love into it. So, how to make toys for children with your own hands?

Making a toy will not be difficult even for those parents who have absolutely no experience in creating crafts. To do this, you need to stock up on cardboard, glue, pieces of fabric, thread and needle, buttons, beads, and laces. And, of course, fantasy. If your own experience and imagination are not enough, then you can use some advice from experienced craftsmen and experienced parents.



To create this toy, you need to string bright large beads or buttons on a thin cord at a distance of about 1 cm from each other. The bracelet needs to be tied tightly, and the knot can be singed. Place the toy on your baby's hand and show how to shake the hand to make the buttons (beads) rattle. Be sure to wash the bracelet well, as your baby will want to put the beautiful bright “rattlers” into his mouth.


This toy is useful for six-month-old children; it is at this age that they begin to sit and try to grab with their hands all the objects they can reach. It’s very easy to make a grabber jar; for this you will need a jar with a baby formula lid, colorful ribbons and buttons (coins, beads or other “rattlers”). We make holes in the lid with an awl, pass ribbons through them and tie knots at the ends so that the baby cannot pull them out. We fill the jar with rattling objects and close it with a lid with ribbons. While playing with the jar, the baby will try to grab the ribbons, which helps train tweezer grip. When your child gets a little older, you can use this jar to teach colors, for example: “Show me the red ribbon.” Of course you shouldn't use glass jars, which may break.

Homemade toys for children under 3 years old

<<Угадай, что шумит>>

This game promotes the development of phonetic and musical ear. You will need several plastic containers from Kinder Surprise and fillings (peas, small pasta, beans, coins, etc.). We pour the filler into the containers so that we get two identical sets. We give one set to the child, and keep the second for ourselves. We rattle any container and invite the child to choose the same sound as it. It is better to close the containers themselves securely so that the baby does not reach their contents.

<<Мягкий мячик>>

This toy is perfect for coordination of movements, grasping skills and training in spatial orientation. You need to sew a ball from soft knitted fabric (you can find a lot of different patterns on the Internet). We stuff the ball with cotton wool and sew a bell or matchbox with small beads inside. We throw the ball to the baby and offer to catch it or hit it.

Homemade toys for children under 5 years old and older

<<Планшет или рисуем резинками>>

This toy promotes the development of logic, imagination, attention, and perseverance. Making a tablet is quite simple; for this you will need buttons with multi-colored plastic tips, multi-colored rubber bands and a board. Carefully sand the board or cover it with self-adhesive tape and mark the grid with a pencil. We stick buttons into the nodes of this mesh, then take rubber bands and, together with the child, try to make something out of them. geometric figures and patterns by stretching rubber bands onto the plastic tips of the buttons.

<<Самые простые куклы>>

On the Internet you can find many patterns of varying complexity for sewing soft dolls. Let's consider the simplest option, quite suitable for mothers who do not have a sewing machine or sewing experience. From the stocking part of the old tights we cut out approximately half of them - these are the doll’s hands. We sew the cut parts together with the heel into place and stuff them with cotton wool - this is the body with the head and legs. You can give the doll a hint of a neck by sewing it up a little top part tights We also stuff the “arms” with cotton wool, sew them up at both ends and sew them to the body. We embroider the doll's eyes, mouth and nose with multi-colored threads; the hair can be made from wool yarn.

As you can see, making toys for children with your own hands is not at all difficult. And if you involve kids in creating such crafts, you can “kill two birds with one stone”: make an interesting toy and implement the tasks of labor and aesthetic education children. Besides, joint creativity children and parents (and it is quite possible to involve children from 2 years old and even younger in the process) promotes rapprochement, trust and mutual understanding.

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