Homemade music box. Music box mechanism

Now the time has come to talk about what was inside my box, cut out of plywood with a jigsaw. At the heart of everything was a circuit diagram on the controller, powered by 2 Krona batteries (9+9 V). I recorded the music on a 16-32 MB SD card. Moreover, the box played a new melody every time it was opened. Let's start in order!

Elemental base of the contents of the box

The core of the circuit is the Atmega16 40-pin microcontroller, which controls the playback of melodies. The case has a DIP so that it can be easily inserted and removed from the socket located on the board. The Atmega16 picture is as follows:

Another equally important microcircuit is the LM4860M audio amplifier, 1 W, 16-pin, from the outputs of which the amplified signal goes to an 8-Ohm speaker. I took the version of this microcircuit in the SO16 package.

You will also need 2 microcircuits - voltage converters: 7805 in the TO-220 package, the output of which is a constant voltage of +5 V, and IRU1117-33 in the SOT-223 package, with a constant output voltage of +3.3 V, from which the SD- map. An image of these chips is below:

To run the controller you need a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. SD card 16-32 MB, now such a small flash card is difficult to get, but previously they came with some camera models in the kit. All resistors and capacitors are in SMD design for surface mounting.

Circuit diagram of a music box

The electrical circuit of the box looks like this:

As you can see, out of 40 pins of the microcontroller, only 18 are used. Pins 5 to 8 – exchange with an SD card, 9th – for resetting the controller, 10 – +5V power supply, 11.31 – ground, 33-40 – via a divider to an audio amplifier. The Atmega16 microcontroller needs to be flashed, but not on the board itself, but on a special device connected to the computer via RS-232. Exchange with the computer occurs through the SPI interface of the controller (pins 5-8). The firmware is downloaded using the PonyProg computer program. The firmware itself (Music_box_16.hex) and a screenshot of the installed fuses in PonyProg (PonyProg_Mega16_Fuses.bmp) are in the attached archive. You will also find in it technical descriptions(datasheets) for the chips and microcontroller used.

PCB diagram

I laid out the tracks on the printed circuit board in the Sprint Layout4 program. Accordingly, the file shkatulka.lay is in the archive. A board measuring 130x70 mm is made of one-sided foil getinax. All SMD resistors and capacitors, LM4860M chip, IRU1117-33 are placed on the side of the tracks, and the microcontroller, SD card slot, electrolytic capacitors, 7805 chip are placed on the other. The PCB drawing is shown below:

To etch the board I used the old “iron method” and ferric chloride. Then I soldered all the elements, leaving the speaker, power button and power from two 9 V batteries outside the board. Unfortunately, at that time I did not have a camera at hand, and this was not my goal (to capture my work), so I have no opportunity to show the installation I received, and I will not disassemble the non-removable box. Then I left myself the opportunity to only change the batteries and rewrite the flash drive.

Recording melodies for the box

The SD card needs to be formatted to FAT16. The tunes you want to be played by the box should be prepared. Total melodies – up to 100. Playing time – 1 minute. Audio format – .wav PCM 16 kHz 8 bit mono. Name the files – “ring_00.wav”, “ring_01.wav”, etc.

Archive.7z for download:

Stuffing for the box(5.8 MiB, 281 hits)

OK it's all over Now! Collect, launch and enjoy!

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I came across interesting things from AliExpress on the lifehacker website. Namely, the mechanism for music box. And without thinking twice I ordered this gadget for myself :)

I was very interested in this position because since childhood I loved to watch in films how the characters played a melody from boxes. I like the tone of such melodies, the rhythm and everything like that.
The idea itself is extremely simple. You can make any box with your own hands and insert the mechanism into it, you will get an original thing. But since my hands grow from the wrong place, I just like to listen to this melody without external embellishments. By the way, Castle in the Sky Theme Song is playing here. I don’t know where it’s from or who the author is, but I like it :)

The parcel arrived for about a month. Stopped tracking after crossing the border. Apparently the Chinese saved on a normal track code. Anyway.

Packed in regular package and thin paralon. No pimples :(

They also promised 4 screws, but there were only 2 in the package, but these are minor quibbles.
Dimensions 5 cm by 4.5 by 2 Everything is connected on one frame.

The sounds are produced by plates of different lengths which are caught by a small drum with protrusions in certain places. The Chinese love to have such drums for different songs, and it would be interesting to rearrange them depending on the mood.

Everything is driven by a spring, which is wound with a special key. There is nothing extra nanotechnological here :) To make the melody play more smoothly, there is a braking roller.

If you hold the mechanism in your hand, the sound is very quiet, but on the table you can hear everything perfectly.

The seller promises 500 repetitions of playbacks, in the future we will see how this mechanism behaves.

I'm planning to buy +19 Add to favorites I liked the review +40 +59

Well, why else would I want to buy a music box? Then I saw a review, there I saw the mechanism - the puzzle came together and here it is on my table in a cute box.

You could already buy it on Aliexpress finished design, but then the toad woke up and started strangling me. Give more than 3 USD for a music box? If only it was made of gold and diamonds ( ok, cubic zirconia)...

It was decided to buy a musical mechanism and make the box ourselves.

Cost at the time of purchase: 2.9 USD

The mechanism was packaged in such a way that I thought at first that the seller had made a mistake and sent me the music box already in some kind of case. But when I unwrapped the package, it turned out that the bulk of it was packaging material. For what? ATTENTION: so that the cardboard box with the bow does not get wrinkled.

The mechanism itself is metal - it is unlikely that anything will happen to it, even if you step on it. Even the protruding part of the handle is very durable.

Everything is extremely simple. We take the mechanism, select or make the box ourselves, install the mechanism into the box with bolts... STOP! Where are the promised bolts?

I remembered about the bolts a week later, when I again went to look at the seller’s product description. In the photographs it has a mechanism with 3 bolts for fastening, but I received it without them. Where are my bolts???

I had to stick it to the bottom of the box with double-sided tape. And because my husband had a period called: " What else could be glued together with two-phase glue?", then the mechanism was placed on it for reliability. Is there a lot of glue left? It doesn’t matter... now we’ll seal the box tightly!

On my question: " Why did you seal the box itself?“There was no answer, the husband just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I had to sigh languidly, shake my head and test the mechanism in action in the new case from the old Rocket watch.

I had to make a hole in the box for the pen. The Chinese Dremel easily coped with this task ( review will be). But why the husband needed to make a second hole again remains a mystery. The sound was exactly the same without it.


The mechanism and body are metal except for the plastic gears and inner drum. The knob rotates in both directions, but the sound only gives the correct direction.

Mechanism size 4.4 x 3.4 x 2 cm + rotating handle.

The pen has a movable tip for easy rotation.

The seller sent the order in random order and out of 6 melodies I got drum 002B with music - “Swan Lake Finale”.

There is a possibility that you can ask the seller to send a specific drum, but for this you need to know all their numbers and sounds. I was pleased with the seller's choice.

The sound will be loud if the mechanism is installed on a hard surface. In the box the sound is doubled. If you play a music box in the kitchen, you can hear it even in the room.

The melody is pleasant, I only noticed one fib at the end, but maybe that’s how it should be. The faster you turn the handle, the faster the melody plays and vice versa: the slower you turn, the slower the drum rotates.


I bought the mechanism for various reasons:

  1. I wanted to.
  2. Child development.

What can a child’s music box mechanism develop:

  • Logic and intelligence - where and how to turn to make the melody sound.
  • Hearing - pleasant melodies with the right notes.
  • Sense of beauty - Swan Lake and the music from it is a classic.
  • Fine motor skills - the handle is small and you need to hold it firmly with your fingers.
  • Sense of tact (rhythm) - rotating faster or slower sets the tempo.
  • Fantasy, imagination - if you make the body together.


I was pleased with the mechanism and the child liked the music box. I don't mind the money spent. There was an idea to make a music box in the design style pasta and cereals, coffee beans, quilling or appliqués...

When I calmed down my raging imagination, I realized that the child would not let the design last long and the most reasonable option for a music box would be a tightly sealed square watch box.

I wish you happy shopping!

AliExpress is a wholesale online hypermarket. Ali's subtleties, his pros and cons, our endless orders (accessories, microcircuits, equipment, toys, for himself, etc.) in a photo report from a shopaholic.

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The history of the music box dates back to 1796 with musical mechanism, first made by an unknown Genevan watchmaker. In just a couple of decades, it has come a glorious way from the first samples, mounted in perfume bottles and watches, to original works art that still amazes our imagination with its beauty and unique sound.


By today's standards, the operating principle of a music box is very simple. A special drive, using a clock spring mechanism, rotates the musical cylinder, into which rows of pins are mounted. When rotated, they engage with the musical comb and produce a certain melody. As the melody is played, the cylinder returns to its original position. Music boxes of later releases had several melodies in their “stock”. Given the modest capabilities of musical instruments, the playing time of a melody was limited, as a rule, to one minute.

The passage performed represented the most recognizable part of the famous piece of music. The music box has a close “ ” - the barrel organ. She is much older - she has already exceeded five centuries. Although in its essence the organ grinder is close to an organ, the drive is very similar to a musical one, only here the handle was rotated by the organ grinder himself, activating a roller with pins - the control element for the air valves. It was on them that the flow of air into the pipes depended, where the melody arose. The organ grinder could, depending on the circumstances, stop the game at any time.

The situation was completely different. The wound clock mechanism had to “work” to the end. Yes, it never occurred to anyone to interrupt the melody, which, moreover, sounded for no more than a minute. Today you can only hear it in an antique store. By the way, one of the largest music boxes - more than 50 pieces - is located in State Hermitage in St. Petersburg. If you are one day lucky enough to hold this magical mechanism in your hands, which has become the prototype of ultra-modern players capable of storing thousands of melodies in their memory, wind it up and enjoy its simple and unique sound. You won't hear this anymore.

You can stop numerous ones by simply closing the lid of the box. Thus, you press the lever hidden inside, and the music will freeze. If the cover or lever is damaged, use a pin. Stick it into the hole from the lever and it will stop. Not aesthetically pleasing, but practical.

Alternatively, you can attach a pin no larger than 2 mm to the free slot on the lid. It will operate instead of a lever.


  • how to make a music box in 2019

Agree that dishes breaking in the house is not as rare as it seems. Don’t rush to throw away the fragments; you can use them to create an original mosaic box.

You will need

  • - a small wooden box;
  • - fragments of broken dishes;
  • - white cement;
  • - strong glue;
  • - acrylic paint;
  • - hammer;
  • - brush.


From large fragments it is necessary to make smaller ones. To do this, place them on a newspaper and cover with another sheet of newspaper on top, that is, the fragments will be between the layers of paper. Then carefully start knocking on the pieces of broken dishes.

Once the fragments have become the desired size, you can begin to cover the box with them. To do this, apply strong glue to each element and, accordingly, glue it to the wooden surface. Lay out the fragments in such a way that you get something like a mosaic, that is, select the details, suitable friend to a friend. If the fragments different thicknesses, then they need to be laid out on the same level using a layer of glue.

The remaining gaps between the fragments must be filled with white cement. To do this, dilute it with water to the desired consistency, then begin to push the cement into the seams with your finger so that there are no voids in them.

As soon as the cement sets, you need to remove its excess from the fragments. Just wipe them with a damp cloth.

Now it's time for internal part boxes. It can be decorated either with acrylic paint or sheathed with fabric.

You can also decorate the surface of the craft with other elements of broken dishes. For example, you can glue the handle of a broken cup to the center of the box - you can use it to open the craft. The mosaic box is ready!

Helpful advice

Remember that the box must open freely, that is, all the fragments must be glued so as not to interfere with each other.

Every thing should have its place. Is not it? A jewelry box is considered to be a storage unit for jewelry. I suggest you make it yourself.

You will need

  • - plywood 5 mm thick;
  • - thin strip;
  • - gypsum tiles;
  • - metal handles;
  • - various plastic (plywood or plaster) parts;
  • - twisted silk cord;
  • - acrylic paint;
  • - aerosol acrylic white paint;
  • - glue gun;
  • - sponge;
  • - jigsaw;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - drill;
  • - paper;
  • - pencil.


First of all, you need to decide on the size of the future craft. Then make a template on paper and transfer it to the plywood. Cut out and process all the details sandpaper to remove unevenness and roughness. Now you need to assemble the base of the box. To do this, glue all the parts together using a glue gun.

On the underside of the cover of the craft you need to glue the slats. To do this, first mark it and only then attach the slats. They are needed so that the lid of the box does not move when it is closed.

You need to glue a gypsum tile with an ornament to the top side of the product cover. You can also decorate the end and back walls of the box with all kinds of plastic or wooden parts.

Use a pencil to make 2 marks on the side walls of the product. According to the received markings, 2 holes should be drilled, with the help of which the metal handles will be secured.

Now the base of the box needs to be painted white acrylic paint using a simple sponge. Just keep in mind that all decorative elements must be completely painted. Also, do not forget to apply paint to inner surface products.

All that remains is to decorate the product using a twisted cord. It needs to be glued both around the entire perimeter of the lid and along the perimeter of the bottom of the craft. An unusual box in shabby style is ready!

Video on the topic

Create an amazing alarm box with your child or a whole treasure chest for boys. When you open such a box, the head of the clamp will touch the paperclip. The electric current circuit will close and the bell will ring. Instead of a bell, you can place a pleasant melody or song; girls will like this box more.

You will need

  • - shoe box
  • - thin cardboard
  • - PVA glue
  • - scotch
  • - small plate
  • - ball pen
  • - two brass paper clips
  • - steel paper clip
  • - scissors
  • - the wire
  • - 4.5 V battery
  • - electric bell


Draw two circles on the cardboard on the plate. Their width should be the same as the width of the box. Cut out circles, fold in half and cut. You will need three semicircles.

Cut the corners of one of the long sides of the shoebox lid. These will be the hinges on which the lid hinges. Pierce one corner of the lid ballpoint pen hole. Insert a paper clip into it. The clamp should be located near the fold of the hinges.

On the straight edges of the semicircles, bend the flaps 1 cm wide. Glue them to the top of the lid. When the glue dries, reinforce the glue with tape.

Cut a piece of cardboard to fit over the half circles. Roll and unfold the cardboard until it bends easily. Tape it to both outer semicircles.

Glue the back flap of the lid to the main box so that the lid opens and closes. When the glue has dried, apply tape along the seam.

Cut a small window in the humped cardboard lid so you can see the first clip. Just behind this clip, poke a hole in the loop and insert a second clip into it.

Slide a paper clip onto the second clip so that when you open the lid, the first clip touches the paper clip. In the found position, secure the paper clip with tape.

Attach the wires to the clamp legs inside the box. Secure them with tape. Wrap the end of one of the wires around the battery pole.

Attach the bell and connect one of its terminals to the second wire. Connect the free bell terminal to the other pole of the battery. The bell should ring loudly.

For jewelry, this is one of the most important items that must be present in the arsenal of every representative of the fair sex who wants to keep her jewelry in order. Anyone can make a beautiful box with their own hands; you just need to use your imagination, and necessary tools and materials.

To make a jewelry box, you will need:

Box with hinged lid;

Round openwork napkin;

Round mirror;

Flexible curlers;

Wrapping paper (choose your own color);


Double sided tape;



PVA glue.

The first thing to do is decorate the box. To do this, you need to completely cover it with double-sided tape.

The next step is to remove the protective layer from the tape and stick wrapping paper on it. You need to completely cover the entire box with paper, leaving small gaps on its folds.

Now it is necessary to inner part glue an openwork napkin exactly in the middle of the lid (its diameter should be larger than the diameter of the mirror), and stick a mirror on it. The napkin can be glued with PVA glue, but the mirror can be glued with double-sided tape.

Next, you need to measure the length of the box and cut the flexible curlers to that length. Place double-sided tape on the bottom of the box, then carefully, pressing tightly to the bottom of the box and to each other, glue the curlers. The jewelry box is ready, now you can put jewelry in it.

As for the outer part of the box, it looks quite simple, but this can be easily corrected by decorating the product with lace, beads, stones, artificial flowers or any other decorative elements. Here you can experiment.

Convenient place To store jewelry, use a box that you can make with your own hands from scrap materials. In addition, such a box can always be decorated so that it becomes the decor of your interior.

You will need

  • Required material:
  • - satin ribbon of any color, 50 cm long and 5 cm wide.
  • - cardboard spool of thread (tape, paper towels)
  • - any decorative ribbon, flowers, beads, in a word, any decorative elements
  • - 2 cardboard circles with a diameter equal to the base of the reel


We use a candle, lighter or matches to burn the edges of the satin ribbon so that it does not fray. Make a fold on one of the edges using glue.

We glue the edge not very deep inside the cardboard reel.

How to make a music box with your own hands aslan wrote in October 17th, 2018

From time to time they order music boxes for me. This good gift on memorable date. After all, every couple has their own melody? I want to tell you about such a box.

In general, I want to create my own mechanism for this, but for now I’m using the famous kikkerland 15. It has 15 voices and the melody itself is located on punched tape. I almost always have a couple of mechanisms in reserve. Fans have created a whole website with a collection of melodies.

The case is made of beech according to the customer's dimensions, usually I make very pocket-sized versions, here the size of the box is 100x100x70. The blanks were sawed down, the photo shows how the box was assembled.

Tape clamps are used to tighten the corners.

The lid, cut off with a margin, is glued on top.

Using a sander I give the lid the shape of a chest. And only after this the box is cut into halves and the mechanism is inserted inside.

We try on the tape; it should go into the box “blindly” without opening the lid.

The owner asked to have an engraving on the lid. No problem. All that remains is to clean the dust from the engraving and cover everything with varnish.

I am a lazy craftsman and I also make ribbons for the box using a laser. Although the kit comes with a special hole punch for this.

We try on the tape and listen to the melody. Everything worked out!

The ribbon fits completely into the box. It fits like an accordion into small boxes.

The hostess was pleased, for some reason this is very important to me. :)

If you have a production or service that you want to tell our readers about, write to Aslan ( [email protected] ) and we will make the best report that will be seen not only by readers of the community, but also of the site