Scorpio man cancer woman what's in between. Are they suitable for each other in marriage? Compatibility at work: sense of duty and respect

In terms of compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man, this couple can rightfully be called ideal. They have everything to make this family union long and happy: sincere and deep love, loyalty and devotion to common ideals and common goals.

Fate unites these two souls together so that they can give each other real feelings and be support and protection for each other. And also to show us all what a happy union based on mutual love looks like.

Harmony in Scorpio-Cancer compatibility is most often created, maintained and depends on the Cancer man. People born under this zodiac sign “think” more with their hearts than with their heads and with great skill create that atmosphere at home. In addition, both partners are united by fiery feelings and warm hearts.

The role of the leader in this couple is occupied by the Scorpio woman. When a Cancer man experiences bouts of depression, she immediately takes him under her protection, sparing neither her strength nor her feminine and maternal feelings to bring him out of this state. And the Cancer man, in gratitude, will caress and serve her, bringing into the house all his warmth, the desire for family harmony and peace, which are so necessary for both.

The enormous energy and strength of a Scorpio woman can inspire a prudent Cancer man to take bold actions, make him believe in himself, find a good job and generally change his life for the better.

The Scorpio-Cancer couple has excellent sexual compatibility - they are both sensual natures, and they also suit each other perfectly in bed.

Compatibility between Scorpio woman and Cancer man – PROS

The Scorpio woman and the Cancer man were simply made for each other. According to astrology, this is the most ideal combination. The Cancer man always strives to communicate with motherly women. And, showing their best maternal qualities and care during periods of depression of the Cancer man. The leader in this couple is always the Scorpio woman, but she understands perfectly well that if it weren’t for the Cancer man nearby, she would not have such a reliable rear. Entering into a relationship with a Cancer man, a Scorpio woman turns from a sexy and passionate femme fatale into a wife and mother, ready to protect her loved ones from all the difficulties in the world. And Cancer, who gives her warmth and tenderness, is exactly the man in whom she finds the life partner she needs.

A Scorpio-Cancer couple is never together simply out of habit or for profit. Their relationship is characterized by amazing mutual understanding and sincere tender feelings. Moreover, they do not spread their warmth to others, but give it only to their closest relatives and true friends. Both partners prefer quiet evenings at home rather than noisy crowded companies. And if they find themselves in one, they behave quietly, silently and withdrawn.

Compatibility between Scorpio woman and Cancer man – CONS

The problem with the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Scorpio and Cancer is that the Cancer man, despite the fact that he is very attached to his family and children, according to statistics, he is among those who cheat most often. And the Scorpio woman has a very strong possessive character and is incredibly jealous. They can engage in self-criticism for days and even invent things that did not actually happen. She can be disturbed by everything: from a simple smile to a neighbor on the landing and a bouquet of flowers presented to her boss at a corporate party on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday. But what about the case when there really is a reason for jealousy?

For the sake of preserving the family, and especially with the Cancer man, the Scorpio woman is ready to do anything. She will fight fiercely for her family, but it is unknown whether she will be able to forgive her betrayal of her loved one. The fact is that the Scorpio woman, however, like the Cancer man, is very touchy and vindictive, and also vindictive. Therefore, it is difficult to even imagine what this once strong and loving union could turn into if the partners have a reason to be offended by each other.

Scorpio-Cancer horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Scorpio and Cancer, the main thing that can bring discord to their family (as already written above) is the betrayal of a Cancer man. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from betrayal. Of course, a Scorpio woman has a low chance of encountering a Cancer man’s betrayal, but what to do if this all happened? In this case, it is important to eliminate the problem and forgive each other, avoiding further mutual insults, claims and revenge. If you want to forgive him, then do it and close this topic once and for all. Promise yourself to never go back to your old ways again. You can arrange another honeymoon, go to the sea, where new impressions and surroundings, and a fresh look at each other will help you forget grievances and preserve love. Start your life together with a clean slate. You have a happy life together ahead and you shouldn’t overshadow it with the ghosts of the past.

How can a Scorpio woman win a Cancer man?

The Cancer man prefers domestic women with a motherly nature. Therefore, if a Scorpio girl decides to win a Cancer guy, she should not show him her temperament and take on the role of a militant and passionate seductress. The main assistant in conquering this man may be her rich emotionality. The Cancer man, despite the fact that he is a man, is very vulnerable and hides his feelings and emotions well. He may look silent, or he may look like a womanizer-Don Juan. But both his behavior is only a way of protection from the surrounding reality. , and to the slightest offense. And the Scorpio woman has the talent of a psychologist and is able to find an approach to his sensitive soul. It is very important for a Cancer man to know that they understand him and empathize with him, and also take part in his life. In a Scorpio woman, he will immediately feel a kindred spirit, as receptive as himself.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Cancer man in friendship

A Scorpio woman and a Cancer man often develop true friendships. They are distinguished by loyalty and affection in friendship. Both partners understand each other perfectly. They almost never quarrel and pay each other a lot of care and attention. Communicating together, they love to discuss the actions of others, their emotional reactions, motives, but they cannot be called a gossip, because they never carry their reasoning further, because the reason for their interest in other people’s affairs is their love of psychology and analysis of the behavior of others, and not banal curiosity.

The spouses of a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man should be on their guard. The Scorpio woman is sexually temperamental, and the Cancer man is attractive to her, and if she wants to seduce him, she will easily achieve this. And the Cancer man is not at all among the faithful husbands. Therefore, a couple of a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man may well begin a love affair.

Compatibility of Scorpio women and Cancer men in business

The Scorpio woman and the Cancer man understand each other perfectly in the business sphere, as well as in the personal sphere. They subtly feel each other's mood and understand how much it can influence the quality of work. In difficult moments, they always provide each other with moral support and provide a good psychological climate.

Having a Scorpio woman and Cancer men as colleagues or partners is a good combination. Working together, a pair of Scorpio woman and Cancer man will not be able to achieve great results, since both have a similar rhythm and style of work. But their business union may have the best psychological microclimate.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss and a Cancer man is a subordinate, the situation can develop differently. It all depends on the specific Cancer man and the specific Scorpio woman. A Scorpio boss can act as a reliable protector for a Cancer subordinate, or as a tough, demanding leader who does not take other people’s feelings into account.

When a Scorpio woman is a subordinate and a Cancer man is a boss, a business union can also develop differently. This couple can work well together if the Scorpio woman sincerely respects her Cancer boss. But if, in her opinion, the Cancer man is not worthy to occupy this place, then she is capable of sabotaging the work and weaving intrigues.

Undoubtedly, fate played a significant role in the fact that the Cancer man and Scorpio woman had the opportunity to meet at all. If it were possible to create two people who were ideally suited for each other, then this pair would be Cancer and Scorpio. Their union can be considered one of the most successful and harmonious, because each of the partners can easily see through the soul of their lover.

Both of them, due to their predisposition, tend to be secretive and cautious people. It’s amazing that they can determine and feel all, even the slightest, changes in each other’s mood with such filigree precision. The Cancer man and Scorpio woman are those individuals whose respect, trust and love must be earned long and hard. Despite this, each of the partners at the subconscious level feels that their significant other is an unusually devoted and faithful person. Understanding this helps their relationship remain peaceful and calm for a long time. However, this does not mean at all that they will willingly open all the secret doors in their hearts to each other - on the contrary, they will try to make sure that no one claims their personal space. For introverts, such as Cancer and Scorpio, this is quite typical. As a rule, none of them hide global terrible secrets about themselves that can tarnish their honor or make their partner disappointed in themselves. The Cancer man keeps secrets about himself so carefully because he hates it when people get into his soul. The Scorpio woman is too keen to preserve her image of a mysterious nymph, which forces her to keep silent about all the details about her personality. If none of them tries to find out all the ins and outs about each other, everything in their union can flow quite peacefully.

The Cancer man is endowed with extraordinary gentleness and passivity: as soon as the first signs of conflict appear, he timidly gives in under the psychological pressure of his beloved. He chooses the simplest tactic, in his opinion: he begs her to agree with his opinion where it would be worth defending his point of view, he gets offended and upset in those moments when he should have gotten angry. It is precisely this feature of the Cancer man’s character that is, after all, ideally suited to communicating with a Scorpio woman. Undoubtedly, she sees and appreciates this dignity in him - she likes soft and submissive men. She is captivated by the fact that her Cancer lover reacts sensitively to her every word, notices the nature of her every gesture and action, and picks up the slightest change in the tone of her chosen one’s voice. To Scorpio he seems fragile and vulnerable, which, in principle, is an erroneous opinion on her part. The fact is that in this way the Cancer man protects his beloved from pain and suffering, taking care of her mental balance. Cancers generally tend to show reverent affection and care towards their loved ones.

In this relationship, the Scorpio woman protects and protects her partner. She also wants to protect her sensitive chosen one from everything that could hurt, upset, offend him - she is ready to throw herself into the breach, if only her beloved remains safe and sound. She would only like to avoid going to extremes. No one says that she must sacrifice herself sacrificially on the altar of family values, limiting her lover in every possible way from external stimuli at the cost of her strength and nerves. But it’s also not worth going overboard with jealousy and suppressing the personality of a Cancer man: even if a Scorpio woman tends to be a bit of a tyrant, turning into a treacherous monster, driving her victim into a frenzy, would be excessively cruel. The first option is generally contraindicated in relationships with Cancer: being freed from all problems and irritants, he can turn into a capricious sissy child, who will be very difficult to please. With Cancer men, it is strictly contraindicated to lisp and overdo it with care. Cancer does not strive to be a leader in a relationship; if you give him such an opportunity, he will be confused and afraid of making mistakes, doubting his actions. Unfortunately, the Scorpio woman will notice his torment too late - the balance and harmony in their relationship has disappeared, and it is unknown how to return everything to normal.

These two are simply perfect for each other. A Scorpio woman and a Cancer man have every opportunity to create a strong union, united by common ideals and goals. The couple's relationship is based not only on love, but also on mutual support. The woman is the leader in the tandem: she instantly notices the emotional swings of her companion, thus promptly bringing Cancer out of depressive states and taking him under her wing. In turn, he will be grateful to the chosen one for the warmth shown and will reciprocate.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Both Cancer and Scorpio belong to the elements of Water, which is why it is so easy for them to find a common language with each other. A Cancer man is attracted to mysterious and extravagant women: this includes a representative of the Scorpio zodiac sign. At the same time, along with maternal care, there is excessive temperament, which can cause conflicts.

The Water man has a vulnerable nature, so if he is offended, he will withdraw into himself and stop contact. And the water woman is quick-witted and ready to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. From time to time, Cancer resorts to humor and manages to avoid escalating the situation.

The energy and emancipation of a woman of the Scorpio sign allows her to be in constant motion, making plans, expanding her sphere of interests. Relationships between partners can become harmonious if they learn to keep their emotions in check and not go too far in their misunderstandings.

Overall compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Mutual feelings will ensure a strong union for a long time. Scorpio's leading life position can be embodied in arranging a comfortable life, where she will feel like a real mistress. Therefore, everyday issues that a woman takes control of will be resolved to the highest possible quality.

In turn, the Cancer husband should be able to express delight and gratitude. The main task of a water man is to celebrate the beauty of his companion and her refined taste, which is actually true. After all, she follows fashion and trends.

If a couple wants to be together, then the following points will help them:

  • Communication that occurs between a couple at all levels, including the subconscious.
  • Spiritual development.
  • Collaborative support.
  • The romantic component of relationships.

Therefore, the Cancer-Scorpio union can only be envied.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Frankness with each other is the main key to sexual harmony for partners in a water union. Scorpio should pay more attention to the desires of her companion, as she is often too focused on herself. It is also important for a man to talk about his preferences in bed and be less afraid of being straightforward. This will create a trusting relationship and achieve an idyll in the union.

If the above points are not about you, then your couple can rightfully be called harmonious.

It is worth noting that Cancer prefers tenderness and sensuality, but Scorpio loves “elements of toughness.” But all differences can be resolved with a romantic component, which will allow a man to relax and open up, and give a woman playfulness. Moreover, Water signs are sexually inventive, so they are not bored, and routine will never swallow up their relationship. This union consists of partners who complement each other, which is why they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary more often than others.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

The affection of Scorpio and Cancer is felt at all levels, therefore, when it comes to friendship, we can confidently talk about devotion, sincerity and mutual understanding. Water friends take care of each other and do not hide their emotions and joy. Quarrels rarely happen, since trepidation and careful attitude towards the feelings of their friend are in the first place.

Cancer and Scorpio love to talk about the psychology of relationships: they analyze emotions, actions and motives. These two could be classified as gossips, but their conversations never become public, and the main reason for such conversations is their tendency to psychoanalyze others.

But the other halves of Cancer and Scorpio should take a closer look at the friendly tandem. A temperamental water woman who has no sexual barriers can easily enter into intimate intimacy with someone who attracts her. This can happen when her horoscope friend is Cancer.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

The business relationships of this Cancer Scorpio union are filled with a lot of pleasant moments. At the same time, it makes no difference which of the two will be a subordinate and which will be the leader: team spirit is paramount here. They feel support, emotional closeness and warmth from each other. It is safe to say that the business partnership of this tandem is one of the most favorable among other zodiac tandems.

Cancers are by nature diplomats who are capable of building friendly relationships in a team. But they do not lose their leadership aura and lead from the shadows. True, if Scorpio notices such management, he will want to “leave” the team. The situation will not be better if the water man begins to show his leadership qualities and give orders to his water colleague without being the boss.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Quarrels between Cancer and Scorpio are rare, but very real. This mainly happens due to jealousy. Both partners are capable of causing an incredible scandal, but the worst thing is that they can move away from each other: the woman will create distance, and the man will withdraw into himself. Thus, the similarity of two water signs can not only bring them closer together, but also alienate them. Sometimes it is difficult to look into a mirror reflection, because what is seen there does not always coincide with internal sensations.

Most often, their suspicions of betrayal are unfounded and the main goal is to add heat to the relationship. To refresh your feelings and maintain harmony, there are other ways: relaxing together, traveling, and also replenishing your treasure trove of memories with positive moments. It is important for a couple to work on each other’s spiritual growth.

Relationship Benefits

A woman under the sign of Scorpio and a man under the sign of Cancer are ideal partners in every way. For Cancer, the feeling of the maternal principle in a woman is important, and for Scorpio this aspect has a pronounced nature. The tandem of these two water partners is based on the leadership of a woman and a reliable rear on the part of a man.

It is interesting to watch the transformation of Scorpio from a sultry and sexy lover into a caring wife and mother, who is always there and rushes to help in difficult times. In her man she sees a worthy chosen one for life together.

A couple never builds relationships with each other on benefits; it is not common for partners to stay with each other out of habit. Understanding, sincerity and tenderness reign in the union. This warmth and sincerity is felt by loved ones. The water family values ​​privacy, home comfort and evenings with family. And in noisy companies they behave withdrawn and rather silent.

Disadvantages of Relationships

The problematic aspect of the compatibility of two water signs is that, despite all the harmony in the relationship, Cancer is one of the leaders (according to statistics) among those who cheat on their significant other. This fact is a serious cause for concern for a Scorpio woman: obsessive thoughts can cause both courtesies from her companion to mutual acquaintances and flowers for his boss on the occasion of his birthday.

The situation can be developed and understood from different angles. But it will receive special development when Scorpio sees real evidence of betrayal. At the same time, family breakdown is far away here, since both partners will try to save the marriage, because they have a strong attachment to each other. But whether a wife can forgive her husband for cheating is a completely different story. There is also a place for revenge here, which is quite in the style of Scorpio.

The accumulation of grievances can destroy a once strong union. Therefore, in the family of water signs, the ability to forgive and show condescension takes on special importance. Anyone can make a mistake; timely awareness and readiness for sincere dialogue are important.

A large number of people resort to astrological forecasts during the beginning of a relationship. The union of people under Cancer and Scorpio is considered successful according to various criteria. Despite some of each other's shortcomings, they get along well together. Love and intimate relationships are quite harmonious.

Advantages and disadvantages

For a better understanding, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of the parties. In addition, do not forget that all people are different, some have clearly expressed features of their zodiac sign, others will have a certain mixture of indicators.

Cancer man.

The greatest dignity is love and devotion to the family into which you were born. He brings all the good things from childhood into the family he creates.

Loves a quiet life. Most likely he will never cheat on his wife.
But, you start to like a quiet life only after numerous short-term romances, until you get enough of it - you won’t get hooked.

He also really doesn’t like to make decisions, changes his answer many times, “backs away” (like a cancer) in the opposite direction. Greedy to some extent.
The usually cheerful, carefree guy actually takes things to heart.

Cancer woman.

Has a rich inner world, shows it only to a select few. He takes marriage seriously and does not like fleeting romances. Attentive to children.

Doesn't like criticism, even minimal criticism.

Not particularly self-confident, needs constant support. Reluctant to solve problems, it is better for her to stay away from the inconvenience.

Scorpio man.

The main character trait is passion for everything, emotions go off scale.

Always zealously strives for his goal, be it work, love or receiving an inheritance. Does everything his own way.

Always straightforward, does not like to lie or flatter.

Scorpio woman.

Stubborn, self-confident and in love with herself.

Knows how to find a way out of any situation, acts ahead.

She will idolize her husband and allow him to dominate.

He loves children infinitely, but keeps a tight rein on them.

In this case, it is the Scorpio girl who is chosen, aiming at prey, who will attract the friendly Cancer with her coldness and inaccessibility. And it will hook you tightly - Cancer is used to winning easily. Scorpio's coldness will not subside soon, but she will appreciate perseverance.

Both will feel great in such a union; the Scorpio woman will envelop the Cancer man with care and love, giving him self-confidence. The partner will respond with mutual trepidation. Those who are devoted to each other will meet old age together.

However, there will be some outbursts of negativity on the part of the woman - scandals over trifles, then, after calming down for a while, everything will turn into a joke. Cancer will be offended at first, then he will agree with the absurdity of the situation, they will laugh together and forget about the quarrel.

Relationships will always be fueled by jealousy, both signs will not miss theirs. They can abruptly break off any connection without explaining anything, if there is too much jealousy, the best option is to create a new, common social circle. It would be better if everyone did not have friends of the opposite sex.

Both need to know that for one and the other, betrayal is too low an act; they will never do it if they value the relationship.

Under no circumstances should you lie to Cancer, even about trifles - he will check and leave forever.

There won’t be frequent gifts in the form of flowers or sweets from Cancer - it’s better to buy something for the house.

A man simply cannot believe his luck; a Cancer woman is what he needs. Both, not very confident in their abilities, will support each other in society. In private, they will completely surrender to passions; the main thing here is not to go too far for Scorpio, otherwise Cancer will prefer to sneak away from too tight an embrace. In general, love relationships are ideal - tender, touching, passionate. Saturation is the highlight of their love.

A Cancer woman, if she is confident in a good outcome of the relationship, may be too annoying with her husband, a hot-tempered Scorpio may offend with a harsh word, and will not ask for forgiveness, in his understanding - everything is already clear, he got excited.

Cancer man + Scorpio woman.

When these signs understand that they do not annoy each other, and their relationship is 100% trusting, they immediately run to the registry office. The woman will take upon herself all the delights of everyday life, while the man will only have to come home from work on time and thank him for the delicious dinner. Otherwise, if he doesn’t come on time, the partner will become furious, scream, and express everything she thinks. But he will quickly cool down, come up and kiss you with a grin.

Spouses will sometimes rebel and almost change roles - the man will rush to do laundry and wash the dishes, the woman will rush to earn money by unloading cars. From the outside it seems that these two have gone crazy. And they really like it, detente strengthens the marriage, the main thing is not to overdo it.

It is worth remembering that Scorpio loves herself very much. Cancer must not forget to talk about her unearthly beauty and excellent sense of taste.

Also, the mother-in-law will always be present in the marriage. Cancer adores his mother, for him she is an authority, he cannot offend her. The best option, if you cannot find a common language with your mother-in-law, is to move away.

Cancer woman + Scorpio man.

The family is not visible from the outside, those around them think that this couple are friends, they are cold with each other, but always together, they grasp the mood on the fly, they understand everything perfectly. Real mutual feelings manifest themselves at home, without prying eyes.

The Cancer woman tames the man's ardor. Scorpio's coldness is just a cover; in fact, he can blow up everything around him.

They are sensitive to family values, both keep photos from their wedding, from the maternity hospital, and their wedding anniversary in their wallets. Everyday life unites, they do everything together. Children are everything to them.

Overly frugal partners may get tired of each other, but only for a while.

He and she in bed

Cancer man + Scorpio woman.

A woman, due to her self-love, may not notice that she is doing something wrong; for her, she is simply a priestess of love. A man will spend a long time figuring out how to talk about mistakes, then he will completely prefer to be content with what he has, because she is perfection itself, it could be worse.

However, in most cases, both partners get what they want - they do not lack emotionality and sensuality if there is trust. Without a trusting relationship, Cancer will close in on itself, be constrained, and the woman may lose all interest.

A loving Cancer will do everything possible to please his beloved. loves to dominate, sometimes, on the contrary, she takes on the role of a novice. There are also some sadistic tendencies in Scorpio.

Cancer woman + Scorpio man.

A Scorpio man always gets his way in bed, even if by force, which can frighten him. Therefore, night romances almost never continue.

This particular zodiac sign is not uncommon among rapists.

Scorpio, who loves his partner, will gently and tenderly convince her to do any extravagant acts. One thing is for sure - they will not be bored at night, their intimate life will never fade away.

The Cancer woman will not immediately surrender to the flame of passion; she is modest by nature, intimacy can only be in the dark under a blanket. Over time, of course, such modesty will go away, but not entirely; the stiffness will still remain. Such a woman will not agree to go to bed with the first person she meets; she needs to study her partner and trust.

The closeness of Cancer and Scorpio begins with stories about the secret, gradually moving into a new stage. Also, romance is required - candles, silk sheets, quiet music. Even after several months of relationship, such a woman will not agree to have sex in the toilet of a bar or in a car.

Having completely trusted her partner, the woman simply radiates passion and happiness from her freedom; Scorpio finally gets everything she wants.

As a result, we can say that the Scorpio-Cancer union is quite successful, you just need to learn to trust and understand your loved one, then both will find themselves at the peak of bliss in all areas of life. Children in such families are always cheerful and obedient, and loved ones are always gifted with attention. Many such unions celebrate their golden wedding.

Scorpio woman and Cancer man - their horoscope can rightfully be considered one of the most successful. Both of these signs belong to the water element in astrology, which already gives them good chances for a harmonious union. The Scorpio woman is quite secretive and demanding by nature. Such a person cannot open up completely to the first person he meets; Scorpio will choose his life partner for a long time and carefully. Considering that women of this sign are quite powerful and are used to dominating everything, their choice falls on soft, non-conflict men like Cancers. The Cancer man is cautious and vulnerable. This type of people is quite reserved, but at the same time they are distinguished by their ability to provide real support in the family. More often, Cancer men look for life partners with the “woman-mother” psychotype. With the union of a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man, a very successful relationship develops. Both partners feel the other half well, literally understand at a glance. Subconsciously, they seek and find support and support in each other. A Scorpio lady can somewhat dominate a Cancer man, guarding and protecting him from all everyday worries and difficulties. In gratitude, the man will satisfy any whim of the capricious Scorpio woman. Quarrels in such an alliance are extremely rare, practically excluded. The Cancer man prefers to remain silent and not respond to his partner’s attacks. In defending his positions, he asks, not demands. In moments of indignation, he will not be angry, but rather offended. At the same time, the Scorpio woman, realizing that the man will not respond to emotions with emotions, quickly calms down and the conflicts exhaust themselves. In the union of a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman, love prevails over quarrels. In fact, in this pair both partners perform a protective function. A woman is her man's protector. A man is the keeper of a cozy atmosphere in a couple.

Sexual compatibility

The intimate life of a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman is as harmonious as everything else. Since partners are able to feel each other at the level of instincts, a half glance or gesture is enough for them to hint at their desires. Both halves are passionate and ardent natures. The Cancer man strives to give the Scorpio woman a lot of pleasure by coming up with new tricks. The woman does not lag behind in this matter, trying to answer her partner with all the ardor of which she is capable.

Such couples selflessly give each other pleasure, experiencing the joy of mutual satisfaction. Nothing can confuse both signs in the process of intimacy, since they are open to each other. Their intimate life is filled with various kinds of experiments, each time adding a fresh spirit to the relationship.

At work and at home

Both partners love privacy; they are ready to spend all evenings at home in each other’s company. Everyone finds in their soul mate something that they are missing, all the time discovering new features and facets.

The compatibility of Cancer and Scorpio women in everyday life is excellent. Household responsibilities for such couples are distributed by themselves, and no conflicts arise on this basis. Everyone strives to help the other, whether it's cooking, cleaning the house, or caring for the children.

Raising children mainly falls on Scorpio women, since they are demanding and accustomed to discipline, while at the same time, Cancers balance the microclimate in the family with their gentleness.

According to the horoscope, a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man get along well as business partners. It's best when they are approximately on the same rung of the career ladder. Each of them can lend a shoulder to the other and help out in the current situation. Since they find a common language well, their joint work quickly bears fruit.

If the Scorpio woman is the boss and the Cancer man is a subordinate, the situation can develop in 2 directions:

a demanding Scorpio woman can put pressure on a Cancer subordinate, and he, in turn, will give in to his boss. Because of such a microclimate, work will become a burden for both.

The second option is that a Scorpio woman can act as a significant authority and protector for a Cancer subordinate, who, in gratitude, will work more intensely and productively.

If the situation is polar and the Cancer man is the boss, and the Scorpio woman is the subordinate, the development of 2 scenarios is also possible: the Scorpio woman, who is more powerful by nature, will not take the Cancer boss seriously. The man's pride will be hurt, which will lead to tense relationships.

Fruitful cooperation is possible if the Scorpio woman is proactive, ambitious, but at the same time maintains sincere respect for her boss. Cancer, in turn, should support a woman’s endeavors, encouraging her in every possible way. Such work will soon yield excellent results.