How fat is stored in men. Why fat is deposited in certain places

Fat deposits in the abdominal area in men are called differently: “beer belly”, “labor callus” or simply “belly”. We make jokes about him calling him Danlos' disease ("His belly is hanging out of his pants"), or we give him some label like "fat folds around the waist." But there is nothing funny about such deposits. They pose a serious health threat that can lead to complications such as cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, hypertension, type II diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

To better understand the dangers of excess belly fat, let's look at what processes are involved in the accumulation of fat in men.

On the ratio of fat and muscle mass in men

When most people think about whether they are fat or thin, they think about their weight. Although your absolute weight is undoubtedly important and provides some information about your health, it is still more important for you to determine the ratio of fat to muscle tissue in the body, that is, how many kilograms of fat you have and how many kilograms of muscle. The table below shows which group a man belongs to depending on the percentage of fat in his tissue:

Most men believe that with age and hormonal changes associated with andropause, the ratio of fat to muscle mass inevitably changes: more fat becomes larger. Indeed, charts found in health articles, online or in the doctor's office, reflect precisely this view, which explains the higher "healthy" percentage of body fat in older people. But men shouldn't have to put up with the deposits that accumulate in middle age and beyond. The amount of fat is directly related to diet and exercise.

It is unlikely that a 70-year-old person will have a body fat percentage of 11, but this does not mean that he can give up on himself. It's never too late to improve your constitution through proper nutrition and exercise. And, might I add, it's never too early. I've seen men in their third and fourth decades of life—in sports like American football, where heavy weight is important—who have a high percentage of body fat.

While your fat-to-muscle ratio is an accurate indicator of whether you have a normal constitution, your absolute weight doesn't really tell you if you're obese. Let's take a look at two athletes weighing 110 kg.

The first, bodybuilder John, has 10% body fat; the remaining percentage comes from muscle mass. His metabolism is efficient, since muscle tissue is metabolically active. He looks strong and muscular, has a thin waist and a flat stomach. He is in excellent health, his lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol) are in the normal range, and he feels energetic and alert throughout the day.

The second man, Paul, is 40% body fat and looks and feels completely different. Although he plays in the National Football League, his metabolism is not as efficient as it should be because fat is metabolically inert. He looks obese, his waist is 122 cm, and his belly is hanging out of his trousers. His cholesterol and triglyceride levels are dangerously high. Because much of his fat is concentrated in his abdomen, he is at serious risk of developing type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease (if he is not already suffering from these as yet undiagnosed diseases). Despite the fact that he is a professional athlete, he looks inadequate, and his huge belly causes tension in his lower back. He often complains of pain in his back, knees and lower back, which is explained by the excess fat that he carries around.

What matters is not how much fat, but where it is deposited

By now it should be clear that what matters most is not how much fat you have, but where it is concentrated and at what point it becomes a problem.

The classic fat model in men corresponds to the android shape, or apple shape - fat deposits above the waist. Therefore, a man’s waist size is one of the most accurate indicators of how predisposed he is to various diseases. When the American Heart Association published its revised Guidelines for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in 2002 in the journal Circulation, it warned that a waist circumference of 101 cm or more in men indicates an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. . Dr Sidney Smith, senior scientist at the association, said: "It turns out that waist size is as good an indicator of risk as body mass index."

During my Program, I discovered that waist size is an even more reliable indicator of risk than BMI. For example, waist size is a good way to assess changes in tissue composition. I have seen many clients in their 60s and 70s who have not gained weight over the years, that is, their BMI has not changed, but they have extra inches around their waist, indicating a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass. Some people consider the ratio of fat to muscle mass to be a great indicator, but I always look at a man's waist size first. If he stores fat according to the female pattern, then the ratio of fat to muscle can remain constant for years, although he actively accumulates a considerable amount of fat in the lower part of the body.

Even a man with a waist size of less than 101 cm can be vulnerable to certain diseases. My doctors usually suggest that most men with a waist size of at least 94 cm take a glucose tolerance test or a hemoglobin A1C test (which monitors sugar levels). in a person’s blood for 2-3 months). This depends on the clients' initial health assessment or the ratio of their fat to muscle mass. This proposal is due to the fact that the presence of excess belly fat is significantly associated with insulin resistance, a precursor to type II diabetes.

I also noticed that there is a direct correlation between erectile dysfunction and belly fat. A 2000 study by the National Cancer Institute found that men with a waist size of 107 cm or more were twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction as men with a waist size of 81 cm. Men Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to this problem than men who exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

These data were confirmed in a survey of 32 thousand men aged 53 to 90 years, which was conducted in 2003 and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Researchers found that one in three older men suffered from erectile dysfunction. However, men who were not obese and who exercised regularly were 30% less likely to have the condition.

Other Dangers of Belly Fat: Metabolic Syndrome X

Obese men often have a cluster of symptoms that doctors call metabolic syndrome X. These include a waist circumference of 101 cm or more, triglyceride levels above 150 mgdL, HDL (good cholesterol) less than 40 mgdL, fasting glucose above 110 mgdL and blood pressure above 13585 mm Hg. Art. Anyone who has three or more of these symptoms is diagnosed with metabolic syndrome X.

In an article recently published in the British Medical Journal, Dr. Jean-Pierre Despres (Quebec Heart Institute) called metabolic syndrome X hypertriglyceridemia and confirmed that the likelihood of heart disease is greater when the above symptoms are combined with a waist measurement of more than 101 cm. Dr. Despres also points out that the waist to hip ratio is not a reliable indicator of susceptibility to the disease, since men who store fat according to the female pattern often continue to accumulate fat on the waist and hips, although this ratio does not exceed the “safe” limits for them range.

Don't give in to the beer belly

Many men justify the deposition of belly fat based on their DNA: “All the men in the family have a huge belly, and therefore I, too, am doomed to this “genetic” obesity.”

I have noticed that in most cases this is not true. Those who are obese almost always grow up and live in environments—family, friends, spouses—that are marked by negative eating and physical activity habits. They are fat because they are sedentary and have unhealthy eating habits, not because of some mysterious “obesity” gene.

However, in a small proportion of men, scientists discovered what they called the “beer belly gene.” A recent study at the University of Naples, published in the Annals Internal Medicine, found that of 959 men aged 25 to 75 years, some actually had a genetic variation that causes a person to store fat in the area. abdominal area.

However, this genetic predisposition is not a death sentence. It was found that these men's increased tendency to accumulate excess belly fat only occurred if they led an unhealthy lifestyle. None of them developed a beer belly if they ate right and exercised regularly. And they were just as likely to lose fat and gain muscle as men without the beer belly gene. The only difference was that this group had to be a little more careful in their habits to avoid obesity.

We've covered the many health risks associated with belly fat. Now the good news is that this fat is the easiest to get rid of.

Fat is stored in cells in the form of triglycerides. You've heard that exercise increases your body's ability to burn fat, but you probably don't know why this happens, or for that matter why you need to exercise if you've already adopted a healthy diet. Isn't a proper diet enough? In fact, adequate exercise greatly increases your body's ability to burn stored fat.

Epinephrine is a fat-mobilizing hormone released by your sympathetic nervous system. Research shows that during exercise, the concentration of this hormone in your body increases markedly. When epinephrine binds to specific receptors on fat cells, it stimulates hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) to break down triglycerides inside the cells and release them into the bloodstream, where they can be used as energy. And this is exactly what you need. You want the fat not to lie dormant in your body, but to be mobilized.

When you perform aerobic exercise, the HSF becomes even more susceptible to epinephrine as your body temperature rises. The greater your aerobic endurance, the less epinephrine is required to activate HSL and release stored fat. However, if you are obese, significantly larger amounts of this hormone will be required to break down triglycerides.

Another hormone that exercise affects is Lepton, a peptide hormone produced by adipose (adipose) tissue; it also plays a role in fat storage and overall energy balance. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that exercise combined with diet is the most effective means of reducing lepton levels in the body, ultimately helping to eliminate excess fat.

The cell receptor can be thought of as a parking lot where a hormone is “parked” to start or stop cell function. There are two main types of cell receptors that epinephrine can attach to to affect the cell - alpha receptors, which inhibit the breakdown of triglycerides, which is fat storage, and beta receptors, which stimulate fat burning.

Research shows that in both men and women, most of the beta receptors are located in the abdominal area, which means that fat in this area of ​​the body is easier to get rid of. But women have more alpha receptors in the pelvis and thighs than men, which explains why they tend to store more fat in these areas.

The basic physical exercises in this article are specially selected in such a way that you, by mobilizing the body's ability to burn fat, can get rid of fat in the abdominal area.

Why is reverse fat pattern dangerous in men?

The most dangerous areas in which a man can accumulate fat are the hips (pelvis) and buttocks. These are the parts of the body where fat is most commonly stored in women, which is why this fat pattern is called reverse fat pattern. By the time a man has accumulated fat in the reverse fat pattern, his waist size is usually 127 cm or more, and his fullness becomes painful. As already mentioned, it is much more difficult for a man to mobilize fat in this part of the body than in the abdominal area.

I work with many men who have female-type fat deposits. Many of them suffer from serious hormonal imbalances. They produce less testosterone, the level of estradiol - the main hormone in women - is higher than normal, they are characterized by decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and weakened thyroid function. Decreased testosterone and increased estradiol often lead to gynecomastia, in which a man's breasts become soft and female-like, and the body becomes “feminized” due to excess fat. His percentage of muscle mass is much lower than average, such a man suffers from loss of strength, irritability and chronic exhaustion.

A classic example of a man who stored fat in the reverse fat pattern is Douglas Daniels, 41, a nightclub performer in the French Quarter of New Orleans. When Douglas began my Program, he was so morbidly overweight that our doctors did not guarantee him more than five years to live. Here are his health indicators before he began implementing my Program.

Note that Douglas's hips were 13 cm larger than his waist, indicating a reverse fat pattern: his fat was concentrated not only in the abdomen, but also in the thighs and buttocks.

Douglas smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, which further increased his risk of heart disease and cancer; suffered from sleep apnea, a condition that can affect the heart if left untreated. He had to take glucophage, a medicine for type II diabetes. He suffered from low testosterone and hypothyroidism. He was a walking time bomb, and I knew I had to encourage him to save his life—and fast.

Our doctor immediately put him on medication for hypothyroidism and enrolled him in our heart rehabilitation group at the Ochsner Clinic, where he began working on improving his aerobic capacity. During this period, he performed exercises with light dumbbells and exercises to strengthen the body. One of his most important steps was a drastic change in his diet: then it consisted of a lot of fatty fried foods and rich, high-calorie dishes with pasta, which his mother and fiancée prepared for him. Douglas and his girlfriend learned to cook delicious, low-fat Italian dishes and healthier New Orleans dishes. They also liked the low-glycemic, low-saturated fat meals that nutritionist Molly Kimball and I created for our clients.

Six weeks later, Douglas, still following the diet program, began a set of exercises designed to train the heart, which had to be done periodically (it complemented all other types of exercise). I also provided him with tools to reduce stress and stay motivated.

By the end of the 12-week Transformation Program, hosted as the TV show Health Cops New Orleans on the Discovery Health Channel, Douglas's numbers were:

Douglas has quit smoking, no longer snores at night, and is off his diabetes medication. He follows the Program strictly, still losing weight and building muscle. 20 weeks after starting the program, he lost another 15 kg, thereby losing a total of 42 kg of absolute weight!

If my Program helped even in such an advanced case as Douglas’s, then it can help you too. If he and hundreds of other men and women who are obese and putting their health at serious risk can completely transform themselves using the Program outlined in this article, should you wait? There is no excuse for delay.

In both sexes, belly fat appears under the influence of internal and external factors. A sedentary lifestyle, smoking, chronic diseases, overeating or excessive adherence to diets are only a small part of the reasons that activate the accumulation of excess body weight. Until the root cause of the pathology is eliminated, even intense physical training will not help.

Note to men and women: what foods make your belly grow?

As soon as a representative of the stronger half of humanity notices that his tummy has increased, he should immediately talk to a doctor. Unfortunately, not all men are in a hurry to take advantage of this recommendation. Instead, they are very eager to go to the gym, where the problem cannot be solved.

You need to understand that excess body weight is formed due to illness, bad habits, chronic diseases and poor nutrition.

The last point is extremely important. You need to pay attention to your own diet. It should contain fatty fish, nuts and vegetable oil, thanks to this, “fatty” ceases to be synonymous with “harmful”. In addition to fish and oil, the emphasis is on fresh vegetables and fruits. The substances contained in them are immediately burned, so excess weight does not appear.

In addition to healthy foods, there are also those whose consumption should be limited:

  1. Harmful carbohydrates - your doctor will tell you what foods contain them and why they should be avoided. This applies to a greater extent to products based on wheat flour.
  2. The fat layer increases faster in those who consume sweets more often. This applies not only to confectionery products, but also to baked goods.
  3. Fats of animal origin - lamb and beef in any form should not be present in the diet. Poultry and rabbit meat burns fat.

A balanced diet is the key to a beautiful figure. Food can be both tasty and healthy, so you should listen to the advice of a nutritionist. He will select a list of healthy products that will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Internal or abdominal fat: what is it?

A fat person is not always sick, so doctors do not recommend self-medication. Everyone stores a natural amount of fat in their body, which the body uses as a source of energy. This value is not universal, so in each case the weight norm is determined individually.

Internal fat is a layer localized between the internal organs. Such a neighborhood does not bring anything good.

If a large amount of internal fat accumulates in the body, pathological changes begin in the body. Abdominal fat cannot be touched because it is located deep in the body. Its volume can only be determined based on the results of the examination. The test will show how much of your natural fat is internal. For example, in women, only 1/10 of their body weight is internal fat.

Its volume can be reduced only under the guidance of a doctor:

  1. Stabilization of the emotional state - neurotic people lose fat faster than those who are always calm. However, doctors do not recommend deliberately exposing yourself to stress. The more the body experiences overload, the faster the abdominal layer grows.
  2. Pay attention to bad habits. It has been clinically proven that alcohol and tobacco lead to the activation of the body's defense response. The body, so to speak, is trying to protect vital organs from excessive negative influences.

Internal fat in the abdominal area is more dangerous than traditional fat. It creates excess stress on the entire body. A condition in which the proportion of internal fat constitutes more than ¼ of the total fat mass is considered pathological. In this case, you need to literally look at the problem from a cross-section. An MRI will show the level of fat in your belly and between your internal organs.

Men's problems: how fat is stored in the body

In representatives of the stronger sex, beer fat is not formed from excessive love for the intoxicating drink. The results of recent studies have proven that an increase in body fat and a love of beer are not connected at all.

What matters is the volume of what a representative of the stronger sex pours into himself. If you eat fatty meat in large doses, washing it down with even more alcohol, then excess fat on the sides will not take long to appear.

Explaining the vicious relationship is quite simple. A large amount of beer, like any carbonated drink, causes men to feel a permanent feeling of hunger. Hops activates the release of hormones responsible for the feeling of fullness, so a man wants to eat more.

In addition to beer, the following factors are the cause of the increase in body fat:

  • Addiction to fatty and smoked foods;
  • Alcohol and tobacco;
  • Lack of proper rest;
  • Unbalanced physical activity - there should not be too much or too little;
  • Wrong diet;
  • Abundance of trans fats in the diet.

Representatives of the stronger sex who have growing sides should not self-medicate. Going to the gym will temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but not the disease itself. The problem is often complex, so first you need to visit a doctor's office. A targeted impact on the root cause of the pathology helps to cope with the problem.

Risk factors: why women accumulate belly fat

Representatives of the fair sex are not happy to discover that they are overweight. In most cases, fat deposits form on the abdomen and thighs. Despite numerous attempts to bring yourself back to normal, the extra pounds only accumulate more. This happens solely due to physiological reasons. Nature has arranged it in such a way that women’s bodies should always have a reserve of nutrients for a “rainy day.”

As a woman gets older, her body prepares for the birth of a child. We can say that the body forms a supply of nutrients to support the vital functions of the fetus.

In addition to the purely physiological factor, there are other reasons that provoke the formation of fat deposits in the lower abdomen:

  • Incorrect daily routine;
  • Too frequent meetings;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Passion for diets;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Addiction to tobacco and alcohol products;
  • Lack of nutrients in the body;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Hormonal disbalance.

What causes belly fat to be deposited (video)

Excess fat deposits in problem areas occur under the influence of external and internal factors. First you need to talk to your doctor, who will ask you to take tests. Depending on the results obtained, the patient is referred for additional examination to other doctors. The duration of the diagnostic course depends on the patient’s health condition. After successful completion of treatment, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the extra pounds will return.

Fat accumulated in the upper abdomen is called visceral fat. It leads to an increase in waist size. Visceral fat is a kind of layer that lies between the walls of the abdominal cavity and the organs. The main factors for its accumulation in this particular place are lack of exercise, poor nutrition, stress and genetic predisposition. Below are the reasons why fat accumulates on the belly.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is the most common cause of this problem. Eating junk food and fatty foods reduces metabolism and increases waist size. Refined foods, white bread and baked goods, and pasta can cause poor digestion and the appearance of folds of belly fat. In addition, high-calorie foods can directly contribute to the accumulation of fat in the upper abdomen.

Lack of exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons that cause uncontrolled weight gain. Exercise is considered an important component of a healthy lifestyle, and little or no exercise contributes to fat gain.


Stress is a fairly common cause of weight gain. We often don't realize that the extra pounds we add are due to stress. It stimulates the body to release cortisol, which causes the liver to release excess sugar. But the body does not need such an amount, because it is not able to metabolize it all.

Because of this excess sugar, the body feels constantly hungry and we are forced to consume more food, especially foods high in sodium. This promotes the formation of fat folds in the described part of the body.

Health problems

The appearance of folds of fat on the abdomen can cause health problems. Digestive tract diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal imbalances such as Cushing's syndrome can lead to abdominal obesity. Sometimes, certain medications such as steroids, which are prescribed to treat certain diseases, also cause abdominal obesity.

Genetic predisposition

A person's genetic history of obesity may also be a major factor in the appearance of wrinkles. Many people have a genetic predisposition to obesity.

Removing folds of belly fat is not so easy. With so many reasons listed above, in order to get rid of belly fat, you will have to make drastic lifestyle changes. There are several steps you need to take, be sure to follow a strict diet to burn off all those belly folds.

Regular exercise

Exercise daily to improve your metabolism, which will burn fat much faster. Walking in the fresh air, working out in the gym, aerobics and yoga will help with this.

Strict diet

Diet is also a major factor that can help you get back into shape. You need to adhere to proper nutrition for a long time so that you become slim and healthy again. Eat often, but eat less food, don't eat too much food in one sitting, and don't overload your digestive system.

Replace high-calorie foods with lighter, healthier, nutrient-dense foods that won't harm your waistline. Avoid fatty and unhealthy foods such as chips, baked goods, cookies and sweets, and replace them with salads made with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Drink water

Water may be the best medicine. Instead of drinking carbonated or energy drinks, replace them with plain water. It cleanses the body and flushes out all the toxins, leaving you lean and healthy.

Try not to be nervous

Studying stress itself may be a cure for obesity. Stress leads to eating foods enriched with salt and sugar. Learning about anxiety can reduce triggers and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you change your lifestyle in time, you can get rid of belly fat and become healthy and slim!

Women have different body types. Many people develop fat deposits in different areas of the body: some have curvy hips, others have problems in the abdominal area. Of course, there is also a genetic predisposition, but experts believe that there are arguments that indicate that the storage of fat in one area or another indicates certain disorders in the body.

Heavy hips and back rolls

Fat folds on the back look very unaesthetic. They make it difficult to choose nice underwear and wear tight clothes. In most cases, this indicates an addiction to carbohydrates, as a result of which the body produces an excess amount of insulin. You can solve the problem by replacing “fast” carbohydrates with healthy ones - vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread.

Plump knees and problematic calves

If fat accumulates in the lower part of the legs, then this does not greatly harm the ability to dress beautifully, but it does impose a number of restrictions, in addition, there is a feeling of heaviness. In most cases, this indicates that there is excess fluid in the body, that the person consumes a lot of carbohydrates, water, sweet and salty foods that retain it. There is only one way out - try to reduce all foods in your diet that provoke the problem.

Upper arms, chest

If fat accumulates in these areas, it often indicates an excess of the hormone estrogen. Perhaps the woman is taking oral contraceptives, which are the cause of its overabundance, so you need to talk to your doctor about selecting new contraceptives.

Fat on the sides

Folds of fat that “float out” from jeans and skirts sometimes indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, when thyroid hormones encourage fat to be deposited in these areas. You also need to pay attention to the consumption of heavy metal salts, which may be contained in toothpaste and tap water, and try to remove them from the body.

Belly fat

Very often, after a difficult period, when a person is immersed in a stressful situation, he notices that his tummy has become more plump. This is not surprising: in this state, the body tends to produce excess amounts of the hormone cortisol, which ultimately leads to fat deposits in this area. To get rid of excess it is necessary, firstly, to put the nervous system in order, and secondly, to do cardio training to improve metabolism.

You have certainly noticed that the figures of overweight people differ from each other and each has its own characteristics and problem areas. Just as everyone is happy equally, and not everyone is happy in their own way, so in the fight against excess weight, every fat man or chubby person has his own troubles and problem areas that are prone to the accumulation of fat deposits. Fat accumulates in different parts of the body; in today’s article, we want to tell you what problems and disorders in the body are indicated by the accumulation of fat folds in one place or another.

  1. Fat folds on the sides.

    If you notice folds of fat appearing on the sides, immediately consult an endocrinologist, as they directly indicate problems with the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones cause fat to be deposited on the side. In order to prevent this disorder and the continued accumulation of fats in this place, a regular diet will not help you, you need the help of a doctor and a diet that excludes heavy metals, which are found not only in foods, but also in untreated tap water and in some dental pastas. In addition to a diet that excludes heavy metals from entering the body, you need to select a cleansing diet or procedure to remove them from the body as quickly as possible.

  2. Fat deposits in the abdominal area.
    Please note that a flat, pumped up tummy is very rare; even thin people accumulate fat on their belly. The problem is that belly fat accumulates as a result of stress and nervous shock, which is not surprising given the current pace of life. Therefore, before starting exercises and diets, those with a plump belly must eliminate the reason that causes fat to accumulate in this place. You need to balance your condition and calm your nervous system. In a normal situation, just drink soothing herbal teas and infusions, for example: mint, lemon balm, chamomile or valerian root infusions. For severe depression and extremely depressed states, consult a specialist for stronger sedatives or even antidepressants. Only by improving the functioning of the nervous system will you get rid of fat accumulation on the abdomen.
  3. Folds of fat on the back and hips.

    This is a very problematic area, if it is not difficult to find lovers of women with full and lush hips, then it is impossible to find lovers of fat rolls that hang ugly on the back, which cannot be hidden under a dress and blouse. These extra fats inform the whole world and their owner that the lady is very fond of fast carbohydrates, mercilessly consumes sweets and flour products for herself and her body, and has increased the level of insulin production by the body to the maximum. The only way to remove the rolls on your back and reduce the volume of your hips is to eliminate carbohydrates from the menu and completely give up sugar and sugar-containing foods and drinks. All sweets allowed to you are honey and red apples, and buns, buns, loaves and white bread are replaced with a piece of whole grain bread.

  4. Accumulation of fat on calves and knees.

    Women usually do not pay much attention to the deposition of fat on the calves, knees and thighs; they feel, of course, heaviness, but attribute this defect to hereditary characteristics of the figure, and successfully hide it under trousers. Heredity has nothing to do with it, and if everyone in your family has such thick calves, this once again indicates an incorrect and unbalanced diet in your family. The culprit behind the accumulation of fat in the calves, thighs and knees is the excess fluid that has accumulated there. Excessive consumption of salty, smoked and sweet foods prevents the removal of excess fluid. To have slender legs, you need to remove excess fluid and the fat will go away on its own; to do this, give up salty snacks, moderate your consumption of sugar and sweet foods, which is less likely to interfere with the removal of water from the body and alcohol. Avoid salted and smoked fish and meat, arrange days without salt, and best of all, learn how to prepare dishes by replacing salt with dry or fresh parsley.

  5. Accumulation of fat on the breastbone, upper arms and inner thighs.

    All of the above places where fat accumulates are hormone-dependent; you can’t do without a doctor here; your blood contains a lot of estrogen, the so-called female hormone. A gynecologist-endocrinologist will help you, who will prescribe you a hormonal medication course of drugs that will stabilize your hormonal levels and after that, prescribe a diet that suits you.

When fighting excess fat, you pursue not only aesthetic goals, excess weight threatens you with serious consequences of health problems, such as osteoporosis, which destroys and turns your bones into a sponge, and blood vessels clogged with cholesterol, leading you to stroke, shortness of breath, heart attacks and hypertension .
We introduced you to the most likely causes of the accumulation of fatty deposits in one place or another and, after reading the article, you learned how to deal with them. Deposits of excess fat in several or even all of the listed places indicate a whole range of problems in your body, the solution of which must also be approached comprehensively.

Salts that enter the human body with the food and drink we consume must be excreted through sweat and urine, but not always and not everyone’s body copes with this task. Excess salt accumulates, disrupting