Leskov's main dates of life and work. Calendar of memorable dates in the life of N



Compiled by K. P. Bogaevskaya

The Chronological outline highlights the most significant facts of life and literary activity Leskov, all his first publications works of art, the most important articles and notes, as well as the publication of all the first individual editions, collections and eleven volumes of Leskov’s only lifetime collection of works.

Since the dates of creation of Leskov’s works for the most part unknown, the milestones for Kanva, as for most works on Leskov, are the first publications. All isolated cases of author's dating and dating established by researchers are taken into account.

Due to lack of space, we do not indicate Kanva's sources. We gleaned much of the data from statements and correspondence (some of it unpublished) of Leskov himself.

When preparing the Canva, we used the unpublished manuscript of Sergei Petrovich Shesterikov (1903-1941) “The Works and Days of N. S. Leskov.” From the work of S.P. Shesterikov, we took all the dates of publication of Leskov’s publications and the appearance of issues of magazines in which his works were published. They were established by S.P. Shesterikov on the basis of newspaper advertisements. Some dates and facts were introduced for the first time in scientific circulation the son of the writer Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov (A. Leskov. The Life of Nikolai Leskov. According to his personal, family and non-family records and memories. M., Goslitizdat, 1954).

All dates in Kanva are given as before. style, only during Leskov’s stay abroad are both styles indicated, old and new.

With speculative dating there is a question mark.

The ellipsis between the dates (February 12...February 20) means that the recorded fact occurred on one of the days of the specified period or within several days. A dash between dates (January - February) means that the event occurred during that entire time.

The word “date” before the title of Leskov’s work (the date of the story “Musk Ox”) means the author’s date of the work, published in print.

February 4 . The village of Gorokhovo, Oryol district. Semyon Dmitrievich Leskov and his wife Maria Petrovna (nee Alfereva) had a son, Nikolai.

January 24 . Resignation of S. D. Leskov, noble assessor of the Oryol Chamber of Criminal Court. Soon the Leskov family moves from Orel to their estate - the village. Panino Kromskogo u. Oryol province.

August 29 . L. enters the 1st grade of the Oryol provincial gymnasium.

August 20 . Receives a certificate from the Oryol gymnasium about the “sciences” he has completed in two classes.

May 2 . Submits a petition to the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court to accept him as a clerical servant.

June 30 . By a decree of the Oryol provincial government, L. was accepted into service in the chamber of the criminal court “assigned to the 2nd category of clerical servants.”

July 28 . Transferred to the 1st category of clerical servants.

July . S. D. Leskov died of cholera in the village. Panina.

September 27 . L. was appointed assistant chief of the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court.

September 7 . Receives a two-month vacation and leaves for Kyiv.

September 28 . Submits a petition to the Kyiv Treasury Chamber “for transfer to that service.”

December 31 . "Moved to the staff of the Kyiv Treasury Chamber." Moves to Kyiv, where he lives with his uncle S.P. Alferev.

February 24 . “Designated” as assistant to the head of the recruitment desk of the audit department of the Kyiv Treasury Chamber.

April 6 . Marriage to the daughter of a Kyiv merchant Olga Vasilyevna Smirnova.

June 11 . Promoted to collegiate registrars.

October 9 . “Determined” by the head of the Kyiv Treasury Chamber.

December 23 . Birth of L.'s first son, Dmitry.

1 854- 1855

L.'s trip with his wife and child to his mother in the village. Panino and the death of his son Dmitry.

March 8 . Birth of L.'s daughter - Vera.

July 7 . Promoted to provincial secretaries.

May 1 , Receives leave for four months and goes to the village. Rayskoe Gorodishchensky district Penza province. to serve in the commercial English company of his aunt's husband A.Ya. Schcott - "Schcott and Wilkens".

May June (?). L. fulfills the first order of A. Ya. Shkott - transporting the Oryol peasants of Count Perovsky to Ponizovye (the failures of this order are subsequently depicted in the story "Product of Nature").

September 9 . Submits a petition for dismissal “due to illness” from service in the Kyiv Treasury Chamber.

October 30 . “Dismissed from service altogether in accordance with the request.”

1857 - 1859

L. lives in the village. Raisky with the family of A. Ya. Shcott and constantly travels on company business to “travel around Russia.” - "Exactly this best time my life, when I saw a lot."

"Drinking riots" in Penza province. They inspired L.'s article "Essays on the Distilling Industry."

April 28 . Odessa. Date of "Essays on the Distilling Industry" ( Penza province)". By L.'s own definition - "the first attempt at writing. This is where the letter began<атурная>work (1860)" (inscription on the author's reprint of the article). See 1861, April 21... 30.

May 1...15 , Returning with family to Kyiv,

May 20 . Kyiv. Date of L.'s first correspondence in the St. Petersburg Gazette. See June 21.

June 18 . Petersburg. L.'s first appearance in print was an anonymous correspondence in No. 181 of the magazine "Economic Index" about the sale of gospels by the Kyiv bookseller S. I. Litov at double the price.

June 21 . Petersburg. The appearance of L.'s first correspondence in the St. Petersburg Gazette, 1860, No. 135 (with his full signature) - “On the sale of the gospel in Russian at elevated prices.”

August 18 . Publication of the article “On the Working Class” - “Modern Medicine”, 1860, No. 32.

September 15 . Publication of the note “A few words about the doctors of recruiting presences” - “Modern Medicine”, 1860, N 36.

September 15 . "Assigned to serve in the office of the Kyiv military, Podolsk and Volyn governor-general."

October 6 , Publication of the note “A few words about police doctors in Russia” - “Modern Medicine”, 1860, No. 39.

November 29 . L., “according to the request,” was dismissed “due to illness” from service in the office of the Kyiv military, Podolsk and Volyn governor-general.

December 7 . Publication of the note “A few words about those looking for commercial places in Russia” - “Economic Index” 1860, issue 50 (N 206).

December 8 . Publication of the article “Police doctors in Russia” - “Modern Medicine”, 1860, No. 48.

January 21... 31 (?) . L. arrives in St. Petersburg and stays with I.V. Vernadsky, where he meets A.I. Nichiporenko, a member of the “Land and Freedom” society.

L. visits T. G. Shevchenko, who gives him his “South Russian Primer”.

February 9 . Publication of the note “The question of eradicating drunkenness in the working class” - “Economic Index”, 1861, N 220.

February 12 . Publication of the note “Trade Bondage” - ibid., N 221.

February 23 . Moscow. L.'s first speech in the newspaper "Russian Speech", published by E. V. Salias, was "Letter from St. Petersburg"<о лекциях Н. И. Костомарова>, 1861, N 16. Further similar correspondence from L. was published in NN 22, 25, 30-33, 36, 37 of “Russian speech”, 1861 (from N 39 “Russian speech” merged with “Moskovsky Vestnik”, and its editor became E. M. Feoktistov).

February 27 . L. and A.I. Nichiporenko at the Academy of Arts worship the body of Shevchenko, who died the day before.

February 28 . L. attends the funeral service and funeral of Shevchenko.

March 9 . Publication of the note “The last meeting and last separation from Shevchenko” - “Russian Speech”, 1861, N 19-20.

March 15 . The publication of "Domestic Notes", 1861, No. 3, with the first speech in them by L. - "Step marriages in Russia", "On the hiring of working people", "Practical note".

April 21...30 . Publication of "Essays on the Distilling Industry". - "Domestic Notes", 1861, No. 4.

May...July beginning . L.'s acquaintance with Arthur Benny, who came from England (the essay "The Mysterious Man" is dedicated to him).

June 1 . Beginning of publication of the article “Russian Women and Emancipation” - “Russian Speech and the Moscow Bulletin”, 1861, No. 44 (ended June 8, No. 46).

June 15 . Publication of the article “How the views of some educators relate to public education” - “Russian Speech and Moscow Bulletin”, 1861, No. 48.

June 29 . Publication of the article “Russian people who are “out of work”” - “Russian Speech and Moscow Bulletin”, 1861, No. 52.

June July (?) . Moving to Moscow.

July August . Acquaintance with the literary historian F. I. Buslaev, who collaborated in “Russian Speech”.

August 16...31 (?) . A. Benny lives with L. (in Volotskaya’s house).

Aug. Sept . Arrival of O. V. Leskova in Moscow. Family feuds. Break with the editors of "Russian speech".

October . A.I. Benny leaves for London for a short time (at the beginning of November he is back in Russia).

December 1 . Publication of the note “On Privileges” - “Book Bulletin”, 1861, No. 22.

December . L.'s move to St. Petersburg.

January 1 . The beginning of L.'s collaboration in the newspaper "Northern Bee" - the editorial "Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!" (without signature) in No. 1.

January 6 . Publication of the article “On Russian settlement and the political-economic committee” - “Time”, 1861, No. 12.

January 20 . Publication of the article “On White Bone Writers” - “Russian Invalid”, 1862, No. 15.

February 27... March 3 . L. was at Benny’s to read the first four chapters of Dostoevsky’s “Notes from the House of the Dead,” which had just been published (“Time”, 1862, No. 2). V. A. Sleptsov, V. A. Zaitsev and others were present.

March 25 . Publication of the story “The Extinguished Cause” (later: “Drought”) - “Vek”, 1862, No. 12.

April 1 . Publication of the article “On resettled peasants” - “Vek”, 1862, N 13-14.

April 14 . The beginning of the publication of the series of feuilletons “Holy Saturday in Prison” - “Northern Bee”, 1862, N 99.

April 23 . Publication of the essay "The Robber" - "Northern Bee", 1862, No. 108 (a separate edition was published around May 10).

May 4 . Publication of the essay “In the Tarantass” - “Northern Bee”, 1862, No. 119.

May 11 . G. Z. Eliseev writes about L. the publicist in the article “Internal Review” - “Contemporary”, 1862, No. 4: “We feel sorry for the upper columns of “The Bee.” There, power is wasted in vain, not only has not expressed itself and not exhausted itself, and maybe she hasn’t yet found her true path.”

May 24 . The occurrence of fires in different parts Petersburg, which gave rise to rumors of arson and the connection of these arson with the Young Russia proclamation. The fires continued until May 30.

May 30 . The appearance of L.'s article on the St. Petersburg fires - "Northern Bee", 1862, No. 143. In this article, L. demands that the police either officially present evidence of the students' guilt in arson, or officially speak out in their defense.

July 28 . Pryluki. Arrest of A.I. Nichiporenko. In his subsequent testimony, Nichiporenko speaks of L. as a person “who, with his way of thinking, had a harmful influence” on “his concepts.”

September 6 . L. leaves St. Petersburg for Vilna. September 8-9. L. in Vilna. September 10-13 - in Grodno. September 14 - in Bialystok. September 15 - in Belovezh. October 1. Arrives at the Russian border, in Radziwill. October 2. Crosses the border. October 15 - in Lvov.

November 1...15 / 13... 27 (?) . Arrives in Prague. Meets Czech writers Gregor, Toner and others.

November 21 / December 3 . Prague. Date of translation of Martin Brodsky’s “arabesque” “You Don’t Hurt” (published in “Northern Bee”, 1863, No. 95, April 12).

November 23... 25 / December 5... 7 (?) . L. arrives in Paris. Meets Polish professor Leonard Chodzko and Czech poet Joseph Fritsch.

December 10 . Petersburg. The beginning of the publication of a series of essays “From one travel diary” - “Northern Bee”, 1862, N 334.

December 13/25 . Paris. Translation date" Slavic legend“Bozena Nemtsova “Twelve Months” (published in “Northern Bee”, 1863, No. 91, April 8).

December 19/31 . Paris. L. meets New Year in a circle of familiar Czechs in a tavern on rue Vavin.

January 7/19 . Paris. Date of the story “The mind is its own, but the devil is its own” (published in “Northern Bee”, 1863, N 17, 18 January).

January 25 / February 6 . Paris. Date of the note “How people are poisoned by coal smoke in Paris” (printed in “Northern Bee”, 1863, N 70, March 14).

March . Returns to St. Petersburg.

April - December 186 4 . Working on the novel "Nowhere".

April 2 1. Presents a note to the Minister of Public Education A.V. Golovnin about a trip around Russia to study schools among schismatics.

April 30 . The editors of the magazine "Time" returned L. his rejected manuscript (its name is unknown).

May 1 . L. was at a reception with Golovnin and received a refusal from the ministry to travel around Russia, motivated by lack of funds.

May 11 (?) . Publication of the story "Musk Ox" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1863, No. 4.

May 24 . Date of the article “Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky in his novel “What is to be done?” (published in “Northern Bee”, 1863, N 142, May 31).

May 25 . The beginning of the publication of the story “Caustic” - “Anchor”, 1863, No. 12.

June 13 . Beginning of publication of the series "Letters to the Editor of the Reading Library": " Russian society in Paris" - "Library for reading", 1863, N 5.

June 25 . Date of the essay “Russian Society in Paris” (second letter).

July 12 . Travels from St. Petersburg to Pskov, and from there to Riga.

August 19 . Release of the collection "Three stories by M. Stebnitsky. 1. The story of one insanity. 2. The robber. 3. In the tarantass." St. Petersburg, type. N. Grecha, 1863.

August 20 . Riga. Date of the essay “Russian Society in Paris” (third letter).

August 22...30 . Returns to St. Petersburg from Riga.

September 8 . Beginning of publication of the story “The Life of a Woman” - “Library for Reading”, 1863, No. 7.

September 23 . The report “On the schismatics of the city of Riga, mainly in relation to schools” has been completed.

October 1...31 (?) . Publication of the brochure “On the schismatics of Riga, mainly in relation to schools”, (St. Petersburg), 1863.

December 17 . Publication of the first “letter to the editor”: “With people of ancient piety” - “Library for Reading”, 1863, No. 11 (departmental edition was published at the end of December).

February 8 . Beginning of publication of the novel "Nowhere" - "Library for Reading", 1864, No. 1.

April 20... 25 . The censorship and the III Department detained the April and May books of the "Library for Reading" because of the novel "Nowhere". Printing is only allowed around June 20th.

June...beginning of July (?) . Departure for Kyiv to visit relatives.

July . Kyiv. At Kitaeva’s dacha, L. met his future wife E. S. Bubnova.

August 29 . Publication of L.'s "Necessary Explanation" regarding "Nowhere" - "Library for Reading", 1864, No. 6.

November 15 (?) . Publication of the second “letter to the editor” “With people of ancient piety. Monk Paul and his books” - “Library for Reading”, 1864, No. 9 (departmental edition published around April 10, 1865).

November 26 . Kyiv. Date of the story "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District".

December 7 . Kyiv. Sends the manuscript “Lady Macbeth...” to N. N. Strakhov in St. Petersburg to the magazine “Epoch.”

Work on the novel "Bypassed".

January 11 . Publication last chapters“Nowhere” and “Explanations of Mr. Stebnitsky” - “Library for Reading”, 1864, No. 12.

February 13 . Publication of the story "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk" - "Epoch", 1865, No. 1.

February . L. returns to St. Petersburg from Kyiv.

March 21 . Publication of the first separate edition of the novel "Nowhere", St. Petersburg, type. E. Arngold, 1865 (prints from the “Library for Reading”).

April 24 . The appearance of D. I. Pisarev’s article “A Walk in the Gardens” Russian literature" with sharply negative characteristic L. as the author of "Nowhere" - " Russian word", 1865, N 3.

June 1 (?) . Arrest of Arthur Benny, who spent the night with L., for debt. Soon Benny was accused of a political crime in connection with "London propagandists."

June 10...20 (?) . L. leaves for the village. Podberezie Novgorod province.

July 14...18 (?) . Returns to St. Petersburg.

September 18 . The beginning of the publication of the novel "Bypassed" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1865, No. 18 (finished on December 19, No. 24).

October . A. Benny's expulsion abroad after imprisonment.

L. entered into a civil marriage with the widow Ekaterina Stepanovna Bubnova (nee Savitskaya).


Work on the story "Islanders".

January - July . L. is working on the 1st part of the chronicle “The Tearing Movements of Water” (later: “The Cathedral People”).

February 3...28 (?) . Publication of the first separate edition of the novel "Bypassed", St. Petersburg, type. A. A. Kraevsky, 1866 (reprints from “Notes of the Fatherland”).

April 4 . Publication of the essay "Warrior" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1866, No. 7, book. I..

April... August (?) . A large article was written in response to the article by Yu. G. Zhukovsky “Questions younger generation"("Contemporary", 1866, No. 3). It was given to "Notes of the Fatherland", but did not see the light of day and is unknown to us.

July 12 . The son of L. and E. S. Bubnova, Andrei, was born.

September 1 . Publication of the article "Russian Theatre of Drama in St. Petersburg" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1866, No. 17, book 1.

September 15 . L. spends the day with E.F. Zarin, V.V. Krestovsky and L.N. Maykov at S.S. Dudyshkin’s dacha in Pavlovsk. The next day Dudyshkin suddenly dies. On September 19, L. attends his funeral and cannot speak due to excitement.

November 10 . The beginning of the publication of "The Islanders" and the publication of the second article "Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1866, No. 21, book. 1 (end of “The Islanders” - December 15, N 24, book 1).

December 15 . Publication of the third article “Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg” - “Notes of the Fatherland”, 1866, No. 24, book. II.

January 15 . Publication of the first separate publication "Islanders", St. Petersburg, ed. M. Ivanova, 1867.

March 11 . Publication of the fourth article “Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg” - “Notes of the Fatherland”, 1867, No. 5, book. I.

March 29 . Beginning of publication of the chronicle "The Tearing Movements of Water" - "Notes of the Fatherland", 1867, No. 6, book. II. Printing of the chronicle in A. A. Kraevsky's magazine was stopped with No. 8 due to disagreements between the author and the publisher.

May 26 . Date of the drama "Spendthrift".

August 8 . Publication of the drama "Spendthrift" - " Literary library", 1867, N 13-14, books I-II.

August 16...31 (?) . Publication of a separate edition of the drama "Spendthrift", St. Petersburg, in type. V. Spiridonova, 1868 (reprint from the Literary Library).

September 13 . Publication of the article "Chronicle of literary oddities and outrages. I. Handsome literary man"<о повести В. П. Авенариуса "Ты знаешь край">- "Literary Library", 1867, N 17, book. I.

October 14 . Publication of the fifth article “Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg” - “Literary Library”, 1867, No. 19, book. I.

November 1 . First production of "The Spendthrift" in Alexandrinsky Theater at the benefit performance of E. M. Levkeeva.

December 1 . Publication of the sixth article “Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg” - “Literary Library”, 1867, No. 22, book. II.

December 15/27 . Rome. At the hospital of St. Agati died from a wound received near Mentana in the Garibaldian detachment, Arthur Benny.

February 4 . Publication of chapters I-IV of the chronicle "God's Houses" (later: "Soborians") - "Literary Library", 1868, No. 1.

February 14 . Date of the preface "From the author" to the collection "Tales, essays and stories of M. Stebnitsky", vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1867 (the collection was published on February 16).

February 23 . Publication of Turgenev’s article - “Letter to the editor of St. Petersburg Gazette” (V.F. Korshu). Turgenev objected to unworthy allusions discrediting the memory of A. Benny in his obituary published in St. Petersburg Gazette on February 7 L.'s plan is connected with this speech by Turgenev." Mysterious man".

March (?) . Publication of chapters V-VIII of "God's Houses" - "Literary Library", 1868, No. 2. Printing of the chronicle stopped there.

March - May beginning . Working on an essay about Benny - "The Mysterious Man".

April 4 . D., in a letter to N.N. Strakhov, asks for “some work” in the “Journal of the Ministry of Public Education.” “After all, the one who wrote “Nowhere” simply has nowhere to hide.

June . Negotiations with V.V. Kashpirev about the publication of "God's Houses" in the magazine "Zarya" organized by him.

December 20 . The first production of "The Spendthrift" at the Moscow Maly Theater during a benefit performance by E. E. Chumakovskaya.

March 6 . Beginning of publication of the chronicle “Old Years in the Village of Plodomasovo” - “Russian Bulletin”, 1869, No. 2.

March 9 . Beginning of publication of the series of articles "Hero Patriotic War according to gr. L. N. Tolstoy" - "Birzhevye Vedomosti", 1869, N 66.

April 14...19 . Publication of the collection "Stories of Stebnitsky (N. S. Leskova)", vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1869.

June 8 . Publication of the article “Big Wars” - “Birzhevye Vedomosti”, 1869, N 153.

August 3 . Beginning of publication of the series of feuilletons “Russian public notes” - “Birzhevye Vedomosti”, 1869, N 208.

August 12 . At a meeting of the St. Petersburg District Court, the case was heard on the claim of V.V. Kashpirev to recover an advance from L. for “Bozhedomov” and on L.’s counterclaim. Both parties were denied.

December 3 . Beginning of publication of the essay “Popular Russian People.<1.>M. A. Miloradovich.<2.>A. P. Ermolov" - "Exchange Gazette", 1869, N 329.

February 1-18 . Publication of the essay “The Mysterious Man” - “Birzhevye Vedomosti”, 1870, NN 51, 54, 56, 58, 60, 64, 66, 76, 78.

March, April . L. sends the story “Laughter and Grief” to the editorial office of “Russian Messenger” in Moscow.

November 8 . The beginning of publication of the novel "On Knives" - "Russian Messenger", 1870, No. 10 (finished on November 7, 1871).

December 18 . Letter to S. A. Yuryev in Moscow with a plan for cooperation in his new magazine "Conversation".

January 4 . The beginning of publication of the story “Laughter and Grief” - “Modern Chronicle”, 1871, No. 1 (finished on May 10, No. 16).

March 4 . L. was at the organizational meeting of the Literary and Artistic Circle at the Demuth Hotel. 160 representatives of literature and art were present; among them: I. S. Turgenev, P. V. Annenkov, M. O. Mikeshin, P. D. Boborykin, A. G. Rubinshtein, M. A. Balakirev, V. V. Samoilov, M. A. Zichy , M. P. Klodt.

March 9 . Left from St. Petersburg to Moscow. During his stay in Moscow, L. sold "God's Houses" to M. N. Katkov for "Russian Messenger", and to S. A. Yuryev he gave letters from D. P. Zhuravsky and L. A. Naryshkin "From the Deaf Time" to S. A. Yuryev for "Conversation" .

March 19 (?)

April 6 . Letter to A.F. Pisemsky in Moscow with an enthusiastic review of his novel “In the Whirlpool.”

May 7 . Sends to P.K. Shchebalsky in Moscow the revised ending and dedication to him of the story “Laughter and Grief.”

June around 15 (?). Letter to Turgenev about Arthur Benny, attached to the essay "The Mysterious Man". L. speaks in it of his desire, following Turgenev, to protect Benny’s memory from slander.

June 12...19 . Publication of a separate edition of the essay "The Mysterious Man", St. Petersburg, 1871.

June 20...26 . Publication of a separate publication “Laughter and Grief”, M., 1871.

July 4 . Part V of the novel “On Knives” was completed and sent to Moscow to the editorial office of “Russian Messenger” (Part VI was completed a little earlier).

September 17 . The St. Petersburg Gazette published a “Letter to the Editor” by G. Benny (Arthur’s brother) protesting against the publication of “The Mysterious Man” (No. 256).

October 22 (?)

October 28...29 . Returned to St. Petersburg from Moscow.

November 7...20 . Publication of a separate publication "On the Knives", M., 1871.

April 15 . The beginning of the publication of the chronicle "Soboryan" - "Russian Bulletin", 1872, No. 4 (end - July 27, No. 7).

May 9 . Publication of the article "Land of Exile"<о книге С. И. Турбина и М. Я. Знаменского) - "Русский мир", 1872, N119.

June beginning (?) . A trip along Lake Ladoga to the islands of Konevets and Valaam, which gave rise to a series of articles “Monastic Islands”. "The Enchanted Wanderer" was conceived.

July - December . Working on the story "The Imprinted Angel".

August 1... 14 (?). L. was in Moscow, where he met with A.F. Pisemsky.

September 22... October 8 . Stay in St. Petersburg by A.F. Pisemsky and meetings with him L.

October 15...21 . Publication of the "Collection of short fiction works by N. S. Leskov-Stebnitsky", St. Petersburg, 1873.

November 19...25 . Release of V. Hugo's novel "Toilers of the Sea", "adapted for children by M. Stebnitsky", parts I and II, St. Petersburg. - M.,<1872>.

January 17 . Publication of the story “The Sealed Angel” - “Russian Messenger”, 1873, No. 1.

January March . L. sends the first edition of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” (under the title “Black Earth Telemachus”) to the “Russian Messenger” in Moscow.

January - November . The chronicle "A Seedy Family" has been written.

February 19 . Release of Chapter VII of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Diary of a Writer” with a review of “The Captured Angel” - “Citizen”, 1873, No. 8.

March 18 . L. proposes, through V.P. Meshchersky, to publish “The Enchanted Wanderer” in Dostoevsky’s magazine “Citizen”. The story was not accepted by the magazine's editors.

May 10 . L. receives a letter from N.I. Lyubimov about M.N. Katkov’s refusal to publish “The Enchanted Wanderer” in the “Russian Messenger” due to censorship and literary considerations.

June July (?) . Spends the summer in New Peterhof.

July 24 . Publication of the article “Hell Icons” - “Russian World”, 1873, No. 192.

August 8 - September 8 . Publication of a series of travel notes "Monastic Islands on Lake Ladoga" - "Russian World", 1873, NN 206-208, 219, 220, 224, 226, 227, 232, 233, 236.

September 26 . Publication of the article “On Russian Icon Painting” - “Russian World”, 1873, No. 254.

October 15 - November 23 . Publication of the story "The Enchanted Wanderer, His Life, Experiences, Opinions and Adventures" - "Russian World", 1873, NN 272, 274, 276, 279, 281, 283, 286, 288, 290, 293, 295, 297, 300, 302, 304, 307, 309, 311.

December 2... 8 . Publication of the collection "The Sealed Angel. Monastic Islands on Lake Ladoga", St. Petersburg, 1874.

December 15 . A meeting of representatives of literature and art at V. P. Gaevsky on the issue of publishing the literary almanac “Skladchina” in favor of the starving Samara residents. Present: M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ya. P. Polonsky, A. N. Maikov, I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and others.

December 16...22 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "The Enchanted Wanderer", St. Petersburg, 1874.

December 19 . The second meeting of writers at V. P. Gaevsky regarding the publication of "Skladchina". Present: L., I. A. Goncharov, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. A. Kraevsky, N. S. Kurochkin, A. N. Maikov, M. O. Mikeshin, N. K. Mikhailovsky, N. A Nekrasov, A. V. Nikitenko, A. N. Ostrovsky, A. N. Pleshcheev, Ya. P. Polonsky, V. A. Sollogub, M. M. Stasyulevich and others.

January 1 . L. was appointed a member of a special department of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Public Education for the consideration of books published for the people.

March 3 . Present at the reading by A. N. Maikov of his translation of Agamemnon by Aeschylus in the house of I. A. Goncharov. Here he meets A.V. Nikitenko.

March 7 . Publication of the essay “The Diary of Merkul Forefathers” - “Russian World”, 1874, No. 63.

April 22 . Beginning of publication of the story "Peacock" - "Niva", 1874, No. 17.

June 8... 15 (?) . L. left St. Petersburg for Kyiv (via Moscow).

July 22 . The beginning of publication of the chronicle “A Seedy Family” - “Russian Messenger”, 1874, No. 7 (end - October 30, No. 10).

August 1...10 (?) . Returned to St. Petersburg from Kyiv.

October (?) . L. disagrees with M.N. Katkov in his views on the nobility and refuses to finish writing “A Seedy Family.” “We parted ways politely, but firmly and forever.” On this occasion, Katkov said about L.: “There is nothing to regret - he is not ours at all.”

November . L. is looking for a place in some trading office or other similar institution. Addresses this question to I.S. Aksakov. However, searches remain fruitless.

December 31 . Celebrating the New Year with Yu. D. Zasetskaya.

The story "Childhood Years" ("From the Memoirs of Merkul Forefathers)" was written.

January 1 . The beginning of the publication of the story "Will-o'-the-wisps" (later; "Childhood years. From the memoirs of Merkul Forefathers") - "Niva", 1875, No. 1.

January . Meeting I. A. Shlyapkin. L. shows him his library.

March around 15 . Publication of a separate edition of the chronicle "The Seedy Family", St. Petersburg, 1875 (text corrected by the author after distortions introduced by Katkov in the publication of the "Russian Messenger").

May 9 . Travels abroad (via Moscow).

May 10-11 (?) . Moscow. Spends the day at I. S. Aksakov’s dacha. Aksakov asks L. to visit I. S. Gagarin in Paris, claiming that he was not involved in the authorship of the anonymous libel sent to Pushkin in 1836.

May 20...22 / June 1...3 . Arrives in Paris. Meeting I. S. Gagarin and talking with him about Pushkin and pre-duel history. Meetings with F.I. Buslaev. Visit to the Comedie Francaise theater.

June 25... 28 / July 7... 10 . Presents at a meeting of the National Assembly in Versailles, where he listens to Gambetta's speech.

July 3/15 . Leaves Paris. July 4/16 arrives in Marienbad for water treatment.

July 14... 19 / 26... 31 . Marienbad. The novel "Devil's Dolls" has begun.

August 8/20 . I left Marienbad for Prague. From 9/21 to 15/27 August - in Prague. August 18/30 - in Dresden. A walk through Saxon Switzerland. Passes through Hamburg and Warsaw. In Warsaw he meets with P.K. Shchebalsky.

August around 15 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "Peacock", St. Petersburg, 1876.

September around 1 . Return to St. Petersburg.

October 21 . L. had I.A. Shlyapkin. L. told him about A.K. and L.N. Tolstoy.

December 28 . The beginning of publication of the story “At the End of the World” - “Citizen”, 1875, N 52 (finished on February 8, 1876).

January 15 . In a letter to P.K. Shchebalsky, L. defines his position: “In literature they recognize my strength and with some kind of voluptuousness they kill it, if they haven’t already killed it. I don’t write anything - I can’t!”

February 18 . L. gives I. A. Shlyapkin the manuscripts of the chronicle “A Seedy Family” and the story “Darkness” (an early edition of the story “At the End of the World”).

April 2 . Date of the story “Three Good Deeds” (later: “Pygmy”). Published the next day in "Citizen", No. 14.

May 9...14 . Publication of a separate publication “At the Edge of the World”, St. Petersburg, 1876.

Mid June - early August (?) . L. spends the summer with his son in the village. Pikruki (near Vyborg) at the dacha of Yu. D. Zasetskaya.

September 18 . The beginning of publication of the story “Iron Will” - “Krugozor”, 1876, No. 38.

September 20...25 . The beginning of the publication of the essay “The High Society Schism” - “Orthodox Review”, 1876, No. 9.

January 8 . Release of the novel by I. Krashevsky “Favorites of King Augustus II”, vol. I-II. Translation from Polish, edited by L., St. Petersburg, 1877.

January 15 . Beginning of publication of the essay "The Lord's Court" - "The Wanderer", 1877, No. 1.

February around 15 . Beginning of publication of the story “The Sea Captain from Dry Nedny” (later: “Shameless”) - “Collection of maritime articles and stories.” Monthly addition to the maritime newspaper "Yacht", 1877, No. 2.

February 12...15 . Publication of a separate edition of the essay "The High Society Schism", M, 1877 (published before the end of publication in the February book of the "Orthodox Review").

June 3 . L. was assigned to the Ministry of State Property "with retention in the service and in the Ministry of Public Education."

July around 20 . Beginning of publication of the article “The Cartoon Ideal. Utopia from Church and Everyday Life” - “The Wanderer”, 1877, No. 8 (finished around October 12, No. 10).

July 16...31 . Publication of a separate edition of the essay "The Lord's Court", St. Petersburg, 1877.

August beginning . The final break with E. S. Bubnova. L. and his son Andrei move to the house of the merchant Semenov (corner of Kolomenskaya Street and Kuznechnoy Lane).

October 13 . The beginning of the publication of the story "The Unbaptized Priest" - "Citizen", 1877, N 23-24.

November 1 . L. was assigned as an official of special assignments under the Minister of State Property P. A. Valuev.

December 1...15 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "The Unbaptized Priest", St. Petersburg, 1878.

January 3 . The publication of the story “The Manifestation of the Spirit” began - “Krugozor”, 1878, No. 1 (the publication was not continued).

March 16 . O. V. Leskova, as a mentally ill person, was placed in St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in St. Petersburg.

April 1 . Publication of the story "Rakushan Melamed" - "Russian Bulletin", 1878, No. 3.

June 28 . L. moves to Sestroretsk for the summer. In early July, probably temporarily, he returns to St. Petersburg.

September 14 . The beginning of the publication of “pictures from nature” “Little things in the life of a bishop” - “News”, 1878, N 236 (ended on November 20, N 298).

December 16 . Beginning of publication of the essay “Russian secret marriage” - “News”, 1878, No. 322.

January 8 . L. participates in a meeting of the literary circle, where he introduces I. A. Shlyapkina to its members. Present: A. P. Milyukov, A. N. Maikov, N. A. Leikin, F. N. Berg, V. V. Krestovsky and others.

February around 15 . Publication of a separate edition of "Trifles of Bishop's Life", St. Petersburg, 1879. - L. gives I. A. Goncharov a copy of the book.

June 9 . The beginning of the publication of “pictures from life” “Bishops’ meetings” - “News”, 1879, N 145.

June 14 . He travels by boat to Riga and settles in the town of Karlsbad near Dubbeln. The stories "Odnodum" and "Sheramur" were written here.

July around 15 . Publication of the collection "Russian God-Bearers. Religious and everyday paintings by N. S. Leskov. I. At the end of the world. II. The Lord's Court", St. Petersburg, 1880.

September 20 . The beginning of the publication of the story "Odnodum" - "Weekly New Time", 1879, N 37-38.

November 5 . The publication of the essay “From the trifles of bishop’s life” (response to critics E. A. Popov and A. I. Predtechensky) - “New Time”, 1879, N 1325.

November 9 . Date of “Letters to the Editor” - “The last word about “Little things (bishop’s life).” Published the next day in “New Time”, 1879, N 1330.

December 2 . Beginning of publication of the story "Sheramur" - "New Time", 1879, N 1352.

December 25 . Publication of the story “Christmas Evening at a Hypochondriac” (later: “Chertogon”) - “New Time”, 1879, N 1375.

January 1 . Publication of the story "Cadet Monastery" - "Historical Bulletin", 1880, No. 1.

February 29 . Publication of the story “Russian Democrat in Poland” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1880, No. 3.

March 15...23 . Publication of the collection of stories "Three Righteous Men and One Sheramur", St. Petersburg, 1880.

May beginning . L. gets pneumonia. During his illness, the essays “From the Little Things of a Bishop’s Life” were written (see June 1).

June 1 . Publication of the essays “From the trifles of bishop’s life” (“I. The incident with the general at the Metropolitan’s. II. The Sovereign’s view of military eloquence”) and the article “Metropolitan Isidore in his literary interests” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1880, No. 6.

June 1 . Beginning of publication of essays “Cases from Russian demonomania” - “New Time”, 1880, N 1529.

June 12 . Publication of the essay “The Spiritual Court” (later; “Diocesan Court”) - “News”, 1880, N 153.

June 15...22 . I went to Staraya Russa for several days. Returned to St. Petersburg on June 25.

July 1 . Publication of the essay “Anecdote about Emperor Alexander I” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1880, No. 7.

July 16...23 . Publication of the second, significantly expanded, edition of "Trifles of Bishop's Life", St. Petersburg, 1880.

July around 20 . Departure to Kyiv. Meetings with F. A. Ternovsky, old friends and family.

August 1...10 (?) . I was in Kanev.

August 19 . Return to St. Petersburg from Kyiv.

November 23 . Beginning of publication of the essay “The Elusive Polygamist” - “New Time”, 1880, N 1703.

November 30 . Attends an evening at A. S. Suvorin’s in honor of I. F. Gorbunov and gives a short speech.

December 1 . Publication of the story “The Non-Lethal Golovan” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1880, No. 12.

December 11 . The beginning of the publication of essays “Religious Rites of the Jews” - “Petersburg Newspaper”, 1880, N 244.

December 23 . Expelled from the Ministry of State Property "in accordance with the request."

December 25 . Publication of the story "White Eagle" - "New Time", 1880, N 1735.

January 1 . Publication of the essay “Emperor Franz Joseph without etiquette” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1881, No. 1.

January 6 . Publication of the story “Christ Visiting a Man” - “Toy”, 1881, No. 1.

January 28 . F. M. Dostoevsky died. On January 31, L. was at the removal of the body from Dostoevsky’s apartment (in Kuznechny Lane) and accompanied him to the gates of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

February 1-28 . L. writes an essay about the socialist movement among workers, “The Factory Prophet (from the stories of the three righteous men” (later: “The Impoverished People”) for I. S. Aksakov’s newspaper “Rus.”

February 28 . Beginning of publication of essays “The Impoverished People” - “Rus”, 1881, No. 16.

March 1 . Publication of the autobiographical essay “The Noble Revolt in the Dobrynsky Parish” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1881, No. 3.

April - May beginning . Work on the works “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-Hander and the Steel Flea” and “Leon, the Butler’s Son.”

May 1 . Publication of the essay “The Holy Shadows” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1881, No. 5.

May 24.... 31 . Publication of the collection "Russian discord. Essays and stories (1880 and 1881)", St. Petersburg, 1881.

May 27-31 (?) . On the way to Kyiv, L. shows his son Andrey Moscow.

June - July 21 . L. spends the summer in Kyiv and Kanev.

October . L. hosts literary evenings on the first Saturday of every month throughout the winter season. There are: N. A. Leikin, A. N. Maikov, S. N. Shubinsky, M. I. Pylyaev, A. F. Ivanov-Classic, S. N. Terpigorev, E. P. Karnovich, S. V. Maksimov, F. V. Vishnevsky, V. O. Mikhnevich, P. K. Martyanov, A. N. Tyufyakova and other acquaintances of L.

October 17 . Beginning of publication of the story “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-Hander and the Steel Flea” - “Rus”, 1881, No. 49.

October 18 . Meeting at A. S. Suvorin with I. F. Gorbunov, -D. V. Grigorovich and S. V. Maksimov.

October 24...31 . Publication of the story "Leon, the butler's son" - "Anniversary Book". Prize for Collected Novels, ed. E. N. Akhmatova. St. Petersburg, 1881.

December 5 . Publication of the story “The Spirit of Madame Zhanlis” - “Fragments”, 1881, N 49.

December - February 1882 . Work on the novel "Falcon Migration" (was not completed).

March 6 . Beginning of publication of the story "Moscow Trump" (later: "The Darner") - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1882, No. 10.

March 19 . L. performed at a literary and musical evening of the Pushkin circle with a reading of “Lefty”.

April 1 . Publication of the essay “Herod’s Work” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1882, No. 4.

April 16...23 . Publication of a separate edition of "The Tale of the Tula Lefty and the Steel Flea", St. Petersburg, 1882.

May 1 . Publication of the article “Church intriguers” and the notice “From N. S. Leskov” (date March 27) - “Historical Bulletin”, 1882, No. 5.

June 10 . Date of the note "About the Russian left-hander." Published the next day - "New Time", N 2256.

June 16...30 (?) . The article “About whisperers and printers (From literary memories)” was written. During her lifetime, L. was not published (not fully published in A. N. Leskov’s book “The Life of Nikolai Leskov.”

August 1 . Publication of the note “Official buffoonery” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1882, No. 8..

August 1...20 . L. traveled with his son to the village. Vazhino on the river Sviri. On the way back they drove to the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery.

August 14 . The beginning of the publication of the story “The Jewish Somersault” - “Gagtsuk’s Newspaper”, 1882, No. 33.

September 1 . Publication of the article "Has Tarasov's grave been forgotten?" - "New Time", N 2338.

End of September - beginning of October . The article “Russian figures in the Baltic region” was written.

November 1 . Publication of the essay “Synodal Persons” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1882, No. 11.

November 1...30 (?) . Publication of the article “About the painting “Nikita Pustosvyat”<В. Г. Перова>- "Art Magazine", 1882, N 11.

November 5 and 6 . Publication of the story “The Last Ghost of the Engineering Castle” (later: “The Ghost in the Engineering Castle”) - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1882, NN 294 and 295.

December 20 . Date of the essay "Pechersk Antiquities".

December 25 . Publication of the story “Christmas Night in a Carriage” (later: “Travel with a Nihilist”) - “New Time”, 1882, N 2453.

January 4 . Beginning of publication of essays "Pictures of the past. Marriage stories of the thirties" - "New Time", 1883, N 2461.

February 1 . Publication of the article “Popov’s leapfrog and parish whim” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1883, No. 2.

February 9 . By the “definition” of the Minister of Public Education I.D. Delyanov, L. was expelled from the ministry with dismissal from the rank of member of the special department of the Academic Committee “for the review of books published for public reading” (order dated February 21).

“There’s nothing to tell about the case for a long time,” L. wrote on March 12 to F.A. Ternovsky, “it happened on February 9th - face to face with Del<янова>, who kept asking “not to be angry”, that “he himself is nothing” - that “all the pressure is from outside.” “I didn’t submit a petition, and I didn’t agree to the request to “mention the petition.” “I was not upset at all, but I was very angry and spoke directly and told a lot of bitter truths. When asked: “Why do you need such a dismissal,” I answered: “for the obituary” - and left.”

February 11 . The beginning of the publication of the essay “Pechersk Antiquities” - “Kiev Antiquity”, 1883, No. 2 (finished on April 13, 1883).

February 19 . Date of the story “The Stupid Artist” (“Day of Liberation of the Serfs and Saturday of “Remembrance of the Dead”).

February 19 . Publication of chapters I-IV of the novel “Falcon Flight” - “Gatsuk’s Newspaper”, 1883, No. 7.

February 19 . The death of the publisher M. O. Wolf on the day when he was supposed to sign the terms for the publication of L.'s collected works. On February 22, L. was at his funeral.

February 26 . Publication of chapters V-VI of the novel "Falcon Flight" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1883, No. 8.

March 5 . Publication of chapters VII-VIII of the novel "Falcon Flight" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1883, No. 9.

March 6 . Publication of the story “The Stupid Artist” - “Art Journal”, 1883, No. 2.

March 8 . L. writes a “Letter to the editor of Novosti and Birzhevaya Gazeta” about his dismissal from service in the Ministry of Public Education without a request (published on March 10 in No. 65).

March 10 . L. writes a “Letter to the editor of the Gatsuk Newspaper” about the reasons for his reluctance to continue printing the novel “Falcon Flight” (published on March 12 in No. 10).

March 12 . Publication of chapters IX-X of the novel "Falcon Flight" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1883, No. 10. Printing of the novel stopped at this point due to censorship conditions.

March 19 . Publication of the essay “The Voice of Nature” - “Fragments”, 1883, No. 12.

April 1... 10 (?) . Publication of the story “The Prudent Robber” - “Art Magazine”, 1883, No. 3.

April 1 and 3 . Publication of the article “Count L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky as heresiarchs” - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1883, NN 1 and 3.

April 3 . Publication of the article “Literary Frenzy” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1883, No. 4.

April 7 . L. informs the director of the Oryol gymnasium about the transfer of the gold medal he received (for work on a special commission of the Ministry of Public Education) to “the poorest of the students” graduating from the gymnasium in 1884.

April 21 . The beginning of the publication of essays “Pictures of the past. Patriotic foolishness and Senichkin’s poison in the thirties of the 19th century” - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1883, No. 19.

May 1 . Publication of L.'s note "Insidious Reception" regarding his dismissal from the Ministry of Public Education - "Historical Bulletin", 1883, No. 4. This note is a response to K. K. Arsenyev's attack against L. in the article "From the Public Chronicle" - " Bulletin of Europe", 1883, N 4 (published on April 1).

June August . L. spends the summer in Shuvalovo at the dacha. Meetings with N. A. Leikin, D. D. Minaev, P. K. Martyanov, E. P. Karnovich.

August 26 . Shuvalovo. Date of the essay about the writer and folklorist of the democratic camp P. I. Yakushkin (placed in the book: Works of P. I. Yakushkin, St. Petersburg, 1884. Published around November 15, 1883).

September 10 . The beginning of the publication of the story “Putimets” - “Gatsuk’s Newspaper”, 1883, No. 39.

October 10 . Left for Moscow.

October 12 . Moscow. Meeting with Chekhov. Dedicatory inscription to Chekhov on “The Tale of the Tula Left-Hander”, 1882.

October 19 . Return to St. Petersburg.

October 22 . Publication of the story “A Little Mistake” - “Fragments”, 1883, No. 43.

November 2 . Beginning of publication of the essay “Russian figures in the Baltic region” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1883, No. 11.

November 8 . Beginning of publication of essays “Pictures of the Past. Anemones” - “Russia”, 1883, No. 10.

end of november . Four-year-old Varya Kukk appears in L.'s family, who soon becomes his adopted daughter.

December 4 . Publication of the article “On Russian names” - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1883, N 245.

December 24 . Publication of the story “The Unchangeable Ruble” - “Spiritual Word”, 1883, No. 8.

December 25 . Publication of the story "The Beast" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1883, Christmas supplement.


The stories "Wild Fantasy" and "A Just Man" were written.

January 7 . The beginning of publication of the story “Selected Grain” - “Picturesque Review”, 1884, No. 2.

January 14 . The beginning of the publication of a series of stories "Notes of an Unknown" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1884, No. 2.

January 28 . Beginning of publication of the story “The Old Genius” - “Fragments”, 1884, No. 4.

L. performs at a literary and musical evening of the Pushkin circle with a reading of “Notes of an Unknown”.

February around 5 . Publication of the book “The Jew in Russia”, St. Petersburg, 1884.

February 5 . Publication of the article “How the writings of Count Leo Tolstoy are treasured” - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1884, No. 36.

March 13 . 6 p.m. Delivers a welcoming speech at a gala dinner on the occasion of F. Spielhagen's arrival in St. Petersburg at the Hotel de France.

April 7 . End of publication of the stories "Notes of an Unknown" - "Gatsuk's Newspaper", 1884, No. 14. Stopped due to censorship conditions, at the insistence of E. M. Feoktistov.

June 2/14 . I left Warsaw for Dresden.

June 4/16 . Came from Dresden to Marienbad.

July 18/30 . L. left Marienbad for Dresden.

July 19/31 . I left Dresden for Prague. In Prague - July 21/August 2 and left for Vienna on the same day.

July 27 / August 8 . Left Vienna for Warsaw (July 28/August 9 - in Warsaw; July 29/August 10 left for St. Petersburg).

July 31 (?) . Arrived in St. Petersburg.

September 3 . Publication of the article “Where did the verb “nonsense” or “chirunda” come from - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1884, N 243.

October 15 . Date of the letter to the editor “About lunch to N.S. Leskov” (printed the next day - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, N 286).

November 1 . Publication of chapters I-XI of the novel “The Invisible Trace” and the story “New Testament Jews” - “Nov”, 1884, No. 1.

November 17 . Publication of chapters XII-XXVI of the novel “The Invisible Trace” and the story “Two Swineherds” - “Nov”, 1884, No. 2.

December 2 . Publication of the story “A Mysterious Incident in a Madhouse” - “Nov”, 1884, No. 3.

December 5 . I attended the funeral of N. S. Kurochkin at the Volkov cemetery.

December 16 . Publication of the story “Part-Timers” - “Nov”, 1884, No. 4.

January 1 . Publication of the story “The Pearl Necklace” - “Nov”, 1885, No. 5, as well as the essay “One of the Three Righteous” (about A.P. Bobrov) - “Historical Bulletin”, 1885, No. 1.

January 15 . Publication of the story "Alexandrite" - "Nov", 1885, No. 6.

February 1 . Publication of the essay “Substitution of the Guilty” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1885, No. 2.

February 15 . Beginning of publication of the story “Old Psychopaths” - “Nov”, 1885, No. 8.

February 16 . Publication of the article "Three First-Class Writers"<Л. Н. Толстой, Г. И. Успенский, Н. Н. Златовратский>- "Petersburg newspaper", 1885, N 45.

March 9 . Beginning of publication of the story “The Scarecrow” - “Spiritual Word”, 1885, No. 19.

March 15 . Beginning of publication of the story “Interesting Men” - “Nov”, 1885, No. 10.

April 15 . Publication of the story “Mysterious Portents” - “Nov”, 1885, No. 12.

May 8...15 . Publication of a separate edition of the story “Christ Visiting a Man,” M., 1885.

June 10 (?) . L. moved to Dubbeln for the summer.

July 15...25 . Visits A.F. Koni, who lives in Dubbeln (probably this is their first meeting).

Augusta 18... 21 (?) . Returned to St. Petersburg from Dubbeln.

August 22 . I was at the unveiling of the bust on Turgenev’s grave at the Volkov cemetery.

October 30 . Publication of the story “The Pernicious Ones” - “Nov”, 1885, No. 1.

November 23...27 . The St. Petersburg Censorship Committee decided to cut out and destroy the article by L. “Divorce Oblivion” published in No. 12 of the Historical Bulletin.

December 9...15 . Publication of the collection "Christmas Stories by N. S. Leskov." St. Petersburg - M., 1886.

February 1 . Publication of the story “Ear without fish” - “Nov”, 1886, 7.

March 15 . Publication of the story “The Aleutian Spiritual Seer” - “Epoch”, 1886, No. 2.

April 16 . Kyiv. M. P. Leskova, the writer’s mother, died.

April 30 . Banning of "The Tale of the God-pleasing Woodcutter" by the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee.

May - June 15 (?) . The story "Skomorokh Pamphalon" was written.

June 1 . Publication of the article “Heraldic fog” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1886, No. 6.

June 4 . Beginning of publication of the article "About the muzhik and so on." - "News and Exchange Newspaper", 1886, N 151.

June 9 . Publication of the article “Where did the plot of Count L. N. Tolstoy’s play “The First Distiller” come from” - “News and Exchange Newspaper”, 1886, N 156.

June around 20 . L. moves to Arensburg for the summer.

August 1 . Publication of the article “Jesuit Gagarin in the Pushkin case” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1886, No. 8.

August around 22 . Returns to St. Petersburg from Arensburg.

November 1 . Publication of the essay “The Afterlife Witness for Women” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1886, No. 11. Beginning of publication of the story “The Father’s Testament” - “Spiritual Word”, No. 1.

December 20 . Publication of the story “The Tale of Theodore the Christian and his friend Abram the Jew” - “Russian Thought”, 1886, No. 12.

December 24...31 . Release of the collection "Stories by the Way", St. Petersburg. - M., 1886.

December 25 . Publication of the article “About the artistic husband Nikita and those who raised him”<об изографе Н. С. Рачейскове>- "New Time", 1886, N 3889.


L. is working on the collection “Review of Prologues” (image of about forty female types of the 12th-13th centuries). Didn't appear in print.

February 4 . I attended the funeral of S. Ya. Nadson at the Volkov cemetery.

February 8 . He is present at the opening of the people's theater on Vasilievsky Island and on the same day writes a note about it (published on February 9 in Novoye Vremya, No. 3933).

March 1 . Publication of the story "Skomorokh Pamphalon" - "Historical Bulletin", 1887, No. 3.

April 2 . Publication of the story “The Rescue of a Perishing Person (1839)” (later: “The Man on the Clock”) - “Russian Thought”, 1887, No. 4.

April 18 . Letter from L. to L.N. Tolstoy asking permission to come to him during his next visit to Moscow (“so that my long-standing ardent desire to see you in this existence can be fulfilled”).

April 19 . L. left St. Petersburg for Moscow.

April 20 (?) . Moscow. Visited L.N. Tolstoy. First personal meeting (April 25, Tolstoy wrote to V.G. Chertkov about L.: “What a smart and original person”).

April 22...30 . L. returned from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

April - May 12 . The story "Antuka" has been written. On May 14, sent to S.N. Shubinsky for the Historical Bulletin, but rejected by the latter, probably due to censorship considerations.

May around 25

July 16...23 . Publication of a separate edition “Tales of Theodore the Christian and his friend Abram the Jew” (from a drawing by N. Denisov), M., 1887.

July 22...24 (?) . Ahrensburg. A satirical note was written about the death of M. N. Katkov (which followed on July 20). L. was not published during her lifetime.

July . Start of work on the story "Zeno the Goldsmith" (later: "Mountain").

August 1...8 . Publication of the collection "Tales and Stories of N. S. Leskov", book. I (I. Buffoon Pamphalon. II. Rescue of the perishing), St. Petersburg,<1887>.

August 16 . Ahrensburg. Date of the article "The Darkening Shore". L. was not published during her lifetime.

August 20 . I left for St. Petersburg from Arensburg. Because of the storm, the ship stood in Gapsala for twelve hours; L. went out into the city.

August 22 . Arrived in St. Petersburg.

November 1... 8 . Publication of the collection "Tales and Stories of N. S. Leskov", book. II (“The Enchanted Wanderer”), St. Petersburg, (1887).

November 20 . Publication of the essay “Household Apocrypha” (“Unmercenary Engineers”) - “Russian Thought”, 1887, No. 11.

December 6 . Publication of the story “Robbery” - “Books of the Week”, 1887, No. 12.

December 24...31 . Publication of the collection "Tales and Stories of N. S. Leskov", book. III (“Sealed Angel”), St. Petersburg,<1887>.

December 31 . Celebrated the New Year with A.S. Suvorin; met Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov.

The end of the year (?) . Meeting I. E. Repin.

January 19 . Beginning of publication of the article “Satiation with nobility” - “New Time”, 1888, N 4271.

February 3 . Publication of the legend “Conscientious Danila” - “New Time”, 1888, N 4286.

February 7 . Publication of the note “Bibikov’s “measures” - “Week”, 1888, No. 6.

February 10 . L. read the story “The Lion of Elder Gerasim” to Repin.

February - March 15 (?) . The legend "Beautiful Aza" was written.

March 15 . I met in the editorial office of Novoye Vremya with A.P. Chekhov, who had arrived from Moscow.

March 24 . Death of V. M. Garshin. On March 26, L. writes to A.S. Suvorin: “Wasn’t Garshin really worth the mourning border around his tragic obituary?..”

March 30 . Dedicatory inscription to Ya. P. Polonsky on the “last proof” of the legend “The Beautiful Aza” dedicated to him.

April 1 . Publication of the story “The Lion of Elder Gerasim” (from a drawing by I. E. Repin) - “Toy”, 1888, No. 4.

April 5 . Publication of the legend "Beautiful Aza" - "New Time", 1888, N 4347.

April 22 . L. thanks A. S. Suvorin in a letter for the proposal to publish the complete collection of his works and agrees on the conditions.

May 1 . Publication of the story “The Dead Estate” - “Books of the Week”, 1888, No. 5.

May 23...25 . I was at the European Hotel with Lucien Millvoy. An article about him was published on May 28 - Petersburg Newspaper, 1888, No. 145.

June 1 . Publication of the essay “The Firstborn of Bohemia in Russia” - “Historical Bulletin”, 1888, No. 6.

June around 13 . L. moved to Arensburg for the summer.

August 7 . I left Arensburg for St. Petersburg. August 9 . Arrived in St. Petersburg.

August 9...15 . Publication of the collection "Old Years in the Village of Plodomasovo", St. Petersburg, 1888.

September around 30 . Publication of the "Bibliography of the works of N. S. Leskov from the beginning of his literary activity - 1860 to 1887 (inclusive)", compiled by P. V. Bykov, St. Petersburg, 1889. (50 copies went on sale) Article L is dedicated to it "Comradely gift" ("New Time", 1888, N 4525, dated October 3).

September 26 . Repin, in his letter, persuades L. to allow him to take up his portrait: “I’m not alone, all educated Russia knows you and loves you as a very outstanding writer with undoubted merits, as a thinking person at the same time.”

October 9 . Publication of the story "Antuka" - "Books of the Week", 1888, No. 10.

October 28 . Publication of the feuilleton “On Standel’s Walking Along Yasnaya Polyana” - “New Time”, 1888, N 4550.

November 6 . Publication of the feuilleton "Girl or Boy?" - "New Time", 1888, N 4559.

November 14 . L. proposes in a letter to V. A. Goltsev in Moscow the story “The Ascalonian Villain” for “Russian Thought”.

November . The story "Zeno the Goldsmith", intended for No. 11 of "Russian Thought", was banned by censorship.

November end...December beginning . Repin begins to paint a portrait of L. After three sessions, the portrait was abandoned.

December 11 . Publication of the story “The Kolyvan Husband” - “Books of the Week”, 1888, No. 12.

December 24-25 . The story "Malanya - the head of a ram" was written. L. was not published during his lifetime.

January 9...15 . Publication of a separate edition of the story “Kotin the Milker”, St. Petersburg, b. G.

January 12 . T.P. Passek visited. The article “Literary grandmother Tatyana Petrovna Passek” (“World Illustration”, 1889, No. 15, dated April 8) is dedicated to her memory (she died on March 24).

Publication of "Letters to the Editor"<о повести "Зенон-златокузнец">- "Russian Gazette", 1889, No. 12.

January 16...23 . Publication of a separate edition of the stories "Unmercenary Engineers", St. Petersburg,<1889>.

January March (?) . L. writes to Z.N. Akhochinskaya “I rejected the wishes of Kramskoy and Repin, and he is unhappy with me for this, but I do not want to have my portrait at the exhibition - and it will not be.”

February 23 . L. reads the story “Zeno the Goldsmith” in Repin’s workshop in a large company.

March 9...15 . Publication of the first three volumes of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, in type. A. S. Suvorina, 1889 (circulation 2200 copies).

March 17 . I attended an evening at Y. P. Polonsky’s, where I met G. P. Danilevsky, I. E. Repin, A. A. Fet and F. F. Fidler.

April 24...30 . Publication of the fourth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1889.

May 18...20 . L. had a bookseller, N.I. Sveshnikov, with a manuscript of his memoirs, which L. purchased from him.

June 9...15 . Publication of the fifth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1889.

July 1 . Publication of the story "Figure" - "Labor", 1889, No. 13.

July 2 . I visited K. M. Fofanov in Tsarskoe Selo and made an entry in his album.

August 14 . Suvorin's printing house submitted to the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee eight copies of the sixth volume of L.'s Collected Works, printed without prior censorship. It included "Trifles of Bishop's Life."

August 16 . L.'s first attack of angina pectoris was on the stairs of the Suvorin printing house with the news of the arrest of the printed sixth volume of the Collected Works.

August 18 . Publication of the essay “Spiridons-turns” (edited manuscript by N. I. Sveshnikov) - “Russian Thought”, 1889, No. 8.

September 1...8 . Collection published: “The Lion of Elder Gerasim” (from a drawing by Repin), “The Tale of a God-pleasing woodcutter”, M., 1890.

September 29 . Report of the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee to the Main Directorate of Press Affairs about the objections of civil and spiritual censorship to the release of the sixth volume of the Collected Works of L. This was followed by a ban on the book.

October 12 . The attitude of the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee to the senior inspector of printing houses in St. Petersburg about the “exclusion” of all copies of the sixth volume of the Collected Works of L. On October 19, the entire circulation of the volume was sealed at Suvorin’s printing house.

November 1... 8 . Publication of the seventh volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1889.

November 17 . Publication of the story “The Ascalonian Villain” - “Russian Thought”, 1889, N P.

December 16...23 . Publication of the eighth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1889.

1889- 1891

Work on the novel "Devil's Dolls".

January 1 . Beginning of publication of the story “Mountain” (from a drawing by G. Nikitin) - “Picturesque Review”, 1890, No. 1.

January 14 . Continuation of the publication of the story “Mountain” (from a drawing by I. E. Repin) - “Picturesque Review”, 1890, No. 2.

January 17 . Publication of the first part of the novel "Devil's Dolls" - "Russian Thought", 1890, No. 1.

January 21 . L., together with V.G. Chertkov, went to Yasnaya Polyana.

January 24 . L. and V.G. Chertkov come to Tula, where L.N. Tolstoy meets them and takes them on his horses to Yasnaya Polyana.

January 24...31 . Publication of separate editions of two legends - “Beautiful Aza” and “Conscientious Danila” (from a drawing by I. E. Repin), and the story “Figure”, M., ed. Sytina, 1890.

January 25 . Yasnaya Polyana. L. spends the day with Chertkov and Tolstoy. In the evening, Tolstoy reads “The Fruits of Enlightenment” aloud.

January 26 . L. leaves for Moscow. Tolstoy accompanies him to Tula.

January 27 . Arrives in Moscow. That same evening, L. was at a gala dinner in honor of the 10th anniversary of Russian Thought.

January 30 . Returns to St. Petersburg.

February around 15 . Publication of the ninth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1890.

February 11...13 . L. was at the XVIII traveling exhibition of paintings and looked at N. N. Ge’s painting “What is Truth.”

March 12...18 . L., at the request of V. A. Goltsev, gets acquainted with I. N. Potapenko and invites him to collaborate in “Russian Thought”.

April around 6 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "Mountain", St. Petersburg, 1890.

May around 25 . The artist I. A. Banister finished the portrait of L. (watercolor).

May 22

July around 30 . Publication of the tenth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1890.

August 15 . Returns to St. Petersburg from Shmetsk.

September 25 . In a letter to A.F. Marx, L. invites him to publish “Episodic excerpts from the literary memoirs of N.S. Leskov (for XXX years).” They remained unknown to us.

October 24.. 31 . Exit (new option); sixth volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1890.

November 21...24 . Publication of the fairy tale “The Hour of God’s Will” - “Russian Review”, 1890, No. 11.

December 25 . Publication of the story “They Offended You at Christmas” - “Petersburgskaya Gazeta”, 1890, N 354.

The story “About the Kreutzer Sonata” was written.


Work on the story "Insulted Neteta". L. was not published during her lifetime.

January 1 . The beginning of the publication of the legend “Innocent Prudentius” - “Motherland”, 1891, No. 1.

January 10... 12 . Publication of the story “Fool” - “Toy”, 1891, No. 1.

January 19 . L. had V.S. Soloviev, who took from him the manuscript of the story “Midnight Office” for publication in “Bulletin of Europe”.

January 24 . Publication of a letter to the editor “Kursk trill about Tolstoy” - “Petersburg newspaper”, 1891, No. 23.

April 15 . L. attended the funeral of N.V. Shelgunov at the Volkov cemetery.

May 26 . Moves to a dacha in Shmetsk. In the summer I met with the family of Dr. N. F. Borchsenius. A.I. Faresov and Z.P. Akhochinskaya came to visit L.

July 10 . Date of the note "Incoherence about Gogol and Kostomarov." Published on July 16 - "Petersburg newspaper", N 192.

August 15 . Returned to St. Petersburg from Shmetsk.

November 1 . The beginning of the publication of the story "Midnight Owls" - "Bulletin of Europe", 1891, No. 11.

December 16 . Publication of an article by M. A. Protopopov about L. “Sick talent” - “Russian Thought”, 1891, No. 12.

December 23 . Letter to L. Protopopov with gratitude for his article “Sick Talent”.

January 1 . L. was at a ceremonial breakfast with S.N. Khudekov on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Petersburg Newspaper.

February 22 . Publication of the article “On illustrations of “Dead Souls”” - “Niva”, 1892, No. 8.

February 28 . Publication of the essay “Legendary Characters” - “Russian Review”, 1892, No. 8.

April 22 . L. gives A. L. Flexer (Volynsky) a copy of the forbidden sixth volume of the Collected Works.

May 3 . 2 hours 30 minutes. Was at the opening of the monument to S. Ya. Nadson at his grave at the Volkov cemetery.

May 26 . L. moves to Shmetsk for the summer.

June 6 . Publication of the story "Yudol" - "Niva's Collection", 1892, No. 6.

June August . Shmetsk. The stories "Improvisers" and "Idle Dancers" were written.

July 1...8 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "Innocent Prudentius", M., 1892.

August 25... 30 . L. returns to St. Petersburg from Shmetsk.

September 5 . L.'s grandson, Yuri, was born.

October 3 . Publication of the essay “About the Quakers” - “Niva Collection”, 1892, No. 10.

December 2 . Date of the testamentary disposition “My posthumous request” (“Do not announce any deliberate ceremonies and meetings at my lifeless corpse”... “At my funeral I ask you not to make any speeches. I know that there was a lot of bad things in me and that I I don’t deserve any praise or regrets...").

December 6 . Publication of the story “Improvisers” - “Books of the Week”, 1892, No. 49.

January 1 . Publication of the story “Idle Dancers” - “Northern Bulletin”, 1893, No. 1.

January 11 . L.'s acquaintance with the young writer L. I. Veselitskaya-Mikulich, which soon turned into a great friendship.

March 1 . Beginning of publication of the essay “Siberian Pictures of the 18th Century” - “Bulletin of Europe”, 1893, No. 3.

May 23

June 9...15 . The publication of the eleventh volume of the Collected Works of N. S. Leskov, St. Petersburg, 1893 (the XII volume was published after L.’s death - in June 1896).

July 9-14 . L. I. Mikulich, A. M. Khiryakov and M. O. Menshikov are visiting L. in Merreküle. Every evening they read aloud the manuscript of the treatise “The Kingdom of God is Within Us” sent by Tolstoy.

July around 15 . Publication of the story “Product of Nature” - “The Path-Road. Scientific and literary collection in favor of the Society for helping needy migrants”, St. Petersburg, 1893.

July-December . Working on the story "Administrative Grace". L. was not published during his lifetime.

August 15 . L. returns from Merrekyl to St. Petersburg.

September - October beginning . The story "The Corral" has been written.

October 13 . Memorandum from the head of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs E.M. Feoktistov to the Minister of Internal Affairs I.N. Durnovo on the desirability of the “complete destruction” of the clippings from the banned sixth volume of L.’s works stored in Suvorin’s printing house. Minister’s resolution: “I agree.”

October . The story "Pumperley" has been written.

November 1... 8 . Publication of a separate edition of the story "Idle Dancers", M., 1893.

November 7 . Publication of the story "The Corral" - "Books of the Week", 1893, No. 11.

November 9 . The police remove copies of the sixth, prohibited volume of L.'s works from Suvorin's printing house for destruction.

December 14 . Publication of the story “The Secret Answer” - “Russian Life”, 1893, N 334.

January 2 . L. attends the funeral of the editor of "The Week" P. A. Gaideburov at the Smolensk cemetery, after which he falls ill from a severe cold.

February end... March beginning . L. agrees to the request of P. M. Tretyakov and allows him to paint his portrait, for which V. A. Serov comes from Moscow.

April 16 . Publication of the story “Descent into Hell” - “Petersburg Newspaper”, 1894, No. 104 (two days later it comes out in a separate print).

May 22 . L. moves to Merrekull for the summer.

May 23 . Date of the article “In the activities of a writer, it is especially important to maintain independence...” It was not published during L.’s lifetime.

June - October beginning . The story "Wild Fantasy" has been written.

August 20... 21 . L. moves from Merrekyl to St. Petersburg.

September 20 . Publication of the story “Winter Day” - “Russian Thought”, 1894, No. 9.

October 1 . Publication of the essay “Inspirational Vagrants” - “Northern Bulletin”, 1894, No. 10.

December 16 . Publication of the story “The Lady and the Fela” - “Russian Thought”, 1894, No. 12.

January 30 ... February 16 . The sick L. is visited by Chekhov. “This is not life, but only living,” L. said about himself to Chekhov at this meeting.

February 1...10 . M. M. Stasyulevich’s refusal to publish the story “Hare Remise” in Vestnik Evropy due to censorship considerations.

February 12 . L. is visited by his longtime worst enemy T.I. Filippov for the purpose of reconciliation.

February 17 . Opening of the XXIII traveling exhibition at the Academy of Arts, at which a portrait of L. by V. A. Serov was exhibited. L. is unpleasantly surprised by the sight of the portrait in a dark frame, similar to the mourning border of an obituary.

February 18 . Sick L. goes for a ride around the Tauride Garden. This walk caused an exacerbation of his illness (edema in the lungs).

February 21 . Death of L. (1 hour 20 minutes at night).

February 23 . L.'s funeral on the Literary Bridge of the Volkov Cemetery.

Hypermarket of knowledge >>Literature >>Literature 10th grade >>Literature: N. S. Leskov. Essay on life and work

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

1831.4 (16) February - born in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province.
1841-1846 - studied at the Oryol gymnasium.
1857-1860 - commercial service and trips around Russia.
1862 - the first work, “The Extinguished Cause,” was published.
1865-1866 - the stories “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District” and “Warrior” were published.
1864 - published novel"Nowhere."
1871 - the novel-pamphlet “On Knives” was published.
1872 - the chronicle “Soborians” was published.
1873 - the story “The Captured Angel” and the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” were written.
1883 - the stories “Lefty” and “The Stupid Artist” were created.
1889-1890 - publication of collected works.
1895, February 21 (March 5) - died in St. Petersburg.

Essay on life and work

Childhood and youth.

Nikolay Semenovich Leskov born February 4 (16), 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province. His father, Semyon Dmitrievich Leskov, was a minor judicial official who came from a spiritual background and only before his death received documents on his personal nobility. The writer's mother, Marya Petrovna, was the daughter of an impoverished nobleman married to a merchant's daughter. Leskov's common origin largely determined the democratic nature of his future work. Among the childhood scenes that unfolded on the neighbor's steppe pasture were soldiers' drills and stick fighting, characteristic of the reign of Nicholas I. The boy encountered the despotism of serfdom in the house of wealthy relatives of the Strakhovs, where he received his initial education. When Nikolai was eight years old, his father bought Panin’s farmstead on the Gostomla River on credit and the family moved to the village. This black earth southern Russian region became his real homeland. For the future writer, life on Panin’s farm became the beginning of learning about the people. There he heard folk tales, saw folk rituals, met folk life. There he felt himself part and parcel of the people; these places awakened the creative nature of an artist in him. “I grew up among the people on the Gostomel pasture, with a cauldron in my hand, I slept with him on the dewy grass of the night under a warm sheepskin coat, and on Panin’s busy crowd behind circles of dusty habits... I was one of my people with the people, and I have there are many godfathers and friends in him... I stood between the man and the rods tied to him,” N. S. Leskov would later write.

From 1841 to 1846 Nikolai studied at the Oryol gymnasium. The gifted boy was a passionate lover of reading, and this passion accompanied him all his life, but studying at a government educational institution itself did not arouse his interest. At the age of 16, having completed his education, he began serving as a low-grade scribe in the Oryol Criminal Chamber, then in 1849 he transferred to the Kiev State Chamber. Living with his uncle, professor of medicine in Kyiv university S.P. Alferyev, Leskov found himself among students and young scientists. He read a lot, attended lectures at the university, got acquainted with the works of Herzen, Feuerbach, Kant, Hegel, Owen, Ukrainian and Polish literature. In Kyiv, a meeting took place with the founder of Russian statistics, Dmitry Zhuravsky, who ransomed serfs to the detriment of his own material benefits. This acquaintance influenced the formation of the writer’s civic views.

Leaving in 1857 public service and got a job in a private commercial company A. Ya. Shcott, Leskov traveled a lot. The impressions received during these trips gave him richest material for creativity. In old age, answering a journalist’s question: “Where do you get the material for your works? “- Leskov said, pointing to his forehead: “From this chest. Here are the impressions of six or seven years of my commercial service, when I had to travel around Russia on business, this is the best time of my life, when I saw a lot and lived easily.”

The writer’s journalistic debut was a series of articles of an economic, social and everyday nature with rather harsh and accusatory content. Defining the meaning of a literary word, Leskov wrote: “It’s time for us to wean ourselves from the idea that the subject literature there must be something special, and not something that is always before our eyes and from which we all suffer directly or indirectly. Having thrown off the centuries-old rubbish of warnings, we will feel close to the lives of our smaller brothers and will be able to help them in a timely and appropriate manner, revealing the parties that are opposed to hygiene public life" These articles cost the writer dearly, accused of libel and perjury of bribery. The case was dropped, but Kyiv had to be left.

In 1861, Leskov moved to “the smartest city in the country” - St. Petersburg, in order to devote himself entirely to the business to which he would devote his entire life. later life. The future writer is published in " Domestic notes", works for the newspaper "Northern Bee"., writes for the Moscow weekly magazine "Russian Speech".

Leskov perceives the Tsar's manifesto of 1861 as the beginning reforms. Split social thought towards the liberal and revolutionary-democratic trend leads him to the “gradualists,” whose moderation seemed to him more reliable. Although he was an unconditional supporter of broad reforms and the eradication of the remnants serfdom, but the idea that a people overwhelmed by prejudices is capable of really changing society was not close to the writer, which is what he argued about with Sovremennik.

The beginning of the writing journey. 60s.

In 1862, the writer’s first work was published in the magazine “Vek” - the story “The Extinguished Cause.” Following him, the following appeared in other magazines: “Robber” (1862), “In a tarantass” (1862), “Musk Ox” (1862), “Caustic” (1863). Many of Leskov's early works are written in artistic sketches.

In 1864, the magazine “Library for Reading” published the novel “Nowhere,” in which he tried to shame the nihilists, showed the difficulties of the revolutionary struggle and expressed the idea of ​​the futility of revolutionary movement in Russia in the 60s. The “anti-nihilistic” novel caused outrage in leading literary circles; a rumor was even spread that it was written by order of the III Department. One of the reviewers admitted: “...Mr. Leskov has such a literary reputation that it is a kind of courage to praise him.” IN artistically the work was quite immature. “This novel bears all the signs of my haste and stupidity,” the writer himself later remarked.

In the center of the row early works The writer turns out to have a female character, the tragic fate of a woman: “The Life of a Woman” (1863), “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District” (1865), “Warrior” (1866). The theme of women's fate is one of the most pressing in progressive literature of the 60s, and Leskov solves it with deep sympathy for the Russian woman. IN stories drawn dramatic images women of different classes: peasant woman, provincial merchant woman, provincial intellectual.

In the story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk” - one of the pinnacles in the writer’s work - Leskov with stunning artistic power showed the history of the riot female soul against the deadening situation merchant environment. Tragic love, which pushed the heroine of the story Katerina Izmailova to commit crimes, showed that a world in which everything is bought and sold, where a person becomes a thing, is doomed to self-destruction. Katerina Izmailova, a girl from poor family, lively, lively, temperamental, married to a merchant, a boring man, thirty years older than her. She finds herself a prisoner of a merchant's house, where "there is neither the sound of living things nor the voice of man." She has neither children nor work, and the boredom of life is replaced by an all-consuming, unbridled passion for an unworthy man - a handsome, arrogant clerk Sergei, who uses the young woman for his own purposes and skillfully plays with her feelings. Sublime and bright in nature, love turns into a destructive and destroying force: “... For her there was neither light nor darkness, neither bad nor good, nor boredom, nor joys; She didn’t understand anything, didn’t love anyone and didn’t love herself.” The hard labor becomes happiness for Katerina to be with her loved one. And when the most precious thing in life is taken away from her - her love, she, taking revenge on her offender - ex-lover- and defending his human dignity, he dies, causing everyone to freeze in horror.

The theme of the remnants of serfdom becomes one of the main ones in Leskov’s work. Observations of the life of the country after the reform of 1861 showed how little change for the better occurred. Unlike Dostoevsky, Saltykova-Shchedrin Leskov saw the main danger not in the development of bourgeois relations, but in the centuries-old inertia of Russian life, in the stability of its old, outdated forms.

Leskov's creativity of the 60s is distinguished by great genre diversity. Writer creates artistic essays, short stories, novels, even tries his hand at drama - he writes the only play in his work, “The Spendthrift” (1867), staged at the Moscow Maly Theater.

Creativity of the 70s.

"The Enchanted Wanderer". In 1871, Leskov created the pamphlet novel “On Knives,” which depicted the degeneration of former nihilists. In this novel, as in other stories and essays, the writer talks about Russia’s unpreparedness for revolutionary changes and the tragic fate of those people who connected their lives and activities with the hope of their speedy implementation.

Important milestones in Leskov’s work were works that were unusual in their genre and style: the chronicle novel “The Soborians” (1872), the story “The Captured Angel” (1873), imitating a folk legend, and the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” (1873). At the center of these works are bright and strong national characters. Leskov's positive heroes are people who are always incorruptibly honest and straightforward, independent and internally free, who do not compromise with their convictions and conscience, and therefore constantly come into conflict with hypocrites, conservatives, tyrants and sycophants. One of the researchers noted that among the images of the writer in the first place are “three main leading types that, according to Leskov, embody the main features of the Russian national spirit”: “the type of hero,” “the type of talented self-taught person” and “the type of righteous man.”

In "Soboryany" - in search positive hero Leskov addresses the provincial clergy. Archpriest Savely Tuberozov and deacon Achilla Desnitsyn embody national aspirations that have awakened in the most conservative environment. The heroes are forced to do something that is not at all consistent with their nature. Archpriest Savely, who belongs to the “righteous type,” cannot find himself in the church field, because the church has lost its role and cannot be a morally cleansing force for society. Strong in faith, firmly convinced of the height and dignity of his pastoral ministry, he rejects all compromises and thereby spoils relations with spiritual and secular authorities. His accusatory sermon led to a dramatic ending - removal from office and humiliation. As a result, a person dies without having accomplished what he could. Deacon Achilles, who, despite his position, represents the “type of hero,” is a dashing man, tormented by his heroic strength, also brings a disappointing conclusion to his life.

“The Captured Angel” is one of Leskov’s most striking works both in language and in the strength of feeling. Leskov shows the desire of the peasant soul for beauty, the height of the people's aesthetic ideal. The people's worldview is shown through the Old Believer environment. The heroes of the story are mason workers, Old Believers, living as a single artel and building a bridge across the Dnieper. They are honest, clean and brave people talented in their work and innocently devoted to their faith. They value icons most of all, but they are taken away and destroyed by those in power, whose violence, dishonesty and arbitrariness are condemned by the author. In the story of mason Mark Alexandrov about how a picturesque shrine with the image of the Archangel Michael created a miracle of reuniting schismatics with the church, one can hear the author’s thoughts about the need to overcome ideological and other divisions in the name of national unity. Leskov’s story subtly and harmoniously depicts the personality of a “pious” artist-commoner, a man of extreme spiritual purity, keeper of folk traditions in art. The writer paints portraits and landscapes with iconography, filling the text with Old Slavonicisms, weaving vernacular into their fabric. “Ancient temples, holy monasteries with many holy relics; the gardens are dense and the trees are as they are written in old books, i.e., pointed poplars.”

The atmosphere of “fascination” with life, permeating many of Leskov’s works, largely determined the character of the central character in his work. The hero, a man of integrity, also corresponds to the bright, half-fairy-tale world, generous soul, richly gifted, a real hero. Such a hero appears before the reader in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” A talented Russian man, the runaway serf Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin, who went through difficult life trials, symbolizes the physical and moral fortitude of the Russian people, the gradual but steady growth of their spiritual strength, and the development of self-awareness.

In the process of studying life, various incidents, anecdotes, oddities, and incongruities come into the writer’s field of view. Leskov’s anecdote from a small comic story with an unexpected ending turns into the structure-forming principle of his works, often becoming the central event: “Travel with a Nihilist” (1882), “The Spirit of Madame Zhanlis” (1881), “A Little Mistake” (1883), “robbery” "(1887), etc.

This passion for the curious characterizes Leskov’s worldview - his interest in the bright, colorful,
unusual. Life in the writer’s perception is unusual and fabulously interesting. Any most ordinary phenomena
life, getting into art world author, become fascinating story or “a cheerful old fairy tale, under which, through some warm slumber, the heart smiles freshly and tenderly...”. " old tale"Leskov has a connection with the past, with national foundations life, this is the poetic thing that exists in the life of every person and every nation. This is a manifestation of the writer’s characteristic fascination with life, the Russian land, the poetic world and the breadth of the soul of the Russian person.

Creativity of the 80s.

Cycle "The Righteous". The search for a positive hero leads Leskov to bright, unusual folk characters, captured by the writer in the works of the “Righteous” series. His righteous people, as Gorky put it, are “little great people”; they bring good to the world. Their common features straightforwardness, fearlessness, heightened conscientiousness, inability to come to terms with injustice. Leskov finds righteous people in the most diverse strata of Russian society: among nobles and commoners, peasants and clergy. All of them enter into the fight against evil, guided in their actions by the voice of conscience. These are the heroes of the stories “Odnodum” (1879), “Man on the Clock” (1887), “Non-Lethal Golovan” (1880), etc. Hero non-lethal Golovan“During a plague epidemic, he takes care of the sick, and ends his life saving people in a fire. “In such sad moments of general disaster, the people’s environment puts forward heroes of generosity, fearless and selfless people. In ordinary times they are not visible and often do not stand out from the crowd; but he jumps on people with “pimples”, and the people single out their chosen one, and he works miracles that make him a mythical, fabulous, “non-lethal” person. Leskov gave his understanding of righteousness in the article “On Heroes and the Righteous” (1881).

Financial difficulties forced the writer to enter the public service. In 1874, he was appointed a member of the special department of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Public Education for the review of books published for the people, but in 1883 he was dismissed for his “incompatibility” literary studies with the service. The Minister of Public Education, who knew the writer personally, asked him to submit his resignation letter, allegedly because at will. Leskov refused and demanded that he be fired without a request. It was awkward to fire a famous writer without a request, and the embarrassed minister asked: “But why do you need this, Nikolai Semenovich, certainly without a request?” "Need to! At least for obituaries: mine... and yours,” answered Leskov.

By this time, the writer began to collaborate in a number of magazines and newspapers without a specific political content. And since the second half of the 80s, it has been published by liberal magazines “Russian Thought”, “Week”, “Picturesque Review”, “Bulletin of Europe”.

Leskov's critical gaze penetrated into the most diverse areas of Russian life. He wrote about the tragic fate talented people from the people (“Lefty” 1883; “The Stupid Artist”, 1883). The image of a Russian craftsman, a master artist, was most successful for Leskov in “Lefty.” Folklore sources helped create the story, oral histories about the ingenuity and amazing skill of Tula gunsmiths. Drawing the image of the hero, the writer contrasts the skill of the left-hander with his ignorance, and his patriotism with the callousness of the country's rulers and their indifference to the matter. What was the position of a simple Russian person, even noted by the Tsar’s attention, is indicated by tragic end left-handed.

Last years of creativity.

In the 80-90s, the satirical line in Leskov’s work intensified. The image of landowners, merchants, officers, and officials is becoming more and more caustic. The power of satire is further increased by the fact that we're talking about about real people. The writer exposes the vile methods of the tsarist secret police, moral decay society.

1831 , February 4 (16) - born in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol district, in the family of Semyon Dmitrievich Leskov and his wife Maria Petrovna (nee Alfereva).

1839 - his father S.D. Leskov, a noble assessor of the Oryol Chamber of Criminal Court, retires. The Leskov family moves from Orel to their estate - p. Panino, Kromsky district, Oryol province.

1841–1846 – training at the Oryol provincial gymnasium. Receives a certificate from the Oryol gymnasium about the “sciences” he has completed in two classes.

1847 - accepted to serve in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court "with assignment to the 2nd category of clerical servants." The plot of the story "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk" is inspired by the service of that time.

1849 - “moved to the staff of the Kyiv Treasury Chamber.” Moves to Kyiv, where he lives with his uncle S.P. Alferev.

1857 – transports the Oryol peasants of Count Perovsky to Ponizovye (the failures of this assignment are subsequently depicted in the story “Product of Nature”).

1857–1859 - commercial service in the English company "Scott and Wilkens" and "traveling around Russia." “This is the best time of my life, when I saw a lot.”

1860 , May – return with family to Kyiv.
June 21 - the appearance of Leskov’s first correspondence in the St. Petersburg Gazette, 1860, N 135 (with his full signature) - “On the sale of the gospel in Russian at elevated prices.”

1861 , January - Leskov comes to St. Petersburg for the second time. He visits T. G. Shevchenko, who gives him his “South Russian Primer”.
February 28 – attends the funeral service and funeral of T. G. Shevchenko.
From now on, Leskov’s life will be connected with St. Petersburg. The writer changed many addresses; he lived the longest on Furshtatskaya Street.

1862 – the beginning of cooperation in the newspaper “Northern Bee” – editorial “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!” (without signature) in No. 1.

1863 – the beginning of the publication of the story “The Life of a Woman” - “Library for Reading”, 1863, No. 7.

1864 – the beginning of the publication of the novel “Nowhere” under the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky - “Library for Reading” (as part of the controversy with N.G. Chernyshevsky’s novel “What to do?”).

1865 –1866 - work on the story "Islanders".

1871 , March 4 - Leskov was at the organizational meeting of the Literary and Artistic Circle at the Demut Hotel. 160 representatives of literature and art were present; among them: I. S. Turgenev, P. V. Annenkov, M. O. Mikeshin, P. D. Boborykin, A. G. Rubinshtein, M. A. Balakirev, V. V. Samoilov, M. A. Zichy , M. P. Klodt.
June – a separate edition of the essay “The Mysterious Man” was published in St. Petersburg.
November – publication of a separate publication “On the Knives” in Moscow.

1873 – publication of the story “The Sealed Angel” - “Russian Messenger”, 1873, No. 1.
Sends the first edition of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” (under the title “Black Earth Telemachus”) to Moscow to the “Russian Messenger”.
August-September - publication of a series of travel notes "Monastic Islands on Lake Ladoga" - "Russian World", 1873, Nos. 206–208, 219, 220, 224, 226, 227, 232, 233, 236.

1881 , April - early May - work on the works "The Tale of the Tula Slanting Left-Hander and the Steel Flea" and "Leon, the Butler's Son".
October. Beginning of publication of “The Tale of the Tula slanting left-hander and the steel flea” - “Rus”, 1881, No. 49.

1889–1890 – publication of collected works.

1895 , February 21 (March 5) - died in St. Petersburg, buried on the Literary Bridge of the Volkov Cemetery.

Brief biography of Nikolai Leskov

Nikolay Semyonovich Leskov – Russian writer XIX century, according to many, the most national writer Russia. Leskov was born on February 16, 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo (Oryol province) in a spiritual environment. The writer's father was an official of the criminal chamber, and his mother was a noblewoman. Nikolai spent his childhood years on the family estate in Orel. In 1839 the Leskov family moved to the village of Panino. Life in the village left its mark on the writer’s work. He studied the people through their everyday life and conversations, and also considered himself one of the people.

From 1841 to 1846 Leskov attended the Oryol gymnasium. In 1848, he lost his father, and their family property burned down in a fire. Around this time, he entered the service of the criminal chamber, where he collected a lot of material for his future works. A year later he was transferred to the state chamber of Kyiv. There he lived with his uncle Sergei Alferev. In Kyiv, in his free time from work, he attended lectures at the university, was interested in icon painting and the Polish language, and also attended religious and philosophical circles and communicated a lot with Old Believers. During this period, he developed an interest in Ukrainian culture, to the works of Herzen and Taras Shevchenko.

In 1857, Leskov resigned and entered the service of Scott, the English husband of his aunt. While working for Schcott & Wilkens, he gained extensive experience in many sectors, including industrial and Agriculture. For the first time, he showed himself as a publicist in 1860. A year later he moved to St. Petersburg and decided to devote himself to literary activity. His works began to appear in Otechestvennye zapiski. Many of his stories were based on knowledge of Russian original life, and were imbued with sincere participation in the needs of the people. This can be seen in the stories “The Extinguished Cause” (1862) and “Musk Ox” (1863), in the story “The Life of a Woman” (1863), in the novel “Outlooked” (1865). One of the writer’s most popular works was the story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk” (1865).

In his stories, Leskov also tried to show the tragic fate of Russia and its unpreparedness for the revolution. In this regard, he was in conflict with the revolutionary democrats. Much has changed in the writer’s work after meeting Leo Tolstoy. National-historical issues also appeared in his works of 1870-1880. During these years, he wrote several novels and stories about artists. Among them are “Islanders”, “Soborians”, “Sealed Angel” and others. Leskov has always admired the breadth of the Russian soul, and this theme is reflected in the story “Lefty”. The writer died in St. Petersburg on March 5, 1895 at the age of 64. He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Video short biography of Nikolai Leskov

Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov - born in 1835, and died in 1895.

The writer was born in the City of Orel. He had a large family; Leskov was the eldest of the children. After moving from the city to the village, love and respect for the Russian people began to form in Leskov. His family moved because tragic death father and the loss of all property in a fire.

It is unknown for what reasons, but studies did not work out to the young writer and he was barely hired, and only thanks to his friends. Only in adolescence does Leskov begin to develop a creative view of many things.

His writing career begins with the publication of articles in various magazines. Things go uphill after Leskov moves to St. Petersburg. Already there he wrote many serious works, but there are different reviews about their content. Due to disagreements with revolutionary democrats and the views established in that era, many publishing houses refuse to publish Leskov. But the writer does not give up and continues to work on stories.

Nikolai Semyonovich had two marriages, but both of them were unsuccessful. Officially, Leskov had three children - two from his first marriage (the eldest child died in infancy) and one from his second.

Leskov died of asthma, which last years his life was actively developing.

Interesting facts, 6th grade.

Biography of Nikolaev Leskov

The writer, in the future nicknamed “the most Russian of all Russians,” was born on February 4, 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol district. His mother was from an insolvent noble family, and his father was a former seminarian, but left the clergy and became an investigator, made a brilliant career and could have risen to the nobility, but a major quarrel with the management ruined all plans and he had to quit and move with his wife and five children from Orel to Panino. Upon reaching the age of ten, Leskov goes to study at the gymnasium, although not for long: after 2 years he leaves educational institution, having failed in training. In 1847 he entered service in the Criminal Chamber. A year later, the father contracts cholera and dies. Leskov asks to be transferred to Kyiv and, having received approval, moves.

Exactly 10 years later, Leskov leaves the service and goes to work for the agricultural trading company Schcott and Wilkens. Leskov would later call his time working for the company, thanks to many work trips throughout the country, the best period of his life. It was during this period that he began to write. In 1860 trading house closes, and Leskov has to return to Kyiv. This time he is trying his hand at journalism. A few months later, he rushes to St. Petersburg, where his literary career begins.

In 1862, in one of his articles, Leskov demands that the authorities comment on rumors of arson in St. Petersburg, which brought upon himself accusations of denunciation and criticism of the authorities. His articles reached Alexander II himself. Since 1862 he has been published in the Northern Bee, and his essays begin to receive the first high marks from his contemporaries.

In 1864, he published his first novel, “Nowhere,” about the life of nihilists, and the story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.” In 1866, the story “Warrior” was published, coolly received by contemporaries, but highly appreciated by descendants.

In 1870, the novel “On Knives” was published, full of ridicule of nihilistic revolutionaries who, in the writer’s opinion, had merged with criminals. Leskov himself was dissatisfied with the work and received criticism from his contemporaries. Immediately after this, his work turns to the clergy and to the local nobility. In 1872, he published the novel “The Councilors,” which became the reason for the conflict between the writer and the Church.

In 1881, one of the most successful and famous works Leskova - “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea. In 1872, the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” was written, which was very coldly received by contemporaries and was not allowed for publication in publications. It is because of “The Wanderer” that the friendship with M.N. Katkov ends. - an influential critic, publicist and publisher.

At the end of the 1880s. gets closer to L.N. Tolstoy, which radically changes Leskov’s attitude towards the Church. The main works showing his hostility towards the clergy are the story “Midnight Office” and the essay “Popov’s leapfrog and parish whim.” After their publication, a scandal broke out, and the writer was fired from the Ministry of Public Education. Leskov again found himself isolated by his contemporaries.

In 1889, he began publishing a multi-volume collection, which was warmly received by the public. Quick sales helped the writer improve his financial affairs. But in the same year, the first heart attack occurred, the cause of which was probably the news of censorship sanctions against the collection. In the last years of his creative work, Leskov’s works became even more biting and cynical, which the public and publishers did not like. From 1890 he fell ill, suffering from suffocation for the next 5 years - until his death on March 5, 1895.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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