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The face is the first thing people pay attention to. Healthy looking skin gives you self-confidence, makes you look beautiful and well-groomed. The appearance of acne spoils the whole picture. I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. One option is to squeeze it out. The question arises: Is it possible to squeeze acne on the face? Opinions differ on this matter. Cosmetologists and doctors do not agree. Some categorically prohibit it, others allow it, but with impeccable sterility.

The skin reacts first to any changes in the body. Acne occurs due to clogged pores. This happens due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, gastrointestinal tract, and hormonal changes. Whether to squeeze out pimples on the face is a purely individual decision. Before you do this you should know:

  • Squeezing a pimple leaves an open wound through which infection can enter. This is fraught with serious diseases - encephalitis and meningitis.
  • When pressing on a pimple, the sebaceous glands are injured. Their contents spread to neighboring pores and cause new inflammation.
  • Sensitive facial skin leaves scars, scars and blemishes, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  • Furunculosis may appear. Pustular inflammations appear on large areas of the skin.
  • To cause infection, one’s own secretion is sufficient. By treating your hands and squeezing tools with alcohol, the danger is reduced, but not eliminated.

Why do pimples hurt?

An ugly formation on the face is annoying with its appearance, spoils the beauty and also hurts. It’s not surprising that you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Scientifically proven!

The habit of squeezing pimples can turn into a real health problem.

In order for it to lose its power, you must first keep your hands busy. Secondly, look in the mirror less often. Sometimes acne appears in the cleanest people - and not from health problems, but from constantly touching the skin with your hands. When you first discover a pimple, apply the medicinal composition to it and forget about its existence.

How to pop a pimple correctly

Many beauty salons offer a service for squeezing out pimples - mechanical cleaning. Of all the existing ones, it is the most effective and allows you to cleanse your face in several procedures. During the procedure, absolute sterility is maintained. In some situations, this is the only way to make your skin beautiful.

As practice shows, only a few turn to specialists for help. Most people prefer to do this at home. . It should be remembered that a pimple on the face is not squeezed out when it is first detected. Before doing this, you need to carry out preparatory procedures and protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

This is important to remember!

  • Do not squeeze pimples that are inflamed or located too deeply. Such actions will worsen their condition. There will be swelling, redness and pain. Squeeze out only those that lend themselves easily to this.
  • When squeezing a “ripe” pimple, you need to make sure that it comes out completely. Even a small residue leads to new inflammation in this place.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the face of dirt, steam and disinfect. Such preliminary procedures will open the pores and make squeezing easier.
  • It is better to treat the skin around the pimple with a cleansing lotion or tincture that does not contain alcohol.
  • You can squeeze acne on your face in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin. Pimples on the forehead, temples, upper part of the nose, nasolabial folds - touching is strictly prohibited.
  • Hands must be clean. The tips of your fingers should be wrapped in a napkin.
  • After completing the procedure, the skin should be treated with alcohol tincture or soothing tonic.

A successful extrusion procedure will be repeated more than once. Over time, the skin will begin to react to this. Frequent procedures will cover the face with scars, blemishes and cicatrices. In some cases, marks remain on the skin for life.

Is it possible to squeeze pimples on the face? The question is asked at regular intervals. You can’t do this - everyone knows about it! Acne needs to be treated. There are a huge number of funds in different price categories. It is much easier to lubricate the pimple with medication. The effect of treatment will not appear immediately, but will last a long time.

Experts' opinions are always interesting. And only a few listen to them. Reviews ordinary people act faster and more efficiently. Check out some of them and draw the right conclusions!

Pimples and blackheads, especially those appearing on the face, are one of the most annoying problems. You want to get rid of acne immediately, especially if they appear unexpectedly before important events. To do this, many resort to an emergency method and squeeze out pimples, hoping that this will help them heal faster.

However, in many cases, such a radical method may not only not help, but also cause harm: the pimple is very likely to become inflamed, and its treatment will require more time and money. Before making a decision, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rash and deal with it comprehensively.

How do acne appear?

The mechanism for the appearance of acne is the blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands or the mouths of the hair follicles with fat and keratinized scales of skin cells. Squeezing pimples can lead to infection in these glands, causing pus to form in them. Over time, it “breaks through” the epidermis and comes out, and if the abscess was large, a scar will probably form at the site of the pimple.

It is quite simple to distinguish between pimples that are already infected. All of them are divided into two types - non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne includes:

  1. Black dots. They appear when the upper part of the pore is clogged. These pimples are “open”; there is no epidermis on them. The black color is due to the oxidation of fat under the influence of oxygen.
  2. Whiteheads. Pores form at the bottom, under the skin. Such pimples can rise above the skin or can only be felt, but there is no way to squeeze them out.

When a pimple becomes inflamed, papules (nodules) or pustules (ulcers) can form.

Nodules, as a rule, appear in place of blackheads and are formations with a diameter of up to 3 millimeters, which can be confused with a mole. Suppuration in the form of a white inflamed head, like an abscess, is not noticeable on the nodule.

Pustules, in turn, can form independently or in place of nodules and reach a diameter of up to 10 millimeters. The contents of the ulcers are white, yellow, greenish or gray. When they occur, the walls of blood vessels can be destroyed due to infection, then blood enters the pus.

In addition, a number of diseases can cause rashes, for example, skin tuberculosis, drug rash, various types of dermatitis, rosacea and others. To get rid of acne, it is often necessary to consult not only a dermatologist, but also an allergist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists.

Doctors' opinion

Dermatologists, speaking about the possibility of squeezing out pimples, especially at home, definitely recommend abandoning this method of dealing with rashes. Firstly, a rash can be a secondary symptom of a disease: eliminating one pimple is not a cure, they will appear again. Secondly, it is quite problematic to carry out this procedure at home and not introduce an infection into the pimple, which will aggravate the situation.

The most important thing is the danger of infections, which, if they enter the body through a squeezed pimple, will not only lead to the appearance of a new rash, but can also cause serious illness.

It is believed that the most dangerous part of the face in this regard is the nasolabial triangle. This area contains many vessels that directly supply the brain. Infection in the blood in this case is fraught with serious consequences, including death. Among the most dangerous infections that can be introduced into the body through squeezed pimples is staphylococcus, and there is a possibility of developing meningitis and encephalitis.

In addition, it must be remembered that with mechanical impact on the abscess, its contents can not only come out, but also, on the contrary, enter the tissue, which will lead to inflammation. In this case, a permanent seal will probably form at the site of the pimple, which is no longer so easy to get rid of.

Position of cosmetologists

Modern cosmetologists also do not recommend squeezing out pimples on your own, but allow the possibility of a professional procedure - facial cleansing. In a specialized office, using professional equipment and disinfectants, the risk of infection is indeed reduced. However, there are several types of cleanings available on the service market, which differ in their level of effectiveness and degree of safety.

  1. Mechanical cleaning. This type is considered one of the most effective, but its safety depends on the specific salon and the responsibility of the cosmetologist. During mechanical cleaning, pimples are squeezed out manually, as well as using a cosmetic loop and a Vidal needle. Ideally, the specialist should use disposable gloves and sterile wipes, and the loop and needle must be disinfected and not just rinsed. The skin must first be steamed, and after the procedure, soothing agents must be applied to the skin.
  2. Vacuum cleaning. To carry it out, special equipment is used with a nozzle in which air is pumped under negative pressure - thus the contents of the pimple are sucked out.
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning. Unlike the previous ones, ultrasonic cleansing only affects the superficial layers of the skin, so it may not be effective in combating large acne. Disincrustants - special acid-based cosmetics - are first applied to the skin. Their goal is to disrupt the structure of pimples, which are then cleared under the influence of an ultrasonic device that causes high-frequency vibrations.
  4. Dry cleaning. This type of cleansing is carried out with minimal physical impact on the skin. Products containing either acids or enzymes are applied to the face. Both types of drugs cleanse the surface layers of the skin and help tighten pores.

Despite the popularity various types cleanings, all procedures have a number side effects. General contraindications for all are herpes, diabetes, asthma, eczema, severe stages of hypertension, and epilepsy.

Mechanical and vacuum cleaning cause serious damage skin, crusts often form at the sites of squeezed pimples, rosacea and small bruises may appear. It usually takes at least three days for the skin to recover.

Chemical and ultrasonic cleansing do not guarantee a good result in the fight against large and “deep” pimples; in addition, chemicals can cause an allergic reaction on the skin.

The danger of makeup after squeezing out pins

Often, those who decide to squeeze out a pimple at home immediately apply decorative cosmetics to the inflamed area of ​​the skin, trying to hide the redness. However, this method is dangerous: along with foundation and powder, infection or bacteria can enter the open pore, which will lead to inflammation. In addition, it must be remembered that after squeezing pimples, especially large ones, liquid will be released from the pores, and in case of poor cleaning, fat will be released, which will interfere with normal application. decorative cosmetics, so the rash will be noticeable in any case.

In addition to the serious medical problems that squeezing pimples can lead to, you also need to remember about aesthetic ones. The main ones include the appearance of scars and rosacea. Scars form not only on the sites of large pimples: their appearance is caused by the removal of the “crust”, which over time closes the previously inflamed pore. Cuperosis, that is, the appearance of a vascular network, which arose due to injury to blood vessels due to mechanical action, will have to be removed using professional procedures, for example, laser therapy. However, a 100% result in the fight against rosacea is not guaranteed.

If the desire to squeeze out a pimple, despite the categorical opinion of experts about the ineffectiveness and danger of this method of dealing with a rash, is irresistible, you must follow a number of rules:

  • disinfect hands and facial skin,
  • use sterile wipes,
  • steam the skin before the procedure, which will make it less traumatic,
  • use soothing cosmetics and medications that accelerate skin regeneration.

Video: how to stop popping pimples

Dirt, sweating, etc.

Everyone has dealt with this problem. And he solved it individually: fighting for the cleanliness of his face with all kinds of lotions, procedures, and medications. And some people crush acne. We address this group of “carriers” of acne – this should not be done under any circumstances. However, they themselves know this. But they press. Regularly.

The short answer is the cause, origin and spread of acne.. A pimple is not only an externally unpleasant rash on the skin. This is an inflammatory process of the skin, a dermatological disease, complicated by other diseases of the body, often the intestines. Therefore, an illiterate fight against them can turn out to be a fight against your body. Don't be fooled by your morning victory over a couple of fresh eels!

Everyone understands why you can’t squeeze pimples - and everyone does!

  • do not squeeze pimples;
  • cleanse your face with neutral gels and facial foams, or better yet, chamomile decoction and natural cucumber juice;
  • do not overdry the skin (alcohol-containing lotions are therefore not suitable, only neutral ones);
  • do not use cream (they contain oils that worsen acne and can clog pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands);
  • if it is completely “unbearable to suppress the pimple” - then only with a sterile napkin, without “smearing the contents”, immediately treating it with alcohol.

How to unlearn?

Question: how to wean yourself from squeezing pimples - a question, rather, for a psychologist. Acne often occurs in people with an increased penchant for hygiene, cleanliness, and antiseptics. This is often observed during puberty, the premarital period. When there is no worthy candidate. It is important to determine where the legs grow from (manifestation of fear, pride, inferiority, etc.).

To stop doing this, you need to find a “place for your hands”. For example, pressing bubble wrap. Look less in the mirror, especially when you have free time. Get passionate about something (or someone).

Be sure to go to a cosmetologist, and possibly a psychologist.

How to treat?

Firstly, single pimples - normal phenomenon, especially in teenagers. If there are many of them, they occur regularly and cause psychological discomfort, treatment is needed. Treatment primarily concerns the ducts of the sebaceous glands (it is necessary to free them, cleanse them, improve them), hair follicles (it is necessary to reduce the number of bacteria, reduce inflammation).

If you don’t know how to stop squeezing pimples, look at online resources, forums, there are a lot of tips and folk recipes.

It may be necessary to check for demodex (micro mites that feed on sebum and skin exfoliation). In principle, many people have them and are harmless if they have not multiplied greatly.

Any acne treatment technique must take into account individual characteristics organism, should be based on an analysis of the immune status and intestinal flora. Only then can you confidently get rid of them.

Often people are teenagers, and sometimes older generation I am facing the problem of acne on my face. The fastest way, as everyone knows, to get rid of them is to squeeze them out. But will it be beneficial and is it possible to squeeze acne on the face? Definitely not! Squeezing pimples only makes the situation worse and creates new problems.

8 reasons why you shouldn't squeeze pimples

Let's consider the main reasons that will answer the question posed:

  1. Getting infected into the wound that forms after removing a pimple. Infection will adversely affect the health of the skin. Failure to maintain hygiene conditions after self-removal of acne will inevitably lead to infection in the newly formed wounds, which can cause serious problems.
  2. Increased number of acne. If pimples are removed not by a specialist, but by you yourself (at home), then the area after removal will not be properly treated, which will lead to an increase in the number of pimples.
  3. Worsening of the pimple. Sometimes the pus in a pimple can be in two different skin layers. After removing the pus from the first one, blood will start to flow, and you may think that you have already removed the pimple. But the fact that it was not completely removed will give it the opportunity to become inflamed, become larger, and also begin to cause pain.
  4. Diseases, which can be earned after squeezing out pimples. As you already know, after removing a pimple, an open wound remains, into which at any time on the street or on public transport an infection from another person can get in and infect you with an infectious disease.
  5. Scars, which leave pimples in their place. When a pimple heals naturally, it simply disappears and nothing remains in its place, but if you squeezed a pimple, especially one that is difficult to squeeze out, on thin skin, then there will definitely remain a scar for life.
  6. Injured sebaceous glands are formed as a result of pressure on the skin, which leads to the appearance of subcutaneous acne. As you know, the consequences of subcutaneous acne are much worse than ordinary ones.
  7. Furunculosis Sometimes it may occur after squeezing the pimple. It quickly spreads throughout the body, creating new suppurations that bring severe discomfort.
  8. You can die! The nasolabial triangle is the most dangerous place for squeezing pimples. The fact is that the pus contained in a pimple, if it enters the bloodstream, can lead to death, which has happened for this reason more than once (in medical practice). A person who does not know this information can be said to be risking his life without even knowing it.

Squeezing pimples on any part of the body will negatively affect the health of your skin. Therefore, squeezing pimples is not recommended either on the forehead and cheeks, or on the back or chest.

How to stop yourself from popping pimples

Some people enjoy squeezing pimples. You need to get rid of this habit immediately. Here are some ways to get rid of a negative habit:

  • Method No. 1. After you have squeezed the pimples on your face well, take a photo of your red, wounded face and hang the photo near the mirror, looking into which you are squeezing them. The next time you have acne, your photo will discourage you.
  • Method No. 2. read or watch programs on the consequences of squeezing pimples. But you can not only unlearn this, but also get scared and panic. Although it is not necessary that a panic attack will occur to you.
  • Method No. 3. Ask someone who lives with you to keep an eye on you. He should make sure that you do not squeeze pimples and constantly remind you of the harm that this procedure brings.
  • Method No. 4. Try to remove all “extra mirrors”. So that you see your face less often. You should only leave the mirror that is located at the exit from the house. And other mirrors around the house will only provoke you. When leaving home, it is unlikely that anyone will squeeze a pimple, because the face will turn red and it will be even worse than with a pimple.

If you still decide to squeeze out a pimple, the information below will explain in detail how to do it correctly.

What type of pimples can be squeezed?

It is safe to squeeze only “ready” pimples. That is, a pimple that has already developed a white tip. Such a pimple has already matured and, if it is not squeezed out, it will soon burst on its own. Which will also be harmful to the health of the skin, because it will lead to stagnation of pus from the pimple at the site of the wound and can negatively affect the condition of your skin.

Therefore, following all the rules of sterility, it even needs to be removed. Squeezing such a pimple is harmless, because it is already “ready” and can be removed without applying special effort and without damaging the skin. The wound will not be large and it will not lead to the appearance of new acne.

Sometimes you can hear a false opinion that you can squeeze out black dots on the face, which are also a skin disease. You can't squeeze it out! The blackhead may contain under the skin a large number of pus and especially that which has been on the face for a long time. The extrusion process will be difficult, but it will not lead to complete removal, but will only worsen the condition of the skin.

How to properly squeeze out a pimple on your face?

In order to squeeze out a pimple and protect your skin as much as possible, you need to know how to remove it correctly.

For sterile extrusion, you need to have several essential things with you:

  1. alcohol;
  2. peroxide;
  3. gloves;
  4. healing ointment (eg Spasatel or Bepanten) or medicinal plant (eg yarrow or Kalanchoe)
  5. patch;
  6. sponge.

Before starting the procedure, you should remove all dirt from your face. Wash thoroughly with soap, disinfecting your entire face. It is advisable to do this warm water. Then wipe your face dry with a clean towel.

When your face is ready, you can proceed:

  • Lubricate the area where the pimple is located with alcohol.
  • We put on gloves and start removing.
  • It will be convenient to take two pimples thumbs on both sides, and gradually increase pressure on him. After it bursts, squeeze out all the remaining pus. Remove everything that came out of it with an alcohol sponge.
  • You begin to squeeze out the remains from the pimple again, because the pus is located even in the deeper layers of the skin. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Having pressed the pus to the end, you remove all the blood that has come out (it is also infected). Wipe the skin with alcohol.
  • You can apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide to the pimple to disinfect it and stop the bleeding.
  • After this, apply cream or apply the medicinal plant and stick on the patch.

After this, you need to periodically change the patch and clean the area where the pimple was. Monitor the healing of the wound that will remain after it. If the acne wound does not heal for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Video about proper squeezing of a pimple

Video of how doctors squeeze out a pimple using a specially designed loop:

The same method can be used at home, for small and “ready” pimples. Here is a photo instruction (clickable):

Alternative method

There is a mask that cleanses the face of blackheads and pimples. She manages to perfectly cleanse the skin in places where there is a cluster of acne.

It works as follows:

  1. Apply the cream to your face, which after a while dries out and turns into a film.
  2. Then, with gentle movements, remove it from your face, and the pus will be removed along with it.

In the video below you can clearly evaluate the principle of operation of the mask and understand how much it helps cleanse your face.

The mask cleanses pores and removes blackheads on the nose. The method can be considered an alternative, but using it you must also follow the rules of sterility. The mask will not help against all types of acne, because... The adhesion force to the face is not enough to remove pus from the deeper layers of the skin. But it will cleanse your face of blackheads, and also remove dirt from the pores that lead to the appearance of new acne.

How to squeeze out a subcutaneous pimple and will this be the right decision?

A subcutaneous pimple is often called a blackhead. Removing it, especially in the immature period, is very difficult and painful. Doing this yourself is strongly not recommended by dermatologists. It is worth squeezing it out only if it is already ripe and a white top has appeared on top of it. That is, the pus has risen from under the skin to its top layer and removal will be quick and not so painful.

You can remove it by following a few simple steps:

  • Before starting the procedure, the skin of the face must be washed with warm water.
  • Wear gloves on your hands to prevent infection.
  • Gently and without much effort, squeeze out the pimple completely, with all the blood coming out of it.
  • After this, you can additionally treat the area with peroxide and seal it with a band-aid. Under the patch, you can put a leaf of some medicinal healing plant (for example, yarrow or Kalanchoe) or lubricate it with a healing cream.

What to do if a subcutaneous pimple does not choke?

The correct solution in a situation where a subcutaneous pimple does not choke is not to touch it. If it does not come out, it means that it is not yet mature enough. You need to wait until it is finally ripe and squeeze it out. Or completely prevent its maturation with special healing creams.

Complete healing of the pimple will be a more favorable outcome. After all, squeezing out will be dangerous in any case. When the pimple is very large and painful, you should consult a dermatologist. He will either recommend a remedy for its healing, or squeeze it out himself, following all the rules of sterility.

I squeezed my pimples, what should I do?

If it so happens that you have removed a couple of harmless pimples, and your skin on your face is swollen and red, you should follow a few simple steps:

  • First, be sure to disinfect all wounds, for example, treat them with peroxide or an alcohol solution.
  • When your face has absorbed the disinfectant, wash your face with hot water and then immediately with cold water to tone your complexion.
  • Dry your face with a clean towel and repeat the procedure several times.

Thus, the complexion will become more uniform and the places where pimples have been squeezed out will be less noticeable. Acne wounds will also dry out a little and heal.

Eliminating the effects of acne

When the wounds after squeezing out pimples are eliminated immediately after they appear, it brings less worries. The same cannot be said about scars that will remain on your face for life. If a deep wound appears after a removed pimple, there is no need to panic, even it can be eliminated:

  • Small scars can be eliminated using chemical peeling, as well as special absorbable masks. They can only help if they start eliminating scars at the beginning of their appearance. It is important not to reach a point of stagnation, in which ordinary creams and masks will no longer be able to help.
  • Red residual spots can be eliminated if the wound is treated with a healing cream soon after removing the pimple, so as not to lead to the appearance of new pimples.
  • Neglected scars can be removed only by attending laser facial resurfacing sessions. This service is not cheap and takes a lot of time. This is not to say that the procedure is painless, because removing a scar from the skin is not an easy task. Laser resurfacing significantly improves appearance skin, but does not completely remove the consequences of acne (for this, the following method is used).
  • Deep scars that have affected several layers of skin cannot be completely eliminated with cosmetic procedures. Even laser resurfacing will not lead to complete restoration of the skin. The only solution can be plastic surgery.

To summarize, we can definitely say that acne is a disease that needs to be treated. The more there are, the more difficult it will be to cure them. Therefore, before squeezing a pimple on your face, you should think 10 times about the consequences that blood contamination that you may cause can lead to.

Why can't you squeeze pimples? What unpleasant consequences await a person who tries to remove acne from the skin in this way? Answers to these questions will be given now.

We have heard many times that it is impossible to squeeze pimples, especially on the face and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Why is this so, because by squeezing a pimple correctly, you can get rid of inflammation faster? This is a wrong opinion, and today we will tell you why, and also explain the reason why squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited by experts.

Video: Expansion tank cap

Why shouldn't you squeeze pimples?

In fact, there are many reasons for this, and it is recommended that you take them seriously.

Video: Sergey Danilov

  • Squeezing out acne opens up infection to a weakened and inflamed area. An open wound after squeezing remains unhealed for some time, and germs from the air, from dirty hands, dust and sweat freely penetrate into it, and this causes additional inflammation. But it’s good if it’s just an inflammatory process, but you can often get blood poisoning, which is already very dangerous for life in general.
  • Furunculosis is also possible, which quickly spreads throughout the body, and suppuration covers large areas, bringing not only external discomfort, but also danger to the entire body. An infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (which is most common) affects the hair follicles, and the body is covered with many purulent pimples.
  • When squeezing a pimple, you cause subtle mechanical damage to the skin, but it is quite enough for an infection from the outside to penetrate into the body through scratches and tears in the skin. Then everything is clear - new pimples due to inflammation of the skin, and then new squeezing and again a new infection and pimples.
  • If you squeeze a pimple, most often, you injure not only the skin around the inflammation, but also the sebaceous glands, which burst from pressure inside the skin, and their contents spread under the skin, forming new inflammations, sometimes even painful subcutaneous pimples.
  • When squeezing out purulent or oily pimples, remember that for infection through microtraumas of the skin from nails or tweezers, one’s own secretion is sufficient, and not just an external infection. After all, every pimple is an inflammation of the skin, often even an abscess, and so, by squeezing a pimple and injuring the skin, you have millions of chances of infecting healthy skin with your own pus through microscopic lacerations. You already know very well what happens next.
  • In addition, every squeezed pimple, even if very successfully, is a huge chance of getting an ugly scar. Just imagine that you squeeze pimples and infect the skin, and one of the pimples spreads into a huge boil, which now needs to not only be treated, but also cleaned surgical method. This will definitely leave an ugly scar.

Be very careful, because squeezing pimples, a seemingly harmless activity, certain conditions can become extremely dangerous.

Why you shouldn't squeeze pimples

Video: Initial letter, Slavic World

Why can’t you squeeze pimples in the nasolabial triangle?

This question interests a lot of people, since it is on this area of ​​the face that experts always focus their attention. There is an answer, and it lies in the peculiarities of the blood supply to this area. Great amount blood vessels and their special location indicate that it is extremely undesirable to touch any inflammation in the nasolabial triangle yourself. By unsuccessfully squeezing a pimple, say, on the upper lip, you can cause the infected purulent contents of the pimple to enter the bloodstream and go to the brain. To be honest, I don’t even want to talk about the consequences, but the worst of them is death, and there are many examples of this.

What to do if acne overcomes?

Now that you understand why you shouldn't squeeze pimples., acne on the face and especially in the nasolabial triangle, we want to tell you what to do if acne ruins your life.

Firstly, you can always try light lotions, natural masks, safe folk remedies on medicinal plants.

Secondly, contact cosmetics– creams, gels, scrubs and eliminate acne forever.

Video: Why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples on your face: a life story

But the best solution is to find out the cause of acne., and only then the correct treatment prescribed by a specialist. Most often, this is a whole set of procedures that not only cleanses the skin and removes signs of acne on the face or other part of the body, but also helps cure the cause, which can be anything.

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