Types of international English language exams: which one to choose? What does the PET exam do? Types of international exams in English.

They are located in English-speaking countries - the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia. In other countries, almost all master's programs are dubbed into English. Official confirmation of good knowledge of the English language greatly facilitates employment and expands career prospects.

However, there is no single center for assessing English language proficiency in the world: both the USA and Great Britain claim these laurels. Therefore, there are quite a large number of different systems for assessing knowledge of the English language. Before you decide to take an international English exam, you need to choose exactly the exam that is right for you.

Main international exams and certificates in English

: English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​Trinity College London. This is a British English language exam. This system of certification of English language proficiency for non-Anglophones was organized and developed by Trinity College, part of the University of Cambridge. This exam has been conducted since 1938. There are several types of Trinity exams:

  • Trinity Stars Young Performers in English Award - exam for children who have just started learning English.
  • GESE(Graded Examinations in Spoken English) is the world's only oral exam, the results of which are accepted by many British universities as evidence of English proficiency for applicants and employers in the UK.
  • I.S.E.(Integrated Skills in English) - an analogue of GESE, which also includes a written exam.
  • SEW(Spoken English for Work) - an oral exam confirming the skills necessary to work in England.

: also an exam for knowledge of British English, it is conducted by the University of Cambridge, or rather its authorized division UCLES - University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. The UCLES exam center itself was founded in 1858, and the first exam was held in 1913! This is the oldest exam, although its form, methods of administration and assessment have been improved several times since then.

  • YLE(Young Learners) - an exam for kids who have just started learning English
  • KET for Schools, PET for Schools, FCE for Schools- exam for schoolchildren
  • KET(Key English Test), PET(Preliminary English Test), FCE(First Certificate in English), CAE(Certificate in Advanced English), CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) - exams in general English
  • B.E.C.(Business English Certificates) and BULATS(Business Language Testing Service) - business English exams
  • ILEC(International Legal English Certificate), ICFE(International Certificate in Financial English), TKT(Teaching Knowledge Test) - professional exams.
  • CELS(Cambridge Certificates in English Language Skills) - an exam on the minimum language knowledge required to live in England, accepted only in the UK.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) - international English language testing system. The exam organizers are IELTS - Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia. This exam is designed to unify the requirements of English-speaking educational institutions for the level of English proficiency of applicants whose native language is not English. For study and immigration, IELTS is the most popular English language test in the world. There are two versions of the test:

  • Academic IELTS(academic version)
  • General Training IELTS(general version)

PTE (Pearson Test of English) international English language exams developed by the leading UK examination board Edexсel. Pearson Test of English General certificates are widely recognized by employers and higher education institutions around the world. The test result is valid for life and does not require confirmation. Exams have been held since 1982. There are several types of exams:

  • PTE Young Learners: test for schoolchildren.
  • PTE Academic: English proficiency test for studying in universities.
  • PTE General (London Tests of English): An assessment of language skills for those intending to work in an English-speaking environment.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) developed in 1979 by the American testing service ETS jointly with the Ministry of Trade, Economy and Industry of Japan. Since then it has gained great popularity all over the world. Every year, more than 4.5 million people take the TOEIC exam. Not surprisingly, this is a universal exam aimed at assessing the skills of using English in a business communication situation. If TOEFL is aimed at academic goals, then TOEIC is aimed at professional ones.

  • TOEIC Listening and Reading
  • TOEIC Speaking and Writing
  • TOEIC Bridge

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language ) - a test of knowledge of English as a foreign language in its North American version. TOEFL is required for admission to colleges and universities in the USA and Canada. It is recognized at the state level in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, South Korea, Japan, and TOEFL results are accepted by most universities in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. TOEFL is also used as proof of English language proficiency by transnational companies and international organizations. You will also have to submit it if you request a work visa to Canada or the USA.

  • TOEFL Junior tests- test for schoolchildren
  • TOEFL iBT- a test for those who intend to immigrate, study or work in the USA or Canada.

TELC (The European Language Certificates) is a non-profit organization that is part of the Association of Language Testers of Europe (ALTE). TELC certificates are recognized in all countries of the European Union. TELC can be taken not only in English, but also in German, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages. The TEDS exam allows you to classify your knowledge of a foreign language according to the Council of Europe scale - from A1 to professional level C2. TELC is a leading organization, recognized throughout Europe, that develops language certificates and testing systems.

  • TELC School: test for schoolchildren.
  • TELC University: test for studying in universities.
  • TELC English: English test for work
  • TELC Business: test for English skills to work in multinational companies and international organizations.

American, British and international exams and certificates

Conventionally, international exams and certificates in English can be divided into American and British. In European countries, both are recognized. But England, along with Ireland and the USA, prefer their certificates. However, there are also international exams in the broadest sense of the word - for example, IELTS.

Attention! Not every British university will willingly accept the American TOEFL certificate as proof of knowledge of the English language, just as American universities do not have much confidence in British ESOL.

American exams and certificates

Knowledge of American English is tested by the US educational testing service - ETS (Educational Testing service) is a world leader in educational testing. International certificates in English in its American version, only this organization can issue it, and the exams that are necessary to obtain such certificates are conducted only by language schools certified by this center.

Academic exams

In addition to language proficiency tests, ETS has developed and, which are required for admission to US colleges and universities. The results of these exams are recognized throughout the world and are accepted as official confirmation of the appropriate level of education.

  • SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test) one of two tests required for admission to American colleges and universities
  • ACT(American College Testing) the second of two tests required for admission to American colleges and universities
  • PSAT(Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test - PSAT/NMSQT)
  • GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)
  • GRE(Graduate Record Examination)
  • (Advanced Placement Program)
  • SSAT test for admission to secondary schools
  • HiSET Exam
  • ETS Personal Potential Index

In addition to the ETS academic exams, there are other exams that help evaluate students' abilities. Passing such exams will be useful for enrollment in summer academic programs for schoolchildren.

British exams and certificates

International exams and certificates in English in its British version are developed by UCLES (University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate). There are 2 series of exams to test knowledge of English as a foreign language - English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(ESOL).

Academic exams

In addition to language tests, UCLES has also developed series of academic examinations, which are required for admission to colleges and universities in the UK and Ireland. The results of these exams are recognized throughout the world and are accepted as official confirmation of the appropriate level of education.

  • Cambridge Primary
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
  • Cambridge Secondary 1
  • Eleven-plus
  • Cambridge IGCSE
  • Cambridge O Level
  • Cambridge International AS and A Levels
  • Cambridge Pre-U
  • BMAT (Biomedical Admission Test), ELAT (English Literature Admission Test), Oxford TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment), HAT (History Aptitude Tests), PAT (Physics Aptitude Test), MAT (Mathematics Aptitude Test), OLAT (Oriental Languages ​​Aptitude Test ), CAT (Classics Aptitude Test), MLAT (Modern Languages ​​Test)

Since not all British universities and organizations are willing to accept American English language certificates and vice versa, there are also international English language proficiency exams.

When enrolling foreigners in academic programs, admissions committees require official confirmation of:
- required level of education of the applicant
- knowledge of the language of instruction necessary for successful study.

Each country, due to political and economic preferences, sets its own requirements for the admission of foreigners to its universities. However, along with state requirements, there are also the requirements of universities themselves. One university can accept both PET and Cambridge ESOL certificates on equal terms with TOEFL, while another university can accept TOEFL exclusively.

In the USA, at the state level, TOEFL is required for everyone who is not an Anglophone and one of the two official SAT ACT exams is required, confirming the level of mastery of school material according to the standards of the American education system.. In England you will have to take IELTS. Moreover, even the requirements for the minimum required level of the same TOEFL at one university can be at the level of 60 points, and at another at least 80. The general rule is: the higher the university’s position in the ranking, the more demanding the admissions committee is.

Attention! Not every university in the USA accepts British exams or even international ones. Some universities require TOEFL exclusively.


Employers are not so picky about exactly how a candidate for a job will confirm his level of language proficiency. However, you must keep in mind that to obtain a work visa to the USA you must take the TOEFL, and for a work visa to New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Malta, and the UK - IELTS.

International English language exams Every year they become more and more popular. This is due to the fact that the number of people wishing to receive education or work abroad, and without the appropriate certificate this is not always possible. The problem is that there are a lot of international exams. The most common of them are TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE, but this is not a complete list. In order to choose the right exam, you need to answer several questions:

Why do you need to take international English language exams?

Without deciding on the purpose of obtaining a certificate, you will not be able to choose the appropriate exam. So, what are they usually rented for? international exams? As usual - to study or work abroad, to immigrate, or to get a job in one’s homeland (often in an international or foreign company). If you need a certificate to work in your home country, then any exam that will reflect your level of language proficiency will do. Here it is enough to ask the employer what kind of certificate he wants to see. If you need a certificate to study or work abroad, then you need to know the answer to the second question:

Which country accepts which certificates?

Unfortunately, not all certificates are accepted in all countries. Let's start with the UK. Here the most common exams that are recognized in all educational institutions are Cambridge exams. Let's take a closer look at them.

Types of Cambridge English exams

Cambridge ESOL exams(English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a group of English language examinations conducted by a division of the Examination Council of the University of Cambridge. The corresponding certificate is issued only in case of successful completion: it is necessary to score at least 60% of correct answers to get a C (passing grade), at least 75% - B and more than 80% - A. The validity of the certificates is unlimited. There are 5 types of Cambridge British English exams:

KET(Key English Test) confirms knowledge of the English language at a basic level (Pre-Intermediate, corresponds to level A2 of the Council of Europe scale);

PET(Preliminary English Test) confirms knowledge of the English language at an intermediate level (Intermediate, level B1 of the Council of Europe scale);

FCE(First Certificate in English) is recommended for those who speak written and spoken English at the Upper Intermediate level (B2 on the Council of Europe scale);

CAE(Certificate in Advanced English) - advanced level certificate, corresponds to level C1 of the Council of Europe scale;

CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) - certificate of perfect language proficiency.

All exams consist of five parts: Reading, Writing, Use of English (grammar and vocabulary), Listening and Speaking.

International IELTS exam

Exam IELTS(International English Language Testing System) also tests knowledge of British English and is suitable if you want to work or get an education in the UK, however, its scope is wider. This certificate is also required if you want immigrate to Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, or enter a foreign university.

The IELTS testing methodology is different from the Cambridge exams. IELTS results are assessed on a 9-point scale covering possible levels of English proficiency. This exam exists in two versions: Academic Module (for admission to foreign universities) and General Module (for immigration). For example, to immigrate to New Zealand, you need to score at least 5.0 points, to Canada it is enough to get 6.5 points in all sections except Listening, which requires 7.5 points, to the UK - 7.0 points.

Exams for work in Canada and the USA

Although we said that the IELTS certificate is suitable for education and work in the USA and Canada, it is not recognized everywhere there. Americans have their own system of language tests: TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language), which is the most common test of English language proficiency. Taking the TOEFL is a prerequisite for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada and several other countries, as well as for participation in many foreign internship programs at institutions where instruction is in English. However, the TOEFL certificate has one drawback - it is only valid for two years.

What other international English language exams are there?

In addition to general language proficiency exams, there are various specialized exams. For example, knowledge of business English can be confirmed by passing the BEC (Business English Certificates) or BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) exam, knowledge of legal English - ILEC (International Legal English Certificate), English in the field of finance and accounting - ICFE (International Certificate in Financial English). Common and international exams for teachers, for example, TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) - a test of knowledge of methods of teaching English, and TEFL (Teaching English As a Foreign Language).

How to prepare for passing international exams?

In order to hand over international exams in English- You don’t have to go abroad. There are certified centers in many countries, including Ukraine. You can also prepare for passing such exams without traveling abroad: many English courses provide such services. Of course, if desired, such training can also be completed in foreign language schools. Addrian Company offers a wide selection where everyone can take a preparation course for passing international exams in the best language schools in Europe and North America.

We wish everyone success in passing their international exams!

Hello my dear.

One day I came across a very interesting phrase: “I know English, and I can confirm it.” And then I thought: which of us is even confident in our level of language proficiency? People often think the worst about themselves. They are not confident: in themselves, in others, in their knowledge. And the answer to my question came quickly: international examination centers will confirm your knowledge!

I'm sure I'm not the only one asking this question. Therefore, international exams for knowledge of the English language are becoming more and more popular every year.

It would seem, choose one and go take it! But it's not that simple. That's why I want to sort it out in your head:

What exams are there in principle, what exam confirms each level, what they consist of, how to prepare for them, and how to pass them.

What types of exams are there?

In general, international tests are divided into American and British, for general language proficiency, for teachers or business. Examples of the most popular general exams are: , And . Let's go through them level by level:

KET (Key English Test)

This exam is mainly for children and schoolchildren. Or those who recently started learning a foreign language. It confirms that you know English at a basic level (Elementary).

What will you learn in preparation?

  • Talk about yourself in general and give some details;
  • Answer standard questions;
  • Understand clear and slow foreign speech;
  • Write short and simple texts.

What does the KET exam consist of?

It consists of 3 parts: reading and writing, listening and speaking.

Reading and writing
Here you are required to have a general understanding of short texts. This part consists of 8 tasks where you need, for example, to correlate sentences with each other, choose suitable word or phrase, read the text and find the appropriate answer, write a short text.

Listening comprehension is assessed. For example, you hear 5 short stories, for each of which you need to select a picture. Or choose the correct answer to a question based on the text you hear.

The test takes place in pairs. First you need to answer questions about yourself, and then ask questions to your interlocutor and participate in a discussion with him.

Generally KET is just the first in a series of tests you may still have to endure. Preparation for it takes about 3 months. But this is provided that you already have basic knowledge. I mean, you can definitely say your name in English. But if you want to prepare from scratch, then for a good result you need at least six months, or even a year of good preparation.

But everything is in our hands, right?

PET (Preliminary English Test)

This exam confirms the average level of language knowledge (Intermediate). After it, you can talk on general topics, conduct correspondence, and understand simple information by ear. This level will be enough for you to feel comfortable when traveling and talking with foreigners on general topics.

What does the PET exam do?

  • You can work abroad in simple positions (administrator, secretary, tourism, trade, etc.)
  • Understanding what your strengths and weaknesses are in language learning;
  • The ability to easily prepare for the next level.

What does the exam consist of?

Here, as in the test of the previous level, there are 3 parts: reading and writing, listening and speaking. But, naturally, they are a little more complicated.

Reading and writing
The ability to understand simple texts in newspapers, magazines, brochures, etc., as well as the ability to write short texts with vocabulary appropriate to the level, are assessed.

The ability to perceive general information from an interview or dialogue is assessed. Typically, simple topics are used here, without the need for any special knowledge.

Here you still have to answer questions about yourself, and build a conversation with another participant. Your ability to speak and communicate with your interlocutor, build a dialogue, and interact are equally assessed.

Passing this exam requires a lot of preparation, so don't think that it can be done in the last month. It is best to spend at least six months on this.

FCE (First Certificate in English)

It checks whether your knowledge of English is at an Upper-Intermediate level.

Why take the FCE?

  • If you want to take preparatory courses at a foreign university for further admission there;
  • If you want to get an internship in a large international company;
  • If you want to get higher level certifications like CAE;
  • Prove that you can communicate on any topic;
  • Prove that you can write correctly and structuredly;
  • Prove that you can use English both in school and at work.

This level is recognized by a large number of universities and international companies, in particular Procter&Gamble, Siemens, etc.

What does the FCE exam consist of?

It consists of 4 parts: reading and grammar, listening, speaking and writing.

Reading and Use of English
Your ability to quickly analyze information, find the correct answers, and your knowledge of grammar are tested. I can say right away: here the option of reading, as everyone does at school - they saw the words in the question and look for the same sentence in the text - will not work.

Probably the easiest part of the exam. Although, who cares. Here, naturally, the ability to perceive information by ear is analyzed. A very good lexical base is needed here, because the answers are always given in different words than in the task.

For most Russian speakers, this is the most difficult part. This is not surprising, because we are not taught to speak at all. This part is divided into sections and takes only... 14 minutes! Moreover, everything here is very limited by “rules”: speak for at least one minute in the second part, build a dialogue with a partner in the third, etc. Therefore, you need to prepare as diligently as possible.

Letter (Writing)
Oh, and this is the least favorite part of our compatriots. And all because we don’t know how to write according to English rules. And here we are also limited by the number of words - and we are accustomed to “rolling” essays from school, so we “merge” on this part!

Preparation takes at least six months of daily training. From my experience, I can say that it is most effective to prepare with a teacher 3 times a week for 1.5 hours for 9 months. In this case, there is time to familiarize yourself with the tasks and tactics for solving them quickly, as well as devote several months to intensive practice.

CAE ( Certificate in advanced English)

CAE is an international certificate for advanced users of English (Advanced). This level requires a high level of vocabulary, understanding speech aurally and in writing, and the ability to correctly formulate your thoughts in English.

Why take CAE?

  • If you want to work abroad;
  • If you want to get professional education abroad;
  • If you have already passed FCE and want to take your language to an even higher level;
  • For free professional communication.

What does the CAE exam consist of?

Here, regarding the structure, nothing changes much from FCE. All the same reading and grammar, listening, speaking and writing. Only our level has become higher, and the tasks have become harder. For example, in the “reading and grammar” part, a new type of text appears, where you need not just read the text “diagonally”, but read it thoroughly and carefully analyze it. In the “speaking” part, instead of one question, you now need to answer two, and in the “listening” part, there will now also be twice as many questions that will have to be answered as quickly as possible. But in the “letter” they were now allowed to write more words, but the requirements have now also become stricter.

Therefore, you will have to prepare no less intensively than for FCE. In terms of time, preparation for CAE takes the same amount - approximately 9 months.


This is, so to speak, a general system for assessing the level of a foreign language. Most universities, companies and immigration authorities require this test. If you want to move to any country or go to university, find out what certificate is required for this.

Its main difference from all previous ones is the period of action. If all previous international tests are not limited in validity, then IELTS valid for only 2 years.

The exam consists of 4 parts: listening, reading, writing, speaking. Please note that grammar is not checked!

Here you receive a sheet with 40 questions that you must answer along the audio recording. The main difference is that you will hear the text only 1 time, unlike all previous exams.

Everything here is also very limited in time: 60 minutes for 3 texts and - attention - filling out your answers!

There will be 2 tasks in total. The first is either a schedule description or an official letter. And the second text is an essay. 60 minutes are given for everything.

You answer general questions from the examiner, then receive a card and make a monologue for 1-2 minutes on the topic, after which you communicate again with the examiner on this topic.

You will have to prepare for this exam long and hard, because in order to get a high score in such a short time you need to be absolutely confident in your knowledge and not doubt the answer for a second! So expect to spend at least a year preparing!


This is the American equivalent of IELTS. It is mainly used for admission to American and Canadian universities. It is valid for only 2 years and is as close as possible to IELTS, but still it has some differences and is not its complete analogue (as many people think).

Well, my dears, this is what I can briefly say about international exams in English. I hope that it will become a little easier for you to choose what exactly to take. By the way, you can learn more about each of the exams from separate articles - follow the appropriate links and get acquainted with the material.

And to find out how best to prepare for each of them, subscribe to my blog newsletter and stay up to date.

Testing system The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) was created to set a standard for determining the level of English language proficiency of those intending to study or work in English-speaking countries.
This system replaced the English Language Testing System (ELTS) in 1990. In 1995, the IELTS tests were revised and updated.

IELTS is administered by the University of Cambridge in England - Cambridge ESOL, the British Council and IELTS Australia: IDP Education Australia.

Taking IELTS required for admission to many British, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian universities, as well as for participation in many secondary and professional educational programs and trainings.
IELTS is not recommended for those under 16 years of age.

What is included in IELTS?

All candidates for this exam must pass the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking tests. Listening and Speaking tasks are the same for everyone. Reading and Writing tasks can be selected depending on the goals you set for yourself when taking IELTS. You can choose the Academic option - if you intend to study at an English-speaking university or graduate school, or General Training - if you are going to go to an English-speaking country to complete secondary education, work or take any courses, and also if you are planning to immigrate.

Reading– 60 minutes
As already mentioned, when taking the Reading test, you need to choose tasks from the academic (Academic) or general (General Training) direction. The academic version of the test includes texts that may be interesting and acceptable for those who are planning to study at English-language universities or graduate school. The texts of the General Training Reading option are texts of a more general topic; they cover various situations of everyday life and social issues.
Both versions of the test consist of three sections, with a total of 40 tasks. Among them are such as choosing the appropriate answer option, filling in gaps in the text, finding the necessary information for short answers, determining the mood and views of the author.

Writing– 60 minutes
Before you begin completing the tasks of this test, you also need to select one of the options - Academic or General Training Writing. The academic version of the test requires the writing of short essays or general reports addressed to teachers or an educated, but not professionally specialized, audience. General option assignments include writing personal, semi-formal, and formal letters, or an essay on a given topic, as a class assignment.

Both test options include two required tasks. The first task requires writing a text of at least 150 words, the second - 250 words. The first assignment of the academic option will require you to provide a written interpretation of a chart, table, or other similar data. To complete the first task of the general version, you need to write a letter to resolve a specific issue. In the second task, a controversial point of view, someone’s opinion, or a problem is presented, about which you need to express yourself in writing, starting from specific facts, proposing your solution, giving reasons for it and developing your ideas regarding the proposed topic.

Listening– about 30 minutes
Listening is a test of listening comprehension of English speech at a general level. The test includes four parts. The tasks of the first two parts are based on various situations of everyday life, the second two parts are more related to educational tasks. Among the texts offered for listening, there are both monologues and dialogues between two or three people. Audio recordings are only allowed to be listened to once.

The 40 test tasks include selecting the appropriate answer, briefly answering questions, filling in gaps in a text, table or diagram, dividing words or sentences into groups, writing down missing information, etc.

Speaking– 11-14 minutes
The test takes the form of an oral interview between the examiner and the examinee and consists of three parts. Tasks of different parts require different communication options between interlocutors, different formulations of tasks and, accordingly, different ways of completing them.

In the first part, you need to answer general questions about yourself, your family, study/work, hobbies, etc. This will take 4-5 minutes.

In the second part, the candidate for the exam is offered verbal material (photography, picture, graph, etc.) and given the task to speak on a certain topic. One minute is allotted for preparation, 2-3 minutes for speech. The examiner then asks one or two questions about this topic.

In the third part, the examiner and the examinee engage in a discussion about more abstract topics that are related to the issues covered in the second part of the test. The discussion lasts 4-5 minutes.

Before taking the IELTS exam

Most people who want to take IELTS take special preparation courses, which can last from 8 to 24 weeks. Taking such courses is not necessary, but it can help you understand the specifics of passing the exam and prepare for tasks that at first glance may seem difficult, but are not difficult for a person familiar with this form of work.

If you would like to try the exam, and if you are currently studying English, talk to your teacher about IELTS preparation. If you are not currently studying English, you can get advice from your local authorized Cambridge ESOL exam centre.

Study guides and practice materials for IELTS preparation are available from publishers, a list of which can be found from UCLES or from the UCLES website www.cambridgeesol.org/support/publishers_list/index.cfm.

Here are some of them:
Bloomsbury Reference (including Peter Collin Publishing) – www.bloomsbury.com/easierenglish
Cambridge University Press – publishing.cambridge.org/ge/elt/exams/ielts/
Express Publishing – www.expresspublishing.co.uk/showclass.php3
Longman – www.longman.com/exams/IELTS/index.html
Oxford University Press – www.oup.com/elt/global/catalogue/exams/

In order to prepare in the best possible way, you need to use a variety of materials. Thus, some teaching aids will have to be supplemented by others. Care must be taken in selecting study guides and support materials to ensure they meet the requirements and content of the IELTS exam.

UCLES does not undertake to provide advice on the choice of a particular textbook or training course.

Examples of IELTS tests

Options for exams that have already been administered can be used in the preparation process. These are available from your local UCLES office.

Written answers from the exam can also be taken from the UCLES office or on the website of this organization. However, we do not recommend focusing primarily on practicing similar tests during your preparation, as this alone will not improve your English proficiency.

You can see examples of IELTS tests on the official website.

Assessment of tests and issuance of results

IELTS has a scoring system that determines the level of language proficiency demonstrated during testing. It is impossible to “fail” this exam; When taking a test, you need to set the goal not to “pass” the exam, but to show the highest possible level of language knowledge.

The ranges of scores for each of the four sections, as well as the overall percentage of scores, are systematized into nine groups, the so-called “Bands”. They are marked on the assessment sheet - “Test Report Form”. The assessment is accompanied by a brief description of the level of language proficiency.

The level demonstrated during testing and reflected on the evaluation sheet is considered to be valid for two years. It is assumed that over a longer period of time the level of foreign language proficiency may change noticeably.

Results are reported within two weeks of testing.

Characteristics of different levels of language proficiency according to the IELTS system

9 EXPERT USER Speaks the language perfectly, competently, consciously and easily uses the necessary language structures in appropriate situations.
8 VERY GOOD USER He speaks the language perfectly, making only some inaccuracies and mistakes from time to time. Misunderstandings can only arise in unfamiliar situations. In a discussion he can convincingly and weightily argue his point of view using complex language structures.
7 GOOD USER He speaks the language well, although from time to time he makes mistakes and in some situations shows misunderstandings. In general, can handle complex language structures and understand extended reasoning.
6 COMPETENT USER Basically, he speaks the language well, despite some errors, inaccuracies and misunderstandings. Understands and uses fairly complex language structures, especially in familiar situations.
5 MODEST USER He speaks a little language, grasps the basic necessary information in most situations, although he makes many mistakes. Can use knowledge of English to a limited extent in their field of work.
4 LIMITED USER Language use is limited to familiar situations. Often has difficulty understanding and expressing his own thoughts. Unable to use complex language structures.
3 EXTREMELY LIMITED USER Captures only the most general information and expresses his thoughts only in the most general terms and only in familiar situations. Often appears unable to communicate in English.
2 INTERMITTENT USER Uses only single words or short phrases in familiar situations. Normal communication is impossible except for the exchange of the simplest and most basic information. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
1 NON USER Cannot use language except perhaps a few isolated words.
0 DID NOT ATTEMPT THE TEST There is no data to evaluate the candidate's knowledge.

Where to take IELTS

International exams for knowledge of the English language are conducted by specialized language centers in many countries, including Russia. The most popular exams in this category are described below.

Why is this necessary?

International English language tests are conducted for the following categories of persons:

  • applicants planning to study abroad;
  • labor migrants (for official employment);
  • employees of foreign companies whose branches operate in Russia;
  • immigrants traveling for permanent residence to English-speaking countries.

The need to introduce certain generally accepted testing systems for English proficiency was caused by the following reasons:

  1. In various organizations, companies, and educational institutions, when recruiting foreigners, they were forced to conduct their own internal language exams, which took a lot of time, effort and money.
  2. There were no uniform standards of language knowledge. This again led to problems when working with personnel, selecting applicants, when foreigners applied to government agencies, embassies, etc.

The first standards for the English language were developed back in the 1970s. They were constantly improved, and specialized assessment systems were created. In 1989, the European language organization ALTE was created, which began developing examination standards and determining levels of language skills. The University of Cambridge, national linguistic organizations, and the British Council joined the process. By 2001, the European Union had developed and began to use a unified system for assessing the level of language proficiency - CEFR.

By the end of the 2000s. A certain number of generally accepted international examination programs in English have been formed. It was necessary to create a fairly large number of them in connection with different target groups of foreigners. For students, businessmen, company employees, teachers, scientists, migrants, standards and language levels, types of assessment will be different. Although there are tests for the general level of language knowledge for all categories.

Today, a person can get an objective assessment of his level of knowledge of English. For example, an applicant knows the requirements imposed on applicants by one or another foreign university: say, TOEFL 120 points or CAE 180 points. And then, no matter where he is - from Russia, or, say, Indonesia - he can take the unified international exam in English in any country and receive the corresponding uniform certificate. He presents this document upon admission to the university, without undergoing any additional language testing.

What types of exams are there?

Today there are the following types of English language exams:

  1. Tests for general knowledge of English: IELTS, TOEFL, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE;
  2. English for specialists: BEC, ILEC, ICFE, GMAT, GRE, BULATS, LCCIEB;
  3. Tests for children and adolescents: YLE, KET, PET, FCE;
  4. English for teachers: TKT, CELTA, DELTA.

These types of tests have their own characteristics, requirements, certain types of tasks, different forms of testing, assessment levels, and costs.

The most relevant certificates for Russians are those required for admission to foreign universities or obtaining prestigious vacancies in international organizations and companies. These are IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE, CPE.

General English

The IELTS English language test is designed for those who want to study in the UK and Commonwealth countries (Academic module), and for those who plan to work in these countries (Main module). The test evaluates oral and written speech, language skills in listening and reading. Scores from 1 to 9 are used for evaluation; The certificate is valid for 2 years. In Moscow, the exam can be taken at the International Examination Center IELTS Students International, which is located at: st. Shchipok, 20, office 203. This is the only organization in Russia that specializes only in IELTS and implements high-quality preparatory programs for this test. The cost of IELTS is 16,000 rubles.

TOEFL is an English language test recognized in North America. The TOEFL certificate is required for international students in the US and Canada. This exam does not measure proficiency in spoken English, but only measures the foreigner's understanding of the academic language of instruction used in North American educational institutions. When preparing, you need to take into account one nuance: TOEFL tests are based on the American dialect of English. Testing takes place on the official website toefl.org and is checked automatically. Typos and other random errors still count as grammatical errors. Time to complete the test is 4 hours. For example, you can take the TOEFL in Moscow at the American Center for Education and Testing (Leninsky Prospekt, 2) - the company has been preparing applicants and conducting certification exams in Russia for many years. The official cost of taking the exam is $250.

ESOL is an exam in practical English. Its developer is the PITMAN Institute, which emphasized the ability to understand the essence of information, briefly convey what was heard (abstract), take notes, understand subtext, emphasis, hidden meaning. The organization where you can take this exam is the Moscow Educational Center Meganom (Naprudny Lane, 8, 1st entrance, 3rd floor).

Cambridge exams

The University of Cambridge has created and is now effectively implementing its system of English language exams for non-native speakers. Exams for a certificate in English of one type or another are taken only once, such a certificate is valid for life.

KET and PET tests to confirm the basic (KET) or intermediate (PET) level of oral communication or written language for everyday use. First of all, these tests are used as international English language exams for children and adolescents. In Moscow, there are test centers “BKC-International House”, which are official branches of the worldwide network of language centers IHWO, founded back in 1953. Moreover, they themselves prepare English texts for the exam. There are more than 30 BKC-IH schools in Moscow. The cost of passing the test is about 6,000 rubles.

FCE is the most popular of Cambridge's exam programs. The certificate holder is considered to speak the language at the Independent level according to the European Union classification. The FCE certificate is generally accepted in the business environment, industrial production, and educational institutions. The exam tests skills in the following areas: reading, composition, everyday conversation, auditory perception, conversation. The assessment is point-based, up to 40 points for each module. You can take the FCE at the Language Link Examination Center in Moscow (Novoslobodskaya str., building 3, 5th floor). The company has been an international linguistic center since 1998, and in 2011 received a Platinum Partner certificate from the University of Cambridge. The cost of FCE is about 9,500 rubles.

CAE is an exam that assesses the level of general English. The CAE certificate confirms that its owner fluently uses the language not only in everyday life, but also when receiving special, higher education and in work. The highest Cambridge degree is CPE. The holder of this certificate is considered to have achieved the level of an educated native speaker of English. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow (Ladozhskaya St., 9/8) has been an examination center since 1997, where you can take tests for CAE and CPE certificates. By the way, in the English department of this institute, Cambridge exams are mandatory. Estimated cost of CAE and CPE: from 10,000 rubles. up to 12,000 rub.

There are also English proficiency tests developed by Cambridge linguists for specialists in certain industries.

The BEC certificate confirms the skills of using language in management activities and entrepreneurship. At the same time, such types of language activities as reading, writing, listening and speaking are tested. There are 3 levels of BEC: beginner, advanced and higher. A person with a BEC certificate can safely participate in business negotiations, correspondence, speak at seminars, conferences, understand special articles, reports, instructions, etc.

ILEC is an exam for specialists working in the field of legal relations. Also, law students can take the test. Knowledge of legal terminology and English-language legal practice is important here. Another test from Cambridge - for specialists working in the field of economics, accounting, finance - ICFE.

BEC, ILEC, ICFE can be taken at authorized Cambridge examination centers in Moscow: the already mentioned BKC-IH, Institute of Foreign Languages.

BULATS is a test developed by Cambridge linguists for testing company employees and applicants for available vacancies. The test is designed to obtain objective information about the level of the applicant’s English language in various fields of economics, entrepreneurship, and management. BULATS is used by large corporations when recruiting administrative management, marketing, economics, PR, finance specialists and so on. The test is suitable for anyone who wants to evaluate their business English skills and plans to use them in the future. Based on the test results, applicants are assigned a score that is correlated with the international systematization of levels - from beginner to advanced. Testing is carried out on a computer at the request of organizations and firms. In Moscow, such an exam can be taken, for example, in the ALIBRA SCHOOL network of foreign language schools, which has 8 branches in the capital. This network is the official examination department of the University of Cambridge. The cost of the full exam package is up to 5,000 rubles.

Other Business English Certificates

The GMAT is a business school admissions test. It tests the level of oral and written speech, analytical ability, critical thinking, and includes general educational aspects. The GMAT inherently assumes a high degree of language proficiency. The applicant receives grades in areas and an overall score from 200 to 800 points. The test result is officially sent to business schools (no more than five) where the applicant plans to enroll. The already mentioned American Education and Testing Center operates in Moscow, where you can take the GMAT. In this case, you need to register on the official website mba.com. The cost of taking the test is $250.

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry LCCIEB exams are several types of tests focused on various business areas: trade, business, industry, tourism business, PR. The exam is carried out only in Britain, directly in the presence of examiners. Cost - up to 80 euros (depending on the direction).

Oxford exams

The University of Oxford has also developed its own examination system, recognized throughout the world. Oxford English exams are exclusively written. They have three levels: 1) preliminary, 2) advanced and 3) diploma. At the first level, in addition to advanced knowledge of the language, knowledge of geographical terms and names and reading printed publications are required. A high level requires intensive English lessons for at least two years under the guidance of an experienced teacher. A diploma holder is, in fact, a native speaker. In Moscow, Oxford exams can be taken at the Examination and Methodological Council "RELOD" (Leninsky Ave., 4). Cost - up to 80 US dollars.

Thus, international English language tests are complex systems developed by different scientific centers for specific purposes. They are united by the fact that they are recognized all over the world and are necessary for migrant workers, students and applicants, entrepreneurs working in the field of international business, specialists of foreign companies, and so on.

It is important to emphasize that all the exams mentioned above assume a fairly high initial level of knowledge of the English language, far from the school curriculum. That’s why you don’t need to take seriously advertising of language courses that promise to prepare you, for example, for the TOEFL in six months “from scratch.”