Literary reading part 1 Highlander. Small and big secrets of the country of Literature

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Textbook “Literary reading. 1st class" redesigned in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The publication has updated the methodological apparatus, improved the search system, and introduced tasks that organize project activities students. The questions and tasks presented in the methodological apparatus of the textbook form universal learning activities, develop children's ability to think creatively and collaborate.

Explain the meaning of the word “mysterious.” Is it possible to replace the word “mysterious” with the word “mysterious”, which is similar in meaning?

Read the poem out loud with a friend. One names the letter, the other reads the sentence. First, decide how you will read. For example, your friend reads the first line, you read the second.

Name “funny”, “toothy”, “delicious” letters. Read it. Give names to the remaining letters. Which of them can be called fantastic, favorite, homemade?

Come up with your own sentence or poetic couplet for any of the letters. Determine the intonation with which you will read the text you have composed. Help can be found in the Workbook.

  • Literary reading, 1st grade, Part 2, Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V., 2012
  • All homework on literary reading, 4th grade, 2015, for the textbook on literary reading for 4th grade, Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V., 2014
  • Literary reading, grade 3, textbook for general education institutions complete with an audio application on electronic media, in 2 parts Part 2, Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V., 2013
  • Literary reading, 4th grade, Part 2, Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V., 2015

The following textbooks and books.

Ready-made homework for the textbook Literary Reading, authors L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykina for 4th grade. Answers to assignments for part 1 of the textbook. Publishing house Enlightenment. Program School of Russia, current academic.

As usual, we will read a lot in class and at home, because by the end of the year all students are simply required to achieve a reading technique of at least 120 words per minute. The works are interesting, the authors did a good job with the selection and questions for these works. You will have to think carefully about your homework or look for the correct answers in our GDZ.

GDZs have been tested and approved by primary school teachers.

Answers to tasks of part 1 of the literature textbook, grade 4

Chronicles. Epics. Lives

Answers to page 8. And Oleg hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople

1. About Prince Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople.
2. Yes, two thousand ships with 40 people each. The Greeks were amazed and frightened by ships on wheels.
3. About victory.
- Don’t destroy the city, we’ll give you whatever tribute you want.
And Oleg ordered the Greeks to give tribute for two thousand ships, twelve hryvnia per person...
And the Greeks agreed to this, and they began to ask for peace so that they would not fight Greek land.
4. Peace with the Greeks, tribute.
5. Prophetic means knowing, one who foresees the future.
6. In Rus' there were other cities besides Kyiv: Chernigov, Lyubech, Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov.
The Russians adhered to the pagan faith. They believed in Perun, Svorog, Veles and other gods.
7. How Prince Oleg defeated the Greeks.

Answers to page 11. And Oleg remembered his horse

1. Oleg lived and ruled in Kyiv.
His wisdom lay in the fact that he was able to establish peace with other countries.
2. Death by horse. The prediction came true. Oleg's horse died, but when the prince came to look at the horse's bones, a snake crawled out of his skull and bit him.
3. Oleg was mourned because he was a wise ruler who brought peace.
4. “The Death of Oleg”, “The Prophecy of a Magician”.
5. The fragment differs from Pushkin’s work. In "Song of prophetic Oleg“The meeting between Oleg and the magician is described in detail, there is a description of the feast. In addition to Oleg and the magician, Prince Igor and Princess Olga are mentioned in “The Song...”.

Answers to tasks page 20. Three trips of Ilya Muromets

1. About the trips of Ilya Muromets.
2. Find out what his fate is. “The hero Ilya Muromets was there, but was not killed,” “He went straight, but was not married,”
“I went to the left and was never rich.”
3. When discussing, you need to pay attention to the fact that Ilya went “to West side", mention of crosses on the shields of robbers (knights of the Teutonic Order), etc.
4. See page 19 of part 1 of the textbook. The lines say that Ilya Muromets is a kind and noble hero, and for this the people loved him.
5. The bright month came out again,
I illuminated all the decorations on Ilya:
A helmet of forty thousand shone,
The yacht stones began to shine
A hundred thousand in the horse's mane,
The horse itself is higher than prices, higher than deaths!
6. When talking about a hero, use the words: brave, courageous, smart, fair, strong, kind, selfless.”
7. 1) How Ilya went to death;
2) How Ilya went for his wife;
3) How Ilya went for wealth.
All parts are connected by the fact that after each trip Ilya Muromets returned to the stone.
8. See paragraph 7.

Answers to questions page 29. Life of Sergius of Radonezh

1. Bartholomew was a poor student, but he really wanted to learn to read and write and often secretly prayed about it.
What is unusual is that Bartholomew mastered reading and writing after the blessing of the elder. Bartholomew was chosen by God.
3. The parents asked Bartholomew not to rush to go to the monastery, but to look after them in their old age.
Bartholomew fulfilled their request. This speaks of the responsibility and kindness of the young man, respect for elders.
4. See the encyclopedia, for example, “Big biographical encyclopedia».
5. Prince Dmitry Donskoy came to Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing and to pray with him before the battle.
6. Plan
1) Preparation for battle and blessing of Sergius of Radonezh.
2) On the way to battle.
3) Battle of September 8, 1380.
4) Enemy flight and victory.

Page 33-34. Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

1. We got acquainted with the following works: “And Oleg hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople”, “And Oleg remembered his horse”, “Ilya’s three trips”, “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh”. Most of all I liked the epic about how Oleg found the bones of his horse and died, because it talks about the camaraderie of soldiers, the nobility of the prince, his kind attitude towards the one who served him so faithfully and devotedly.
2. Russian folk fairy tales tell about the exploits and valor of a hero - a hero, a fine fellow, the best among the best, in that they are similar to epics - tales about the defenders of the Russian land, mythological folk heroes. The difference between fairy tales and epics is that in fairy tales there is a magical power that helps the heroes defeat evil. In them, all the characters are fictitious, while in epics the heroes are supposedly heroes who once lived in the world, who possessed enormous strength, courage, and ingenuity, which helped them emerge victorious from a battle with the enemy.
3. Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs” depicts Alyosha Popovich (the youngest of them, on a red horse), Dobrynya Nikitich (on a white horse) and Ilya Muromets, who rides a black horse and is in the center of a group of heroes.
The hero depicted in the picture completely coincides with my ideas about what Ilya Muromets would look like if he really existed.
4. I liked Sergius of Radonezh most of all.
Outline of the story about Sergei of Radonezh
1) Childhood years.
2) The adolescence of Sergei of Radonezh.
3) The piety of the son, who carefully honored the memory of his parents.
2. Chronicle is a genre ancient Russian literature, this is a weather detail record historical events. The word chronicle means to write about years, to record events year by year. Usually the chronicle began with the words “in the summer...”, that is, in such and such a year, hence the name. Chronicles were created so that subsequent generations would learn about events long ago days gone by with the greatest accuracy and detail they learned about those people who lived before them and committed actions that make up the history of the people.
3. The chronicler considered it important to preserve the memory of Prince Oleg because, as a result of his actions, he brought “gold, and curtains, and fruits, and wine, and all kinds of ornaments” to Kievan Rus, that is, a lot of good and wealth, which contributed to development and prosperity ancient Russian state.
4. Chroniclers
1) An ancient manuscript from a storage facility.
2) Preparing parchment sheets and quills for writing.
3) Distribution of chapters among copyists.
4) Writing in capital letters.
5) Rewriting the text, correcting the mistakes of previous copyists.
6) Stitching the book.
7) Cover design.
The name “chroniclers” most closely matches the table of contents of the work that the scribes did.
5. In chronicles and lives the author was not indicated, because there could be no authorship. These were all recorded oral retellings of events and biographies of saints, which were passed on from mouth to mouth and were not stories invented by someone alone, but myths composed by the people themselves. long years existence of oral folk art. The author is not indicated in such works as “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh”, “And Oleg remembered his horse”, “Ilya’s three trips”.
6. Plan of the message “How do works of oral folk art differ from original works.”
1) Oral folk art implies many authors.
2) A work of authorship is a figment of the imagination of a certain person.
3) The main difference between a work of oral folk art and original works is variability folk tales and, conversely, the strict inviolability of copyrighted works.
4) Difference in poetics, means artistic expression works of oral folk art and author's work: beginnings, endings, threefold repetition of actions, stable images and characteristics of heroes of oral folk art and the uniqueness of the author's style.

The wonderful world of classics

Answers to questions on pages 59, 60, 61. P. P. Ershov"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

1. In the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” there is a saying, a beginning, fairy-tale heroes. In many Russian fairy tales, there is often such a character as Ivanushka the Fool, who is necessarily helped by magical power.

Proverb: Behind the mountains, behind the forests,
Across the wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in a village.
The old lady has three sons:
The eldest was a smart kid,
Middle son and this way and that,
The younger one was completely stupid.

Beginning: In a long time or soon
Misfortune befell them:
Someone started walking in the field
And stir the wheat.

Fairy-tale characters: mare, little humpbacked horse, firebird, whale fish.
Threefold repetitions: Just as it began to get dark, It began to get dark again, It began to get dark for the third time.

2. Magic in this fairy tale: fabulous talking characters, unusual appearance horses, etc.
What could have actually happened: the mare could really go to someone else’s field.

3. The work says that “the eldest was smart, the middle one was this and that.” Both brothers deceive their father in order to gain his praise, stealing Ivan's horses in order to sell them and get rich.
4. The brothers are similar in that they were both deceivers. Ivan was honest, forgiving, and kind.
5. The mare promised Ivan to give birth to two horses if he would look after her.

But the conversation has been going on for a long time,
That treasure is given only to fools,
At least break your forehead,
You won't get two rubles that way.

7. 1. Someone began to walk in the field and stir the wheat.
2. Look at what beautiful two golden-maned horses our fool got for himself.
3. The king bowed and instantly jumped off the cart like a gal... he didn’t take his eyes off the horses...
4. There is nothing to do, you will have to serve in the palace.
8. Sample questions: How did the brothers catch the thief? How did Ivan catch the thief? What did the mare promise to Ivan? etc.
9. Plan
1) How the father sent his brothers to catch a thief in the field.
2) How Ivan caught the mare.
3) The mare's promise.
4) How the brothers stole the horses.
5) The Little Humpbacked Horse and his help.
6) Ivan sells horses to the king.
7) Ivan at work in the royal stables.
10. No, not all.
11. Suggestions: You can look up the definition of honesty in the dictionary and use it to support your answer.
12. Against - opposite
Not far - not far
With a full bag - with a full wallet
To look - to see, to see
They figured it out - they came up with it
Sennik - mattress stuffed with hay
Inconvenient - inconvenient
Malakhai - wide caftan without a belt
Locusts are frisky
Ulucha - having chosen, found
With the eye - with the eye
Three inches - very short in stature
With arshin ears - long ears
There was urine - there was strength
13. Approximate story plan
1) Where did the whale fish live?
2) What and why happened to her.
3) How the whale fish went to live in the sea again.

Answers to questions on pages 67-68. A. S. Pushkin

1. The poet loves his nanny very much (Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove!).
You wait, you grieve, you look, longing, concern.
2. With sad intonation, as it best conveys the poet’s feelings.

1. Clear azure, jubilant day, calm skies.
2. The poet conducts an imaginary dialogue with the cloud; he seems to be addressing it.
3. A joyful mood because the storm has passed.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!..
1. It’s a dull time - nature is preparing for winter, leaves are flying off the trees.
The charm of the eyes - everything around was painted in bright colors(crimson and gold).
The lush decline of nature - nature is preparing for winter, but at the same time it has become very beautiful around.
2. A feeling of sadness because summer is over and winter is coming, but at the same time a joyful feeling from the beauty of autumn.
3. Sad couple! Ouch charm! - highlight with voice

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - (pause)
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, (pause)
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, (pause) and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

4. Abstracts of the story based on the paintings
1) What is shown in the picture (time of year, foreground, background).
2) What colors does the artist use?
3) Did the artist manage to convey the beauty of the depicted season?
5) Artists’ paintings contain gold, green and brownish-reddish colors. Most of all, V. Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn” coincides with A. Pushkin’s poem.

6) The attitude of Pushkin and artists towards autumn time matches. Each of them sees beauty in it in their own way.

Answers to page 90-91. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

1. As in any fairy tale, here fairy tale plot and there are fabulous objects.
2. Queen, princess, prince Elisha, seven heroes.
3. See text on p. 71, 74, 77, 78, 79, 85.
4. Sun: Our light is the sun, you illuminate, you see everyone.
Month: gilded horn, round-faced, bright-eyed.
Wind: powerful, you blow, you are not afraid.
Part 1 “The birth of a daughter and the death of the queen”
Part 2 “The New Queen”
Part 3 “The queen’s black intent to kill her grown-up stepdaughter”
Part 4 “The princess remains alone in the forest”
Part 5 “King Elisha went in search of the princess”
Part 6 “The princess came across the house of the seven heroes”
Part 7 “The life of a princess with seven heroes”
Part 8 “The Evil Queen Finds out that the Princess is Alive”
Part 9 “Poisoned Apple”
Part 10 “Crystal coffin for the deceased princess”
Part 11 “Elisha in Search of the Princess”
Part 12 “The King’s Son and the Revived Princess”
Part 13 “Death” evil stepmother and wedding feast"
Part 13 plan
1) The prince learned about the death of the princess.
2) Prince Elisha at the tomb.
3) Elisha breaks the crystal coffin.
4) The princess came to life.
5) The news of the resurrection of the princess.
6) Death of the stepmother.
7) Wedding feast.
7. Pushkin's fairy tale related to folk style narratives, plot, folk vocabulary, repetitions, beginning, saying, and are distinguished by poetic form, poetic epithets. complex composition and originality of artistic and stylistic properties of expressiveness.
8. With his fairy tale, Pushkin wanted to tell his readers that good always defeats evil, even the most insidious, one must rely on oneself, be persistent, like Prince Elisha, be kind, like beautiful princess- then justice will prevail.

Page 96. Yu. Lermontov.Terek

1. Dick, evil, crafty.
2. At first it is a stormy mountain river, but in the steppe, near the Caspian Sea, it is a calm river.
3. Recommendation: when reading the first and second parts of the poem, the intonation should change.

Answers to page 111. Ashik-Kerib

1. Yes, because in the fairy tale there are non-Russian names and names of cities.
2. He played at rich weddings, sang to people.
3. Faith in your beloved.
4. A girl is compared to a gazelle. Your gazelle is passing by.
5. People value kindness and thriftiness most in a woman.
6. Ashik-Keribu was helped by Khaderiliaz. He gave him a clod of earth from under the hooves of his horse and ordered him to anoint the old woman’s eyes with it,
who hasn't seen for 7 years.
7. The important idea of ​​the fairy tale: be true to your word, have the courage to fulfill your obligations to others. This cautionary tale with an allegory, an encrypted meaning. It is written in a poetic language, stylized after oriental tales and legends; the tale has an entertaining, dynamic plot, brightly drawn characteristic characters with a special individual charm, despite the traditional language of fairy-tale narration with repetitions, triple repetition of the same action of the main characters.

Answers to questions on page 118. L.N. Tolstoy.Childhood

1. Tolstoy describes the events of his early childhood, the evening time when his mother put him to bed, tenderly saying goodbye to her little son. He remembers details dear to his heart, objects surrounding him, thoughts and feelings that he experienced at that time.
2. Nikolenka is a very loving, gentle boy, thinking and feeling deeply. He loves his mother endlessly, worries about her, cries at the thought of ever losing her, he cannot imagine his life without her caresses, the care of her sweet and beloved face, and gentle hands.
3. We can rightfully say that the writer shares with us his most intimate experiences, because he very sincerely describes his feelings and thoughts, as well as the experiences that he experiences, without hiding anything from the reader. Many people experienced similar feelings and thoughts in their childhood, and that is why they are so touching and seem incredibly reliable.

Page 119. How a man removed a stone

1. The man suggested the simplest and cheapest way to remove a huge stone from the square that was bothering everyone, and he showed his extraordinary intelligence, resourcefulness, and by asking for such a small amount, he also showed spiritual nobility.
2. the main idea Tolstoy's fable is that in a hopeless situation you can always find a simple, accessible and witty way out.

Answers to questions pages 133-134. A.P. Chekhov.Boys

1. A.P. Chekhov called his story “Boys” because Volodya and his friend Chechevitsyn are the main characters of the story, the other characters play minor role.
2. The Korolev family is very friendly, with many children - three girls and a boy Volodya. Parents are in solidarity with everyone, they understand each other perfectly, their grievances against each other quickly pass, love and admiration reign.
“The father and girls sat down at the table and got down to work, which was interrupted by the arrival of the boys. They made flowers and fringe for the Christmas tree from multi-colored paper. It was exciting and noisy work. The girls greeted each newly made flower with cries of delight, even cries of horror, as if this flower was falling from the sky; Dad also admired it and occasionally threw the scissors on the floor, angry at them for being stupid. Mother ran into the nursery with a very worried look and asked:
- Who took my scissors? Again, Ivan Nikolaevich, did you take my scissors?
- Oh my God, they don’t even give you scissors! - Ivan Nikolaevich answered in a tearful voice and, leaning back in his chair, assumed the pose of an insulted man, but a minute later he admired him again.
3. Volodya’s attitude towards the family at the beginning of the story changed, the girls noticed this. He did not take part in usual activities, was not interested in anything, and was focused on something of his own. And after escaping with Chechevitsyn and returning home, Volodya began to treat his family as before: with love, attention, began to willingly take care of himself, relaxed and felt like a loved child and brother again.
4. Volodya and Chechevitsyn dreamed of escaping to America, mining gold and ivory there, becoming leaders of Indian tribes, and fighting for their independence.
Their dreams were unrealistic, because they really did not imagine all the difficulties associated with escaping, they had no idea what they needed to stock up for a long and difficult journey, how to get to America and how much money it would take.
5. I like these boys because they were brave and decisive, loved to travel and learn new things, and decided to escape.
6. The boys were punished for attempting to escape, but in different ways. Volodya was scolded with love and faith in his correction, and Chechevitsyn’s stern mother did not try to understand and forgive her son.
7. This is a funny work because the seriousness of the boys in preparing to escape did not match their disorganization and naivety. Particularly funny is Volodya, who cried at the mere thought that he would have to part with his mother, but nevertheless was preparing to run away to distant America, obeying his persistent friend in everything.
8. The author does not condemn the boys, he laughs at their naive preparations, their unrealistic hopes, over their doomed attempt to start independent life, independent from their relatives, although in fact they really needed help, care and guardianship from adults who loved them.
9. There was a situation in my life when my friend and I went traveling around the area, forgetting about the time and without warning the adults. Our parents began to worry towards evening, and we were punished for our long absence.
10. The illustrations depict two episodes: the boys’ arrival at the Korolevs’ house, when they were met by Volodya’s sisters and the dog; the episode when Chechevitsyn persuades Volodya, who has changed his mind about fleeing, to go to America.
“When the first impulse of joy passed, the Queens noticed that, besides Volodya, there was another one in the hall small man, wrapped in scarves, shawls and caps and covered with frost; he stood motionless in the corner...”
“And Chechevitsyn, in order to persuade Volodya, praised America, growled like a tiger, imitated a steamship, cursed, promised to give Volodya all the ivory and all the lions and tiger skins ».

Page 135 - 136. Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

1. Poems by Pushkin: “ Winter evening", "Storm", "Winter Morning", " Winter road" In this section we got acquainted with the poems: “Cloud”, “Nanny”. Pushkin writes about winter, autumn, summer, spring - about all seasons. He manages to convey the beauty of nature in different time year, because he is a very observant person, he has a large vocabulary, he skillfully uses epithets, comparisons and definitions, which allows him to very accurately and accurately convey his impressions of a particular landscape.
2. Oriental tales are collected in the collection “A Thousand and One Nights”. The main characters are the rich khan and his young wife Scheherazade, who tells her husband fairy tales so that he does not execute her. TO oriental tales include tales of Sinbad the Sailor and Aladdin's magic lamp.
3. Pushkin’s fairy tales: “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. In this section we read the fairy tale about “The Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”.


1. Farming. 2. Thirty. 3. Apple. 4. Order. 5. Chernavka. 6. Elisha. 7. Blueberry. 8. Wind. 9. Glass. 10. Mosquito. 11. Sorcerer. 12. Stable.

Guess: prose, that is, not rhymed speech, means a work written not in poetry, but in prose.
4. A fable is a poem or prose literary work moralizing, satirical nature.
Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it says about animals, but means people. A fable necessarily has a moral, that is, a conclusion or lesson from everything that has been said.
5. Tolstoy's fables are written in prose, there is no obvious morality in them, there is no final conclusion. Readers must draw their own conclusions from the fable. We learn about what the author wanted to tell us from the entire context of the work, from everything written.
6. The stories of Tolstoy “Childhood” and Chekhov’s “Boys” are united by the fact that they tell about the childhood of the main character, and what distinguishes them is that there is no irony in Tolstoy’s work, the writer describes the true feelings and thoughts of a little boy, and Chekhov laughs at his own heroes, describing their funny efforts to be adults beyond their years.
7. Tolstoy’s works about children: “Shark”. “Father and Sons”, “Filippok”, “Fire Dogs”, “Childhood”, “Otrochevo”, “Youth”.
All children in Tolstoy's works learn something, learn something new, change, gain knowledge and experience.
It is important for the author to talk about them and their lives, because all children face exactly the same problems, similar situations when growing up, when getting to know the world around them and the people who inhabit it. Tolstoy wants to teach the reader to be tolerant of others, to believe in good things, to achieve their goals, and to show love and respect for their neighbors.

Poetry notebook

Answers to page 138. F. I. Tyutchev.The earth still looks sad...

1. Tyutchev manages to show early spring with the help landscape sketches.
2. The author uses epithets (sad, dead, thinning) to depict a sad picture of nature. The poet creates an image of awakening nature with the help of personification and epithets - the animation of nature: the air breathes, nature did not wake up, heard spring, involuntarily smiled.
The animation of inanimate nature makes the description unusual.
3. Verbs indicate action, the poet describes how nature awakens. Movement begins in it, changes occur, which is why he used so many verbs.
4. The author feels uplifted, there is hope for renewal, the arrival of spring, he is in high spirits.
The earth still looks sad // (pause),
And the air already breathes in spring // (pause),
And the dead stem sways in the field // (pause)
And the oil branches move // ​​(longer pause),
Nature hasn't woken up yet, //
But through thinning sleep (short pause)
She heard spring (short pause)
And she involuntarily smiled...//

Page 140. How unexpected and bright...

1. How does Tyutchev describe a rainbow? How does he manage to show the beauty and instantaneity of the rainbow vision?
Tyutchev uses a comparison of a rainbow with an arch, personification (the arch embraced, exhausted), epithets (airy, wet blue, rainbow vision). The poet manages to show the beauty and instantaneity of the rainbow vision with the help of verbs and expressive expressions (catch it quickly, look, it’s gone, what a treat for the eyes).

3. Why do you think the word catch is repeated twice in the poem?
The word “catch” is repeated twice in order to enhance the impact on the reader with this repetition, to draw his attention to it.

4. What mood is the work permeated with? Explain. Think about why there are three exclamatory sentences in the poem.
The work is imbued with admiration for the beauty of such a rare and short-lived natural phenomenon as a rainbow. Exclamatory sentences are used by the author to express expression, delight, and elevated feelings.

5. How would you title the piece? Write down your options in " Workbook».
Titles: “Air Arch”, “Rainbow”, “Beautiful Moment”.

6. Learn the poem by heart. What intonation will you choose to read it?
When reading, you must use rising intonations and an emotionally joyful tone.

Page 141. A.A.Fet.Spring rain

What picture did Fet depict in his poem? How did he manage to show the beginning of the rain? Write down in your Workbook the words that helped the poet.
Fet depicted the beginning of rain in his poem. He was able to show this with the help of a gradual intensification of the action, which is expressed by verbs: moves, splashed, came up, drums. Words that help the poet depict the picture of the rain that has begun: it is still light, the curtain is moving through the gaps in the clouds, swaying, in golden dust, two drops splashed, pulling with fragrant honey, drumming on the leaves.

Page 142. Butterfly

1. In whose name is the poem written?
The poem is written from the perspective of a butterfly.

2. How is the butterfly depicted? Describer her.
The poet’s butterfly is sweet with its airy outline, all the velvet is in its living blinking, it flies, spreading its wings and sparkling.

3. Doesn't the rhythm of this work remind you of the fluttering of a butterfly, the pattern of its flight?
The rhythm of this work resembles the fluttering of a butterfly: a long line and a short one alternate, like the flapping of wings.

4. What tone, what intonation is most suitable when reading a poem? Read it expressively.
When reading this poem, a playful tone and sublime intonation of the joy of being are suitable.

You're right.\In one aerial outline\
I'm so sweet.\\
All the velvet is mine\with its living blinking -\
Only two wings.\\
Don’t ask:\where did it come from?\\
Where am I rushing?\\
Here I lightly sank onto a flower\
And so\ - I breathe.\\
For how long,\without a goal,\without effort,\
Do I want to breathe?\\
Here, now,\shine,\spread my wings,\
And I’ll fly away.\\

Answers to page 144. E. A. Baratynsky.

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!..

What feelings overwhelm the poet? Why? How do you read the poem? Explain.
The poet is filled with feelings of admiration, delight, and joy from meeting nature awakening in spring. The poem must be read with a joyful, enthusiastic intonation, because the poet conveys his enthusiastic emotions, his admiration for spring nature.

Where sweet whisper my forests?..

1. What changes have occurred in nature? Pay attention to the underlined words. How do they help the poet compare winter and summer?
In nature, as the poet describes, significant changes have occurred: there was a sweet whisper of forests, murmurs of streams, flowers of meadows, but it became so that the trees are bare, the carpet of winter covered the hills, the stream is numb, everything is numb, the evil wind, raging, howls, covers the sky gray haze. These opposite phenomena help the poet compare winter and summer.

2. What mood is the work permeated with? Why do you think so?
The poem is imbued with sadness, melancholy, and negative feelings of the poet, because he has to say goodbye to the warm, generous summer and put up with the arrival of a harsh, insidious and evil winter.

Page 145. A. N. Pleshcheev.Children and bird

Why does the rhythm of the poem change?
The rhythm of the poem changes due to the fact that winter is first described, and this is the time when birds fly away from the cold and rain to the south, and the last part of the poem is devoted to describing the return of birds to their homeland in the warm spring, when all nature comes to life, the rhythm of all life changes.

Answers to questions on page 146. I.S. Nikitin.In the blue sky they float over the fields...

1. What expressive words does the poet find to depict the changing pictures of nature? Write them down in your Workbook.
The expressive means that the poet uses to depict the changing pictures of nature: now the coolness of the night is blowing, the moon is rising like a ball of fire, there is peace and silence in the open field.

2.How do you imagine the golden edges of the clouds and the golden glow of the stars? What is unusual about the epithet golden?
The golden edges of the clouds and the golden glow of the stars are the clouds illuminated by the sunset glow of the sun and the light of the stars themselves in the dark night sky. The unusualness of the epithet “golden” is that the word in this context is not used direct meaning(made of gold), and in a figurative meaning meaning a golden radiance, a glow with yellow light, clouds and stars have the color and radiance of gold - a precious metal.

3. What can you say about the poet’s mood? Discuss with a friend. Do the last lines of the work help to understand the poet’s thoughts and feelings, his attitude towards nature?
The last lines help to understand the thoughts and feelings of the poet - this is reverence and admiration for the incomprehensibly beautiful phenomena of nature.

Page 148. N. A. Nekrasov.Schoolboy

Discuss with a friend whether it will be easy or difficult for the boy to achieve his goal. Why? What did Nekrasov want to say to his readers?
Judging by the lines of the poetic passage, it will be very difficult for the boy to achieve his goal; he can only count on own strength yes to the good people who will meet him on the way. It will be difficult for him because it was almost impossible for a simple peasant boy to achieve higher education at that time; only the brilliant Lomonosov could achieve this, but there is still hope, the author believes. It’s about the fact that in any case you need to achieve your goal, go the hard way along the path of education, and the poet Nekrasov says to his readers.

Page 149. In the winter twilight, nanny's fairy tales..

1.How does the poet describe Sasha's fun?
The poet cheerfully describes winter fun Sasha's girls.

2.What mood is the poem permeated with? Read it expressively.
The poem is permeated with light, a smile, a joyful mood.

In winter twilight \Nanny's tales\
Sasha loved. \In the morning from the sled\
Sasha sat down / flew like an arrow\
Full of happiness,\\from the icy mountain.\\
The nanny shouts: “Don’t kill yourself, dear!”
Sasha, pushing your sled,\
He runs merrily. \At full speed\
The sled is on one side\ - and Sasha is in the snow!\\
The braids will come loose, the fur coat will become disheveled -\
He shakes off the snow, \laughs, \dove!\\
The gray-haired nanny has no time for grumbling,\\
she loves her young laughter...\\

Answers to page 151. I. A. Bunin.Leaf fall

1. What did the autumn forest remind Bunin of? How do underlined comparisons help draw the image of a forest-tower? What epithets does the author use for this?
The autumn forest reminds Bunin of a painted tower. The following comparisons help him: a lilac, gold, crimson painted tower, a motley wall, stands above the clearing like towers, the fir trees are darkened, the airy web of fabric shines like a silver net.
The poet uses the following epithets: painted, lilac, gold, crimson, blue azure, quiet widow, motley tower, wide courtyard, solar warmth, dead silence, in the blue heights, above the sunny meadow, enchanted by silence.

2. Why does the poet write the word Autumn with a capital letter? What does he achieve with his unusual depiction of autumn?
The poet uses the word “Autumn” with a capital letter, because he uses personification, depicts it as Living being- a quiet widow. By this, the poet achieves special expressiveness, makes a natural phenomenon capable of active action, like a person, a woman, which allows the reader to more vividly imagine the picture described by the poet.

3. What words help the author show that there is silence in the autumn forest? How does the image of a rustling leaf enhance the feeling of encroaching silence?
The words freeze, dead silence, silence, the rustling of leaves, enchanted silence help the author to show that it is unusually quiet in the autumn forest. The image of a rustling leaf especially enhances the feeling of encroaching silence, because if you can hear a leaf rustling, it means there is dead silence all around, there are no sounds in the frozen forest

4. Read the last eight lines of the poem again. What consonant sounds are repeated?
In the last eight lines of the poem the following sounds are repeated: [w], [zh], [h] - hissing.

5. How can you guess that the beauty of autumn is short-lived? Why is the word today repeated several times in the poem? What did Bunin want to say to his readers?
The fact that the beauty of autumn is short-lived can be guessed from the following lines:
Today in an empty clearing, today he plays all day, today it is so light all around. The word “today” is repeated three times in order to emphasize the immediacy of what is happening, because tomorrow everything will be different, every autumn day brings the onset of cold weather, a dead season for nature, closer. Bunin wanted to tell readers how fleeting the beauty of nature is, how short-lived the moments of its life are, every moment natural phenomena unique, inimitable and short-lived.

6. What mood do you convey when reading?
When reading, you need to convey the mood of sadness, admiration for beauty autumn forest, the silence that stands in it, the bewitching silence and grandeur of the moment of colorful fading.

Page 152-154. Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

1. What works have you read in this section? Why are they combined into a “Poetry Notebook”?
This section presented the lyrical works of Russian poets. On this basis, they are combined into a “Poetry Notebook”.

3. Read lines from poems. Do you know their authors? Name them.
“Hello, guest winter!” work by I. S. Nikitin, “It would be better to meet the snow and blizzard with your chest!” poem by A. A. Fet, “The snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in spring...” poem by F. I. Tyutchev.

4. Talk about how one of these poets depicts nature. The following questions will help you:
What time of year is the poet describing? Is there a difference in how authors portray them? Find words that support your thought.
How do epithets and comparisons help the poet paint pictures of nature? Give examples.
Does the author always depict nature with the same feeling? Why?
The poet I. Bunin describes autumn, he describes it very uniquely, as a living creature, a quiet widow entering her painted mansion. There are no other poets with such an image of autumn. Various expressive means help him paint a picture of autumn: epithets (lilac, gold, crimson, motley, last, sunny, dead silence, blue height, enchanted silence). Poets depict nature with different feelings (joy, sadness, sadness, delight), it all depends on how the lyricist perceives the picture of nature, what feelings and emotions it evokes in him.

5. Read the definition of impersonation. Find personification in the texts. What does it help you feel and understand? What poems are these lines taken from?
Personification in the texts of the poems: the month rises like a ball of fire, the forest is bathed in a red glow, the stream goes numb. These lines are taken from the poems of I. S. Nikitin and E. A. Baratynsky.

6. What can you say about the design of poetic speech in writing?
Poetic speech consists of stanzas, has rhyme at the ends of the lines, consonant endings of the 1st and 3rd, 2nd and 4th, 5th and 7th, 6th and 8th lines.

7. Often poets divide their works into stanzas to show how they are related to each other, but still various paintings. The stanza helps highlight each painting. Find examples of such poems.
Yes, all poets divide their works into stanzas; a stanza helps highlight a separate picture.

8. Remember what rhythm and rhyme are in a poem. Define it in your own words.
Rhythm is the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables; rhythm is determined by cyclicity, the pattern of such alternation.
Rhyme - consonance at the end of two or more words in poetic speech, acts as a mandatory property of poetic speech.

9. Come up with one question for each poem.
F. A. Tyutchev “The appearance of the earth is still sad” - What time of year does the poet describe?
F. A. Tyutchev “How unexpected and bright” - What feelings does a rainbow evoke in the poet?
A. A. Fet “Spring Rain” - Where does the action described in the poem take place?
A. A. Fet “Butterfly” - Who does the butterfly address?
E. A. Baratynsky “Spring, spring! how clean the air is!” - Which lines in the poem rhyme?
E. A. Baratynsky “Where is the sweet whisper of my forests?” - What is the meaning of the verbs in this poem?
A. N. Pleshcheev “Children and the Bird” - How many stanzas are in the poem by A. N. Pleshcheev?
I. S. Nikitin “In blue sky floating over the fields” - What lines do the poet rhyme?
N. A. Nekrasov “Schoolboy” - Can this poem be called lyrical description nature? What does it say?
N. A. Nekrasov “Nanny’s fairy tales in the winter twilight” - What works is this poem similar to?
N.A. Nekrasova, how can this be proven?
I. A. Bunin “Falling Leaves” - If this poem accompanied the artist’s painting, how can you determine the genre of this painting?

10. Discuss with a friend what other works you would include in the Poetry Notebook section. Make a list. Explain your choice.
In the “Poetic Notebook” section you can include works by K. N. Batyushkov “There is pleasure in the wildness of forests”, P. A. Vyazemsky “Winter”, V. A. Zhukovsky “Lark”, N. M. Yazykov “Spring”. These poets are included in the galaxy of poets of Pushkin’s time; they very subtly and expressively painted pictures of nature in their works.

Literary tales

Answers to questions on pages 167-168. V. F. Odoevsky. Town in a snuffbox

1. Discuss with a friend whether Odoevsky’s work can be called a fairy tale. What features of the fairy tale will you highlight?
Odoevsky’s work can be called a fairy tale, since there are several signs of a fairy tale: fairy-tale characters (Princess Spring, Mr. Valik, hammer men, bell boys), the action takes place in a certain fairy-tale town of Tinkerbell, located inside a snuffbox, there is a confrontation between two forces - good and evil, the story has a happy ending.

2. Why did Misha want to get into the snuffbox? What surprised the boy when he first saw her?
Misha wanted to get into the snuffbox as soon as he saw it, because a fairy-tale town with gates, turrets, houses, trees and even the sun was drawn on it. This is what struck the boy.

3. What did Misha learn during his fabulous visit to the town of Tinkerbell?
Misha learned to draw the figures of people, if they were close - large, if far away - small, he figured out how the musical snuffbox works.

4. What do you think about the boy? Use support words and tell us about Misha: careful, well-mannered, courteous, attentive, inquisitive, curious, resourceful, kind, irresponsible, indifferent.
Misha is well-mannered, polite and good boy. He is very curious and inquisitive, as well as attentive and careful. All this helped him during his fabulous journey through the town in a snuffbox.
“Misha was an obedient boy; “I immediately left the game and went up to daddy.” "How good well-mannered boy, he considered it his duty first of all to turn to his guide.” “Misha bowed politely; the bell boy took him by the hand and they walked.”

5. How did Odoevsky turn the snuffbox mechanism into an amazing fairy-tale town?
Odoevsky turned the mechanism of the snuffbox into an amazing fairy-tale town with the help of personification: all the details of the snuffbox are presented in the form of little men, living creatures that have their own character, their own functional responsibilities in the town, so that the town lives and everything works in it.

6. How do descriptions of appearance and speech help identify the inhabitants of the town in the snuff box? Explain. Give examples.
Fairy-tale characters are each distinguished by their appearance and characteristic speech. For example, the bells looked like boys with a golden head and a steel skirt; before they started speaking, they said “ding-ding-ding.” The knocker guys - gentlemen with thin legs - said “knock-knock-knock”
the warden said “shura-murah”, Princess Spring, who looked like a snake, said “zits-zits-zits”.

7. Discuss with a friend why Odoevsky created his work? What did the author want to tell readers?
Odoevsky created his work for children in order to introduce them to the complex mechanism of the musical snuffbox, explain that you cannot touch a mechanical object without special knowledge, you can break it, showed that you need to be inquisitive, obedient, honest, kind and attentive, as boy Misha.

8. Divide the text into parts, title each part, and make an outline of the tale.
Fairy tale plan
1. Dad's snuff box.
2. Ding Ding town.
3. Conversation with the father of an inquisitive son.
4. Magic transformation.
5. Bell Boy.
6. The beginning of a journey through a fairy-tale town.
7. Conversation with bells on the street of the town.
8. Meet the hammer guys.
9. Conversation with Mr. Valik.
10. Princess Spring.
11. Awakening of Misha.

9. Tell us about your trip to the town of Ding Ding from Misha’s point of view. When retelling, try to convey the boy’s mood, his attitude towards the inhabitants of the town in the snuffbox.
Misha's story about a trip to a tobacco town
1. Dad showed me a new snuff box with a town drawn on it.
2. I shrank and was able to go through the small door.
3. The bell boy became my guide around the town.
4. I will learn how to draw mommy and daddy.
5. I’m on a noisy street among the bell boys, I find out that their life is not so fun.
6. Meeting with the hammer gentlemen who beat the bell boys.
7. Conversation with the warden Mr. Valik.
8. Meeting and misfortune with Princess Spring.
9. My awakening and conversation with daddy.

Page 178-179. V. M. Garshin.The Tale of the Toad and the Rose

1. What allowed Garshin to call his story a fairy tale? What's fabulous about it?
Garshin was allowed to call his story a fairy tale by the fact that in addition to the girl and the boy, there are fairy-tale characters in it - a toad and a rose, who behave like thinking beings, like people.

2. Follow how the author describes appearance roses. What expressive words does he use for this? How does Garshin depict a toad?
The author describes the appearance of the rose in these words: a delicate and luxurious pale flower, she could spread a delicate and fresh smell around herself, and this smell was her words, tears and prayer, fragrant and beautiful creature. The author characterizes the toad with the following phrases: a fat old one, with a flat belly, puffed out its dirty gray warty and sticky sides, putting one ugly paw to the side; I saw the flower with my evil and ugly eyes.

3. What feelings does the writer give to the rose and the toad? Why did the toad want to destroy the rose?
The author writes that the rose saw only good, beautiful things around her, blue sky, the sun was shining in the sky, she could not speak, only cry and smell, bloom her beautiful petals. But the toad was not happy about the morning, the sun, or the good weather, she only ate and slept, and also wanted to eat a rose. When the toad first saw a rose, something stirred in her heart, she liked the rose, she wanted to be closer to the fragrant beautiful flower, but since she was evil by nature, she confused her admiration for the rose with the desire to eat it and said: “I love you.” I’ll gobble it up!” and began to strive with all her might to fulfill her promise.

4. Can we say that the toad and the rose are opposed to each other? Explain. Give examples from the text.
Yes, we can say that the rose and the toad are opposed to each other. The rose loves the light, the sun, everything around her, but the toad, on the contrary, hates everything around her. The rose is the very embodiment of beauty, perfection of form and content, the toad is the personification of evil, everything terrible, nasty, vile. Around the rose it was nice, clean and clear, the toad chose a place that was shady and damp. “The rose grew and showed off.” " Poor creature I saw with horror how the nasty sticky paws cling to the branches of the bush.”

5. What can you say about the boy's character? What does the author say about him? Read it. How does he treat the hero: with love, compassion, tenderness, indifference, indifference, contempt, humor?
The author treats the boy with compassion. It was " a little boy about seven years old, with big eyes and big head on a thin body. He loved his flower garden very much... Here he knew every bush and almost every stem...”

6. Discuss with a friend why the writer combined the stories of a rose and a boy in his fairy tale. What brings them together?
The writer combined the stories of a rose and a boy in his fairy tale because their fates are similar: they lived little, they were doomed to a short stay in this world, the boy because of illness, the rose because it quickly fades. Both of them are beautiful, kind and unhappy. I approached the boy terrible disease, to the rose - a terrible toad.

7. What mood is Garshin’s work permeated with: joy, despair, hopelessness, fun, sadness, light sadness?
Garshin's work is imbued with light sadness.

8. Determine the main idea of ​​the work. Explain your point of view. Write it down in your workbook.
The main idea of ​​the work: how short is the age of beauty, how short is a person’s life, what a wonderful mark on the souls of those around them are left by beautiful, touching creatures if they brought joy with their existence and so suddenly left those who loved them.

9. Discuss with your friends whether “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose” could be given another title: “The Story Told by the Dried Rose Flower,” “ Last spring", "Brother and Sister", "Fading Life"? Explain your choice.
“The Tale of the Toad and the Rose” can be given another name, for example, “The Story Told by the Dried Rose Flower.” This second name is taken from the work; the story about the toad and the rose ends with almost these words; in addition, this name is also suitable because it suggests a fairy tale story, because the rose will tell it - mysterious and fairy tale character, which promises a fictional plot and the presence of fictional characters.

10. Find a collection of stories for children by V. Garshin in the library. What other works were included in it? Make a list of Garshin's works.
List of Garshin’s works: “The Bear”, “Red Flower”, “The Frog Traveler”, “The Tale of Proud Haggai”.

Answers to page 192. P.P. Bazhov.Silver hoof

1. What do you find magical, fabulous in the work, and what could have actually happened? Pay attention to the title.
What is magical and fabulous is that the goat had a silver hoof and when he hit it, gems peridots. But in fact, the three of Kokovanya, Darenka and Murenka could live together, they could see a goat with horns in winter, they could even find scatterings of precious stones near the hut, because they lived in the Urals, where gold and precious stones are actually mined.

2.Why, in your opinion, did Kokovanya decide to take Daryonka into his house? Why did the girl agree to go live with Kokovana?
Kokovanya was left completely alone, he needed someone nearby, so he took in the girl Darenka with the cat Murenka. And Darenka went to Kokovanya because she was a complete orphan, in the house where she lived, they didn’t love her, they treated her like a worker, and besides, Kokovanya was a very kind person, Darenka immediately understood this, and intrigued her with the story of the Silver Hoof .

3. How did the three of Kokovanya, Daryonka and Muryonka get along? How did they treat each other? Why do you think so?
Kokovanya, Darenka and Murenka lived very friendly, Darenka fell in love with Kokovanya as her own grandfather, and Kokovanya fell in love with Darenka as her own granddaughter. Here’s how the author wrote it: “Kokovya went to work in the morning, Darenka cleaned the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and the cat Murenka went hunting and caught mice. By evening they will gather and have fun.”

4. Why did Kokovana and Daryonka so want to see the Silver Hoof: each of the heroes believed in fairy tales and wanted to see a miracle; were the heroes poor, hoping to sell precious stones and live richly? Explain.
Kokovana and Darenka wanted to see the Silver Hoof, because each of the heroes believed in fairy tales and wanted to see a miracle. Although they lived in poverty, they did not strive for wealth at any cost; the main thing for them was to help each other and share their loneliness. Therefore, when they did not find precious stones in the morning, they were not very upset, they were only saddened by the fact that the Silver Hoof and the cat Murenka, whom they considered their friends, whom they had managed to love, had disappeared.

5. Why did a miracle happen to Daryonka and Kokovanya?
The miracle with Darenka and Kokovanya happened because they really believed in it, did not at all doubt the magical properties of the Silver Hoof, and also because they were very kind and selfless, they did not need wealth, they wanted to see fairy creature, it is possible to tame him, caress him, take care of him, just like we take care of each other.

6. How did the artist draw the Silver Hoof? How do you imagine him?
The artist painted Silver Hoof as an adult deer with large antlers, but according to Bazhov’s description, I imagine him as a small deer with small horns, similar to Bambi from the cartoon: funny, cute, touching.

7. How does the author relate to the characters? What do you think about them?
The author treats his heroes with great sympathy, even with love, makes them very charming, pure, kind and selfless. I think that both Darenka and Kokovanya are real heroes of Russian fairy tales or Ural tales of Yoazhov - sincere, strong-willed, brave, selfless and a little naive, believing in miracles and magic.

9. Together with your classmates, read the fairy tale role-playing.
When reading this Ural tale, one must definitely strive to convey the unhurried speech of the narrative, the peculiarities of folk Ural vocabulary, the subtle humor of the narrator and the fabulousness and unusualness of the events taking place.

Page 214. S.T. Aksakov.The Scarlet Flower.The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya

1. Is it possible to guess from the title what Aksakov’s fairy tale is about? Will the meaning of the work change if we give it a different name: “The Scarlet Flower”, “Sisters”, “Gifts”, “Monster-Monster”?
By the title “The Scarlet Flower” you can determine that we are talking about some magical events associated with this flower. If the fairy tale had been called “The Scarlet Flower”, “Sisters”, “Gifts”, “Monster-Monster”, then the meaning of the work, of course, would have changed, there would not have been that loving, tender attitude towards fairy tale item and the characters of the story.

2. Discuss with a friend how older daughters differ from youngest daughter. How do the heroines’ actions help us understand their character?
The older daughters differ from the younger ones in that they loved only themselves, lived only for themselves, admired only themselves, and, in their opinion, they were terribly jealous of their sister who had become rich, and therefore decided on evil intent with the aim of bringing her irreparable harm. Their actions help us understand this: how they treated their father, not wanting to go to serve the monster instead, what gifts they ordered for themselves - the most expensive, hard-to-find ones, without thinking about what obstacles their father would face, how they secretly changed the clocks in the house so that the sister was late for the meeting with the creature dear to her.

3. Why was it that the youngest daughter was able to help the prince-king get rid of witchcraft?
The younger sister was kind, caring, generous and modest, she strove to help everyone, to save her own father from death, to overcome her hostility to the disgusting appearance of the monster who was kind to her, she was the only one of all the girls who was able to sincerely fall in love with the young man in the form of a disgusting monster - yudishcha. That’s why she was able to help the prince-royal to remove the spell, she was sincere with him, became attached to him from the bottom of her heart, was able to see beyond his ugly appearance beautiful soul, because she herself was an extraordinary girl, but talented, generous, intelligent, spiritually sophisticated, that is, fabulously extraordinary, special.

4. What magical object are we talking about in the fairy tale? How does his magical power manifest itself? Find its description in a fairy tale.
There are many magical objects in the fairy tale, including a mirror and the headdress of the eldest daughter, but the most magical object is a scarlet flower, which is why it appears in the title of the fairy tale. This flower is capable of transporting the hero to where he needs to be in an instant, he can dream, apprehend, lure a girl with his mysterious beauty so that she wants to see him with her own eyes, thereby leading her to an enchanted castle to an enchanted prince-kingdom so that the girl can win evil spell, help remove the spell from the young man. The scarlet flower is a symbol of good in the fight against evil; it tests the heroes for strength, purity, sincerity and honesty and is able to transform their lives, change the appearance and fate of the heroes. Description of a scarlet flower in a fairy tale: “And suddenly he sees a scarlet flower blooming on a green hillock, a beauty unprecedented and unheard of, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. An honest merchant's spirit is occupied; he approaches that flower; the smell from the flower flows in a steady stream throughout the entire garden...”

5. Divide the story into parts and give them titles. Think about how the story will be told about scarlet flower youngest daughter.
Retelling plan
1) Departure of the merchant, requests of his daughters. "Daughters' orders."
2) The wanderings of a merchant in search of gifts for his daughters. "Gifts for daughters."
3) The enchanted castle and its owner. "A Treaty with a Monster"
4) The merchant returns with gifts and a request for help. "Daughter's Choice"
5) The merchant’s youngest daughter is in the monster’s castle. "The Girl and the Beast."
6) The return of the youngest daughter and the sisters’ insidious plan. "Cunning and Love."
7) Removal of the spell and a feast for the whole world. "A handsome prince and a merchant's daughter."

Or the second version of the plan:

1) Father’s departure and sisters’ requests
2) Father's Journey
3) Meeting with the monster and the priest’s promise
4) Father’s arrival
5) Overheard conversation
6) Nastenka goes to the island to visit the monster
7) Nastenka’s life with the monster
8) Arriving to visit my father
9) Sisters' deceit
10) Nastenka returns to the monster
11) Miraculous transformation and happy ending

Retelling from the perspective of the youngest daughter
1) Father is leaving to buy goods, she asked him to bring me a scarlet flower, which is nothing more beautiful in the world, which I saw in a dream, I don’t know why.
2) Father returned, blackened with grief, I began to torture him to find out what happened.
3) Father admitted to me that everything happened because of the damned scarlet flower.
4) Since it was my request, I will go for the priest to serve the monster, grabbed the flower and was transported to the enchanted castle, did everything as the priest told me.
5) I was scared at first, but then I got used to hearing the thunderous voice of the owner of the castle.
6) I asked him to show himself to me, he refused for a long time, and as soon as I saw him, I fell unconscious.
7) I felt ashamed of myself, I again began to persuade my dear friend to show himself, even from a distance, and when he showed up, I was able to restrain myself and began to talk to him. Yes, walk every day.
8) I asked to let me go to the priest, I missed him so much, my friend allowed me to see the priest, but told me to come back quickly.
9) I took the scarlet flower and it instantly transported me to my dear father.
10) I am glad to meet my father and sisters, and I myself am counting the minutes until I return to my dear, beloved friend, I miss him.
11) I learned about the treachery of my sisters, I was late for the appointed time, I heard the voice of my dear friend that he was dying without me, he could not stand the fact that I broke my word.
12) I grabbed a scarlet flower and found myself in an enchanted garden, only there was no dear friend, suddenly I saw: lying on a hillock. I returned the scarlet flower to its place, hugged my dear dead friend and began to shout that I loved him as a desired groom, because that’s how it was already, I loved him with all my desired heart.
13) I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, I saw my father and sisters, and next to me a handsome prince, who called me his bride and told everyone that he had been bewitched thirty years ago, and I removed the spell from him with my love and fidelity.
14) My beloved prince-royal threw a feast for the whole world, and everyone was happy for me: both my father and my dear sisters.

6. Can Aksakov's fairy tale be called magical? Why? Write it down in your workbook.
Aksakov’s fairy tale can be called magical, because miracles happen in it, there are magical objects, fantastic creatures, unusual events occur, there are sayings, beginnings, stable characteristics of the heroes, everything ends with the victory of good over evil spells.

Page 215. Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

1. Which fairy tales by Odoevsky and Garshin have you read before? Are you familiar with other works by Aksakov and Bazhov? Make a list and write it down in your workbook.
Fairy tales by Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”, “The Broken Jug”. Garshin's fairy tales: “The Tale of Proud Haggai”, “The Frog Traveler”. Tales of Bazhov: collection “Malachite Box” (tales “Housewife” copper mountain", "Fire Snake"). Aksakov’s works: “Notes on Fishing”, “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province”, “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”.

2. Explain in your own words what a literary fairy tale is. How is it different from a folk tale? Give examples.
The fairy tale is one of the main genres of folk oral poetry. This is a predominantly prosaic work of fiction. oral history fantastic, adventurous or everyday character with a fictional attitude. Along with the fairy tales created collective creativity people, literary fairy tales, which were written by various writers and differ from folk tales in their uniqueness, highly artistic style of presentation, special edifying manner and philosophy inherent in this or that writer, have widely entered into the reading circle of children. Examples of literary fairy tales: P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, M. E. Saltykov -Shchedrin " The wise minnow", "How a man fed two generals", " Wild landowner", A. P. Gaidar "Malchish-Kibalchish", Y. Olesha "Three Fat Men", V. Kaverin "Pipe and Jug".

3. Do you think the tales from this section are close folk tales or different from them?
The fairy tales of the writers from the section “Literary Fairy Tales” are very close to folk tales, but still differ from them in their highly artistic style, stylization of the dialect of a certain area, well-written characters, a more complex and intricate plot, and greater edification and instructiveness.

4. Do writers use personification in their fairy tales? Give examples.
Writers use personification in their fairy tales. For example, a rose and a toad are represented as thinking creatures, capable of experiencing the feelings inherent in a person, being upset, crying, irritated, and rejoicing. Bell boys look like ordinary boys, Princess Spring looks like an ordinary girl, but these are parts of the mechanism of a musical snuff box. Personification is an image of inanimate or abstract objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.

5. Imagine that the writer did not use this technique. How would his work change? Could we call it a fairy tale?
If the writer did not use personification, then such a work could no longer be called a fairy tale, it would be a description of everyday life, realistic image reality.

6. How do you understand what storytelling is? Find the definition of this concept in the encyclopedia. Compare it with this one. Name works that can be called narrative.
Narration is a story about the events that happened to the heroes of the work. Events are depicted in a certain sequence: the author talks about how they began, how they developed and how they ended.
From Ozhegov’s dictionary: a narrative is a coherent story about some events, about something that happened. If we compare these two statements, the first is more detailed, expanded and precise than the second, which gives a more general and less specific idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a narrative is.
Narrative can be called the following works: L. N. Tolstoy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”; M. Yu. Lermontov “Ashik-Kerib”, “Mtsyri”; A.P. Chekhov “Boys”, “Kashtanka”, “Chameleon”; A. S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”, “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, “Blizzard”, “Shot”.

Planned results of the study academic subject

By the end of grade 1, students should know:

Memorize 3-4 poetic works of classics of Russian literature;
author and title of 3-4 books read;
names and surnames of 3-4 writers whose works were read in class.

Students should be able to:

Use the simplest formulas of speech etiquette when meeting, saying goodbye, and addressing each other and adults;
listen to your interlocutor, showing him attention and respect, support the conversation with remarks and questions;
read a short text smoothly, in whole words with elements of syllable reading;
read small texts at a speed of at least 30-35 words per minute, observe pauses separating one sentence from another;
answer questions about the text read;
reproduce the content of an episode or a situation from the text based on questions and illustrations;
express your opinion on what you read.

Reading skill

I half of the year. Smooth syllabic reading of words, sentences, short texts with learned sounds and letters denoting them.
II half of the year. Correct, smooth syllabic reading with elements of reading whole words of small texts with all the letters of the alphabet. Observe pauses separating one sentence from another. Continuation of work on the sound culture of speech, on the word, sentence and coherent speech begun in the primer period.

V. Danko
Mysterious letters

A - swallowed a frog.
L - she rolled the cart.
D - let's open it and go in.
Sh - we'll find it under the tree.

Oh - it buzzes and stings painfully.
P - trees are falling in the forest.
B - tweets on a branch.
T growls at us from the cage.

N – likes a pleasant smell.
K – walks on soft paws.
M - fleeing from a cat.
C - in a pot on the window.

Sh – brushes teeth diligently.
Z - orders us to put on fur coats.
F – sitting in a box.
U - not poisonous at all.

Ch - drags the house with him.
E - will respond from the thicket.
And - in the forest on chicken legs.
G - they are in our baskets.

S - we will stroke the fur.
Yo - we'll dress up for the holiday.
F - flickers with light.
Yu - spins like a top.

Y - in the middle of the cheese.
B - baked in a frying pan.
E - in the forest we ate from a bush.
R - they flew around the moon.

X - on the table for dinner.
I am on every ship.

S. Cherny
Living alphabet

I'm very tired of letters
To sleep and sleep in thick books...
At midnight - a heap of madness
They climbed down from the shelf onto the bed.
And straight from the bed to the floor,
We looked - people were sleeping -
And they started mischief,
A wonderful masquerade.
A - became a stork, C - a heron,
E - hedgehog... Wonderful ball!
I didn't sleep and every drop
I looked and wrote it down...
In the morning the artist knocks on the door
(Fat, with a black beard,
And ruddy like a pie) -
It was my friend.
He read, took the paper,
Took out seven pencils
And now the whole gang
I drew it for kids.
The aster is blooming in the garden -
Stork, it's time for you to go hiking!
The bull moos and eats all day.
The squirrel holds its tail like a pole.
A raven can live a hundred years.
A wolf is a bad neighbor to a sheep.
The goose walks like a soldier.
The pear is ripening - Grisha is happy.
The woodpecker in the oak tree goes on and on...
The oak tree creaks: “What’s that knocking?”
The hedgehog under the tree is surprised:
A tree with needles - and him.
The toad waits, his belly swollen, -
The beetle flies straight into her mouth.
The finch whistled in the grove,
The hare got scared and ran away.
A willow bends its branches into a pond.
Turkeys are always screaming.
The rat rushes across the bridge.
The cat follows her, tail raised.
The swan is a relative of the goose,
A horse is to a zebra, a bream is to a ruff.
The mouse looks at the ceiling:
"Fly, you'll fall off, my friend!"
Mink catches fish in the wave.
A rhinoceros snores in its sleep.
The donkey climbed into the thistles.
Monkeys are looking for fleas.
The bee works all day
The cockerel is too lazy to peck.
Ryzhik hides his cap in the moss.
Cancer was a black man, but he became like a poppy.
The elephant was terribly ill -
I ate a plum with a pit.
The tiger is fiercer than all animals,
The cockroach is the kindest of all.
The duck is an experienced dive.
The snake loves the cold.
Figs are sweet like jelly.
An eagle owl sits in a hollow during the day.
Khrushch is a cheerful cockchafer.
Hops crawls onto a pole without hands.
The chick came out of the egg.
A heron sleeps near a tree.
The worm climbed onto the flower,
The siskin flew off and pecked in the side!
A chimpanzee chews a biscuit.
Spitz is trembling with envy.
Schur eats hundreds of bees a day.
The angry pike disappeared into the shadows.
Ethiopians cook soup.
The Eskimo is sewn into five fur coats.
Young boy washes his ship.
Yura glues the airship.
The hawk is a clever bird catcher.
Jaguar is a thunderstorm of forests.
b, b, s
Solid sign And soft sign
Y and Yat - remained like this.

This page provides a tutorial - literary reading Grade 3 (part 1), authors: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.A. Vinogradskaya. As well as a list of topics covered in the course of literary reading in grade 3, definitions, links to texts of works.

The contents of the textbook are literary reading, grade 3, part 1, authors L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.A. Vinogradskaya

Topic: Books are my friends

Books have been loved and appreciated at all times. “If you diligently search for wisdom in the books, you will find great benefit for your soul,” wrote Grand Duke Ancient Rus' Yaroslav the Wise.

IN handwritten books Ancient Rus' had instructions for children. These are the words of Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

Beware of lies, because the soul and body perish. *** Do not have pride in your heart and mind. *** Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers. *** Don’t let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him. ***What good you have, do not forget, and what you do not have, learn. *** While doing good, do not be lazy about anything good.

We're going to the book museum

Topic: Life is given for good deeds

The stories of M. Zoshchenko, N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky are very funny. In them, writers talk about their childhood.

Mikhail Zoshchenko openly admitted that when he was little, not everything went well at home and at school. In one of his stories he wrote: “I may not have been able to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for.” A writer, when creating his work, always hopes that he can help someone become better, smarter and kinder.

Proverbs about kindness Smart people learn from the mistakes of others, and stupid people learn from their own. (Old proverb) *** He who helps people gets his wishes come true. (English proverb) *** Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind. (Russian proverb) *** Don’t judge by the strength of your hands, but judge by the strength of your heart. (Bashkir proverb) *** Listen kind people- they will lead you on the path. (Russian proverb)

Vladimir Ivanov Dahl collected not only fairy tales, but also proverbs of the Russian people. One of the sections of his collection “Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People” is called: “O good deeds and virtues."

Here are a few proverbs about why a person is judged not by his words, but by his deeds.

  • A good deed is strong.
  • God helps the good.
  • Good memory.
  • Hurry up to do good.
  • Goodness cannot resist goodness.
  • There are many kind people in the world.
  • A good deed does not drown in water.
  • He who overcomes his anger becomes strong.
  • A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
- V. Dragunsky, L. Kaminsky, V. Medvedev, - Yu. Koval. Funny stories about school. - V. Dragunsky. Deniska's stories. - V. Dragunky. Girls and boys. - M. Zoshchenko. Funny stories. - M. Zoshchenko. Stories for children. - N. Nosov. Dunno on the Moon. - N. Nosov. Dunno in the Sunny City.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

Theme: Fairy tale

Folk tales can be divided into:

  • tales about animals,
  • everyday tales,
  • fairy tales.

Fairy tale differs from other types of fairy tales by incredible, magical events and wonderful, amazing transformations! In fairy tales there is always unusual heroes, magical objects and wonderful helpers. The construction of a fairy tale and its language are also distinctive features.

Signs of a fairy tale

  • Saying,
  • triple repetitions,
  • wonderful transformations,
  • incredible, fantastic events
  • fabulous helpers.

We learn to tell stories from a picture using the example of a painting by V. Vasnetsov
1. Why is the picture called that? Justify your answer.
2. How else can you call a painting by V. Vasnetsov? Suggest your name options.
3. Choose words to describe the picture. What colors and shades do you see?
4. Choose words (verbs) that convey the movement of the characters: rushing, flying, rushing, jumping.
5. Determine the character of the characters by their appearance, posture, facial expression, clothing.
6. Imagine that you are one of the heroes of the picture. Tell him on his behalf what you see and feel.

We're going to the library - We recommend reading - Collections of fairy tales - Fairy tales peoples of the world. - Russian folk tales. - Russian fairy tales. - Magic world Eastern fairy tales. - Magic chest. Tales of the peoples of Europe. - Tales of the peoples of India. - Tales of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Oceania. - A long time ago... Tales of the peoples of Russia.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

A saying is short story, a joke before the beginning of a fairy tale.

Examples of sayings

  • On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a tree - golden domes. A bayun cat walks along this tree: it goes up, starts a song, it goes down, it tells fairy tales. This is not a fairy tale yet, but a saying, and the whole fairy tale lies ahead.
  • Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.
  • Three distant lands, in the thirtieth state.

Topic: Love all living things

When reading works, we note for ourselves what makes us happy or sad, makes us cry or laugh. It is so interesting to observe the changes in nature, the life of animals, fish, birds. But you have to learn this. You need to treat all living things with love and care, be patient and attentive. After all, all these changes are so invisible at first glance. It is also very important to be able to talk about it, share your thoughts and feelings.

We're going to the library - We recommend reading - Collections of works about nature - V. Bianchi. Tales and stories about nature. - V. Bianchi. Forest newspaper. - V. Chaplin. Zoo pets. - E. Charushin. Big and small. - M. Prishvin. Tales about animals. - N. Sladkov. Forest calendar. - K. Paustovsky, G. Skreitsky, K. Ushinsky, - V. Bianki. Stories about nature. - L. Tolstoy. Stories about nature for children. - G. Snegirev. Stories.

Independent reading

Family reading

Our theater

Small and big secrets of the country of Literature

Work review plan
1. Title of the work.
2. Author.
3. Main characters(their description, character, actions, speech)
4. Theme and main idea of ​​the work.
5. Your impression of the work you read.

How to make a plan?
1. Find supporting words in the text.
2. Divide the text into parts.
3. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​each part.
4. Title each part.
5. Write down the names of the parts.
6. Restore the events of the story in order.

Topic: Pictures of Russian nature

Poems with descriptions of nature are needed to learn to be more attentive and observant. The poems use very beautiful words. You read and the world around you becomes magical.

Reading poems about nature, we rejoice and experience together with the poets. In some poems, the lines sound smoothly, melodiously, like beautiful music. In others the rhythm is sharp and tense.

Often poetry and music are combined. It turns out a song. Artists, just like writers and poets, admire nature. They create landscapes.

I. Shishkin. Winter in the forest
  • N. Nekrasov. Glorious Autumn (from the poem “Railroad”)
We're going to the library - We recommend reading "Seasons". Poems by Russian poets about nature. "Four Seasons". Signs, riddles, proverbs, poems. Poems about autumn (Poetry Class series). Poems about winter (Poetry Class series).

Independent reading

Independent reading

  • K. Paustovsky. Autumn has already settled in the garden... (from the story “Gift”)

Autumn had already settled in the garden... The maples were burning dark purple, the euonymus was turning pink, and the wild grapes were drying up on the gazebo. Even here and there on the birch trees in the garden yellow strands appeared, like the first gray hair of a still young person...

One night the first frost came. He breathed cold air onto the windows in the house and they fogged up; sprinkled grainy frost on the roofs, crunched underfoot. Only the stars seemed to rejoice at the first frost and sparkled much brighter than on warm summer nights. That night I woke up from a drawn-out and pleasant sound - a shepherd's horn sang in the dark. Outside the windows the dawn was barely noticeable blue.

I got dressed and went out into the garden. The harsh air washed over my face cold water– the dream passed immediately. Dawn was breaking. The blue in the east gave way to a crimson haze, similar to the smoke of a fire. This darkness brightened, became more and more transparent, through it distant and gentle lands of golden and pink clouds were already visible.

There was no wind, but the leaves kept falling and falling in the garden. Over that one night, the birches turned yellow to the very tops, and the leaves fell from them in frequent and sad rain.

I. Ostroukhov - Park

A. Savrasov - Winter


    • Drukar- typographer, printer, book printer.
    • Foreign- the same as foreign.
    • Satirist- author or performer of satirical (exposing, ridiculing negative phenomena) works.
    • Emery- a mineral used to clean metal products.
    • Don't close your eyes- stay awake, don’t close your eyes, don’t sleep.
    • Serve with faith and truth- serve faithfully and honestly.
    • Give bad fame- spread a rumor, gossip.
    • Covet- to look at someone or something with envy.
    • More- bigger, stronger.
    • On foot- walking.
    • knowledgeable- knowledgeable about something.
    • Don't let it pass by ears- not to be ignored.
    • Kul- a big bag.
    • Shameful- shameful, reprehensible.
    • Blame yourself- have only yourself to blame.
    • accomplish- to perform, to carry out.
    • Stepmother- stepmother.
    • Stepdaughter- stepdaughter of one of the spouses.
    • Just now- recently.
    • Canoe- a boat made of wood.
    • Big guy- that's what they say about someone tall and awkward.
    • My soul has sunk into my heels- get scared.
    • Polynya- an unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river, lake, or sea.
    • Arrogant- arrogant, arrogant.
    • Too much- too much.
    • Swagger- to be vain, proud, important.