Corporate event in oriental style. Design and decor

The languid glances of oriental princesses, the aroma of coffee and incense, delicate silk and the shine of gold... A party in the style of 1000 and 1 night is a fascinating journey into a fairytale kingdom to the heady sounds of Arabic music. A bright flash of the holiday will explode the gray everyday life with colorful fireworks!


Invite guests to the vizier's chambers or the eastern tent! You can create the right atmosphere either at home or in a luxurious room. The easiest option is to rent tents and relax in nature, although such a party will require considerable expenses.

For DIY decorations, you will need a lot of silk fabric or satin in red, gold or lilac. Drape the walls and part of the ceiling, starting from the center of the room. Instead of fabric, you can use brown wallpaper with gilding, imitating a carpet pattern. Hang gold beads, serpentine, curtain tassels. Hide modern furniture under covers or remove everything unnecessary, leaving a few soft chairs and low sofas. You can sit on the floor, on colorful silk pillows. Cover your floors with Persian rugs or colorful woven rugs.

Hang weapons on the walls - scimitars, sabers, swords and daggers. They can be cut out of cardboard and coated with silver paint (the weapons will be useful in the scenario; let them be easy to remove from the walls). Place tall clay jugs or artificial palm trees in the corners. Place large wrought iron trays with a variety of fruits and sweets on low tables. Hookahs, peacock feathers, copper and brass dishes, photos of Baghdad, oases, caravans, and oriental bazaars will fit perfectly into the decor. Do not overdo it when placing scented candles and incense - not all guests will like the heavy smell.


The Arabian Nights costume party is an opportunity to show off slender legs, a wasp waist and smooth seductive curves. Short beaded tops, silk wide trousers or flowing loose skirts with slits on the sides, large bright jewelry on the wrists and ankles. Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, lush curls, long claws, piercing or rhinestone in the navel, forehead decoration, large ringing earrings - a fully equipped oriental princess!

Men's suits are no less colorful. The image chosen for the party can be any hero from 1000 or 1 fairy tales - a rich vizier, an Arab warrior or a sneaky city thief (maybe Aladdin himself?). Belted trousers gathered at the bottom, a vest over a naked body or over a shirt, a turban - the richer the fabric, the more complex the pattern, the higher the social status of the guest. On the belt of a wealthy caliph hangs a tight purse, obviously stuffed with gold coins, in a warrior’s sheath is a sharp scimitar, and a thief hides a bunch of master keys in the folds of his clothes.

Serving and menu

Seat your guests in a way that is most comfortable for everyone; any option will do:

  • low tables and comfortable soft ottomans;
  • pillows around the common trestle bed;
  • several tables for 3-5 persons;
  • a communal table covered with a piece of silk or a woven patterned rug.

The main decoration will be metal dishes. You can paint a simple set with gold paint and cover it with “precious” stones. The dishes are common, bursting with homemade oriental food - roast meat, pilaf, stewed pieces of lamb with vegetables. Surprise your guests by preparing several dishes according to national recipes. Don't forget oriental bread - flatbread, pita bread, grain buns.

For dessert, offer traditional oriental sweets (locum, baklava, candied fruits, sherbet, halva, etc.), sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar. You can’t do without dried fruits and fresh fruits (peaches, pomegranates, figs, grapes, melons). Fruit and grape wines are in favor, although any drink poured into a stylized decanter will not go out of style.


The wise Scheherazade, who connects all the short stories in the collection “A Thousand and One Nights” with a thin thread, told her husband fairy tales of various contents. The main roles were given either to real heroes or to thieving commoners. But they were all cunning, dexterous, smart. Build the scenario around the main idea of ​​fairy tales: boldly step towards your goal, and you will certainly achieve it. Hold competitions to the sound of oriental music that carries you beyond the horizon:

1. The most dexterous (cardboard swords, double combat). The goal is to hit the opponent in the body three times, without allowing the enemy weapon to “pierce” your camp. More for men, but some women don't mind swinging scimitars too!

2. The most accurate. Throw darts or spears at the target with the image of a Persian thug. For a laugh, you can spin the shooter several times before throwing or even blindfold him (but then the presenter must himself put the guest facing the target).

3. The wisest caliph. Prepare several oriental riddles that guests must quickly answer. For example, who does the caravan driver meet often, the vizier rarely, and the sultan never? (equal to oneself).

4. The most charming princess. Competition for the best belly dancer. It is advisable that the presenter or guest animator tell the girls how to move. You can include a video with a clip in the topic.

5. The most eloquent vizier(cards with inscriptions - a pimple popped up, a huge crooked nose, a bald spot and other imperfections). The guest who draws the card must praise the unfortunate person’s peculiarity with an oriental flavor.

The competitions can be based on fairy tale plots. For example, in the short story “The Cunning Salesman,” a beggar bought a tin bowl that supposedly turns everything into gold (cook and stir, but under no circumstances think about the dancing bear, otherwise nothing will work). Of course, the beggar couldn’t get the dancing bear out of his head and didn’t make any gold. Invite guests to sell a broken hanger, a bald toilet brush and other ridiculous things, inventing a use for them and praising the worthless product in every possible way.

Prepare rewards for all guests of the party - books “A Thousand and One Nights”, CDs with films in the theme, bracelets, earrings and silk scarves for girls, souvenir daggers with memorable inscriptions for men.

Amazing, full of mysterious charm and passion, the East attracts many. What if you throw a wonderful party in such a style that at least for a while you find yourself in the fairy tale of 1000 and 1 nights?

The interesting flavor of eastern countries, the temperament and customs of their inhabitants - in order to convey all this, both the organizers of the party and its participants will have to give their best. Special efforts and attention will be required in the design of invitations, premises, making themed costumes or searching for them, organizing refreshments, games and entertainment program numbers. In general, everything is as usual.

But don't be upset! If your friends are ready to help you in this matter or you have the means to order services from a holiday agency, the task will be much easier, and the preparation process will quickly be completed.


There are different ways to notify prospective guests about the place and time of a themed party in the style of the East.

Postcards. Both traditional ones, decorated with oriental ornaments and images of beautiful concubines, and musical ones are suitable, when opening them, guests will hear the characteristic melody. It would be good if the inscriptions were stylized in Arabic script, and the text was reminiscent of one of Scheherazade’s fairy tales.

Volumetric postcards. This option involves decorating a cardboard base with drapery made of flowing fabric, shiny elements (coins, beads, seed beads) of an oriental dancer’s costume. Postcards “with a secret” look original - you open one, and a figurine of a genie, a sheikh, or the silhouette of an oriental palace appears before your eyes.

Bracelets. In any case, an abundance of decorations will be welcome at an oriental party. One of them - a bracelet - can become an original entrance ticket to the event. It is advisable to attach a small invitation card to the bracelet with a reminder of the start time of the party and the dress code.

A bag of incense and coins. An elegant pouch with a drawstring, made of transparent fabric, into which a scented stick from a set of incense, several small coins or bright stones reminiscent of gems are first placed. A small invitation card will also be stored in the bag.

If all this seems too complicated, draw up an invitation on a regular sheet of thick paper, printing an oriental ornament and the text of the invitation on it. The editors of eventspro have selected a small selection of invitations designed in oriental style; you can use them as a sample for ordering from a printing house:

How to meet friends?

Oriental hospitality is a must for our themed party. It is ideal if each dear guest is greeted by the owner in a turban and an embroidered robe, while treating everyone who enters with fruits and sweets, and offering a cup of strong coffee brewed in Turkish style.

In addition to the above, you can treat yourself to traditional Caucasian drinks, such as an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan, ayran or matsoni.

Or maybe a fakir will entertain those entering the house? Demonstrating another trick, he will take out various treats from under his magic cloak. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and Aladdin's assistant - the genie.

The meeting of guests can also be entrusted to beautiful concubines who perform a charming and seductive belly dance for all the guests gathered at the party.

Amazing music will help set your guests in the mood for an oriental fairy tale, because the melodies of the East cannot be confused with anything else. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will be supported by a video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the wonderful aroma of lit sandalwood sticks or other incense.

What to wear to an oriental-style party?

Perhaps the wildest scope of imagination in relation to costumes is given by a party in an oriental style: girls can show themselves in all their glory, showing off the delicate curves of their figures, covered with bodices embroidered with beads and trousers made of transparent fabric with a belt on the hips, decorated with rich embroidery and inviting jingling coins. A scarf that covers the head and part of the face will add mystery, leaving only the eyes with bright, memorable makeup visible.

Alternatively, a girl can wear a long floor-length skirt instead of bloomers. A must-have item is a lot of jewelry: large earrings, necklaces, beads, monistos, bracelets on the forearm and wrist, and on the ankle. The most modest representatives of the fair sex can get by with a veil, which will allow them to hide their figure from unwanted glances.

There are also many costume ideas for the male half of the guests: the sultan, the genie, Aladdin, the fakir, the Janissary warrior, the Bedouin wanderer, the Baghdad thief. An indispensable attribute is a turban or turban, fastened (at the front) in the center with a luxurious brooch with a large stone.

Yes, you will have to work hard while you learn how to roll a piece of cotton fabric or a towel into a turban, but the result is worth it - a proud posture and a predatory look will conquer any of the party participants. Bloomers can be replaced with regular trousers, and a robe with oriental patterns on the fabric can be thrown over your shoulders, or, as a last resort, you can try on a wide bathrobe. A fakir should take care of a wide cloak, and a Janissary should take care of having a sword, a faithful companion of a warrior.

You don’t have to worry about shoes at all – the dress code of an oriental party allows for bare feet, light ballet shoes or soft shoes with turned-up toes.

Room decoration

It is unlikely that the party organizers will be able to accurately reproduce the rich decoration of the Sultan’s chambers, but it will be quite possible to make the interior of the room as similar as possible to an oriental palace. The main rule is an abundance of textiles and decorative elements.

Traditionally, guests in the East are not seated on chairs at the table; guests are treated to themselves sitting on the floor, on soft pillows, decorated with ornaments with many smooth lines and curves, at a table with low legs. If the party guests are conservative people, you can invite them to sit on cozy wide sofas, low poufs or chairs draped in fabric.

Be sure to lay a carpet on the floor, or better yet, not one, but several. To give the party a special oriental charm, we recommend making canopies from light fabrics that form a kind of tent over the dining area and drapery along the walls. Pillows and thoughts of various sizes are welcome, scattered in “creative” chaos on the floor, sofas, and chairs.

Don’t forget about the traditional oriental hookah - this smoking device, beloved by many, will fit perfectly into an oriental party and help maintain a conversation with each other.

Large floor vases, elegant figurines in the form of dancing girls, animals - elephants, tigers, horses - are suitable as decoration. The walls can be decorated with paintings of battle scenes, picturesque views of palaces and oriental bazaars.

The lighting should not be bright; dim light from floor lamps and wall sconces is sufficient. It is good to use candles, placing them on the floor, tables, shelves, but it is better (and safer) to replace them with lamps stylized as candles.

Where to hold such an event?

The most ideal option, of course, would be to hold a party in an oriental restaurant or cafe. In this case, you won’t have to worry about decorating the room and refreshments.

If the finances of the organizers are limited, you can receive guests in your home or a room rented for the evening, having previously arranged it in the style we need.

A great idea is to hold an oriental party in nature. To organize a thematic event, you will have to install a large tent, and more than one if there are many guests planned. The tent, of course, will have to be furnished with small ottomans, carpets, and hookahs. In the case of a tent, you will achieve almost one hundred percent reproduction of the oriental style, because tents are used in the east to this day! You should also worry about the musical accompaniment - without it, an oriental party with enchanting dances is unthinkable.

What to treat your friends with?

Treating at a party in an oriental style is a responsible matter, since a warm welcome to guests also presupposes an abundance of food on the table.

Meat dishes are a must - delicious pilaf with lamb, beshbarmak, shurpa, baked meat under a vegetable coat and, of course, shish kebab. You can stop at one dish or choose several (depending on the number and wishes of the guests). Oriental cuisine replaces salads in the usual sense with fresh vegetables: several plates with beautifully chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and herbs will decorate the table and delight the eyes of the participants in the celebration.

Don’t forget about oriental sweets: baklava, Turkish delight, sherbet and other delicacies are prepared according to recipes yourself or ordered in a restaurant.

This type of party does not involve the presence of alcoholic beverages. The custom of the East is to serve strong tea or coffee. If guests do not agree to give up alcohol, you can offer wine or light cocktails, giving them unusual names, for example, “The 1002nd Tale of Scheherazade” or “The Feat of the Janissary.”

Selecting music

We have already mentioned that you need to take care of the musical accompaniment. If you are in doubt about your choice or can’t think of anything, we suggest paying attention to the following options:

  1. Some Arash compositions, for example, Tike Tike Kardi, Boro Boro, “Oriental Tales” or Chori Chori.
  2. Tarkan with his Simarik, Kuzu Kuzu and Dudu would also be appropriate.
  3. Songs “My Queen”, “Eyes”, “Sorceress” and others performed by Eldar Dolgatov.
  4. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and his “Tramp”, “I’ll Be Around”, “I’ll Remember” and more.

And, of course, do not forget about traditional Caucasian compositions:

In fairness, it is worth noting that the concept of the East is very broad, this concept includes our Caucasus, and the countries of the Middle and Far East, so in terms of the musical score, you may end up with some kind of oriental mix.

Entertainment part

Belly dance

Not a single oriental-style celebration is complete without fiery belly dancing. When performed by a professional dancer, guests will receive a lot of aesthetic pleasure.

Many people will think: what can you offer guests at an oriental-style party other than belly dancing? In fact, the list of entertainment is much richer; for this purpose, the eventspro project has a special section for competitions and games.

To lay the first stone in the foundation of your entertainment part, we present here several competitions that will fit perfectly into the oriental style of the party.

Fakir tricks.

Anyone can master several simple tricks with a magician's kit, which you will find in any specialized store (holiday agency). All that remains is to practice in advance, prepare a fakir costume - and go ahead, surprise your guests!

Competition for the best belly dance.

There will always be girls in the company who have studied oriental dancing. If they demonstrate their art at a party, thunderous applause and adoration from fans are guaranteed.

“Gulchatay, show your face!”

Will guys be able to recognize their girls if the beauties are hidden under a veil, leaving only an alluring gaze open? Such a test will be a real test for couples in love (and not only).

"Brave Janissary."

You can organize a comic fight with fake swords between representatives of the stronger sex in the costumes of warriors and sultans, because every man should be able to fight.

"The New Tale of Scheherazade."

During a meal or quiet conversations, you can play a game where each participant says one phrase, continuing the story of the previous player. The result should be a new fairy tale with funny adventures.

Board games.

Traditional entertainment, which can be combined with hookah smoking (chess, backgammon), is suitable for those who prefer a quiet pastime to noisy games.

An oriental-style party can turn into an unforgettable fairy-tale adventure if you prepare for it with imagination and take into account all the details. eventspro sincerely wishes you success in organizing! And we really hope that our advice will help you create the most beautiful and magnificent oriental fairy tale in all respects!

A short plan for preparing for an oriental party

If you have always liked oriental themes, and you get indescribable pleasure from oriental food, then an oriental themed party is what you need!

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Let's have fun!

  1. Determine who in your group of friends will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with everyone to clarify the seriousness of each person's intentions.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the party (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Resolve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and implementation)
  7. Solve the design issue: what attributes and design elements are needed, in what quantity, where to get them. It is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  8. Discuss the dress code issue.
  9. Find costume rental studios (after all, it’s far from a fact that every participant has the necessary clothes) and give everyone a reminder with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit...”)
  10. Decide where you intend to hold the event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a New Year's party in an oriental theme; for sure, you will be answered by sites that specialize in oriental cuisine with an interior that exactly suits your goals.
  11. What dishes/drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  12. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  13. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

Hasamiuchi é sobre Mika, que é obrigada a se encontrar com alguns amigos de suas amigas Shiki e Fre, que conheceu na internet. Quando chega ao local do encontro, Mika vai descobrir que os amigos delas, são homens mais velhos, cheios de más intenções e loucos de desejo de satisfazer as mais loucas fantasias sexuais.

Quadrinho porno bem excitante em que Misty, que tinha “abandonado” sua equipe, com o desejo de se tornar líder de um grande ginásio, não resistiu à saudade e viu que tava sentindo muita falta de seus amigos e lembrou de fazer uma visita surpresa. A saudade era tanta, que não resistiu a matar a saudade de todos seus amigos, principalmente de Ash e do seu pau enorme.

Hentai Uma mãe muito ingênua, conta a história de Tommy, um garoto que tem uma mãe super gostosa e é tarado por ela. Ele é doido pela bunda redondinha de sua mamãe, que deixa ele louco de tesão. O rapaz tem um plano secreto, de foder a safada enquanto ela estivesse dormindo. A coroa acaba acordando e gostando da brincadeira, fode com o moleque que mete até no cuzinho dela.

Professora gostosinha recém chegada na escola é chantageada por alguns nerds que querem que ela seja presidente do clube de música. Ela acabou não aceitando o convite por achar melhor fazer parte do clube literário. Os garotos descobrem coisas comprometedores da professorinha e acabam chantageando a coitada. Eles a obrigam a fazer tudo o que querem, inclusive favores sexuais e putaria sem limites.

Essa gostosa de corpo sarado acorda cheia de tesão e resolve brincar um pouquinho durante o banho. A gata sai para uma caminhada e acaba encontrando pela rua dois rapazes bonitões. Como ela ainda estava cheia de fogo resolveu levar os garotos pra casa, e se divertir muito com eles. Rolou muito sexo gostoso e até dupla penetração, ela delirou de prazer sentindo duas picas grandes dentro dela, uma na buceta e outra no cuzinho. Terminaram dando um banho de porra na safada que ficou todinha...

Confira essa magnifica compilação com histórias de Fate Grand Order. Uma bela pegada de doujins, só que completamente sem nenhuma censura. Você vai ficar impressionado com tanto Hentai Online de qualidade, deixe seu comentário sobre o que achou. Lembrando que esses quadrinhos eróticos foram republicados do nosso amigo e parceiro Chaldeas Cabaret Club - Hentai Online

O seminário do amor ajuda aquelas pessoas que estão solteiras a muito tempo, e acontece todos os anos. Essa gatinha safadinha tem uma amiga que não perde o evento nem um ano sequer, esta louca pra encontrar um macho. A amiga a convida pra acompanhar ela ao festival, mais quando chega lá descobre que rola a maior putaria. Vai rolar muito sexo gostoso com essas gatinha dando a bucetinha, fodendo com homens bem dotados. Quadrinho porno: O seminário do amor

Scenario for a man's anniversary written based on the beloved film “White Sun of the Desert”, it is filled with oriental flavor and music. The celebration of the hero of the day takes place on an oriental scale: with the arrival of an astrologer and fortune telling, with a harem and oriental dancers .

Organizing a holiday according to the scenario “The East is a delicate matter!” will require some preparation and expense to decorate this themed holiday, but it will definitely bring pleasure to the hero of the occasion and will be remembered by all guests. (Thanks to the author of the idea A Vertinskaya)

Introductory part of the anniversary script "The East is a delicate matter"

(The decoration of the hall or room should be in oriental style, for example, a large number of different draperies, pillows stylized as oriental lanterns, scented sticks, three-tiered vases with fruits and halva, hookahs, etc.)

You should also prepare a poster with the title “The Sultan’s Harem...”. , on which photos of the birthday boy’s wife will be placed in different periods of time.

Ukupeik's song "Petrukha" sounds - the presenter comes out

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to see you at today's celebration, which I would like to begin with these words:

Abode of antiquity and mystery,
A sip of great wisdom!
Your riddles are endless!
Khan Vostok is calling us!

Yes, yes, you heard right! Today, thanks to our hero of the day, we will be able to visit the marvelous chambers of the eastern khan, breathe in the aroma of oriental bazaars, where spices and exotic fruits reign, sultry beauties will dance for us, and Baghdad astrologers and sages will predict happiness for us for many years of life. This is our planned route today.

And we will begin our journey with something old, like the East itself, and wise, like a snake:

“Once upon a time a son was born to a wise Shah, and the most powerful wizard in those parts brought three offerings to the newborn as a gift. The first of them is health, since a healthy person can do everything, but all the treasures of the world will not help a sick person. The second offering is intuition, which becomes "A faithful companion and adviser to any person. And the third thing is a short memory for grievances, because hidden resentment and anger can poison the life of any sane person. So we wish our hero of the day health, excellent intuition and forgetfulness of grievances!"

(Short pause.)

Congratulatory part of the anniversary script:

1. Original gifts for the “Gifts of the East” anniversary

Leading: And now it's time for gifts! What did the wisest East reserve for the birthday boy this time? (here the presenter’s assistant brings out the first gift on a tray, covered with a silk scarf with tassels).

The first gift is a three-legged toad holding a gold coin in its mouth. Don’t be confused by an animal that is so unpopular in our latitudes, because in the east the toad is a symbol of prosperity and well-being. The person who receives such a gift this year will become a wealthy person, whose most cherished dreams will begin to come true from the moment the gift is presented. But there is a condition - the money toad likes to sit with its back to the door, as if it had just jumped into your house. She's such an entertainer! (the second gift is beautifully brought out on a tray)

And here is the second gift! This is a money tree, which can certainly become a guarantor of prosperity in the home of the birthday person. Here's what they say about him in the East: one woman grew a money tree. She raised it and watered it for a long time, all her life! And now, finally, I saw the fruits of my labors. The woman was very happy and began to shake the wonderful branches. The coins fell to the ground, but the poor woman waited so long for its fruits that she could not stop in time. So the coins buried the woman under their weight. Moral: don’t get carried away, and a sense of proportion will definitely bear fruit ! (they bring out the third gift)

Accept, hero of the day, your third gift! This is a vase full of oranges and tangerines. You think we decided to add more vitamins to your diet. And this too! But in the ancient East, these sunny fruits personify long life - bright, like the morning sky and warm, like the rising sun!

Leading: Once, while traveling through the Caravanserai, I heard words that struck me, which fit the moment perfectly: only that tree has magnificent foliage and wonderful fruits, which has strong and branched roots. Of course, these poetic phrases refer to the parents of the birthday boy, since it is our parents who become the root system that can provide us with a reliable grip on the ground and become a reliable support in any situation! The floor is given to the parents of the hero of the day!

Congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day (guests, of course, have a drink and a snack).

The song "Oriental Tales" by the group "Brilliant" is playing.

Leading: As you all know very well, the East is a delicate matter. Who are the most subtle and mysterious personalities in the East? Of course, magicians and soothsayers! Would you like to meet one of them?

(Under an oriental motif, the presenter’s assistant enters the hall, dressed as a speaker. He has a turban on his head, in his hands is a booklet bound in leather or velvet, and a bag of coffee beans is attached to his belt).

Meet Hasan-Abdurakhman ibn Arab!

2. Costume act for the hero of the day “Congratulations to the Astrologer”

Leading: In parting, I’ll tell you a secret - during this evening, all of you, dear guests, became incredibly rejuvenated, because in the East they say: time spent with friends does not count towards age. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, because today, without knowing it, you have extended the life of yourself and our hero of the day!

(Dance program.)