Description of the foreground and background of the harvest painting. Lesson on speech development in the Russian language "Working on an essay based on painting A

After death famous artist Plastov left more than thousands of works, which he left to his descendants. But, unfortunately, in 1931 a tragedy occurred, and many of Arkady Alexandrovich’s paintings were lost in a fire, but this did not stop the artist, and he continued his work, creating new brilliant painting masterpieces. And if before this incident, which made him look at the artist’s world differently, Plastov described peasant Rus', but more superficially, then after the fire he begins to delve deeply into what he depicted. That is why all his paintings are about the life of peasants, completely ordinary people. But this life is already a thing of the past, and now there is no return to it. And now these interesting pictures from the past began to come to life on Plastov’s canvases.

One of Plastov’s paintings shows the rest of a family working all day in the field to reap the harvest. The canvas “Harvest” conveys the atmosphere of that day when everyone is busy with work. It is already clear in the Plastov picture that all the wheat in the fields has been cut down, so part of the work has already been done, but still the struggle for the harvest, for its safety, continues. On the canvas you can see that they have already managed to sweep the wheat into sheaves, and in some places there are even haystacks. Now the peasants have to take it all to the harvest so that the harvest does not go to waste. In the distance you can see carts drawn by horses, hurrying to the current. They had already loaded themselves with sheaves. And the same part of the wheat harvest, which has yet to be exported, is neatly stacked in heaps on the field and can be seen throughout the field.

But such work requires a lot of energy, so you need to have lunch. The artist depicts just such a time when poor people, peasants, decide to have a little lunch. Their lunch is not luxurious and very simple. In one cup there is food for both the girl and the grandfather. Most likely, the girl brought lunch to her grandfather. But he, realizing how meager a poor man’s lunch is and that children always want to eat, decided to offer his granddaughter food too. And she didn’t refuse. But not only the girl eats from the same bowl, but also the boys, who, most likely, helped the old man in the field and were also very hungry. Having had a little snack, one of the boys depicted in Plastov’s painting decides to drink milk. The milk will remain cool in the jug for a long time, which is why it will seem so life-giving to people who work in the fields at such a time.

Not far from the peasants having lunch sits a dog who calmly watches how the people are having lunch. He is also hungry, but has already been accustomed to the fact that his lunch will come after the hard workers have eaten, so he tries to remain calm and wait, but he is not very good at it. It is clear that the dog is very young, so from time to time he barks to remind those who are eating that he is also here and waiting for his share of the food.

To better depict the people and what class they belong to, the artist drew their clothes in detail. So, the old man is dressed in simple and simple clothes. He is wearing shoes, because walking on the field is dangerous: you can get your feet pinched. Him gray beard and the same gray-haired and Thick hair, which were disheveled in different directions. He worked hard to earn something for his family, so he has no time to think about how he looks. But what attracts most on Plastov’s canvas are the peasant’s hands, large and worn out.

At the moment when the artist captured him, he simply holds a small piece of black bread, but treats it with care, because he knows how expensive it is to get. In the other hand of the old man is a wooden spoon, which in Rus' they usually always carried with them in the hope of eating somewhere. He is dressed in a shirt and pants of blue color. A girl sat opposite him, so you can see that her hair is long and carefully braided into two small braids. She covered her head, as was customary in those days, with a scarf. She is wearing a bright red skirt and socks. She also did not come to the field barefoot, but had boots on her feet.

The boys in the Plastov painting are dressed more simply. Both of them are wearing simple white and yellow canvas shirts, dark-colored trousers so that dust is not visible on them. Wherever you look at the picture, everywhere around central images field with wheat. Everything is painted in yellow, which is combined with wheat and its residues. Therefore, people sat down to rest and have a snack under one of these sheaves, in order to somehow shelter from the scorching rays of the sun. They threw their tools nearby. The guys worked with sickles: first, bending down, they cut off the ears of grain right to the very root, and then, taking a rake, raked everything thoroughly so as not to miss a single ear of grain. By the way, no one works in the field like that anymore. And then this work was very hard. But the guys work with rakes and sickles, but the old man’s tool is different: he mows wheat. She stands leaning against a haystack.

Plastov’s painting perfectly shows a time that was quite recently, but which is gone forever. A bright and wonderful feeling arises in the soul when you look at the vastness of Russian fields and understand how beautiful the Russian land is.

Probably not every person in his life could directly observe the harvesting of bread and how difficult this delicious product ends up on our table. Plastov’s painting “Harvest”, as well as “Haymaking”, written in 1945, tell us about the everyday life of ordinary people, collective farmers, busy in the fields harvesting crops.

For these paintings about the summer harvest Arkady Plastov was awarded Stalin Prize, which at that time was simply an unattainable peak for a Soviet artist.

In the painting “Harvest,” the artist depicted a short rest, during which the family had dinner. The wheat harvest is cut and swept into large stacks. Some haystacks have already been loaded onto chaises, which are visible on the horizon. You can also see huge haystacks there, waiting their turn to go to the lectern.

The grandfather, who also went to the harvest along with his teenage grandchildren, of course, had not yet had time to compress so much. An elderly man’s strength is no longer what it was in his youth, and he also feels sorry for his grandchildren. It’s not easy for them, because their father has not yet returned from the front, and the entire burden of difficult peasant labor has fallen on the shoulders of such old people and teenagers. But in their hearts there lives the hope that everything will be fine, if only the father would return... “Then it would be easier for the mother,” the children think. For an incredibly long four years, the village that sent the men to the front provided the country and the front with food. And now the long-awaited Victory Day has come, but the soldiers’ journey home to their families is still so long. And not all of them will knock on the doors of their home, where people still continue to wait for them, no matter what.

Grandfather and grandchildren slowly eat simple peasant food, scooping thick porridge from a saucepan with painted wooden spoons. Cucumbers are laid out on a scarf. One of the boys drinks water from a clay jug, in which the water remains cool for a long time. A yard dog sits quietly nearby, ears raised, patiently waiting for a handout. The figure of a bearded, gray-haired old man is depicted very colorfully. While working, his hair became very disheveled. He holds a small piece of rye bread in his large, tired hands, and it is clear to the audience that he only occasionally takes a bite from it, trying to make sure there is enough food for the guys.

Although the children are wearing light clothing, the old man has a worn brown jacket draped over his shoulders. Perhaps he is not completely healthy and therefore is afraid of catching a cold and getting sick. Then it will be even more difficult for the family to manage the household.

Plastov depicts a field stretching from edge to edge, where almost all the wheat has already been harvested and only the stubble colors it yellow-green. Plastov always preferred to use colors and shades that most accurately characterized the theme and conveyed his attitude to the depicted event.

Next to the hay you can see the tools of this peasant family. As you can see, the grandfather worked with a scythe, which he leaned against a haystack during the rest period, and the boys with sickles. A wooden rake is also visible in the picture. Perhaps the girl was raking up the ears of corn with them.

Currently, the painting "Harvest" is on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, evokes a light sadness from contemplating the endless expanses of fields and the modest meal of peasants after wartime.

The most colorful figure in the picture is the old man. He is bearded, his gray, thick hair is not combed, he has heavy, worn-out hands. In one hand he carefully holds a piece of black bread, in the other hand he has a wooden spoon with which he scooped up food.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov

The famous artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov left a legacy of more than ten thousand paintings. And this is after the fact that in 1931 all the artist’s previous works burned down.
In his works, the artist showed peasant Rus', which has left and will not return. These are, as it were, frozen moments of that life that we did not see, the legs that come to life on his canvases.
So the painting “Harvest” shows the moment of a family’s rest during the “battle for the harvest.”
The wheat is cut and swept into sheaves and stacks. Peasants are already taking part of the harvest to the lectern - horses with sheaves are visible on the horizon. Part of the harvest that has not yet been removed from the field is piled up, shown in the distance.
And after work, a family sat down to have lunch near the sheaf. Grandfather and a boy and a girl decorously take food from a cup with spoons. Another boy drinks water from a jug, or maybe milk. In such a jug the water does not heat up and remains cold for a long time; in the summer heat it is very pleasant to drink cold water.
Their actions are watched with interest by a dog, a “purebred nobleman,” or, in short, a mongrel. He hopes that something will happen to him too, it seems that he is about to yap, drawing attention to himself.
People are dressed in homespun, simple clothes, the old man has shoes on his feet, because it is easy to prick his feet in the stubble, and usually both adults and children walked barefoot in the summer.
The most colorful figure in the picture is the old man. He is bearded, his gray, thick hair is not combed, he has heavy, worn-out hands. In one hand he carefully holds a piece of black bread, in the other hand he has a wooden spoon with which he scooped up food. A blue shirt and blue pants complete his outfit.
A girl sits with her back to the viewer. Her hair is braided in two braids and she wears a scarf on her head. She is the only one wearing something on her head, the rest of the characters sit with their heads uncovered. The girl has a red skirt and boots with socks.
Both boys are also dressed simply - in shirts, yellow and white, and dark trousers. And around them stretched a field of harvested wheat, all yellow from the remains of straw. They settled down near the sheaves on which the tools were thrown.
The boys reaped grain with sickles, this is hard work that must be done bending over, while the girl raked the compressed ears of grain with a wooden rake. These days you only see them in museums, and yes, even in paintings. The old man mowed the wheat with a scythe, which stood right there, leaning against the sheaf. Cucumbers lie on a scarf near the sheaf, next to the knife.
Beautiful picture of a bygone way of life, leaves a bright feeling of joy, looking at the endless expanses of fields.

Speech development lesson in 6th grade

Working on an essay based on A. Plastov’s painting “Harvest”

    Information about the artist.

Plastov - singer people's Russia

Arkady Plastov belongs to that remarkable galaxy of masters of the brush who left a deep mark on Russian art. His canvases are deeply folk, because they reflect life common man with all its simple events. And all together they add up to a great chronicle of the country, difficult and heroic. "Peasant Rus'" - main character all his works. And this is not only people, but also nature. She is not just a background that helps reveal the plot, but a full participant in all events. Proof of this is the description of the painting “Harvest”

Plastova A. A.

2 . History of creation The canvas was written in 1945, a very important year for the country. Last months war, the passionate expectation of victory and the ongoing pain and bitterness from the fact that many died in its fields and would not return - these were the main moods of that time. All this can be felt through the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov, which is in the famous Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The artist worked on canvas in oil; the dimensions of the canvas are quite large - 166x219 cm. Historical background works is not accidental in the master’s work. Before “The Harvest,” he painted another, strikingly tragic, painting, “The Fascist Has Arrived.” And although there are no obvious signs of war on the canvas we are interested in, it is still conveyed through the general coloring. Let's try to feel it through the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov.

3. Characteristics of the canvas

On foreground in the picture we see a group of people. This is an old collective farmer and three children. They have lunch, having finished their difficult peasant labor. The man is already quite elderly, his beard is almost completely white, and his thick hair, scattered by the wind and fussy work, is completely intertwined with a web of gray hair. Immediately, the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov prompts the following thoughts: why should an old man, who has already devoted almost his entire life to land and work, instead of resting, have to tear himself apart so unbearably? More on this a little later, but for now let’s continue to look at the hero of the work. The artist carefully paintedhis calloused, calloused hands, darkened by work. In one he holds a piece of black bread, in the other - a wooden spoon, with which he carefully slurps simple food from a reddish clay pot.The collective farmer threw an old, threadbare dark brown coat over his shoulders, revealing a blue canvas shirt underneath. On his feet are old broken shoes. Continuing the essay on the painting “The Harvest” by Plastov, let’s turn our attention to its other heroes.These are two boys and a girl, boys 10-12 years old. Maybe it's a grandfather with his grandchildren . The girl sitting closest to us is a girl. She tied a white chintz scarf around her head, from under which two braids touchingly emerge and descend onto her thin neck. The forehead is covered by sun-bleached light bangs. A dark blouse, a red dress, stockings on her legs tucked under her and cherry-colored boots - that’s all the granddaughter’s simple outfit. She has a spoon in her hand. Leaning slightly towards the pot, she eats a thin peasant stew, which was a real delicacy during the war years. Behind her sits her brother, a red-haired, curly-haired boy. His head had not been touched by scissors for a long time - either there was no time, or maybe there was no one to put his head in order. And again I remember: it’s war, and you never know where the children’s mother is... The little boy is also focused on food, like his family. But the third of the children has fallen to the clay jug and is greedily drinking water or milk. He is wearing an untucked white shirt and dark pants. Apparently, he was very tired and thirsty, he didn’t even have time to eat! The fifth hero of the film is a common favorite, a funny dog. He gazes at the diners, impatiently waiting for his turn to come.

4. Background of the painting Painting “Harvest”

Plastova is a story about a dramatic battle for the harvest of those who remained in the rear during the war years and did their best to help forge victory, providing the front and civilians with the most important thing - bread. That is why the old man in his old age, and the children who would be running to school, had to take up pitchforks and rakes, scythes and sickles, because their adult sons, fathers and brothers, and even mothers went to war - to defend the Motherland. So those who remain are plowing, sowing, mowing, working, exhausted. To the left of the diners is a large, freshly mowed stack, on which scythes, rakes and other agricultural implements are piled. In the background lies an endless field and equally huge haystacks. And above all this rises a gray, pre-storm sky. Apparently, because of the bad weather, grandfather and grandchildren were in a hurry to harvest the crops. That is why the painting is called “Harvest”.Warm golden tones give it a special flavor. The canvas exudes deep, sincere love for people and the Motherland.

5. Working with a dictionary.

6. Making a plan.

7. Oral retelling.

8 Writing an essay.

9.Homework. Essay based on a painting by A. Plastov

"The fascist flew by"

A. Plastov “The fascist flew by”

Painting is a unique art form. With the help of paints, brushes and pencils, artists can take us back to the distant past, draw what can happen centuries later and capture events that will become history in moments. Painting is clearer than music, and often its meaning is clearer and more transparent than verbal images. It requires one thing from the viewer - “participation,” empathy, inclusion in the silent dialogue that the artist conducts with us.

Plastov - folk singer of Russia

Arkady Plastov belongs to that remarkable galaxy of masters of the brush who left a deep mark on Russian art. His canvases are deeply folk, because they reflect the life of a simple person with all its simple events. And all together they add up to a great chronicle of the country, difficult and heroic. “Peasant Rus'” is the main character of all his works. And this is not only people, but also nature. She is not just a background that helps reveal the plot, but a full participant in all events. Proof of this is the description of the painting “Harvest” by A. A. Plastov.

History of creation

The canvas was written in 1945, a very important year for the country. The last months of the war, the passionate expectation of victory and the ongoing pain and bitterness from the fact that many died in its fields and would not return - these were the main moods of that time. All this can be felt through the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov, which is located in the famous Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The artist worked on canvas with oil; the dimensions of the canvas are quite large - 166x219 cm. The historical basis of the work is not accidental in the work of the master. Before “The Harvest,” he painted another, strikingly tragic, painting, “The Fascist Has Arrived.” And although there are no obvious signs of war on the canvas we are interested in, it is still conveyed through the general coloring. Let's try to feel it through the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov.

Characteristics of the canvas

In the foreground of the picture we see a group of people. This is an old collective farmer and three children. They have lunch after finishing their hard peasant work. The man is already quite elderly, his beard is almost completely white, and his thick hair, scattered by the wind and fussy work, is completely intertwined with a web of gray hair. Immediately, the description of the painting “Harvest” by Plastov prompts the following thoughts: why should an old man, who has already devoted almost his entire life to land and work, instead of resting, have to tear himself apart so unbearably? More on this a little later, but for now let’s continue to look at the hero of the work. The artist carefully painted his calloused, calloused hands, darkened from work. In one he holds a piece of black bread, in the other - a wooden spoon, with which he carefully slurps simple food from a reddish clay pot. The collective farmer threw an old, threadbare dark brown coat over his shoulders, revealing a blue canvas shirt underneath. On his feet are old broken shoes. Continuing the essay on the painting “The Harvest” by Plastov, let’s turn our attention to its other heroes. These are two boys and a girl, boys 10-12 years old. Maybe it's a grandfather with his grandchildren. The girl sitting closest to us is a girl. She tied a white chintz scarf around her head, from under which two braids touchingly emerge and descend onto her thin neck. The forehead is covered by sun-bleached light bangs. A dark blouse, a red dress, stockings on her legs tucked under her and cherry-colored boots - that’s all the granddaughter’s simple outfit. She has a spoon in her hand. Leaning slightly towards the pot, she eats a thin peasant stew, which was a real delicacy during the war years. Behind her sits her brother - a red-haired, curly boy. His head had not been touched by scissors for a long time - either there was no time, or maybe there was no one to put his head in order. And again I remember: it’s war, and you never know where the children’s mother is... The little boy is also focused on food, like his family. But the third of the children has fallen to the clay jug and is greedily drinking water or milk. He is wearing an untucked white shirt and dark pants. Apparently, he was very tired and thirsty, he didn’t even have time to eat! The fifth hero of the picture is a common favorite, a funny dog. He gazes at the diners, impatiently waiting for his turn to come.

Painting background

The painting “Harvest” by Plastov is a story about the dramatic battle for the harvest of those who during the war years remained in the rear and with all their might helped forge victory, providing the front and civilians with the most important thing - bread. That is why the old man in his old age, and the children who would be running to school, had to take up pitchforks and rakes, scythes and sickles, because their adult sons, fathers and brothers, and even mothers went to war - to defend the Motherland. So those who remain are plowing, sowing, mowing, working, exhausted. To the left of the diners is a large, freshly mowed stack, on which scythes, rakes and other agricultural implements are piled. In the background lies an endless field and equally huge haystacks. And above all this rises a gray, pre-storm sky. Apparently, because of the bad weather, grandfather and grandchildren were in a hurry to harvest the crops. That is why the painting is called “Harvest”. Warm golden tones give it a special flavor. The canvas exudes deep, sincere love for people and the Motherland.