Famous contemporary artists. The most famous contemporary artists

“Portrait of Dora Maar,” now valued at $25 million, was found through the efforts of art detective Arthur Brand, who has long been dubbed “the Indiana Jones of the art world.”
  • 21.03.2019 This has never happened before - and here it is again. While all forces were thrown into guarding Repin, the attackers found a gap in the security of another building - in Lavrushinsky Lane. Since the morning, Moscow radio stations have been vying with each other to discuss the new “performance” in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Naked this time
  • 19.03.2019 The Italians presented an electric car concept, inspired by the projects of their great compatriot, in the year of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo
  • 19.03.2019 After the damage to Repin’s “Ivan the Terrible...” and the brazen theft of Kuindzhi’s work, fears arose that visitors to the blockbuster “Ilya Repin” will face a tightening of the screws
  • 19.03.2019 New Bernardaud Les Bouquets de Fleurs de Marc Chagall porcelain was presented at the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin, Chagall’s granddaughters Meret Meyer and Bella Meyer came to Moscow
    • 29.03.2019 50% of the lots were sold, Moscow and St. Petersburg bought. The auction took place against the backdrop of good buying activity
    • 27.03.2019 On April 12 and 13, 2019, the auction house Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen GmbH in Düsseldorf (Germany) is holding its next spring auction “ Russian art" and "Russian and Greek icons"
    • 27.03.2019 Most in demand enjoyed Jewelry, porcelain and silverware
    • 26.03.2019 For the auction of paintings, graphics and works of art, which will take place on March 28, the Literary Fund has prepared 165 lots: from an icon of the late 17th century and an engraving depicting Emperor Peter II from the first third of the 18th century to works by our contemporaries
    • 26.03.2019 Traditional twenty lots is ten paintings, five sheets of original graphics, two works in mixed media, one original sculpture, one porcelain plate and one photograph
    • 12.03.2019 This conclusion is contained in a study published in March 2019 by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
    • 16.01.2019 By working on a database of auction results, we are most often able to calculate repeat sales. That is, record when the work was sold previously and how much you managed to earn from it. Best examples 2018 - in our review
    • 11.12.2018 Three months ago, government decree No. 285 came into force: sellers of paintings were ordered to transfer 5% upon resale to the accredited organization UPRAVIS in favor of artists and heirs of copyright. I'll explain what's wrong with this
    • 06.12.2018 Below each image of the lot, see real result, converted from pounds to dollars at the rate of 1.28. And compare with the AI ​​forecast
    • 27.11.2018 The curators of the exhibition “Tail of the Comet” are Elena Basner, Yuri Avvakumov and Sergei Sazonov. The author of the idea is Natalia Karovskaya. Eight fakes are shown specially in a separate room. Including the scandalous “Samovar” by Malevich

    Geniuses, innovators, brawlers, pioneers who have had an incredible impact on world culture. The greatest Russian artists - who are they?

    Top 7 Russian artists

    Among the most outstanding and influential Russian artists:

    1. Kazimir Malevich(1879-1935) – author of the most controversial work in the entire history of world painting, “Black Square”. However, Malevich’s legacy is great and includes, in particular, not only the “Black”, but also the “Red” and “White” squares. The most scandalous and most expensive of Russian artists. His masterpiece “Suprematist Composition” was sold at Sotheby’s for $60 million.

    "Suprematist composition"

    2. Ivan Aivazovsky(1817-1900) – the greatest Russian marine painter, author of the immortal “The Ninth Wave”. The most prolific artist - he painted more than 6 thousand paintings. Due to his enormous heritage, he is also one of the most counterfeited artists in the world. Widely known in the West, his works are regularly sold at auctions, including Sotheby's.

    Ninth wave

    3. Viktor Vasnetsov(1848-1936) - perhaps the most Russian of all Russian artists. Known for his works glorifying folklore, fairy tales, and epics. Not only the author of “Three Heroes”, but also one of the developers of the Soviet budenovka.

    4. Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin(1878-1939) – the most revolutionary artist. The painting “Bathing the Red Horse” prophetically predicted terrible upheavals in Russia. Although he was often criticized for his eroticism (he boldly depicted not only naked women, but also men), in general he can be considered the forerunner of socialist realism. At foreign auctions, it is not so much his revolutionary works that enjoy great success, but his still lifes.

    "Bathing the Red Horse"

    5. Vasily Vereshchagin(1842–1904) – battle painter, famous for his documentary depictions of the horrors of war. Most famous work– “Apotheosis of War”, depicting a pile of skulls bleached by the scorching sun. He was persecuted for decades by the tsarist government for his pacifist position. At the same time, he enjoyed incredible popularity both in Russia and in the West. His exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1880 was visited by 240 thousand people (in 40 days), in Berlin - 140 thousand people (in 65 days), in Vienna - 110 thousand (in 28 days). Many modern pop stars have never dreamed of such fame.

    "Apotheosis of War"

    6. Vladimir Tatlin(1885–1953) – founder of constructivism, artist, architect, graphic artist. His artwork, similar in style to Picasso's early works, are exhibited in the Pompidou Museum in Paris and in the Oxford Library. His masterpiece “Tatlin's Tower” is one of the most recognizable and replicated symbols of avant-gardeism in the world. He enjoyed enormous success in the West (“Tatlin’s machine art”) and inspired a whole generation of Dada artists, including the master of surrealism, the Frenchman Marcel Duchamp.

    "Tatlin's Tower"

    7. Ilya Glazunov(born 1930) is the most monumental Russian artist. His most famous painting is “ Eternal Russia"(size - 3X6 m) - a picturesque chronicle of Russian history for the years 988-1988, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus'. In total, he created more than 3 thousand works (portraits, landscapes, historical and political paintings). Glazunov's reputation is indisputable - some consider him a genius, others - an opportunist. One thing is clear - this is a figure of titanic scale, like his canvases.

    "Eternal Russia"

    I would like to believe that in the future, artists will also appear in Russia who are capable of changing humanity’s ideas about beauty.

    Is modern technology in demand now? Russian art? Auctioneers say no. According to Daria Chernenko, a specialist in Russian art at the Bonhams auction house, no more than two or three works by young Russian artists are sold at its auctions per year:

    « Similar works purchased mainly for interior decoration, much less often - for private collections.”

    Manager of the Moscow office of one of the international auction companies assures that “The market is not developing in this direction, there are no purchases, except for one-time gallery purchases.”

    Gallery owners counter: interest in contemporary art has not disappeared. "According to the art environment Lately there is a running joke that there is no market. Of course, it exists,” insists Sergei Gridchin, owner of the center contemporary art Gridchinhall. “It’s just that 2015 is a year of uncertainty for many markets, and the art market is one of them.”

    According to the founder of the Pop/off/art gallery, Sergei Popov, if a few years ago it was possible not to follow young artists, now “The weather is set by those who are 25 years old”, and there are already collectors buying their works.

    Time and again the market will tell who is right. In the meantime, Forbes represents the most promising young artists who are little known to the general public, but are already of interest to Russian and foreign museums, exhibitions and collectors.

    • The selection of authors took place in two stages.

    At first based on responses from exhibition and art award curators, gallerists, museum directors and famous artists a list of names was compiled (we only set an age limit - born in 1982 and younger). At this stage, we found out how many galleries work with the named young artists on an ongoing basis, whether they participated in exhibitions in Russia and abroad, and whether they received prizes and awards. As a result, a long list was formed, which included 35 people.

    At the second stage We selected the 15 most successful of them. They were assessed according to the following criteria: personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad, participation in large group Russian and international exhibitions and biennale, presence of works in collections famous museums and galleries and in private collections, the presence of Russian and international awards.

    The finalists included the artists with the maximum amount of points awarded. Each of them works in several genres, combining, for example, installations and painting, video and so-called objects ( art forms outside of specific styles).

    • It is noteworthy that only two finalists have art education in its traditional sense.

    Year of birth: 1987

    Where I'm from: Tashkent

    Education:“Free Workshops” at MMSI, Institute of Contemporary Art

    Genres: painting

    Number of works: about 200

    Of these in the collections: about 50

    Collections: meeting of the director of the Austrian Cultural Forum Simon Mraz, PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Center cultural communications Klaipeda (Lithuania), Victoria Foundation, Stella Art Foundation, Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation, Bela Horvath collection (Budapest)

    Venice Biennale (2014), Jewish Museum Vienna (2015)

    Cost of work: from €100

    “Actually, I want my work to be seen by schoolchildren and children, so that a generation of new people will grow up, together with whom we will build a world with a different type of relationship, where there will be no everyday exploitation and humiliation.”

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1984

    Where I'm from: Voronezh

    Education: Voronezh State University(Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology)

    Genres: installation, video, graphics

    Number of works: 70

    Of these in the collections: 40

    Collections: Voronezh regional literary museum, private Russian and foreign collections

    Azoikum (Büro für kulturelle Übersetzungen, Leipzig, Germany, 2014)

    Cost of work: €800–2000

    “I have a long production cycle: I collect plants, make herbarium specimens, identify them, draw. The process lasts for months, and I get along with them like friends. And it can be hard to part with friends. On the other hand, I'm glad someone else has them."

    Dmitry Morozov (::vtol::)

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1986

    Where I'm from: Moscow

    Education: Russian State University for the Humanities (Faculty of Art History)

    Genres: hybrid art

    Number of works: 70

    Of these in the collections: 6

    Collections: National Center for Contemporary Art, Museum of Science and Industry, St. Petersburg Museum of Sound, Russian and foreign private collections

    Group foreign exhibitions: Ars Electronica (Linz, 2015), CTM festival (Berlin, 2015); The Emperor's New Aesthetic, Emmanuel Gallery (Denver, 2014); Cyberfest (Berlin, 2013); Rhythm Assignment, Bonnefanten museum (Maastricht, 2013); Bent festival, Tank Theater (New York, 2010)

    Cost of work:€10 000–30 000

    “Sale is secondary for me. For many years I worked without attention from the market, and it did not upset me. The artistic elite and critics are very conservative in terms of accepting new styles and forms."

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1983

    Where I'm from: Kemerovo

    Education: St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A. L. Stieglitz (faculty of monumental art, department of artistic textiles)

    Genres: installation, object, video, graphics

    Number of works: about 150

    Of these in the collections: about 70

    Collections: Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Pori Art Museum, Kiasma Museum (Finland), Moscow Museum of Modern Art, private Russian and foreign collections

    Personal foreign exhibitions:“Incubator”, Galerie Forsblom (Helsinki, 2011); “My Room”, Galerie Forsblom (Helsinki, 2012); "Hello World!", Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea (Milan, 2013)

    Cost of work:€1000–10 000

    "The day before my first personal exhibition at Winzavod we came into the hall and found that all the balls in the installation were tangled, and there was a dead rat in the threads. It turned out that the local cat was chasing a rat and decided to play with balls at the same time. We put the work in order, and the cat appeared again - after the opening of the exhibition.”

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1985

    Where I'm from: Moscow

    Education: Higher School of Economics (Bachelor of Sociology, Master of Philosophical Anthropology)

    Genres: procession (endless projects), objects, sculpture, painting, graphics, photography

    Number of works: 15 projects, about 1000 artifacts

    Of these in the collections: about 70 artifacts

    Collections: Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Gazprombank collection, Victoria Foundation collection, private Russian collections

    Group foreign exhibitions:“Highway of Enthusiasts”, parallel program of the XIII Architectural Biennale (Venice, 2012), Kiev Biennale of Contemporary Art (2015)

    Cost of work:€1000–5000 (artifacts)

    “Artists are actually infringed on the rights to their own work. You depend on single sales, and it's hard to make complex ones, strange works that will be interesting in twenty years. More in-demand works give me the opportunity to create experimental ones. It is very important".

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1986

    Where I'm from: Moscow

    Education: State Academic University humanities(Faculty of Political Science), Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after. Rodchenko

    Genres: photography, video, sculpture

    Number of works: 10 art projects

    Of these in the collections: prints of 5 art projects

    Collections: Multimedia Art Museum, galleries HilgerNEXT, Anzenberger, OstLicht, private collections in Russia, Austria, Germany, France, Japan

    Foreign exhibitions: Kunst Im Tunnel (Dusseldorf, 2012), HilgerNext gallery (Vienna, 2014)

    Cost of work: from €200

    “My projects touch on the theme of conflict, both personal, social and political. Politics is business big people, she is beyond romance and morality. I explore how it affects life common man. One way or another, you find yourself drawn into some process against your will.”

    photo by Evgeny Petrushansky for Forbes

    Year of birth: 1984

    Where I'm from: Moscow

    Education: art school at the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. S. G. Stroganova

    Genres: performance, sculpture

    Number of works: about 100

    Of these in the collections: about 10

    Collections: Moscow Museum of Modern Art, private collections

    Personal foreign exhibitions: PSIONICS, Federica Chizzoni gallery (Milan, 2014)

    Cost of work:€1000–15 000

    "One of the most happy moments my life was watching the installers lift my nine-meter sculpture to the ceiling. This is an incomparable delight, from which you become dependent, a delight from the realization of a dream, from a scale, from a beauty that you did not even expect.”

    Levitan, Shishkin, Aivazovsky and many other names are familiar to everyone educated person in our country and abroad. This is our pride. There are many talented artists today. It’s just that their names are not yet so widely known to everyone.
    Bright Side collected 10 contemporary Russian artists (we are sure there are many more) who will undoubtedly write their name in the classics of painting of the 21st century. Find out about them today.

    Alexey Chernigin

    Most of Alexey Chernigin's oil paintings on canvas capture beauty, romance and moments of true feelings. Alexey Chernigin inherited his talent and passion for art from his father, the famous Russian artist Alexander Chernigin. Every year they organize a joint exhibition in their native Nizhny Novgorod.

    Konstantin Lupanov

    A young and incredibly talented artist from Krasnodar calls his painting “fun, irresponsible daub.” Konstantin Lupanov writes what he loves. The main characters of his paintings are friends, acquaintances, relatives and his beloved cat Philip. The simpler the plot, the artist says, the more truthful the picture turns out.

    Stanislav Plutenko

    Stanislav Plutenko’s creative motto: “See the unusual and do the unusual.” Moscow artist works in unique technology mixing tempera, acrylic, watercolor and the finest AirBrash glaze. Stanislav Plutenko is included in the catalog of 1000 surrealists of all times and peoples.

    Nikolay Blokhin

    Discover a modern Russian artist who, without a doubt, centuries later will stand on a par with the world classics of painting. Nikolai Blokhin is known primarily as a portrait painter, although he also paints landscapes, still lifes, genre paintings. But it is in the portrait that one of the most important aspects of his talent is most clearly demonstrated.

    Dmitry Annenkov

    Looking at the hyper-realistic still lifes of this Russian artist, you just want to reach out and take from the canvas or touch what is drawn there. They are so alive and with soul. Artist Dmitry Annenkov lives in Moscow and works in different genres. And he is extremely talented in everything.

    Vasily Shulzhenko

    The work of artist Vasily Shulzhenko leaves no one indifferent. He is either loved or hated, praised for his understanding of the Russian soul and accused of hating it. His paintings depict harsh Russia, without cuts and grotesque comparisons, alcohol, debauchery and stagnation.

    Arush Votsmush

    Hiding under the pseudonym Arush Votsmush most talented artist from Sevastopol Alexander Shumtsov. “There is a word called “conflict”: when you see something amazing that makes your inner wheels turn in the right direction. A good conflict, “with goosebumps” - it’s interesting. And goosebumps can come from anything: from cold water, from the holiday, from the fact that I suddenly felt something like in childhood - when I was surprised for the first time and began to play inside you... I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone with my works. First of all, I enjoy it. This is a pure drug of creativity. Or a clean life - without doping. Just a miracle."

    Alexander Vinogradov and Vladimir Dubossarsky

    Vinogradov and Dubossarsky are the main hooligans and obscenities of modern Russian painting. Creative duet developed by the mid-90s of the twentieth century. And today he has already gained worldwide fame. It is no coincidence that the writer Viktor Pelevin designed one of his novels with illustrations from ready-made works by Dubossarsky and Vinogradov.

    Mikhail Golubev

    Young Russian artist Mikhail Golubev lives and works in St. Petersburg. His works are paintings-thoughts, paintings-fantasies and philosophical reflections. Very interesting artist with his own, but very familiar to many, view of this world.

    Sergey Marshennikov

    Levitan, Shishkin, Aivazovsky and many other names are familiar to every educated person in our country and abroad. This is our pride. There are many talented artists today. It’s just that their names are not yet so widely known to everyone.
    Bright Side collected 10 contemporary Russian artists (we are sure there are many more) who will undoubtedly write their name in the classics of painting of the 21st century. Find out about them today.

    Alexey Chernigin

    Most of Alexey Chernigin's oil paintings on canvas capture beauty, romance and moments of true feelings. Alexey Chernigin inherited his talent and passion for art from his father, the famous Russian artist Alexander Chernigin. Every year they organize a joint exhibition in their native Nizhny Novgorod.

    Konstantin Lupanov

    A young and incredibly talented artist from Krasnodar calls his painting “fun, irresponsible daub.” Konstantin Lupanov writes what he loves. The main characters of his paintings are friends, acquaintances, relatives and his beloved cat Philip. The simpler the plot, the artist says, the more truthful the picture turns out.

    Stanislav Plutenko

    Stanislav Plutenko’s creative motto: “See the unusual and do the unusual.” The Moscow artist works in a unique technique of mixing tempera, acrylic, watercolor and the finest AirBrash glaze. Stanislav Plutenko is included in the catalog of 1000 surrealists of all times and peoples.

    Nikolay Blokhin

    Discover a modern Russian artist who, without a doubt, centuries later will stand on a par with the world classics of painting. Nikolai Blokhin is known primarily as a portrait painter, although he also paints landscapes, still lifes, and genre paintings. But it is in the portrait that one of the most important aspects of his talent is most clearly demonstrated.

    Dmitry Annenkov

    Looking at the hyper-realistic still lifes of this Russian artist, you just want to reach out and take from the canvas or touch what is drawn there. They are so alive and with soul. Artist Dmitry Annenkov lives in Moscow and works in different genres. And he is extremely talented in everything.

    Vasily Shulzhenko

    The work of artist Vasily Shulzhenko leaves no one indifferent. He is either loved or hated, praised for his understanding of the Russian soul and accused of hating it. His paintings depict harsh Russia, without cuts and grotesque comparisons, alcohol, debauchery and stagnation.

    Arush Votsmush

    Under the pseudonym Arush Votsmush hides the most talented artist from Sevastopol, Alexander Shumtsov. “There is a word called “conflict”: when you see something amazing that makes your inner wheels turn in the right direction. A good conflict, “with goosebumps” - it’s interesting. And goosebumps can come from anything: from cold water, from a holiday, from the fact that you suddenly felt something like in childhood - when you were surprised for the first time and began to play inside you... I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone with my works. First of all, I enjoy it. This is a pure drug of creativity. Or a clean life - without doping. Just a miracle."

    Alexander Vinogradov and Vladimir Dubossarsky

    Vinogradov and Dubossarsky are the main hooligans and scolders of modern Russian painting. The creative duo formed in the mid-90s of the twentieth century. And today he has already gained worldwide fame. It is no coincidence that the writer Viktor Pelevin designed one of his novels with illustrations from ready-made works by Dubossarsky and Vinogradov.

    Mikhail Golubev

    Young Russian artist Mikhail Golubev lives and works in St. Petersburg. His works are thought-paintings, fantasy-paintings and philosophical reflections. A very interesting artist with his own, but very familiar to many, view of this world.

    Sergey Marshennikov