Where is the paint group now? Oksana Kovalevskaya

The Kraski group was founded more than 15 years ago in Belarus. Its permanent producer and founder is Alexey Voronov, who was also the author of most hits. Having changed several lineups over the years of its existence, the creative team is still relevant and popular. What is the name of the main soloist of the group and how the team was founded - read on.

Where it all began. First steps

Initially, the group consisted of four members who were invited by the founder of the project. Borovik Ekaterina is the lead singer of the group “Kraski”. Olga Guseva became the most permanent member of the team. She was engaged in staging choreography for artists. Vasily Bogomya and Andrey Chigir took the place of the group’s musicians. Soon enough the composition was slightly changed. Oksana Kovalevskaya replaced Katya on vocals. It is worth noting that the newly appointed soloist of the Kraski group was also Alexei’s wife at that time.

The debut of the group took place at the end of 2001. Their first album, “You’re Already an Adult,” blew up the capital of Belarus. Almost immediately, Alexey Voronov arranged a tour for the group in their native Belarus.

"Paints" in Russia. Eternal change

Immediately after the first success, it was decided to concentrate on the Russian stage. The main forces of the team were devoted to conquering the Moscow audience. When the Belarusian authorities began persecuting some pop artists, including the team of Alexei Voronov, the producer decided to move the office to the Russian capital.

A few years later, Oksana Kovalevskaya left the team. The reason for the time-out was very positive. The lead singer of the group “Kraski” was preparing for the role of a mother. Oksana did not return to the team from maternity leave, but threw all her energy into building her solo career.

She was replaced by a new singer - Ekaterina Sasha. She was soon replaced by the new soloist of the group “Kraski” - Marina Ivanova. With her arrival, the image of the team was significantly updated. A new program has been recorded.

In recent years, Daria Subbotina has been a soloist in the group. “Kraski” give more than ten concerts every month, which is definitely the merit of the permanent producer. The popularity of the group can be seen in the ratings in the charts and constant sold-out shows.


The geography of the group's performances is not limited to CIS venues. The team visited countries such as the USA and Germany with their hits, and performed in Israel and the Netherlands. Fan clubs of the groups have been created in the largest cities of Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, and the USA.


The show programs of the group “Kraski” deservedly attract full houses. But not a single creative process is complete without criticism from experts, and sometimes simply envious people. The most common criticism is the accusation that the lyrics are not meaningful. However, fans of creativity note the opposite. Ease of perception is very popular. The lyrics touch on themes familiar to everyone: friendship and love will always be close to fans.

Interestingly, criticism poured on the team even while it was receiving awards. For example, at the beginning of their creative journey, in 2002, the group was recognized as “Discovery of the Year”. Nevertheless, accusations of vulgarity rained down from all sides. We must pay tribute to Alexey Voronov, who always knew how to sidestep sharp corners in relations with ill-wishers.

In press

One of the most serious incidents associated with the name of the group was the kidnapping of vocalist Marina Ivanova in 2012. Her release by the police was widely reported in the media. The divorce of Alexei Voronov and Oksana Kovalevskaya also caused a large wave of gossip, interspersed with facts. Nowadays, probably, no one can distinguish reality from fiction. In addition, whenever there are several parties involved in a conflict, there are at least two truths.

From time to time, scandals arose in various publications regarding the topic of “double” concerts. At the same time, the group “Kraski” performed in different cities of the country. Some associated this with speculation by producer Alexei Voronov himself. The majority was inclined to believe that the team itself became a victim of scammers.


It can be considered that the team came to real fame already in 2006. It was then that doubles began to appear throughout Russia. They copied the images of the participants, forged posters and performed songs by Alexei Voronov.

To this day, the group's administration is monitoring false concerts and informing fans not to let their guard down. There is even a special section “Beware, scammers!” on the group’s official website. Insuring yourself against scammers is actually quite simple. You need to check the website of the “Paints” group. After all, it is there that the latest relevant information about all upcoming concerts is published.

On January 1, 2001 she founded the group "Paints". The remaining participants are choreographer Olga Guseva, keyboardists Vasily Bogomya... Read all

The soloist, author of music and lyrics of this Belarusian group Oksana Kovalevskaya was born on May 6, 1983. Since childhood, she has been involved in amateur performances, graduated from music school, was the winner of district and regional competitions, and represented the Minsk region at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk.

On January 1, 2001 she founded the group "Paints". The remaining participants - choreographer Olga Guseva, keyboardists Vasily Bogomya and Andrey Chigir - got into the group thanks to a competitive selection.

On November 17, 2001, the presentation of the debut album “You’re Already an Adult” took place, re-released in 2002 by the Russian company Real Records under the name “Big Brother”. In March 2002, in Moscow, “Kraski” shot their first video for the song “Today I came home to my mother.”

The success that this pop-teenage group managed to achieve in just a year of existence has no precedents in its homeland. Judge for yourself: from the moment of their formation, they managed, firstly, to perform at venues in Moscow and the Moscow region, Chelyabinsk, Alma-Ata together with the groups “Hands Up”, “Turbomoda”, “Prime Minister”, “Virus”, “ Brilliant", "X-Mission". Secondly, they organized an all-Belarusian tour, during which 172 concerts were given, and, finally, thirdly, they released their debut album, which in just a few months became the absolute leader in sales in Belarus: more than 200 thousand audio media with the recording of the album were sold , not counting the "pirated" versions. Add here the fact that about 100,000 spectators attended the group’s performances, and the majority of Belarusian teenagers are simply obsessed with the work of the newly-minted stars. At first the group was mistaken for Russian - the viewer was simply unaccustomed to the idea that something worthy could appear in Belarus.

The author of all the songs, Oksana Kovalevskaya, was only 20 years old, and therefore, as you understand, all the problems, hopes, feelings and thoughts of adolescence were still fresh. So the conversation with the listeners is “on an equal footing”, which is why the latter are delighted - to understand this, it is enough to at least once feel the excitement that invariably accompanies the concerts. The group's producer, Alexey Voronov, who, by the way, worked with famous Russian performers, even keeps some kind of statistics: during the tour, 25 chairs were broken, one door was taken out, one ceiling in the hall collapsed, and 27 girls met guys at the "Krasok" concerts. In addition, a reverent attitude towards fans also plays an important role. The group is literally inundated with letters, and the musicians respond to each one. Of course, this is not an easy job, and therefore on March 16, 2002, at the press conference preceding the concert, the producer officially asked for forgiveness from fans who had not yet received answers to their messages. The fan club is working at full capacity and in the near future all fans will receive “news” from their idols.

In the near future, the Kraski group is not expected to tour near and far abroad, as well as work in the studio. Most recently, the MGE company, which represents the interests of the group in Belarus, signed a contract with Real Records to sell three albums of the group in a million copies each.


1. Big Brother: Yellow Album 2002

2. I love you, Sergey: red album 2002

3. Orange Sun: Orange Album 2003.

4. Spring: blue album 2004.

5. Those who love: purple album 2004.

We all know, love and remember the group “Kraski” - a group that gave us the happiest and most joyful songs. Songs such as “Spring”, “I fell in love with a bandit”, “Don’t touch me” became part of the life of every girl in the nineties.

The photo shows the most famous composition of the group “Kraski”. In the center is Oksana Kovalevskaya.

Lately, rare stupid questions have begun to appear, such as: “Is it true that Oksana Kovalevskaya never sang in the Kraski group.” What are these questions? Of course it was and will be! The “Paints” group is a project created with her active participation.

Where do the prerequisites for such doubts come from?.. In fact, finding out this is not so difficult. So, let’s lift the curtain a little on the events taking place today and those that took place earlier.

Eh, who could have known who he would later become for Oksana

On Voronov’s website you can often find words with similar content: “Friends!” (or colleagues, by which we mean the organizers, and in general the entire site is for them), “Beware of fakes! Only our stuff is working! All the rest are tees! and so on. Is it true? In fact, this question, which is quite difficult for some, can be easily resolved in the following way: It is better to see (and hear) once than to read tons of laudatory passages and affirmative-touching praise of oneself on their website at ... the “Kraski” group. Do you think that someone will dissuade you from inviting what is advertised there? Do you think that now someone will try to persuade you not to believe what is written there? But you are wrong! After listening on the phone to all the recommendations about the high level of the advertised product and curses and insults towards Oksana, no, invite... the “group”. And when the ball starts, you will see everything for yourself, but it will be too late 

For them, the most important thing is to have time to collect the money, remember. And what is good or bad, well, it’s up to you to decide. Yes, and of course you will hear that Oksana Kovalevskaya is to blame, Voronov always blames her for everything.

What is Oksana Kovalevskaya’s fault? Why is Voronov fighting it so desperately and trying to delete it from his own Wikipedia article? There is a certain selfish interest in this - MONEY. For the sake of money, people resort to any kind of fraud and deception. If you owe someone, you need to get angry with him and, in a fit of bullish rage, prove that everything is the other way around: they owe you.

Let's start with something simple - copyright. Few can doubt that someone better than herself, for example a 40-year-old man, can describe the inner world of a 16-year-old girl in poetry, but he may not have enough experience to record a song from beginning to end. Here the sound engineer appears, the technical implementation, that is, the recording of the song, depends on him. This happened in the early 2000s: Oksana wrote songs, Voronov recorded them. It must be said that this was a creative union, Voronov made minor amendments to the texts and recorded Oksana’s voice. But! Then he quietly rushed away from her to register the right to own them for himself.

But time passes. Everything around is changing. Oksana had a logical question: why does she work and have not received anything (literally not a penny) for many years of performing? It was an earthquake for Voronov, who did not know that people needed to pay at least something for their work. This greatly changed his attitude towards Oksana, putting her on a par with people he did not want. He created conditions that were impossible not only for creative activity, but also for life together in general. Seriously fearing for her life, Oksana ran away from him (but not with money, of course, as he says, but more on that later) with bruises and cuts from America, where he brought her.

Having learned that Oksana had arrived from America, Voronov’s creditors immediately came to her, and it turned out that he had huge debts before leaving for the country of freedom and democracy. I had to work through concerts during the 7-8 months of pregnancy.

All this will be described in more detail in the following articles, but for now let’s return to the conflict.

Oksana took control of the project into her own hands, and things started to work out well for her.

This is where the “producer of the Kraski group” showed up, dozens of people began to offer, or even impose, their help on Oksana as a producer, but this will also be discussed in subsequent articles.

At this time, Voronov, having come to his senses and realizing that no one needed him, first tried to bring Oksana back, and when he realized that this was impossible, that lies and threats no longer affected her, he gathered around him the same greedy and unscrupulous people and put together a company. He himself would not have become that “producer”, someone’s ears are sticking out here from Moscow. Anyway. So, having secured support, Voronov began to interfere with Oksana, interfere with everything, and one day came to demand that she be banned from performing due to violations of his copyright. However, what was his genuine surprise that not only he, but also other people have rights and freedoms, at least according to the Constitution, and in this case, according to the law of the Russian Federation. But she also wrote the songs. Can you imagine what it was like... the husband-producer.

So, closer to the heart of the matter. Why Voronov unsuccessfully tries to prove that Oksana Kovalevskaya does not exist. Because according to the law, he owes her what already belongs to her by law, and by right, and by conscience. Guided by the rule: Whoever is angrier is stronger, he lied to the point that Oksana Kovalevskaya is him.

Well, let him dress in women's dresses himself.

We can only wish Oksana courage in this protracted struggle. Oksana! For us you are Colors! Creative success to you!

« Paints" is a musical group from Belarus, which was created in Minsk on January 1, 2001. The first composition of the group is Katya Borovik, Olga Guseva, Vasily Bogomya, Andrey Chigir. The producer of the group “Kraski” and the author of all songs is Alexey Voronov. The famous single of the Kraski group “You’re already an adult” (Big Brother) was noted by Afisha magazine as one of the brightest and most memorable Russian pop hits of the last 20 years.

History of the group


The Kraski group was created in early 2001 by producer and composer Alexei Voronov. The first composition of the group included: Katya Borovik (vocals), Olga Guseva (choreography), Vasily Bogomya (keys) and Andrey Chigir (keys). About a year later, Oksana Kovalevskaya (Voronov’s wife in 2001-2006) joined the group. She became the lead singer of the group and took the place of the departed Katya Borovik. On November 17, 2001, the presentation of the debut album “ You're already an adult", which was republished in Moscow in 2002 under the title " Older brother» by Real Records. In the autumn-spring period of 2001-2002, the Kraski group organized an all-Belarusian tour, during which 172 concerts were given. After success in Belarus, the group concentrated on the Russian music market. Following the album “Big Brother”, the group’s second album “I Love You, Sergey - Red Album” was released.


In 2003, Kraski's group was persecuted by the Belarusian authorities. On April 1, 2003, the office of the Kraski group in Minsk was seized by the Belarusian riot police, and office employees were detained.

From this moment on, Kraska's group moves to Moscow. The group includes Dmitry Orlovsky (keys). Albums are being released - “Orange Sun - Orange Album”, “Spring - Blue Album”, “Those who love - Purple Album”.

From its founding until 2006, the Kraski group performed at venues in the largest cities of the CIS. She has given concerts in the USA, Germany, Israel, and Holland.

During this period, Paints participate in the festivals “Golden Gramophone”, “Bomb of the Year”, etc.

The songs of the Kraski group are actively rotated on leading Russian-language radio stations around the world.

The Kraski group's videos are rotated by MTV, Muz TV and Channel One.

The Kraski group takes part in the programs of the first channel “Big Wash”, “Morning”, “Real News”, etc.


In March 2006, Oksana Kovalevskaya left the group. She was replaced by vocalist Katya Sasha. In Russia, various double groups began to appear, calling themselves “Krasok” and performing “Krasok” songs written by Alexei Voronov.


In 2012, lead singer Marina Ivanova appeared in the Kraski group and began recording the new sixth album of the Kraski group.

The main message of the work of the group “Kraski” is first love, for which young people are ready to do anything. Therefore, the songs “Mom, I fell in love with a bandit”, “I will always wait for you” or “My Sun” almost instantly became hits that teenagers sing in the gateways. It is not surprising that scammers soon began to make money from the reputation of the popular “Krasok”, and the proceedings against them have been going on for years.


The history of the pop group “Kraski” officially began on January 1, 2001. The producer of the musical group, Alexey Voronov, brought together four professionals: singer Ekaterina Borovik, choreographer Olga Guseva, pianists Vasily Bogomya and Andrey Chigir.

The ideological inspirer of the group was Ekaterina, the rest of the team members were selected by the producer at a casting held in Minsk. But soon the soloist left the band and took the place of the vocalist.


The debut presentation took place at the nightclub “Blindazh”, where “Kraski” presented the album “You’re Already an Adult”. In addition to the single, the name of which is similar to the name of the collection, the group performed the compositions “One-two-three-four”, “Somewhere far away”, “Alien pain” and “My sun”.

Light motives were quickly remembered, so they appealed to the younger generation. Soon, “Don’t touch me, don’t touch me,” began to be heard on the radio. Already in 2002, “Kraski” shot a video for the single “Today I came home to my mother.” The same year the group goes on a tour of Belarus. “Kraski” gave concerts in 172 localities. 100 thousand people attended the dynamic performances.

The launch of the debut disc also did not disappoint the producer - more than 200 thousand copies were sold throughout the country. The group's success attracted the attention of their Russian colleagues, so the Real Records label released the record on the domestic market. The collection was called “Big Brother: The Yellow Album.”

Song "Elder Brother" by the group "Kraski"

In 2003, the biography of the group changed dramatically. Both keyboard players left the Kraski group, and Dmitry Orlovsky took their place in the group. For personal reasons, the choreographer also left the group.

In addition to changes in the composition, problems with the law were added. The official office of "Krasok" was visited by the police. Several arrests and a large-scale search were made. The reason is suspicion of extortion. According to the producer, the Krasok team suffered due to an attempt to deal with pirates who were selling illegal copies of the group’s debut album.

The team moves to Moscow and releases a new collection called “I love you, Sergey: red album.” The performers of the hits “My Mommy” and “It’s Winter in the City,” included in the new collection, became famous throughout the country in a short period of time. The lead singer of the group began to be invited to music programs. Photos of “Krasok” participants appeared on the glossy pages of fashion publications.

To consolidate their success, the team releases the album “Orange Sun: Orange Album.” The collection mainly consisted of remixes of already released songs.

Song “He Knows Nothing” by the group “Kraski”

2004 was no less fruitful for Krasok. The group released the album “Spring: Blue Album”, one of the lead singles of which was the song “Love is deceiving”. Having collected a sufficient amount of material, the group goes on a large tour, including both Russian cities and populated areas of the CIS.

After returning from the tour, “Kraski” released the collection “Those Who Love: The Purple Album”, for the single of which the musicians shot a video. In addition to representatives of the group, the video took part.

Song “Those who love” by the group “Kraski” and Andrey Gubin

By 2006, the popularity of “Colors” had spread beyond the country. In Russia, musicians performed at the largest venues, periodically interrupting for foreign tours. Over the next few years, the artists played to full houses in the USA, Germany and the Netherlands.

At the very peak of fame, Oksana Kovalevskaya left the group. The girl had several reasons for such a radical act - pregnancy and the desire to create a solo career. The singer’s place was taken by the aspiring artist Ekaterina Sasha.

Popularity brought “Kraska” not only recognition from fans, but also a lot of problems. Like most pop groups, doubles of the musical group began to appear in the country. In 2009, a new collection of hits, “Green Album,” was released. The album did not repeat the success of previous creations, but the failure did not affect the popularity of the group.

In 2012, changes occurred in the composition of the group again. Ekaterina was replaced by a new performer, Marina Ivanova. In addition, the choreographers left the musical group. Now Mikhail Shevyakov and Vitaly Kondrakov were responsible for the dance part of the program.

The producer of the group decided that such a stormy biography of the group should be formalized. Voronov releases a book called “Colors-Ascension”, where he talks in detail about the problems that awaited the group on the way to the top of the musical Olympus.

In June 2012, the Kraski group hit the front pages of newspapers. Marina Ivanova was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend. An inadequate man waylaid the singer at her house and pushed the girl into the trunk. Fortunately, the artist was not searched, and Marina was able to call her mother. A day later, Ivanova was released.

In 2015, the producer of “Krasok” told the press the news: Marina Ivanova decided to leave the band, but a new performer had already been selected to replace the vocalist. A girl named Daria Subbotina became the new face and voice of the pop group.

Group "Paints" now

For fans of the musical group, 2018 began with good news: Oksana Kovalevskaya returned to the group. Now the composition of “Colors” includes 2 singers and 2 choreographers.

The team does not stop touring. In the first half of 2018, the guys visited Riga, Voronezh (including the Balagan City restaurant), Tula and other cities. “Kraski” is actively developing its own YouTube channel, where they post news vlogs and videos from concerts. Fans of the band will find similar content, but with a more personal twist, on the band’s official account on "Instagram".

In May, the name of the group surfaced in connection with a loud scandal. A concert of the “golden line-up” of “Krasok” was announced for a long time in Lipetsk, but the real representatives of the group were not going on tour to this city.

However, the Lipetsk counterparts of the famous group are not the first scammers to use the name “Krasok”. Similar incidents occurred in Belarus and Moscow. Alexey Voronov, the musicians’ permanent producer, warns about such scams in his own interviews and on the band’s official website and asks fans to be more careful.


  • "He doesn't know anything"
  • "Older brother"
  • "Only 15 years"
  • "Orange sun"
  • "I love you, Sergey"
  • "My mommy"
  • "Those Who Love"
  • "Spring"
  • “Today I came home to my mother”
  • "Boy"


  • 2001 – “You’re already an adult”
  • 2002 - “Big Brother: The Yellow Album” (re-release of “You’re Already an Adult”)
  • 2003 - “I love you, Sergey: red album”
  • 2003 – “Orange Sun: Orange Album”
  • 2004 – “Spring: Blue Album”
  • 2004 - Those who love: purple album"
  • 2009 – “Green Album”