Name day of the novel according to the church calendar. Name day of the Roma, congratulations to the novel When is the name day of the novel in

According to the Orthodox calendar, Roman's name day falls on 22 days. You need to choose the date that is closest to the baby’s birthday. After baptism, the child will have a guardian angel. He will accompany him throughout his life, protect and protect him. On his name day, Roman must definitely visit the temple and pray before the face of the saint.

Origin of the name

Roma is translated from Latin as “Roman”. According to another version, the name came from the ancient Greek language, means “strong”, “strong”. They also consider the possibility of origin from the goddess Rima, revered in the Roman Empire. In her honor, coins were produced, and magnificent and festive events were organized annually. The church name Roman came to the territory of Rus' from Byzantium. In the 12th century, this was what Russian princes were called at baptism.

Roman's Angel Day

Name days according to the church calendar fall on several dates. All of these saints in the history of Orthodoxy were distinguished by true faith in God.

Name day datePatrons
18.01 venerable martyr, holy martyr
11.02 Martyr R. Samosatsky
16.02 Prince R. Uglichsky
02.03 venerable martyr
29.03 Martyr R. Pariysky
05.05 Prince R. Uglichsky
13.06 Martyr R. Nicomedia
01.08 Prince, martyr R. Ryazansky
03.08 Confessor R. Medved
06.08 passion-bearer Boris (baptized Roman)
11.09 holy preacher R. Kirzhachsky
15.08 Saint Roman (unknown)
23.08 Martyr R. Roman
08.09 Confessor R. Medved
16.09 Hieromartyr R. Marchenko
24.09 martyr
08.10 martyr
14.10 Deacon R. Sweet Singer, Constantinople
13.11 Saint Roman (unknown)
01.12 Deacon R. Caesarea, Antioch
10.12 wonderworker Roman of Antioch (Syrian),

According to the church calendar, the day of the angel Roman will correspond to only one number - the closest to the day of birth or baptism. The remaining days in the Saints are usually called small name days.

Qualities of a little boy

Roman was often sick as a child. For this reason, he gets used to being alone. He requires constant parental care. As a teenager, experiences problems communicating with peers, although he really likes to talk for a long time. The boy prefers to avoid problems. When faced with difficulties, Roma gives up and abstracts himself from the difficult situation.

The boy has no authority, so it is difficult to influence him. He likes to play sports. Can humiliate children who are weaker than him. But he himself will not tolerate ridicule: if they did this to him, then it is necessary to wait for the right opportunity and take revenge on the offender.

Character traits of a man

The personality is revealed only by the age of 30. Roman is capable of self-organization, has logic and the gift of persuasion. The man is self-confident, objective, and does not succumb to the influence of others. He grows into an excellent politician, a fair judge, and a worthy law enforcement officer.

The main features of an adult with this name include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • hard work;
  • prudence;
  • willpower.

Sometimes a man looks mysterious and patient, and sometimes he seems like a big bore.

The young man is upset by troubles, but he does nothing to correct the situation. He calls his attitude towards problems optimism, the belief that everything will work out. Over the years, he develops his own philosophy that justifies his inaction.

Roman does not lack attention from the opposite sex. After all, he is well-mannered, seductive, elegant and charming. He will court the girl he likes for a very long time, while determining her economy and collecting information about her pedigree.

Women are attracted to the following qualities in a man:

  • impulsiveness;
  • passion;
  • temperament.

But due to his selfishness, the young man, even in the sexual sphere, takes into account only his own interests. He is of little interest to his partner's wishes.

Relationship in the family

It is important for a man to feel like a leader in his relationship with his wife. Only a wise woman with cunning and natural wisdom can save a marriage, maintaining an atmosphere of care and trust. The wife must have angelic patience.

It is difficult to call a man a good family man. Everyday life and routine make him sad. But with the birth of children, he reconsiders his values: he becomes an economic spouse and a caring father.

Roman likes to receive guests, he is cheerful and generous with them. However, he pays too little attention to his wife. This situation can cause quarrels and conflict.

Roman is an objective, but vulnerable, hot-tempered and touchy person. His self-confidence causes problems. He should be more responsible and see things through to the end.

Attention, TODAY only!

For men with the name Roman, the date of the angel's day is chosen independently. This is due to the fact that there are several revered days, and the choice should fall on the one located as close as possible to the birthday of the birthday person.

  • 18.01 – prmch. Novel.
  • 11.02. - torment. Roman Samosatsky.
  • 16.02. - book Roman Uglichsky.
  • 02.03. - Rev. Novel.
  • 29.03. - torment. Roman Pariysky.
  • 15.05. - passion-bearer Roman (book).
  • 05.06. - book Roman Uglichsky.
  • 13.06. - torment. Roman of Nicomedia.
  • 01.08. - martyr Prince Ryazan Roman Olegovich.
  • 03.08. - nmuch. Roman Bear.
  • 06.08. - book (Novel).
  • 11.08. - Rev. Roman Kirzhachsky.
  • 15.08. - Novel
  • 23.08 – pm. Roman Rimsky.
  • 08.09. – new. prot. Novel
  • 16.09. – new. Roman (Marchenko).
  • 24.09. — 08.10. - Roman, martyr.
  • 14.10. - Roman Sladkopevets.
  • 13.11. - Novel
  • 01.12– sschmch. Roman of Caesarea.
  • 10.12. - Wonderworker Roman of Antioch.

Catholics celebrate Angel Day

  • 07.02.
  • 28.02.
  • 09.08.
  • 18.11.

The word, according to one version, appeared in Latin. Translated it means Rome, sounds like Roma. Or by the name of the Roman goddess who was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Holy Empire. Another point of view is Greek origin. Interpreted as having strength, strong.

In Rus' it arose together with Orthodoxy, initially its bearers were exclusively noble persons. According to tradition, on the name day, the temple of God was visited, a prayer was said before Saint Roman, then the guests were called for a meal. They could simply treat all neighbors, passers-by, and children to pies. In the evening they went out into the street singing.

Characteristics of a man named Roman

From a young age the boy grows up sickly. Cannot cope with the curriculum due to absences. Loves change in everything, gets tired of routine and monotony. In a hurry to become an adult, you can quickly complete your education. He prefers an ostrich policy in solving problems and hides from them. In a difficult situation, he may lose control and give up.

Talkative and sociable. With an abundance of friends, there are few true friends. Roman will not stress too much about money. He is often haunted by financial failures and meetings with dishonest people who harm him, but the guy is almost always reborn from the ashes.

In love he is fickle. Flashes quickly and can also cool down instantly. The ladies enjoy his company. He is looking for his one and only, if he thinks that he has found him, he will immediately marry. As a family man, he fully copes with his role. Strive for leadership in it.

History of the Saints

More than one saint Roman appears in the church calendar. There are several of them, each with their own difficult fate, which demonstrates their devotion to the Christian faith.

Roman Sladkopevets

In V, a Greek boy, a future saint, was born in the city of Emes. Having studied, he became a deacon in Beirut. Later he served as a cleric in the Constantinople Church of St. Sophia. For his sincere faith he was approached by Patriarch Euthymius. This did not please the other ministers, who began to harm him. Roman did not have a strong voice or good hearing, and his enemies pushed him into the pulpit during the service and forced him to sing.

The emperor himself and many nobles attended the pre-Christmas service. The saint's voice trembled; it was unclear what he was singing. Roman felt shame in front of everyone. Returning to his home, he devoted himself to prayer before the icon of the Mother of God. The Blessed Virgin appeared to him. She handed over the scroll and indicated that the offended person should chew it. After this night, Roman gained not only a wonderful voice, but also the gift of a poet.

Inspired, he composed the famous kontakion for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. He successfully sang his anthem the next day. He received gratitude from high-ranking persons and the nickname from the people, Sweet Singer. Wrote over 1000 prayers.

Holy Prince Roman Olegovich

During the time of the Golden Horde he defended the faith and the Fatherland. In battles with Batu, both grandfathers of the holy prince fell on the battlefield. The Orthodox ruler always took the side of his subjects, opposed the tax collectors, and did not allow them to ruin the people. The servants of Khan Mengu Timur reported Roman Olegovich to him. The prince was called to a conversation with the Tatars (1270). He was asked to choose: fierce death or their faith. The prince remained a Christian to the end, calling the khan’s faith false. For this he was torn to pieces, cut into pieces, and beheaded. They began to venerate the martyr Roman Ryazansky immediately after the incident.

According to tradition, every year in his homeland a procession of the cross is held, a prayer service is held, and in 1861 the temple was consecrated.

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The name Roman is of Latin origin and translates as “Roman”. It has its own secret and meaning.

a brief description of

Men with this name are distinguished by their ability to self-organize, as well as prudence, logic and the gift of persuasion, as well as patience and endurance. However, in addition to these qualities, he has a highly developed intuition, which rarely lets him down. He is self-confident, objective, and does not give in to the influence of others. Such a person can become an excellent politician, judge, leader, or law enforcement officer. At work, he becomes a workaholic if he sees the possibility of self-realization, the prospect of taking a high position or getting a good salary. Roman is not indifferent to art, he constantly improves himself and works on himself. In marriage, it is important for him to feel like a leader and not feel that his freedom is being infringed upon. Otherwise, he may start cheating or simply won’t be happy. Only a wise woman with natural cunning will be able to maintain a strong marriage with such a man for a long time, creating an atmosphere of trust and care.

Roman Angel Day Date

A holiday such as Angel Day should be celebrated by a person only once a year. In order to determine what date Roman's day is, you need to look at a special calendar, where the days of all saints (patrons) with that name are indicated. You should choose the date closest to your birthday.

Roman is a male name that came into the Russian language from Byzantium (East Roman Empire) along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. From Greek Roman (Ρωμαϊκή) is translated as Roman or Roman. Let us remember that not all inhabitants of the Roman Empire had the right to be called citizens of Rome, and therefore Romans. Calling yourself a Roman is one way to emphasize your position in ancient society. Over time, the name Roman (Roman) became a proper name.

The meaning of the name Roman for a child

Little Roma will not make you bored. His curiosity and search for answers to questions will make any adult nervous. He is persistent in his thirst for knowledge and you will not get away with meaningless phrases. Some people perceive his persistence as stubbornness, but this is not so. From a young age, the boy takes assignments very seriously. If he promised to do it, then he will certainly try. But remember - this will all happen until the moment it is important to him. Once he loses motivation, that's where the problems start. This usually happens in high school. If you fail to sufficiently motivate Roman to study, then education may fail. He needs to be a leader in the class and at this age leadership and academics are a bit at odds. In this case, martial arts sections will best help, in which the boy’s character will be further strengthened. Try to explain to him that being versatile is the coolest thing. Studying and sports will make him a real leader in life.

Little Roman's health is usually poor. Greater tendency to respiratory diseases. Know that prevention and proper treatment can help avoid unwanted health consequences.

Short name Roman

Roma, Romka, Romych, Romishche.

Diminutive pet names

Romochka, Romushka, Romchik, Romakh, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romasha.

Children's middle names

Romanovna and Romanovich. Sometimes people shorten Romanovich to Romanych.

Name Roman in English

A novel in English is written as Roman. This name is spelled the same way in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and some other countries.

Name Roman for Russian passport According to the rules of machine transliteration, it is written like this - Roman.

Translation of the name Roman into other languages

in Arabic - رومان‎‎
in Belarusian - Raman
in Bulgarian - Roman
in Hungarian - Roman
in Greek - Ρωμανός
in Hebrew - רומן
in Spanish - Romanos
in Italian - Romano
in Chinese - 罗曼
in Korean - 소설
in Latin - Romanus
in German - Roman
in Polish - Roman
in Romanian - Roman
in Ukrainian - Roman
in French - Romain
in Czech - Roman
in Japanese - ロマン

Church name Roman remains unchanged. Most of the names of those who came into the Russian language along with Orthodoxy do not change.

Characteristics of the name Roman

Roman is energetic and devotes his entire independent life to achieving his life goals. Although Roman’s focus on personal growth is visible from his youth, it does not immediately bear fruit. Only around the age of 30 does perseverance and hard work finally bear fruit. Roman, as a rational person, often chooses in life not what he likes, but what has a good prospect. Roma is a responsible worker and a good leader. If Roman becomes a leader, he demands only feasible and important results. Another strength of Roman is his invisibility of managing people. Many do not even suspect that they are doing everything as he needs. The ability to complete a task is another plus in Roman’s characteristics.

But if you think that Roman is some kind of result-oriented robot, then you are very mistaken. This is a person whose passion and temperament are hidden from prying eyes. Roman shows these character traits only to a select few. Loves art, and especially theater.

An ordinary person can still see Roman’s ardent temperament, but we won’t envy him. Only in anger can you see the entire volcano of passions hidden in this person. It’s better not to bring Roman to this state.

Roman's family life doesn't change much. If Roman’s beloved half in marriage understands the rules of life with him, then she will be just like behind a stone wall. The main thing is to understand his focus on results and the importance of success in Roman’s life. Families with men named Roman either collapse almost immediately or become strong for many years.

The mystery of the name Roman

One of the main secrets of the novel is probably the power of persuasion. As we already wrote, you will do what he needs without even knowing it. Another secret is a good memory for offenders. Roman is not vindictive, as they say, he will take revenge and forget, so it’s better not to cross his path. Taking into account Roman’s character, he senses falsehood very well and it is unlikely that it will be possible to push him into something by deception. Taking into account these characteristics and good intuition, he is often asked to judge a conflict or controversial situation that has arisen.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal named Roman- Doe.

Name color- Red or even red-purple.

Tree- Poplar and cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel of the name Roman and his patron depends primarily on the date of birth. If you know Roman's date of birth, we recommend the article "Patron of the name of Roman." There you will find a list of revered saints and much more.

Patron saints of those named Roman

Holy Blessed Prince Roman of Ryazan
The Orthodox Church remembers the holy noble prince Roman Olegovich of Ryazan on July 19/August 1, the day of his death.
The holy noble prince Roman of Ryazan is approached with requests for strengthening faith and giving strength for a pious life, for protection from denunciations and slander, with all requests in the event of a namesake, and of course, most of all, he patronizes everyone who lives in the territory that was his princely inheritance. There are also known cases of healing when turning to this saint. This icon is often given as a personalized icon to those who, like the prince, bear the name Roman at baptism.

Order an icon

Icon options

Icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Roman of Ryazan
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Blessed Prince Boris
The festival of the holy princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb was established on May 2/15, and also in 1021, during the reign of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise in Veliky Novgorod, it was established on July 24/August 6.
Holy Righteous Prince Boris (baptized Roman) is a saint who is prayed to for heart disease. People turn to him, as well as his brother, the holy noble prince Gleb, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In a house where there is an icon of the saint, love and mutual understanding will reign. For those men for whom Saint Prince Boris is a patron, the icon will help them avoid illness, protect them from enemies, and help them find a close-knit family and reliable friends.
Roman of Antioch (Syrian), hermit

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on November 27/December 10.

The Monk Romanus labored alone on Mount Silpia, which was located east of Antioch. Now the mountain is called Nachar Dag. He spent time in fasting and prayer, wearing heavy chains under his hair shirt. For his holy life, he was awarded by the Lord with the gift of clairvoyance and healing. Through his prayer, many women found the happiness of motherhood. He lived a long life and peacefully passed away to the Lord.

Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, deacon, martyr
Roman Rimsky, martyr

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on August 10/23.

Roman Samosatsky, martyr

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on January 29/February 11.

Roman the Sweet Singer, Constantinople, deacon, creator of kontakions

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on October 1/14.

The Monk Roman, the Sweet Singer lived at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th centuries. Greek by origin, he was born in Syria. Having completed his studies, he became a deacon, and after some time he moved to Constantinople and got a job as a cleric at the patriarchal church. Patriarch Euthymius soon brought Roman closer to himself, falling in love with the young man for his sincere faith and virtuous life. Roman diligently helped during divine services, although he did not have a special voice or hearing.

Approaching the patriarch aroused envy among Roman's circle, and his comrades played a cruel joke on him. During the pre-Christmas service, which was attended by the emperor and his entire family, the service was led by the patriarch himself, and the church was filled with parishioners, the Monk Roman was pushed onto the pulpit (a special elevation for reading the Holy Scriptures, delivering sermons, singing). Finding himself in the spotlight, he was forced to sing, his worthless singing led to the bewilderment of everyone present, and plunged Roman himself into deep shame.

Arriving home, the Monk Roman fell on his knees before the icon of the Mother of God and prayed with tears all night. And the Mother of God heard his prayers. Appearing to the Monk Roman, the Mother of God gave him a scroll, which she ordered him to eat. Immediately after fulfilling the command, Roman was given a beautiful melodic voice, and also a poetic gift. Impressed by everything that happened, he immediately composed his famous kontakion for the feast of the Nativity of Christ: “Today a virgin gives birth to the Most Essential, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; Angels and shepherds praise, while wolves travel with a star; For our sake, the Child of Mlado, the Eternal God, was born.”

The next day, Reverend Roman himself insisted that he be allowed to sing. And during the all-night vigil on the Nativity of Christ, he sang the hymn he had written so wonderfully that everyone around shed tears of delight, and people called him “The Sweet Singer.” From that moment on, the Monk Roman decorated every service with his singing and inspired prayer.

According to legend, the Monk Roman the Sweet Singer wrote over a thousand prayers and hymns for various holidays during his life.

Roman Uglichsky, prince The Holy Blessed Prince Roman is the son of Prince Vladimir of Uglich, born in 1235. From childhood, Roman was distinguished by piety, observed fasts, prayed, read Holy books, visited churches, and was obedient to his parents. After the death of his father and older brother, he took over the management of the principality. He ruled the principality with wisdom and love, and it flourished and strengthened during his reign. Prince Roman devoted a lot of time to charitable works: he built hospitals, almshouses, hospice houses, erected and decorated churches. He especially cared for orphans and widows. He loved to visit the cells of ascetics, talking with them about the Lord and exploits in His name. After the death of his wife in 1280, he devoted himself entirely to the feats of fasting, prayer, charity and piety. The city was founded by Romanov. In 1985, shortly before his death, anticipating it, he called all the boyars to him and bequeathed them to live in peace and love for each other.