If people had wings, how big would they be? What would people with wings be like: interesting theories about flight.

Have you ever thought about your nature? Surely in childhood someone tried to test their wings. Now, I’ll speed up, run, run and wave my arms really hard and fly, adults just don’t know that you can fly. They forgot about it!

Life is so multifaceted that we often forget ourselves, who we are, where we come from, and what we can do!

All that holds us back is ourselves! Or rather, fears within yourself! They constantly whine to us - don’t go there, don’t do it, don’t do this, otherwise Vasya, Yulya, Petya, what would they do without you, and here are the parents, and here’s the work, who has to do it too? ?

All you need to do is fly to St. Petersburg for the exhibition! And a hundred stopcocks immediately slow you down! We need to start with the simplest! Move a kilometer away from your place, 20 kilometers, spend the night in another city. Of course, I want to highlight - my story is for those who want to change something in their lives. But if your priority route is refrigerator-TV-sofa, then this is not for you.

Most often we are not happy with something. I just don’t like it, whether it’s my job, my wife, my salary, my city, my country. Turn around and walk, fly, drive, and something will start happening to you! Start by at least trying a different route to get to work! Has it worked before? And How? Unusual? The fear of passing the right stop has not suppressed you?)))

So, we humans are free by nature! Society has come up with a lot of ways to pin you down! Previously, specialists were distributed from institutes with the obligation to work for 3 years in some Mukhosransk (sorry, this is literary). A person came, be it a village, a collective farm, started working, they threw him a bream in the form of some kind of free house, and then? Job? Yes, drink Vodka - lie on the ground? no, it’s boring, .. youth is rushing, and then, as luck would have it, a beautiful girl or a guy is in front of your nose, back and forth, and... a year later, a child, the collective farm gives a cow and voila, a man in a trap. Well, where the hell is he going to go - family, child, abandon everything, into the unknown back to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosib? and who needs us there? And fears crushed the man!!! Everything is a voluntary prison!!! Although nothing prevents you from taking a vacation, some saved up money and rushing to Moscow or Kazan, renting an apartment and starting living and working with whatever comes your way!??? No, you have to have wings on your back! And we have them! God created us in his own image and likeness!))) We just don’t remember this or don’t want to remember. We are free a priori!

It's the same with our consciousness! Here it is written in the instructions that you should do this and that, but like this? It is forbidden? no, it’s not that it’s possible, it’s just not prohibited! so what's up? Forward!!! Let's start with the fact that many people now have smartphones in their hands. Did you know that you can use them without a cellular network? haha!! No? I bet it didn’t even occur to you! But first of all, you have a receiver and a transmitter in your hands! And all you need is charging and frequency. Not everything is so simple, of course, but you can make a connection with each other within the home! Haven't you heard about the enterprise network? about the admin network? oh well, let's go!

So the most important thing in life for flying is to be able to use the wings that you have. Although other options are possible

So, to summarize the above, all the safeties, stops and restrictions are in your head. I recommend choosing an action plan for yourself and taking off! Everything is in yours hands WINGS!

I was with you @tandemus all the best in peace and good day

Is it possible to grow wings in a person using, say, genetic modifications? (Don’t laugh) :). and got the best answer

Answer from Constrictor Engineer[guru]
First of all, it’s impossible.
And secondly, why?

Answer from Did mazaj[guru]
Why wings? ? If you can't fly... How to have a box of vodka and no throat. . :))

Answer from Koroteev Alexander[guru]
Instead of hands? I don't think this will suit...
I don’t think anyone has deeply studied this issue, since there is no sense in sight. Firstly - if not instead of arms, but separately - a radically new skeleton and new joints are needed. Easier to sew on. And secondly, a person’s build is not suitable for flying: his bones are heavy, his breathing is inadequate. Birds are generally quite small for a reason. A person will need excessively large wings and constantly eat in order to move them.
It’s easier to make mechanical ones - you just need an energy source with sufficient specific energy - again, the same situation with energy.

Answer from navigator[guru]
Well, why, gravity and metabolism won’t allow you to fly. Other energy levels, weight, metabolism...

Answer from Angelina Zhirova[active]
Nowadays, everything is possible, except for super powers, but you can add wings to a child who has not yet been born; they can grow, but one question: why? but right now the main thing is to find a cure for rabies, and a cure for Ebola has been found

Answer from Black@ya Widows@[expert]
everything is possible!
With the help of genetic engineering, we have already obtained roses with the scent of Calvin Klein eau de toilette, raised pigs without a drop of fat, grown tomatoes with “gills” (the northern fish gene was implanted into tomatoes so that they would not freeze on the shelves in winter), and soon people will have gills and wings to order.

Answer from Lyuda Dm...[guru]
everything grows from the needs of developing habitats... That's how the birds did it. . but through a long process of natural evolution...
The person also had such a need. . and he also mastered the airspace. . and even cosmic sales. . and in a faster way... learned to build aircraft...
albeit by artificial methods, but also in a natural way. . Well, if we assume that intelligence is given to man in the course of natural evolution... evolution simply “came up” with faster ways to adapt living beings to their environment...
/ only she figured that she no longer had millions of years left. . .and is in a hurry... :)) /
but of course, the path of genetic modification is different. . then the ability to fly is inherited...
Although. . and by “inheritance” you can pass on the purchased personal plane to your children... :))

Answer from Andrey[guru]
With such a name and surname, you are already in flight....

Answer from White Rabbit[guru]
1. TODAY genetic engineering is not yet strong enough for this
2. What for? Well, once your wings grow, you still won’t be able to fly! There's a lot that's needed here, from a lighter skeleton and stronger muscles to a more advanced bird's brain!

Answer from Svetlana V. Shchegoleva[expert]
“If you don’t have wings, don’t stop them from growing” (Coco Chanel).
1. You just need to find out where the nearest (working) flying club is located;
2. Take training in skydiving;
3. Become a full-fledged “winged” member of society... 😉

Answer from Magic life[guru]
I just want to laugh xD

Answer from Pavel Gryaznov[master]
Nowadays, even without genetic modifications, everything is possible...

Photos from open sources

In September of this year, Khabarovsk resident Dmitry Nikonov and a friend traveled around the Primorsky Territory. While rafting on the Bikin River, they spent the night (not for the first time) in the taiga. However, this time the friends were amazed by the woman’s crying, which was clearly heard from the deep night forest, where by definition no one could be. (website)

Moreover, this cry, chilling the soul (it was more like the screams of a dying person) clearly moved in space, as the travelers determined by ear. Having reached Vladivostok and asking the old-timers, the guys learned that this was the cry of a mysterious creature - an animal with wings, which in appearance and size was very similar to a person.

Many people know about the winged man in Primorye

It turns out that it was described by the famous traveler V.K. Arsenyev, who, as they say, traveled the length and breadth of the Ussuri region. And there is no reason not to trust the records that he wrote about the winged man (this is his definition), since he was a scientist to the core, who did not believe in any mysticism, and at the same time very much valued his reputation as a sober-minded researcher.

Photos from open sources

Vladimir Klavdievich wrote that one day he came across a fresh footprint in the snow. This trail looked like a human one, and at the same time it was somewhat reminiscent of a bear (there was something in common). The scientist’s hitherto fearless dog, named Alma, sniffed the mysterious trail and behaved rather strangely: she was clearly frightened of something and suddenly began to huddle at her owner’s feet. And then the researcher noticed that in the nearby bushes some animal began to move sharply, the flapping of wings was heard, and then something like a man with wings appeared above the river. At the same time, the mysterious creature screamed as if a woman was crying or even screaming.

There are many descriptions of this winged man in the dossier of the President of the Primorsky Association of Ufologists A. Rempel. For example, the local tracker Yen Van Shan, who can easily distinguish the cry of any bird in the Ussuri region, was puzzled several times by the screams of a woman, which he often heard in the deepest taiga. It was clearly a human scream, says an expert on the local region, and this scream is so terrible that it makes your blood run cold...

And here is how this winged man was described by one of the soldiers who encountered him in 1944 near Ekaterinivka. The two of them carried food from the village on a horse-drawn cart to the military unit. It was late in the evening. Suddenly the guys saw a huge luminous ball in the sky, which a moment later turned into a man with wings. Having landed, this terrible creature began to emit heartbreaking female screams. The soldiers abandoned the cart in panic and rushed to their farm, unable to feel their feet...

Let us also cite the recollection of hunter A.I. Kurentsov. Having spent the night near a fire in the taiga, he woke up at night with the feeling that someone was watching him. As an experienced taiga man, the man did not even move, but with his peripheral vision he caught something incomprehensible and large falling on him from above. Jumping sharply to the side, Kurentsov noticed that a strange creature, like a man with wings, had flown over the place where he had just slept. Moreover, these wings were huge, very similar to those that bats have.

Fresh evidence of a man with wings

But if all these stories collected by Alexey Rempel have a long history, then the incident that happened with the tourist group of Alexander Lazarev can be called simply fresh. This travel company was recently vacationing near Mount Pidan (they made a small stop) when one of the tourists noticed a hang glider that was strange for these places. Since the video camera could enlarge the object being filmed, the operator, to his surprise, suddenly discovered that it was not a hang glider at all, but a strange creature with wings. But the face of this huge bat was human - creepy and completely implausible...

Photos from open sources

Another interesting case from Alexey’s collection. Last winter, hunters from the village of Tigrovy in their native Ussuri taiga sat around a fire late in the evening, not far from the lake. At some point, a strange noise was heard from the direction of the reservoir, and then even a woman’s cry. Since the place was remote, the puzzled fishermen took flashlights and went to the lake. What surprised them was that as they approached the reservoir, their dogs began to behave inappropriately: they tucked their tails and clung to the hunters’ feet, clearly looking for protection in people.

When four (it seemed like they had seen everything in their lifetime) hunters approached the lake, they saw in the light of their lanterns near a tree a man (or a child), about one and a half meters tall, who flashed fantastic red eyes, spread his wings, like the membranes of bats , and... flew off into the night.

And finally, the story of Khabarovsk resident Inessa Grigorieva deserves attention. She came to rest with friends in the village of Anisyevka somewhere in mid-January of this year. While walking in nature near the village, she accidentally noticed a very large bird. However, upon closer inspection, the woman felt a real shock: it was a man with wings. And he was approaching... The creature practically hovered in the air above the woman, numb with fear, while his hands, his face and his eyes were motionless. Inessa remembered very clearly these eyes - human and at the same time not quite human: they were so piercing and bewitching.

The man with wings descended, practically flew around the amazed woman, then soared up and disappeared from sight...

Photos from open sources

In Primorye, no one can still give a clear definition of this phenomenon. On the one hand, everything can be attributed to hallucinations, nonsense and inventions of people, but on the other hand, there is too much evidence of an encounter with this mysterious flying man, and this has been happening for at least a hundred years. It’s impossible to attribute all this to some kind of mutant or relic: the period of time is too long, especially since flying people are seen not only in the Primorsky Territory. Then, if you believe the testimony of the soldiers, he appears from a ball of fire. It turns out that it comes to us from a parallel world, most likely, like the Yeti, the Chupacabra and other monsters that we cannot catch, much less understand how and why they appear in our physical reality...

How many films have been made, how many hits have been sung about this unattainable ability for humans - to fly on wings. Who doesn’t want to flutter under the clouds, fly towards the wind, squinting contentedly from the sun’s rays? It is not surprising that this idea kept Leonard da Vinci, and not him alone, from sleeping. But what if a person had wings given by nature itself? Let's see what kind of animal this would be.

What would people with wings be like: interesting theories about flight

So, let's turn on the imagination: here you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and spread your birth wings. What happiness! Here's what you would look like from the outside:

Mother of God, do not let us see such a person! If the thought ever pops into your head, like, oh, if only I had wings, this is just my pipe dream, then remember this miracle and cross yourself quickly, otherwise they will actually grow.

Although, perhaps, they are already fluttering somewhere near us, because these semi-mythical photos come from somewhere! They supposedly depict people with real wings. But for the sake of fairness, let’s make one correction. There are presented “people” of very small size, more like some kind of tiny ones than like the average person. If nature were not faced with the task of lifting a carcass of at least 40 kg into the air, then perhaps we would theoretically look prettier with wings. And with our given data, we will not become fairies, nor cute angels.

Let's say thank you to nature, which did not listen to the nonsense of unreasonable people and did not give us wings. You were right, and we’d rather fly in a wind tunnel!

Let peace be in your home!
And may Splendor and Perfection
fill your Life more and more!

Let the angel come to you, flapping his wing,
Will fall on your shoulders!
And warms you with its warmth
On a holy frosty evening!

Wings of our spirituality

Did you know that the appearance of Wings also occurs in the energy bodies of people when the chakra petals open and intersect?
As consciousness improves and the fields of chakra petals merge into a single white flower, the wings merge into two huge wings capable of protecting the spiritual body.
When certain chakra petals open and intersect, wings of knowledge, wings of kindness, wings happiness and common wings of freedom.

Wings of our Knowledge

The Wings of Knowledge are pressed to the back and emerge or grow from the central point of the chest. In shape they resemble sharp wings of a gray beetle (steel) color.
Characteristic of a person who has embarked on the Path and is awakening to Spiritual Life.
Such a person is purposeful and driven by a thirst for knowledge.

Wings of our Kindness

The Wings of Kindness extend beyond the outline of the human body and resemble the wings of a bee. They are translucent and emit a golden color; characteristic of a person with a mature soul. A zone of spiritual comfort is created around such a person and everyone feels warm and cozy.

Wings of our Happiness

The Wings of Happiness appear only after the first two have appeared and their shape resembles huge, transparent, blue-tinged butterfly wings.
The spiritual body with the manifested Wings of Happiness is very similar to the images of fairy-tale elves. Wings Knowledge and Wings of Kindness dissolve into some new form of fields; however, at the initial stage, all three pairs of wings are clearly visible.

Wings of our Freedom

The Wings of Freedom unite and dissolve in themselves all the subtlest spectra of field energies
previous wings. As consciousness becomes heavier, all previous energy fields can again become visible. Wings The liberties are huge and match the shape of the images of angels' wings in Christianity.
The color of the Wings is milky white, however, there are many shades. So, sometimes one wing differs from the other in size and shades of white. The birth of the Wings of Freedom is typical for highly spiritual people, messiahs and prophets."

"Wings" technique:

Sit in a comfortable position, in a quiet, secluded place. Without extraneous noise and eyes. Before this, strengthen the energy of this place with candles, flowers, incense. Turn on quiet angelic music. Relax and start meditating. Create an image of large white Wings that glow with a dazzling golden-white light. Visualize your spine. Fix the point from which your Wings will straighten. Then mentally straighten these Wings. Feel them, imagine their whiteness, texture, volume. Bring this image to the feeling of your back muscles, feel that you are moving your Wings, wave them a little. Now try using them.

Wings - protection from energy vampires

  • 1 way:

Wrap your Wings around your entire body like a blanket: in this way you will protect yourself from energy vampires and receive additional protection during epidemics and any diseases.

  • Method 2:

You can cover yourself and other people with Wings (from one person to even an entire area filled with people, it all depends on the strength of your field). Feel how the Wings cover each person and touch him. It is used in the psychic attack of energy vampires and suggestions on large masses of people.

  • 3 way:

If you sense an energy vampire among those present, but cannot identify it, sharply open your Wings to their full extent. Imagine how the Wings emit bright Divine light. The energy vampire will begin to squint, blink heavily, and his eyes may water.

  • 4 way:

Cover the person you want to comfort or calm with your energy Wings. He will feel your protection and calm down.
Develop the Wings of your soul. And may they bring happiness and prosperity to the whole world.